HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-03, Page 13Th. Times-Advocistik Docember 3., 1959 pow .Christmas 'shopping time pi.' Wise shoppers look here _CLASSIFIED RATES 3 PER WORP (Minimum 850) 20c Off If paid by Saturday following last insertion. Second Insertion 21//c PER WORD (Minimum 550) Six Insertions 2c PER WORD (Minimum 450) Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multipls of Vs inch,' InhIltIl FOR SALE— '52 FORD SEDAN, automatic, Apply liar's Body Shop, phone 30 Exeter. 11:26tfc TERRIER PUPS, purebred Toy and Manchester cross, white, black and browri markings, rea- sonabiy priced. Orders can be held till Christmas. Alex Mac- intosh, phone BA 7-4598 Clande bon. 26:3e PULLETS, Rock x Red, starting to lay. Clifford Cobleigh, phone BA 7-4540, Lucan, RR 1, 3nc SET OF SCALES', large size. Phone Lucan BA 74255. 3nc MAN'S BICYCLE, uscd, with large basket carrier; Red Rider air rifle. Jerry McClinchey, phone 234-R Hensel 3c USED CLOTHING — Some good lines of used clothing. Open each week on Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. At the home of H. J. Howland, Allen St., Thedferd. 5:12;19:26:3:10* Announcements RATES Births No Charge Marriages and Deaths 75¢ (Marriases and deaths are reported without charge in news columns. This charge applies only to listing under Announcements.) Cards of Thanks, Engagements 750 In Memoriams (4 -line verse) $1.00 Extra verses, each 250 BIRTHS— ATKINSON—Jack and Donna, Lucan, (nee Robinson) wish to announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Ruth Ann, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, November 29. HEENAN—Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heenen, Trenton, (nee Trieb- ner) wish to announce the birth of a son, Brian Patrick, November .30. OVERHOLT—Mr. and Mrs. Den - his Overholt, RR 2 Zurich, an- nounce the birth of a son, David; at South Huron Hos- pital, November • 26—a brother for Danny. SHUPE—Bill and Bernice (nee Jinks) are happy to announce the birth of their second daughter, Sue Ellen Elaine, at Selfridge, Mich., Airforce Base Hospital, November 25—a sis- ter for Sara nn and grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. M. C; Jinks, Hensall. SIMS — Mr. and Mrs. William Sims, Exeter, announce the birth of a son, William Gerald, at South •Huron Hospital, No- vember 30, WRIGHT—Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wright, Granton, are happy to announce the birth of a daugh- ter at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, November 20. CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Terry Scott wish to express their heart- felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from relatives, friends and neighbors in their recent bereavement. Thanks to Dr. Boyes, Constable Hugh Mills, L. Box and Son, Rev. R. H. Anions, Rev. Lyall Crawford, pallbearers, flower bearers and all those who helped in any way. A very special thanks to the ones who helped with the chores. — Harold, Irene, Judy. 3c Mrs. Hedy Devine wishes to thank her relatives, friends and neighbours who sent cards, treats and paid her visits while a pa• tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and since returning home. 3* May we extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who ex- presssed your sympathy in so many thoughtful ways during our re,cent bereavement. Your kindnesses have meant much to us.—Mr. and Mrs. Louie Mas - nice and family. 3* Mr. and- Mrs. M. England, Hensall, wish to thank the many people who remembered Mrs. England with cards, flowers and treats while she was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, staff at the hospital and' Hensall Kin- ettes. 3c Mrs. Pearsy • Graham wishes to thank her many kind friends who remembered her with cards, treats and flowers while a •pas tient in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to the WMS of the United Church, the Kinettes, Dr. G. C. Goddard and the staff of the hospital and all those who visit- ed her. , 3c Mr.