HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-07-29, Page 3- It to , I " 7 , ,4 - ,­ . o,amw . . r 'k 0, I I - - - I __-&- - - * .- ___ - I - - - - I ­ I - . - - . I . --- I I I HURON SIGNAL. - . . ;-_Z-=­-- !:.- -- .­_. -.1 loo , a" ow r*us . ­­ - _Z _­_ _.; ------ - I- - ------- _.­­_ ___ - __ _Z_ - - . ----,z a,=.:v iio I ­­­ _­= . -- _____ __ __ - - - BY -JAW No. . . - --"A ­ - - ____ ag==Z== 1, W& as often lime win -4 bw.,O.aswi4of 6,90 astims, *pin" baime" .4faw" ,file Wawa- of BWWMAXD * I-' 1, ." f mad - __- ."w 0,wares, It"P6140 1 -_ sominglian, in Ikoomes. It 9 0 a a a a i g If I I 4 a 111. 0 time efibeffer, Andlimiall. That the Night Wattis shimal of about five iscifee long, tow ball bandk% . ........"cod qolo 8 OL -1 S alessed offer ,W?"* be&Wlr then r- - coustaL of two nervous owly, stuotes soats, *Qme of them wers so learife 40 a A stit-113-4ww""d C=-,-- ,w "LlOwn r"""' Asomer fiw visce Co. &A, ', 'ped that silly us ___ __ ow reasons _. r- . Is - end of move Moved by Mr. Wn. 811awy, wcaa&d by he soul. TLe bail of the woo best of a ,W Ife -- ­ 4, known Do"W"'O"a" a, r NI'lif." At'(411111 . is to W gtgr* Umvited N 0. 1. mmmw so 1;W_1;_ . A the o --me ' rall. a "few two sod a bail inches favor A., ,be..&" Obsolete F'.6fivad and hroges, firmcf"em iffes" 5' ' Vir. 11. Read, sod : leflOTART ru . . Occur betIll"ves Fleffivrovoi but TO 1111C WARDIIN AND RZ1VZS four polbleelass 1 he else of a haspi but, 0 metal, of *west Xj weak .1 " ometuto wild A "ll D C6 p N V tE;T A N CIV Itakdrod, 'tUt June" Watson, FAq,, ensure" I evil I"k Raligood CAOMbpO"l ill" Ia time day - fir frientlet' be Ifullibig, J. 6 fluct4d an If- : fir. Steel eves them subject of that sevcral yCmX1l or IIUIIO'I, FRILT111 AGO B&t)CS. I ime won &We , ir -Country 69 Opp-lited #A l3operiatendeat of thea, list wet had base Is he habit of swalle -9610 ' 110 we " tb.l our cl button. glad a quattilty of pebbles whictit ill's I'velessive bmy. been for tic tb the Gentlemen-.- I travel ,bat it Nwisto junk as on istelimic Ia Of the I WIG# lfsermwsn g the De, C.084boal all. Ill New Goods. reciprocity of tm, "I I iousins's is, "grome, as bouke"bere boue,Ltb Patrol. 14, too of three leafs previousely. and Tallith .wJ Billy.;. J,-Iat ,,'-it Reffe'""'d 1141 1111, i.W"o r;.:d I, Realtel, "004" . kne of elve SALwag for a a so Moved by Mr. Geo. DtZang, oulcomaded, it Was appaiies.t, Laj boom L66 Cause of time I.... Remewlerrall "' F -'-d '6* III -on I" fawwate,ded. 1 . during tfda time Avineri- years res"deact is " 'Ottkaw'A, L041 ths I think, it require #6%4 "'I SUW,-d lung . but Itul orrecily area", a the Colonies at a duty prive- havigg during that period taken a soccowbot mediocrity ; fagt ff know dealt ,*two by leir Thees. Niclearlive, aud duall). u'vivalo'd 804 1111646" All killed. A Ph" as c ~Gives woe% the U-9 woo - great dePlik of . atrol 'I'AIIIIIIIIJILLAVIdn-1`91) TO CAIL -WO I"reo poillit Of feet 6, is, SP,aeam sevej ALSO-Iffillse A"J"""' 0 ojbch. I .a every ansvirevatut for bad two em"11 fog t I, aliew TreessuF), 14! C" good, sestes, a il, oloo; I 1`1111111t Pait to 9 .., or, that tile traffic of Reikolvalf"I'LeAt a mectine, of the 1, .nil 6i per ccut., solved I passing he hrld on I"idlay irvening, Suly 306,11P(52, that It's Courtof Q ivo:'* Dwrich examined is.& 9-110" '. the ir. ws off Gooll- , ()Ace ov* S 30 per Konered in"Pro'cosellt, coupled with the PIP- two capawate Luc$ 8aa a arm.110. Ile, 2. It rially afervells ed '20 and . and distinct if% the Teinflemuct Itself, for the rurpeave der. -a Tu"dav lost, it ...... I! ed 'I'll-. It, u (;.aoly .1 livelown; *sea 0 " I twil's. goods "at here were is' . . hich the partvadily of my felfavies, I ti,,__,fo'6 will be -he "a " I . . @.-At., lamese perivene. it"ei Jett Ille - - 11 lileciprocity humv uOt been sittoo in ill foroweigh our COW here adopted -will be of drawing up such rulvs and re&U!3tiU6S " '"aw Call bill', 'hv "44 all"'la"t %hall' 1110 so.& by t ho m 04 - to.as Will fielty 460-41, to ____ -iur.TRALIA. egret. 6ty. " *elders has placed me, Within else last two S&ct of the 004 We ("'Woelt reudeffeall a Voidict of wines I =0 . . . b - u split ulaiiop, than ukay be i,eciblary for the better I..rerviniza- 1J ly , I .b"vo to its Colve"41 If I " k .f 111.0 as are I. " I z1owl I far slow rep I g,,t,d and a spirit of rc taliation far ounce beockew -a J tiou of dve %ausive; arid that Jameve Waitios, 14t,blill, 1. to ball.- Z Ptcljd.r. 0; 04 - - . .. I ulet.ies, which has resc,'tel in I in ', as Lieuverreasm Of else Railroad Cost- unly to have ,be trade of 000 -which "Out tteed. A 8.111dry Aut is a Sulary -The salary saw COMPS"Y- lbv.,W.,&o oftha Usilfd ro]L PORTS PIIIIAV AND syt)NII-V rc: , I %oute; Not -clean is swelor thillitin front a per, It 0 1 lien in the rl iug if other- in addition Esq.. be 1equebled to a Avielle wilitse-It", aid Be use. 10 cc - I __ C Nliu:atry to UCIMit er; will be patilliciest bare reoulLrd from The 1 be above rewlut.vus wcre fulabilsoubly i secul"1141 aic :LIL 0I the Derby - Its cu%c lit at migl4,.,k, whe, ci,,.. to the adrasn'tages of be ' direct access 4-,,*%,,eq,iit.lentt-Sr.5100(.n. Tell. is Counties of liver, a I,. off, irvi'llevere, shto. - . ".70r4s, Ilemkilton adopted. SGS46 pler derive, or IIIIE63 tach ti-aivy 04 3V clista.vic. with a iterectio'618 Oil lit* yef"e"et ()lveliffir R,g,i,lr . ,ad force on Ili* fishes' grounds vs,svic.sv, Lwl . I Ad (;.vAcJI of The os- ad United V.v- -_ i !3ace an arre I (;Overatnents luevt always deemed presomptoo4o Ia My 40 Two moullists I" E - But, I A vote of thailLi having L-ttre tendered is output,, %",I so, to and is I "I ,,,to a pal C'usty I .gir 6.4e a.. %. -I-% Ia, sad Va inriCENT A I VILIP"it, wilt fhe CoIOJ11 813 excluded thus addrevisus? woe, a" beelislo, ises"Adof Toronto to the chisintlan for tile vible unsoner iu sIorord I 'I'llat Joe at P.Cl, b,e,l 1. fro., hie lie'. alth.fl, has. I &.Iaac, TUZ 311AG .. ' , ,- treaty Of I , Ii ,vit Mr. Gwill9c, in his own sets' as w hich he had conduct, it the bumiirii of the novirif.' rates Intl' Ilia porket ote,ot s- be ball of Ibis le"d U- It" t:w"I'la"t J,NONDAS, illsi,itcd dills- ­ You art all aware that "Wed ately pm- '" I, Canada," and "es- few Unsold Bays. ]a a .111by should we . Y914 11"I 41 EPAM ' p.1,,men from the . * - be suceling then zr;,arattul. fling. or be!