HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-22, Page 7Face high int.e rest rate
for debenture ISSUes
,--'Continued, from page 1 adian Canners .Id.., who are
It would be possible to conduct eonside#xnft expansion o opera -
classes iii the arena and the tions. here.
library basement, as had been It was this suggested, need for
gg Deed
done in .other years.
However, the reeve voted with
the rest of the members to 4P -
prove the debenture issue,
New PUC prefect?
Another project for which the
town may have tq raise money
is a filtration plant which the PLTC members anterviewd the
PUC may need to 'provide a Ontario Water Resources Com -
Urger supply of water for Can- mission Wednesday to determine
what treatment facilities would
be required.
Question of the Sanders•river
drain also entered into this prob-
lem since the dumping of drain-
age above the dam may require
more extensive treatment of
the water in the reservoir.
Couneil dealt with other mea-
sures also associated with they
proposed expansion. It agreed
Das..to open. up Marlboro street from) h wpodomments
Wellington to Bock, if request
ed, and to provide snore dram- By MRS ERVIN RADER
t;. .<%, m
water which prompted the PUC
to instigate construction of the
Morrison dam in llsborne tocwn-
sMp to provide a sufficient re-
servoir. Before the water can
be used, however, it will have
to be treated.
Kirkton class
views shes
The Class That Counts met at
the home of Mrs. Laverne
Stone. Mrs. Ross Tufts assisted
by Mrs. Clarence Switzer and
Mrs. Russell Morrison, conduct-
onducted the worship service, i age for effluent from the plant
The president, Mrs. Ray Payn if this was necessary.
ter, conducted the business.
Mrs. Don Webster showed in-
and informative slides install equipment
of a trip she had taken along
the St. Lawrence Seaway and — Continued' from page 1
to Algonquin Park. through which the milk is heated
Mrs. Wesley Neil conducted a from 40 degrees F, to 162 and
cooled back to 40 degrees. it's
an ingenious system technically
termed "regeneration of BTU's."
In simpler terms, the milk does
Watson last Tuesday at 7:30 p.m, the pasteurization practically by
rejects appeals
Hay .council rejected a nuts- .
her of assessment appeals
Thursday right during. a court
of revision sitting,
Petitions for lower values en-
tered by Mrs, Antonnette Bor-
que, W. T. Murray,. Joseph :Can -
tin, Alvin Regier and a number
of appeals on dogs were not up.
Assessments lowered included
the $400 value placed on the
CNR sheds at Kippen, which ere
being torn down, and a..5300 re-
duction for Mrs. Irene Flanni-
A number of changes invol-
ving separate n u 1i
and public school
supporters were made.
The council approved the pro-
posed addition to SHDHS and
passed a bylaw setting naming,
tin and election dates for Nov.
27 and Dec 7,
tion followtng the operation,
Mr. and :Mrs, _Bruno Norwitz
family, -o# Toronto, spent
Town T0DI
J /Albert
items of social and Personal interest In ,an. Around Exeter
T� d
The ;Exeter Tim's. -Advocate is always pleased to ,publish these Items.
We and our readers are Interested In you 4nd your trlends, Phone 770.
"..•• .. , .v.... l
Mr, and Mrs. George Berrin- Hospital, London,
ger, Brenda and Eva Jean and
Mrs. Gordon Pekes, of London,
visited with Mrs. Will7am Pybus
on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs, Luther Reynolds
of town spent Thanksgiving
weekend }vith Mr. and Mrs, Hart-
ley Chappel and Mr. and: Mrs.
Allan Chappel in Dundas and
took in the International Plow -
Mg Match at Peter's Corners
and the turkey supper at Bock
Chapel church,
Miss Margery Broderick has
returned home from St. Joseph's
,::.. z ?'.:::: ?"., .. .. ; ;. �, sa;, rw>" w, a ire +v�,+�••m¢ z..c� � �a'"�� x` rim,
contest followed by lunch.
4-H club makes pyjamas
Kirkton 4-H club held its meet-
ing at the home of Mrs, E.
Helen Humphreys read the min- itself-
utes of the last meeting which What happens is simply this:
was followed by the roll call, the incoming milk exchanges
A finish I plan to use on my temperature with the outgoing as
pyjamas they pass on opposite sides of
The girls are all to look for the plates. The milk entering
a picture suitable for the front the machine at 40 degrees is
cover of their record books, cooling the heated milk back to
Mrs, Watson discussed and 40 while the hot milk coming
gave notes on laying pattern on
material, cutting and marking,
the proper way to gather, and
how to .make •the lapped and
French seam, The home assign-
ment and roll call.were given
out for next meeting.
