HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-11-12, Page 3Minor hockey. clubs launch busy season Exeter pee wee, bantam, mid- get and juvenile teams are well on the way to. being peeled to participate in the .Shamrock Hockey League this winter. in fact, the local juvenile squad, .egached by Bill Batten, battled to a 4.4 tie in their first contest of the season in Luean llfonday night. Laurie Illingsworth fired two Exeter goals awhile the others canna off the sticks of Frank Boyle and Bev Irvine, Barry Black carne through With a three -goal "hat -trick" while Bill Chowen tallied once - to give Lucan their tie. Three of Bowling Statistics EXETER MIXED LEAGUE ("racheria••k, 5, 1'llipnnu,ks 2 iirlt Toddies 7, ('ent. Strikers I) (31oherdowers 2, 11'hodunits 5 Ladies' high single, Rett, Croy, 515; ladies' high triple, licttV 1'roG, 562. Men's high single, C. Smoke, 251; men's high triple. t", Smoke, 626. Standings Hot Toddles "7 ('ent. St rikrr,a .. • (;lohehlo,rc,a ... ...... ........ 2'1 ('rackerjaeks . .25 'Whodunits _. 21 C'hipnllmks la BANTAM GIRLS Bobby sox (Darlene Snell 27111 n Big Chiefs 4S, A. l.indeufie!d 2'55) S,npurinlrk (:Vary .1. Sanders 223) 5 Little Mermaids t P. Madge 231) n 3r. t'hinrnnnks (13. Whiting 171) 5 B1ol,etles (Penny Preszeator .162) 0 Standings P Chiefs h ('hipnrnnks l orb• Sox ... Cpudnleka Little 1lermalds Jalo,l•et(es 1; 50 . 7 0 JUNIOR GIRLS ;"nastera I1 L. Hunter -Ducar 5111 3 ifhizz Ban's (S. Hun tor 1n,5) 2 Wish -Me -Lucks ((', Proc,gins 31(4) 5 53" 1 oes (5. Dinnry 225) . 0 l'hinmtmks (.1. Ease.ry 25(4) . . 5 Be -Bobs (H, Campbell 215) 0 Standings 'Wish -Me -Lucks .... _ ........ 15 (ba=rer, ..._ .... ]n C'himnuu'cs 7 11'111x: )tangs 7 Bongoes .. _ ......_ De -];obs 3 BANTAM BOYS u..,,. HenseIl :seniors Around the,'Bag 'snleal arena the goals came in the last per. By LARRY HEiDEMAN cod. . . ,,. 1flenh.'lers of the local juvenile del)nhfdget houseleague A bantam include, ealtender, Gerry Cooper; defence Gerald .Me- Practice will held this Thurs. li Bride and Bill Heywead and for- day evening starling at 8,30 wards Laurie Illingsworth, Lloyd sharp. - Moore, Bev Irvine, Frank Boyle,1 A11 players between the ages Jack Stephan, Bob Jones, Pete of 13 to 16 as of August 1, and Revell°, Bob Douglas, Allan not playing on au all-star team Busclhe, "Ike” Gibbs and Gert are eligible to participate. if a Strang. !good turnout is shown a bantam - Pee Wets are com'n !'midget houseleague schedule i9 ! will be drawn up and the games Coach Jim Loader and team will be played on a Thursday manager Pete Durand are doing night from 8.30 on. their best .to get their pee wee,Saturday m o r.n in g hockey team lined up for their opening starts this week, Six. Pee Wee game this Saturday in Exeter teams have been chosen so far at 2, ,0 p.m' teams and they are the Eagles, Wings, They have called. a practise Falcons, Maple Leafs, Rockets for Fuday night from 6-7 and and Black Hawks, have asked the following players, All Wee Wee. and Sgliee Gee to participate: Larry Willert,' stayers are to be at. elle arena .Bill Allen, Ricky McDonald, Sam at 11 o'clock with their equip - Allen, Illingsworth, Pete Lawson, Toni meat to be chosen on teams. Allen, Bob Benning, Bill and Bob Beavers, Brian Baynham,1 A bantam all-star practice Ron Ellis, Victor Futcher, Ricky will be held Thursday night at and Randy Weber, John Loader, 19.50. Doug Stanlake, Ron Durand, Below is the Pee Wee schedule John Pryde and Charlie McPhee, and listing of leans. Anv player Both John Pryde and Charlie not an a team may still do so McPhee are goaltenders. , by contacting yours truly at the Lloyd Cushman and Jim Glov- arena. er are looking after Exeter's EAGLES --. 