HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-11-19, Page 15Groups at Centra lia
choose new officers
CPIT elects officers Osborne, Mrs, George Dunn;
The Centralia. CGIT met in the Christian Stewardship, Mrs. G
arsonage on Tuesday evening, Hepburn; Baby Band superin-
ovenber 3, and the election of tendents, Mrs, A. McFalls, Mrs.
officers was held for the year,
President is Catherine ilod•
gins; vice-president, Joan Es•
serY; secretary, Carol McCurdy;
,vice -secretary, Joyce MleFalls;
treasurer, Bette Lou West; vice•
Marilyn Moran ;
treasurer, g
i= anist, Elaine Powe; press
agent, Gwen Lightfoot.
WM5 meets
"The Coming of the Kingdom"
was the theme for the worship
service at the \VMS meeting in
the schoolroom of the church
on. Tuesday evening with Mrs
Shoebottorn and Mrs, Albert
Smith in charge,
The topic for study was "Afri•
can culture is disturbed through
the rapid changes in tribal
customs, marriage customs and
medicinal habits (medicine man
Versus modern doctor)."
Mrs. M. Elliott presided for
business. Reports were given by
the secretaries and treasurer.
The Christian Citizenship sec-
retary summarized the resolu-
tions endorsed by the Dominion
Board for 1959,
Rev. D. M. Guest presided for
the election of officers. With
the exception of a few necessary
replacements all officers were
re-elected to office.
President is Mrs, M. Elliott;
vice-presidents, Mrs. E. Powe,
Mrs. R. McFalls and Mrs. K.
Hodgins; recording secretary,
Mrs. F. Hicks; assistant secre-
tary, Mrs. P. Noels; treasurer,
Airs. G. Hicks; assistant trea-
surer, Miss Agnes Anderson;
pianists, Mrs, R. McFalls, Mrs.
G. Hepburn; citizenship secre-
tary, Mrs. A, Smith, Mrs, R.
Sltoebottom; Cancer Society rep-
resentative, Mrs. D. M. Guest;
corresponding secretary, Mrs.
W. Elliott,
Christian Friendship commit.
tee, Mrs, A. McFalls, Miss An-
derson. Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. G.
McFalls and Mrs. F. Lewis;
literature secretary, Airs, Frank
Report on
Community party
A community party was held
in the school house on Tuesday
for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gaiser,
Diane and Denton who have
moved to Exeter and for Mrs.
Harry Clarke and Miss Ruth
Clarke who have moved to Cre-
WA plan for Christmas
Mrs. Karl Guenther was host-
ess for the WA meeting on Wed-
nesday evening. Mrs. Jack Ratz
and Mrs. Earl Ratz were in
charge of devotions. Misses Joan
Ratz and Judy Ratz favored
with piano solos.
Mrs, Wray Sweitzer the pre-
sident conducted the business
meeting. Donations to several
charities for Christmas were
planned, including one to Miss
Audrey Finkbeiner, for mission-
ary work in St. Lucia Island.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Deitrich
of Windsor visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Deitrich and family.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wray Sweitzer included, Mr,
and Mrs. Bill 'Scholles and Goof-
fery of London, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Smith of Woodham and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and
Warren of St. Marys.
Mrs. J. Coleman is visiting
this week with her daughter,
Alias Shirley Coleman and other
relatives in London.
Mr. and Mrs, Russell King of
Crediton spent Sunday with Mfr.
and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Morenz and family
were, Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams
and Miss Gertrude Ratz of Lon-
don, Mrs, William Ratz of Cre•
diton and Mrs. Irvin Ratz and
Miss Judy Ratz.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baumgar-
ten and Mrs. A. Mason visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Char-
lie Brown at Bothwell.
Wednesday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Hariton were
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Sheppard
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fra-
ser in Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratz. Joan
and Paul and Miss Diane Gai-
ser of Exeter who was spending
the weekend with Joan were
Sunday dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Scott in London
in honor of Joan's birthday.
Mr, and Mrs, Ross Love were
hosts for a birthday dinner on
Sunday for Mrs. Love's father,
Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Guests in•
eluded. Miss Maude Hodgins, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and
family of Lttcan, Miss Helen
Hardy of Exeter. Mn Don Love
of Toronto and Mr, Clare Love
of Sarnia,
Mr. Earl Ratz is a patient in
St. Josephs Hospital, London,
with a broken leg received on
Sunday when he was kicked by
the bull he was attempting to
tie in the stable.