The work period followed when
the girls practiced making the
kinds of seams. ' A senior work-
ed with a junior to get their
patterns cut out and marked.
Shirrey Rundle moved the
meeting be adjourned..
Personal items
The flowers in the Anglican
church on Sunday were placed
by the family in memory of
Mrs. Ernest Cowdrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler
and family visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stacey and
family of Avonton.
The KCA and Teenville are
giving a Hallowe'en party for
all in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, on
Friday evening, October 23.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Veitch of
London visited Sunday with Mrs.
H. Copeland and Miss Ethel
Copeland. -
Mr, and . Mrs.- Tack Urquhart
spent the weekend` with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Thompson of Pontiac,
William Blackler, Cecil Dob-
son, Burns BIackler and Ronald
Denham attended the Inter- and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
national Plowing Match at Dun- Harry Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sims of Van-
couver, B.C. who have been visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. John
Sims here and with other rela-
tives left for home last week.
While here Mr. Sims had a birth-
day party and a going away
party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Sims and gifts were
presented to both.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John
Sims and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Sims and Wilbert Sims motored
to Arthur, Gordonville and Do-
mestis, the former home of Mrs.
Sims. It is 69 years since she
visited her birthplace and her
school that she attended still
stands, also the well they used
for drinking water is still in use
but the house has been re-
back heats the cool milk going
All this happens ]n 16 seconds!
The .heating and cooling pro-
cess was formerly done in sep-
arate vats. That's what con-
sumed all the time, The vat had
to be filled, which took 20 min-
utes, then heaited, which took
another 20. It was held in the
vat for 30 minutes, then bottled
—a 90 -minute operation in all,
The new vacu•therm machine,
which is tied in to the new pas-
teurization system, eliminates all
the odors from mil(, leaves it
Whiter, fresher -tasting, •
All of which makes milk,
nature's "perfect" food, better"
than ever.
''� •: .�+.iti,.a'ni%,«l�. iM Y B.:::...:.uI `k' ::.I:...'%n
Comments about
Crediton East
a ai'w"•.S"i.*r7.h: h:' ;� .m''w'z w Yr` MER ver ISESEM
Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Caudle,
Patsy and Bobby, of Sarnia, vis-
ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..
William •Motz.
Mr. Edgar Lewis and sons,
Perry and Thomas, and grand-
son, all of M+anateka, Mich., vis-
ited with the former's brother
das on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims, Mr.
and Mrs. William Kemp from
Winnipeg spent• the Weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Julian; of
Utica, Mich., spent a couple of
days with Mr. and Mrs. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gowan Pepper,
of Avonton, visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher,
Rev. ren de Vries, Trivitt
Memorial Church rector, was
elected diocesan chaplain of the
Anglican Young People's As-
sociation at a meeting in Strat-
ford recently.
Mr. Charles Way, St, Thomas,
former resident of Exeter,
died on Thursday, October 15,
and was buried in St. Thomas
on Saturday. His wife was the
former May Rivers of Exeter.
A stepdaughter, Mrs. James
Lennox, of Sarnia, the former
Jean Ross of Exeter, died two
weeks previous. She is survived
by one daughter, Elizabeth;
two sons, David and Billy, all
at home; her •mother. Mrs.
Charles Way, and a brother,
Harold Ross, of Toronto.
The Sunday services of the
Exeter Pentecostal Church were
well attended under the minis-
try of Rev. Cornelius who is the
radio pester of the Chatham
Radio broadcast. Mrs. H. Butler
assisted with the services.
Many who listen to his radio
program were present at each
service. In the evening Rev.
and Mrs. Cornelius favored with
a duet, Two profitable and
anointed messages were re-
Reduced services on some routes.
Obtain your copy from your local agent or driver.
