HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-17, Page 15Mrs. G. Go.d o..t J Trivitt auxiliary "Minister speaks •Girl Guide• heads federation elects officers f at OES meeting Alis, Gerald Godbolt was Mrs. Labia Hodgins was At the meeting of Exeter orner elected President of the Woman's elected president of 'Trivia Chapter OIsS in the Chapter GY captain Mrs. C. R. Tomlinson Federation hoJames Street 11 Ie orial Woman's Auxiliary at rooms last Wednesday evening, United (.hui•ch at the December �" • meeting on Monday night. the December mec:ing held in Rev. D. M. Guest of Centralia, Honorary president is Mrs, S. the Parish hall last Tuesday president of London Conference, On a recent guide hike Sandia L. Lewis; vice-presidents, I1rs.• evening, Mrs. Bren De Vries is J'anter, Margaret Wilson, Sharon Douglas Insley, and Mrs' Win- - honorary president. • Anders, Patricia Ferguson,'ston Shapton; recording secre-' Teri LaugWon, Phyllis Marge tart', Mrs. George Vriese, :ass't,1 Vice•presicients are Mrs. John encl Barbara Whiting passed , Mrs• Charles Mitchell.• corres- Stevenson, Mrs. Bruce Tuckey; their fire lighting. 1 ponding secretary, Mrs. P, Fl. secretary, Mr. John Luxton; Margare`. Wilson, zharon San- sie; treasurer, Alrs, Arnold Lin- treasurer, 'Mrss. henry Eiierling, tiers, Patricia Ferguson, Lana deiifield, ass't, Mrs. Norman' Annual reports were submitted was guest speaker using a Christmas theme. Carol singing was led by Mrs. i William Cann and Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs, Itobert McKinley and. A1rs, Ken Pecktfavored with Keller, Terri Laughton, Linda Walpez; sec,, Christian Steward- showing all pledges ,had been a trio accompanied by Mrs. Terri Laughton, Phyllis I1aclge ,ship and Citizenship, ,Mrs. Mer- met, Shipments of new and used Clare McBride. Jchanne De Vries and Barbara yin Cudmore; sec., Mission clothing were sent to St. f'oul's A donation of $10 was voted to 'Whiting passed their trail, I Band, Airs. Arnold Lindenfield, Residential S eh a o 1, Cardston, the Aiuseular Dystiolilzy fund Last Thursday night was an ; assistant, Aims, Gerald Webb, Alta., and Mohawk Institute, and a collection of $20 and some enrollment evening. Guides was ; Mrs. Glenn Fisher; secretary, Brantford. Special contributions clothing was taken for the opened with roll call and the , Baby Band, Mrs, Doug Insley, were made to the Diocese of Children's .Aid, Goderich. company was inspected by Miss t ass't, Airs, Stan Frayne, Mrs.the Arctic, Diocese of Japan, WorthyA1ati on Mrs. Howard L. Seigner, Divisional Commis- Will Johnston; sec., Relief and Bible Society, Sunday School, Truemner and Worthy Patron E'oner, supply, Mrs, Lloyd Jones, Airs. Mr, Earl Campbell presided for When the Guides were in horse - .Parsons; sec., literature and the meeting and Santa arrived shoe formation Miss Seigner en- press, Mrs. Barry Cole; and distributed gifts to all pre - rolled Margaret May, Mary Lou Group leaders, Mrs. H. Dougall, sent. Edwards, Barbara Easton and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Mrs, Rob- Mary Ann De Vries, Terri Laugh- ert Southcc'tt; ways and means, Kinettes donate ton was presented with .her see-, Mrs. Larry Snider, Mrs. Aubrey and class badge, Jane Dettmer Tennant, Mrs. Ken Ottewell, also received her second class Mrs. Harry Beavers, Mrs, Car- to AAD campaign badge but clue to illness was un- Frey Cann, Mrs. Elmore Mc able to etend. Joan Detmer is Bride; pianist, Mrs. Bev, Skin - the the Christmas meeting of the new Bluebird Patrol leader ner, assistant, Mrs. Robert Mc - and Jane Dettmer, Carolyn Sim- Donald; church and parsonage, � the home of Mrs. Lloyd Ford on mons and Shirley Genttner, new Mrs, Robert Southcott, Mrs. Har Monday night a donation of $25 APPA and other mission work. Mrs. Richard Dickins conven- ed the lunch. seconds. Canary Patrol was in charge of campfire and a Christmas sing song was enjoyed, Yuletide theme forChallengers At -tihe Deceznber meeting of Airs, Elmore McBride; auditors, the Challengers of the Pentecos- Mrs, Ray Jory, Mrs, Ted Wright, tel church held at the home of The officers were installed by g , Mrs. Don Jolly, Mrs. Stuart Guest of the evening was Mrs. Triebner was the speaker. Her Rev. S. E, Lewis. Neil Campbell and the draw was topic was on "Giving," Annual reports revealed that won by Mrs. Ward Kraft. j Mrs. Morley Hall •gave an ex- the year's allocation had been President Airs. Don Robertson bortation on "Christian Living" met and surpassed. conducted the business period. and Mrs. Grant Triebner readba Mrs. R, C. Dinney told the story"The Christmas Porrin ♦ v ♦ ♦ ♦y�♦�� ►��►�♦ ,��♦.C�.yj. g�/�. ,��1�♦�♦�♦,�I� C missionary short on PAOC work ger." Mrs. Carfrey Cann led in 3 Usfr u L*3 ? �af< 1�'?lla+rrZlt',1l ! !