HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-11-05, Page 17We're not 'spookin' ,„„sA. CLASSIFIED RATES 3; PER WPRt, (Minlinum 850) 20c Off If paid by Saturday following last insertion, Second Insertion 21/2c PER WPRD (Minimum 550) FOR SALE— SPRAYED APPLES—MacIntosh, Kin.g, Sweets, SPY, Russet, De- licious, Snow, Greening, etc. One mile south of Velma, Fred Mc- CIYMont &. Sons. 10; 8tfc Cement Septic Tanks Immediate delivery. McL EAN-FOSTER Queen St. West, Phone 192 St. Marys 9:10tfc 10 Months Free THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL New special subscription offer gives you 22 issues for 53.85. (Reg, Price, one year for $3.50). Hurry, bonus good until October 31 only, THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Agents for all magazines and periodicals Phone 770 Main Street BEAGLE, 4 months old, ready to start. Phone 642-W. 29c SNOW FENCE, stroller, child's car set, safety gate. Apply to 21 Huron St. or phone 779 after 6 p.m. 29c GIRL'S GREY COAT, red trim, sixe 12 teen. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 29* AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY—RCA Whirlpool Sovereign Washer and Dryer pair, 1959 Demonstrators, with Sudswater Saver. Top of the line models with all the de- luxe features. Save hundreds of dollars. Snelgrove's, phone 1§. 10: 29 tfn BOY'S SUBURBAN COAT, grey, 8 years, like new. May be seen at Midtown Cleaners. 29* LARGE MAILBOX, like new; Mc -Cormick Deering separator; oil burner to be used in cook stove; gas lantern. Apply Clar- ence Hohner, Hay P.O. 29* BOX OF CLOTHES, girl's, size 7 to 8, contains dresses, station wagon coat, blazers, like new,• etc., 815.00. Phone 114 Crediton. 29* LADY'S COAT, 3/4 a1ilouton, size 16, charcOal brown. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 29c USED 2x4 & 2x6, 12' to 16' long. Quick sale. Phone BA 7-4701 Lucan. 29c DOG HOUSE — Apply William Sweitzer, Grand Bend. '29c GIRL'S WINTER OUTFIT, 3 - piece, green with grey trim, size 4 or 5. May be seen at Mid- town Cleaners. 29c PULLETS — 3,000 ready to lay Dember White Leghorn strain cross pullets, fully vaccinated for Bronchitis and New Castle disease. Noted for their long livability and their ability to lay large high quality eggs on a most efficient feed conversion. Pullets are 19 weeks old and priced at $1.60 each picked up. Apply Elzar Mousseau, Kippen, Ontario, phone Hensall 694-r-5. 29c START THE SEASON on a new pair of CCM skates. We will al- low $2.1.0 and up on trade-ins on Your used pair. Traquair Hard- ware, Exeter. 29c NOW IS THE TIME to get your supply of celery, cabbage, ear - rota, Jack 0' Lantern pumpkins for Hallowe'en. Apply to Wilfred Mousseau, 21/2 miles west of Ilensall on 84 Highway, phone 92-r-2 Zurich. 29c HEREFORD BULL, 18 months old. Apply Laverne Rodd, RR 1 Woodharn, phene Kirkton 224.- 14. 29* CATTLE & SWINE MINERAL— Plan to feed your stbck Co-op Mineral this winter. You can't buy better. Catt1e-100 lb, $5.20; twine -100 lb. $4.00. Exeter Dist- rict Co-op. 29:5e GIRL'S COAT, wine with grey trim, size 12, nite new. May be teen at Midtev,e1 Cleaners, EX- pter , 29* HOSPITAL, BED, complete with Mattress, $75; new 45" crutches, $5; 4-biltner Moffat range, high Oven, s tr ong elettents, $40, Phene 356 or call at 81 11111 St., before 11 a.m. 29e 6 HOLSTEINS, Inilkert and springers, heifers and cows. Erwin Seat, Phone Lucan BA 7- 4479. 1 29e PCP8, ptirebred Black Labradtir, Make god pets, farm or pheas- ant doge, tatily trained. APPTY Geerge Beer, BOX 91 Hensel', Phone 1784. 29* WEANER, P/GS—jOhn Arte, RR 2 Creditoti, Phone 39-r-31 Creditori. 29e APPLES, choice, hand-picked, all leading varieties, from $1.50 bltshel up.. We also deliver, Vie JeffreY, Phene 6921-12 Exeter. 22:29:5e OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines, We can save you money! Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. .27tfo APPLES—Spy, Delicious, Cowl - land, Jonathan, etc. Sharrow's Orchard, 11/2 miles north of Dasbwood, phone 136 Dashwood. Hand-picked snow apPles $1.25 beshel. 22:29* PIANO, used, chop. Apply to Garnet Hicks, RR 3 Exeter. 29* MOUTON COAT, maize, small size, priced to sell; girl's winter cot, size 10, black and white fleck, $10; man's grey station wagon coat, light colored sports jacket, $5 each. May be seen at Midtpwe Cleaners, 29c 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS end 2 rows freshening Novernber and December; 1 cow registered. Orville Langford, RR 1. Lucan, phone BA 7-4314. 29* 1954 BUICK Century Sedan, very clean, power steering and brakes, radio, dynaflow trans- mission. Mechanically tops. 109 Empress Ave., RCAF Station Centralia', phone AC 8-6707 or Local 337. 29c EgF(Irs2drkgris,black dark grey with white face and legs and one 10 -year-old black mare with white face and legs. George Poortinga, Highway 83, 6 miles east of Exeter. 29c HOUND PUPS, black and tan, ready to train, $15; also 2 ma- ture hounds. Frank Hicks, Cen- tralia. 29* FOR RENT— HOUSE, 4 -bedroom, 3 -piece bath, hot and cold water; on country road, 11/2 miles west of Kippen. Available first of November. Apply John Anderson, RR 2 Hensall, phone 675-r-14. 29:5* STORE, steam heated, 444 Main Street. Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 22:29c 4 -ROOM APARTMENT, partly furnished, heat, hydro, bath, hot and cold water; possession Nov. 1 Reasonable rental, Adults only. Apply 343 Andrew St,, Ex- eter, Ont. Garage available. 29* APARTMENT, 4 r oom s and bath, heated, no children. Apply to Clarence Green, 465 Main St. (formerly Newton Apts.) 29* APARTMENT, 3 rooms, unfur- nished, heated, on Main St. Adults only: Immediate posses- sion. Phone 59-M after 7 p.m. 10:29tle HELP WANTED FEMALE— GIRL for office work and able to type. Steady employment for bright, energetic person. Apply in writing to Box BGS, Times - Advocate, Exeter. , 29c EMPLOYMENT WANTED— ODD JOBS, carpentering, paint- ing etc. Phone Centralia AC 8. 6687. 1:5tfc REAL ESTATE— Call 113 At 863 In Exeter, 2 bedrooms, living roorn, combination kitchen, din- ing area, full basement and oil heat. I have never seen so many closets. Terms can be arranged. In Exeter, 3 -bedroom brick, completely modernized and ex- pertly decorated throughout. Spacious grounds and well land- scaped. Located one block from centre of town. In Exeter, dupiexed house. Each unit contains 2 bedrooms, pri- vate bath, kitchen and living room. Good dry basement. $3,000 down. Large Brick house in Crediton with lots of room and an extra building lot. A real buy. Crediton, large 5 -bedroom house and 63 acres of choice land on paved road, Terms can be ar- ranged. 70 acres, a large houte and good barn—$12,000 With terms. 150 atres in Stephen Township, on paved road,2 bfirns and a brick house With 5 bedrooms. Go6d clay loam and a dandy water supply. 200 acre farm in Stephen Town- ship, 5-bedrooin brick hOuse in very goOd repair, 2 barna• and neW driveshed, One of the better farms iti the area and tents cart be arranged. 150 acre farin, extellent hue and two good bank barns, Well drained clay lam. Close to Litean. 75 acre grass farm, close to Ex- eter, $4,500. We have other good fartns with price a starting at 49,000. John Burke *Real Estate Broker deneral Insurance 534 Main 8t. toter Phone 863 HOUSE, ht the village of Zer- loh, 3-bedebbin, all modern eon- vettlences, A,pl t& COrrielitts Van beaten, Walnut t., Zeriell. 2229e REAL ESTATE, HOUSES , FARMS , gus1Nt88 *.pftoptimE8 Choice Lots 1 Bleck from Schools $650.00 $1,000.00 M. L Gaiser REAL ESTATE Phone 24 SAMHENDRICK (Salesman) Phone 711 C. V. Pickard EXETER We are offering the following and other properties; COMFORTABLE house, 3 -bed- room, well located, modern kit- chen and bathroom, oil.burning furnace, nicely treed lot. Priced under $6,000.00 Quick possession. 