( ,lie 4.11. wi,c,te o! :wit Ill, and acquil*d. sod that &It TONS JiltIRTUEN. ureffe I, interest ourselves evening, t ,aid sod qlave isecelf 1300 Auverwa.1 ion ,,, the fi4.ng grounds that vious to the Uslosaty Meeting isaw base 06 , I rican Cities, - __ --.------- aivev-testive of the leo,­r. of Fiance. Tbe C-I,estle"s Be" 1 ,1 ,be, ",al Ailled.,iteffied irm COMMAND"- ., J. W. Gwvcae, Esq., o( in the ivalrills c ()or sole A Smir Fursia A -r MrA fly A seVAIALK.-, specified ...Ct the '-'9th ell I Pee milyrwe Ili I I ,f the A- X 0111101111111 of his.1tom.fttaty o"'Irismas of a Ian. .1-1126.114 jollemeleat 9 Ile 110011111'. lell, I nen the l'u", or E,rie I Civil vitlislatiorif age ".% c"'Illpolod. sk"rerm so it It.110,41W Color" W1l.L SAM ru . L, isfillge, VOOS. front sold Anicricau fislier, ' vilessOmer of Lteata"' ,C,-.: &z.e., 11: " ", , treaty gave -liege If fisteing and kuring fish l'orouto, addressed a ulust or bat Lengthy kt- object being to obtain thic easiest Access to correspondent of Vie L­J,,rI News a .11 - __ ­ d ivad 84, I'll, .1 lito PWUJD" .lvies.'r, l'ofty. off 110110 IaT of AUOUST. Glad free priP ter to Mr. Galt, in favor of the Guelph and VIM :1.1"T .1 the piece of 04 ,,IT rece..Ary to011y omtb-lf &cc^.,.- iwy ,1,,%ed, without restrictions; Ouch a market 03 will ensure us the most they toc11c`u`rrt0DC2V:rrot1v6 of " v ry ez%gmtildio R0BF.KT,8N0Dl[wRA,s,,%* each share. I' 1. wherever tl if,cd sections of the fiblung Toronto tint, in toostra-disLaction to a lie* money for our produce. To offer any or I -0o Tuesday, tiler Engliall hri fr C, wonder F ..,odatt.ores vi I;[ be 1`0111V 4%", to 11110041 fr I uct in this matter, FAVIIIIIIIINAUUM 8410T & DUOS A -d whereas it is "I"A's' to "Aff""Or I, Costello but in Otiwf "T'Cc I of Railway through these Couse4es by other reason for our cond arrived at Costs front St. Jago do Cuba. a sold 111011"d C""A"e- The k;t.jp " Itt"Dug." "cles "I've 6* territory, ttec United States diA 1, re- MANI F.AC-Mimt- the %%'gross of tie at and sophistry. itall feasting the Captain 6" crow of the from t,me Lit flool, " be .t.11 be Ino""" Ia lime. 1 1.0 careers as I xpolwaced amr- . retofore cit- Stratford and Paris to Hamilton sad Luke would be pure ell " I am told that It is French brig Powli4s. Las Chevalier masist. (One door East of C. croble's SI.-.) ,be Municirell befog 16 f-sall fly 'be Fhtl'? fortyer, Any lilaerly be k n be says reluired by kr--,-,%..o 'If gee n. .64 fef.fy van to Irrivight wr Palosse noduce, Ontario on life use bud, and BuKalo, New sf, .f'i t the B.'iyal. pe.pl. ere pre, pared it appears from tile stateamet of the Captain, .0 Couleril at the allied Ustiral Con -0. III loput For pert4gmkr. there. .1 WOULD in, rest 0.0 ishateltantee of Gotle joyed or clailued by the inhabitants - %hat on the l7th Of last I"Osth, Willett On rich &"I, neighborhood ttsbt hit I. rree and graist deboll'u"o" "' "-a now , M one: I apply on . fish on or vvithirs York, sad the Atlantic on the other. to contribute largely, &c. Assume that *4 a -a illow". ,,, cure That It"er having manifestly been written ,bey Ore. The reason is sliParent' it is their papsinge from PuFlo Rice, 'it 1­91lode, pired to make to ordtr or uther%ioe, *try nailly ,,.r live welo ,,if *hot leuved F , A. NALL. How 611444.0, I kind of lAdie's and G.otl,,n,,,,'. fl,ie or 'a Nvw York. of, to tsL,e, dry I . W. CAN ERON, I 19 W ail." of any of lilt coasts, bays, " which 40. 10. W. of Pdrim, 013J Is',lude 4U. 30 N ,.,sty f-wis tb,,u--RJ P-"-- U Iw;c* Of K sad circ ,b the Counties for The rejurious effect with a cargo of 8--gor, bound to Ilawre, at Fancy walk, in the avalse-t and move ,.,we of tee sola tolvoil fieve,befee @&ad "Iss'" I. 3 warine 11 ul2ted tier ,it; because they bee the il few I ,reeks, or harbors of Ill, Brittanic Nlajz - I p urpc%e of 4.11luencusil the meeting Of the I the continuation of the Toronto and :about I I u*cl(,ck a. an., whilat under easy fashionable style. Aad will alto filrolsel. .od in rot! palairst lboreu!. pay,11110 "a W. ELIJ10'", brit'sis VWo , upou -eavy, DO -PIS &Va Sh I to 11wit ,,,,,,Vd I IiEle t bull , Consul. 11offeefe. ous in .,interic, to Godericla would have 000 ,I the let I%, not included in I I GoA,,b rum d 1, the voossel, a new ship of 400 tons, I I day of )dill - 1% ty's domiai M r Wchster, 29t l, as well as with an int late t brs r thwy fear the diver- or .111 built arid found, sees struck by a inon- co"ities of Itself* That anew favor hint with off so, thes"14 L),IWO&Wdo A ,virvellits' 11111114 inill It"t"ally -IN amed limits." , 'I" ( offvf lo, and becau'st - Ilia prices will W tuodeerato. ,lr,,d and selefrol! t vorwiI wasses-I.T. - I the above it lw ir cule,ing ultimate decision I: tz -0.,sed, Western trade from strong whale on the bow, sod Vive damege, thoser corstum. is, beer Uste­Pvt Payable . deformhIr'. . vb"24 11 precludes t 0 siolk thereby of the 16'.210 ' And whereas 1--f tell P -1 --al " it'* Goed July 79b, 18.2. ,oderich into Lake ()tit&- was go g.a4t that the ship fi led alince at Ila. Goderich, Joly 29 he 1852. admits that th'!' , Oil I -taut era of our exis en, just uU,distely. Flodirg that nothing coold liq - - - - - -------- 04 feel, Isetworest theit.p. at . - - " Fish r in If 17, ri,npo. fencer it is LAke I luroo at ( - -_ - - . -_ " but C I t - __ - into the bays Or harbom; . ,141, desire' to c ill I our attentias to rio at Torclasto.12 Now, Gentleen crse doing to itaye her, %be captain and crow, con MONOCHROMATIC PAINTING. 