/' ►ld+l in the West Indies and Quebec. the devotional assisted by Mrs. The president, Airs. Cecil Kip- Larry Snider and Mrs, Aiurray fer, conducted the meeting and Keys. Mrs. George Wiese fav - in a session of prayer Mrs. Stu- ()red with two annronriate solos. art Triehner, Wanda McLaren Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, first vice - and Mrs. Don Jolly took part. president, chaired the meeting. ry Cole, Mrs. Clarence Boyle; Voted to the Muscular Dy Flower committee, Mrs. Peg, , trophy campaign sponsored by McDonald, Mrs. Don Harris; no-' Exeter Firemen. minating committee, Mrs, Harry 1 The holder of the winning tic - Cole, three years, Mrs. Caffrey ket for the linen draw was Jim Cann, two years, Mrs, Mervin Sweitzer, SHDIHS student, Mrs, Cudmore, one year; junior choir Irvin Armstrong sold him the gowns, Mrs. Eric Carscadden, ticket, Mrs. Walter McBride, Mrs. Lloyd Program chairman, Mrs. Har - Jones, Mrs. Larry Snider; visit- old Preszcator, . presided for an mmittee, Mrs. Harry Cole, exchange of Christmas gifts and games followed by a turkey buf- fet lunch. CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES , GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend 'poll, I b,1,,,,,,,,,, n,,,p,,,,,, i,,,,,,,,III ,,,,,,,,,,„p,,,, V• Legion auxiliary welcomes four At the December meeting of the Ladies Legion Auxiliary on Thursday night four new mem- bers were initiated: Mrs. Harry Dougherty, Mrs. Lyle Anderson, Zurich • Mrs. Jim Glover and Mrs. Bruce Cann. A good A donation of $25 was voted Watch to the Muscular Dystrophy fund. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Ont. At the conclusion of the busi- ness period the Auxiliary joined with the Legion members for the colorful installation of of- ficers. C t The Most Benefits Ontario Automobile Association For Information and Membership Service CONTACT Mr. Gauthier 261 Algonquin Drive Centralia, Ont, Phone ACademy 8.6737 place to have your or Clock Repaired 39 YEARS EXPERIENCE We do all our own work. See our fine selection of BRIDAL BELL & BLUEBIRD DIAMOND & WEDDING RINGS. from $50.00 upwards 10% Off Now 'Till Xmas. * Bulova & Elco Watches * Fine Clocks & Silverware * China and Crystal * Electrical Appliances * Barometers & Binoculars A purchase of just $1 or over entitles ,you to a free draw for a ladies' or gent's $65 Automatic Elco Watch. Draw Christmas Eve. :1I fI !� ►1:11: i� 1/ :1/31/: !•/ fl V!i 1/ l31l31l3u 1l .C.C.P.O 7/ C,C.013 f1 1! Lc' fes: Skate Specials For Christmas Giving FIGURE SKATES White & Black Children's Sizes 11 to 3 Regular $8.25 MISSES' s7.29 LADIES' $8.49 Regular $9.45, Sizes 3 to 10 Beginners MEN'S SKATES. $7.95 USED SKATES SKATE GUARDS, plastic and wood Reg. $8.95 $4.75 49c 89¢ Rubber Footwear For The Whole Family at REDUCED PRICES * Give him a . GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR DACK SHOES * * * WUERTH'S Exeter LEATHER AND RUBBER REPAIRING The'Sfore With The Gold Bond Stamps PHONE 251 MAIN STREET G0`p GIFT • rJresh New Designs! Brilliant Picture! Elegant new design in 21” TV Console. Heavy- duty 6" x 9" Speaker in gold -toned sloping baffle. Brilliant 110 -degree picture in a slim, modern cabinet. Illuminated clock -face dial system and Push On -Off switch for easy use. "Super-Tercode" Tuner, Horizontal Chassis with 19 tubes and 2 diodes. Automatic black level system. $329.00 Other Models From $189 THE SEE NEW 23" - Sparton with the rectangular, bright -view picture tube that let's you see into the corners. And The 14" Portable BOTH MUDELS NOW ON DISPLAY EXETER ELECTRIC Sales WITH Service PHONE 723 MAIN STREET ► a a _ � � #a a#a#a#ti era #a =all #a, = #� a#� , #r# # #_ a #= r= #a Th. Times•Advocata, December 17, 1959 Pais -!I, 3 VALUE—PACKED DAYS! We're four years old end growing every day because more people are shop- ping the IGA wayl Our savings are getting bigger, too. For the past month Fred Darling and the IGA supply depot have been making special pur- chases for our biggest Sellebration ever. Here are just a few of our fabulous Birthday Specials . . .l FIVE GRAND PRIZES Have a birthday pr asent on us. Every customer gets a chance to win one of these grand gifts PLUS the big Christmas Jackpot! 1. General Electric Fry Pan 2. Bathroom Scales 3. 3 'Darling Debbie' 16" Dolls SUGAR SAVE 30¢ ON IGA BRAND ,: 5 Save 6c Lbs. Canned Hams MAPLE LEAF Mincemeat SAVE 6¢ ON LIBBY'S FANCY Tomato Juice SAVE 7¢ ON WESTON'S Capri Wafers ALL FLAVORS — CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITES Jello Powders SAVE 4c PAY ONLY 25c 1�/z LS. TIN 28-0Z. TIN 2O -DZ. TIN t X1.19: 41° 10 19 3 Ft" 25 PKG. IGA TABLERITE MEATS TURKEY STEAK OVER .18 LBS. SIRLOIN, ROUND, or T-BONE L6.' 3 Lb. 79c Bologn a 29b Y THE PIECE Roasts 496 BLADE Bacon 59e KINDLESS IGA TABLE FRESH PRODUCE i-aOranges CALIFORNIA 13B'S DDZ. CLIP THIS COUPON _ CLIP THIS COUPON 7 125 EXTRA '.25 EXTRA' 1. 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