HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-08-12, Page 1let erf 410 tig se- st bv- ice rat sed Id hie for. thn Pith fOle riet Ate of Ivo oy SfV1. WA). a8 .40101 Gas ▪ 08 per row if renl eIrt`11Y ill p•iit up, velem We poldielur thmks it lie ' " TOR GDZATIDIT POSSUMS GOOD TO TUX GREATEST No payer diecoatiourad moil arrears are i Pt AAAAA CO. Any individual ia We toiletry Iseeellsieg , VOL soave • saventli copy gratis. VP AU letters addrewied to tlit_Eilitoe mat be pool -paha, or theroal11114 out et thereat ofice. Kach subseynevo ineertioe, 0 0 7i Deal (catty with the loot heeler's, Tea lioes lull under, first iuser., 0 3 4 y• erne rides their home.; Eacb ea,,sequesi, await:Hi, 0 0 10 ! Cast n -t a abettor', on their brow*, ; 01 aim' deep 'token ones. Over ten limes, first ID. per We, 4 i 0 0 1 speak sally to the motherless; A sudden stream te rowed, From the deep foots of memory, With every urilui-d word. There la a poultice in the heart, A longing r the mother's voice, WiSch sound. for them so more. hind unto the motherleas • 11 T11 ELVE AND SIX PR ( •7 moo es 1111•1111.411. US1P. V. GOI)ERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (O. W.) TIIURSI)1Y, AtI;tisT 12, 1852. NUMBER 'WI. commaaeler-ia-chiof of the fortes is the first tation iu tier voice, "it is not the daughter military division. of the obscure shoemaker who refire& We _ i 1 will riot mom bine: said /Lateran' laud of Colooel Pelee -man, but the poetess . The officer, Colonist Peterman. I'm pleasure CICIPUI114 LIS cheeks -for a poem sure be'a complained to the commooder-in- oo Lb Italian comp/apt bad deeply grauh- chief, and that be Is going to tbieaten ed, perhape, the vainest man the world ever ea.' produceil-' you are Ochs V ' but be cannot make you marry against ' I am known to the public under that your will,' cited M. Mayer. name; said the youne woman modestly. • I dou't know that. Since this Buono - parte has taken us all by storrn, part, the sword is sot very apt to yield when it wish- es anything.' • We shall see, my dear,' replied the shoemaker; ' to begin, this request must be arusy io the first military division. obeyed at once. Make baste, gill and put As be spoke Napoleen rang, an officer Katerina smiled thoughtfully, and went toae, and disappeared. away. 'Ile girl expected a sermon Loni '' Your majesty, exclaimed Katrina', the commander-in-chief on the hapertio- warmly,' must escuse ine. Not all your ence of tbe daughter of a little shoemaker miohty power, not all the deep respect 1 refusing an officer, of rank; but she was de- bear to ot.e who is making illustrious with termined to liOld good, and yield to no victory my country, can male me marry threats, isersuasions or seductions. :Ale nhere iny affectione are not.' THE MOTHER Each subsequent iuser 1.1* A liberal diecouut made to those alio silvertine by, tile year. Dn. P. A. 111cDOUGALL, 1 ilTeale" !Omuta there some liti'eglon; ones reit, Me. Le"Teres's Sul, diql I Otte them thy symna.hy. IR A LEWIS. it %P.EIRTInt,:401.1CITOR, kg. WNW 1 0007 01.111:1,17 101sint.icoloilo;L: the brow 4" street, Corlerich. Jone 111114P. tra25 • I Think of the band which rested, Once fondly es each hoed, -* ATTOR• NEY AT LAW, aed Couvelen- , The eyes vriimil gen ba( k knits of love, seep u formerly in Stretford. Be mothers to the moll erlesp, DANIEL. GORDON. so early Mistress of a how, aril so preco- cious la her stedate, played the little woman kin meek diatom of tirMiti tank a" declare that, were he not • poor aia.3 OSA officer, with no 'other fortuee save lid sword Ima would carry ber betas* the moire, aad marry her at ouct; at which Ketones laigh- ed, and bid hum go asd wia the epaulets of • geaeral first, aad Wren she might listen to him. But the idea of a young adveaturer, without a penny, talkie; of slurrying the heiress of the richest ehoteinaker in Paris, OAS tenthly audacious. And Paul called ber an as-is:aerate; they laughed, and the matter ceded. About three months after the young mao received hLe commiasion, he entered the shop of citiren Mayer in company with a brother officer. Katerina was at the coun- ter. Citizen Mayer was ortilooking bis • Well, little wife-' eaid Paul, smil- ing. 