HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-08-05, Page 3fir gmbesemeg merstes1.11:29.11et inn insal f THE. Clerk d the Pow Oua friend Mi. Chesser Clerk at d .sees to leave takes P M has tMt1 of Isle, es .,see •o• At tit* longer to take the Sssrs • of course, we could riot feel *headed, assay one has a lust right 1 noe' o e tine soy .ewspaPe thew that a do feel But we casuist help my Lic we being offended at the Cous1Jemihd ° of the transfered from our columns Huron Loyalist. Now even at this we art could not feel annoyed did the Loyal ist advocate the bailie politics sspaper has But it a well known a moat rabid opposi- tion always advocated the Gorerumeet. Now tion to uy Iii we do not say that it is imperative for all Government nficirrla to support the man under,whom they act -but we do say that it is customary fur Clerks of the Feat* to giro the County Prietag which comes through their bands, to those papers who support the then Government, and not to elite who oppose diem. We would like to ask Mr. I.izars what we have done to merit this disgrace? Is it because we gave publicity, through our column, to the ur. letters of Juba Galbraith, s Lizars says we should not hate dooe with- out being a!rised as to their correetimes1 If this is the crime of which we stand ac- cused, we have only the same answer to make to Mr. Lizars, that we have made to Lim before, viz: that our columns were open for discussion, and the letters of John of the harbour is so great as to render the Galbraith were for his especial benefit, erection of a Draw -Bridge there, on any permanent footing, entirely impracticable without an outlay that would stew forth its advocates peony wise and pound foolish, letting alone the expense alwa) s required for the attendance of a Bridge in such a position. 2nd. It would prove an eser- lasting nuisance and unpedimentto the free ingress and egress of ti e Harbour, parti- cularly at night, and on occasions of stor- my weather, consequently the owners of the Harbour would and could effectually grist lad Yell ne0111rM tree. Aar the loss bid occurred by pdegivig a $.,°brio. sad By -Law for the erection of a Item Bridge at the old sae, M peieipees d Sugpeaioe, web u would reader it prod spinet the ewe coevuktioss r( mature as had destroyed the fuel use. But the pleas - tag hopes thea created have sew, alas, parsing away- the Comcd at their lest meeting, a .moth ago, appear Dot 00l1 to have sbandosed the project altogether of building the Bridge on a permanent con- struction, but also, at the same time to have altered the tits end poartiou of the public highway, without say aebmisaioo to the parties eoseeraed is the matter. Altera- tioes of highways have always heretofore taken place under public petitions wail cer- tain notices, and the hearing of the reasoaa of all parties concerwed, both far and against the measures, and the Municipal Law, no doubt, implies, or at all erects ought to do .o, that no alteration of any public highway should take place excep- ting on the same principles. A Draw- bridge at the mouth of the Harbour ap- pears to bare carried with our Council, after their throwing aside the first much more approved and popular project, and this has taken place with some of them pos- sibly on the score of ecouomy, and with otbers perhaps, for the object of gaining time and evading the undertaking altogeth- er. This last project of the Council is objectionable on the following considera- tions :-let. The apace across the mouth k'Pao a eiedterlawhisk ,gwg att a amides of the NM .1 le awe or ties nberesead,thet. a eery al does Vi be t to the asa To to he Istat beaeLued. and that tha.wti sorperehews be respect- fully a .elicited a p resthe isbabitasts fie each • lees) este mewl; carer the u for pro.ecutieg the Arid Wit these Crewed to this Wipes' Resoludoes be m tee Ga.rieh N.wspape e Proposed by Mr. Ater. Yoeogr J"ar- and accorded by Mr. Peter R.o►ertsoa : That a eery of these Resolutions be hem - t' :. 1 .., ' :Adft'llOr c•+ lu:. wdr .a ....,., - , G,NA1. lea retitle Aa s1 LtWebr, sad Aware Hai 1 t61 Tempsr*ac• caws, 1 sanest dereweede tae meth each urugeueo sarreneweimibedwees, it is the that sb- lain for tee advocates al Teeiperaeee, frees thew °prowls, the character of bigotry and pnJses*, a character, which, with few •tc.ptias they do sot surd. - Mr. Chau is nut the mil to make the cases popular. I cescsive that the work causal - ad M Yes is to persuade the people of the of the proposed measure, said to roast out cirly, yet forcibly, the good ef- fects resulting from its adoption; este how- ever, does not seem to he Mr. Closes view of hu duty, or we would not see from every town or village he vets, such constant com- plaints of his forbidding, and abusive style of lecturing, which complaints caunot its justice be imputed to a factious