HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-11-19, Page 16011111111111111011111111gpfgalgegallsnotatatn„..,,,,s1Mt======ss. ,,,, r*"'":""slEZIIIIMI;IX.I.V=I=S,S=SSSII;;;7.3
0.01,1016 November 19, 1959
• L
and, district news
phone BA 7.4255
Legion fetes
Boer soldier
A good attendance a 1..egion,
Legion Auxiliary members and
friends met at the Legion hall
last Friday evening, not only for
a social evening of cards, but
to honour one of their members,
Mr. Austin Chisholm, the oldest
living veteran of the Boer War
in Western Ontario. The Dreg -
dent, Mr. Dwight Rall, on be-
half of Branc h 540, presented
Mr. Chisholm with 'a life mem-
During Queen 'Elizabeth's re-
cent visit Prince Philip unveiled
the monument in London in
memory of all ]CR soldiers who
died in Canada's wars. Mr.
Chisholm took part in the "turn-
ing of the sod" ceremony and a
picture was taken of him at the
time. Mr, Art Bell, past presi-
dent, presented Mr..Chisholm
with an enlarged picture df this
Lions Club hear speaker
Mr, Steve Ponton. president of
the Progress Club, London,
speaking on "World Conditions,"
was the guest speaker at the
Lions Club dinner in the Angli-
can - church basement Monday
Granton lOdge
names slate
CormPendent; Miss 1 -in. Abbott
Poppy campaign Five share
The POPPY collection in Lucan $1,000 bill
andifgrangin 1%mousnetteid itocir $1.r112e0f A
r4. Stag. Smorgasbord previcleci
Work In the distriet, cutive and head of the Arena
realizes $119
w ic w by the wives of the hockey exe-
Granton 100F elects officers
At a meeting in the lodge
rooms Garfield Garrett was in-
stalled as noble grand of the
Granton 100F Lodge.
The district deputy grand mas-
ter for South Perth district,
Wilmer }Tarlton of Granton and
district deputy grand warden
Fred Smith of Stratford officiat-
Other officers installed were:
vice grand, Wilfred Garrett; re-
cording secretary, Wilmer Hari -
ton; treasurer, Norman Riddell;
FS Lloyd Mardlin; warden, Max
Bilyea; conductor, Gordon Dann;
chaplain, Rev. J. H, Vardy;
RSNG, Morley Wass; LSNG,
William McComb: RSS', Thomas
Gunning: LSS. Glen Parkinson.; I
RSVG, Ornar Bornett; 1G, Carie -
ton Ridley; OG, Beverly West -
Statutory meeting
Robert Holland of Lucan,
headed the following committee
of Legion and Legion Auxiliary
members Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Skolly, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rum-
mell, Mrs. Pat Crudge,. Mrs, H..
F. Bond, Mrs, Dave Egan, Mrs,
A. E. Reilly, Dwight Ball and
Ralph Smith of Lucan and Joe
Pee o andLegg ofGran-
Win, tie and loss
for local teams
At the opening genies of the
midget and juvenile hockey in
Liman last Monday night Lucan
defeated Kensal Park 4.2 in the
former and tied with Exeter in
the latter 4-4,
Lucan's scorers were Barry
Black and Bill Chown with two
each for the juveniles and Cough-
lin, Neil, Revington, Hayter,
Rawlings, Conlin, and Bond for
the midgets.
On the same night in the
South Middlesex Sr, Hockey
League Byron defeated Lucan
3-1. Herb Stretton scored Lu -
can's only goal.
Conduct funeral service 1
The Rev. John T. Clarke of
Brownsville and the Rev. J.
Clarke of Centralia conducted
the funeral services in the Mur-
dy funeral home Thursday, Nov-
ember 12 for Mrs. Frank J.
Pall -bearers were Roy Lam-
port, Allan Richard, Cooper Mc-
Curdy, Lloyd Morgan, Sandy
Lawson and E. L. Chaffe.