'Mr. Saucy; pray, who art thou talking tor replied Katerina, tooling bard at bird and his friend, a pale, dry, and thoughtful - looking yoeth. To thee, eiloye my,' rata; I bare come to bid thee adieu. Dere, dear Katerina, is thy father's account, which paid , I have to ask a favour of thee.' NVhat is that l' said Catena', with a tremulous yoice. The fact is, Katei Ma, wediave; our bills paid, not one penny left. We have our uniforms eernplete, and oar/eel/le de route but we precisely want a pair of boots each. VAIRNET It AK EL Tbree""rs F.ast • In hearts as welt as name. 'ai the Cassia Cusepaay's office, West - et wet. Godwich. Litclaturc. Alfwat 27th, 111-1.9. Sci.30 THE SHOEMAKERS DAUGHTER. NOTARY PUBLIC, Unwriorminer Q.B., Crowbar SA, 11149- 16rtientay. the ititin sad arrived at Claido- rick ea -Meade, the /81.1a of Jiu.e, Ike till Wen des we •tieg. The Committee Wood cooughermble es - cave/rut es the Iowa ea the embleet ot the Larne! ezteeesele of the Idetielti sod erlio had preceded them, had soccotded in erifietistg the eyeapailike of the beople to - Welly is favor of that line, to are esslweams of the Toryism) 'sled tAndrli none; whilst po▪ sitioa proem:shags of this cosi- prey , aided hy goose ref 01.4144111.11 the lecke*, lad condict of the reople of kliter thew Commissioner, towards Gods - rich, had predopesed whom every atteusi.t at esplmiatioe, even on oar. - ter* of fact, susceptible of the cleare t proof. Your Committee were. boater mowed by the leaders of WM patty. patient bearing at the meeting. their sin- cerity in this resvect atetneid. however, rather doubtflil. A main object with the dominant par te seemed ko be, to secure the election of elthee, pardou you your refueol or riage, with the emperor an '1'bousas Mercer dories, Eno. flunon.ssi. Colonic' Peterinan; but,' and his majest stnislettl to %reek with Vow a motaaal • *1 he et of the (7anatla f'inupony, tur their IL hair - changed their principissoirevieg Nal -oleos ouly from Iles conviction that, after tlee Revulutioa and the (\datum, Lis Frio vim iudispeemtile. \A' hen be died, they resusio- ed faithhil to Ma aleatory, arid relieved W serve the Bourboo. A few mouths after the loonier of l'aul and Kateriaa the grim smile uf Mayer was explained. 'the es-shoenaeker retittedi from business ae be promised, aod bad pur- chased a cottage on ate road to St. Cloud. One day Paul sad Katerioa, in an ol ea ear- -IL bine the great unsureer smiled • if 1 't°" """kinit P'Ise 011 little eroleeoest man at the meeting of the 0101TOM, as . ' you overlooking the road. l'aul and Katerina le .,„e onowo rho, ihie wookl bp n• 1 10 reject cOILDel, cllowal a general, and blushed up to the eyee,end looked confoon:.- bv a pal ty erae to the L'eCtalo lice, vi that general the comieseder-ie-ehivf ef the ed but both Napoleon and Joserbioe comer.ittee were applied to end tette:Ali 1 11 treated not to aupport en umendnit et ttr parties that tbey weie not 1o. ri the feelings of -the place. but ne reale, itte - • tines of the •roronto and tlocl.,,h to advocate its interest% at the public ule, t log, toil if thi y chow to put 'Le (*omit 1- • sionar of the Canada Company in position ef (*hallows of their meeting. it was nothiog to the committee ; but «Len Inter is tbs.: J.ty,:t was asserted end cur - neatly