opposition by the opponents of the cause, as such are not mad. of the other lecturers engaged is the work. I am Sir, your obed'nt. sen't, ANTI-PILLJ U LACE. July 28th, 1852. bly transmitted is the Warden of the Municipal Caused of the Veiled C.t+Nivis of Huroef, Perth and Bruce --owed. It was prepoeed that Mr. wig McDoesld, leave the chair and fist Mr. I).rel Lizars take the same : A vote of theatre was thea gives to the Cbairsaa and the meeting dissolved. After the steetm( the Coaomittee elected Mr. Sheriff McDonald Claims* and Mr Thomas Nicholls Secretary of Committee. Mr. Gtbbooi proposed and Mr. Watson seconded, That the Bribed) .Hotel be the place of meeting foe the Ceramitto°-ear'd• • NIGHT PATROL. A meeting of the sight Patrol was MW in the/Temperance Rall oo Friday eresiag the 30th ult. I'wbt. Moderwell, Esq., in the their and Mr. Thos. Nicholls Seeretaryl A letter was read by the Seer. from James Watson, Esq., declining the bettor conferred oo him at a previous meetag by which he was made Captain of tbe Patrol. Proposed by William Wallace, Esq., sad seconded by Mr. Wm. Story, that II. B. O'Connor, Esq., be Captain 'bf the Night Patrol. It was also proposed ted seconded that Mr. Wm. Story be Lieutenant, and that the Members of the Corps keep watch in rotation according as their names had bees enrolled. and not for min. Therefore, we tett tree Clerk of the Pease to answer the calumny of John Galbraith, if such it was, or by his eilesee to give the public an opportunity to form their own eouclusions. All we can say about this matter, boberer, is that Mr. Lizars, owing to his. multifarious duties, has not time to answer them, or perhaps he has adopted the old maxim, least said soonest rncr+:lrd. Our friend Galbraith, by the way, seems to be waxing impatient, ted says he shall take the trouble of an- swering bis own letters anon. l• Messrs. Chalk and Brown, the dele- gation from t;odericb to Buffalo have re- turned, and we are informed that they have met :lith every success so far at Buffalo is concerned, but that the Iluron is to expect un a_si,lance or co-operation from the Ca- nada Company in the ncgociations of our i Genticmeu,bring toy explanations to a dose debentures. \Ce are also informed that b, adding, if you think our Dlunieipal Council guilty of duty, or of uanecessary should we reeeire an Act; that the govern: i delay in thematter now at issue, or oC ar meet have intimated that their support may-sumeng to themselves too much power in be depended upon. adopting steps for the alteration of a por- resist any such project on that account. - 'rhe River Maitland is well known to be one of those streams most impassable with- out a Bridge in Western Canada, the re- medy of providing for the public conve- nience is entrusted to the Municipal Coun- cil and they, of course, are, and ought to be impeachable for all oegtects and eva- sions of duty, particularly under so impor- tant a circemsunce as the one, upon which this meeting has now takeu place. I now, FARM MOB OWLsr A V1LUABLi Pesebeld I.ees w Let ire. 68, ea the et► Coe. to the Tows dip.(Gedeatth. °eatesteg M we. 46 df Wirth ere a 85 Gee el 10100111•011. well with a fall nt steam Weigh the °eerie of the let, a good ju- ke. a Yams °echoed elm hearts( Gary enema Iodide the Tows to Gederteb, ea; 8 of the village •1 Ba1M4. A geed Log Hous, lathed ani plastered; a Bare 41 by 3e, SI ode .red fd&We•. Poe perta.ulare im- ply to Amdrew I)o s.ga r• the Tows of (lodertcb, er to the macaw .. the pro mime• SAMUEL SPLAY. P. B. Terme easy Goderl.h, July Iii►, 1832. Ilion of one of our most public highways, tY It is reported, and we believe it to be , and the site of one of our most important Bri d;es without subiipiwoa to, or the con - too true, that our Town has been visited by I vcnicnce ofthe parties concerned; that s mad -dog, and that a number of dos have ! facer is a power above that of the Muni - been bitten' y tem. Those who have (lege i cipal Council to whom they are amenable, .ho:dd be very cautious, and have them secured without delay. ANGLG-AMlRIC♦:c,-'rhe second num- ber of this highly interesting and valuable forward. „ Magazine has reached us. We hope the Mr. Daniel Lizars proposed the follow_ public will give it their warmest yupport• a and to whom you can apply for redress. - Certain resotutions,I understand, have been ppropared for submission to, and the ap- proval of, this meeting, and I call upon the parties having such to bring the same now gommunitations. LUNATIC ASYLUM• 111111E DIRECTORS of the LUNATIC ASYLUM hereby give clothe, that In coneegee.ee of peremptory metroetreee which they have received from the Execu- tive Qo*ereeteny reverie( them to cell• hue their expsed.