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October 22, 1950
and district news
Mrs. Maud. Hedelen, Phone
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Farewell party
honors woman
Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar was
hostess at her home recently,
when the ladies of the neighbor-
hood met to honor Mrs. Fred
Bothwell, who is leaving in the
near future to make her home
An address expressing regret
itt losing Mrs. 'llathwell from the
community and extending good
wishes to her for the future was
read by Mrs. J. R. Murdock.
Mrs. William McLachlan pre-
sented personal gifts.
She plans to spend the winter
among the members of her
family before deciding on a per-
manent home,
Bingo winners
Bingo winners at the Legion
Hall Saturday were: Mrs. Fleis-
chauer, Mrs, Gordon Wren, L.
Johnston and Mrs. Finlays
(tied), Miss Margaret Boa, W.
Doupe, Exeter; Doris Menna-
vage, Glenn McKenzie, Mrs. Min-
nie Sangster, Fred Kennings,
Mrs, Fleischauer, Mrs. T. Coates
and Mrs. N. Baird (tied); Mrs.
R. Taylor Jr., Mrs, Reichert,
Sharon Smale, Mrs. R. Dorian.
In share the wealth, Mrs, R.
Taylor Jr., Chiselhurst and Paul
Boa each received. $8.95. The
door prize of $5 was won by
Mrs, Wes Venner. Bill Austin
of Seaforth drew the winning
The jackpot next Saturday
will be $110 in 59 calls; door
prize $5.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
spent last Thursday in Ridge -
town visiting the ,former's mo-
ther, Mrs. George T. ldickle,
who was celebrating her ninety-
sixth birthday. For .her advanc-
ed years Mrs. Mickle is able to
be up every day, has all her
faculties and enjoyed visiting
with the numerous callers on
her birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc-
Arthur, Kim and Tracey, De-
troit, were weekend guests with
Mr. and Mrs. George Parker,
Ricky and Cindy.
Mrs, Malcolm Dingell attend-
ed the funeral on Saturday of
her aunt, the late Miss Annie
Mustard, 83, of Chesley, a na-
tive of Brucefield and resident
of Chesley for 40 years,"Surviv-
Ing is one. brother, James Mus-
tard, Hensall. Funeral services
were held from the Emke fune-
ral home, Chesley, with inter-
ment in Chesley cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Bob attended the Western -
McGill rugby game Saturday at
the University of Western On-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac
Kinnon and Bill spent the week-
end in Barrie with their son
and daughter-in-law, Sgt. and
Mrs. Ronald MacKinnon, and
grandchildren Gary and Tamie.
Mrs. MacKinnon remained for .a
week or so.
Miss Ann Mickle spent the
weekend in London with Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Riley and
A 1949 model Ford owned by
Gerald Moir, Seaforth, stolen
from King street, Hensall, Satur-
day night, was recovered on
Sunday on a back road in the
Kippen area.
Vandalism has been reported
at Hensall Public School. A
maple tree was broken off, a
drinking fountain tampered with
and a bicycle owned by David
Noakes, parked at his home,
was placed en the roof of the
school, Chief Constable E. R.
Davis of Hensall was the investi.
gating officer.
A Coronado electric steam and
dry iron was won by Murray
Tyndall of Brucefield in a draw
at Crest Hardware Saturday
night.. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale
drew the lucky ticket.
Mrs. Wilmer Adkins of Zurich,
who has been a patient at South
Huron Hospital for the past
three months with injuries suf.
fered in. a car accident in July,
came home last week.
Mrs. Keith Lindsay and Pani-
cle, of Napanee, are visiting
with Mrs. Lindsay's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
and family.
Murney Twitchell has left for
Toronto where he is taking a
course in barbering.
Kippen East Women's Institute
have planned a bus trip to
Kitchener Tuesday, October 27
end during the daywill tour
Sniders, Westorig, and the Bell
Telephone Building. They will Se
Retests on "Bazaar" on CKCO
TV ICiteheter, at 3,M p.m.
Driver s pics
shown to WI
Agriculture and Canadian In-
dustries was the theme used at
the October meeting of Hensall
Women's Institute held in the
Legion Hall last Wednesday.
President Mrs, Fred Beer chair-
ed the meeting.
Mrs. Ed Little entertained the
group with colored slides on the
screen taken by her husband
while enroute delivering General
Coach trailers to different parts
of Canada, east and west coasts,
The Great North, St. Lawrence
Seaway and other points.
Mrs. Robert Simpson com-
mented on the motto, "Agricul-
ture is the lifeline of the Nation"
in which she brought out many
interesting a n d informative
Answers to the roll call "Name
something that money cannot
buy" were happiness and health.
