HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-17, Page 1212 The ''Tirlles-Advocate, ,pecetn.ber '17r 1959
WAAMMAEOMI1111UAA1A11KM.lnrllA401UIIAtgUrt111111MFIWARIumolOM tlo664tr.1r1111rllll OiRtIIIIIRtltimtimiu
Births . t4o Charge
Marriages end Deaths ......... .......... ...... _ 750
(Marriages anddeaths are .reported . without charge
3 * in news columns, This charge applies only to Meting
under Announcements.)
:Cards .of 'Thanks, .Engagements . 750
In Memoriams (4 -line. verse)$1.00
Extra verses, each •...........
DUCHARME Mr. and Mrs. GUNNING—In loving memory of
Louis. Ducharme, Zurich, an- Mrs. Alice Gunning, who pass-
r Mnounce the birth of a daughter, ed away four years ago, De-
• - --1,at South Huron Hospital, De-• cember 20, 1955.
cember 11. !Four years have ;passed away
and gone
FREEMAN Mr, and Mrs. Since one we loved so well
James Freeman, Lucan, are Was taken from our home on
happy to announce the birth earth
ee of a son, Richard John, at With Jesus Christ to dwell.
''' -St, Joseph's Hospital, Deem- The flowers we place upon her
-.,",.,ger 12—a brother for Jerry,
Janis and Kenneth, gr
May wave
and decay,
..,.pRNE—F•'L and Mrs. X. A. But the love of her who sleeps
Horne wish to announce the beneath
birth of a son, Kenneth Gra- Shall never fade away.
ham, at Victoria Hospital, —E v e r remembered by the
London, December 11—a bro- family. 17*
ther for Sally and Jimmy. WALDRON—In loving memory
KRAFT—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth of Mrs, Florence Waldron,
Kraft, Dashwood, announce the Grand Bend, who passed away
-2.birth of a son, Steven Mark, one year ago, December 17,
• at South Huron Hospital, De- 1958.
cember 12. The world may change from
OTT—Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. year to year
Ott, Grand Bend, announce And friends from day to day,
the birth of twin sons, Michael But never will the one I loved
and Edward, at South Huron From memory pass away.
...Hospital' December 11, I —L o v i n g 1 y remembered by
I children and grandchildren.
$IEMON—Mr. and Mrs. Leaton 17e
Siemon, Hensel', nee Noakes,
are happy to announce the ar- t.
rival of their chosen son, Paul The story in
` Michael, December 9—a bro-
-song Kristen and a grand-
--=••son for Mr and Mrs, Archie
Noakes, Hensall.
STARK — Kay and Ford Stark, By MRS. HEBER DAVIS
eJames SL, St. Marys, wish to
announce the adoption of their
-chosen daughter, Sherri Ann— St. Patrick's Guild
' a sister for Steven and grand- Mrs. Charlie Atkinson gave
•,,:, daughter for Mr. and Mrs. her home last Wednesday after-
"" t✓larence Johns, RR 1 Wood- noon for the Christmas meeting
ham. of the Guild of St Patrick's
TAYLOR—Mr. and Mrs. Milton church.. The president, Mrs.
Taylor., William Street, Ex- Hugh Davis, was in charge,
announce the birth of a Mrs. Earl Atkinson conducted
ton, Gordon Milton, at South a contest with Mrs. H. Davis
Hospital, December 13, winner. An exchange of Christ-
Huronmas gifts followed.
CARDS OF THANKS— Reports were read and money
vcted to the prayer partner,
We wish to thank everyone for Miss Lilies Powell, Obuse, Ja-
their visits, cards, flowers and pan, to the sick and for Christ -
many kind deeds during the cur- mas gifts.
=re'ht illness of our mother. Your Plans were made for the con -
thoughtfulness will always be gregational supper to be held in
• remembered. — Thomas Yellow, January.
lei's, R. Cottle and Mrs. A.
Rohde. 17*
Mrs. Dor o t h y Restemayer
wishes to thank her relatives
and friends • for flowers, cards.,
treats and visits while a patient Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll were
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
e don, and since returning home. Sunday evening guests with their
17c grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Hen-
ryMrs. R. H. Dick and family Hodgins, Lucan.
of the late Robinson H. Dick,Mir and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Hensall, wish to express theirCentralia
and Mike the
e�ntralia .United church carol
service Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Needham and
Mrs. Garfield Needham, Bally -
mote and with Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice McDonald, Lucan, on
Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Carroll were guests also.
