HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-11-12, Page 15-S7 ''''•':"".TS'''...7,Teeletieffe.Mteiree„..s, ess ,,.„ PENTECOSTAL TABtRNACLE Main Street 9:45 a.m.—Sunday Se11001 11:00 a.m,—Woreinp Service 7:30 p.e•res...Esaneetseis Service 10:00 aen.--Suerlay School Snecial seeaker at both ser- 11;00 a,m,—Morning Worship vices. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey, Smug! Kerr, LA., CD - Minister Organiet; Mrs. S, G. Klatt Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study Eris 8 p.m. — Christ .Ambassa- dors Hearty Welcome To All "Seek ye the Lord while He inav be found. Call upon Him while He is near." —Isaiah 55:6 Sermon Subject: "What Shall We Do About The CTA In Huron county?" Nursery for children up to six years, THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH CALVARY CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Worship and Sermon DASHW000 by Rev. T. Hogerwaard Rev, J, W. Gillings, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, November 15 10:00 a.m,—Morning Worship 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 pan.—Joint Y.F. Service You Are Welcome MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Robert S. Hiltz, B.A,, Th.D. Organist: Mrs, A. Willard 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship 'Sermon: "The Glad Tidings of the Kingdom" Nursery class for children 6 years and under during the .BAPTIST CHURCH sermon. Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 am,—Worship Pastor; Stanley Sauder, Exeter HEAR THE GOSPEL HOUR EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, t P.M. , over CHLO-680 tf BAYFIELD THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev, Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Snuday, November 15 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11;00 a.m.—Morning Prayer (Nursery and Sunday School) 7:00 p.m.—Evensong CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship (Dutch) 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon 'Worship (English) The minister is in charge. Join Us In Worship ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD K. L. Zorn, Pastor, Phone 65 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Stewardship Service Film: "Money for the Master" All 'Welcome Huron Presbytery Young People's Church Service WESLEY • WILLIS UNITED CHURCH CLINTON Sunday, Nov. 15 800 p.m. 9:45 a.m.—Bible •School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Happenings in Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- Naughton of Stratford and Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family were Monday evening guests of Mrs. Fred Thomson. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family and Mrs. Fred. SWEITZER — Mr. and Mrs. Thomson were Sunday guests of Ralph Sweitzer, Exeter, an - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambert. nounce the birth of a son, Da]e Mrs. Gordon Jones returned Thomas, at South Huron Hos- home to Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Jones pital, November 9. after -spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Alvada Hopkin of Mitchell. Announcements RATE: Births No Charge Marriages and Deaths 750 (Marriages and deaths are reported without charge in news columns, This charge applies only to listing under Announcements.) Cards of Thanks, Engagements 750 In Memoriams (4 -line verse) $1,00 Extra verees, each 25e BIRTHS— CARDS OF TI-IANKS ALEXANDER — Mr. and Mrs, I wish to thank all. my re John Alexander, lieniall, are tives, neighbors and friends i happy to announce the birth so kindly remembered me \\ of a son, Paul Norman, at 'hewers, cards, treats and vi Clinton Commiinity Hospital,, while I was a patient in November 5 — a brother for Josephs Hospital, London, Sp Iris, Ross and Joan. ial thanks to Dr. J. Wilker a Bray, Algonquin Dr., Huron Alii. W. E. Or- Ottlens, nurses and staff Floor 2.