HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-11-05, Page 14: Page 14 Novmber 5, 1959 Phone IA 7.4255 pita. ARMIZTV.MarllnitZlilaillIZ:Mrx,;,:: Window painters. awarded prizes The Public School staff were pleased to filnd this. year's $75,01 'Shell -out for Unicef" exceeded last year's which was $66. To help curtail window 'soap - Ing and waxing and other Hal- lowe'en pranks the LUCAN of- fered three prizes of $5 and $3 and $2 for the best window painting, Principal. Wesley Clow and Mr. Jule Desjardine were judges and awarded. the prizes. riot prize went tg Randy Pau1 and Larry Lewis on Paul's Su- perior Store; second to Audrey Hayter, Joan Whitehead, 'Patri- cia Cobleigh and .Judy Thorn - eon on front of the Lucan. IMotars Sales and third to Bill Neil and Art Cobleigh on the side section of the Lucan Motor Sales. Successful turkey supper Last Wednesday evening the Ladies' Guild of Holy Trinity Church staged another success- ful turkey supper, with an at- tendance of over 600. During the week previous, electricians were busy installing nese lights and repairing old, which together with 15 new .fix- tures made the basement much more homelike. Tables and room were decorated in, Hal- lowe'en colors. i g` ."i,"'fi"I nN4 YE",:a?s:$TMOT•s.t'S "`d�.. Church Activities h. ...5.76. i yy.:S�.,'C.'F r•^E G J•..,A lilt •0.. , ... :� � ��; y/n :. �' r`ai.:i i Anglican Baskets of flowers in the Chan - eel were in loving memory of Mrs. Wililam Ostricker and Mr, Chester Ryan. Harold Herbert, Chucky Brid- ges and Elizabeth Browick re- ceived ,their League of ,Loyalty enrolment buttons and five more names added to the honour roll at the 11 o'clock service. AY PA The Lucan-Clandeboye AYPA met in the Parish Hall at the new time of 8 p.m. The presi- dent Tom Tomes was in the chair, Chaplain Pat Egan led in the devotions and Helen Hardy presided at the piano. During the business session, Helen Hardy, Graham Thompson, Jane' Steacy and Judy Haskett were named a committee to snake the necessary arrangement for checking at the Masonic din• ner and dance, November 26. It was decided to show films In the church Sunday. evening, November 8, at 7:30 to which all members from other churches will be made welcome. Pat Egan Mary Mathers and Carole Davis were named a committee to make posters. December 11 was the date ehosen for a hard bine party, the details to be discussed at the next meeting. United Church Two children were baptized at the 11 o'clock service, William Thomas Barr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr and Lorraine Kathleen Lewis, daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Robert Lewis. Sride-elect feted Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Wes Revington of Lucan, as- sisted by Mrs. Harry McNaugh- ton of London, entertained 16 members of the General Motors staff, London (where . Mrs. Rev Ington used to work) at a mis- cellaneous shower, in honor of one of the employees, Miss Don. e a Brent. After the opening of gifts the e vening was spent in games and refreshments. Scout news In spite of a miserable Wet day 'the Lucan Scouts were out In large. numbers for their an- nual Apple, Day ' sale.' Scout Master Jule Desjardine reports the net proceeds amounted to over $80. At a recent investiture service the Scout ,Master invested Paul Steacy and Roger Black. The Scouts are now finalizing plans for another large waste paper drive and again solicit the assistance and co-operation of all housewives to have papers well tied or boxed and ready for col- lection at 10 A.m.Sa'turday, Nov, LK:OI.fl and district news Correspondent Miss Lina Abbott Awardpins to9 raduates The • October meeting of the Lucan Home and School Associa- tion was held last Tuesday eve- ning in the school's new kinder- garten, with the president, Mrs, Calvin' Haskett,in the chair. The president reported on an executive meeting, at which pians were discussed for doing something special each year for the graduates. The attendance cup went to Principal Wesley Clow's roam. Mr. Jule Desjardine assisted by Mr. Clow as commentator presented two interesting films, "Study, Head Quarters" and "Getting Down to Work," On behalf of the Horne and School, the president presented pins to the 1959 Public Sehool graduates; Ruth Cochrane,. Ca- role Davis, Carolyn Donaldson, Bonnie Drennan, Paul Graham, Ward Hodgins, Dale Hussey, Pe- ter Prest, Gary Revington, Edna Ryan, Flatrieia Sovereign, Ron- ald Woodward, Betty Ann Young, and Gordon Young. As neither delegate, Mrs. Chas. Corbett nor Mrs. Erle Young could attend