Mrs. Harry Faber read a Thanks-
giving poem composed by Miss
Arlene Bowen, patient at Park -
wood Hospital, London, an in-
valid for 25 years.
Donations were voted to the
CNIB and the Tele Milk Ship
.Mrs, Walker Carlile presided
for the program and directed a
sing -song accompanied by Miss
Greta Lammie at the piano.
Mrs. A, Shirray Voiced aprecia-
tion to all who contributed to
the evening.
At the November meeting It
is hoped to have Mr. H. A.
Souerbutt, of Clarkson, near To-
ronto, an imparter of Bretly
Art Pottery, as speaker.
Program conveners were Mrs.
Walker Carlile and Mrs. Wesley
Richardson; hostesses, Mrs, Wil-
bert Dilling and Mrs. Grace Har -
Ree Director
Teen TOwn Dance last Friday,
night at Hensall Memorial Cen-
tre was well patronized with vi-
sitors attending from Seaforth
and Centralia. They hope to have
a sell out crowd at the Hal-
lowe'en dance Thursday, Octo-
ber 29 when "Stew" and his Col-
legians will furnish the music.
Hensall Teen Town boasts of
over one hundred members.
They have accepted an invita-
tion to Centralia in November.
The Senior Citizens had a good
turn out at their meeting. The
committee members hope inte-
rest will increase.
Despite all the trouble we have
had with ice machinery we have
had god turn outs at public ska-
ting. The high cost of repairing
machinery is the reason why
pre -season prices are as they
are: adults 50c; students 35c;
public school student, 25c. We
have received splendid support
from surrounding districts, Credi-
ton, Dashwood, Exeter, Seaferth,
Clinton, Goderich and Zurich,
Public skating Saturday after-
noon 24 8-10.
There is still a limited number
Of ice times, Anyone wishing ice
time should book early as time
is running short and is being
taken up rapidly. Bookings is
$7.00 per hour; $25.00 rental for
auditorium for weddings, ban-
quets, euchres and parties.
Personal items
Dr. and Mrs, Harry Joynt and
Judith of Toronto, were weekend
guests with the former's mother,
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robert-
son of Waterford, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Jinks.., Mr. Robertson is a ne-
phew of Mr. Jinks.
Mrs. C. L. Jinks enjoyed a te-
lephone conversation from her
sister Mrs. August Peterson of
Rapid City, S.D. Monday eve-
ning with the reception clear.
You Can Depend On
When kidneys fail
to, remove excess
smile and wastes.
backache. tired
feeling. disturbed _,D o 0 d's,
rest often follow.
Dodd's Xidney pills
pilis s ti rau le te
kidneye to noral
duty. You feel
better---sleepter, work better.
bet -
You cap dePtnd 5.
on Dodd', Get Dodd's &tiny drug &tore.
i t :04' JFIVIIL
Cheaper divan Glaie-LastsforYeare
Boy Scouts attend
Huron camporee
The First Hensel! Troop of the
B o y Scouts accompanied by
Scout Master John Baker, and
assistant Scoutmasters Eric
Mansfield 'and Ron Broderick,
enjoyed a weekend of camping
at the Huron District Scout Cam-
poree at Camp Chi ewana
Clinton. Sixteen patrols attended
from Huron District.
Attending from Hensel" were
Jerry Drysdale, Jack Chipchase,
David Buchanan, Wayne Ell-
wood, Dennis Mock, Steven El-
der of the Eagle Patrol; and
Bruce Horton, Robert McNaugh-
ton, Gary Lawrence, Wayne
Payne, Gary Scholl and Bill
Harburn of the Beaver Patrol.
Personal items
Councillor Mrs. Minnie Noakes,
and R. H, Middleton, past presi-
dent of the Chamber of Com-
merce attended the Mid Western
Ontario Development Association
general meeting at Stratford on
Members of Hensall Legion
Ladies' Auxiliary enjoyed Mon-
day evening as guests of Exeter.
Ladies' Auxiliary who celebrated
its eighth birthday anniversary
which took the form of a hobo
party. •
Weekend visitors with Mrs. L.
Simpson were Mr. and Mrs, Bill
Simpson and Bob, of Detroit.
Rummage sale sponsored by
Hensall Kinettes is being held
in the town hall on Saturday,
Oct. 24.
A turkey supper will be served
in. the schoolroom of Carmel
Church Friday, October 23 from
5.30 to 7.30 sponsored by the
Ladies' Aid. •
Mrs. S. Sarara.s held Thanks-
giving at her home with 20 en-
joying a turkey dinner with all
the trimmings. Members of her
family, with their husbands,
wives, and children were present
from Toronto, Preston, Cromarty,
Staffa and Hensel).