—Mrs, Rose Kraft. BRAY—Mr. and Park, announce the birth of a We would like to thank ell daughter, Deborah Anne, at friends and selat yes ie i ton and a piano solo, Rosemary Marys Sunday visiting win South Huron Hospital, Nevem- k i n d n e s s and thoughtfulness Radcliffe, Grantan, and Mrs. Bristol Holden. ber 8—a sister for Billy and while Roy was in St. Joseph's FLETCHER—Margaret Lily and home, Special thank you for the News budget from flowers, treats and cards,—Roy i Robert Fletcher announce the ital October 27 — first neighbours who so kindly re-' 12c and Eileee Morenz. safe arrival of their daughter, • Terri Lee, at Elliot Lake Hos- I wish to thank friends and 1 r.M.'^:.7.•••••:';':',2,:', ••••••••,,,,,•••••,,,.:••••• •.••• Page 15 ....... . The Timea•Adveeete, November 1;, 1959 News from VVhalen . Mr. and Aire. Norman Brock,1man. BY MRS, FRANK SQUIREI Mrs. Russell Brock, David and Zion,Atssrs Ken Hodgson, Alton ;Bill, of Chisellmrst, visited Sure. ,.., 4 'a- , , ' e ' . ' ; • .- • 1 . Neil, William Ireneli, LaVerne day with Mr. and Airs. Williall1 WiorAs.bezeer Mt VridaY eVening with a goad 1 peAfrstegnrai tlisleeessbazaae sale tile Morley and Bill MuleY attend l"rieY Sr' attendance in the ehtirch par"' The WA sponspred a bazaar ladies served tench. 1 Mr, altd .MI.5' 00°rge Lewis Visitors during last week with I Afarkdale of the late Mr. Stewart tattled several title girl friend!! ' 'I'hompsOn, formerly of Whalen. ed the funeral on Thursday al IVIrs, Jack Finkheiner enter. • and Jimmy, of St Min d were me. and Ales. -vellum medey day, 4na ugt;treirdasY! Ai -'i• 1 inkbeiner Sr. of opinnee'slioneUlitic1)f birth cilita?rvn-latifil9Oralat pOrtgle:rt4mwainsciuticlic.. ,i.,-s-e-sevent. Viss..itior,ls of M. Frank se, were; Mrs, Ota Davis, To. Lwisetrwtheel aFIsinoitbspeeinnet4,eVeral day$ ar inson and Glenn Lronto, Air. and Airs. Ronald leg a Violin solo,Peal Winthrop, - . Mr. and Mrs. Millie Pullen (s'eanteri; vocal duets by Ellea• 1 and Donald attended the Kirk. Mr. eed Mrs. Andy Langton, Ulch, Bruce and Lorna of Whits beth and Linda Thacker, Wood • I London, also Mrs. William DefiY, bY I 'It • S d d 't.o. W' • and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ottia, ton Agricultural Society ban= firtelerithile°07nrityngonthSeat4U-Iirdaychilbns the Woodham Hall. were Sunday evening - visitors of tors of Mr.. and Mrs. Cleve PO': la, ham; Betty and Gayle puffield; I • yes Dale and Brenda Skinner, Elim. with Inr• and Mrs' Bert Otif" Mr, and Airs. Harold Quatt, dth ville; Miss Doreen Brock and field • Bruce and Gordon, of Mitchell, age Airs. William Spence; Roy and ' Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hod- were Sunday and Monday visi- se Roger Stephens; gins and Avis attended the Piano duet, Mrs. Milne Pullen Walkerton Christmas Fair en ec- nd and Mrs. Bert Duffield; banjo Thursday. Avis showed her 4-H of selection, Mrs. Mac Mills, 'What- ' calf in the morning and in the 12e en; vocal solos, Kathy Herr', I afternoon she sold it. 01itr, ham;Sunshine; Alt•s. DEolntnvyan 13Barkyearn IGVioelocni Douglas - Mra and e Cecil were in St. I Mr, i for ll Mr. Frank Parkinson Donna Jean. Ifospital and since returning. . snessessiessr.se Glenn were in London visiting Air, and Mrs, White and family. Air. and Mrs. Ray Park visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken mer Fullerton, Sunday evening. Mr. p. , . a . - . . grandchild for Mr. and Mrs, membered me with .cards, treets By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Fred McCuteheon, Elliot Lake, and flowers while a patient in • .. . formerly of Crediton, South :Huron Hospital, A special, C•1,'•:,,:s''','.'i'•'ei-2::::'-:•':::.-, . e•;:"g"'''''".‘'';"I;:-""'"''''"'-' Thorndale, and Mr. mid GOWANLOCK—Grant and Velma (nee Ferguson), Lambeth, an• lock. pole and staff.