11-be.1u,ce - a &I.-reo&bd it will be ___- a, green I"ve hitherto gone unmolested within let S look for one moment, at the rev sloung of 10 &Dan. anj a liviessengIor, ls-,isteel - the Period. and ,flow a some of the soilluttrits and special plemid- d Applyipit to themselves, tie All, for Its 0434 111101111i.cipoilly tat 161" 6_1 _% S W 1. nil O',w lunt of the argument an . away a "I'lir Sobscriber will give 1,e*oO*o is I Ily to a tIclorcial 'case never sea alliste. bile taking fist ; a, - moving power" out a beef, in which, after atow.ng :ow", Its -eve. emu wLeeKWVorwL­_ those limit ucceeded in coaxing I , I , Og" ,My , I d u *1 , I easily see the . cuit and a little water, the I ""':a k ies have rwhich it ccestains and &I-0, to the bag of bee y win abo%* Are, durkrg The Holiday* of be . ad -eveliddi-welf tar all "ther The U01011 0 lately kicked UP' In barked, &led Ispi about 15 minutes after the Grivinnifir -4chilol. theet 10 1* sty GOVEIRIcIl. ittilt-rSARNIA, Ift'It0K I Undignified and discourteous conduct of the I no AND DETU011% I bts, (as ,,d,d ; of t: "- -ti Camanda. Terms known worse app:icallo". Taxess whistoodo" " f"ll"'"" , 4 ,, . I.10 flat of W stern v@sil@l was .truck, she suak. For t6fet -I.. each year f --w &ad deofi"K 160 le"re"'d all Jobil Bull to a-sert their riu -ld Zca;" 6 JOIIN IIALDAN, Jr. tworeely ycar@. coman,,cl,iff *a Iks fervit doy Uncle Sarn rn,iUers ', Torouto dclegates while Iscre, and to the this ter o great stretch of tbc im'L- days and night* ti-ey verom tooslog'abool. Goderich, 28:h July, 1 02. %5027 2w he saw and ollesat LOPIPPYroollre Steskm t, tfi,,2 ut July .am ib.u#god right snuffling &sit T will run daring the rvwu . byr tfelitT,) . - 1 pueiile attacks and intonststenciei of the It will require Do I . . . a Socel RUSNO, ven eallsce- on, being deprired of live for gireation, to su"Osc that the Tolootoolse's not being able to reach saw ship' but 0 the bativer to the filet "Y 01 Ilropsoess" as fullows:-I-Pave Gotivirich. 0 'Torr,Ltu Press. . it so long cnjoyed. The 110st'll I observed that other parties were an&lous to fourth day they were providmuteally "on by -- -- ___ - - __ - ----- ---- filtir-two 004 as,&, eigivi I uselled and oeves- I weather pelflinatt, g, gvegv Sundvey fn- n:ng bidden fry immense benefits, the Crusader, and realcue,d froce their perit. fillip Public Annual Examination of The 0 thousand Grammar Fcbool, will tall. place no July as. I birtmes tieveseutestall "100 at g O,cl"k, son Soreve'a, M,mday at 4 , feeling I In lieu% placing Mr. Gwynne's letter as take Advantage Of the lug al'"' Ion. The Caplo o speates, to the Friday, seat, (1a,morrow) at 10 o'clock, 11 tole I be searof of a I I .lourrid 33vs:-,, There is but one I which we can, offer as a Railroad route and i rIghost ter.. of the Itiadmeres and liberality hundred sod fifty P -*Js- Q*cl.cle. I ould " I ( in this co ' un;iy in regard to the absurd, first to be diocuwd at this titae, I w I I Mus, that they saw the irreparable to I I A. M. uray. [)street for Goderich, everY .,&lot i I were tr-wed by all an And sahereas ,he Illatrals"ll ?"elf"try Of . I mm . I term "I with which they I A. ACKLAND, -'t # claims of (;real Be flails, &Ld that is, that otar I be-, it to be distinctly anderstood, that I they were allsolat to suiffer through t noard u- the Crumeaden-. No -is vf those rem- Chairtivas B.;ard of Toustoon. the amid Iloated Cou"'w" Occorcel"Iff 1. the day, at 9 *'CIO, it. is. us. and soluill. 64 4 ... by long eujoj- most sincerely arcord to that Gentlemen their own conduct in years gone by, the so"al o'c ock Is. P, - - vri ich are sanctioned I , I starlit I cued leave preeforwed simmyti.ing, sod am ,her Godevich.291b Jett. 102. assessment of the "an- (" the saw Its be Mr- E. .. I I .his, sell ion% fn'lc-t credit for yea J of) at Iast to the - i are dpolitnte of necievereari.-IL, the Fr,ncSI - ____ pieceodws Financial )car ans""N's .. I H F;P I ,,lust be; the . rs of Warm disin- I they have WaLeDC4 , - - ____ ",vsI'1..vv-,t1.11foOf postage apply to f .. . ,, ,L and by treaty stipulat Must have , Consul, W. Stuart Jul. Log., has abowl- S .0 D,Ill,.s ovee I.uniredivial " rwartJers next d.)ur, north ,I, . . . -, 11 ERI FFS SALE OF LAN DS. fun, of a . . Insintained ' tall I!azfvr&.'1 Now it we terested support of the best itaterests of ing conviction, that ("Oder"ch - Ila payment of the in I E1.1 WART), filed I , . 44 1 1 solleve, indisputable claims, and natural merits I his usual kindness at d promistitude in Pro- - thoisneld POU1410. be K,0csvr,Iioo Alois. . t wing for their mcceolVed.- vi,,Oc ,,, a And %I.,"og I-,' . were situated as the editor of that excell t these Counties; And I would record my for su,!h a work, notwithstanding all that __ - United if-soffetti T -r the creation lutroit. F. -h 201C 1 bZ02. ,5-Uli 1 1 1 1 :. ... y appear I full conviction that, but for the imaccoutita- Ila I ore, Prril. 4- % IA 1.1 tile ------- I 1 . sul)ject might pusesibi they have said and written to the COO- 11 KE. . !,.'L. B I%",t of FiM lerest senli a.mmaity va# as 4 it "'t ____ " "per is. the ' ceded in! FIRE IN sHERB1100 TI) WIT : 17.,ri.ls, wati,d out Of A 'I%kl%e rt;" I"r Ill* fus! a to its be . lot -1 II tratry; and that, having succ - 11rincipall oft such Delso D I 6 I cle 0 I it'. It. BRETT, 11 to Us even in the 1;ollt there represeutcd; , ble blindness and opposition of he% new I ion of the " Nlanger " for I Wa ensty the !o1lovertseelf account of a do@- of tier Majesty's Court tit Qoe*nP, Belich id son allist wit's one , townsmen to their own interests, with re- keeping possess I a wit directed against fur Lando still. oned so of,,le"Id lot 16d &rem*& 1 " L .