Huron Signal, 1852-07-15, Page 4.I. , 4 , �,� , IV POP"' "' Iii 1 4 %,"qllfiii%]W-v,-"7-,!��--�-,-- -I- 7 , I - I.r � , , I .1 ­ , I .-, -,r I I , ­ v AA , _se� ., I . � 1. , 'AL --�.IF%6.im-4*44,'*, W - _mr � , % " I ., 7 . 1 -`7*"`-' �%,.;­ . � . t . . I I - SS__ . H-UTR,0q0 INP,l ")AIDJ4 ­ 1- . . --- - , -, -T' - -� 1111 w..-..:;, - .- __ - . I SMI.X111411111 , ) V _v­:__-;_1n_wa:w�_� ____ ­_==�---­ - I - - ows. -1 V,,Vl&lojl (;OUAT$., Unit MHPPA WA FOOVDRY, ­ * 0.0lg4d ow 41 - � ­, t`4 AGIRIMLI't" : - 1I.WPI&A, -riallif liall rgoes, 1,1: PH I 4W 1,* *%.a vuxa .. , Im"NAT!" .ofitl . M 0 IS F A To' TnE "I' D"'mews ("'am tog ill* T! Allied Stemin Unigiiiie r4nufactory' 1"'S" Toib"4"86%6 t= a it I opulwo" Nit"AM911LOM 1"'J"'"14haud 4. , I Of THS AXGL4). A U Ell ICAN *AGA- C...,,..t lia,­� Folth mod Office, 0 , It TOO IM&W- Will* 14#1 "pow'd , saild *I 10 110" led 10100" (10*W"ig � - lava uk"w", rei Aim Tmad_u from *%a to Rodoor. Uill.ditt 0 Coves , HINTAILf LIFE, PlUt . ZW4 Wks" etposold to 60 rtsmA = -most' ,..--. it;: I`, - -1 hout a a I Lie a's fill Milan - W. 11111boolls! two 0. I't., be ,a X to 0* A04*" all July 0"1. will ISO imeballuill- "'Mal,,ch. wallaby T"'U"ov"I'll"'Is' name Sir ,We. gill two"06 . , I ,, � C.Ibsf�8'1168. 1, Fic.. all briftim, of work to the beat mouser, I... IbMiShistras &6_404i% carvai little a ally por.on cal"I'le 4.4, SIVII'd our Ilk i �, j*iCENtX BrMRS � ad %be Illies ovidlealle, *1`4 MusINIT J`OIh­ ad Selest. 9.1ei Leateg, Noll., CIO& 6� Short afetwo. m for ASOM I %ft the -1 114 - V%. m::: .ww oil"Iff olliallot filloo title 44 ­ T" ANULU- , = .Me" ,bo WA , , fumlathisilifteelifietv fairto first spFamrs, ,,on ,,t Silo,. as oblitil-wo, we 14 �p as* I "' " Ov. Pounces of Ateram Earl"s for 4W ali B.O., = � tafeeds"aslww*sml .0 treat tie" I""d 6y *,,I me "I ft IN AMOWAN MA,UA7JNXi-" Jot,. ",ekes Ts,vi M=M, S" yet, 'A fib" dine"$ I IT ' ,Lb-iqoodsm"w. T'Lt utilintla.,r galloie% '. wit" I . z dill% 60 los VACII nutuber will cout&,u 96 P-gom royal SID's B.'rence". viowk Coleman&. Olaii . . IMW lkw, Mill*, are all now and of %ISO a" mod a . I klkv�,� CAMI&FROX Cedar �� fieWfienealkliad. Also, oomOetOsOtMO' Near- London' March 1464, -k4 "Lloy, U. W; i OdLawfor wr4 dooleald continuum. onall amowous Twiso 1-811"um. I __­wwI1ae sell � of k6wilitivalusitime A,; J " la. -I'd ,,:,, ($$I&* 'I . 00 0 .hip el's .= 41 ending 40i obler --R - j,m,ow..d.,@To,#,*.Btmtfl-IJ-771 J . d 1, it = or Justrawom. Price Selo. per "&win, Seemed It alp ad is#* 81tiollial, kei. for Griot 404 Saw Mal* ­ - aseek 4*. a hiamaIa, it a 4 ,,.t 1.4 t I Sea mod Hay lath JQDV, I ?.;2- =! = - .:� . ..kt idt 10, . - ,� - . � � .