—Mrs, Ray Mor -i thanks to Dr. Ecker, Miss Clay- Personal items Air, and Mrs, Austin Timms , on Thursday with Air. and Wesley Shier, Granton, v nounee the arrival of their ]2c and family visited with Mrs, Gordon Docking, Munro. daughter, Karen Lynne, at I wish' to thank all m -Y ! Timm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Hodgins i Denzil Facey, Wellburn, on Sun- compained Mrs. Clarence Victoria Hospital, November 7 friends, neighbours and relatives Denzil granddaughter for Mr, and who so kindly remembered me da„. of Granton, a corresponde Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, Hen- with flowers, treats, cards and 1 ' the Journal -Argus, to their Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Rundle, quet on Friday at noon i visits while I was a patient in I IlEsaYWIL 00D—Mr. and Mrs. Jack South.Hospital. Mrs. Grace Walkom and Mrs. Charles Cottle were guests at the Zion East United Church, Heywood, London, announce rettu'ning home, Your kindness' - elm , home of Mr. John Rine on the birth of a son, at South was much appreciated.len! day evening. Sun - Huron Hospital, November 8— Otto Brown. Mr, and Mrs, Dunca.n Arc - a brother for Brenda, Larry I wish. to express my thanks! Naughton visited on Sunday with and Debbie. to. my thanks to my neighbours,' Mrs. MeNaughton's parents, Mr. MacFARLANE — Mr. and Mrs, friends and relatives for their, ; and Mrs. David Sheppard, and John MacFarlane, Forest, are visits,.cards, treats and flowers sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Gar - happy to announce. the birth while a patient in Victoria Hos. her Gor- don Fraser, Parkhill. . of their son, john Thomas, at pital.—William Bender. . 12*, Mrs, Oliver Baker visited her Victoria Hospital, London, No- Norman and Olive Ferguson, aunt, Miss Wilana Binnie, in To- vember 5—a grandson for Mrs. wish to express thanks to neigh-' eonto ori Tuesday,.Miss Binnie Minnie Sangster, Hensel]. bours, relatives and friends for is a patient in Western Hospital. McNAIR — Mr. and Ms. Scott kindness.shown to Olive while Mrs. , Percy Nixon, Listowel, McNair, RCAF Centralia, an. in St. Joseph's Hospital and • .. and Mrs. James Fletcher of Fel.- nounce the birth of a daughter, since returning home, 124 gus spent Wednesday with .Mrs. Dolores Lee, at South Huron We wish to thank our friends, Alf d reBaker. Hospital, November 6. neighbours and r e 1 a t i v c s for jvi J. _ and. Mrs. Robert Elston MORLEY — Mr. and Mrs. Wil- their visits, cards and flowers INatnd family were guests with liar Morley, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, sent Marion while a patient in f. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Baynard announce the birth of a daugh- St. Joseph's Hospital, London; of St. Marys on Sunday. ter, Kimberly Anne, at South also all those who helped in the Jr. and Mrs. Bagshaw return - Huron Hospital, November 10— ed •to their home in Birsay, Sask. last week after spending a sister for Kleren. three weeks with friends and SANDERS—Mr. and Mrs. E. W. relatives here. Sanders, Exeter, announce the Mrs. Elton Baker attended the birth of a son at South Huron And unday Harry inson Har• Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn also Mrs. Eva Stevenson, Mrs. isited Mrs, RC - Lewis nt of ban - n the Fol- lowing this they were entertained at the theatre in St. Marys. Avis, Allen, Grant and Gordon Hodgins attended the 4-H ban- quet of Perth county in the Wood- ham Hall on Saturday. Mr. Don Pullen of the OAC Guelph was a weekend visitor at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pollen home and with the fall plowing. It is all very much appreciated. —Marion and Don Kestle.