„t• for the matnteasece of the Inetitutto■ wattle the hater of the Parliamentary Goat for that purpose they are euinpelled to dose the doors of the Amy- lum against the admiestoa of all preterits, except such as have the rattans of beating the Poll amount of their owe •zp.as.s. Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, July 26, 1853. v5 ate St A PUZZLE. I Ws commend this origi- FY sal riddle to the careful OUO coneideratioe of these of WEPO our readers who ibisk it RYOUR. moan* them. PAPE We copy the above from RPA the Oquaka Spectator, and YU trust a port:orrof our reed• p ors will sot give up Is dee- pair. By a careful and continued applica- tion for a time it may be solved; and we cannot holt think when solved, • very groat length of time will elapse before the benefit of this solution will be felt in a form that we can readily appreciate. This conclu. mon, however may be problematic, but shall aexinudy await its determination, tutting that it may be in oar favor. 1f it is yet au magma, please read it again. -Iowa Repot, Ursa..,, re pas"tenon we ass solos as•AL• Sir Having seen in your 10 a of tbe 22nd ult., u article Ketol "Anti -Hum- bug," wherein the writer is very desirous of creating a flattering iipressoQ* is favor of Mr. J. C. Clore, an impression, wbicb from Lis abusive and unpopular style of lecturing, is not justly his due. I have been induced to offer a few remarks to skew the public, that the opinion formed by tbe writer is not the unanimous opinion of those who heard him ; indeed, I think be stands nearly alone in bar estimation of that gentleman -t character. Of Mr. Clure's natural abili js u a public speaker, I am not prepared to judge, but that Itis language and manner is not becoming his vocation, "Anti -Humbug" seems inclined to admit in the following passage: " Aoy one with a partici of good sense in his pate, would have overlooks a fear ob- jectionable gestures and remarks, which will be found more or less prominent in every public lecturer so indefatigable in his attempts to interest and *muse a promiscu- ous audience as is Mr. Clure." Now, Mr. Editor this is certainly a new theory, that objectiooable gestures and remarks, are a necessary qualification of an indefatigable leeurer, and, accor- ding to the simple rule of proportion, the more objectionable the mon isd.fati- gable ; now taking this as our criterion, we must eertainly admit that Mr.Clures stands at the head of indefatigable lecturers. "Anti Humbug" also wishes to make it appear, that it was from the opponent of the Tem- perance cause, and sons of Bathos, that Mr. Clure received oo tbe night of the lecture, such marked proofs of disapprobation ; now be is perfectly aware, that an those who left etre room were either Sons of Temper- ance, or acknowledged friends of the cause ; and u for the remarks applied to them by Mr. Clue, I think there is not ooe who beard him with the exception of the writer, but will admit they were extremely uwar- rutable, uncalled for, and untrue; be spoke of them during the evesieg as the wise drink- ers and rMl-nosed topers wbo'had left, when the troth is there were *either wixdrisbr>t, nor rednosed topers amongst them ; sad, eves if each had been she ease, the fact d their quietly leariag the room was no justi- fication for applying such insulting epithets to the respectable inhabitants of the tows, to whom such a mode of tidvoeatiag • ewe cassot be defetaded by any sensible perces. There are some people I ars aware, who are se blinded by reindict, u to esseidsr that they are boned to support everything that takes l'emperenee as its motto, re- gardless whether it is hurtful to the eatm or mot. Then are also another *iva who have just «ease eoosgb to be aware, that there beteg Sons of Temperance is ea Woe of wheel they ought to be prised; bat their selfishness sad vanity, w se gnat that matted .1 eodesvorssag to extend that honor to ethers, they lo's epos their posi- tion as Seas of Tesspersnee, but u u ,hobos fro. which they 'rata look down with eoatermpt upon others without their psi, wed ie the self-esSewmey of thew pride, exclaim! "stead aside, I am heiiat thee Uwe ;" wept this dame Mr. Chore's stye of leetenmg, 1 exbeesely popular, the take a s press deight . V n•varied shrive throb, 'part all thou who ant sat Sees of Trspsurwm ; tea be teed deep desty shits forgetful, tied fie seas ors be is engaged to lakeside, mw M some sreesm, resolve Ow espies( of a .uij.rR, of tbsus w Mr. Oen alas GOnai ucn Ga antra SCHOOL. -The• Prise Limit of the above Seboot will - in our next week's issue. -One of our correspondents says: -On observing by your issue of the 22nd ult., that Lord Elgiu bad summoned Parlament to meet on the 19th instant; brings to my recollection, that the 19th of August, 1792, gave birth to Bntains greatest Stateman, I.ord John Russell, and a statesman that tug resolution, winch was seconded by Mr. David Lawson, and carried unanimously. That as the Inhabitants of