- and Mrs. Alvin Baker sincerely wish to thank all their neighbors -and friends who re- membered them with. cards, phone calls and visits following •their recent accident, also Miss Claypole and the nursing , staff of South Huron Hospital and Dr, Ecker. It Was ell very much appreciated. 3c We would like to thAnk our relatives, neighbours and friends for flowers, dards, letters, treats and visits While Mrs. Ford wag a patient in St. Joseph's Hos. pial and since returning home. We appreciated it very much.— Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford. 3* IN MEMORIAM— DELBRIDGE — In loving mein. ory of a brother', Charlie, who passed away one year ago, Detereber 4, 1958, Thi t Month is herd with deep regret, It bringt*back a day We'll never fOrget. He. fell Asleep Withbut saying goOdbYel tut ITIOniOrieS of hitt will never -Ever ternehibered by nit Ms, ten, 13eatricei boria, Ila. 3* IN MEMORIAM — GIBSON—In loving memory of our mother, Mrs. William Gib- son, who passed away 10 years ago, November 22, 1949. "There's an open gate At the end of the road, Through which each must go I alone, And there in a light we car.not see Our Father claims his own. Beyond the gate our Mother Finds happiness and rest And there is comfort to know That a loving God knows best." —Lovingly remembered by her children. 3nc HUNKIN—In loving memory of a dear Mother, Ella Hunkin, who passed away December 2, • God gave us a wonderful mother, Her memory will never grow old. He fashioned her smile out of sunshine. He moulded her heart of pure gold. He needed a new star in heaven, A beautiful light to shine, So out of this old world of He chose that dear mother of ours. —Always remembered by daugh- ter Margery, son-in-law Jim and grandchildren Barry and Cheryl. 3c HUNKIN—In loving memory of i dear mother and grand- mother, Ella Hunkin, who left us December 2, 1956. Three lonely years have come and gone, Since last we saw your face, But, darling mother, there is none Could ever Jake your place. God thought it best to take you home To his wonderful place of rest, But when he took you, mother dear, • He took away the best.' —Always remembered by her son Eric, daughter-in-law Ter- ry and grandchildren Karen, Julia and' Mark. 3c HUNKIN—In loving memory of Mrs. Ella Hunkin. • —Lovingly remembered by her son, Clifford Heywood and family, 714 Lorne Ave., Lon- don. 3c mgzumikinizignaiiimmaimasm Letter from Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS rtmiy.:sormaszemarnmagnas Library euchre The library held a progressive euchre in Aberdeen Hall on Tuesday evening. Prize winner i were: ladies' high, Mrs. Jack Thomson; lone hands, Mrs. Junior Doupe; men's high, Allan Eveleigh; lone hands, Tom Crew; lucky draw, Harry Webber. • Receives award Dawn Blackler received the St. Marys' District Collegiate Institute ,seholarship, a $100 Rumsey IODE Chapter prize and also a $35 Alvin W. Heard Me- morial award at the St. MaryS District Collegiate commence- ment, on Friday evening. Datvn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Blackler and at present a student at Western University. Board euchre The Hall Board held a progres- sive euchre on Monday evening. Prize winners Were: ladies' high, Mrs.• McCurdy; lone hands, Mrs. E. Shute; men's high, Tom Cre,w; lone hands Laverne Beck- ette; lucky draw, Carmen Bragg, Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thompson, of Pontiat, Mich. spent the week- end with Mit. II. Copeland Ond Miss Ethel Copeland. Mr. Wilfred Williams, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Williams attend, ed the funeral �f Mrs, E. N. Whito,BrantfOrd, Wt. While FOR SALE— GRAIN GRINDER, Letts, $50. Earl qingerich, phone 90-r-7 !ztirich. 26:3* 1 DURO-JET PUMP, 1 13eattY deep well pomp. These units are complete with pressure tank and piping or may be purehased in part. Domestic rabbits for pets or meat. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, Hensall, phone 177-r-4 Exeter. 