• 12* I wish to thank all my neigh- mours, friends and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits agriculture banquet at Woodhant while a patient in St. Joseph's on Saturday. Elton carne fourth Hospital, London. — Mrs. Jack in his 4-H club work. 12* Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Johnston. David Halton on Sunday were We would like to express our Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Patterson, appreciation and gratitude to the friends, neighbours and rela- Parkhill and Mr, and Mrs. Eric tives for their thoughtfulness in WAeistrr a nadn d Mfrasm WiUiamLosnpdeon% e remembering Stan with their have returned home from their cards and gifts while he was a honeymoon through , the States. patient in St. Joseph's Hospital WARNER—Allan and Lois War -i We sincerely and since he has returtneed hoinc. aPPrecla every- 1COMING EVENTS — ner wish to announce the birth thing that was done to helin of a daughter,. Shirley Ann, any way. — Stan and Marjorie 1 o DANCE—Annual Sadie Hawkins in Sarnia General Hospital,12nc I November 6—a granddaughter The family of the late Louisa 1 for Mr .and Mrs. Ernest Pymth • Steeper. Dance, Russeldale Hall, Friday, Novener 13, brightly coloured , . Ladies sRR 3 Exeter and' Mrs, R. Buller wish to extend their cottonsand denhe kind - Warner, Grand Bend. heartfelt thanks and apprecia- ly bring lunch.. Admission 75tic tion to the many friends, rela- ENGAGEMENTS tives and neighbours for the acts of kindness, messages of HAM SUPPER —Prepared and Mr. and Mrs. William French, sympathy and beautiful floral served by the men • of James St. Whalen wish to announce the tributes received, also Gideon AOTS, Wednesday, November 25, Bibles donated during their re- at 6:30 p.m. Adults $1.50. Child - cent bereavement. Special thanks ren under 12, 600. Tickets avail - to the pallbearers, those who able from members, Fisher's loaned cars or helped in any Hardware or The Times -Advo - way. — Harold Butler Sr. and cate. 12c family. IN MEMORIAM— Hospital, November 7. STECKLE — Air. and AIrs. Wil- liam Steckle, Hayfield, an- nounce the birth of a son, Robert William, at South Hu- ron Hospital, November 9. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Par- kinson, Ann and Paul visited .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dann of London and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Roberts of By- ron Janice Thomson was a Fri- day guest of Joy Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaw of Arthur spent t he weekend engagement of their daughter, with their daughter, Mrs. Wes. Massey and Mr. Mossey. Jane Louise, to Garry Raymond Parkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac- ker .and family visited Sunday Ray Parkinsien. Blanshard The . with Mr. and Mrs. Morley wedding will take place Decem- Waugh of London. ber 5, 1959, in the United Church Mrs. T. Waugh of London manse, Centralia, Ontario. 12c spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, ANNOUNCEMENTS— EDWARDS — In loving memory Sponsored by Huron Rebekah Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey Mrs. Clarence Boyle will enter -1 of a dear father, John J. Ed- Lodge. 12c spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schiestol of Tees - water. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Perch of StrathrOy spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mr, and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper attended the Journal -Argus ban- CARDS OF THANKS — quet at Zion East on Friday. per, Ruth Veryl and Jeanette sincere thanks and appreciation wish to express their Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoo- Riley were Sunday evening guests 6f. for the many acts of kindness, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Facey 01 messages of sympathy and the Rev. Funge, of Londesboro, will Belton. beautiful' floral tributes in their weak oe the topic "You and ;,...ses--- . ss...e...sessesesesesseee.sesseee