Holland film
On Saturday the T. C. Os-
borne's film, "Holland Wonder,"
was shown and drew a splendid
attendance with friends coming
from Leamington, Zurich and
London to see this picture, show-
ing the beauties of Holland and
the work of the evangelist there.
inor ice teams
launch season
Rev. j. P. Prost, Mr. Ken • By STEVE DAVIS
PS students Church
honor fallen Activities
Mr. Dwight Ball, president of
the Liican Legion, was the guest
• k t th P 41' • Sel 1
Remembrance Day service in the
school hall last Tuesday morn.
Mr. Ball displayed a number
of war medals, stars and crosses
as Well as ribbons, He explained
Clandeboye 'woman
iniured by area ,car
Mrs. Mervin Williams ,of the
Unitaci Church village net with an accident on,
The Ian can-Cland ebeye YPti Sunday evening about 7 p.m.
met in the Lucan ehureh Sun- While on Highway 4 a short dis.
day evening with Terry Culbert •tante north of the village.
In the 011air. She suffered, a broken nose
Douglas Thompson took the and fractures of both legs above
the aim arid Purpose of each. weeship service and was assist- the ankles.
Miss Lina Abbott was also an ed by Marilyn Culbert. The topic Mrs. Williams was walking
invited guest. for the service was "Choosing along the road when she, was
Choral reading of "In Flan- Friends". struck by a car driven by Frank
dere Fields" bY Mrs. Black's A nominating committee was Taylor, Exeter,
las, sentences of thanksgiving . chosen: Marilyn Eaton, Dana She was taken to South Huran
hY Kirk Montgomery, Don cough- ' Culbert and Keith Simpson, Ter- District Hospital, Exeter, and
lin, Jean Marie Lankin, Barbara; ry Culbert, Dana Culbert, Barry later was removed by Harvey's
Park and Jean Cochrane from . Black and l3everlev Butler will . ambulance to St. Joseph's Hos-
Grades 7 and 8, reading,
'Fir 1 present a skit at Empress Ave. Vital, London.
the Fallen' by Mr, DesJardine's United Church Wednesday, De- Women's Institute
class and sentences Of dedication ember 2.
munity alemorial Central for
Board was staged in the Corn• by Steve Yf i
Tpornpson and the reading o
Davis and *Cher 1 I The guest speaker was Mr. John Davies of Ailsa Craig, was
The district president, Mrs.
350 hockey fans last Wednesday . Indonesia,
oythe ning
guest speaker for the eve.
Psalm 130 by Ann
George were 1
night. \ well done, an anirnated question and answer, at theinhatiamtinegofelmrCsl.anlembeorytemrWili.
The two minutes of silence period.
The big attraction of the eve- lliams. Mrs. Davies' subject dealt
ning was the draw for $1,000 with were really 'silence and most •
a $50 prize for eaell 50th nun-! impressive as well as was the Angan Church with a farm survey of agricul.. Lure from the department, also
ber drawn. oath of allegiance which pre -I Owing to the inability To children in the home,
ceded the singing of the national darken the church, the 11 o'clock
12 members' an The roll call waanswered b
heldservice was inthe
base-'- eby
merd where the congregat
The winners of the draws
were: 1st, William Simpson, 50th
Roscoe Hodgins; 100th, Miss Lo.
reen Hodgins both of Lucan;
150th Glen Hodgins, Ilderton;
220th, Allan McNair, Ilderton;
250th, Frank Hardy and Cecil
Van Horne, 300th Howard Thomp-
son •of Parkhill.
When all tickets but five were
drawn the owners unanimously
decided to split the $1,000 so Wil-
lie Young of London, Earl Mor-
gan of Clandeboye, U. F. Stan-
ley, Mrs. H. B. Langford and
Mrs, Karl O'Neil (joint ticket)
all of Lucan and Jim McNair of
Ilderton received $200 each.
The net proceeds ,from the
smorgasbord will go for the. ad-
vancement of minor rand inter-
mediate hockey.
Rain interferes
with ceremony
Plans had been made for mem-
bers of Ma Legion, Legion Auxil-
iary, Scouts, Cubs; CGIT and
Explorers to meet at the bank
corner and parade to the Com-
munity Memorial Centre for the
annual Remembrance Day serv-
ice November 11. However, the
rain interfered and many were
glad to ride up. ,
E. M. Cook was the guest
speaker and gave an inspiring
address. Rev. Edgar Roulston
led in the prayers and the Rev.