Kitchener Ontario
�tlllllll/ilial lti111Y1111111Y11111111IYI111r1Y111III'I,flllllll/11111111IIIIIYIIII !!lila rat 11r n1t1111111Y11111t1111fYtitiothrittiu rl rl
i,. t1111111t1111 r1r 1111111111111111 mutemu,mbath"tnttnntnnimdfnmmntt111111,t11t1111111iYI t111ilYllimteYI1111 alter',
'-. FOREST ---
• Bring Your Dry Cleaning To
Vernon Schatz - Dashwood
F /Pants 5O ,/ Dresse $1.00
.rrrvr..9ir, rrrrrr' rr, rri rr.rrr
V Skirts rt SO -V Sults ...,...r.rr,,,r. $LOO
,/ Coifs .... $1,25
iplek drip WednSsday MorhIng.-:+-Baur Saturday Noon
Pick Up Saturday Noon,,,Eaeh W�ednHHday Nlsrning
t11NYIY7iiYYtititiiYfYilYtirYiihIYYY�tYi"111iiirhYtlYiYtltlfiYYnYliififrYidYi1rY11iYi1tnlrullYliliiilLnVitlYirr'tltlYfiTiliii'uY i�
Ladies' Aid
The Ladies' Aid meeting of
Zion Lutheran church was held
last Wednesday.
Pastor K. L. Zorn was in
charge of the topic, part II of
the ``Christian Family." The 32
ladies present were divided into
groups to discuss the different
Mrs. Milfred Merner, the pre-
sident presided for the business.
A. balance of $576.16 was re-
ported in the treasury. The an-
nual fowl supper is to be held
Wednesday, ednesday, October 28, Each
member is to bring a guest.
The Lutheran Women's Mis-
sionary Rally was held in Strat-
ford on Tuesday,
Twenty-four chairs are to be
added to the basement. A spel-
ling match aced lunch brought
the meeting .to a close.
LWML Zeno Rally
The zone rally of the Lutheran
Women's Missionary League was
held Tuesday evening at St. Pe-
ter's Lutheran Church. Strat-
ford. A number of ladies from
Zion Lutheran Church attended.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh
and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Rader and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
Preston woman
marks birthday
Mrs. W. E. Winer of Preston
entertained a few friends on her
89th birthday on Wednesday, Oc-
tober 14 at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mrs.
A. D. C. and Dr. McLagan.
Guests were Mrs. A. Hicks,
Mrs. W. Huxtable, sand Mrs. T.
Boyes of Centralia and Mrs.
Fred Huxtable, Mrs. William
Musser and son, Johnny of Exe-
On Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Mc -
Lagan entertained the Winer
family to a birthday dinner.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. 0. S. Winer, Donald Winer,
Philip, Brian and Susan of Ham-
ilton, Dr. and Mrs. 0. G. Truein-
ner, Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs.
Severne Winer, Exeter and Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Chambers, Bill,
David and Ruth of Dorchester.
ence Knecktei at Petersburg.
Mr. Seigford Miller of Water-
loo spent the weekend with Mr,
and Mrs. Rudolph Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller
were Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Rader and family..
A number of relatives and
friends attended the Keller -Os-
borne wedding at Trinity Luthe-
ran Church, London, last Satur-
iiay. The groom is the son of
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Keller.
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Kew and
Mr, and Mrs, Bill Kew and Ma-
rilyn n s est Sundaywith Mr,and
Mrs. Hilton Ford.
Mr. Hilton Ford received the
news of the death of his brother,
Silas, of Regina on October 8.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Bertha Graisley, and a
daughter, Pearl, at home,
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird of
London spent Sunday with Mrs.
Matilda Piefer.
Ivan, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin :Miller, is recover-
ing from pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wolfe
and Tommy and Mrs. Wes Wolfe
accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
George Wolfe of Toronto to Mon-
treal where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Wolfe and family.
They also went to the Lauren -
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchison
of London spent the weekend
with Mrs. Henry Eagleson.
A number of Walther. Leaguers
from Zion Lutheran Church at-
tended the zone rally ' at St.
John's Lutheran church at See-
bach's Hill on Sunday,
Jack's away at a dealers' convention,
And when Jack's away the salesmen play.
Buy your car for a low, low buck,
If Jack doesn't like it, he's out of luck.
All Cars Are Winterized
'58 Pontiac
Fordor sedan, radio, like new
'57 Buick Fordor Sedan
Dynaflow, ,radio, in excellent condition
'56 Pontiac Twodor Hardtop
"`Chieftain", power steering, radia,
Five '55s Chev. Sedans
None with over 40,000 Stiles,
'54 Meteor
Customline coach, tutone, radio, in Al condition
We have 30 vehicles all models from 1942's at $99
each to 1952's at $699 each.. Take your pick.
'50 GMC Y Ton Pick-up
Long box, brand new. Save $400 on this unit,
'54 GMC
L9,500 GVA :model 1,000 gallon gas truck; if required
with pumping Agee/111)1y, new meter and 150 feet of
hose; nearly new' rubber, priced to sell.
