HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-11-05, Page 2Page S Th. Times -Advocate, Novamber S, 19$9
Mill founder, wife
mark anniversary
On Tuesday, October 27, Mr.'
and Mrs. Thomas Klumpp, of
Dashwood, celebrated their gold-
en wedding anniversary at a
family gathering and dinner at
the home of their Son Maurice
1n London.
Among the guests were 'the
bridesmaid and best man of 50.
years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Harris, of London. Mr. and Mrs,
Klumpp were also Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Howard Klumpp of Dash-
Mr, Klumpp was born and
raised in Crediton. Mrs. Klumpp
Was the ;former Amelia Ehlers,
of Stephen Township.
At the age of 14, Mr, Klumpp
went to work on the farm of
C,lottleib Wein and the following
year he worked for Nelson Kes-
tie, He was then employed in
the tile yard of Conrad Kulin,
Crediton, at $14 a month and
found his own board. While work-
ing in the tile yard during the
day, at night he learned the
barbering with Mr. Sambrook, of
Crediton. During the winter he
'was fireman in the flax mill for
Fred Wuerth at $1 a day. Later
Topics from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. William Simp-
son of Mt. Pleasant were Sun-
day visitors with Mrs. Ada But-
ters. -
; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tamp-
ion of Parkhill were Monday vi-
sitors with Misses Blanche and
Rhea Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Vodden
attended the funeral of their sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Talbot' of
Brucefield on Tuesday after-
'Mr. and Mrs. Ted Insley, Mur-
ray and Karen of Crediton
moved to the village last week
having purchased the general
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tufts,
%firs. Florence Tufts of London
Called on Mrs. Roy Kirk and
Lorna on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Lawrence Copeland and
Murray visited with Miss Donna
Copeland on Sunday evening.
• Those Who attended the sec-
tional meeting held at Wesley
United Church on Thursday last
were Mrs. Fred Doupe, Mrs. .1.
Wareham, Mrs. Ira McCurdy,
Mrs, Leonard Thacker, Mrs.
Jim Miller and Mrs. Kenneth
The Mission Band under the
leadership of Mrs. Robert Robin-
son and Mrs. Fred Parkinson
held their annual Hallowe'en
party on Friday evening in the
church basement with a good
crowd in attendance. Around 40
were in costume for the occa-
sion. Judges for the parade
were, Mrs. Wilfred Wilson and
Mrs. Ira McCurdy.
.:Mrs.• Chester Hazlewood and
Edison of Detroit called on Mis-
ses Blanche and Rhea Mills on
Saturday afternoon. •
Comments. about
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Personal items
Mrs. Nellie Whiteman, of De-
limit, was the guest of her cous-
in, Miss Mabelle Whiteman, dur-
ilag last week.
Mrs. Olive Cook, of Goderich,
accompanied by her daughter,
Mrs, Davidson, visited a day
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Elston Dawson.
Emma Oesch, of Zurich, visit-
ed during the weekend with her
Cousin, Dianne Faber.
• Mr. and Mrs: John Doig, of
Grand Rapids, Mich. were week-
end guests of Mrs. Lydia Doig
and Janet.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson visit-
ed on Tuesday with Mrs. Jennie
Winder who is a patient in Park -
wood Hospital, London, and dur-
ing the week visited Mr. and
Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Winthrop.
Mrs. T. W. Bears and Jean
*pent a few days in Toronto
visiting relatives.
Miss Mabelle Whiteman re-
eently swag a guest with Mrs.
Emily Edwards of Hensall and
this weekend she is a guest of.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aitken -
bead of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Long, of.
Owen Sound; spent the weekend
with the former.'s cousin, Mr,
Norman Long and Mrs. Long.
Saturday afternoon Mrs.. Bob
Perkins of Clinton was a visitor,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren'
attended the funeral Wednesday
of Mr. Wren's cousin, the late
Orval Eyre of London..
'IilllllllIlrIlhIIIll111111111111111111ItIIll11Y llliil,lllltlll 111111
he was fireman for the Suther-
land -Innis Co, who operated a
stave mill in Exeter.
In 1908 Mr. Klumpp moved to
Dashwood and began threshing
for Charles Guenther and two
montherths out after
f hCash, rather
than ask the merchants at Dash-
wood for credit, he walked to
Crediton and secured oil for his.
machine from an old friend
there, At the end of the first
year's threshing he had paid off
half of alis indebtedness to Mr.