J. P. Prest in the creed, the
scripture lesson and responsive
Visits the kindergarten
Tuesday was a red letter day
for Miss Lina Abbott, for not
Granton woman
had thopportunity ofseeing Lite Ment I would like to see in our
' se
film "Ill That I Have".
I The program committee based
Though the film had been their subject, on Remembrance
captures 'wealth'chosen by chance, no better film Day and was arranged by Mrs.
Another large crowd tried with- could have been. chosen as a pre-, James Hall, Mrs, George Simp-
out avail for the $120 jack -Pot lude for the stewardship cam- son, Mrs. Roy Cunningham and
in the Legion Hall last Thursday, paign which will be held next., Mrs. Charlie Coughlin. The con -
night. Miss - Reta Clatworthy, I Sunday, known as "Stir -up Sun-. test was won bY Mrs. Albert
Granton, won the $12.50 "Share' day" in Anglican churches. l Rosser. The monthly contest
the Wealth," Mrs. W. Penning -1 AYPA hear speech ' was won by a visitor, Mrs. Wal.
the parish hall Sunday Hostesses were Mrs. D. Mac -
D, McRoberts the third part of The Lucan-Clandeboye AYPA I ter Wardell of Beechwood.
ton the $5 consolation and Mrs,
the consecutive bingo, Margaret met in I Farline, Mrs. Rea Neil and Mrs.
Hertzel of Centralia and Mrs. evening with the president, Tom, James Paton. A vote of thanks
John Smibert of Lucan the first Tomes, in the chair. Roger to the hostess was given by
Black, who was runner-up in the Mrs. Ernie Lewis.
public speaking contest, repeat -
•a Has eit of P k t
Hill shared a bingo with Mrs. ed his speech 00 the "Red
Roy Pepper of Exeter and Mr. Cross".
Richard Davis of Lucan. Mr. Further plans were discussed:
Earl Parsons and Mr. Joe Camp- re checking at the Maaenic'
bell also represented Exeter by banquet and for securing the!
winning a bingo each. Mrs, Geo, film "Martin Luther" for De -
Lf C i d M E cembee 6,
ee o Ailsa ra g an rs r-
Personal items
Mrs. Alvin
spending this
daughter and
and Mrs, Jack
Mrs. Horatio
nie Lewis of Clandeboye won a The next meeting will be Nov.
bingo each Mrs. Garnet Brooke, 29.
Lucan, won two bingos and Pentecostal Holiness Church
shared another with Linda Tat-
low, Graham Thompson and The Women's Association held
Mrs. Harold Butler were Lucan's November meeting at the
only other winners. The jack -pot home of Mrs. Howard Currie.
next week will be $125 iAfter the worship and devotion-
calls.n 57
al period, Mrs. Jack Eizinga
was presented with a small gift.
Attend H & S conference
The president of the Lucan Regional rally
Home and School Association, A Regional Youth Rally was
Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Mrs. Nor- held in the Lucan church last
man Hardy and Mrs. E. Bridger Saturday with members coming
attended the Conference Group from as far away as Landon and
for North Middlesex in the Col -
borne St. public school in Strath- The Rev. Douglas Clark from
roy, last Thursday evening. Mount Dennis was the guest
Speaking on Home and School speaker and spoke on the Christ -
work the guest speaker was tan Family Life. He and Mrs.
Mrs. M. Gurney of London, the Clark sang a duet. A Toronto
quartette with guitar accom-
paniment was an added attrac-
tion. •
Woman's Association
The November meeting of the
Woman's Association of the Lu. 1
can United Church met in the
church school -room last Wed-
nesday with the president, Mrs.
Murray liodgins in the chair
and Mrs. Eldon Young's group
in charge • of the program and
refreshments. Mrs. Young was
assisted in the devotions by Mrs.
William Aylestock and Mrs. Ed-
gar Roulston.
Rev. J. P. Prest of the Angli-
can church was the guest speak-
er and spoke on the customs in
Quebec in religion, education and
the care of the young and old.