the 22nd an- nual conference in Toronto, the president and Mrs. R. M. Engel were Lucan's only representa- tives. The former brought ,back an. interesting report of the meetings. The president reported that the committee hoped to secure the London Township Police to present a Safety Program at the November meeting. Mrs. E. Bridger, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Mrs. Bud Cooper, Mrs. Eleanor Emerich, Mrs. Or- ville Zavitz, Mrs. Cecil Lewis and Mrs. Calvin Haskett assisted the teachers to take in the Unicef boxes Friday evening. Mr. Rols Heydell of London Township, who was to have shown his pictures of his trip to California and of Disneyland found to the keen disappoint- ment of himself and allpresent that his reelewere too large for any of Luean's projectors. Fireplace setting for rites at lodge The fireplace of the recreation room of the main lodge at Treasure Island Resort at Lake Mindemoya was the setting for the double ring marriage cere- mony of Betty Lorene Hodgson and George Wesley Stanley on Saturday, October 10 with Rev. A. Vickers officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hodgson of Mindemoya and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Stanley of Denfield. The bride chose a floor -length gown of white brocaded taffeta, fashioned with a fitted bodice, scoop neckline, andbouffant skirt, Her scalloped fingertip veil was held by a coronet of net and she carried a cascade of red roses and shasta daisies. Attending her were Miss Geor- gia Helleiner of New Haven, Conn. as maid of honor. Mrs. Peter Wisemen of Scarboro and Miss Joanne Hodgson, sister of the bride, as bridesmaids. They were gowned alike in autumn rose velvet. Cathy Seabrook. a's flower girl, was dressed in ' a frock of blue velvet. Paul Adams was ring -bearer. The groom was attended by Peter Wiseman of Scarboro and ushers were Herb Justin , and David Christie. At an evening reception in the Mindemoya Community Hall the bride's mother, received in a dusky rose crepe with lace trim and matching accessories. She was assisted by the groom's mo- ther, who chose a navy blue sheer with gray accessories. For an extended trip to Great Britain the bride changed to a plaid wool dress with harmoni• zing accessories. The 36 members of t h e groom's family who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stanley and Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Stanley, Denfield; Mr, and Mrs. George Adams and fain' ily, Glencoe; Mr., and Mrs. Fred Fatherstone and Fay, London; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald, Thorndale; Mrs. Arthur Dttfton, St George; Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Gallagher and family, Strath- roy. GOLF CHAMPIONS -.Winners of a tournament for Dinh gbif`ets were presented With prizes: 8t a regent meeting Abo�vey , from lett are Howard `MCDo iald, low net; .'John NAM,. Who presented the rToliti Labatt trophy, Art Belly flintier -UN and Cecil Van Hornet lawgross ehampicn. .,..,..Culbert. Lucan continues to -keep big ones The largest crowd yet, Was in attendance at the Legion Auxil- iary bingo, last Thursday night in the Legion T•1'all and once again Lucan players kept the big prizes, Mrs. J. B, Ready who recently won a $10 "Share the Wealth" when she upset her winning card, won the $11 prize Thursday night and Mrs. Cecil Neil won the $5 consolation. Lucanites also took the con- seeutive bingo, Mr. Harry Bond winnin the first • ,part, Mrs. Allan Scott, the second and' Mrs.. Glen Hackett the third, There were only two split bingos, Miss Mur- iel Carling and Mrs. Jim Leach, and Mrs. Pat Crudge and Mrs. M. G. Dupuis and again all from Lucan. Mr, Tom Smith and Mrs. Lloyd Ford upheld the honour of Exe- ter, Mr. Tom French the honour of Granton and Mrs. Omar Cun- ningham that of Clandeboye, Other Lucan winners were Mrs. William M c F a 11 s and Mrs. Brooke Sr. The jack -pot will be $125 in 57 calls next week, • ' eetatEentaagegaRanatatteeeMeaCtaela Recreation topics By SAM SCREATON Director of Recreation :,`�,{a::,::...G.M ..:C�n SMA:i...:w;:`5.