26:3c AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY — RCA Whirlpool Sovereign Washer and Dryer pair, 1959 .Demonstrators, with Sudswater Sayer, Top of the line models with all the de- luxe features. Save hundreds of dollars. Snelgrove's, phone B. 10: 29Ifn SPRAYED APPLES—MacIntosh, King, Sweets, Spy, Russet, De- licious, Snow, Greening, etc. One mile south of Varna, Fred Mc- Clymont & Sons. 10:8tfe FOR SALE— SThTJON WAGON, 1955 V8 Ow s4 -door, automatic trimsmission„ new firm excellent condition, owned by Rey. C. A. Doyle., Zttrich, Phone Pete Masse, Zur- 'eh 78. 3.10e 1..REAL, ESTATE— HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 2 walnut bedroom stiltes, 5- and 3 -piece, McLagan make, springs and mattresses; 75 -foot, VA", pipe, TV aerial with rotary in- cluding brackets $35• Imperial Loyalist studio couch, can be used as escond bed; RCA Victor TV, $48; Westinghouse 4 -burner stove, calrocl elements, what of- fer?: 3 -Piece fold foam rubber chesterfield suite, floor lamps,' etc.; combination radio and re- cord Player, Phillips, $78. Phone 123 after 6 p.m. 'Ward Fritz,1 * Zurich. 3:10 BUNTING BAG, girl's, pink, 9 months size. Can be seen at 'Brady Cleaners, Exeter. 3:10e f CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch pine. Call mornings or evenings, DRESSED GEESE, averaging 12 I 6-,I Crediton. 26:3c lbs. 400 per lb. Apply Glenn' Jeffery, RR 3 Exeter, phone 692 - SED TOYS, rocking chair, baby r-13 Exeter. 3c sleigh, doll house, doll high chair, ironing board, musical toys, building bricks, dolls, games, books and others. Phone 484-M. 26:3c 2 COTTAGES, at north end of Exeter. One with furnace and bath. Apply Box "XT", Times - Advocate. 3* PONY, 3 years old, well broke, very quiet. Apply Milton Diet- rich, phone Crediton 24-r-3. 3* MAN'S TRENCH COAT, gabar- dine, $15.00; boy's blue suit, 2 pair pants, size 8, $8,00; RAF sheepskin 'flying jacket, $5.00; portable electric heater, $4.00. Phone 569 Exeter. 34, 2 LADY'S COATS, one blue and one brown, size 16. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. CUB UNIFORM, complete, size 8, in good condition, half price. Phone Lucan BA 7.4714. 3c PUPS, German Shepherd, black and' silver. Apply Orville, Raw- lings, Clandeboye, Ont. 3c GEESE, ducks, chickens, dress- ed. Apply Mrs. Bill Yearley, phone 21-r-3 Crediton. 3c GIRL'S WINTER OUTFIT, red velvet, white fur collar, size 3-4; child's red snow suit, size 3-4; lady's black cloth coat, Persian lamb yoke, size 1,6; 4 good pairs of lady's shoes, size 81/2AAA 2 black, brown and blue); 2 lady's party dresses, size 14-15 (blue cocoa); girl's winter outfit, pink, size 2; 2 lady's tweed suits (blue and mauve), size 15; baby's snow suit, pink. All cleaned and in good condition. Mrs. Don Revington, phone Lucan BA 7- 4454, evenings or weekends. 3c TOYS --We have a'small stock of the more expensive toys. Sandy Elliot. 3c CHESTERFIELD, 2 -piece, like new, also good chesterfield and 2 chairs, $35.00; heavy duty electric, stove, good condition, $60.00; Marconi mantel radio, $29.00 Worth for $12.50. Sandy Elliot. 3c QUEBEC HEATER, larger size, in A-1 condition. Phone 960-3 in the evening. 3* IRONER, automatic, Thor Glad - iron, like new. Phone 42 Hen - &all. WOODEN DOLL BED, large size, complete with mattress and bedding. Apply 33 Huron St. W. 3c PULLETS, red and rock. Phone , Lucan BA 7-4687. 3c LAING'S SMALL MOTORS — Phone 72, Exeter, Ont. Author- ized dealer for Briggs, Clinton, Lawson Iron Horse power pro- ducts; Clarke, Jacobsen, Toro, Bolens, Maxwell, McCulloch, Ti- tan, Wright chain saws. 3c 1950 METEOR, new paint, good motor, $200 cash. Phone 599-J-3 Exeter. 3c FORMAL GOWN, yellow, size 14; beige fall coat, size 14; car coat, wool, size 14; chesterfield and chair, wine with floral pat- tern. Phone AC 8-6361. 3c BLUE FORMAL, street length, size 14, worn only once, $12. May ,be seen at Brady Cleaners. 3* BABY BUDGIES—just arrived. Order and pick up now for Christmas. Cann's Mill Ltd., Ex- eter. 3c ORDER YOUR Christmas tur- keys now! New York dressed. Apply Ed Hendrick, phone 19-r-2 Crediton. , 3:10e WORKSHOP One and one-half storey, with hipped roof and ship -lapped siding, to be moved. Cecil H. Lewis, Lucan, phone BA 7-4406. 