Have YOU
driven the 60"
yet * ,
Lou Bailey
R. McFalls; Mission Band super-
intendents, Airs. F. Bowden and
Mrs. G. McFalls; Missionary
I Monthlyand World Friends,
Miss Agnes Anderson. Fr e
Hostesses were Mrs. R Me
Falls, Mrs. G. Hicks and Mrs.'
L. Hodgson.
Shower for bride elect
Miss Margaret Tasko, RN.'
bride -elect, was guest of Limner
at a miscellaneous shower held;
in Neil's school on Thursday,
evening of last week,
Mrs. Charles Rollings presided
for the program which consisted
of accordion selections, piano
1 solos and readings.
Margaret was escorted to a
decorated chair at the. front of
the room. An address was read'
by Miss Pat Isaac who assisted `
Miss Ann Cronyn in presenting'.
and displaying the beautiful:
The hostesses were Mrs. C.,
Rollings, Mrs. C. Cronyn, Mrs.
J. Conlin, Mrs. F. Hicks and
Mrs. A. Isaac.
P,r ,nal it'n
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dinsmore oil
Merrickville Mrs. A.P d ell f'
e w o
Owen Sound and Mr. J. Pedwell.
of Toronto were callers at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, George
Hicks on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brown of
District WI
talks projects
meeting f the
At the o
executive of South Duron Dist.
riet Women's Institute the var-
ious projects su;ested at ttie
county rally held in Brussels
were discussed as well as a
history competition, .each branch
compiling its own history.
The projects 1) to work
were: : e (1
Nvitli the ('NIB to form. a chub in
the county for blind people with
institute branches catering for
the monthly meetings. (2) to
establish a bursary fund to help
young people in the care of the
Children's Aid Society at Gode-
rich by financing a course or
furthering their education, help-
ing them to become self-reliant.
(3) projects at the County Home
in assisting the Ladies Auxiliary
to the Home and also an ampli-'
Fier system from the chapel and
auditorium to the individual:
rooms for the new addition to be'
started in December.
e iber.
Mrs. Leonard Erb. Zurich„
reported for the London Area
Convention and Mrs. Harold '
Wolper., Grand Bend, stated that
the display "Sew and Save" by
South Iluron District at the area
convention was outstanding.
The meeting was held in Hen-
sel' on Monday and was chaired
by the president, Mrs, John Mc-
Lean, S e a f or t h. All branches
were represented.
The 1960 Fallexecutive meet-
ing will be held the first Tues-
day in November,
!'Lest we Torg '.r Steasc
'institute theme at
• "'Lest We Forget" was the sessions
theme of the November meet- On Saturday, November 7,
ing of South Huron Junior In- Mrs. L. Kleinstiver, Airs, D.
stitute held last Wednesday. Mqusseau and Mrs. R. Jermyn
evening. of the Exeter Publie School at -
Darlene F.rayne read a poem tended the annual one -day con-
I'In Flanders Fields" and sacred fereneo in London of the Ontario
moments were taken by Mar" Council for Childhood. Educa-
lene Frayne. Current events tion.
Lambeth were Sunday visits/s Kirkton youths
with Mr d AI T Th
an Airs
, . amp
Mrs. E. Abbott left an Sun-
day to spend the winter with
her sister-in-law, Mrs. F. J.
Fairhall, in South Laguna, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Thompson
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Kirkey in London on Mon-
Miss Eleanor Mae Hodgins of
the Victoria Hospital School of
Nursing, London, was a week-
end visitor with her parents,
ana A1rs. K. riooglns,
Peanut project
realizes $165
At the business meeting of
Exeter Kinettes held on Monday
evening it was disclosed that an
approximate profit from the Pea-
nut Drive was $165.67 which is
deposited to the service account.
Tickets for the linen draw are
now on sale at 25 cents each. the
linen is valued at $75 and can
be seen in the window next to
Irwin's Ladies Wear. The draw
will be made on Saturday. Dec-
ember 12 and the proceeds are
earmarked for Children's Wel-
fare Work.