believed, that Jones recei- that it the meeting should deeide ni favor of the Buffalo lioe, the Canaila Contrary Wegi-11 has more shops and houses between its ex- We are in the case of the army o •••••• street, Godemets. , , tnme end oldie Rae St. Dennis and the Sambre -et -Meuse, to which, the eitizte diliEMIST AND DRUGGIST, _________________ _____:______-__ i Faubourg des Reales •than even in tbe representant having heard their demand . • HILDLON HOTEL, • , Boulerardis. At no great tiistanee frcm the for shoeti. and stockinos, said, ' the Republic RV' JAMES GENTLES, Goilerich.-. !. PalaisRoya, I, and betweeh it and the .church has many ,tbanks for you, but no shoes and Godereh, Sept. 19, 1880. s-3-810 i of the Oratoire, was, during the Reign of stockings. • 1, ol Terror. , a small shoemaker's shop. It ' Pauvre cher Paul: said Katerina, turn- Bereime avd Agormies et Lair, it.c. i was kept by an Alsacian, a dry, droll, mid- iog her bead towards tbe dark mid yLif the 1, dle-aied man, who, during those times of shop. ' Citizea papa. I OLIN STIIACIIAN Burieer and. Astor- revolution and alarm. when heroic France, ' What is it 1' asked citizen Mayer, 11 - *Piny at Law, Notary Public sod Louie,- I,. AISCOf. , ' ' attacked by the whole civilized world; was veining. LEXANDER WOOD STRACHAN, • apparently perishing in death throes -ex - and here ie the money be owes tbee, not in ' Why, papa, here is Paul goiog away; remaiued faithful to the memory of Paul. • But, ebstieate girl, where are your af- Ou a large brass plate On Of door was engraved-. Leopold Mayer. hate .`i•hite- leon.'-Eli:a Cook Journal. TO TUE FREE-HOLDBRM AND 1101`SE-HOLDERS OF THE NI'f ED COUN•riEs UV - 110N; PERTH AND BRUCE. Gentlemen :-Tlie Delegates from To- ronto who attended Gm Railroad meeting held at Coderieb on the '29th June taste She was romantic, she loved, and wrote feetions 1' said the emoeror, with a provok- poetry, and she preterred a beautiful dream tag sta.!. ti to any idea of fortune and material happi- ' Wiih the dead,' reolied Katerina, sad- ness %lin h aright be offered to her. ly. In half an hour the father and daughter ' Explain yoursi If.' were ready, and awey they went, arm ia Katerins Ahouolit a moment, and then arm, on foot, to the Tuileriee, where the she 11, icily told the story of the past, -of commutate -in -chief of the army of Paris in Paul, of his departure, of the boote. hating iesued a iteriort of the procee ▪ t would render them the Inoue ai of that day, Anti their coniments thereon, they hs I already dorm to the Tcrooto including certain correspendence relative i Guelph If °moan)... your Corr mittee coal thereto ; a copy of which was forwarded to Thomas Mercer door, Esq., rad enclosed it there, avid that Mr. Jonee ii.ten led. in hie pouding Committee, for their consideration the iseetiog to the above effegl--and that an oppoeition from your delegates would palace, and were met by the sent' ies, 'din of Pali,: raid an usher, as the girl finished tb , wow oe absurd and nusch.et iota as e as general resides. They were soon at the • The commander:at-chief of the army • and resnarks thereon ; the committee em . . . . ., . w ',keit them where they were going. 31. her story. Coder these cironmstauces lad with a t Mr. Widder, the committee eddressed a. note to Mr. Jones, of which the fullowin4 flionettictt.Jure 23'.1i, 1852. Dear Sir.--liaving had the tumor to In appointed° by We Board of Directors of til l'orontis and t li elph Railroad Co. to at le* the interests of that Corporation, it is with great surpri,e we hale learned, since un.