Guenther and still owed $12 to.
one of his men. This he earned
by cutting wood.
In 1909 he went to London and
purchased a traction engine and
blower for his threshing ma-
chine. Rather than pay the $28
it would cost to ship the equip-
ment to Dashwood he drove the
machinery home, taking most of
the day.
In 1910 Mr. Klumpp entered
into partnership with Andrew
Musser and purchased a second
macthine and hired men to run
For a year he worked as a
barber at Grand Bend for Wil-
liam Fritz and later bought out
the barber shop of Joseph Wam-
bold at Dashwood which he sold
to Wesley Wolfe. Mr. Klumpp
operated the threshing machine
in the daytime and ran the bar-
ber shop at night.
He also purchased the bake-
shop and confectionery store of
Fred Dearing, Dashwood and
conducted it for four years, sell-
ing out to Fred White.
His next venture was to pur-
chase the planing mill of George
Kellerman. The building was run
down and the machinery ne-
glected. Alvin Kellerman and
Levi Hamacher were employed
the first year. During the years
of the depression in the late 20's
business fell off but Mr. Klumpp
kept the mill in operation.
In 1939 the mill, together with
the lumber on hand, was totally
destroyed by fire. Mr. Klumpp
received a tempting offer from
Grand Bend to locate a new mill
there. With assistance from the
Dashwood residents Mr. Klumpp
decided to rebuild. It was on
February 13 that the mill was
destroyed and in May the new
mill was up and operating with
new machinery.
Since that time the mill has
been enlarged several times un-
til today there are 40 men em-
ployed and six ladies in the of-
fice. Mrs. Klumpp has been con-
nected with the office for the
past 43 years. The oldest son
Maurice began with the firm
after finishing public school. He
later attended technical school
to attain greater skill.
Maurice has two children, Bill
and Connie, students at Western
University. He commutes daily
to the factory.
Stewart Wolfe who joined•the
firm the same time as Maurice
'has been with them ever since.
Howard Klumpp served over-
seas in the Second World War
and after returning home was
taken into partnership in the
firm. He has one son Brad.
Mr. Klumpp, as president of
Dashwood Planing Mill Limited,
keeps close tab on all operations
although the management has
been largely taken over by his
two sons. The firm now practi-
cally devotes the most of its
time to the manufacture of ?re-
fit windows for which they have
a big market throughout the
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1111111/Il1YIlY III l llllllll llllllll 1111 lllllllllll it lllllllllllllllb
• 14 Cu. Ft. Defrostometic Refrigerator
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• Regular Price $425.00 Sale $265.00 and Trade
• Zenith Refrigerator 9 Cu. Ft.
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• (Row of London)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klumpp, Dashwood
Huron MOH speaker
at Dashwood institute
At the November meeting of
Dashwood Women's Institute ar-
ranged by the "Health" commit-
tee Dr. R. M. Aldis, medical of-
ficer of health fqr Huron Coun-
ty was guest speaker.
He based his talk on changes
in Canada and the effect on pub-
lic health problems. He also
showed slides' of the work being
done in Huron County by the
public health unit.
Mrs. Ervin Rader commented
on the motto "The grumpy way
and the grumpy day do not be-
long to the upward way of life."
The roll call "What to eat for
beauty" was responded to by 27
members. Mrs. Harold Rader
and her daughter, Katherine, fa-
vored with a duet and Mrs. Mer-
vyn Tiernan, who convened the
program, led in a singsong.
The president, Mrs. Leonard
Schenk, presided for the busi-
ness. Ten dollars,...was voted for
World refugee relief. It was de-
cided to have a booth at Stew-
art Webb's auction sale. Mrs.
Sid Baker reported on the 4-H
Mrs. Emil Becker and Mrs.
Sid Baker were made assistants
to Mrs. John Rader to assist
with the Tweedsmuir History.
Fowl supper
The annual Ladies' Aid fowl
supper of Zion Lutheran church
was held last Wednesday eve-
ning, in the church basement
with Group II and Mrs. Charles
Martene convener in charge.
Some 80 guests sat down to
laden tables decorated with Hal-
lowe'en pumpkins, fruits and
autumn flowers. Following sup-
per a sing song was enjoyed.
Pastor K. L. Zorn showed a
film strip on the International
convention. held at San Francis-
co. Crokinole was also played
Winners were Mrs. Lorne De-
vine and Adolph Keller, consola-
tion winners, .Mrs. Louis Kraft
and Ed. Nadiger.