the Coun- • - of Huron residing to the North of the River Maitland and the entire County of Bruce are suffering great hard- ships, privation and expense, owing to the interruption of all communication to and from Goderieh when tab state of the Ricer p is its being forded, that this meeting adopt such measures u will procure with as little delay as possible the construction of a Bridge over the River Maitland, at or near the site of that carried away upon tbe A awe of tw ase W sod ►ase &u ei penal te the C boa Guth .diet Ned As Coss cord. eel C lies, kb hod Coe til Sks ford 1*07 each A the (ro reqs Cou and petit lose vale and fiat ,trod to A the De nee ae and 'r• -1 tw or fife Jul t hu the as pre au til ter of u or. po It 0 ab as Io or m a to til h fi A It t DY -LAW No. Law te setbe)eteo the Nudes •f thio U., i. e* D.ise t• pal OMB Para Iteea y to Meta..Sa# stares of the 1.- C&pito tee Rumford and I• Jeaet Such Rarlroed Campo o7 - amuse the Dinette's °f the Breeden, g edJustto Stec/ tie dlies .6 eSautepee Resat .ad Bufutu Radios/ Dem its •lt.t.reesttoe with the Great Wee- k/mimed. to t1.Tews of fudotJ meaty of lissom; sod endo have 'them pseud Ise 16.t porp•se. °sized the subecrtptsee of 6hy thuuas.de tonal shares W the Capital Sous _ the Compare. the Warden of the United d, or Huy ► to ea- sedof Huron Porth sod Broca, nee sett6 s Reaolsrtoe of the Mustei oumterCouncd of the sari Dotted L ous- autbertateg ham sou do,h.a, fur and 0s 11 of the said United Counter*, subecr- or and acquired, and the s.td United .tree sow bold and owe tweet( five thou ▪ shares of the mod lddrtaowol res to the Capital Stock of the Brant• sod Buffalo Joint Stock Railroad Com - of the price os value of Eve provide share. od whereas it is expedient to empower Warden of the said United Counties, m time to time, u be shall be thereunto ired by Re.oluttoo of the MunktpeI nett of the said United Couetlee, 10 l.nin grant debentures of the said bluster- y for the sum of one 6nodre4 and sty Five thouesod pounds, the price or e of the aid twenty five thousand ,bares in full payment thereof, payable oo the day of July one thousand right bun and seventy two, the raid D -benturea beer interest payable seml annuatty. nd whereas for the payment of the said beater's Red the interest thereon, at ported, and times aforesaid it will be ry for the said Municipality to raise tally as • Special Rate over and above ROBERT SNODGRASS. FAe•HIONAHI.F. Df1OT & SHOE MANUF.%(TUHEIt• (O.. door Etat of .C. Crobb'e SS..re.) W OULD reform tart inMtluante of Gods rich and seighbortio.d that he is pre- pared to make to order or otberwiee, any kind of Laate's and Geatlem.ei.. Fine or Farley work, in the 'realest mad most fashiuuahle style. And will also fareemh heavy Boot* and Shote, to 'tett the ne cesauiea of those that may hoot him with their custuw. 16r prices willbe .odeeate. Godencb, July 29th, 1862. v5n19 FATILOccVa* Ire*. -W regret to an. nouoce that Mr. Joebue Morehouse, was drowned, while bathing in the River Tay, os the evening of Wednesday last. It would appose.: that deceased entered the river about eight•fall, a short distance be low Miller's Foundry, the deepest part of the stream; that be got beyond hie depth, and being unable to swim, went down is about sixteen feet water. One or two other persons were bathing et the same time, and *event were undressing on the beet; but no -timely asuetalce could be teodered. Through the pr.iseworthy and active exertaoaa of Mr. Arthur Coach, the body war recovered, at great personal risk; but sot till three quarters of ae hour had elapsed. Prompt and immediate efforts wore taken by Dr. Wilma to resu,eiete the body; but all efforts proved oanailibg- Deceasedwas only nineteen years of age; amid bis sudden and untimely dewier, is most deeply deplored by every person who en. payed the pleasure of h:. aequatotaece.- Perte S'Janitord. SwaaA Brrua.-The Tincture of rabelia, fven io deems ora table scoopful every few MONOCHROMATIC PAINTING' rIs11F. Subserber will give Lemons in the above Art, during the Holidays of the Grammar School. Terms known upon application. JOHN HALDAN, Jr. Godetid, 2S1b Jul,, 1853. e3e27.2w SHERiFF'S SALE OF LANDS. 