• S iTraal, that it a iv ',orally repotted, 601 aSid 10 be ou your autkonty, that the Laza - de Creamery are prepared to co-operatn with tbe proposed Buffalo and Brantfer I line, as readily as - with that of the ten o - aims of the Toronto and Guelph lice, by their arrival here they fouo , Stratford, Vi toroltrich, and w ic exertions of interested parties, gross igno- I, eurprise ha'surortilgttatbeeilrefrot0m'plraoemlnogtele.arneill a state of great excitement, produced by the I object af . l'oronto Company- sod groin snierepresen- tenon.' of the feeling. arid conduct of the I Toronte people, the Canada Compiny and Mr. NV idder prevailing. That they u‘ert that a Jelin ohyeet (Attie" Dominant Party" I Chairman, and that as it was well known. • to_morTsw 10 aurhaix of 0,..v. ,,alitea, w.. that the Domination would be orrery(' hy the party adverse to the Buffet., line, they (the Delegates) wet" tirgentlf antreated l, made, arid we entertain no doubt f om your not to stipport the amendment. line received ta' patient beering but or 'deny that those on the opposite side of tbe pies- abate easeiilgo. ed tion, anal especially tbeD That lb' 'Pelle"' fa."' °in" Thiffah 1 nem that you will be prepared to establ sh elelTate:i4fery7t1 're': i! poodence that has passed between 1 stlall call upon you for the pri ductiou of ' the authority on which the statement It 1 well know* cantina? ia all matters of bir i - is also a Director) the tenor of tle s, - the atatetnent upon autbowity t1. Duggan. c:i rdr sr edal tie, 1 I r I. niece of the position and proceedieige olds, i slisaii:roiccacdtcto,,,As ,-,upliiinItho(0,Frwochoi:hto :lord. N(..,.,v ronto could not obtain a bearing, aud were . ii..„.ittnedi :rriii,,i.nojttieue.;:ii:sbanl. 4^4 in 47 nea a the tt their duty to lay the whole people ef these Countiee, that they may be able to jude between the parties. • Tlie Committee have to thank tbe con- ductors of both the Goilerich neweitapers, for having very kindly allowed them space ia tl.is %Seeks issue for that purpose. By order of the Committee. 'ritual AS Kvon, Chain/Emu Coderich, 10th August, 135.2. rano tn agouies, which were, however, to cery, Conveyancer. tJederich, I7tb November, 101. save, to raise and • glorify it -paid little attention to anything save his businees and MISS E. SHARMAN, MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER. (2 doers East of the Cenads C. Orsee.) WHERE' she lutes& to terry on • • Move holiness. , Dream medals the very Isnot futile**. his pretly little daughter. M. Leopold Mayer was a selfish man -a very selfish man. So bootmaking prrepered, he did not care fur anything, elae. If the country were attacked on all sides, foreign armies in every frootier, he little cared. The only incon- venience he did care about was the taxes: deasaut; but otherwise, public • A. NASINYTIL iedNaterina reproachfully. / affairs were nothing to him. 'rhere are eitizen,„ said the geseontliag Mayer showed Lis letter of Inv ammo, W served at ooce as a pass, and they were ad - They entered the ante-chambcr, occu- pied by officers of various grades, several of whom rose from the cards, or smoking oa benches, so greet them. A young man, an aide-de-camp, respectfully addressed them, and inquired their busioess. M. .0 produced his letter. The assigttants, but in silver; and the poor, dear young man wants a pair of boots for himself and a (lien& on credit, until the end of the campaign. • ' Exactly, papa Mayer, and thou, aa good citizen--' Humph t bumph! bail citizen or good citizen is neither here nor Were. Mooey is the question. My princi;i1e, thou knowest is no money no boots.' Kateriva turned just in tame to be causlit in the arms of the dashing young genersi, who had daited towards her the inetant he Paid--Katertna; were words uttered in the same breath. Napoleon took u? a letter and turned lam back on than, with a grim smile; as if be thought them very L hildtsh, and