%IV.RCIIAN'F--IVIIOI,ES.,%I,t.- ', n internation3d inurl I ,rs is,. "ree l.uDdl%j end lwtoly.fivo lbotoforld G"ERA . . .. ' I - he lust eight yea I I TUC 6 T we 14; Ki.g­-A.. Tevoxto, Upper Cdfidda, , -1 but, as a they have made up t is in Sherbrooke, 1. .-n an Extra 1 '"d ',U,n,,of Willians Frede,!tk MrCul . foot on Br.,I;sh vend the other on American , gas. ,1 to the merits of this pla" as a Revil I Ilayll themselvelt Go:eetc, i,f tLe 7 sit .. I t pounds, and payable lit ties Period Of"10tivne I poultiou Warmly sup- their minds to "t " the u liLe: I oft be Sherbrooke ilich, at she suit -of William It -pp, James, weary to answo-1-7 61W "'we its rORI F R of ShIll sad I I.o,y 11 ardwart,, , rather thin let you dispose of it As YO . slant :- M itchell sod J'An FiFliers. I leave. orise-el It will be se" slevild 1"ollar"le *011441 I iffer 1,as, beryl. Cl.slin. Nail&, Gtir-poodelf. I I ., , , tie are f,wco.I to the; cunclu%.on road terminus, -au op . , * I ' "le R - - . I . . 41 territory ress of that period, an Shor- I and taken in rxecutlo the 1-11-w!"r pr- "POO the wit .1 Ituroft, Perth -AL80- . - ,hat five Colonies are de,narding nothing ' porled by the Toronto P it Is% in common courte-y, you Ought to I "Ths most severe,fire Urith w Lich A ., . J brooke has ever been vi.ited. occurred yea- I perty. viz:-I'ark Lots Nus. 417, 4t8. 419 tile Paid UnilrelCousit'011 I fT-oo. b #are. 8pic.o. F, -,;Io. Dr. .. " a J:ncle Stin bargained Ionic agn and most efficiently carried out by Frede- be allowed to do. I English and Bruce w1weal litate in sac'- Yoe' der' I lo"I"'Fler - : -Ia I - more tha - got I, ne of the I terdevy, At about throe o'clock, P. M. the And 420 1 Block opill,vite ,he .6 , ,I, ties said leseve,lesi,rus Woo&. olle. Point . Glass. Evel,La"wiffe have rick Widler, Esq., their dele,-atc to Lug- I have only slightly over o I Piper Milt, belonging to Mr. %%'1111111111 1 Nj,. 391 oppossite ( urnrr. ,ad ine this continuance new (itrimi'sat rowleates. I 11 , , to lw t them flare, 0","'O the Col`nlef ill 'a letter -I I Church, Lot . 'If any of thet" an I %a solve or @,.vue by it ago TS -013 .. . e columns of Mr- Gwynne April 28,11, IL'32- . : i;L-" if a , land-tbe 4, Ontario Steam" would long re Btooks, a as discovered to bee an fire, and, I Path 1. ts No$. 436, 434, 433. 482. 431 and crvst. o payable, or tow par& jjwreul, ..wo,v 5 -- out demanded it, nor wreuld tbey now, I Tee return to the subject. - -_ - - . . I 1 . , 11, therefte in & few minutes, the ilmoce burist through 1 430 and now laid out is town Lots of i (If I other Re&** - ---- % L - I . I Mutual systern of rec l),ccitT 'of L[adP hald erd *uow bare bftb replArly puffed off 11 " , %I's In'the useantime, ill* roof and out of the uilper veladows of , n d above and is 64411 -Pon 10 of CIRCULAR ADVERTISEMENT. . . . I . the banks of The Maidemed." But, white I Our to be, a Acre each. lying sad being in the TO- ::d Texas ve h- tGOOTO . I as IOUlourie-slavell to . -, . I . . .. J I have the Ito - the brick butt -lint, al -el immed!otely 'Con," I'( ;,,.ef.vd in the County of Perth. to say -:b each year fair 41,41 el-floff the g"aj'asr,o to o'clual"t li,p(,or- I : ,pa itt.tcred it,:D. . i fnunicai*d with tile sv ,odeo buil,ting on the ' wood or I . I , , Gentlemen, Also 016 Not - I lend 2 in 4hO Paid period Of lealestl Years c"um&eoclelr " Tf1=.a',-' lead Ill* C"I'll" fele'rhe"t" , 11 .. the above was in type, we see by most tifeWally 'Cesoude to Mr. Gwynne d't ser't, west. Great exettton were 111,,je to allies . .- I 1 -tole I I Your very obe cnnea,"lon of the Township a! Elliess, Con- - d6yof July gas- itiou"-d eight W@%Ie,u (,&*ad& ,flat Ile to daily rapecliseel I" , . .", . I in and the : ,tist, ,lilt it, ,,topic TIIO,NIAS KYDD. the drying bui:dlng on tile DortIe', tivieving by selinessuremout two hundred The filet . O, of Boston the fullest cjc,fa jar 6,4 past exertions Aiiy.lw.. gr.4 ezgepdi..g to the filet, V,w,,.iu 1...olpool %OJ I.o.de,vi.atorae I 7 ­ colf . , ' Irlindred and 1. I . , _r our lartior - I centers t -A thidk that his now will on the east, Lot in the AU-eace of Acreet. be tho same more or little. awnew gight uundred .,,it of melchouchw. which will t, '.14 I- to . I , , , . . ,e t up a rnem -.;-1 addressed to Pre I Godericla, !7tli July, 1852- 'a first engine sad to org,,ni" fir" comilsiby A;.o Lot No. 46 in the Second Conces- fireet day of JIdy One 111" ere or on Cited dirfil­ll cfvd"'- . . L, gO three revicir Io the Polluted- L'aaa bay H. BIsETT. r Prously tnd peresitat letter IRTessuirt tA much Of the ,.­ .eeint Fillmcre is b,ing Dum ivu eff,rts were L,n&v4i:;r;2- Th,2 6­1 112 .ion of the Township of North Eapthorw I sod Peventy-loo I or, votactetl by %be Muni it. is , 1 1 ­` Tocy pray the Presi Lawyer, and of a'&VVOWgWa to SOPPOrt V! I shingles were qnlckly wa!te-I daw" Into lival c:stavniog by vidullessurerni-rit one hundred I lot. Be it itierel u , . _ influe Li:!IT signed. . 1 $1000 Rewar d 'Pal Cot'"ll of Ill Untied eatintlow of 161 Zing 151rce" I vs -els. , ag baz&rds, by I towo,.aod f&l:log upon the dry to-* c-lifflit , fifty eig!Pt acres, be tile same more or I c, 0, ounallow" era is Tattletale April 2@111h, 1052. S . . " -1 4dest to Send a novel force to protect The tims interests Of TWGNW Oft- . - first the old ChUrch, occupied by Miles Fel- Is". . . i I oron. Perth and Brat by Volvo 91 --------------.-- . 