£., r.:a;isnEMZI Hockey is really getting into full stride. This • Tthursday will see the South Middlesex Hockey Association open in Lucan. Arena with Westmounts testing out the Luean Merchants; Lambeth vs. Richards -Wilcox and a third game in which Arva • takes on Glanworth. On Friday evening, we under- stand the newly formed Lucan- liderton Combines will hold an exhibition game with another in- termediate team (possibly Exe- ter) which should provide a good evening of hockey. The Shamrock Minor Hockey Association is due to get under way on Monday, November 9 — more about that next week. The Figure Skating Club are making Plans to get under way some time during the coming month. However, some assist- ance, both actively and on the executive level is requested. Any- one who is interested in this very instructive and pleasant recreational p a s ti m e should please contact Mrs. James Free- man; or this writer. We have wondered many times just how many of our "senior citizens" of- Lucan might be in- terested in the formation of an active group. Your director of recreation is quite interested in seeing ;some older faces enjoying themselves around YOUR arena —not that we are tired of the young- ones—because there is very definitely a place for you, even if It's only a place for a euchre session once a week. So if you are interested, please con- tact me. Once again, "How about Teen Town"???? . . WI members, prize winners Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs. Bert Jackson, Mrs. N. W. Was- nidge and Lucan's WI president, Mrs. Wes Hodgitls,, attended a WI rally at Parkhill last Wed- nesday. Mrs. Hodgins led in the sing -song and Mrs. Jackson con- tributed to the program with two piano instrumentals. A demonstration of floral ar- rangements by the Henry Flower Service of London, was a spe- cial feature of the meeting. Seven of the floral arrange- ments were donated in lucky draws and the Lucan ladies were fortunate to come home with two of them. The president won the baby -boot filled with flowers and Mrs. Murray Hod- gins the ash tray, also filled with flowers; Champion golfers awarded prizes Twenty-five Lucanites held a golf tournament at Oakwood Course Grand Bend recently, followed by a dinner at Monetta Menard's Restaurant. Prizes were awarded to the two outstanding golfers, Cecil' Van Horne and Howard McDon- ald. Donnie Lankin won the hid- den hale prize and Art Bell runner-up, At a' meeting in the Legion presented,Hall CecVan Hay Labs Jelin phyy the Labatt Trb� to Cecil Van Horne was best golfer with low gross and Howard McDonald shot low net. Committee chairmen appointed At a Lions Club dinner meet- ing in the Anglican Church Scout chairmen were, appointed: E. A. Mesurinjohn, head, chair - than of Scouts; Gary 1VI�'Falls, dhairmen 61 the, teaming eom- illittee; Don Noggins, chairman. of the finance doni rnittee; Jaek• Atkinsont chairratt of the pub- lie relations comtnittee; Roscoe Hodgins, eliairman6f, the tainp= ing committee• M Morris, see• t'etary and Alex 'Yung,• treae- firer. • Two assistant Cub and two AA. sistant Scoutmasters AN needed.. More Luton itisti • , en pas• tss POSTER WINNERS—These eight children won prizes in LUCAN's Hallowe'en. and UNICEF poster contest. Top row, Harry ?rest, grade five; Margaret Cobleigh, grade seven; Randy Paul, grade eight; Gary Traversy, grade six; centre, Margaret Hollan, grade three;. Pauling Ham, grade four; bottom, Bruce Zavitz, grade one. Judges were Jack Steacy, Dwight Ball, Al Bromwich and Clare Stanley. —Culbert Excitement runs high at Hallowe 'en festivity Owing to the regular Saturday night dance at the Community Centre the "Unicef" Shell -out Parade, sponsored by the LU - CAN was held Friday night but apparently that didn't deter an other visitation on Saturday night when housewives were again kept busy answering door -bells for demanding "Trick -or -treat- ers." Conscientious house -keep- ers who had cleaned their win- dows of soap and wax on Sat- urday found they had a repeat performance after Saturday night's raid. Long before the appointed hour of 7 p.m. Friday night grotes- que figures with hideous head- gear began congregating at the bank corner for the big parade, clowns, goblins, witches, Indians, fat men, etc. all were there in larger numbers than ever. By the time they got to the Com- munity Centre all were as wild with excitement that MG Clare Stanley had the greatest diffi- culty to make himself heard above the uproar. Double -ring rites at London chapel White and pale mauve mums formed the setting in St. Agnus RQ Chapel, Beck Memorial San- atorium on Saturday, October 24 for the double -ring wedding ceremony of Gail Isobel Prince and Eugene Charles Stokes with the Rev. Father P. J, Costello officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prince of Hyde Park and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stokes of RR 1 Lu - can. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. William Prince, the bride chose a floor -length gown of white silk organza over taf- feta fashioned with a fittedbo- dice and featuring a portrait neckline, framed by a bertha collar. The skirt of organza, over taffeta, was styled with a petal and scroll applique of pearl encrusted satin and swept to a chapel train. A bandeau of pearls held her finger-tip veil of French illusion and she carried a cascade of red roses. The matron of honour, Mrs. Arthur Stokes, wore a gown of yellow lace over taffeta with nosegay of yellow carnations. Patricia Stokes, as flower girl, wore a mauve taffeta frock and matching accessories and carried a basket of pale . baby yellow mums. The groomsman was Arthur Stokes. At a reception at the Cobble- stone Ihn at Byron, the bride's mother received in a pale blue crepe gown, with lace bolero and corsage of pale pink carnations. She was assisted by the groom's :mother in a two-piece brown and green floral miracle crepe .e Judges for the costumes were Rev. J, P, Prest, Rev. Edgar Roulston and Miss Lina Abbott and don't think they weren't at their wit's end to choose the three winners in each group for the $3, $2 and $1 prizes. Pre-school, fancy, Valerie Leitch, Jo -an Drennan, Ann Stan- ley; comic, Michael Nagle, Bren- da Haskett, Patsy Nagle; Grade 1-4, fancy, Maureen Smith, Margaret Ham, Betty Stocks; comic, Jerry Freeman, Donnie Pedder, Wayne Ma- guire; Grade 5-8, fancy, Maureen Harrigan, Susan Pedder, Tony Loyens; comic, Gary Travery, Randy Paul, Tom Hardy; Adults, fancy, Miss Muriel Carling, Miss Jane Steacy, Mrs. John Park; comic, Mrs. Jack Steacy, Paul Steacy. Prizes for posters and window painting were presented at this time. A cracker eating contest was won by eight year old Jimmy Nagle and an apple -eating -on - string contest, for 10 to 11 years by Elaine Emerick. All children were given on leaving, a chocolate bar, a don- ation from the Arena Ladies' Committee. Coursey school euchre Mrs. Joe O'Neil and Mrs, George Hodgins were hostesses for the opening meeting of the Coursey School Euchre Club last Friday night. The high score prizes were a family affair, going to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins. The lone hand prizes went to Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mr. Tom Coursey. Mr. Harry Stokes won the lucky chair prize. The next game will be held November 14 with Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mrs. Allan Ryan as hostesses. Joint birthday party n Mars. Clarence Haskett enter- tained at her home last Sunday for the joint birthdays of her 10 - year -old son, Billy, her two-year- old daughter, Brenda and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lloyd Cook of Oakridge Acres. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and family and Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett (Mr. Haskett's parents), and bronze mum corsage. For a honeymoon trip to the United States the bride changed to a royal blue two piece suit, with beige accessories and cor- sage of white baby mums. The couple will make their home at RR 1 Lucan. The groom's friends attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardy, all of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson (nee Dallas Hodgins) and Mr. and Mrs. William Crozier of London and Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Thompson of Pontiac. WANT CASH FOR THINGS YOU 'NEED E ED THIS FALL? THEN GIVE T.C.C. A TELEPHONE CALL! SCHOOL EXPENSES AUTO REPAIRS HOME REPAIRS deasourA i C DEBTS Loans from $150. to $2,500. or more. `rake up t 30 moliitha to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Prompt, dignified service. . 14* THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GGDERICH, ONT. J� •-•&;=7.;7:74'r.. :. .. :.. .i. ', .; ,.. . ..:..i:.r.rr,:ire ''iy jNP :tir .'�"�r��W: .04 .r.�i'.. 4- ....... Sh..... .. ............. a .. 1n and around Lucan Miss ' Jean Topp of London called on Lucan Mends last Thursday. Mrs, George Paul who under - wept surgery last week in St. Joseph's Hospital, is making sa- tisfactory recovery. Mrs. MelCulbert and family and her mallet, Mrs. G, Pat- rick, spent last weekend in 'Tor- onto, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Patrick. Mrs. Patrick remained over to take charge of her son's family, while the par- ents were away on a vacation. Mrs. Florence Cunningham of. London'who came out for the Anglican Turkey Supper re- mained over for a few days with her sister Mrs. W. J. elc- Falls, Alice St, Mr. Jack Murdy, who has been a patient at St, Joseph's Hospital was permitted home1 for the weekend but,had to re-, turn on Monday. Zone 1 princess winner At