Yet bad ao ohjection to let them hare lime to express Paul drew the shoemaker officer bowed profoundly, and Laid be WAS \ doer f„Onge. . at their service. Moving througe the crowd and Ls daughter into the embrasure Of the of officers,le led them by a staircase up- is iodow, and rapidly explained himself. lle be had never forgotten them; bad always in- nards, until be reached a large open landing tended to wtite, but put it off -taken up, as lie tapped geriely twice, and the door open- ed. A servant in a rich livery &neared,/ ee nee, hy Lis military duties. lie had only . and; Passing been three weeks Paris as commenler- aim made way for tbe party on, with the theatre of 'be palace to their in -chief. A few eveninos back be saw a right they turned round and entered the I loceiy woman at a ball, asked who she was 1PASIIIONARLE TAILOR, oce door a; Wein of W. E. Graces Store, West huatirees of such men everywhere.; men Street Gourley. , whose native town might be desolated by the olagne, and who yet would be happy if they remained untonched-tniburt. young man, who had not yet sinker), that is enough. If we cannot buy boots, we will take them--' TWO geed BOOT mid fill4JE Makers. Leopold Mayer had a danghter, a rery tone_ ' Citizen: said Mayer, in an alarmed boa 1°64 °if", by.,,!Pl'i,'•ff at tIn t. -"..p . be k I ol • eves a warm 'man- ' From the first Austrian or Presaian we 'a leb" Inti itud c""*" el"Pl""",, s' I pretty gir1,--about twelve years old, with BUSTARD-CR.3RM- i sive heart, and a character the very ()pr.- ' • kW,' contiaued the sallow young man, drily S ept. 9tIs, 1831. • 1 site of ber father. Sbe was as generous as and be turned on his heel. , be was selfish; as keen in ber sympathies for ! (Stop a minute,' eiclaimed Kateriaa, ITII.VTDIFIU11. 1110TEL,. the world as he %WM for his own rir ale ' thou dost not understand papa, W EST ST 1: I:1:T, 6 0 ft ERIC II, busi„,,_she bad a earner is bee' heivaaetet :Glitiesen. : be means that be would refuse boots • for every ooe. Iler mother had been like without mooey to strangers, but to thee, a A 001..) Arcommostsitorto 1.1 Traveller., mod her, having sacrificed every coneideration fnend of Paul's, be will be most happy - Gederieb, Dec. 6, le3o. . 43--tf I not be pleased, --of making happy a man who . . I said citizen Mayer,' with hall a grunt led Palace of the Tuileries, of whicli they had habertr only visited We wing. Presently the aide-de-camp paused. ber. Bearing. nowever, that she ' Monoicur will be kind enough to wait ,i ,F, by one moment: he said, as ihey eetet;ecl 00 i had refused the Aleacian colonial, he had ante-charaber. ' I will precede you, and 1 taken this Mode of again claiming his litue return in an instant.' wife. ' Where are we going r rata Katerina ' But, Cantanule raiii,' sail the Eroper- of her father, in a whisper. or, who hail advanced nearer to them at the conclusion of the coneersation, ' the ' 1 don't know but my bead begins to grow ' young lady has refused the con:inlander-in- diaa7- 1 hell'a t° smaPeet that ".e mast chief of the army of l'aris.' give way to eircemstancee.' ' But your majesty,' exclaimed Katerina 'Never; reclaimed the young girl firm- blunbing,. I did not know that it was my old ly. 'Oh!' said Napolen; but bow have you 'Will you -walk iur said the aide -41e-camp settled about the boots!' returning, and standing with the door in oat ' Why your majesty:. reclaimed Paul, heed and bis hat in the other. ,.. " laughing,' I fancy that ism much yolk af- heard that it was :Mademoiselle Mayer, We future of Cclonel l'eterman, and angry, lie knew not why, at this, he avoided being '''Conertett,3Ist July 1852. psar.Sir :-Eoclosed I beg to baud for your perusal, a copy of the report of the Di legates from Toronto and Guelph Rail- road Company, on the proceedings of the meeting held here on the 29111 ult. You nill observe that they state, that on (11 as •rloative Hostler at ell tone', to take 10 that of pleasing rather two. pairs than one.' 