31st December last. Cawda owes ber prosperity to. By es- tabha6ing Responsible Government, car- Mr. James Watson proposed and Mr. rieddlat by that leeward Nobleman, Lord W. M. White seconded the [text resole - tion, which was also carried. Sydenham. Our cotrerpoadent does not mean to enumerate all the valuable mea- sures introduced and carried by his Lord- ship, since he brought into Parliament the 'test Acts -the prelude to Catholic Eman- . ,patios -as• they would require columns to enumerate. Our correspondent merely ,;sections this to enable the liberal iuhalri- tints of (.adana to celebrate that. eat • sy as it eight to be. MAITLAND BRIDGE. That notwithstanding the apparent de- sire manifested by the County Conseil to build a new Bridge, as • thibited by their Resolution and By -Law of January last to construct a Wire Bridge at the old sate, as also their abandonment of that project by the substitution of a Draw -Bridge at the Harbour mouth, as declared by their Reso- lution of the^2913 Juue last -the Harbour and the access to it befoo i ng to the Cana- da Company, and which eolild not be effect- ed without a special action of the Legis- lature -this meeting is of opiates, that the most decided step• must now be adopted by the interference of the law to compel the Council to accede to the pressing waits ted wishes of the public in the instance. Proposed by Mr. Harvey Brace, and seconded by Mr. McClaren. That as the represeltstioos made to the County Council of the urgency of a •ee Bridge hare faikd to induce that body to give that atteatioe to the pressing wants of the Inhabitants, which their Faso armee ed, u exhibited by the Resol of the last meeting of the County Coeocil-that this meeting do appoint the following Gen- tlemen as a Committee to empiny Goosed learned in tare kw, to carry out whatever measures may be required for the protec- relative to of the rights of the ['ebbe, His matter. T1s Muriel Gestkmee were .ppomt- ed to set se • Fertitte, with power to add to Lir iambi. Mews. Sheriff McDonald, W Young, Dat Clerk, Raj Miler, Peter Roberts.., Wm Wallace Ds•iel Laura. Harvey Blue, W M White, ilkCleres, Robe Sly, LIM Davison, W ■ B Rick, Dr iies•ik s. Mr John Morris., Chas Girvan, David Lawson- ns, Robt. Gibbons. James Watson, Alex. Annand, John Pentland, Wm Rastall, John King. Gavin Hamilton. Robt. Young, James Payne, y Mr J Gibviesr sed etieendd by Mr. Jamas Wow that Ave members of the Committee form a lee- non--ear/Wel. proposed by ivr. David Chat. red u•.iI h Air. Alasder Yeseg Sear. An impnrtant meeting convened by the sheriff of these L:uaited Counties pursuant to the requisition of twelve or more free- holder, was held at Goderich, on Saturday the 31st telt., to adopt measures cakulated o remove the serious difficulties experiea red by the non -erection of a Bridge across ,he River Maitland, in place of the ooe ,• armed away by the floods of December 'est. '['here was a very Targe and a highly espectable attendance upon the ocraeiOD. :11r. Sheriff McDonald opened the meeting with the following remarks from the chair. This meeting you are aware was called an consequence pf ooe of the most impor- tant Budges is these 'Jailed comities hav- ing been carred away by the floods of De- cember lest-• period of so less than seers moths, had aothisg .to good purees, it may he sand, hides yet bees dere towards the *rectum of a sew ose. A large por- tion of the people of Noma, and the white of those of Brae are ester* ender this delay, probably im all 5000 people, and the number daily meressieg, who are War the we rate of Assea.aeat with the rest of the people of the Petted Ceumtien of Vireo, Perth and Brise, bol trio free the essereetaoe of thee Bridge an desist the N ur facility of intercom,* sad ooavealseee IIB travel. Oar Mraieiral Cnraetl raised + o Art MCNOi.t s, BRIM ERAD4Dt%E:YERA L AGENT. NT. Apra: for Orrtor'o Marrow if -a. aatrrrnce Co. NOTARY PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT AND CeiNVEVAMUCK. INOU A CCBoeau /s ted ou Houses,: Ship- ull Bold k Rented, Go 4s IfuweM fro Lamle ((rewarded. .correctly drawn, and All hied• of Deed Books and Areou.te adjusted. Office over rhe Tacseury, Goderic nRD )oly 96, ISSt. AUSTRALIA. United Counties of ) By ,irtnc of a !Jaron, Prrtk 4• Bruce. j + Writ of Fieri Tn w1T : isseedoul of Her Msjeety's Court of Queens Bench and to me dneeted against -the Lands and Tenements of W tIliam Frederick McCue loch, st the suit of William Rom, James Mitchell and lthn Fi,kie. 1 have seized and mace to execution the fullowine pro, per), viz: -Park Loth Noe. 417, 418, 419 and 460. 1 Block opposite the English Church, Lot No. 391 opposite Corner, sad Park Lots Nos. 435, 454, 433,°453, 431 Gad 430 and now laid out seo town Lou of 1 of en Acre each, lying and being in the Tows of Stratford in the County of Perth. Also Lou Nos. 1 tied 1 in the second Conaess;ns of the Township of Ellice, Cue - taming by admeasurement two hundred Ares, ba the same more or len. Alio Lot No. 46 in the Seeped Costes, sloe of the 'l'owo.bip of North F.asihope co lumtne by admeauremrnt nne hundred and fifty sight acres, be the same more or Winston said to be a perfect cure for the .. bite of a .Dake If taken in time The perinea • leeApao Lets \ori. 48 and 47 in the First should tie op hie wound.leg te1t as wqell leo- a Cos: when of the Townsm" of North Kest posatble above the It i. well know° that one or two of the routbern corretpeo- dente Fave stated that if a person is bitten by a