3 - BEDROOM HOUSE, frame, hydro, good basement, heated with oil, nice lot, This hotise re- quires renovating but may be purbhased for the low sum of $2,400.00. Quick possession. We have buyers for two- and three-bedroom homes. If you wish all cash for your property we can arrange it To bu'S, or sell, see C. V. PICKARD, Realtor, and General Insurance, 394 Main St, Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 6:5tfc W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 86 Anne St Exeter Phone 435 BUILDING SITE, Main St. at Huron. Suitable ,for store or of- fices or apartments. ON NO.4 HIGHWAY south of Hensall, about 3 acres, excellent property on which to build. CENTRALIA — 4 -bedroom brick house, newly painted, range wired, furnace, bath, garage, vacant. 200 ACRE FARMS? Yes, seve- ral. We have several farms, stores and other properties. Exeter, Dashwood building lots. WE NEED some houses for pros- pective buyers. EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 RUSSELL BRODERICK Phone 1187-W HENSALL—For gracious living - 5 -bedroom brick family home with two car garage, ideal cor- ner lot located on main street. Tastefully decorated throughout —all conveniences and many extras. Terms arranged. HENSALL—Well located attract- ive brick ranch style 3 -bedroom home with attached garage. Nicely decorated with spacious grounds. Many extras. Financ- ing can be arranged. HENSALL—New 3 -bedroom clap- board modern home. Nicely' de- corated throughout—all conven- iences. Attractive terms. /HENSALL — Two-bedroom ,insul brick cottage with 2 lots. Low taxes. To settle estate—$1,800.00. GUARANTY TRUST • Realtor R. B. Paterson — Phone 51 Hensall 22:29c PERSONAL— ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — Box 58, Centralia, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PART-T1ME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Canadian Distributor has local territory available. Men Or wo- men must have 10 to 12 hours spare time weekly to fill orders. Must have small capital avail- able to purchase own inventory. This is refundable under Coin- pany'S merchandising program. Write, giving background, phone nuinber, etc., to Handy Pac Aids, 601 Oakwood Ave., Toron- to. . 22:29c HELP WANTED MALE -- YOUNG MAN for genet -al duties in appliance ,atore, Apply in per - soh at Snelgrove's, EXeter. 29e Experienced Farm Tenant Wanted Now Wages paid monthl3r. S o n e hottsework available for wife in oWnees residence, Modern home within fiVe miles of Chatham im paved road, in- cludes bath, furnade, hydro and telephone. Ainple school facili- ties nearby, Reply by letter outlining exper- ience, locatien of ptesent em- ployment, redommendations and wages expected, Inchide snap- shot Of family if onVenient. APPLY BOX cb lEXIEtElt ttfAES,ADVOCATi The Times-Mvneate, .g,...tokmr .29, 19$9 Pogo 1; people are goblin. up m A barga.$ OST— FOX HOUND, black, white and tan, Call George-, Beer, phone Hensall 178,J, 29* SERVICES, SEPTIC TANKS PUM'PED—Irn. mediate service. Butler Bros. Our new phone number is Lucan BaldWin 7-4254 or Baldwin 7-4312 9:3-1Q:29* WHITEWASHING—Anyone wish- ing to have their barns or hen- houses whitevyashed, call Bill Watsoo, phone 37-11-3.9 Dashwood. Alsp grain or corn spraying. 5:21tfc SUIT DOESN'T FIT? Altera- tions, double breasted suits made singles. Spurrell, .87 Dundas, London GE 9-4351. 5:14tfne WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOC1ATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service All Breeds of Cattle Member owned and controllzd Cost Low - Efficiency High Use of the best of bulls Disease controlled, Safety For 'service or more informa- tion Phone— FOR LONG DISTANCE CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 Between 7:30 and 9:30 AM. wee 'c days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Saturday evenin2s •Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sun- day morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING FILTER QUEEN sales and ser- vice. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. For service phone 659-J Exeter. 9:17tfnc WASHING MACHINES repaired. Apply Paul Sass, 66 William St., Exeter. 22:29:5:12:19* SANITATION SERVICE—Septic tank pumping and repairs; new installation septic tank and drainage. Call 205 Grand Bend. 10:1-12:31* Violin Teacher MARGO DESROCHERS, A.R.C.T. Phone AC 8-6663 Centralia 29:5c TO $5.00 PAID for dead or disable horses and cows, accord- ing to size and condition. Call promptly. All s m a 11 animals picked up free of charge. Phone Ed Andrews, 851-r-11 Seaforth, collect. 10:15tfn WANTED— MALE BOARDERS — Apply at 74 Ann St. or phone 1J. 22:29* LIVE FOWL Heavy Fowl 100 lb. Light Fowl 80 lb. PHONE 'NORVAL REID 49-M Hensel). 22:29:5:12:19c EQUIPMENT FOR RENT— Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER 2:19tfnc STRAYED -- 4 YEARLING HEIFERS, 2 Hol- steins, 2 Red heifers, from, pas- ture in Hay swamp. Name tags in ears and a square slit end of left ear. Oscar Tuckey, Exeter. 29c TENDERS -- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS address- ed to Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and en- dorsed "TENDER FOR RE- TAINING WALL AND DREDG- ING, B A YFIEL D, HURON COUNTY, ONTARIO" will be received until 3.00 P.M. (EST.), WEDNESDAY', NOVEMBER 18, 1959. Plans specifications and forms of tender can be seen, or can be obtained on deposit of sum of $20.00 in the form of a CER- TIFIED bank cheque to the order of the RECEIVER, GEN- ERAL OF CANADA, through: Chief Engineer; Harbours and Rivera, Huhter Ottawa, Ont.; District Engineer, Public Building, P.O. 13ox 668, Loden, Ontario, and can be seen at the Post Office at Bayfield, Ontario, The- deposit will be releaSed on return of the docuthents in god condition within a mohth from elle date of reception of tendert, 'If not returned within that perAcid the deposit will be forfeited. To be contidered each tender must— (a) be accorhpanied by one "of t h e alternative tectirities called for in the tender docemehtt. (b) be made or t e printed fonts supplied by the De- partment and in accordance With the ctinclitioris Set ferth therein. ' The lowest or any tender it necetaarilY aceepted. ItoBERT FORtft ft, Chief of AdMiniStratitre SerVied sind SteretarY !MISCELLANEOUS— ! BE: SURE to spray your cattle for Dec as soon as the cattle are put in the barn ler best results. I use Liodane, the satis- factory insecticide. Yeur custom work will he treq much apPreci. ged by a physically handicap- ped nan. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266, , 29:5:12c BABY CHICKS— ° AMES IN -CROSS millets, ready - to -lay, started and dayolds. Dual purpose and Leghorn clucks, dayold and started. ,Send for list, Fall -winter delivery best broiler varieties should he ordered now. Bray Hatchery, Erie Caracadden phone Exeter 246-W. 29: 5en NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Harker, Harrison, deceased. All p er sons having claims against the estate of James Harker Harrison late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 18th day of October 1959, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of November, 1959, after which date the estate will be distribut- ed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, 29:5;12c In the Estate of Christena Dedolph Blatchford, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Christena Dedolph Blatchford, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 18th day of June 1959, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, .by the 12th day of No- vember, 1959, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario, 29:5:12c In the Estate of ,„ Leona Adeline Hill, deceased. All person s having claims against the estate of Leona Adeline Hill, late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 14th day of Octo- ber 1959, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of No- vember 1959, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator, Dieter, Ontario. 