Personal items
Several Dashwood ladies at-
tended the pot -luck supper held
at Crediton community centre
Tuesday evening, October 27 for
the Mary Hastings group, "The
Huron Waves,"
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Smith,
Harry and Tommy of Buffalo,
New York spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and
boys,. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader
and family were also Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stire, Be-
verley and Larry spent Sunday
with Mrs. Florence Bucknell of
Ingersoll and Mr. and Mrs. John
Barr and family of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weiberg
of Kitchener were weekend
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. W. J. Gillings has re-
turned home from Toronto where
she underwent surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman
of Port Colborne and Mr. and
Mrs. Sid Baker motored to Ken-
tucky last week and also visited
with their brother, Melvin, at
Gary, Ind.
Mr. George Tomlinson of De-
troit spent a few days in. town
and visited with relatives.
Report on
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer,
Jim and Scott, were weekend
visitors with relatives in Wel-
land and Sandwich.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gable and
Johnny, of West Virginia, visited
on Tuesday with Mrs. J. Cole-
man and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Mrs. Roy Morenz and Mrs. Les
Adams attended the fall ban-
quet of the Mary Hastings Club
in London on Tuesday. During
the afternoon they visited the
Dry Cleaners
Bring Your Dry Cleaning To
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'54 DODGE 1 TON EXPRESS -4 -speed trans-
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lldlllnnlllrllllllllllrullllrllnl'IrnuYnlrnnurintulYYlllrlrtlr YY 11111 I IIII 1 1 I I Illlillrl
Native of Crediton
speaks at church
Tile meeting of the Ladies' Aid
of P UE church will be held
Thursday evening with Zurich
and Dashwood societies as their
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cooper
and family of Exeter who have
Purchased the home of the late
Mrs. Henry Finkbeiner moved in
last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Oren Grace, of
Dearborn, Mich. spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Welling-
ton Haist,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner
spent Sunday in Paris, Ont, visit-
ing with the latter's father, Mr.
and Mrs, Arthur Amy.
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Sims
and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mor-
lock spent Sunday at Walkerton
visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Hil-
liard Sparling and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Don Winter and
Debbie, of Dorval, Quebec, visit-
ed over the weekend with the
latter's mother, Mrs. Chris Din-
ney and other relatives.
Rev. J. M. Oestreicher of Clif-
ford had charge of the service
in the EUB church on Sunday
morning. He was a former Cred-
iton boy before they moved to
Dashwood. lfis daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Denim at-
tended church and visited With
Mr. and. Mrs, William Oestreich-
er for dinner. Rev, A, M.
Schlenker and family who ex-
changed pulpits with the former
minister had charge of the :Ayton
Former resident
dies in Detroit
Harry Wind, formerly of Cred-
iton, died in Grace Hospital, De-
troit, on Monday morning, Nov.
2 after a lengthy illness.
He is survived by his wife,
the former Leah Wolfe and two
daughters: Mrs. Joe Hanna and
Mrs. Richard Hopson; two sis-
ters, Mrs, M. Bali, Mrs, T.
Perry and two brothers, Charles
and Tom Wind, all of Detroit.
The funeral takes place this
Thursday afternoon at 2.30 from
the residence of his daughter,.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Hanna,
Crediton Closet Tears
The 4-H Homemaking Club
met last Wednesday evening in
the Community Hall with Mrs.
Lorne Hodge and Mrs. Alf
Smith as leaders.
The election of officers was
held. President is Joan Smith;
vice-president, 1lVlargaret Varley;
secretary, Doreen Kenney; press
reporter, Jean Krueger,
They chose the name as
"Crediton ClosetTeers" and the
next meeting is Friday evening,
Nov. 6.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Insley and
family moved to Wogdham last
week where they have purchased
the Mills' general store.
Mrs. Carl Radford and Mr.
Art Bailey of St. Catharines,
who was visiting there, spent a
few days with Mrs. Radford's
parents at Wilno.
centre for treatment of crippled
Miss Bonnie Sweitzer spent the
weekend at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Picker-
Mr. Roy Morenz returned home
from St. Joseph's' Hospital on
'666t666666t6666466666666l6A66t466666466tl6lttttlt6t6 .. tt llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
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Extra Pant or Skirt
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