10 Used Trucks, All Stzest Shapes end Modell;
from '49's to '59's
'our' Gait Homs if W. Can't Desi
Pearson M
• o ods`
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Alderson
and Mabel visited in Ingersoll
with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Alder.
son on Sunday..
Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Robin-
son and family, St. Marys, were
Sunday visitors. with Mrs. Ralph
Batten and William.
P'astor and Mrs, Clarence Long
o Port o t Ht ron visited with l it iMrs.
h r
Martha H, Smith a few days
last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gauid
enjoyed several days duck hunt
ing at a camp in Barry's Bay
this week,
Bev Lindenfield, town, Under-
went an operation on his back
in Victoria Hospital, London,
Wednesday morning. He was re-
ported in "satisfactory" condi-
The seventh semi-annual• meet-
ing of Huron Presbytery Wom-
ans Association, will be held in
Auburn United Church on niers-
day, October 29 in morning and
afternoon sessions.
Guest speaker.will be Mrs,
Ann Graham of Rowe tree
United Church, London, Mrs, R.
E. Pooley, is secretary.
Dutch Boy Food Market at
RCAF Station Centralia went
into receivership Wednesday af-
ternoon, it was reported by the
F,0 Ki
& Co., London.
The market has been operated
by John McCarthy, Huron Park.
the weekend with 1lSr, And Mrs.
,ones. Mr. and Mrs.
Morawritz attended the IJnivei'•
city of Western Ontario Mine -
coming on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs, William Rloesing
and Bill Jr. and Mrs. Netta
Robinson of Grosse Point, Micro.
spent the weekend with Mr, and
Mrs. 11. C. Frayne and Earl,
Among those .attending the
celebration ,of the fortieth wed-
ding anniversary of l►ir, and
Mrs, Rari Campbell last week
were two grandsons, Alvin .and
Eric Carap bell sons pf Mr. and
The Times -Advocate, October 22, 1959 'ase 3
Mrs.. Any - Campbell, Somali..
and a friend, Sharon Appleton..the of the Campbells'
ily include Arnold, of town,
SOW name, was .omitted,, and
Mrs. Larryy Cronyn,. .Centralia,
rather than Mrs. •Lloyd Cronyn
mentioned in the report in last
week's. paper;,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy McF.alls,
accompanied by Mrs. E. Irwin
and Miss Marton Bissett, visited
in Ingersoll on Sunday with
Mrs, Irwin's sister, :Mr, .and
Mrs, William Newell..
Mrs, Bessi o
e 'Taylor, Nelson
T s a
e d in Lo
la x aaalk
guest of Mrs, Alex Reed
and .Mrs. Chester Taylor.
Mrs. W. J. Beer is spend14
a few da
ys tat 4ndon- ,
Mr. and Mrs, !toward W..
Detroit spent the weekend with
the latter's pareptts, Mr:, and
Mrs. Len McKnight.
.Mrs. Otto- Brown. is a patitrtt
io Sottth Huron Hospital, •`
Mr. and Mrs, Garnet iilfick
celebrated their twentieth wed.
ding anniversary last Sunday
with Mr..and Mrs, Mervyn ;Wily.
son at Ipperwas,h, .
When. should you
buy Life Insurance
The best time is when you are young because
then annual premiums are low. But many yol9ng
married men face a dilemma, They decide to
postpone the purbhase of life insurance till their
family situation creates a greater need, However,
they find later that premiums are higher and
in the meantime, they run the risk of being
uninsurable. Here's a sound formula for meeting
the problem. It's Manufacturers Life's "Security
Graph plus G.I.B," — Security Graph helps avoid
costly postponements by setting up a plan for buying
insurance according to future needs and ability
to pay. G.I.B. is a new policy rider that enab]es,
the buyer of a new policy to purchase more insurance
at regular rates at specific dates in the future -,
regardless of changes of health or occupation.
Talk to the Man from Manufacturers Life about
this new security formula today.
See the
Man M from
A. it. Pym, c.i.n.
Tel: 671-M
fresher than ever
. thanks to our new processing equipment
the most modern . in Western' Ontario
Here's A Partial View Of The New Equipment
[ Now in Operation in Our Modern Plant , . ,
That's right! We've actually Improved
the qualjty of our milk with th,r
installation of the finest processing
machinery available in the dairy industry
today. This new equipment rigidly
controls pasteurization and odor -removal
processes to a degree never before
possible in a gentle treatment action that
insures protection of all the goodness
in "nature's perfect food".
The finest processed milk you
can buy now comes to you from,
"The Most Modern Plant in Western Ontario"