recent sad bereavement, Soe.cial Your Direction". A local mate '''''' . "' '''''''''''''' '''''" ' — • — thanks to Rev. Currie Winlaw, cuartet 'will offer special music. Topics from L.O.L. 908 Mitchell Lodge. the This event signifies the beein- Bonthron funeral home and the ping of .National Young PeoPle's woodham . pallbearers, - flower bearers, the Weak. * * * • By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE 12c BAKE SALE A. TEA—Saturday, Nov. 21, 3 p.m., in store north of Irwin's,' opposite Post Office. tam at a trousseau tea forher wards, who passed away No - daughter, Nancy Jean, at thevemher 8, 1945. BAZAAR & TEA — Greenway home of Mr. Frank Sheere on We often sit and think of him United 2:30 ,l ltedCht.iirichitithe,Sattu•dbaaysn Saturday, nNeovt. Monday, November 16, from 2i When we are all alone, 14, to 5 in the afternoon and 7 to For memory is the only friend cofomtche church. Everybody wet - 9 o'clock in the evening. 12c That grief can call its own. 12c Like ivory on the withered oak When all other things decay Our love for him will still keep green, And never fade away. —Always remern bered by his family. 12* WOOD—In lovinng memory of a dear wife and mother, Mar- garet Frances Wood, who pass- ed away November 13, 1956. She lives with us in memory, The family of the late Bert FIRESIDE & SOCIAL HOUR including a discussion led by Mr, Bob Souihcett, Exeter, en Personal items the facts of the alcohol question Mr. Alvin Lawrence, Detroit, - facing Huron County residents in was Saturday visitor with Mr, a.TJnited Church attended a rally the forthcoming vote. anti banquet. held at Atwood on Herb Hopkins and Miss Ada All young people of Huron are. H°Pkins. 1 Friday evening. invited. The public is welcome. A number of te members of 1 Mrs. Ira AleCurdy and Mrs, the Young People's Union ofthe. Fred Doupe visited in Toronto last week, for a wey days with their aunts And will forever ,more. ladies that helped in the home,' —William Wood, Harold, Olive also the men that helped with and Pearl. 12c the chores at the barn and to I those who assisted in any way, 12* James Street United Church Rev. S. Ernest Lewis, M.A., B.D. — Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.—Organist, Choirmaster ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, November 15 REV, CLAYTON H. SEARLE M. & M. Dept, United Church of Cartada, will preach at both services, MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M. Anthem by the choir, Soloist: Mrs, John Goman Mr. Gordon Koch will assist at the piano. Sermon: "CHRIST'S CHURCH—AND OURS" EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. The Junior Choir will sing the aritherns. Sermon: PILATE, 'WOULD SPEAX" (A biographical sermon in which the preacher assumes the rOld Of the New frostainent judge,) 1 Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills, accompanied by MT, and !Mrs. Harold Thompson, Park- hill, visited with the latter's ! daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vernon and family of Ancaster on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Insley. Mur- ray and Karen were in Strftford on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Insley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle, Adults $1.50 Jim and Jack visited with Mr, Children up to 12 years, 600 and Mrs, Gordon Culver of Lobo on Sunday afternoon. A number of the CGET girls and their leader, Mrs. John Rodd, attended the World Friend- ship rely held in the Mitchell United Church on Saturday. The annual banquet of the Kirkton Agricultural Society was held in the Orange Hall, Wood - hard, on Saturday when the 56 e i e t y entertained the 4-11 dubs to tutkear dinner. Around MAIN STREET 110 b sat down, The Wood. ham WA served the dinner. TURKEY SUPPER Grand Bend United Church WEDNESDAY EVENING November 18 5.00 p,m, BAZAAR & TEA' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy, Mr. and Aire, Harold Levy, St, Maree,. enjoyed Teeter trip. 