3nc OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. 27tfc APPLES, choicc, hand -picked Northern Spys, Red Spys, Rus- sets. We also deliver, Vic Jef. fery, phone 6924-12 EXeter 11: 19tfn Use TA Classifieds Was a sister of Mr, Jack Wli Hants, Mial Pat ChM sstf slarriaica and Miss Dawn 131ackler spent the 'weekend at, Dawn's hoine With Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dinkier. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Neil and Roberta were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mt's WIILIaM Marshall, Ekoter, 2 SNOW TIRES, new Suburban- ite, 670 x 15, mounted on Ford wheels, $40. Apply Bill Morley, RR 1 Granton or phone Kirkton 81-r-8. 3c 5 SOWS with litter of 8 pigs each. Will sell for $85 each. Purebred York hog; purebred Tam hog. Phone 90-r-7 Zurich. 3e FUR COAT, Si -length, brown coney, $14; green cloth coat, chamois lined, $9. Sizes 16. Phone 555, 3c FOR RENT— APAItTMENT, furnished private entrance, bath and toilet. 109 Huron St. 11:26tfc 4 COTTAGES, furnished, winter- ized, all newly decorated, three' with 2 bedrooms, one with 1 bed- room. Phone 36 Grand Bend or apply Ken Web, theatre build- ing, Grand Bend. 11: 26tfnc 1 APARTMENT, heated, central location. Phone 710. 3c APARTMENT, 3 rooms, heated, hot and cold running water. Available December 15. Phone AC 8-6867 Centralia. 3c APARTMENT, 3 -room, frig and stove supplied, private bath. Available immediately. Apply J. R. Traquair, 321 Huron St. West, phone R. B. Williams, Kirkton 44-r-9. 3* C V. Pickard EXETER We are offering the following and other properties: COMFORTABLE house, 3-hed- r0om, well located, modern kit- chen and bathroom, oil -burning furnace, nicely treed lot. Priced under $6,000.00 Quick possession. 3 -BEDROOM brick hopse, cent- rally located, good basement, oil furnace, hot water tank, laundry tubs, lovely kitchen, laathroorn, double living room, wall to wall rug, garage, garden, generous terms, 3- BEDROOM HOUSE, frame, hydro, good basement, heated with oil, nice lot. This house re- quires renovating but may be purchased for the low sum of $2,400.00. Quick possession. We have buyers for two- and three-bedroom homes. If • you wish all cash for your property We can arrange it To buy or sell, see C. V. PICKARD, Realtor, and General Insurance, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. . 6:5tfc W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 86 Anne St. Exeter Fhone 435 BUILDING SITE, Main St. at Huron. Suitable for store or of- fices or apartments. ON NO. A HIGHWAY south of Hensel', about 3 acres, excellent property. on which to build, 200 ACRE FARMS? Yes, seve- ral We have several farms, stores and other properties. Exeter building lots. WE NEED some houses for pros- pective buyers. EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 RUSSELL BR011eRICK Phone 1187-'.7 BUSINESS—An active grocery meat, vegetable, confectionery and small wares business offer- ed at a sacrifice price. In a village location. No credit. Ex- cellent reasons for selling. This it' an opportunity for someone to make a small paying invest- ment. Apply to Box "LMC", Exeter Times -Advocate. 3c REAL ESTATE STRAYED — Call JB At 863 EXETER, 2 bedrooms, living room, large kitchen and dining area. Full basement with oil heat. Lots of closet space. Terms can be arranged. CREDITON, large brick house, in very good repair. Extra build- ing lot. $1,000 dpwn and you can move right in. CREDITON, 63 acres of choice land with a modernized brick house and 2 barns. Terms can be arranged. • EXETER, brick duplex bringing in $120.00 per month. You can be the new owner for $3,000 down. GRAND BEND, on the highway and close to the lake. Large house, completely modernized, and a new two -car garage. An ideal site for a motel as the area is zoned commercial. The price is right and terms can be arranged. BUTCHER SHOP, no competi- tion, $5,000 down. GROCERY STORE, to trade on a good farm. GROCERY STORF with dwell- ing quarters, Terms. FARMS from $9,000. ' CHOICE BUILDING TOTS, $100 down. John Burke Real Estate Broker