Miss Betty Morley, Brinsley,
spent the past couple of weeks
with Mr. and Mrs Earl Green-
lee, returned home on Sunday.
This community was well re-
presented when the teacher and
pupils of SS No. 2 Biddulph pre-
sented their Christmas concert
on Friday, December 11.
Mrs. Karl .and. Mrs. Lorne Wei -
berg helda quilting at t heir
home on Tuesday afternoon, De-
cember 8, The ladies of St, Pa-
trick's church were guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins
were Sunday guests with Mrs.
W. J. Dickins, Lucan, on Sun-
day evening, Mr. and Mrs.
GREGUS—In loving memory of Frank Squire and Ron visited
our dear mother, Pauline with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickins.
Gregus, who passed away De- Mr. George Carrell. Detroit,
cember 18, 1948, and our dear spent the weekend with his fa -
father, August Gregus, who ther, 111r. Hugh Carroll.
passed away February 15, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Abbott,
1952. Murial and Wesley and Mr. and
Our lips cannot tell how we Mrs. Jack Dickins were Satur-
miss them, day evening guests with Mr. and
Our hearts cannot tell what to Mrs, Earl Greenlee. On Sunday
God alone knows how we miss
In our homes that are lone-
some today.
e -Always remembered by their
children and Mary and John.
['ersonai items
Mr. and Mrs. GP:. '7!d Latta,
London, were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
sincere appreciation for all eat?.
pressions of symapthy extended'
to them during their recent sad
bereavement. 17*
I wish to thank all my friends
who so kindly remembered me
with cards, gifts, flowers and
treats while a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital and since re-
turning home.—Mary Ralph. 17*
I wish to express my sincere
appreci..tion for all messages of
sympathy and kindness extended
to me during the recent death
of my father. Mahlon A. Watts.
Our recent bereavert et leaves
us with grateful hearts towards
neighbors, friends and relatives.
Your helpfulness and comfort-
ing expressions of sympathy
will always be remembered. —
The family of the late Stanley
Coward. 17*
afternoon Mr. and Mrs, E.
Greenlee and boys visited with
Mr. Greenlee's grandmother,
Mrs A. Greenlee, Brinsley, and
on Sunday evening Miss Annie
and Frank Zubal visited at their
hon e.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire,
Y,Ottttlllttrttlrtltltr11t1t..Ittrrtlttrt.tl.t.tltttttulttttttt...tt..II...t..1.1111111111.1.//1111L1111.Itt..It...WIWI.Hi.II... i i
A & P Plant
(Formerly Exeter Turnip Sales, Centralia/
Phone No.
Academy 8-6631
Phone Us for Pekes
Square your
A square dance jamboree held
at the J. A. 1). McCurdy School
on December 12 brought to a
close the square dance activities
for the adults for 1959. The pro-
gram, which began at 8 pen.
and ended at 12 o'clock, included
all the dances taught during the
,fall term plus some novelty
dances added for fun and laughs.
A delicious lunch was pre-
pared by the ladies headed by
Lucille Dempster and Dorothy
Warburton, and such a finely
decorated and lavish table has
never before been seen. Colored
films were taken f.nd these will
be shown at a future date. Tony
Ferrugia and Ernie Dempster
showed the previous film taken
and, on the screen at least, it
appears that no one ever makes
a mistake.
A presentation was made to
June and Doug Grayer by Ernie
Dempster, the originator of
square dancing classes at RCAF
Centralia, on behalf of the club,
accompanied by a very warm
and congratulatory speech for
their efforts.
Oslo Waltz (Goodnight Waltz)
ended the evening's festivities
and brought to a close a very
successful season of square danc-
ing and one of the nicest jam-
borees held by the RCAF Square
On January 2, 1960, the square
dance classes will start an their
second phase for the winter and
all are cordially invited to at-
tend— same time, 8 o'clock—
same place, J. A, D. McCurdy
School auditorium. It is plan-
ned to run them through till the
first week in April and conclude
with another jamboree.
Grade 4 and 5 students met
for their final hour session and
this will conclude their activities.