2lnhhy Beavers, nonn(e bantam representatives, Satter ' ' pavid Belly. Rob Bowling', day, November 14 will also be - Mike Geaeh, rirhar(l st, 1nryre, Chanes Coked, lJrian KJllern, ]mo- ttle starting date for the local aid Euton, lack Kroft, Robby bantam club as they have been Taylor, Don Nichols, ,non iIus: on, pitted against Ailsa Craig in aMAPLE LEAFS --- lucky Sehror- 3.30 game in Exeter. I der, John Pryde, Keit, N'ran e', To date, Cushman and Glover , Brian 11c-\.rthur, \'b'tor I Mellor, Doug heaver, G)rn fibre, hurl Ni,), - have on their club Neil. Ha mil -1 mons, JNu, Gndbnit, rohh, aloore, ton, Jim Carscadden, Jackie' Dexter Harker, J3illy Johnson, Glover, Brian Sweitzer, Fred' BLACK HAWKS - P,icl:y 11:lcz,on-I Wells, Don Wright, Peter De' aid, Rn1 A11en, I)m,nie Morro„•, Vries, Mike Cushman, Gary Par-' non 'Wolfe, (like Nagel, non Dur- 1 sons, DonnyRayCooper Bill and. [1141 1)(nney, 1)al•ld Fravne, 1 p , TJric S,vartzcntrni,rr, Cohn lSict9ing,' Wright, Larry Brintnel1, Bob carry Penner, Doug Taylor. McDonald and Ray Cockwill. IROCKETS - Ron Cornish, Teter In the midget division, "Bun- I Lawson, (lord frecnaere, Bill Fra- ny" Ford is looking after the wen Hank C,nsar. S(uarr fivmes, team. 1 Larry Dobson, RoddyMoSween, ( Doug Husson, Grant Hooper, Ilon- There is a slight scarcity of 'lie Mooe, players at the moment but! FALCONS Brianliayn)tam, 'Bar - Bunny" thinks things Will pick i ry Baynham, Doug Stanlake, Brian up, in a, day or two, So far, he; Marriage. basil Crawford, ran How - has Les Howard, Jerry Cooper er, , ard, Malcom Hiltz, Fh1141' 'Huntley, David Burke, John Parrot, 1iike Don Cann, Dale Turvey, Lester ; Elweren. Heywood, Bob Schroeder, Pete' _ AicFalls, Ricky Boyle, Fred!ti NGStorie.,t) �IColinueri, Plebe SiorIe f Wells and Fred Lamb eligible Allen, Bob Grayer, Brian McLean. for. his club. Two or three other Jim Parsons, .Jim Holman, Paul players are expected to report suns, Jim Nichols, from Centralia at the next pra.c- ris e. Tigers (r1. 31arira;e 2171 ... 3 The midgets open their first Pepsi Colas (E. McKnight 233) 2 game of the season in Exeter react; rJ,awk. (r.. Greenacre 203) 5 Frida night at 7:15 prior to the falcons Cr, Loader gni) n Y serer parts (r. Mason ^-r,a) 5 intermediate game, when they fled wings (15'. 'Denontme 171) . 0 take on an Ailsa Craig entry. Standings Sliver' Darts ' TI„e''s . _ ..... ............ is The sale of butter returns Penni Colas a about one hundred and eighty 'Falcons 5 'r'aok Hawks million dollars to dairy pro - Red Wings 0 ducers each year. Some of these JUNIOR BOYS farmers have quite large herds Cestoidss (s. Wright ane) 5 while many others have but a Pockets (51r. Ta}•lot•; 255). _....._ . n few cows and consider dairy M.namiters ID. Wright 410) 5 farming but a part of their Daredevils (F, Learn 275) Pornher.s (J.. Gould -:54) . . , n operation. Golden Hawks (11, Wolfe. 4 4) 5! * * ► By) amiters .. .. _.....• .... 17 1 Canadianrule of the Canadian Eatni0ks 16 j way of business life is to pro - Standings ix olden Hawks 14 , duce what consumers want at Bomberst . 4 rises consumers will pay. OnlySaredevils Rockets •...