Plans were discussed for the
bazaar and tea to be held in the
school -room, Nov. 21. It was de-,
cided on an admission of 250.
Evening auxiliary
only was she an invited
guest former Minnie McTavish of Lu -
to the PS Remembrance Day i can.
service, but she also spent from Mrs., Haskett volunteered to
9 a.m. to 10.45 in
the new kin. I hold the spring conference in the
dergarten. As many
of the chit.; Lucan public school.
dren were well known to her,
Clarke, and Mr. Wilson Hodgins The Lucan pee wees are off she was immediately surround -
attended the statutory meeting to a good start by blanking Ken. ed by little people all wishing
of the deanery of West Middle- sal Park 3-0 on Saturday, to tell her something at once.
sex Anglican churches in Grace The big gun for Lucan was She could not help but notice
Anglican church, Ilderton, last Tom Hardy who got two of the how happy all the children were,
Monday night when the Rev. three goals and Reg Gibbons how much they had been taught
Thomas A. Griffin was host. getting a single. in a few short weeks, and how
The guest speaker, the Rev. With only a few minutes lthey had learned to obey prompt-
Canonft; ly and quietly.
A. H. Davis of Toronto, 'in the game Brian Haskett and •
general secretary of the mis- a Kensal Park player both got Coursey School euchre
sionary society, of the church 10 -minute misconducts for fight- I Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mrs, Al-
in Canada spoke on the mission ing,
which was the only penalty; Ian Ryan were hostesses for the
work in various overseas fields.
The Ven. C. J. Queen of Lon-
don presented the diocesan com-
missions and outlined the 1960
budget. Mr. Ken Clarke, organ-
ist of Holy Trinity Church, Lu•
can thanked the speaker.
in the game. The Lucan banta
in the game.
The Lucan bantams also had
a good time on' Saturday by zes were a family affair, .going
trouncing Kensal 'ark by a to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey.
Lone hand prizes were won by
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mr.
Evan Hodgins. Low score pri-
zes went to Lois O'Neil and Mr.
Harry Stokes.
The next game will be Nov-
ember 27 with Mrs. Toni Cour-
sey and Mrs. Charles Grose in
Baby reception
Following the baptism of their
babe, Karen Marie Henderson,
in Holy Trinity Church last Sun-
day, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hen-
derson held a reception and
turkey dinner in their home on
Market St.
Guests included the babe's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Henderson and Mr. and
Mrs. 'Gordon Austen, all of Both.
well, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Aus-
ten also of Bothwell and Mr. and
Mrs. Owen Hickmott and family
of London.
Legion Auxiliary bazaar
Regardless 'of the fact the St.
Patrick Guild and the Legion
Auxiliary chose Saturday, Nov-
ember14, for their sale Of home -
cooking the fernier in the Nu -
way Motors and the latter in
store recently vacated, by the Lu -
can Dry Goods, both were sue.
cessful. At the latter Mrs. Tho-
mas Weller was tea-room con-
vener with Mrs. Bud Cooper,
Mrs. Royden Herbert and Mrs.
Charles Skelly, doing the serv-
Coursey School Euchre last Fri-
day night,
Once again the high score pri-
score of 12-1,
The big, boys for Lucan were
Gary Revington with 5, Don
Coughlin with 4 and Roger Black
with 3. The only time the game
was close was in the first five
minutes of the first period when
the score was 1-1.
Masonic meeting
District Deputy Grand Master,
Rt. Wor. Bro. William G. Treble, . CGIT chooses
of Goderich, was guest speaker
last Thursday in the Lodge room
following a dinner in the Angli- , new executive
can church basement.
Personal items •
Mr. .T F. Wicks of Sarnia is
The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT
held their regular meeting in the
United Church school -room last
the Lucan Ontario Hydro's new Monday night with the leaders,
area manager. Mr. Wm. Watson, Mrs. Roger Heath and Miss
who has been relief manager, Betty McIntyre, in charge of
since the departure of Mr. Har- the election of officers. President
old White, has been sent to St. is Nancy Haskett; vice-presi.