'twee Teame. ' A pretty bosiness gill theist t ma e DOI by (0 Of 15 If - 110 he rs ell AV 5. at would not bc happy. WASHINGTON , M. Leapold [slayer did a very good • half a maile;• but to thy friend Paul, and to Farmers' lutual Insurance Co., buyineym-sna, it Was Said, had a great deal l'it II -4"s 1 "di a0t rel.") credit' M' CATTrst. $1,000,000. -'. of money somewhere; but no man knew " *be Cocottes of Waterloo bed Minos. , Kateriaa Mayer sat in ber father's shop August 27, 1830. 4.15 --._ and took the money; but, baring plenty oi leisure, she read, during the interval% "of cally. They advanced, with eyes dimmed How DMA, M. Mayer, doll owe yon• for by excitement, with a singing in their tare, those two parr of boots you were good with faieting the beart.-a doubt -a enough to give me credit for I' fear -a dread, -that left thern, a minute • What exclairoed Mayer, endear:1ml, tater, standing in the middle of a small room a`t°"dedi ' it w" Ye'ur 'stalest', .1-1-- Nardeon, smiliii7„ to whom yell would -but fer your good mitered little daughter --bare refosed credit.' ' Comiornt, yotir majesty Wore my boots on his foot caro.lign. I enjoyed the honour; berm Mayer. ' I em lost in 'mare - Paul, and who talked of takinz, boots from 1, dead .1ustrian. wri-tn think of the Em- pefor Napoleon making bis first campaign majesty, I implore yon «01 ems ere to- ' To call TOmi.elf bootmaker to hi. Me:v.0y the Emoernr Napoleon: said the ex -lieutenant of artillery, smiling. ' Ilis Majesty the Emperor: cried /If. ed. Mayer to his daughter, bowing as tile! vrel e • Very well. ram. 1 01311 %ire the coo - very much inclined to kneel, while K Merino traA:tt .ble'iti:7,eenr;ve7r,a,lift .3" ,(leirt'l Paid, do tbou and thy friend choose two unconscioul whether they were in the pre - pair of boots each.' seam of the Emperor of China, the Khan We thank thee-, citizen:, replied the sal- of Tartary, or of the Grand Llama of Thi - low young officer, while Paul patted May- bet. er the back, ' and thou shalt be re_ Well, Moasicur 3fayer; said a scme- what gentle voice. M. Mayer and Katerina now saw that they were in the famous private cabinet nf the Emperior Napoleon -who had been just crowned- IS ith its rich ornaments, tot mar the fire stood, Lis back turned to it, a man of middle height, neither stout nor thin, with a look of power and gown, lint tin;r,ed by haughtiness; pride and a spirit of insolent 1/ AR R 1ST ER, . • Solicitor in Chasten . businero such honks as she could tind in a paid? MR. JOHN MACARA. 2-11 Att.,rney-at-Law, Cwianyaorer. See. neighbourin; circelatiag-library. German Mayer looked rather incredulous; but he Ise, Office : Ontario Builehaga. King -St. - loveil bis daughter, and it was to her he epposit• !he GOTS Beek. sod tbe Bask ot . In ber &attire, with a warm but somewhat Brittsh ?1/4,- lob Arnevere. II satwrow. 4 10! contemplative character, she devoured his- ma' the "'Ince of four Pair of boots, which, naturally enough, the youno men 1 tory, philosophy. poetry, and tbe drama; was in,,,,„,.„,.,,E,,„ ,nd prniocial Loma li Starved in Moliere, P.acine, Coroeille, and chow' Then the). atmk hand(' ac'th Mayer. Paul kissed Kaierina, and then Ma. T. N. MOLESWORTIL Ade Serveyer, Goderich. I seen Montaigne, and doted on Philip de April SO, 1461. 14°11 Comities; but nbe bad her favourite author, Made his friend bra her; and, putting tbeir packets ander their arms, weot away. • . too, and that, like Madame Roland, was the May 11.51. ver 12 t>o an evening she would Rad oat to ber twelve bad become a beautiful woman of author of 1' Lives of Plutarch." Years passed away, and the saricy girl of DR. liliNDMAN, -- - -- 1 father while he smoked Ins pipe, to which three -end -twenty. 