They have been introduced to
square dancing and we believe
when they reach Grade 6 they
will have a better understanding
and be able to increase their
Students of grades 6, 7 and 8
will hold their final class for
1959 on December 19, and these
classes will begin again in 1960
on January 2 and will be held
twice a month as usual.
Compliments of the season are
extended to all square dancers
and readers. See you again
square dancing and in "Square
Your Sets" in 1960.
CGIT cheer
local shutins
Looking in with Liz.
Doug Crossley
still trying
Many potential stars fall by
the wayside because of poor
management and for a while it
looked as if good-looking young
Doug Crossley was to be among
the "almost -made -its". His pro-
mising career ground to a halt
and according to the singer "I
was ready to give up, it was so.
llowever, the vocalist has
started anew, minus a manager,
and is now a soloist with the
Gino Silvi singers, on 'lit Pa-
rade', and is doing work for
, two Toronto radio stations.
"After a bad start I'm finally
, making money for a change,"
he says.
It's been a couple of years
since I first predicted in this
column that young Crossley
would hit the top and I still
, think he might make it, After
VIM Parade' he's swamped by
girls wanting autographs; there
were 35 of them after one per -
romance. Perhaps this time he
I is on the way.
When Juliette went to •Reso-I
lute Bay with Tommy Hunter, I
Gordie Tapp and other entertain-
ers she took not only messages
i for servicemen from their rela-
tives, but a parcel addressed to
an RCAF corporal based there.
The package, marked fragile,
had a St, Hubert's postmark but
no other indication of the send-
er, and it was sent to Juliette's
producer, Bob Jarvis, to the air-
, man S•% Juliette.
Syd Wayne, who produces 'PM
Party', decided that a harpsi-
chord would be, just the thing
for his Christmas show. He had
to abandon the idea though
when he found that there are
just three in Toronto; that such
valuable instruments are seldom
loaned and that they are so
finely tuned that it is difficult
to transport them any distance.
(He had located one in London
but didn't want to risk moving.
it to Toronto.) So it looks as if
Rudy Toth, the program's pian-
ist, will play his Christmas solos
on a spinet.
Tuesday evening the CGIT of
James Street United Church,'
with their leaders, went carol
singing at the hospital, two nurs-
ing homes and at many homes
where there were shut-ins.
They returned to the church
for hot chocolate and fruit loaf.
On Sunday evening the girls
presented the annual Christmas
vesper service in the church be•
fore a large congregation.
Sandra Snider was the leader
and scripture readings were
given by Barbara McDonald,
Diane Delbridge, Ann Fairbairn
and leader, Mrs. John Schroe-
Marlene McBride and Sandra
Walper sang a duet and Helen
Heim, Linda Westcott, Ver.la
Smith and Sharon Sanders re-
ceived the collection,
Taking part in a candle-.
lighting ceremony were Helen
Hendrick, Diane Geiser and
Mary McBride.
Leaders of the senior, inter-
mediate and junior groups are
Mrs. Lloyd Cushman and Mrs.
John Schroeder, Mrs. J. Ful -
cher and Miss Jeanette Taylor:
Misses Barbara Hodgson .and
Dorothy Kerslake.
Leroy and Dennis attended the
carol service at the United
Church, Centralia, Sunday eve-
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Barker and
family were Sunday evening
guests with Mr, and Mrs. Cliff
McClean, Elginfield. Mrs. Mc-
Clean has just returned from a
holiday in California.
Hold contest
for aircraft
A model aircraft U -control
flying contest was held at No,
2 Hangar, RCAF Centralia, on
Sunday afternoon, December 13.
Events featured a scale con-
test with points being awarded
for scale, take -off, flying and
landing, o speed contest and a
spot landing event.
The contest was sponsored by
RCAF Centralia Hobby' Shop.
Conte s t judge was Richard
Knights, Exeter.
Winners in the contest were:
event No. 1, scale, Doug Demp-
ster (T -A carrier boy); event
No. 2, speed, Paul Van Goozen;
event No. 3, spot landing, Doug
A special prize was awarded
to Lawrence Howard for having
the most bad luck and the most
"prangs" for the day.
The flying contest gave the
boys a • chance to show . their
ability at both building and fly-
ing modern aircraft. Most of the
contestants. have been practic-
ing Sunday afternoons for some
time and although they showed
a great deal of skill, their skill
did not keep all of the aircraft
out of the rafters.