Thomas. dent, Linda Bridger; treasurer,
s Mr. Alex McFarlane who has Ruth Frost and secretary, Jean
Marie Lankin,
been a patient in "The Kings -
During Lite business session, it
way" St. Marys for the past two
months has so far recovered was decided to have a table at
that he is able to be home. the WA bazaar, November 21.
Plans were made for a skating
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Heath party in the near future to which
have moved into their new home the Exeter CGIT will be invited,
on , Frances St. •
I Th
Ingersoll church
scene of nuptials
Ferns, potted mums and white
satin -bow pew markers formed
the setting at 2 p.m., Saturday,
November 14, for the double
ring wedding of Margaret Irene
Ellery and Bernard Clarence
Avery in the Trinity United
Church, Ingersoll. The Rev. C.
Daniels officiated.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs, Velma Ellery, Ingersoll,
and the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Avery, Lucan.
Given in .marriage by Mr. Al-
fred Schaper, a friend of the
family, the bride chose a waltz -
Eighteen members of the length gown of imported French
ning Auxiliary of the United
Eve -
lace over tiered nylon tulle and
silk taffeta. The fitted bodice Church met at the home of Mrs,
featured a scooped neckline and Dave Park for their November
cap sleeves. The bouffant skirt meeting last Tuesday evening
.Benny Saulnier's group
was nipped in by a wide taffeta Mrs.
bustle back. A shoulder -length
was in charge of the program
cummerbund descending into a
efAreratilleanctka.took the study
veil of net fell from a headdress
of nylon sheer and tulle. She book.
carried a Chantilly lace. -covered Plans were discussed for a
Bible, crested with red roses and Christmas bazaar of children's
streamers, wear on December 12.
Her only ,attendant was Mrs. The members of the Evening
Clarence Portice of, London, as Branch will be in charge of the
matron of honor, who chose a tea room for the WA bazaar in
gown of pure silk French bro. the school -room November 21
cade of sapphire blue, styled On trAV(`'.'n':'f : ;''' ' ' '' '''% •,' ..-::!.::::. ... ' ' : ::: ''.:;
princess lines, with empire bod-
ice, short sleeves and a scooped The story in
neckline forming a V -back and .
finished with a matching bow.
She carried a cascade of yellow
and bronze mums.
The best man was Thomas
Wilkinson of Lucan and Glen
Frost and Ronald Benjamin were
Mr. H, Riddolls provided tra-
ditional wedding music.
ing and Mrs. Wes Hodgins and Mr, Lawrence Grose of the two groups, headed by Nancy At a reception and banatiet at
Mrs. J. W. Smith making the Tilleenburg HS staff, called on, Haskett and Jean Marie Lankin. W o 1 s t e n Holme, the bride's
tea. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McLean last At each meeting, uniforms and mother received in a nylon sheer
charge of the touch and take Mrs, Alex Col*in (nee Idatie ers will provide a party in Feb- carnation corsage. She was as-
table, Mrs. Lloyd Makin. the Stanley) and babe Paul of Wind- ruary. silted by the groom's mother in
home baking, Mrs. A, E, Reilly' sor spent a few days last week,
1 It was decided to accept the a light blue -grey dress with pink
the selling of quilt tickets and with the former's parents, Mr.
Mrs, H. T. Bond, the selling of and Mrs, IJ. F. Stanley. . I Advocate to replenish their funds
, offer of the editor of 'the Times. carnation corsage.
For a honeymoon trip to Mont.
the mystery box tickets. Miss Terry Walpole of Kin- . .
1 . by securing subscribers. real, the bride changed to a
Mrs. RoyStanley,now ft St , carding was a weekend guest of blue suit,
Thomas, who recently won the' her grandmother, Mrs. Ira Car- Personal items They will make their home in
bingo jack -pot was the winner ling and family. I Mr. and Mrs. E. ' H. Moss of Lucan,
of the quilt. The winner of the
mystery box (valued' at over 810)
was won. by Mr. Erni Ross of
Concession 4, Biddulph.