11 1, I - - Council assereveled Under sad I I . W rwaist Of otherviriesefte prove coo ourselves to i sad dwelling. hire. Also Lots Not. 46 and 47 in ill* First AVY G0004 fishermen in I', ir lavwru! occur-ttiOu- . SPC EF -A Maud; or, We the undersiged, pledge toe visvi schoolroom 1,he.q pneret:omad& Municipal Cort"rutbess, LINDELDOIL.PAINT8.1-1E .. ___ __ - I winciag ,to say __ proportion to tbe;Tborcupone's J041-0 Gardner's tLAS Magog. one' won ofibe Tusernsuilsof North East &c.. &a. I I would 2ve_7J diously I House, and in fact all the buildings as fit by admessurement Iwo ,&I:,, &rlef ti p ptaoinge, of Ibla By I,&%-tbe - a I I . ____a st-emb to be PM- ,,Why bit L' I an sto kept pay the above sum, ;II " C cc 'ad"m I Arto," and 11 is It,rrilly seactod, that front .. I COLEP.A.-The colem - I . =nA-,.-,gbe We wpo more or IV64. 11 E Upedeirvienell bag (.If Sale . . , 11' ill P. mind The vapniw advantages to amounts against our respective name', to as Dr. Julanson's On M1100 strag,. arid If. I Warden uf the said United Coulltideel- *ball Tailting 0 tome elletat fees tire Western and . am - *m IC, isties from berving at who will give such I 13mytb,s on witter streets werel at d IT I" hes.h.sois end quartet-caske lia-kd - J, be deriveOir of bay person or perms"s I 'fil"Peol Also the Stretford MI!Is with the Lardt and i ha e power and authority, sod he to hereby .. L lioutlu,.M Stal..$ in ,Iaysvi!le, Ky.. ther- Ia th,t City insievid eve act on fire, hot wittli-611 saved cleoll't -fer, ill.ges, atterbed therettello. which lands, Legg," 011. I . I I ei.,#;Ct 11.3,00rav . . as Will lead to the appre- ' liven it outh-rit-A, onlyloo, @red and required to it- 70 baa h,ada &.4 quarier-ce-lis Raw- - - I'll, .1 - argulocut. Perhaps information I the aw,­1 lnZ huelfell sad outbuildings occu- le, or ko much of the sarlee 4 1 a. rally in be I bare been 9 deat!4 by it since ,it first T,jroutd, out ,If the se,'road cuatractor I with the tenement 'y to sitisfy the said sow, gr.nt and make Detil"I"red at the said ff,lo, b,91 English. I I . Itio, there be is - r th fear that the P-dielifin of conviction of the party, who' pied by Mr. Barrio, r 21111111y bee necesso Mon,cipalaw of the mood jetted C )uttme 5 1:2. whis'Nobs, inc%sks, I I . ties Intension and eq to his bar,,, I 'I, fe 11 . . broke, ,rt. in lPJ*itmifl;ton, 0, . I the instant, I The file appears to 119TO is l live, I P a offor for Palo at the Court for tile $own of one hundred &ad tusllt fiw* I twoll ( balk. Ia clealso. . I . ght of Monday the 26 v, ich it woo coninsuniested to the he .I Dry %Vhov teed, . , I,l1r&a, gorme vkgLA Years ago. is About on the Oiler oom, in ,he County of iloron Griot, in % have been 6 or 8 deaths, and cons* ~' on the Block I r,.n .Ih Iderable I IlCet; saw, that the jeall 5 attempted an Incendiary Fire I wa's consumed I it re Saturdav the tv,entv I It.ouraud ponts,4 Ia fu:i PaJancht of 4111 126) it Its la" Red LeseaJ, ; - , 1. b"Iss- IA;& Mr. Smith, which Town of Godrrich, o I the 11,,ur tj ruonvy J ovinmr, or tat bere.ime doar Sustillocei " ­ -all . i , IldlIrm olviltell. It is SM protw&ilisg In st%t- - I !ZrInablattli of Insk""'Glac" About their of buildings at the head of West Street. I eirvia the house of the former. Standing! , 0. I f October, next, a' ,:III" or is so lot"k. costsiolog k,go Gtoord.rvsiat I , To azy I ,list others have %bin a fo,w feet of %fr. Small,' I. house, 11 tolf . UAT 1) - and le ng by I -3 to Mu§lclrgl'tY- I"f of CA -M . ­ -J sc2ll t,wn% thercrueout theet West. I te IMI;Ii, WoOld Continue ­ U Godotrich, July glib, 1852 t I*tt" twelve o'clock. no,,n , I)0 N A LT), on ac,.00nt,,f or in "op, ct of, tailleely file 'A tims b CUsid, mened THEN THET I We it, great triewrtions l"t he . JOWN %I STOCS Of so Cook* Epagon sells. . J, clevolveret occur t".eu up The gr ' $200 was we ilvoiloind liharese of the CA rITAL I - ICHABI,-D IN THKIR CITT %V-- Story was The shod "' " 14teack Usti- I be m i Wallf woo :""'+.,,.,. : (:in ;P1n2ti, , Me tit& da.maged, as I shtri ike B14ntl,,,d sod Buff -to J-1 "') ":',: : 'C'a,". I and no, N-11 , Marwood WKsays 200 1 saved. I f 11. 1'. 4. B. . . At,, bat llhe it is so OPWC,Mic, I Wei a@ the furniture, U! e The contents I slectriff's offire , ,.,a.1 (,,o,pm,.y. hold and owned by %Lee "Ili 0 Came 84142. r, It lins areade its ap- j HAPI.L." Of Jae Watson 200 1 of Mr. Ilatris*8 houses, W To principally, h J I *0111.185t. III 5r,26 3t . .1 . sla in is mrsairestied. a that ,,the citizens 25 ' ,N,,,U.vIV4I,lv. pr..%.j.j a!wa%o that each d - _ALF0- . Mr.Gorvane am- %V E Grace ; saved. The lope on the buildings is per- all not in )eanor, Retain. r -,ch. ()If for 11114fl'i" , Cha -lee Widder involved is thei 7`ehjju _.'WTCVVO N __ __ lwntwe 0- ' be for 4I 'I -'100 it -1 I" t it to Ton w-ist i.4trols; Viudg-, ill bwml-. 117aftelee pearave aloog the r1ifer and c"st in the I j1&,g4f,,ss Late never yet (I sai favor with 23 ; - I i U nited 93 hope 4200. L90 of which are . ­ I 1,Vp"t,r,fi" -.,w.edas. And yeavicied further ,U.,vg I -;,ciaily ef New (irleaftes, several deaths i tile p,ople of Goolerich of of I" Robt Moderevell 100 Mutual. The most of tile ragetanery in 'he .IIOOT'AND sHOE STORE. that tile W Men f,,r Ito fee#,- LoPlIve, "ball Oil to case -ad Ito&. a. U. BRETT. ) - , . usets_ embark Goollobson a a part of the . . , 4 little, aluies wsv . ve Alm,dir taskei6 place. ; co _s ,so as to 1:,d,et them to 25 two paper tat to, an well 6 a- . legLo no tuch delesectum or Ifil gmet sit",. t , I . 'Ile cholera is making a fearful appear. 10 vmv scheme of cmut%,,,,, with the (;real I lorace Hortan 26 paper and rage. Were 114"Od. Talf faa* Ills 10 -ter And by wittilet ,,f this Us IA%. except 851 III vs -813 . ' a connextren with Matthew Black *TV was considerably damagell, Bull Onciel' fflubscribe? beget loinfor'n therewato r, 'o.red by It*"- Tpook., April Web. I . Wir%tvrn, Ia pre,.ereore to 10 . TIF -h ' and the &%it- he gha:I be first q ____ - - - .