General Insurance 534 Main St. Exeter Phone 863 — HOUSES — FARMS — BUSINESS PROPERTIES Choice Lots 1 Block from Schools $650.00 $1,000,00 M. J. Gaiser REAL ESTATE Phone 24 Exeter SAM HENDRICK (Saleshian) Phone 711 26c MISCELLANEOUS— NOT DESTROY your dog it it is over 6 morith, old, They can be used in LonclOn. Bring them te L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, Phone 266, 11:26lic EMPLOYMENT WANTED — ODD j()BS, earpentering, paint- ing etc. Phone Centralia AC 6, 6687, 1:5tfe HEREFORD STEER, onto Lot: 8, Con. 3, Biddulph Township.' Owner may have same by' identifying animal and for pay- ing for expenses and ad. John Spacek, RR 1 Lucan, phone BA 7-5645 Lucan. 3', HOLSTEIN HEIFER, yearling, brand on right hip, from Lots 11, 12 and 13, Con. 7, Hay Town- ship. Phone collect to Jim Moore, Sarnia, Digby 4-7968. 26:3c HEREFORD STEER, stagg, about 700 lbs., from Lot 28, N.B., McGillivray township. Please notify Grant Amos, phone Ailsa Craig, 609-r-13 collect. 3* BABY CHICKS— AMES IN -CROSS ready - to - lay pullets available. Request list. Dayolds to order. Leghorn and dual purpose chicks to order. Book January -February broilers now. Bray Hatchery, Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter, phone 246-W,1 26: 3 cn FOUND— SUM OF MONEY, vicinity of Sanders St. Owner may have same by proving, identification and. paying for ad. Contact Lorne Kleinstiver, phone 145 Dashwood. 3* PERSONAL— 1BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTICES—, AMH1 s X s distributing 250 products from coast to coast through exclusive dealers who make good money with our Com- mission — most started without experience, yet have sueceeded, You can do so too. With the 1 Christmas s ea son ahead you have with our line, a gift to please every customer. Ask now for our PLAN. Familex, Dept, 11.4, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 3c LOST — WALLET, cream leather, with sum of money, on November 20, Finder please leave at Times - Advocate, 30 2 FOXHOUNDS, one white and tan and one black and whiter Phone 184 Exeter, Ansley Neil. HELP WANTED— EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Invites applications from men and ‘vomen teachers to teach a Junior Grade commencing Janu- ary 1, 1960. CATEGORY SYSTEM Minimum $2,800.00, Maximum $5,200.00 on level 3, annual in- crement $200.00 allowance up to $1550.00 for experience, hos- pitalization and supplementary medical and surgical benefits subsidized, accumulative sick leave with gratuities. Application in writing stating age, experience, qualifications, name of last inspector and phone number should be direct- ed to— W. H. HODGSON, Secretary -Treasurer, EXETER, Ontario, 3e EQUIPMENT FOR RENT— Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER 2:19tfnc HELP WANTED (Male)— YOUNG MAN for modern men's wear store in Exeter. Experience preferred. Start i mm edi a tely. Apply in person to Walper's Men's Wear. 3c SERVICES— SUIT DOESN'T FIT? Altera - ions, double breasted suits made singles. Spurrell, 87 Dundas, London GE 9-4351. 5:14tfnc Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where "Better Bulls Are Used" Artifical Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled. Call us between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. weekdays and 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings, at CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 11:19tfc FILTER QUEEN sales and ser- vice. Repair S to all makes of vacuum cleaners, For service phone 659-J Exeter. 9:17-12;31* WASHING MACHINES repaired. Apply Paul Sass, 66 William St., Exeter. 10:22-12:31* SANITATION SERVICE—Septic tank pumping and rePairs; new installation — septic tank and ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — Box 58, Centralia, Ontario. drainage. Call 205 Grand Bend. 10:142:31* 10:29tfc Directors WILL Mrs. George Grummett 'Meese contact Mrs. Mary Merry, Embro, Ontario. . 