Mrs. Harry Faber attended
the Grenfell Alumni at the home
of Dr, and Mrs. H. 0. Foucar
at. London last week.
Mrs. Harry Faber was a week-
end guest of Mrs, Gordon Fen -
hale, Exeter.
Mrs. George Armstrong (pre-
sident), Mrs. Wilbert Dilling,
Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. Pearcy Gra-
ham and Mrs. T, C. Coates, re-
presenting 'the Womans Mission-
ary Societyof the United Church,
attended the South Huron sec-
tional meeting of Huron Presby-
terial held at Elimville United
Church Tuesday when Miss Bax-
ter, a missionary on furlough
from India, was guest speaker,
also attending from the Eve-
ning Auxiliary were president
Mrs. Ken Elder and Mrs. Har-
vey Keys.
selhursl'' laaies
r •
give to program
The October meeting of chisel-
hurst WA and WMS was held
last Tuesday afternoon in the
church schoolroom. The WA
president, Mrs. R. Taylor, pre-
sided and Mrs. Campbell Eyre
presented the devotional,
A motion was passed to send
a donation to OKNN•Tv Sing
tyme. Plans were laid for the
bazaar, bake sale Saturday, Oc-
tober 31 in Hensall United
Church schoolroom at 3 p.m.
The WMS president Mrs. Clar-
ence Coleman chaired the meet -
tutted" taken by Mrs. Edwin
Taylor, revealing the fact that
pastAifr" basgone50yearsahead
Christianity, coinmunications, e-
conomy and politics, but still
have difficulties to combat such
as race problems, tribal cus-
toms, marriage customs and
medical difficulties.
The group attended the sec-
tional meeting at Elimville,
Tuesday with afternoon and eve-
ning sessions; and accepted in-
vitations to the Arnold Circle
Monday evening to join with
them at their meeting, and from
Staffa United Church to be their
guests on Wednesday. Two
poems were contributed by Mrs,
Russell Brock.
llwere Mrs, Alvin
Cole and Mrs. William Brint-
Personal items
Members of Hensel' council
were in Wroxeter on Wednesday
on business,
Edison Forrest has purchased
the Lorraine property on Brock
street, which will be rented.
Miss Suzanne Rennie rendered
a solo at the United Church Sun-
day morning, Rev. W. H. Sumer -
ell of the McKillop pastoral
charge delivered the message.
Miss Wendy Moir had her ton-
sils removed at Clinton Hospital
an Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles MacAr-
thur and family of Pontiac,
Mich., visited over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker
and family,
Mr. R. Y. MacLaren returned
home after spending a week with
his daughter, Mrs, Margaret
Evans and family at Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Selves of
Usborne were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett
and Wayne.
Mrs. Archie MacGregor was a
Cromarty comments.
INMS, and WA
Mrs, OM Dow was hostess for
the October meeting of the WMS
and WA of Boy's eiiurch, Mrs.
Murray Christie presided and
opened the meeting. Mrs. Nor-
man Dow led in the worship see.-
Current events were given by
Mrs. George Neil. A reading
was given by Mrs. Russell Mil-
The topic from the study book
"Africa Disturbed" was taken by
Mrs. Gordon Parsons, assisted
by Mrs, Harvey Dew, Mrs.
Cliff Dow, Mrs. Carmen Park
and Mrs. Calvin Christie,
Mrs. Carmen Park read the
minutes of the WA and Mrs.
Calvin Christie and Mrs, Murray
Christie were appointed to make
arrangements for the South Hu-
ron -Perth Presbytery dinner,
Cromarty native
dies in Brantford
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen,
Mrs, Frank Allen and Mr. and
Mrs, Murray Christie ,attended
recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs,
W. A. MacLaren in Godercih.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe DeLodge of
Sarnia visited.over the weekend
with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Chapman and
DDP Mrs, Dorothy Parker and
her installation staff of Amber
Rebekah Lodge No. 349 were in
Clinton Monday evening and
Goderich Tuesday evening instal-
ling the officers of their lodges.
Mrs. Wilfred Fisher who has
been confined to her room owing
to illness, is improving and able
to be out.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker
and Patsy were in Mitchell at-
tending a birthday celebration
for the former's mother, Mrs.
Emalie Parker at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes.