- I - Itce in Jackson, Missouri. Tile St. ; ,I,Orcnto br t;veli,h;­ ani rileresaft his Sur-, Then Nicholls 6 of the paper was burnt oulAstiOr ne WO;l .bab ' itants of Godent. Id 11 "o-cipal Cocatl . ____ - -_ i I . David lAwman 0 corels of woo,,. Mr. Itrorek's rounding Country,, that ho h%4 j"' I'll "In 0 I the " ' i .0tis r&p:4-Vican contains the followin-. i ritei interested In a 10 to some 30 am flitl 5 afto ovenod a Neew Iloot and Shoos Stove In eird. And too it i,,rihvr ebalstiod filet tha' IIARD%VARE&c. . a Prize to bear that ple and Jobe Allen 60 I loss Iv vorloustv estimated let fr I !.,,. Harald saw Brick ariguse,Goderch.-I ,aid sual of coto htivellied ag.d lveraly-five - I ome a .larISc,,,*corraetponder.t-.- ,uwe st ­b.,r1y Itne. 03mciv, lbe Buffalo Berej Partionif 5 to $10,,lsoo. lit was insLjicd for 95.50 . "kelop Oil hand 11;vusand ye,-Livide, and tl,# dwtp"Iurvis t, ore I E IIT Ttl,F. UNDrItSIGNED, , -,On,, should ever Wh re lie well vowittautly - Glit it; A I Ila e', ,t . I - F 1c. -las. I ­ I Ivlford ,,,&liver Com A M- Intito and 01.50 is ,Ila Illutual, and $3,000 to I 1'. a, tit asoOrtaid, stock III for, ansill became doe. and be pairsh-e ,In tbo if to-ke stiodit's (,how L I Line Whole ulastiou is prim "t I' I- is well 25 1 1. I 1 r -i r r- I Imperl re- Thom Kynd There was 'so In- a ry, e ' LAfd it . d,, 08411"It be) th.a. * , terssv,,)ra v Ill, e omqu,sitooto.evedlibustri first day of July. is the yaw I I out 0 1 . ' ;entlem,,n. that early I- Thornivem Do cc on ill,! now ulil', whicil, vito nearly . L,Ldie a an 11--hre. , undred & I fifty, but during the prera- i 61 1, voie rk 10 the o1welto company. . d IT, WI ,"cet (if the chortlif fliere vras not at, I, I survive %N, h,cl, ho %T:ll sell At low prices, Jor "Ok one thousand ilight buu4ted SAII GOTOIItY I d. . LIL O`wl . le- polainebed a leo'gthy R.bt Partin 50 I T, el.tcas, Anwr,esis &y,6.*, ewoe,fvii Matters ready to r . June, the ('00'sn't ' 10 .0 isto op,Iravots. .9 lose in a I . two. 46U 1 wage oforoere that two hatedred ; you can 1 a ­ b our Ile Wrn Robinson Iesnvltv, and we ser'lot a ,,,b;, efr,.rt ortl . 2 do 8-ckl,o, "o., dilreess 1. t... setticros tabot ws- Ia public CA . I Thp ptIbIlc are RoMwifully willifivestm-d to Sea ,..,1,,,I be it fur6eir erveted, That thr I 'ril percoi e that to the space of! by w,delv circolAted Jae Skitnings ieve thodiatielter' The: 7ii Legs Cot) Chifin, all in", . I !I as , I fee 10 *ill be mlivilto ill ret, willerv. It relay ,rs;! and ,x&tnine for themselves, before put- :mid &bolllurso 11hisil bear Iblivro"'t fl("L &Led I I ef: F . w jag Gp,n I 1.0 d 1 -,:.N - it-, , - etifs one-foutth or cur pople. 5 orgi n of the- fird 16 9 M. " Or. '. Ili Noolo, I '" w papem. as VFP : as piellvelved Olsen I I., ,,3 cut oq- degree of mortality i Handbill'; tb" ldj ess Gee Oaks Imto of ! c4sierlrz e!,I-Wllpre. tier tile JAo thereof at and slier the 10P41 I .1 ,rers, it gave our reasons 3 have beta from Ili* chimeec] I ortron.1 I . of six per cehl. per gruest,, and shall be derl (linte Lend deasistolve). ... 4. .. I Issavic Martin IN pr;ce. . . - I - to I , for Fvsl . flo, either with ., - _ o leated. at least within my kaoww- I by the I In me uvo P1 I lik-ly, from spealactuselve C-o'bud"'"'al"ong ,., -1,9619 A" -I "' payable at ouch pine -it or plat I "i -tt"Er" for support"Di" one live in preference Mattis Anions a A 0 J .P -q- -0 a"c I ater sod amb:c Gun-, I I i 'e. It made its first apietaravoce on I . pal of wiwh was the Daniel Ilonly 10 The rage. ' I A It FS TI IOM PS()' in or without %his PrOvIde"'re to it 6 Caere of , . I anotiscr, the preac'lat IL with the 60 Two Severe Lorr im irnz Ica.-L-tt,rs GN]er:ch, ,larch 18, 1852- v5-ull-6ne ItVarden tar she lime being -6111i th'I'llm " ..' cook* c..'amirese Seedled &-A B!Kll-@. . . Jar, tile I Ith of June. and continued - Junction Jobe McDonald (SheriffY I.J J. C.at.i..1vf(,Q tests, Edit.-trP.l.'"Ges. I AvIlly to inerrolvele is virulence tit', Sun- blerscl l% !-Hl, f 10 I were br4ught by the ,.-,-r- ____ per;'abd that such Ittetest ball to, ago Ili", &I-'. k8hr(fiflal Geloriel). I I '. " ell - ______ - -_ - 11 I .1 P -ri,; this address wressat Henry Horton ------- o: mlLje I vs! able . I (;rest %Vestern a Ject 0 r 'Ilevering the 1"60 of two tee- " hot: in the PaW.Ill,tv"t,es. 70 do coamim.t L.,cks L,tichl-, 14.41-5. I Tb lel I Cl;eco lu 1: cill. ann"Ally at iv,eb t tile for Ila,*, I - I . 1, the 20th. when tile panic reached its is its merits; the sub Arne; Martin I 0 1 :.i.ese-ruthe, Ice. I 'it sod -1--k . to diacillsol-YO 0 ' %Wm Hyslop I Is In I,- r,"'.---,_O , !: Bail*, Tiffs., and a eviLeeftl I Ight , , and is general slant Je er-tued -- Open f been, So argued; would Or o P - , , . I fiber wit'i a or ulth - . , I . .. A, " 4 , "r e1cription Ora N r -PIT worthy 01 - Geo & John Cox 10 I metes k'nove a by the On I suci, place or pl.cps as Bi(rivoillessua & %VvLwtfbAu%P I I was %I I e , " ": , - 10 'let' " I I I its ; noble .pi its, I much more in Alex Noornyth ..me also' P(Prin" Elfward Wind. we I I vot Volt I'..%1-.CPaq 11.0 @*III Wardoll in tile -.4 (Jeoudes. . J ' ,. ,,t th rrfcre have been I , 30 could have had no interest whatever to t 11 rt am,l certainly ocked 1,1 Ill. Ica &11 the winter I I's (S.-.1ch) ; , tested dtik-titor-9 sheall d*oilleasto SR4 bpp-.§& ; 4o torn. Pannell K -t- ,I gen1lue; on *Ilr- 6 S Pe I W ill White real an.1 Chat:canth. %'.',,I:e off and the Saki Urb04IUF*11 Shillt 6-6 losvit,ell lead is tussled rot &.,d Counts Owes#. i : ilevierve bat that of the c-tuese of sulIering "' ' - "I 1bW [ ,so. r, .10 -] I R. if. BRETT. 0 . h his former con E Woodcock 11 . .1tr7l., . -mmemily all who were not detained by mile more ia keeping wit surprise Jag Does ifelt : ".'dp MAIL CONTRACTS. - . 5 , ,,a,f,,&t, r,p,sce, he o"trved a 161941 graoi.d urd,r the Ca, Poe a to N a I or t be I! cigive4li% the 161 KiNgsve I , t.