snake, an antidote for it, is at once to chew a good piece of tobacco in the mouth, lay it elle the bite and tie up. Broody ie also .sift b•h eure for the bite, If applied quickly outwardly and inwardlr. inadddition to all other Rates a nes whatsoever as follows, that is to say O each year Bot and during the period art enty years, eOmmeectog on the first day July one tbousaod eight hundred and y -two and extending to the first day of y tom thousand eight hundred and •seren- two til• suns pi thutcen thousand .even odrsd ted fitly pounds• And whereas the RatraMt Property Of said United Counties according to the eesmeot of the same fur the now next ee•ding Financial year amounts to the m of ooe 01illton one hundred and ten ousaad pound.. And whereas for the payment of the in est semi Ily en, and fur the croatoo a Srnaloo Finn for the payment of the rinc:pul ef, such Debentures so to be is ed as aforesaid for the aforesaid eum ni • hundred and twenty-five tbousaod undo, and payable at the period aforesaid will be necessary to s.aese,levy and raise pop the whole Hoteabls. roprriy Within e raid Untted'Cououes of Huroo, Perth d Bruee.a Special Rate in each year dur- g the continuance of the sad Debentures any of them on the sum or 10011 by them ado payable, or any part thereof, over od above sad to addition to all other Rate* ClRCCLAR ADVERTISEMENT. nd Tates whatsoever a follows -that is - say -u each year for sari throng the THE Ur.dero4g.w1d.sirrsto.egotistlos Cori sid period of tweet, years commencing oa regaode•te sad lbs Country hterehasu of e Bret day of July one thoward sight Wrytm Casada that h• is daily ezpectieg by rotted sed 6fty•lwo, sed extending to the firer Vessel. is 1•,verpn.d and London, a tarp ret day of Joy one thousand ed eight hundred stook of Me,cbs.dise, which will le sold low m red 1st. Arm pares is t6• pound- Grub h Met ter o. Lied defimite credo.. let. Be It therefore erteeted by the Muni R- 11. BRETT- ipel Council of the United Counties of 161 Kies prosy .5,.,s15. luron. Perth sod Bruce, commuted, and in lona°, Apri128sb, 1058 Council assembled under and by virtue of ..- - ----.. he "Upper Canada Municipal Corporation LINSEED OIL, PAINTS.*IAVY00 DD8 eta," and it is hereby enacted, that from Re"-Ae. • and after the paring of thle By Law -the IiF. Usderiigeed Ms for thole Warden of the sed United Counties, .ball TWO hogeheede and quarter -casks Boiled ave power and authony, and he is hereby / Linseed Oil. authorized, empowered and required to a 70 hogshead. Cud gearar•eiasks Raw. sa of the eaid •ewe party ab.rrel., int Eaglsb, ue, grant and make Debeetur Muoteipabty of the said United Counties 5 tons Whitening, meta.,or the sum of Mie hundred and twisty 6M 2 tot Cb.lk, is casks. houeand pound• in full payment of •II 120 kegsbest Dry WMte 1Ad, money due and owinp or to become due 2200 kip • Red Lead, and owing by the said Municipality, for or 10 cask* eostaioing kegs Chested Pains -alt colder.. on account of or to respect o(, twerty•five ,JO t.1%psora Site, thousand share of the CAr1TAL Bloat of 10 casts p ors Sa the Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock Rail. 10 bar Cdem Tartar. ar. road Compadb y, held and owned by the said 10 cams Bollix.Municipality, provided atway• that each do- -AL80- beater" Omit not be for a lees sem than 1,..„„,,,i„,.,11,2212-,P.,eb 011 for bt.ebivty, tw•nty'6ve pounds. And provided forth Otis. Oar-iobarren; Vinegar i• barren; Carrot that the Warden for the time beteg, she Oil is ata sod use. R. H. BRETT. issue no sea debenture or deb, inures u tel ging Port 2 der and by virtue 0.( this By -Iwo, ext• Totww ApnI 28ib, 1859• S vs -alb: red ► R . firths, At Holland Mills, (Township of Wilmot) on the Did Inst.. Mrs. John Johns, of a son. s CHAIRS! CHAIRS ! ! THE Subscriber will constantly keep on treed a varied assortment of Windsor. Boston,Roeking and Nursing Chairs, which he will sell ebeap for cash. DANIEL GORDON• Godericb, August iib, 1831. v5ns8m3 NOTICE. Will be sold by public auction on the tet of September next, immediately after the show of Fall Wheat, the Society's thorough bred Durham bull calf, one year'• credit gives on (arsisbtng approved endorsed pas By order ROBERT MODERWELf., See. Feat PORTS PHILIP AND SYDNEY. Only Regular Line of Clippe-r ,Shari. TUE MAGNIFICENT A I CLIPPER 8111P EPAMINONDAS, 1300 TONS BUItTIIt:N• WHITE, COMMANDER• WrABoBa I'oa . un 71118LIT of Att. Sem. ear in Nem Voris. roIT•np IT trT te only nee y tansy that tier sec/0- odations ill be fully equal to those et • the Ship "Recent•." whet' .be ruecerdi to line. She caneo an tarso• red Fh'p• geon, and every ih,ng r (mi.d y the For pettKslare u to l'esight or l'a,a.ge apply to F. A. BALL. H.