29:5:12c NOTICES— THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1960 Assessment Roll of the Township of Usborne will be held in the Township Hall at Crediton, Ontario, on Monday, November 9, 1959, at 2:30 p.m. H. IL G. STRANG, Clerk 29e PICKUP OF TREE LIMBS, ETC. A special pickup of tree limbs, brush cuttings, corn stalks, etc. will be made as stated below. West of Main Street on Thurs- day, October 29; east of Main Street on Friday, October 30. Householders must have mater- ial placed on boulevard by 8 a.m. of the day mentioned. Leaves and other like material will not be picked up. October' 21, 1959. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk Town of Exeter 22:29c THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1960 Assessment Roll of the TOwnship of Stephen will be held in the Township Hall at Credi- ton, Ontario, on Tuesday, No- g/ember 3, 1959, at 4:00 p.m, JAMES MAWHINNEY, Clerk 15:2229c CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List of 1959 Municipality of the Township of ilsborne, County �f Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Township of Ilsbotne en the 26th day of October, 1959, the list of all persohs entitled to vote in the Said Municipality at Municipal electiotis, and that stich list reinaint there for in, spection. And I hereby 'tall lipen all voters to take ininiecliate Pro- ceedings to have any errors or °Missions corretted according to law, the last clay of the ap- peal being the Oth day et NO. vetnleer, 1955, Dated this 26th day of Octo- ber, 1959; H. G, STRANG, Clerk Rit1 Hehaall 29t - NOTICES solid oak .ccimbinatlon bghkeaSe, Sold subject .to :a reason.abla .NoTtog TOWN OF EXETER RQAP c LOSING To All Ratepayers Of the Town of Exeter TAKE NOTICE that the MUNI C1PAL COUNCIL of the Town of Exeter intends to pass a By Law at its regular meeting on the 2nci day •of November, 1959, authorizing the Clerk of the said Munipipality to apply to the Judge of the County Court of the County of linron for An •Order to close a portion pf Nelson Street, m the Town of Exeter, which portion can be more particularly described as follows: The W.est- erly Two. Hundred and Fifty- seVen point Four feet (257.4% being bounded on the east by the production northerly of the east- erly limit of Lot 729, according to Plan Number 20 for the Town of Exeter; and being bounded on the west by the easterly limit of Lot Number 745, according to Plan Number 20 theTown of Exeter. AND FURTIIE a NO- TICE that unless objections are formerly made to the said Council by any person who claims to be adversely affected prior to or at the regular meet- ing of the said Council on the 2nd day of November, 1959, the said Council will proceed to pass the said By -Law on the afore- mentioned date, having regard only to the objections then re- ceived. THIS NOTICE is given pur- suant to the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 248, Section 472, (1), and amendments thereto, DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 5th day of October, 1959, C. V. PICKARD, Clerk -Treasurer 8:15;22;29c TOWN OF EXETER ,COURT OF REVISION The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Town of Ex- eter to hear appeals against the municipal assessments of 1959 will be held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 7 p.m. on the 2nd day of No- vember, 1959. Dated October 16, 1959. C, V. PICKARD, Town Clerk 22:29c AUCTION SALES 'AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements and Household Furniture Second farm north of Elimville. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 at 1:30 o'clock Massey -Harris 33 tractor, in good condition; Massey -Harris binder; Massey -Harris 13 -hole drill; John Deere stiff tooth cul- tivator; John Deere spring tooth harrow; 2 -furrow tractor plough; farm wagon rack; garden trac- tor, with all equipment; poultry e q uipm en t; 800 hens; 3 -way crane. All household equipment. Many other articles. JACKSON WOODS, Prop. CLARK FISHER, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 29c AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Household Effects Estate of the late Roy Blatchford 365 William Street, • TOWN OF "EXETER OCTOBER 31, 1:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE: Income in• vestment opportunity property. Well located, close to business centre. Four -unit brick 2 -storey apartment house, in good condi- tion. Immediate possession. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days, tab .HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS: ,_fry Chest of carpenter's tools, in Kie. good condition, a complete as- PP sortment; Maxwell power lawn sit mower; 21" Admiral TV set; combination side board; large extension table; 2 electric stoves; 2 bed chesterfields; china cabi- net; drop leaf table; Easy wash- er; 3 upholstered living room chairs; electric range and rang- ette; Corona typewriter; writing desk; book stand; hall rack and table; many chairs; rocking chairs; revolving book stand; electric pic ture slide outfit; wicker baskets; beds, springs, mattresses; mirrors; 3 trunks; dishes, silverware and kitchen utensils too numerous to men- tion; wicker flower baskets; ex• tension ladder; step ladder; ear- penter's work benth and a large assortment of earpenter and garden toots; sprayer; quantity of doors, windows and stove pipes; empty sealers; cans of paint and varnish; boy's wagon and sleigh; 2 lawn benches: 150 feet of 11/2" iron piping; large assortment of antiques, and radio; gandteiscit;e Psthylileco h:rlesee-. seNno'eteb: i(lxcellent terms o4n $ . bedreom suite; vanity; chest of tor before day of sale. i hair chairs and rockers; walnut arranged by contacting proprie- steel bed, springs and mattress; 3drallovieelc.Se; lovAalknutbeddiin'onoeirn Wagon;ste eitc,cwr4oliv.riith4vvlieos4at;infoocto;w Ipviatio. CHOICE CATTLE; 13 Durham dresser and commode; platform ves rocker; arm chair; set of twin deauleinat jfoaontu;01.2y;Dor3hamiro•Tsetwolosk: b e d s; Universal refrigeraolvor::, heifers, due in February, 0 1.sab •s Guroey 3 -burner electric tobeefs, ready for inarket'. ..r: kitchen table and chairs; droP TRAc,roas & THRESHER 1937o4tapile'edi:gtiinsonA-135v)tnradietitoorn,: f1911531; mps iger sets, ,eereptete; 1 a r ge sewing assortmentIlee, !iisIn'ticectiriphogninu;yoolin,Tle3rd6a-cimntocorhw, equippedebro,dily, Ao,.n1 NcrYtoi at 1). ' toofil e:anseuts; 4G:did eartn tii:11dedriisnialllenescri. Tnb ieherrn,etssileet: A pi iiin:.:ayll, aecirtio:turipe.snpdheedrb, brand silverware; glassware; linens; comforters; quilts; chine clispi, •cutter, shredder, clover attach• arid 120 -ft, rubber belt; nd pdoolri;sheerle;ctsreict of43v; olu me clas- new condition, SIC books; suitcases; club bags; • goal oil stove; Beatty electric If so desired, terms can be' sawonalticigsihuere;oaekibereatdre brassshoe e hz, crimper; arranged by contacting proPrie- simw2c5asfet;. torbeforeIsilLEA allpedatieiNTS; me.; 1 ' • celection ofgarden Deering *run power lift double tools; 2 coal oil heaters; quan. disc grain and fertilizer drill; titY of dry wood; long list a 'like new; McDeering p o w e r, otheor Bmeissecrellrle_aneoeTseilotelms soash new; Ap -off 1/2 rnespreader, trac lerlitko; Plan to attend this extra large cultivator; McDeering hay load- er, like new; New Idea 7 -ft. cut power take -off mower; M -H 7 -ft: cut grain binder, like new; Ford 3 -point hitch smaller and culti, valor; 4-sectio:i diamond hap. rows; Mil set of chain lia.rroWs; Case .