HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-22, Page 13Disct ritesunit unte couples i konor bride tn. Continued from pege 12 trimmed with Chantilly lace and scattered with iridescent sequins. The bouffant skirt was trimmed with lace appliques trimmed with sequins. Her circular vett fell froma cap pi lace with seed pearls and sequine. She carried a cascade of white mums centered with red roses. Six attendants preceded the bride to the altar. Maid of honor, Mies Elaine Scheele, London, was gowned in lime green orchid brocade with scoop neckline and full skirt. She carried yellow carnations and rust mums. Miss. es Patsy Bell, Hensall, Ann Charters and Margaret Bowden, London wore gowns similar to the maid a honor in shades of citron yellow and carried bou- quets of white carnations and rust mums. Flpwer girl, Sandra Desjardine, Zurich, was frecked similar to the maid of honor and her flowers were white and rust mums. Kenneth Jones, Kippen, nephew of the groom was ringbearer. Wayne Love, Varna attended the groom and Floyd Turner, Varna and Douglas McGregor, Kippen ushered. A reception was held in the church rooms where the bride's mother received in a dress of aquamarine lace over taffeta and black accessories. The groom's mother chose a two-piece en- semble of dacron lace over china bh'e taffeta with sky blue accessories. Later in the evening a recep- tion and dance was held in Zurich Community Centre with 200 in attendance. The couple will reside in Zur- Sees„ Brenner -Storey A wedding trip to Florida fol- lowed the marriage of Miss Marlene. Ann Storey, daughter of Mrs. Hazel Storey, London, and William Ezra Brenner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Bren-, ner, Grand Bend, in Rowntree United Church, London, decorat- ed with baskets of yellow mums and candelabra. Rev. Anne Graham officiated at the double -ring ceremony and Mrs, W. C. Rowe, London, fur- nished the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Keith Niblock, Parkhill, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." Given in marriage by her brother, Mr, G. H. Storey, the bride wore a floor -length gown ef white silk organza over satin styled with empire bodice of Chantilly lace featuring a sa- brinia neckline and lily point sleeves. The bouffant skirt was fashioned with a back panel of lace extending to a chapel train. Fier finger-tip veil of French il- lusion was held by a cap head- dress of lace and tulle trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a white Bible crested with Sweet- heart roses. The bride's sister, Mrs. J.J. Woodcraft, Landon, was matron of honor wearing a street -length dress of peacock -blue crystal charm styled on empire lines. A matching picture hat and bou- quet of yellow Shasta daisies completed her ensemble. MisS Brenda Brenner, Grand Bend, and Miss Ruth Skutovich, Lon- don as bridesmaids were gown- ed in similar styled dresses to the matron of honor in a deep talmon shade. Mr, Gary Brenner, Grand tt end, was groomsman for his brother and ushers were John Enjoy totally riew driving confidence this winter with Mechanical Interlocking Tread of the new silent traction Snow and Mud Tire NOW—for the first time —a new type of tread that gears your car se- curely to every type of winter road surface. COME IN AND SEE ITI BUY EARLY Now er Retread in this Genuine Dunlop Treed 670 x IS — NEW — $20.95 570 x IS — RECAP—$13.45 Prises !Restive Until Oet, 31 BROCK TIRE "White liervIte ftA tootiiitylil 596 EXETER Cutting, Grand Bend, and Dottg-enavy accessories and pink car- ies Jetinston, London. nation corsage. The groom's A reception followed ii the mother wore dior blue with (lusty church where the bride's mother rose accessories and corsage ef received guests in a turquoise; pink carnations. blue wool sheath, deep red and{ A reception Ives held at F. bice feather hat and deep red Wilstoeholme where guests were rose corsage. The groom's moth- present from Belleville, Toronto, er chose a moss green wool ;Woodstock, Paris, Thainesferd, sheath with matching feather; Port Elgin, Exeter, Parkhill and bat, black accessories and yel- Ingersoll. !MY rose corsage. t For travelling the bride chose For t r a v elling the beide a royal blue wool dress with changed to a ruby red fitted suit; matching coat and corsage cf with matching feather hat, black white and pick carnations. accessories and =sage of white Mr. and Mrs. Alderson will re - carnations, side in Ingersoll. Alderson -Schram Fall rally of YPU St. James Anglican church, , • Joyce Evelyn Schreex-hanged! whenm held at Seaforth Ingersoll, was the setting r wedding vows with Wilfred Bruce Alderson before the Rev. L. V. Pocock. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. J. Schraln, Ingersoll and the late Archie Schram and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alder-! son, Exeter. Miss Norma Madden of Paris , sang "Because" and "0 Perfect' Love." • The bride's gown was of nylon; lace and ruffled net over taf- feta with jacket of nylon lace , featuring a peter pan collar and; lily point sleeves. A pearl tiara -held her finger-tip veil of silk illusion and she carried a bou- quet of red carnations. The bride was escorted by her uncle, Mr, George Sharpe of Port Elgin. She was attended by the grcom's sister, Miss Leona Alderson, Paris, dressed in blue crystal charm with matching hat and mitts. She carried a bouquet of pink car- nations and yellow baby mums. Albert Steeper, Parkhill was best man and guests were usher- ed by Don Smith, Ingersoll and Leo Webber, Thamesford. The bride's mother chose for her daughter's wedding a navy and white figured dress with Music topic for sorority Misses Jean Taylor and June Bierling presented the topic "Music into Drama and Dance" at the "model meeting" of Al- pha Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Woodlia m The history of Beta Sigma Phi was presented by several mem- bers and two new pledges, Mrs, Jim Kneale and Mrs. Don West- over were welcomed. The Pledge Ritual banquet will be held on Tuesday, November 3. President Mrs. Mel Gaisek conducted the business period when plans were finalized for the annual Sorority Ball to be held Friday, November 13 in the Legion Hall, This year's dance features the music of Bill Dennis and his orchestra. Cor- sages will be presented to each lady. The dance is being con- vened by Mrs. H. Hoke and Mrs. R. W. Read. . • The gift draws were won by Mrs. William King and Mrs.. Don. Westover. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. William Hunt- ley, Mrs. A, Gascho and Mrs. Hooke, Bauer Skates • FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN We Accept "Trade -Ins" SMYTH'S Shoe Store Phone 376 Exeter The Young Peoples held their fall rally in Seaforth United Church last Tuesday with Rev. Dr, J, Semple of Egmondville as guest speaker. His t heme was "Studying Larger Maps." Seaforth YPU led in a sing- song and Egmondville YPU led in the worship service with Ger- aldine McTaggart singing an ap- propriate solo. About 130 attended the rally. Newfoundland, tenth and latest of Canada's ,provinces, repre- sents a market for. mainland estimated at $250,000,000 a year. at Saintsbury Miss Velma Dirtch, bride -elect of next Saturday has been hon- ored at several events recently. Prior to leaving Westminster Hospital, London, he was enter- tained at a number of dinners when presentation of gifts were made. Last Thursday evening the la- dies of the Pentecostal church honored her at a social evening at the 'home of Mrs, M. Eizen- ga when many gifts were given her. On Friday evening at Saints - bury Hall a large number of neighbors, friends and relatives showered her with miscellaneous gifts. The guest of honor was as- sisted in opening the gifts by Mrs, J. Mugsford and Mrs, A. Tindall. Mrs. Clarence Davis and Mrs. Clifford Abbott were host- esses. Former minister dies in Ridgetown Rev. Ernest M. Clemens, 72, a former pastor of Exeter Pente- costal church, and now retired from the ministry in Ridgetown, died suddenly last Wednesday. The funeral service was held on Saturday, October 17 with interment .in Greenwood ceme- tery, Ridgetown. The 'Tinios'Advocofq, October 22,. 1959 Pile 13' Ind Week of GIGANTIC BARGAINS 4 For those special people on your list, like Mother and Dad, your swell husband or , wonderful wife, the friends that are very • dear to you ... for whom just another gift never seems appropriate—your portrait is the perfect answer. So make your appointment now. You'll be glad you did! • PHOTOGRAPHER PHONE 344 EXETER Studebaker's '60 Lark Station Wagon 0 • - • • ' . . • -• • •" ''••• . . .• • . ' A new 8tudebaker model for 1960 is this Lark four -door station wagon, available with either a six -cylinder or V-8 engine. The new Lark station wagons feature newts, - designed tailgates with greater glass area. They also have safety locks which securely hold the lifted tailgate doers and upper sections in place. Studebaker is offering a complete line of models including a V-8 and 6-cylindo Convertible to meet all motorists 1960 needs, See It On Display At, Graham Arthur Motors Stildilibeiter Sales and Service PHONE 210 EXETER MEAT SPECIALS BLUE BRAND Round, Sirloin or T -Bones STEAKS . 11•17• 11 "GET ACQUAINTED" PACK PKG, TABLERITE SIDE BACON I -8-0Z. PKG. TABLERITE PORK SAUSAGE I -8-0Z. PKG. TABLERITE FRANKS — SAVE 320 — a ALL FOR REAL VALUE BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE • 0 • 0 Home Freezer Feature CANADA'S FINEST TABLERITE BLUE BRAND BEEF HIND QUARTERS c lb GROCERY SPECIALS REDPATH FINE GAR STAFFORD CHERRY PIE FILLER f? CORNED BEEF 12 -oz. • . . HEREFORD MARGARINE• 1 -Ln. • • 0 BALLET COLOURED TISSUE 2ROLLS • III 5 -Ib. bag • • • • • • 5 — SAVE 60 — 39 314 SAVE 7C 41c SAVE 40 L. 99c sAVE 4s0 23c SAVE St Save 2 Ways - Low Prices - Plus Gold Bond Stamps All Prites, Effective October 22, 23 and 24 arling' EXETER FOOD MARKET PHONE 978 • tree Delivery Huron Parlt, tnettley, 'Thortiley, Friday, Saturday • Phone Orders In This Ar Should Be Phoned By 12 Noon To Receive Free Delivery a of in 1111 fur the Un .eft of or ria vel inc chi its Ma' cin clt clo gal en in er On, gri dra', se grc, 111'1 Co In no lor the, Jo1 vi rii. 111 by sa ob, wb • Gr we at W wa tri A an ATI an th in th im hu 01)1 ev of th stra 41v 01 ve th th cl de. wr pr wa ter a be re