the Zone 1 Prince and Prin- cess competition sponsored by the Ontario Federation 'of Agricul• Lure in the Odd Fellows Hall at Kerwood last Thursday Miss Do- reen Garrett of the London PS staff and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett of Edge - wood, was one of the winners. Judging was based on public speaking, personality, knowledge of farm organizations and farm- ing in general. If Miss Garrett can get leave from her school she will compete in Torontc neXt. Former Lucanite promoted Mr. Kenneth Hodgins, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hod- gins, who was born and raised on the Coursey Road just south of the village, has been made general sales manager for Can- ada for Gorm^it Eckert and Co, Ltd. of London. Mr, Hodgins has been active in the food industry for 30 years and until this appointment was employed in an executive posi- tion with the George Weston Company. Attend regional meeting WA members of the Lucan United Church attending the bi- annual regional meeting at the Birr United. Church last Tues- day, were Mrs. Sheridan Reving- ton, Mrs. H. B. Langford, Mrs. William Aylestock; Mrs. John Park, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Miss Doris Weir. Mrs. Revington introduced the guest speaker who spoke on "How to Prepare Devotional Services." SOCIAL EVENING Lucan Arena Friday, Nov. 13 Cards: 8:30 to 10:00 Dancing to 1:00 Music by Melody Makers Adults: 75¢ Students 25¢ Auspices of C.W.L. St. Patrick's Church LUCAN SCOUT Paper Drive Sat., Nov. 7 10 a.m. Have all paper tied or boxed. Out - of village residents, bring paper to Scout Hall �r phone for pick-up. REAL BUYS! 1/2 -Ton Pickups All in good condition and priced to sell. '56 MERCURY 1/2 TON PICKUP '55 FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP '52 FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP '51 CHEV 1/21 TON PICKUP A Dependable Place To Buy A Good Used Car At The Right Pricer Opel 'Evenings Until 10 p.m. Lucan Motor Sales Your NMereury, Lincoln, Meteor and Prontentie Dealer PHONE BA 7;4426: LUCAN Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson Those who. :attended the ,cane', of i'orontowere recent callers cer dressing meeting at '010 on Rev, and Mrs. Edgar Rand- United , Church last ' Thursdal► stun. Mr. Pearson is an. •em- made :S12 dressings. ployeeof the Department ,of Mr, and Mrs Joe Benn And. Education in Toronto. Mr. Will Haskett of `Lucan 'vert+ Mr. Dwight Henderson and among those who attended the family from the country have :presentation to Mr. and Mrs, moved into the house on Market Murray Abbott last Friday- St. ridaySt. vacated by Mr. R. 14, Engelnight prior to their moving un and family who have moved e Monday to the new home they their new home on Concession have bought in Centralia. 4 Biddulph, just north of the er. Harvey Revington and: Village. Mr. Harry McNaughton are ho - MTS. Fern Cunningham .of Lon- 'lldaying in New York with their, don was a Thursday guest of friend, Mr. Clint Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson. Mr. Frank Stanley who has Mr. and Mrs, Harry Noels of been a patient in St. Joseph's. Springfield spent Monday with hospital is home but still far Mrs. William Dickens, from well, 1,4111111911!11111111,1111111!1444411,1411M1111441,,1,.... ..1,11110111l1t4111114141111,11111,111111,1141,14,1111111,11111{S ry MATERIALS} • Repairs • New Roofing • Quick Service and Free Estimated "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE!" Now's the time to take care of all roofing re- pairs before they get to be a major problem! Remember, bad weather can cause serious damage! Let us check your roof, today! Prices Lowest Ever! Asphalt Shingles $9.00 PER so. (210 Lbs. Per Square) Complete Line of Colors W. T. Steel Roofing $11.00 PER sfo. (Now Available in 33 Lengths) Lan rd L'umbergfo AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES LTD. PHONE BA 7-4277 LUCAN NEWEST PORTABLE IN THE WORLD IS AT THE TIMES -ADVOCATE !:Antwo mlfll1S1i1i,»ift11lf1 willowy Ab00sms00®0• soecoa0000ia 0 •asoea000eaa0 a eoa,00®esaa ROYAL FUTURA * Has years -ahead styling and construction) Has ALL the practical convenience features of a standard office typewriter! TWIN-PAK. RIBBON CHANGER -Quick, easy -hands stay clean MAGIC' MARGIN- sets both margins instantly, automatically MAGIC°COLUMN SET- Just press a key to tabulate figures FULL STANDARD KEYBOARD -Same size as on office machines Plus many more exclusive Royal portable features! Come in and test•type it yourself—soon! . .30 Only PER MONTH! (18 Month) The Times Advocate