Mrs. Les Parker gave a re-
port of. the Fall council held at
Preston. The draw was won by
Mrs. Cal Wein.
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. Parker and Pre-
sident Mrs. Don Robertson
chaired the meeting. Assisting
the .hostess were Mrs. Lloyd
Ford and Mrs. Lee Sherman.
choose executive
Teenville was held in Aber-
deen Hall on Friday evening
with a good attendance.
Officers elected for 1960 were:
president, Stan Francis; vice-
president, John Roundell; secre-
tary, Margaret Knight; treasur-
er, Helen Humphreys.
Hall board euchre
The hall board held a progres-
sive euchre in the hall Monday
Prize winners were: Ladies
high, Mrs. H. Webber; lone
hands, Mrs, C. Mills; men's
high, E. Cowdrey; lone hands,
A. Mitchell, Lucky draw went to
Garth Blackler.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Atthill
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Jarvis visited Sunday with
Mir. and Airs. Charles Atthill
and family of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Fairbairn
and Diane visited Sunday with
Air. and Mrs. William J. Black -
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Honsin-
ger and Philip of Hensall visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Her-
man Paynter.
Mrs. Glen Allen returned home
on Friday after being a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London, and
is spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. George Allen.
Mr. and • Mrs. Don Entwistle
of St. Catharines spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Al-
len and Mr. and Mrs. George
011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllll111111111 tl1I I I1111111I11111111111I1I111111111I1I Il ll1t111111111111111111111111/,
A-1 Used Car Buys
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Your Gifts Now!
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)on -
were discussed by Calot West- •The ; conference was cott, 1 cored. by the London Froebel
'Society, • u t' nkinder-
i de •-
a sac oof
t an aa n r
II was decided lo have, a
Christmas party at the next garten and primary teachers.
meeting and to make candy and, 7lie speakers were Miss Edna
sell .it to the Junior Farmers. 1 M. Horrocks, director of Lan -
The meeting adjourned to join guage Arts for Cleveland schools,
with the Junior Farmers, and Miss Donna Hill, of New
York, author and illustrator of a
children's book, "Not One More
J , Day-"
Main St
, ladles Several displays prepared by
the London primary teachers
to hold bazaar were arranged in classrooms at
the G. Wheab.le Collegiate, and
Plans for the bazaar and tea these provided many interesting
on Saturday, November 15 were ideas for the teachers to bring
finalized at the meeting of the back to their classrooms,
Afternoon Auxiliary of Alain
Street United Church on Thurs-
day afternoon,
Mrs. B. W. F Beavers report-
ed that the WMS allocation for
the year had been met and that
two bales had been sent to
Hazelton and to Korea.
Mrs. George Layton conduct-
ed the study on Africa, Mrs.
Harold Skinner was in charge of
the devotional assisted stcd by Mrs,
William Wright, Mrs, Grainger,
Mrs. Glen McKnight and Mrs.
J. W. Powell. Mrs. E. B. Rus-
sell contributed two readings.
Hostesses were Mrs. Percy
Merkley and Mrs. Cecil Mur-
Now and then everybody gets a
"tired -out" feeling, and may be
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ing seriously wrong, just a temporary
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See Us For Materials
To Do Your
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For Everlasting Beauty
Ask For The New
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Woodgrain Hardboard
It has an, outstanding finish and will give your
recreation room the glamorous touch!
Huron Lumber Co.
711111/11111111111111111t111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111/11111111111111/ 111n11mmn11111111111111111111 •
At llansall Sales on Thursday
prices of steers were steady.
Butcher steer . 634.00 to $26.00
Medium steers 32.00 23.50
Butcher heifers ..,18.50 22.20
Fat r
cows 11, 0 2
� 1Q Q � .,iQ
Good cows 13.50 15.00
Light cows 16.00 17,50
Babuos 25.00 26.50
\'cal calves 22,00 30.25
Calves 12.50 23.50
Holstein heifer
cah'es 23.00 32.50
Purhani salves ..,,, .35.00 5L.00
Weanling pigs , 6.50 7.50
Chunks ,,,,,,,,, 8,50 10.00
F_os 0
r 1.0 15.50
Sgws 32.00 63,00
The 'Times -Advocate, November 12, 1959.Page 13
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