The next regular flying after-
noon is Sunday, January 10, and
every second Sunday thereafter.
While Mr. and Mrs. William
Davis, Ottawa, were in Exeter
recently attending the funeral of
the former's mother, Mrs. Ellen
Davis, London, their home in
Ottawa was broken into and
about $3,000 worth of goods
stolen, including wearing appa-
rel, jewellery and other useful
articles. Four days later two
young lads were apprehended
about forty miles out of Ottawa
and most of the stolen articles
were recovered.
I.......uu,n.nnuu.t,unnituu.nnnnntIttrtttrttt t11,11ua1tn.,11111111r1nt1r111ttttttnmrl,rrl,trrll,rnlrllrr
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WILL PAY YOU $1200.00
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United Co -Operatives of Onta-
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Backed by it record of constant growth and pro.
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Please send. the full information
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iiiYlriirtiiirtrrritnrtnitrrrrrrrnrrrnrrrrrin�rrrrrrrrrrrnitivnrirrrrrrrrrlyririi rrrrrriritrrryrrr�rrrr�rrrrrrYrrtrniyrnirrrrrr 1!iiigYilrrnilkiiiiiiritirllYrrriiNfilifffiirrrrrrerronfitamarmit lrinirrrrorrrrlrrrrrrrrrrunrrnrrr
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One of six pilots to receive his -
wings in the first RCAF Wings
Parade 35 years ago, and the
,only one still in the air force,
Air Marshal Roy Slemon, will e
address. graduating jet pilots et
Stevenson field in Winnipeg, The
Wings Parade will be videotaped 1.
and presented on the TV newerk
on Saturday at three,
'Country Hoedown' has decid-
ed on an old fashioned Christ-
pias for their Christmas night
show. The setting will be a turn
of the century get-together and
for authenticity the cast will get
along without electric guitars.
Next week will be guest time
on 'Open House'. Each day will
feature a Christmas visitor.
Monday Juliette brings greetings
from British Columbia. Tuesday
Wally Koster represents Mani-
toba. Wednesday folk sing e r
Noreen St. Pierre appears rep-
resenting Quebec and on Thurs-
day Max Ferguson brings com-
pliments of the season from the
Maritimes, Christmas Day
Wayne and Shuster will drop in Soy '� It' representing themselves, �M
For A NEW or USED Cart
Then These Are The Men To See!
We need a limited quantity of
Garry and Rodney Oats to clean
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Alex M. Stewart
Ailsa Craig
HERM .". .
-You'll be pleased at the
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When your car leaves Sni
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excellent service obtained
ics in a complete bumper-
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Larry Snider Motors
Ford - Edsel - Monarch - Falcon Dealer
Christmas Fowl
Devon Sweet Smoked Rindless—Lb. pkg.
Bacon L6. 55,
Maple Leaf
Cook'd Ham LB. 79`
Schneider's Country Style Pure Pork
Maple Leaf Picnics • 5 -Ib. average
Hams L. 3 9c
194 Values
Libby's Mixed
Vegetables .
11 -oz. Jr. poly
Minute Maid or Welch's
Grape Juice
Seal'd Sweet
Orange Juice
Aylmer French Fried -
Sunkist 13a's
6.oz, tin
6 -oz. tin
Oranges 2Dbz. 75
Gov't Approved i•Ib, cello
Cranberries 25`
Highly Colored
i; Maple Leaf
Allen's Vitaminized
Aylmer Choice Halves
Maxwell House
Jelly Powders = All Flavors
Kadane 100's
Donald Duck
Hunt's Fancy
Christmas Golden
Snowflake Pure
Tulip, Regular
McLaren's Stuffed
Hunt's Tomato
Det Monte' Fancy
28 -ounce tin
14 -ounce tins
FUR 3 3C
Lg. 48 -oz. tins
15 -oz. tins
l -Ib. bag
3FOR 25t
Large 48 -oz. tins
48 -oz. tins
1 -Ib. 450
2 Le. 89`
Ib. pkg.
Lia s, 954
12•oz. tar
11 -es. battle
2 FOR 31'
15 -oz, tins
FOR 294
Stuart House FOIL WRAP
SMALL 12X2'S FT, 31' HEAVY DUTY• 16X25 5 9C
Open Prir' & Sat. Niter and Evenings All Next Week
Del iverj