• double tractor disc; FOrd 2 -furrow plow; McDeering 2 -row corn planter; M -H 10 -ft. land packer; 3 -drum steel roller; V wheel implement float; dump rake; Cockshutt 2 -row scufflerr heat houser buridizzo; electric cattle clipper; rubber tire wa-- gon and rack; platform scales; emery; electric brooder; sari buckets and spiles, etc., etc... leaf table; 2 pedestal tables.; 4 repeating Daisy air rifles; itr light lamp; fano)? 03'J oil • sale with everything in first class condition. In case of rain, sale will be held in arena, WARD FRITZ, Executor for the Estate of the late Charles Fritz HAROLD STAD-2,, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29c Estate Auction Sale Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery, Car, Truck and Household Effects at Lot 5, Concession 11, STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 33/4 miles north of Zurich, on Goshen Line. WEDN'ESDAY, 'NOVEMBER 4 at 12:00 f.'clock sharp CATTLE: Registered Hereford bull, 3 years old, bred by Stutt Bros., Forest; 5 registered Here- ford cows, rebred to above bull; 10 Hereford and Durham cows, rebred; 15 Hereford and Dur- ham spring calves; 10 Hereford and Durham steers and heifers, rising 2 years old. PIGS: 1 York sow with litter at foot; 2 sows, due time of sale; 3 sows, due latter part of Nov, MACHINERY: W6 McCormick tractor, 28x45;. Bell grain sepa- rator with cutter; 18 -ft. elevator, rubber tires, 5 yc• rs old; 140 -ft. drive belt (new); John Deere 15 - disk power fertilizer drill; 7 -ft. Massey -Harris binder; drop head hay loader; 4 -section drag har- rows; McCormick tractor; man- ure spreader (new); McCormick 7 -ft. tractor mower; 5 ton rub- ber tired wagon; 3 -furrow Inter- national plow, on rubber (new); steel land roller; International 8 -ft. tractor disk; 5 -section dia- mond harrows; Massey -Harris side rake, on rubber; •chicken shelter; snow fence; No. 6 Inter- national hammer mill; fanning mill; 2 steel water troughs; 32. ft. extension ladder; 2,000 -lb. stock scales. 1958 Delray Chevrolet sedan car, 16,000 miles, extra snow tires. 1956. International lh ton truck. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3 - piece chesterfield suite; Marshall & Mendell upright piano; coffee table; end tables; trilight lamps; table lamps; scatter mats; hall tree; flat top writing desk; 21" Admiral TV; radio; modern 9. piece dining room suite; table; buffet; china cabinet and 6 chairs; studio couch; occasional chairs; Singer sewing machine; vacuum cleaner; GE frigiclaire; Frigidaire 4 -burner e 1 e c tr i c stove (like new); 20 -ft. Viscount deep freeze (1 year old); Thor white enamel washing machine; kitchen table; chairs; utility le; kitchen buffet; electric ing pan; pop-up toaster; tea ttle; iron; other electrical ap- ances; chest of Wm. Rogers verware, setting for 12; 3 furnished bedrooms; chest of drawers; vanit y; bed linens; quilts; blankets; kitchen uten- sils; chiria; table linen; mirrors; Axminster rug, 9x12; foot ' stool; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, TERMS: Cash. PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK MITER, CLERK W, 8. COL; Administrator 213 Williath Street 13:22:29 CHARLES FRITZ EST' TE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Mistellaneous Items • , On the Premises, Goshen Street Nbrth, in the VILLAGE 'oP zuRicif The undersigned auctioneer: is instrutted to sell by ptibile auctioft ot SATURDAY. OCTOBER 31 at TAG pan, sharp NeW Williams piano, like new; Chesterfield siiite; nceasicihat ehairs : send oak dining roorn extensieil table; 6 matching hairs; bilreact; china Cabinet; Estate of the late Jelin A. Armstrong, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEO, PowELL, Clerk, Blyth 2229c Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Choice Cattle, Tractors, Thresher, Farm Implements and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, Lot North Vc of 19,. Con. 15, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP, 