1e all this time not one he was a word of Peel, and worae, said Mayer, the J A 11 ES WOODS, A UCTIONKEH, es prepared Peelle tneeti se say part ef Cat vies. modertato toms. Stratford, Mav 100. -like Gentians sad Dutchmen - lee vested ; great devotee. N'erv often they were joie- shoemaker, oo news of big boots, Nlede- to unwed ed by a young officer, a lodger, who bad rooiscl!e Katerlea had Many suitors. Per - 44 -414 not long been removed from a Military toes is very elevated position overlooked, in bow democratic days the fact that she Pt Tex BUCHANAN, TAILOR. l. wbc, wivi, es yet, Met tee tied, rettl..-.. WW1 • ilioemalcer'i daughter, and invited La wmi 01„.5. Godersen. cinthen ated; (we must leave Ina nam • m blank, becavse ber into ecklety at the srell-known Clelia; NEXT door tis 11. Ft. O'Crienoes Store ! end renewed, and rnis.er done en the slier- I, of Ins aristocratic soe, who would not for- sod many sought her lased and heart. But wet oritima, ii,..1 onet hints' tame. . ve 05 puoishiag it) asas a yawl was wbo the girl of twelve still heed within ber, and had profited by his edecatioe; and • wetter abe refused every eier, however Wallies', W . 84 R. SIMPSON, 1 guide for the girl could not well hare been rennin/I still her father's eaehanoppd bid. li found• Of coigne he was a repcbliraa; all ree him iv adding to that rattier large for - (LATE !FOP& BIRR ELI. SE Co..) ,, young mes, sot emigres, m dome aftys; see twee which be hail now iaymted ia the claoctits, Wine Marehasta, Fraitorera ; tue , m tagios "mad ; fo r I a sore aneaeo.. French funds. lie sometimes pressed ber ! shoe leather!' The reeve of Terror very 'Tan bet permit. Committee, but no notke whatever was isa neer try the Chairman. ken of it by Mr. Jones, but the Board wi I and act+ of the Canada Company. gni Me* the " Burma Sigrutl" that in • speech Tb*t the, aver that ha4 the "Iftililetni ill the report of the ineelirie. contained N.idder be" "rree"Y made kn"n t`' tbe winch he read to• the meeting he statcd Viditer tie an authority for liss s'atemesi) Buffalo anJ Brantford Company would ne- ver have found favor in Gorki ich And. that it now became his duty tn.staie that ' filially that thee consider that the ladi•idiest h , should the decision of the meeting be. thr t it is to the interest of the'United Cowitteti travesties which I ge ;1 ;„ I and Brantford line In preference to the vor of the S&atford and Paris lint the Com- ; Galeria,. Stratford and Guelph line, he plinrwould I thought lend flat same 1,„ ,,, the tegpeiali" °I-. fh. Deb"tures " they seas fully j testified in belies irg that tho had promised to give in favor of the Toron- Canada Company would in every reepeet, to awl Guelph line, was the chief caose of the game arienance and faciteien foe tbe latter lioe being rejected, aa t mer adopted. 1 beg you «31 give the whole riocurrtent and the correspondence attached to it • careful perusal, and gm the original is now the Covet of Directors in atom' erect, respectfiil, but firm, and revile- it appose. eo. Atoll now, pool, ran ed to oppose even the will ot Napoleon,. away ,sena Canlatqcieel to me. and don't where ber heart was contented. he carried away by the worse° to onkel l'aul, Kateriits, and Mover, went nut al - "b" wa" itt °fle Ilf his /11°°"1"ts '8 g°61.1 h°- tec spin espreeeing their than'as, and' ad. niant,er.i V. f, where a -lin at fall length sad over a &neer, they talked over the England, hating been forwarded by my febees's 25t3 1352. would aid mays, i sever dapped in KSterlita te %Pe MIVrei hey any