Personal •items
Friday the lath's continuous Young,
down -pour flooded Lucan base- ' Mr, and Mrs. John Knight and
ments and set sump pumps go- family of Kintore were Sunday
Ing again. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Private Chester O'Donnell has Iigisly,
completed his term in Germany. Miss Elva Young, daughter of
He and Mrs. O'Donnell, the for- Mr, and Mit. Ale X Young, 0 -A
mer Alice Frost, and babe are duate of Victoria Hospital, Lon. .
holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W.; don, has received Word that she F,••••‘•: :•;:::-...- -
J. Frost and family of Alice St, 1 passed her R.N. exam which she Mr, and Mrs, Goneau and
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hardy' wrote in September. daughter Sandra also Miss Greed
spent a feW days last week in Messrs, Cliff McLean, tier- stilson, at London, were Visiters, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Toronto, tile guests of Mrs,- Nel-, enee, MOrgatt, Joe Haskett. Ar- en Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.! and family !Sieved to their new
Im.. Hughes, Vincent lIodgins, Hugh Bern% • home at Lambeth in Tuesday
son Cronin and other. Toronto' Irl 4
Don' McGregor, Den burr and Mr.) arid Mrs, Alec Wilson% Of
31,1171 -174.011In,ha-Vd; fellirit-tt„ fr011'La London, were recent visitois at
nine day hunting trip but only the habit of mr, and Mrs, cat.
one Member of the party was °nee Jahns,
successful 1,1 killing ang :.galte. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Ford
Mr, , Joe Haskett killed two and Jennie, Of Kiteherier, visited
Mrs, Richard Davis was in Wednesday. . . outfits will be marked. The los- blue printed gown with pink
Mrs, Sheridan Revington spent Edrnonton visited with Mrs. T, personal items
Harry Mantis of London, 1 Mrs, Wes Atkinson returned to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb and
Mr. Jim Reader and Jean Ma's London on Thursday with her family were weekend guests of
rig Lankin spent last vveek in. son, Mr, Gerald atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins. On
Windsor, the guests of Miss Mary Sunday they accompanied Mr,
SYSISCISISZSOCCOSZSICSSIsS,ISs) and mrs, Hodgins and Don to
The story in Fort Stanley where they were
last Friday with her mother Mrs.! C, McFarlane last week.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
• Ja ton en.
Mr. arid Mrs, Mitchell Haskett
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
By MRS. WILLIAM DICKEY Mrs, Alex Flynn of Mitthell.
Mr. Jim Baxter of London
called on Mrs, W. J. Maas
and Mr, and Mrs, William Down.
ins of Atte° St. on Thursday,
Mr.. and Frank TWOS
and Mrs. Ella Redden of ESeter,
acCompanied by Mr, and nes,
A. M. Hedden, Liman, Motored
on SthidaY M Brantferd where
they were guesta of Mrs, Lily mese. with Mr, and Mrs, VVilliain C. nasty, Mr. :teak aftirciV Who
list& and 6thet friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Garfield Dickey and fatitily and Mrs, got hone Irani St. joseph's 1 -los'
M. and Mrs. IL A, ChoWri end 'daughter' Karen, of Peter- Harry Ford on Sunday, nital on Pridav riecompaeied
were Weekend guests of Mr. and bore were Weekend' guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Clarke, Cif Mrs. Price to Tottint0 oti Mon -
Mrs, W. .1, O'Rourke and family Mr. and Mil, Art Black and Lakeside, visited on Sunday with da v 16r Vita, tft, Mtirdy is
Tordnto.. family, 1,Mic and Mrs, Theron Creery, feeling very muth better.
and Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Ander.
seri are, moving itito their POW
home en Cent 4 13icidttlph on.Sat-
Mrs. Percy Pride of Toronto
was a Weekend tuests With MrS,
Mrs, Miller McDowell, Galt,
entertained at her home Friday
evening for Mrs. Gerald Dear-
ing (the former Jane Dykeman).
Eighteen relatives were present
And Jane was the recipient of
many miscellaneous gifts.
Mrs. Jud Dykeinan, David and
spent the weekend in
Galt and Guelph with relatives.
Mrs. Bob Hern and children,
of Jarvis, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock
visited on Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Langford of. Lon.
and Mrs, Norman Brock,
Margaret and 13111, spent Sunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Spence o/ St, Marys.