-Asess already in their families, fled. On duct-, if, instead of "prss"ing hit nee se ,;. st,out to miles from Ivs,,d, , a id Monieopski y, and shell be . istil 2tti " lem I L la I be had' heard, and, assuming an Won Woodhorn &red go,00 pe,sovI4 - .,I, a troi sod by I Tonmto, A 6, v3­Ulg. __ , I -_ -A - - - - I I I - , , , i I 1,13-Ily morning the, epidemic had attaincl t a Jost our Martin McLennan- IS part of big crow ..jdr rwPd to thel.a,d% '*tl*n,br.Joik&itipe4: It - :,::i0tv to the people or I I govedton 0", the vrc,,k. SFAl,f',I)TF,NI1Ei(8, It . , riL;s. Nine persons were lying dead, never czisted,- B Miller from The shore, started for over I1o,,-fMAPTKR GRIP)MAI-1 (4-ittele. and, ilso Treenuftr -,f I be said U sc.peo., v amell , __ ----- - --- -_ . i, , '65' " face it a aid Warden &old T-Gaou'f'oor f..r ;-Q",Goe CROCERIES &r., _ IJ not more than fire or &ill able-bodied part, -an &version wbech T N Maleswortler Attar a tedious sad devieff9rous pem I marked ­ TradersJor Mad Yerricer." we'll ' ' I. ______ IN TtiE ORIGINAL .11 to have taken up the subject On itli broadest Will Wallace 5 the eirifling Kle, they vaccooded in TtAcb-Dt . d at q'efsmsrf , until 13 O'clock, being are levreby is-hor's-41 orwit-errd slid I'At KAGLS. 11 .11 111c citizens were left in town. It then the fullest 'chn Adaine 6 tile villal, glad ditedoviiervId the virsari to be, .,ece;,t - req,lirod sot-, Pig" alli cuullt flllflh 1111014 me: - - 1, a4uldly subsided, &bell the ba,is and argued the question On 'woo If 13 O'Costoor 50 the Aiw,d,m of I,iw*?p"I, about 800 to nes u... ell T U - ilt REPTF-MBFIt. and the said 4--bovelt-lost shall Iā€”ā€” C 7 "'Prall TIF, -3 FOR * ') last fatal c&se RT) A Y, Ties 4 , ccurred on Saturday, the 26th June. meri , of both routes I and left the dec then, litou hen bound to Qoe U -N " -r I" -61,1 'PIGUNIII vinich bALI. .i J Sense of the people; 11 Brace 60 b,c. Thorn were Do TMg C,N%I.TA.NCK or HLK U4JKSTI'S aiticheld to these# I .1 __ to the ; -04 Id Mr. Gfirynne leave been Abraham Donough 6 per,00nve on board. ivad 44 the b0z's brIloa I roe . .4.4 C.-Pi,pros eilliell Ire like Inivese: b, "'j," 70 lerall. peo'. Rieto 9 2r I I - 'hem a ' 50 Ishis sod 6 to,rers ( iusbv,d Failer; I - 01' On Tuesday tat, a friend from the Geselleineu, wou John Salliveld 5 ing to her were Ira", leNving the 'plifly 111111IM-, fil A* Lost 6 A - ,up,, pe- trerk btftceeft .1,P,he AArsex anti c!,usaarmigned her las &&IJ Wels *o &" L nil Severe T,ea.orcr itap,clively. It 'al,ticd to all difference as our old unswer B.rus-d lialdin 30 soppolive Ili* crew halt t PILL 10 I " ,14amettr4h. 3-4i hos:e Toois, warievar glad**. , ! 'Ovems 7 I I wl.ert is trT left us a beautiful sample of Fall cing f a of I S4' )-'4 1 - betw-ciris Lond,lo need V ,, rien ,,now '" bow the matter stands W 0 4m,th a were oefo. About five miles from 'Stre"' fillers per week 41h. AnA be it Ner lie, ­oc-rJ. Thai fleor 71) 1.00 C.fr , le - "Vie"eal, If we "my I like it as a opeciTnen, e the M It Reymour 10 tiveAderd" 16%lesevy observed snoth4if Pori Slisfile'V, he ple) o -("I Of tire teed dCbe-,-ur*s I-fotif,ls- 241 do le"It"". 4 " I John Doovesith 5 vessel ; seleve "as schoOlIt", embedded in - between London '.d sar- 90 it. riou'rit., Y` will be ,Imply remunerated for his too]. in its Present shape' refles of Sil lineopri, w,;k le-4,to pl,ovolvd I., bar leaned and lirmiaLlesi " b.,SP. kesw--. I .,Capitulates the fill 74:yVarin bell 10 the Ice. Pit . 0, *,-d Ill* irtlefeelt tht#cee", '[,-I- bleall owl As I to, 'Viv bare beard that .everad famers in this .Nlr (;wvD§e twayslatel- I.Prido- died ,olt Ill to.k.c.ef.0'a. I . a i `f ILmUl ,ecting the Usti- 11 gee mmiltaid bill I !iDvs.F .-JOR Rl.tlr Si, tipwo Ile, Werk tchreen I le-vivard, fervi-d end rms,,J up.,a u-9 wh 40 ' Iclulty have somovenced to cut their number 0 direction, and termialt- Otoo Acholson a FocaTeCt IV LY T, .2TItA lil.ileotle P,.p-ty Within the *Aid I steed 4,) t.wes I led -6tateA 12 e%ery the day oveolug it small party of youne gentle- Goetericle, Galt and Geoff- c4,owioo of fission, Perth iter -i Ber.mr, a 4 saw* I "digs, -best. [Ake 011113""e, but Suppresses Aetna McKay 10 Go bad led'.@ from Watson, ol't Mr. car- I S z lime, per w,#k belterer" 261, ls..see ,-,4-041 40-li I Ica T -4060a, mix on , get at these, roads 0 Vidents pamlorls Hotel in this village, end took the rich. I I W I"CiAll I?dte it clock ittar t!orifig it, I00j ra Macishow 14.014 -_ !, 0 11, ... IvPee of Its- said 11ttle,velores of 4 isl,tcev Liondoes MLL,Uvil I I I - - simple fact, 11met Tat "', a by To- Dantall Gordon 8 liefdlo residence 71ree limits pir Lateral i'ttrereft chdife" and *a.; Off 4. to #lug A IN . IP1Q;: T. -A, " 111101too the M&A teaseling by General W, a', theirs, on the evu,n or safe.* by them food& h's. III Es _iz;._twU held on 32 miles wooer 1, tie as that We Thcanhill Is. K*m;v to go timsir rosoris homeward, d to 'bey brilregn .1lood (Irards 1.4 -* Vire.ric-, 1 4 I W 9 Rich I bO near the Table or am, par' 11fiveleo, f nv,f arel %hoe 4 "a" I, S"47, the 25th Il ad "A"I"PAIN, . A feakee R'Ll' tel"W. 4 instalest, before Dr. roftIO; Day, he tl'e% to "I'vess ds through I is ,;ad ,.,,., p., o,v,,,k the" it wilreem J*hn MeD*eet& a in vel'ith John valres. .nil in addition to all either ratalse send 'fatell, ?1III "11'1 ',',' what,ioeoe P A McDoegall 6 (lf,v A N Itu TiiksTw I-XTOODR, r Ito lit,41ows, 'flat is to say, is Me beegoo A..'ek. Cleadrining, Toronto- de9er" Joe Molestation 10 Willsome sod two ladion staff riding, -a N E:XT - each ,vils,, I -r and during the flold "tioell of 14o 4. Table," Apes. It . who earnoe to his death by cc- ,,Ia ire vot ricifify W b go (right#* . R. if. 10tt-r-0. (;TT'llemen, VA ,--A." both apes the He -se's "so. *bee . I . I M,Douglifl, on view of tin body of Jabs emu merely get to U Crobb 16 '*gas , on"ca'"d Is their 'a I I tortal, yval'ill, c.n.sewsocing ... ties Ar.t usy I , flartery, The louggy, vs. @woo, , - I f"s sai in . , cid-vetany failing out or It virveggon 'we the epithet Of " I; I bin that be beeivarto wasoUrst"asip- and is - 161 It..6 sitels," .. vall.st I I (;Owtoon I I I Joeovb Song MMOO 40 A&WI of Mr. %%, illwad sell* & vv,fv .p,,A,, Ia @lots the ill"" "led at Jolt it" fiess 'ever of g" ';'Ira win 'has 'r.now, Alloil ,ill Is 90;IL I "-M. . . . drilling upon Ilia -i-verdiet accord- the artst-r"w")"it .. lot to I glattini'll-Ary I to ! spite of every 0 rass at loseglis, sod to few seconspanted by 03i . I so their *%test" "' y Oki 'a 0 do, wo ..ad oigh't bulliefired sod g,tw lwa sold . ____ . __ . ingly. ,ro"mtooio"-, - ,WWI Of the subse- Jae WA40.8 (Baker) To to a good relmrs-0, the les" ' 7 ... 