• 0 I alternative is bankruptcy. Special X15.00. Clean & Wax Clean Interior Snell Bros. Limited Chev PHONE 100 Olds WOW! See the values in our new Bargain Dept We've established this new bargain dep't at the rear of our men's wear store. Listed below are current reductions, including some terrific money -savers. Every week, we'll be adding new bargains. So come in often to take advan- tage of these wonderful buys! 5c to 15c Buttons, Spools, etc. Baby Sox, Reg. 580 Children's Garters, Reg. 350 Brass Curtain Rods Ladies' Ankle Sox, Reg. 750 25c Plastic Place Mats, Reg. 690 Babies' All Wool Sox, Reg. 694' Ladies' Wool Ankle Sox, Reg. 51,00 Children's Long Stockings, Reg. 51.25 Ladies' Silk Gloves, Reg. $1 39c Babies' Vests, Reg. S1,00 Playtex Baby Pants, Rubber Sheets, etc. Oven Mitts i 59c Ladies' & Girls' Wool Gloves to $2.95 Ladies' Silk Panties Bath Towels Girls' Night Gowns Rug Wool Sock Yarn 69c Babies' Wool Vests, Reg. $1.35 Boys' Undershirts & Longs Baby Dresses .411 Rompers to $3.95 Brassieres to $3.50 98c E•Z Sleepers Curtains Girls' Night Gowns to $2.50 Boys' Sport Shirts Girdles & Corselettes to $7.50 Slips to $3.95 Chamoisette Gloves to $1:90 1.69 Slips, Reg. $3.95 Bed Jackets, Reg. $4.95 Pyjamas A Gowns, Reg. S4.95 1.98 Boys' Dress Pants Boys' Combinations Baby Sleepers to $2.95 Ladies' Slips & Gowns to $4.50 $2.98 Ladies' Pyjamas B Gowns to $7.95 Slips, Reg. 55.95 Playtex Girdles, Reg. $8.95 Bed Jackets, Reg. $5.95 SPECIAL' TEX-MADE FLANNELETTE SHEETS 70 x 90 55.69 PAIR FOAM RUBBER CHIP .PILLOWS $3.95 PAIR CHICKEN & GOOSE FEATHER PILLOWS $5.79 PAIR Sorry No Refunds or Exchanges F.A. MAY & SON PHONE 190 EXETER g Uhl. bi. roup but f entertain 9 lwoltJ-,five members of Lxe- A ten -man hunting expeditlohl ter Senior Citizens were special that left a week ago for Koko guests of the 'ilensall club at 0 Lake from 'I xeter and district• the meeting in Memorial Con., has returned with the catch of tre auditorium on 'Tuesday eve, .two deer. 1 ning. An attendance of 85 Was Doug Thompson of Sarnia ac- recorded, tually a11ot the two deer as he Winners 91 progressjve eueb.s e helped to make up a party of were: lone inenhan is Itiltons 1'enner dudesGr hunters wt L1r, acic and William li.y(le;� ladies high, eluded Graham Arthur, J • Carr, George Glendenning, Lou 1111x, Melville T.raquair and Galley, Bert Ostland, Bill Amos.! Alrs, lloraee .Pfaff. Ray JOU, Bill Chambers, Harold Orval Ranson and his orches- lfoltznlan and 13111 Mills of A) l• I Hila provided 1)16)5 a for the dao- Hoer, Bing, President A1rs, R. ,1, Pa - I terson e1iairecl the meeting, Despite khe fact that heavy .AuxlitrY canvas ,now hampered the hunters' • Mrs, .lint Clark was 'hostess for deer •througho.ut Koko' Lake, which is about half way for the Ladies Legion Aux�lllary between North Bay andTenli5415 on Tuesday evening. roup suing, the party really enjoyed had made 11 was aansucce sfulounced jecanvass the outdoor lifeof the town prior to the, sheeting ,Tack Carr was chief cook and selling tickets on two. draws for bottle washer on the expedition Christmas cake. and listen gals, according to all , members completed visitations reports, Jack did a terrific job to shut-ins on Sunday. with Isis menus. 1 Mrs. Frank Ellwood won the Harold Holtzman a n cl Bili' raffle brought by Alrs, George Chambers almost missed out on Sawyer Exeter, some of Carr's excellent tastes when they became lost in a swamp for 'two hours. However, they finally managed to find their way back to camp. ' Many of the party wondered why Lou Bailey came along, RI was evident he didn't intend to November 21 shoot anything because he didn't 5 -(4 -Clark Hawks .s. staple Leafs'have a gun. But Lou fooled them . 