Mrs, H. Truemner of Zurich
visited. this week with her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr, and
Mrs, William Fuss and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaddick and
Bill and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Par-
ker and family visited recently
with relatives at Clinton.
the funeral of Mr, Ivy Allen
which was held in ,Brantford on
Mr. Allen was a former Cro:
marty resident and was a son of
the late 111r, and Mrs, Anthony
He was 75 years of age
and received his education at SS
No, 6, Croiriarty,
His wife who predeceased him
several years ago was the for-
mer Winnie McLachlan, only
daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. Peter McLachlan,
Circle entertains guests
The Arnold Circle of the Car-
mel Presbyterian church, Hen-
sel', held its Thankoffering meet-
ing in the church rooms with
guests from Chiselhurst, Bay
field and Hensel],
Mrs. Bren DeVries of Exeter
presented a Thanksgiving mes-
sage. Mrs, Harold Bonthron and
Mr. Gerald Bell were in charge
of the worship with Mrs. Trevor
Wilson and Mrs. John Parker
receiving the collection. .
At a short business meeting
members were reminded that the
new church calendars were on
Mrs. A. R. Orr and Mrs. Wil-
liam Brown convened the lunch.
Message from
Personal items
Mr. Hugh McBride, of London
spent .the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Mrs, Nancy Koehler, of Zurich
visited with Mrs. Mary Manson
and Mr. and Mrs. Newell Gei-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride
and Johnny attended a wedding
at Amberley on Saturday. t
Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Oesch
and family and Mr. and Mrs. El-
mer Oesch of Zurich spent Sun-
day at Walton.
Mr. Grant McNain of Amber..
ley, and Mr. Johnny McBride
have returned home after spend-
ing a few weeks in the West.
fares •
so low!
Details from any C.N. Ticket Office
You can hove fun onct still get things
done when Dave Wilson brightens
afternoon hours,for you!
Hum, whistle br 'sing along with'
"happy" popular mutic, presented
with sincere warmth and light.
hearted good humor.
Enjoy the refreshing sound of radio!
More Power to serve you better)
7h3 Tiret.".3..,,At:Vezafe,
tie is survived by one son„
Lloyd, of Mount Pleasant and 1
two daughters, Mrs. Russell,
(Ruth) Mulligan of Mount Plea - 1
sant and Mrs, Len (Grace)'
liourid. of Guelph; five brothers,
Wilson of Sault Ste Alarie, Ed-
gar, of Mitchell, Frank, Cromer -
t1,, Harold of Moosejaw and Stan-
ley of Edmonton, Alberta and a
sister Mrs. Violet,Quance of Har-
rington also survives.
Burial took Nave at Brantford
from the Thorp funeral home,
Personal items
Mr. Jim Chappel of Gerald -
ton is spending a .few weeks ho-
lidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Filmer Chappel,
Miss Alice Walker spent the
weekend in London with Miss
Muriel Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and
family and Mrs. Grace Scott at-
tended anniversary service at
October 21, 1959 Paps
Cavell .Chnrch, Exeter, on•
day and visited with.. Mr, and.
Mrs. Victor jcs.t1e,
Mrs. Elmer Dow 1148 retigneet:
home front Stratford .17lospittill, •
where she had untlerpne.
gerY,. ,
Mrs. T. Laing,. Mrs, T..
Scott and Mrs. M. Lainond
tended the executive, meeting a:.
the Stratford Presbyterial
was held in St, Andrews Presby..
terian church, $tratford, Oa
Mrs. T. Gillespie and her fa'
ther Mr. Grant of lcomoka via•;*
ited en Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. T. L. Scott,
Mrs, Wilmer Hewett of Lone.*
desboro, visited on Saturday Wit.' •
her mother, Mrs, David oardin,
or, .
Mr. and los. Donald Wel**.
Carlingford, were Saturday eye.
ning guests of mr. and !ftp,
George Wallace.
On Al's Quality
MEATS 1,11:1;
Delicious Pork
Devon Brand, 1/2 -lb. pkgs.
Smoked Picnic
Sunkist, S -Ib, bags, 138's
Greek, 16 -oz. pkgs.
L. 49c
LB. 29c
LB. 39C
Snow, 3 -Ib. bags
Kraft's Famous, 8 -oz, jar
Lipton's Chicken -Noodle, Tomate-Vegetable
Beef, Irish or Lamb, 16 -oz. tin
Catelli's Ready.Cut, 1.1b, pkg.
Super Save Yellow Label, 1415. pkg.
Rose Brand Sweet, 16 -oz, jars
Super Save Instant, 5 -oz.
Swift's, 12 -oz. tin
Party Sliced, Mos, tins
jar •
3 PKGS. 35c
2 FOR 31c
Birdseye Brend, 9 -oz. pkgs. •
5 FOR $1
A 15c
Coronado Home Freezer
Ci..RISTMAS DRAW—You can win this beauti-
ful 17 cu. ft. freezer FREE! You get a chance
with every cash register slip ($2,00 or over) you
put in the box, Get your name in often. Start
now! '
• Tri
• SU'
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