11 a , full speed livened voidifireilly off th" roe lbee gessi'll"I" OT twa hr.e'Ct,peollltflbolfetbpo&rlT'fv"*I le".1i'mr to view are 1svfaToa'4rAJQ90'1yg..1%w t,b,*,,d,*4*dr CoTlralll YARI.4 4 f"TON 1111,16111M I - __ ___ - reduce we to wilivis t the apply to 8 Larnowilso I Irtakirg. that In , I f O'er Load coo Rowland WJU 6 a Fly riebtessitimend lolitp,t MIT '"', I" .o. ,eso comiract 611411 hoe mod Govemly.two, (A," pswoes, to the pound. CANDLE 111111FICIt. &e. I 1:11" There was 80 uttevelpt made to set ject and become stived to thown- a" - . to ,W;jw,s bee, - Mr. (',WTWO John savato a I pulph frnm a ludge of time rock, 40"at 31f,"' do, level -if W-cePts"t' - '"lle,ing for - I I fire us. 10" - that f.clarw P.,"d. ' ho I by the plefty 11 I re b of July 1,vrivi islo .1 (or NOTICR -The all -we so a lr,,e* c.,py of . L"IOR INALF, to the Block of buildings at the head of his blarney I ; -h'ho Ise -11 lim'"'"J"' " I' 415, kal-br-I , 14-6com Cot$asim TW*i - g a J his of 'be Rivalry At a mettimX held in the Tentriewertriere I tr.hbl`,11 ."o five or sjx filet joalp. brnk# I 'he 0". wit" us, boot,l so 11 11 I Per prola.w d By tAo, to be takes is's clemovaillor. . (;ill quive we owdortsh PC in hoe" I" 46 Solve' , Wum' vq--A, on Monday night. It. 26111. Vr . to ,lems Ontario sod naii, (;odarieks, on Tuesday Fvusiog, joil, I he all. 00 to to *-two Ilell' Pori, th-r -110 far ill* die per- .,ion by lhv 9 iniviparaily tit ,he Unit& 300 * be des. C..Aw, liv lork. I 11 , tivishant' by mems i--&Wy. Tlarr@ was a ill, A..M"S. ritiet as Iiv" 110i"ry, " qtwlr P.roonp- ,I part, In it cefit" - ftvvj; ; Glad says t st Tltb, 1`852, for tlw put" or beginning a tftk:.f0.r.-,? eo,r'l ,. by "` f live berl"ce, 04 at i if'oollifletto of lioro'.. ro,th'sold lic"Co, it% tiol, In a. I of.#. ad; ql'Rl'tY*(Pi§O boa,di,,rix or seven buserecialeof E.rW -11" or t . &Woe an Lake Nighel Patrol for the protection a( *A T%o, switsell lboutwell,"ff'"" "'ow" - i la,mance 0 10 "It"'I te, ill. in e tint"n 11.101. ilk 'he T.Wo of (JoloPelert.. 1. ill be" W-1,11-0. Show It . EL .. .4 IS,,* hooll"I Fall frorljcoIA'P- " of travel. fellow be G,oflty 0 11.1-00, 000 Of t" 611, U-1 -ALA0-- , 0( Ookboi4 sod ev large pumen off Opmok, Bleffstd, sits"an undew, the" cit- Town of Goderick. Capt. Mar*ood in flicalleft" tin Its" vpPw,12a ,,,,,,tvd frL"n e."lowspep, dl,slont"- I .. I I - "vetit we I"all I wnooftl 'd PIG 4seews Plo,,-wey. traccep. estat "1864 ;1 I -, the" C*0400" h,iIja we U, Comeast the Clever, mind Mr. E. WocIvictick aeft mm- I I "C% led C."vitoe,s. on 16-0 lit IS they of tkl.bw t evililleass" b* -ft Mr. (;ro".Ip A Evers" the lWalbbeere.-I.tweis Co. RepoWital. 4 artilre ,oaf Bret (' ""Cirev .." '0152, of IA LP*vla,k. vl orl, Sea 69 .4,wh rftw,. twelawleod qlativiliessolat, . , _"" ewvo,Avvoc44 I Oak why 9 Befrole is as Steocreta" it wass "I ep I I '" t'W 10 - STno,ew I.,*tv -A 46rity r-qu.- I 1, ,4 .f Too 2 balloo li-It -4 111111111 11111assf4. L " 11 I I , I ,J of the rogre by , v a, .'Ill 1,110.1 I ,,, little 9vaJ fievesev,,I the M-w.berves of 11his swas I I -1. mansi Mr- 1-fe" OlKee. N%-b*u 11110 fir* by ,w wtlfsv by lAke ( Warid I Movevi by Mr ]I. P.,Gid, witessfied by An Petressi,em-o I obtsel"Peol 01 '"tho" .& 10 0. wmvp6e I, IT". 4. the routes ""ic "North .311loveic.V41s.? at* Ifewritaill sa"Lled q. Sir- a to de, shm" M;. 1). tie, , , I polsout to ,be Pecklev'"' bou"' iterevotow. '"o, be .0 7 bid pal T.h -&~ A.d. 1.1, I. elected , "Pa" 40","d 4 - to a fur way to ife"'ester , Gm CA" 671 , T.".08".m:,ftleent, rieseves"lly A'd. ,1,4 . pool star and 0.1 ,I, .0 the haw. Of ISA I -C the purpose filinflasew. 9 itlern :ii h tel -'by 01' an rim" be tim. 6'.1 lie even As,nall,wri -I Met tow, of fivem P.,... .." I .d. :(;Ili. r-er."hoo, -,#set at T,,rontu. I "up" Ito wstftsi notbie(. ,4* o being ren 0 8,.", U. H. 1111ITC-11111L a..IL fter'. , I - Giollowt, air tW "'ars's' r Few my be, same to pestrale, ~if" Ovagotsa,lieg (4tha, " , ,ii " 11111100"I"", ke., is aa*tWr columns. on" 1. "stela , by Dr. Arrualreaff. tie- fmsd,c.lsop-,,,Ilg. r I calloo J J."'If DEAt'r. , C'.2ftiv Clark. . To ifil also ow.s. J; . - - d4fiegaisim k"r Tratelet em ouch sughet. . A I Rev, F. fre. In"d we .Ili, J!3L .1 5 DJ3,1 8 -tut., Ap, .I ,M,.iNft -&-ii I me Is a P-" ,nost We bow be 6"L Ilsqoyls was f."Lesel in Ill. ,sto "a, " 0026ts ],fly. I I __ - other . . '" pamoi I em ,ad. u(I .trod I. goZedomm y Mr. z 04 bs*464 telf 16*404 if** OP~ **it ' 4MIlto, I its J ,IT, I b5; - 4 . ,be ,far.. (vace, do I-! , ?,Colo &file T WTbm C4m=@mKalwa sagismid Asti (",&with sea ustimeter *very "is- going. mocivaideed llv t Mr. , ~&a Rissm, Willows of tie freight wit twas peon if an, 2 . I i 99 tie% ass. The I ! , . 1111101 ""W . . East. I Canada is -_ . ,_ ill . I r ­ . I , 0 01% ' - I % - I o ,. - I . I - -,-- -1 - lots& - , - . ,_ - .,_ . L - --- I - - 16 -_ . ...__,_Jc ; 11=r ; I , -7- :1 - - A-..- . , ,,, one. - - _cicniiIh, I Clio. a - 6 0 - _e 7=1 0 Jft I I __ _4. __ .j- - e& &"Oe- -----kA--.ft.., , - .e Z.h.. _ l .- . _ _I of move - I