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, • and 2 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer re- eeived instructions to sell by Public auction on WEDNESDAY, NoyErAREft 4 at 1200 p.M. sharp REAL ESTATE; East I/4 of Lot 20, Con. 15, Stephen Tbwn- Ship, 25 acres of land on which t is situated a 2 -storey frame 1 hou' se large bank barn with "good stabling. All in good state bf repair, Alsb garage and itn- pleinent shed, Never -failing we- i ter attpply. Land is best of day loan:, all tinder Cultivation. REAL. ESTATE: 100 acre farm, North Half at 21 and f South Half of 22,. Con, 17, Ste., phen TownshiP, with no build - ms; day and Sandy Thant, Presehily all in grass; nver- faiting stipply. COnVittee yourself by inspeet- ing these fateng before tale date. Tains of Veal Ilatatc: 1.01/4 on day a sale, Balance iti 30 days, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 111 en. ft. Frigidaire, like new:: space heater; coal oil stove; library table; writing desk; chesterfield suite; tri -light; floor lamps; complete bedroom suite; lawn furniture and many other miscellaneous items. No Reserve Due to extra large sale selling will start sharp on time. • TERMS: Cash, STEWART WEBB, ProprietoV. GLENN WEBB, Clerk • ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer' 22:29i Estate FURNITURE AUCTION, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER.4 at 1:30 0.111. Estate of the late Moore ningliam, on No. 4 Highway, % mile east of Clandeboye, 21/4. miles west of Lucan. Assorted pic tur e frames square top living room table; 3* piece mohair chesterfield suite;. 2 large rocking chairs; 9x12 rug, in good condition; Doherty organ and stool; 2 fern stands; dining_ room table with 4 chairs; 5 odd: chairs; 2 small rockers; 4 kit chen chairs; kit cif en table:: china cabinet; library table:mantel clock; McClary hydro stove; Guerney coal stove; plat- form rocker; occasional chairs"; contents of 4 bedrooms; dishes': chest of drawers, oval top table; 4 antique lamps; toilet set; Singer sewing machine; double barrel hammer type shotgun; antinue mantel clock; 1.947 Ford coach With reconditioned motor:: numerous far...1 tools; hand lawn mower; step ladder; barn jack:. washing machine; Electrolux vacuum; carpet sweeper and numerous other articles. ..• • - Executors, ROY CUNNINGHAM, Clandeboye WILLIAM DOWNING, Chatham Auctioneers, TOM ROI3SON & HUGH FILSON 29e AUCTION SALE of the Property and Household Effects of Miss Loueda •Finkbeiner, . of Crediton will be sold by public auction SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 at 1:30 p.m. on Main Street West, VILLAGE OF CREDITON Full list of items in next week's paper. , MISS LOUEDA FINKBEINER, Proprietress WM. II. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton, phone "17-R • , 29c Real Estate AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Property Part of Lot 24, North Bounden, McGillivray Township, MT. CARMEL The undersigned auctioneer -re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, Noy. 7, 1959 at 200 p.m .sharp • Real Estate cohsists of part �t Lot 24, North Boundary, Mc- Gillivray Township, on which is situated a very attrattive Well - c st r u et ed 2 -storey frame dwelling. Main floor eonsists ,of living and dining room, 1 bed- room, kitchen and utility room. Seebnd Poor, 4 large bedreoms with clothes closets. Full size basement, large eisterh and wa- et- pressure •systern, Also a arge &Subic garage and small hen bum Never -failing Water s Upply. Property nicely situated with buldingS ahd dwelling ,all n god state of repair. Note: Duo Therm space heat - r With blower, like heW, 210 -gal. oil tank, to be offered soarate torn real eatate Tertris of Real Estate: 10% �n day of sale. Balance in 30 days, with no reserve, due to elearing estate, ALBERT ge CHAS. REGIER, Exteutors for the eState of ihe late Jelin Regier. ALVIN WALPEll, Atittioneer 28:•28e.