MI, Aneilnams. "Dims to wow saw. je surly shocked bee; bet she had good pease Thins were ma this state. Katenes lad the reydaite capital ke. res th.er had so readily, and generously afforded t the 'fo- 'fbe (70matittee seed not dwell on We the proceedings of the meeting oa 'recede!, • persons attended, chiefly the reeidests (lithe Town and neighbourhood. Nine of the respectable Merehants of the Town took der to enable the Coitrt th arrive at a col -- Tor of the Buffalo and Ilrieutfuril line were brou▪ ght under their' 'Mice, ited as an act heard «"111P2It'neP and at ten' i"" • i"ten""Pt" of justice to myself., my eonduet being eil only tay cheers and .houts in their favour eery (war tn take ploco is maltioi low I ccoild not int toin a her. tug. and were treaty moue.' I bays sent for you oo a matter NlademoiseUe Katasioa be mat - 'ter. I am .utre you win gaffer no uniectio put down by the crowd, inetted ilL•reto by Report.) ban, lb" wan,. ts D"r sir. 1 the leaders oldie party rin the hustler, wind Term. Mance* Joints. ' (la Cilm 1 An amendment to the Tlesolatioa to eras moved try 31r.• Cri!t. who seas erposert of tl.e WI to pledge the Comity in give loan; ein wmpot, Eon., Coster. mated herself; M. Mayer stood by her; frien.l. on credit, si it i heots; 1),,t 111114 de - chair. 11101 was • little abated when l'aul iaeieted on Mayer, at the epoch of IA marriage ' 1 int informed, M. Mayer, that .7^" i wills.. Kittens', slAtting im shop mod retie - daughter has refu.ed the hand of one of my ing from 'nosiness. The g-ood Al.., iin bravest officers, Colotel Peterman. Now,1. ennnMed eves•sseely... bell a emile from trent for you to arik an esplasatioe. It meow s tlininet which illuminated lin tirain sad▪ - isemieeivable to me that a daughter of a atoll, d• A month War. Norden* being alsrmt to 'f o the Canaria Convey, Sir :-AAer attain ourri.dires of the offer so obitgiagli esteadleil to vs by your letter of the 6th instant. Vli*e deem 'it right to place yore asi Comeniiimer of ewe Canaria Company, ta •wemerielosi of oar re, the ...scarily of the road. to the esteat ci .C125,000, to the Company ethic:a About fret reach Stratford, in proaress to Gado - Yaw Cnoustinee, in order to telt the siocerity of the promoters of the ester...km of floe Buffalo line, and being e oet:need (het thee had riot We power to Tultil ties evi- port to the Itnard of ‘./treeters of the rep Mee they were so Wink of,iau.I kat ilg a - ronto sue Guelph Railroad Cesspool, • ed to obtain a bowing at the ineistisig, re- copy of winch is herewith eawlosod. solved on the follernisit yiropositi.ii, to lab . W. are your moat obeirot meets, i webinitici to the County Cowsacil at its meet- - .... . jest refused a eoleoel whom she met et a Rert of the Cammitteir umlauted by the ' Cow/vies ef /feral. Perlis # iroMort. " 1 gel" Part'', '111° tal" V' thP 6111"" 1411tr- treGeweran should refuse the. ham n meet Mimi term. Apply at the rim( ey,„„v„,,, ove atrocities of Merit, Hebert( Oeduieb. tad C bereft', with the priociples of the tree Derain, Caw% elle% ter at We boomer Len I PI. 4.-Geedste son awl otiose piously evil be &nods of freedom. All.111" 41106 e . * tie very best of trine. The rooms girl, moieties of the Mali yelsman. te mimed . peei--.0 whereof% enliii•r, a brave and so- ba bald at Goki,rath " tom 19gb ilma• bog reverifelly to submit the f Mania; !.• ' prusece et *ha Ake et um, dm, of the Kate . , ,, iio iriii,„„,4 nose ny bald- liter, lad peeved a wind halms] atid att- Insolation, it* Committee. cousisMag of. it smonsairsosa hy Raresuodlifftellailikiii• rt A- tY "hell reiegellel' 111"1 M MeTet hid tilk"1 6404" nee" m" bec°115c Man"' Eateries bonnie Madame ln Generde. ft* (Mat Ka", MIPIP".3 " Toronto and Ges•Ipla roe nod Command •