*,iltes. R. W. CAMEItOI., 116 1 a(t ort` W . ELLIOTT, Britii h Free i ..n.ul, Bo•tnn. A euperinr Ship *111 fellow on the 1.t Sepren.bcr. e5nR4 Jul, 7th, 1359. GODERICIIAI irr MARNIA, HURON rib. sew end eligaut Lowprowore Steads Brat Rl'Bl', will rem d.risg the ensue ing as follows:, -Leave iloderieb, ( weather perotttttsg,sv.ry Sunusy moreisg at 9 °'cluck, and $armis, Mooday at 6 • o'clock. err Satyr - day, Leave Detroit, for Goderieh,. cry day, at 9 o'clock, a. in. and Buse, At 4 o'c.ock p. m. to Yr. E. For freight or passage apply 1(. Marlton, forwar.icr, next door, north of the KineudIn• Arae.• ELI WAIIR td Detroit, Feb. 20th 1862. vA-ed R. H. BR I.TT, GENERAL MERCHANT--Wr10LESALF„ 18 hing-St., Tere.te, Upper Camads, IMPORTER of Shelf and Heavy Hardwire. Bar lion, Steil, Chain, Nails. 0aopowder. -ALSO- Importer A LSO - di Wo., Oil.. Paints, Glas.,ptEsrihesaware'Im heir Origm.l Packages. v r -a15 April2dib, 1052 hope containing: by admeasurement two hundred Acres, be the same more or less. Also the Stratford Mills with the lard. and privileges attached thereunto. which hods, with the tenements, torso much of the same, a• may be Tecersary to satisfy the acid claim, l .hall offer for sale at the Court Room, to the County of Huron Geo!, in the Tows df Guderlcb, on Saturday the twenty third day of October, next, at the hour of twelve o'clock, norm. JOHN M'i)ONALD, Skeriff, H. P. $ 13. Sher'ff'e OtLee Godericb, July tOth,1351. v5o26 3t HAMILTON ,NOTICE I8 hereby given that the strip of Land ,tr- ate North of the Townships of Grey and Derby, ie the Counties of Grey sod Bruce, end extending nearly from Syden- ham to Sanaa, having recently been Our. rendered by the Chippewa Indians, of Sau- geen and Owen Sound to Her Majesty ther`D 3l ro e having is trust, to be sold for raid be MAIL CONTRACTS. 1 ahang keew n rv.yed, and laid into L d oyt into Farm Lets ler the perpo.e of settlement, ie BOOT AND SHOE STORE. THE Subscriber bea- m to inform the 1n - i habitants of Godericb, and the eec- rouoding Country, that he has lust opened a New Boot and Shoe Store, is Mr. Hare's new Bock House.Goderiell.- Where he will constantly keep on bard a large and well *sported stock of Ladle's and Gentlemen'. Bout. and Shoes. Which he will sell at low prices, Jor cask may. The Public ere Respectfully reggs.t.d to call and examine for themselves, before per. chasing elsewhere. Din eeeobd pnee• .fns ale. ALSO -Lasts and peg JAMES THOM PSON. Godere6, March 16, 1852- TS -rift -610 sow epos for sale, excepting Lots Noe. 18, SE.vrn rENDERS,.ddrened to the Bret Guesser., Qvebee, and er 11 o• Pi be shall be first tbereonto rrqut y ere - lotion of the said Muaotpal Council. Sed. Aad be it further enacted that the said sum of one hundred sod twenty-five thousand pounds, and the debentures there- for, snail become due, and be payable on the first day of July, IS the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy two. of D0, ad and pro subject to the h• whole Porrei Read projected through til whole mark " Tenders for ..41 &row," will he,.coled at Quartet until. 12 o'clock, acne, if O\ SATURDAY, nut era SEPTEMBER, ON 29, of a trees ro rod t roug • length or the tract, of such width and In seek dinettes as may be hereafter determin- ed upon..Intendin parchaers will on apple eaten to John Mclean. Esq., of Guelph, the autber1sed Agent for the Indtao Depart- ment, he reformed of the price per acre, oad the terse of paymeet. By Command. gRUCF.• [Sigeed.] R Guelph. 50th July, 1832. vl•n29w6 AUCTION SALE. ►rIIE S.b.eyiber will offer for sale on the 94th August, 1832, at Widow Tom- am's, (late Hairy 111.16.5 Tavern') under the Mme of the Farmer's Len, the follow' mg artistes, via :- Oue Bea Stove, One Cnnkleg Stove, St* Feather Bods, Four Tablet, Dee dose. Chairs, " Os. Wash Stand., O.. Fastest bldl, avid various other settees loo mumorooe 10 meetroe• Sale to eomempmee et 11 o'clock. A• M. Tering of Bele -Under its shdlmge Nish. over tee: to give good endorsed sola tall Int January, 1913. The above avern Steed a to be Let oe er before the da of Sale. • 14, HAACK F Ate trouser. Bayfield, lied Ague, 163*. veneer] .4 FAKM EOR MALE The asheenber offers fel sale owe heated oereO of •*cellist laid, 43 .:res chars si sod will Mneed, with • good Ise as *retard bearing fruit. Tse *bee* lea I. dusted se Did Coeesseree, bol 14, obeli of Wawavoeb, and ose ball auN» r` easel heeee---.1t the nosey ptrod hew.. Pee psrueslus apply to tee m .'