'Leaving �n Thursday. they motored through the New York Staid and tOnieattie home by the St. Lawrence Seaway oi Sunday. Vain up a. Child in the 'way he SUNDAY ,SCHOOL — 10 AM— ALL DtPT'S should ;0 by travelling that way ourself odditiOtiallY.• UNITED CHURCH Sat„ Nov, '14 2.30 p.m. Home baking, aprons, delicateSseri and vegetable booth SATURDAY NIGHT DANCES EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL With Your Favorite Orchestra Clarence Petrie And His Nite Hawks Dancing 9 to 12 Admitsion: 750 Per Person' Jackets and Jeans Not Allowed MODERN AND OLD TYME DANCE Sat., Nov. 14 Hensall MEMORIAL CENTRE Admission 50¢ Everybody Welcome Dance To Arena CKNX TV Stars Activities 111111.11111.1.. Slim Boucher and his Golden Prairie Cowboys COMMUNITY CENTRE ZURICH Friday, Nov, 20 Dancing 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission 75¢ Everybody Welcome FRIDAY, NOV. 13 6:00.7:00—All-Star Pee Wee 7:15.5:15—Allsa Craig va. Exeter Midgets 8:60.10:00—Exeter Mohawks SATURDAY, NOV. 14 8:60-12:00—Minor Hockey 1:30-3:00—Skating 3:30.5:30—Figure Skating 8:00.10:00—Public Skating MONDAY, NOV. 16 4:00.5:00—Skating 6;30-11:80—RCAF TUES. & WED., NOV. 17, 18 Curtin§ Sponsored by. Exeter Legion Branch 167 Fowl Bingo Wed0, Nov. 18 EXETER LEGION HALL Doors open 8 p.m.—Games start 9 p.m. 15 REGULAR ROUNDS FOR CHICKENS 10 SPECIAL ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS TURKEY DOOR PRIZE Admission 500 Special Rounds and Emtra Cards 100 or 3 Mr 250 ,%'413*,4;410..4111111111t,., ,000114NISk- !r.irit4., • • The story in Sunshine 116y MRS, WILLIAM DICKEY Miss Greta Stephens of Wing - ham spent a few days the end of the week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Stephens. Visitors during the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dickey And family were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford and Ric- kie, also Mrs. 'Freeman Horne of Winchelsea; Miss Kathleen Horne of London; Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Brock, Terry and Susan of Guelph. Mrs, Harry Ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn at Winchelsea on Saturday evening and with Mr. and Mrs, Will Johns at Elimville on Sunday, Centralia United Church TURKEY SUPPER Wed., Nov. 18 from 5:30 p.m. on Adults $1.50 Children Under 12, 60¢ Sunday School Teachers TRAINING COURSE Nov. 14, 21, 28 318 Senior St., Exeter 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS WELCOME Under auspices of Bayfield Baptist Church .BAZAAR Sponsored by St, Paul's • Anglican. Church - held in ABERDEEN HALL KIRKTON Friday, Nov, 13 8:00 p.m. • VARIOUS BOOTHS • PROGRAM • aerawnarinwriaffill4 • s COMING — YMCA Boyi Choir of Stratford TO SHDHS AUDITORIUM, EXETER • . Friday, Dec, 4 8:00 p.m. Presented by the Exeter District Junior Band which will also perform. Admission: 50¢ PS Children Free , . • DANCE Friday, Nov. 13 . MT. CARMEL HALL KQOL QU1NS ORCHESTRA Admission 75¢ • Don't be suspicious about Friday the 13th. Come out for. fun. , '7 Sorority Bali FRIDAY, NOV. 13 Dancing 9 to 1 EXETER LEGION HALL Music by Bill Dennis and His Orchestra $4.00 Per Couple CORSAGES LUNCH • -i- t Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi llllllllll llllllllllll • llllll 1111111 llllll I lllllll II l I ll 11111111111 llllll 11111111111111111 ll I lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll 1111111111/01::. Exeter Lions Club ..t i . i Scout,.. 1 , House .1 • ; 4 BLITZ from 5.30 to 8,30 p.m, • 1 Thursday, November 12 To finance completion of the building which pro. vides facilities for wholesome training for over 200 Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brownies, "BE PPAPARED" WHEN THE CANVASSEP CALLS Be A Good. Scout Help The Boy Scouts