3:10:17e WOULD ANYONE having know- ledge of the whereabouts of the winter quarters during 1955-56 of a male red roan or dark buck- skin horse of average size, of about five years of age at the time, now known by the name of Mocha, please contact the undersigned at once. This is urgent. W. E. G. Young, 57 Light Street, Woodstock, Ontario. 3c WANTED -- CASH PAID for good modern furniture, stoves, refrigerators, baby carriages, televisions, ra- dios, etc. Don't move, sell all of your household effects. We are open all day Friday and Saturday, other days maybe. Sandy Elliot, 3c TRANSPORTATION to London, daily, Monday to Friday. Phone AC 8-6298. 3c BALED STRAW or loose straw, in the barn. Phone 83, Gib Dow, Exeter, 3c TENDERS— STEPHEN TOWNMIP SCHOOL AREA POSITION OF JANITOR Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Dee. 14, 1959, for the pesition of janiter in SS No. 6 Khiva And SS No. 10 Harpley for the year 1960. WILMAR D. WEIN, Sectotary-Treaartrer, Box 181, Crediton 26:3e Use it -A Classifieds By -Law p10. n-11059 of the Township of Hay I A BY -law to authorize the stopping up of the Side Road I between Concessions 5 aed Township dshiLpotosf 5naaynd 6 in the I WHEREAS: pursuant to the POwers contained in the Muni- cipal Act, R.S.O„ 1950, Chapter 1 243, Section 469, the Council of every Municipality nay pass By-laws for stopping up all or part of any highway within the limits of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS: the Muni- cipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hay consider thhroaatd tkaeboworidasse Thethmeopaobaoavlde Bridge is in an unsafe condition; event e of s m'hoerreebYcangdilvdeanthtesabtn* being AND WHEREAS: The Muni- proposed and qualifying for any cipal Council of the Corporation particular office than required of the said ToWnship of Hay to be elected, an election will be deem it advisable to close the held aforesaid road. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1959 NOTICES— Town Of Exeter Nomination & Eiection Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Town of Exeter will be held in the Town Ilall on FRIDAY, NOVEM)3ER 27, 1959 between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening for the purpose of makOig and receiving nominations for Mayor, Reeve, DePuty-Reeve and six Cooneillors for the year 1960 and for one Public Utilities Commis. sioner for the year 1960 and 1961 and for three members of the Public School Board for the years 1960 and 1961 and further NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF Exeter, Ontario, THE CORPORATION OF THE November 12, 1959. TOWNSHIP OF HAY (Signed) ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:— C. V. PICKARD, Returning Officer. 1. That the said road between Concessions 5 and 6 and Lots 5 and 6 in the said Township of Hay be, stopped up and closed. 2. That Notice of the proposed By-law shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Zurich news- paper, published in the Vil- lage of Zurich, and the Times - Advocate, published in the Town of Exeter, the first of Town Of Exeter SECOND NOmination and Election Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the town of Exeter will be held in the Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 such publications to be made 1959, between the hours of 7:30 on the 11th day of November, o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the 1959, and that said notice evening, for the purpose of shall contain notice of time making and receiving nomina- and place at which the Coun- tions for one Councillor for the cil shall hear any person, or Year 1960, and further notice is by his counsel, solicitor, or hereby given that in event of agent, any person who claims more candidates being proposed that his land may be pre- and qualifying for any particular judicially affected by the said office than required to be elect - by -law. ed, an election will be held 3. That before the said by-law MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1959 comes into force and takes effect, notice of the passing Exeter, Ont., of the said by-law shall he December 3, 1959, posted in six of the most nub- (Signed) ile places in the immediate neighbourhood of