.; y•- m- sewpow'e'. yr e eebe Orb A.g , lees. elft iaa\ tonrar antra Or .at m*Jae1r'e .si1... \ Seen timer pe• reek between .9mkerstbreg e.d Roadrrck. Sews times per week'iNrrn Lowly* and /'ort Mosley. Sri :awes per wrek adverts Leedom .ed tiSer. Sit mer pr► week lettere* London d (:ederiek, Sir times pep week ktreem Galt and Q.4, nJ, week befiren Ckotlam sad peer ranee per Jl"ndnrs' I betweenMore(Wards.404 ltict per week rifle) oed (weeder.. ON AND FROM THTE lete OCTOBER, Each .ib, state the and to b. accompanied ed by a asked in word.ds i I gib g the gnrr1 ant a of two rcrponnN• part..., ',voter, th.t im the event of the Ten dor beteg eepted the contract. .4 a duly "'seated by the partyaet ene d aid fee tb. prom which h, ho as a 'mend with t►s they osM"tak .g ..i4 pert" e(l C0'li rensum for the due per Bei 'ill , toregard 10 tb. mndm Fell Mrtienl*rs, eomnyaeee, *stases", rate of travel, times syr departere sad arryal, aid amnvet of me minty v. -quote trove the Commit°, ee eeelt rate, together with printed ter a of Tee Ike lied G.anmtee, may be obtatmad •t either of the M1.e'f t office* oe the line, .e lie eppl.eauom to the Ilubeer,Mr at Termite. JOHN DEW F r.O. 1m,, olDle w. Tensile, i6th Jell, 1631. 3rd. And be it further enacted, That the aid Debentures .18.11 bear intermit free, and alter the date thereof at and after the not of six per cent. per annum, sod shall be payable at such place or places, either with- in or without them Providence as the said Warden for the time beteg .hall think pro- per: and that ouch interest shall be, and shall in the raid debentures be male payable nmrennually at such time or times, and such place or places either within or with- out this Protein as the said Warden to the .std debentures .hall (Neil/nate toe appoint ; and the said debentures shall be issued and grant ed under the Corporate• Seal of the .s id Mumapality, end shall be signed by the said Warden, ted .hall be conotnreigned by the Treuurer of the said Municipality, and the mid Warden end Treasurer (ot the time being are hereby authorized empowered and requited So to sign and countersign 1ire some: and the said.rlebenturee shall have Coupes attached to them for the sold interest which said G,mprns *hall in like manner he signed and eouetereigned by t1. said Warden sod Treasurer respectively. • HARDWARERe. FOR RALE BY THE - UNDERSIGNED, tl marks Mente. Orem Scythe•. -. 4 do do Crad8Iig Scythes., 1 de Heak., 460 deers Americas 'fey thea, several Makers. 2 do Sickles, 70 liege CollChfs, d1 sizes, 140 do Hems Neils, 160 do Wreeeht Nails, 80 do 0e.powd.r (kegs sed meshes.). - 7 teas Slim. • 6 cater 8,. 1. and Dn.Ale 0.... putt. rootueiegs Saddles nod Bridles. 92 de soouieineCutlery, 8:Ige.teoir.Sawer Filet, tee (Sheffield Goode), 70 de ewtata,ag Leeks Latebe.. Scales. Seto, Trips, ami a 'general sleek of Birmiaibam A. Wolrerhsmp• Ms Geode, 40 Iargs ['mash Kenlvs (Seetch) 8 towel Pet sed. Camp Oven.. R. 1t. BitE"T. 4th. Aad be it further enacted. Tbat for the payment of the said deb.n!urei herein• b.fnr• provided to he tuned and granIN sod the Interest thereon, there shall be as - peered, levied and read upon the whole R.treb4s Prearry within lie said Uaked Counters of Here., Perth sod Brute, a' Special Rote Is each you daring the ooe• ttnoance of the said Il)ebeetnree or soy of tbem, es the loin or sums by them made p.ya to or any part thereof. over ted above end to mdditlss to all other rata and taxer', whataoe'er se teltows, that a to say, la each yes,. foe and during the said period et twenty year., commencteg o the first day e( Jely in the sear of oar Lord one thou mud stilt bstadred and fifaystwo, stet ex teething to the first day of Italy to the year of our lrwd ens 'stemmed *weal beached aid a.oaty-two /erre pewee is the posed. tam 1G1 Woe Street, Tomato, April 98th, 1852 Srb-e1Sr GROCERIES Ase., IN THE ORIGINAL' PACKAGES. 1THE UNDKRBIO1'(ED OFFERS (POS 1 SALE. 79 bili. Porto Rice Seger, 8 de Loaf M s; 50 bbl. and R deice. Cresh.d ,, $.meet. 3410 chest. Tear, varies glade., •_ M se 70 baCafe., 90 de Pepper, t" • ` 20 do Pimeate, --ale'''' UM bersa Rename, ter • 10 es.ksCsrreetre .•'k•alellies I 4t1Mils do .Roils 4 ease. indigo., 9riehese* sures qualities Tebagw -a'" 100jars M.e.bey $..tl; • 4 tierces L.sados Masted, in 41be A til No-vca.-The whops 65 s trite copy of a penpneed By Law to be takes 'nue arsed.r• Hien by Ow M.oieipahty of the United Carew of Herne, Perth sod Rome, at the Bores horst, are the Tow. of Cboderreb, to ,be Ginty of Bores, os. of w Mare UN red Cocottes, raw the 10t► ay of Goethe.. 1659, at 19 e'rleeh. noon. end as whtab time sed rhes the Members of the eaad M.ste,p.trry awe hereby re4aired to et toed for the peeps! els..e.rd. D. U. RITCUIII, Vesely Meek. Jolt:141►, 19411. es .86.14. P4'0. 4 eosin l..goeriee, fl eiask. r.'*. Book, 100 ba.s Prereh, 140 de Tahoe. Pipe., 161 K.sg $eisoe. i'eromsee April Roth 1659. LUi . 4_•1.t• QOTTON YA11NM' . CT( 7e 11AT7111Y, CAN E MACS, Ie. • von $ALU"., v _s , 2. 1' 45 ammo... A...whoa...tameiY+yr.. 190 CO 9a.ta, 860 b. t. reeete eeteb, '.5.) TO de Twice, 19 bene W 0Yies. - L10-- 43 se --435o.em $at,eaaty, Enos. lied (drew Paper..e.mn.•d Qeatnt 0, 9 Italie b.tr ten Mill it.+e4, 1• de W,mpp4sg Pt r• i.tree0 Ink -hest Lead.* lee 4 Mare' $aAaa r e,. 1e,:16t 116101T. i11 R•.o $tree. .+• ., w•+.. ♦e teem, Awed 86.18, I41i9 ,4k4411 e •