Mr. and Mrs, Dorf Skinner and
family of Centralia visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Nor.
man Jaques and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Brock
spent Saturday evening -with Mr.
and Mrs. James Earl, Exeter,
Mrs. Margaret Twaits and
Don and Helen I3artley spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mt% Nor.
man Jaques and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jaques and
family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Wes Jaques of
Mission Band
The Mission band meeting
was held on Monday night with
Nellie Bilstra and Anne Herd-
man in charge of the rogram.
Shirley Hern gave a reading.
tinily Dykema!) and, Yvonne
Jactiles Sang a duet, Mrs. Tom
Horn led in the worship and
IVIra. Cliff Jaques presented the
study. Withers theft Worked on
the oat they are Making,
Cunningham is
week with her
son-in-law, Mr.
Manson at Sim -
Simpson of Lu -
News budget from
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac -
Naughton and family attended
the Presbyterian church anniver-
sary services at Ailsa Craig and
were guests of the former's
brother, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
MacNaughton and family.
Mr. Wilbert McNeight left
Tuesday morning by motor for
Santiago, Cal. where he will
spend the winter months with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNeight
and Barbara.
Barry Thompson, Baseline
spent the weekend with his grand-
father, Mr. John Rinn.
Mrs. Fred Parkinson has re-
turned with her baby daughter,
Margaret Rose. Her mother,
Mrs. Caccaobti of Capreol is
spending a few days with her.
Letter from
Personal items
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Raeburn Steeper on Saturday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Dixon and Stevie of Green-
way and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ken-
nedy of Ilderton and on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Charlton
of Ilderton,
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keogh attend-
ed the Carey-Mollard wedding at
Mt. Carmel on Saturday.
Saturday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Young and
Linda of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Hamilton of Lucan and Mr.
and Mrs. George Prest.
Mrs, Maters of Simcoe visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh
over the weekend and attended
the Carey-Mollard wedding. On
Sunday guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Meters and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neil
left Fridayevening to spend a
few days in Detroit, and Flint,
Mrs. Lin Craven, of Parkhill,
spent' Sunday with her son, Wes
Watson and Mrs. Watson.
Mrs, Harold Knapton, of Thorn -
dale, spent a few days with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. William Fenton.
Miss Marjory ' Fenton and
friend spent Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fen-
Mrs. William Thompson re-
ceived word on Sunday of the
death of her sister in Detroit,
The WOmen's Institute catered
to a successful banquet at West
McGillivray hall on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton,
of Liman, spent last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dixon.
Darlene and Paul Ityan have
been spending a few clays with
their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Schenk,
You are what you think you
One sale loads to another.
Van spent a day last week With
her brother, M. Ernie Lewis
and Mrs, Lewis. Mrs. Simpson
is improving frem an illness suf-
fered this fall.
mrs. Lloyd Lynn is a patient
111 Victoria Hospital.
The ladies of the Clandeboye
United Church have set the date,
Nov. 28, for their bazaar and
hake sale at 2.30 p.rn. in the
Sunday School room.
Mrs. Jim Hall is now on the
pursing staff at the SL Marys
Hospital, London.
Mrs. Fred Simpserl of Lucan
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Almer
liendrie on Tuesday. Over the
weekend their daughter and
granddaughters visited them,
Mrs. 13111 Downing, Karen and
Joan Downing of Chatham.
Mr, Charlie Wilson spent Sun-
day with his family, Mr. and
Mrs. William Wilson. He ex-
, peas to be able to return home
this weekend from St. Joseph's
Hospital where he was 'admitted
July 5 following an accident
when he suffered injuries from
a fall while fixing a pulley in
the his Jig 11,41.
Mrs, George of Per,
vliester apeit. a day last week
with her Wier,. Mr. Roy
Mr, and Mrs. ;Clifford Cue,
ningliatn, of Dorchester,.yite
With Mr. And Mrs. Jim ,0n,
liinglIam Friday ellening..
The film "All That I Have"
V,148 AMA on Sunday 4 St,.
ion •
Time For A
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