the afore- said road. Read a first and second time this 2nd day of November, 1959. V. L. BECKER. Reeve NOTICES TO CREDITORS H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk CLARENCE V. PICKARD, Returning Officer • The Council of the Township In the Estate of of Hay has set the date for hear- Bruce Koehler, mg appeals or complaints red deceased. garding the closing of the above All persons baying claims named road on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER against the estate of Bruce 9, Koehler, late of the Township of 1959, at 3:00 p.m. in the Hay, Hay, in the County of Huron, Township Hall, Zurich, Ontario.1 Farmer, who died on or about V. L. BECKER, Reeve I the 30t1' day of December 1958, II. W. BROKENSHIRE, clerk I are required to file. particulars 12:19:26:3cl of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 12th day of December, 1959, WILL THE PERSON who stole after which date the estate will the black 150 gal. gas tank and, be distributed having regard pump from the farm two miles only to those claims of which east of Dashwood please return, notice has been received, to avoid further trouble. Wally, Wein. 3:10c Bell & Laughton, Use T -A Classifieds Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario ,26:3:10e Business Directory DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons USBORNE & H1BBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde RR 3 Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton UP TO $5.00 PAID for dead or disable horses and cows, accord- ing to size and condition, Call promptly. All s m a 11 animals picked up free of charge, Phone Ed Andrews, 851-r-11 Seaforth, collect. 10:15 the, PIANO TUNING and re'pairing, piano action work, Alf Denom- me, RR 2 Zurich, residence St. Joseph, Ontario, phone 95-r-12 Zurich: 10:54:144 E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cromarty Timothy 13. Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates RR.1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Soacitor SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED, im. W. G. Cochrane Exeter mediate service, Butler Bros. Secretary -Treasurer Our new phone number is Lucan BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312. Arthur Fraser Exeter 11;194:21* VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS & MILKING MACHINES See ypur authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE, Blacksmith and \Voiding Shop, Bruccfielci eoW ANYBODY wishing cattle spray- ed for lice, contact 13ill Watson, phone Dashwood 37-r49. 11:26tfne NOW IS THE TIME to spray your cattle for lite. I use Lin- dane. Your tustom Work an- preeiated very much. L V 1-1o, garth, phone 266. 26:3;10:17c CUSTOM WOOD CUTTING with tractor- mounted circtilar saw. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, phone 177-r-4 Exeter, 3e ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, ,large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD W. S. O'NEIL & SON AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK GENERAL FARM SALES AND REAL ESTATE Fer sale dates PHONE 20 GRANTON COLLECT ETERNALIZE 'babies' first shots G. A. WEBEI, D.C. in a lifetime tOating OS bronze. Id C a 1, inexpensive Christmas DOCTOR 00 CHIROPRACTIC gifts, 'Bronze, felt flocked and DRUGLESS THERAPY mounted for As low as $5.95. F• c Appointment Photie 606 Phone AC 5-6970 or write Box ' 44, Centralia,- Ont, 26:3:1Oe W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 14 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 355 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work FREE ESTIMATES ReaSonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER 1/4 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 JOHN WARD, D.C. LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR DRUGLESS THERAPIST 21 Hill St., ).xeter Phone 5714 for Appointment BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS,, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLiC ELMER D. I3ELL, C. V. LAUGHTON, LLB. itorleh Office "Tuesday ' Affernoori EXETER PHONE 4