2 -10 -Eagles vs. Falcons all! Ice did actually more shoot- ln_v-W'ing vs. r:oekrla ing than 'the whole works put' November 2s S.9--halrnu.t ,s l:o'krls together, Bailey took his movie 9 -10 --Wings vs, Illnck Hwy!, camera, 1(1.111':agles vs, Malik.. LeafsGraham Arthur took a shot at December 5 a buck (and not the kind you 8 -9 -Wings v'. Maple Leafs have in your wallet either!) and ft -in -eagles ,•s• I ck. 1a steered towards Doug Thome-. 1(4•11.1%alra,s vs, Black. Hwks December 12 sans direction. As It moved 5-4-F,�1ra , a lila k Hs„ka closer, Thompson pulled the trig- 5- .s. staple Leafs ger and scattered tree branches 10 -11 -!wings vs, Falcons within ten feet of where it stood. ,,,nnnnn,..n,.n..nu..,rnu nnn11n11nup,,,,,,,,n q„ noun.IO...nono .n1..,,,,,.,.nn,. I .......... nunn 11,IIly 1 Hensall personals' Th. 7,,imoo-Advocator Novomber 12, 1959 Pogo Air• atltl Alfa. J, lt, hump at' in St. Thomas on Tuesday. 1 of an uncle, Jr. 14. Roberts of tended the funeral, of Mr. 1lunle's.� ,Air's. J. E. i-i.ume received St. Thomas. .Funeral servi'ei aunt, the late ;M)5. Jobe Hurtle word on Tuesday of the death 1 Will be held on Friday.' PEE WEE SCHEDULE November 14 5,:1-i (;les ve l,'in_.a 7-1 rl-1 a.lcnns , c Maple loafs 10.11 -I ockcta , a f;l',clt (•lawka Warm Air Heating And Air Conditioning New Installations and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPER1AL FURNACES OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lindenfields Ltd. Associate Member, National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association PHONE 181 EXETER ........ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11111....,.. 11,111, n..n,,,,11...,„1,,,.,,,..,,1,1111111....,1...,....,.....11111.,....„11.,1,,.,1...,,1. ;t, STOP THIS EVIL... It is well known • that teen-agers are able to get liquor easily under the Canada Temperance. Act. PROTECT OUR YOUTH t . Bring in a law that now provides stiff penalties for selling or supplying liquor or beer to minors, REPEAL THE CTA • • tl Give our police the power to arrest and our courts to convict those who for selfish gain take advantage of the weak provisions of the present law. YOUR BALLOT 15 NEEDED 5 Don't Fail To Vote On November 30 HURON CITIZENS LEGAL CONTROL COMMITTEE J. E. HUCKINS, Chairman. x 1' • Guardian Maintenance plug an Owner Protection Policy for CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, PONTIAC, BUICK, . CADILLAC, GMC and VAUXHALL When you buy a new GM car or truck there are 'two bonds of trust between you and your dealer ... the Owner Protection Policy backed by Guardian Maintenance. Your Owner Protection Policy is systematic service at specified intervals to maintain the performance and efficiency of your vehicle— built-in savings for you! Guardian Maintenance is the educated service your new GM vehicle deserves! It . 'combines factory -trained servicemen, factory- approved 'parts and the most -modern equipment to keep your vehicle like -new longer. 'For the best kind of care for the best kind of car or truck ask your GM Dealer about the Owner Protection Policy and Guardian Maintenance. See yr t1 CADILLAC a BUICK • OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC CHEVROLET • GMC 1 , VAUXHALL Dealer for Guardian Maintenance THE BEST KIND OF CARE FOR THE BEST KIND OF CAR 0 ,