� :h" Am. . PLItfil tt'su ins t In -4, - - ____ __1 nd. .Soi�:.. - � ,,, -1 In Advance, sevell sent by mail to any part Of list Assume. Baby Witlierne. Cleork, . -to vi like attention of the Pvbilc is . toots of tribes. 11"Sawl ­ ­ - 111111l.laillit- da.3 mogitilit IMVSTM AMIMMWM- - fWasmistly dirweet. 151k - 14 __ M*M46WIA*QoiojMMS#,poke so stral 'Wablax,L,dt--Vramjcmwimaw __ 1111rillsele North Ancereave or too United Quick's Ttrore, Loodow Road Will Joan WA 12VI'llig devoted coameldervable Lima anall � cot'aftwellitheb"!St. 2114004 heard appre: A YOKE OF 0Xr!.N '-on GAL't- i0al Boat". - I otting up the best deacliptical . -9 - I CarIVII.E" A I fill , Wb Aug%*L 00orge 0 6 42 -warn , U,, * kTU WepoW to publish is Paris D&VISO". , build may dso#W so &I Sills:eff -t, hat it bites , .:f 'go , each wme I 1:0 I: all she other necovirory, AN- - - 40@i is colonel .; y .or.0-44 details* I'llE S1.1's., N -f will 0, I Nr lie loatimandal , Gill A .26,11) ­"aj terms r ; " love wo, L=t:zo-"doogbm oft wummowg"al papers as 8416rcle Sao- lJorn, RD" . is Sao$. I .M IM &"I &�z:or *** saw Ifirlditormalart tin*- a" Nilla, to now ready to A *Vinti.rli - legion. Wifeve ,111411 Y1 In �'f %vl"' 9 "s"lls' = NW&14,09 ,is W)VOJ :,y artaUtrill, arid (did. k'.r parlicu;srd &;,ply as Mr. Julep. a- &-"W- - votes faterem" lie seafti WM BuT" Atossage. *omefuliY *it 23rd August. Raw RA'wrls", ED* say theta with great congijooco to the" Willi E subscriber begs to isfiriga the, ishiii. . 8111.10910 v411108.1" .,ill AISSOVA bkm "Iry WWWWS. O(Godertelle &ad its Vicinity, ,%at toop.lbooto bill& Goduti&h. ur vikille pro- rtamrtrfj:�M JU ' oloadieff party polities or rellgeome articles I ,equosed a Large Supply of that La� I~bSe"oesteut likeeilvo,ly,it laroducce Alluvial, I-As"I"r, , !..Lima As,, to want of such machinery. The" Engines, taste 0100.4 Uma* so a 020 V __ *4 folf a A"ooimuoiml she's~. "causes Th. awe* Tovere. Belot Mary'*- Nth Jud'y ke, contain all the recent ItATITT0061te, be has " 4 awe% 011*401 a4luwrt COU6108 a Cie cwlbt,o,� Ouriel. U4,11aupr ovmoao. slaverviss. of the best writiore in the 1*44,09 britltb .ad 23,d S&P,. J41lWYT Cuteness- Esell - Clak' I usid we very complaw". Bowen oI them Mrs lost I'llpro to IS Patterns Of . Of Lbe uw.ulag. It lie an. 1,.I:.No, 40, lot Cor.e.vailin. PILOT am!.;t.t oft* ads a* - - - 6 do punivalmalse will be col,164 *@postal I Y soc If an &&,amid Wlt"OM I c r ALEX- J %CKSON. ~. 4.41 -Less - d -iiWA "OW448* me 5flel. 31&1 July saw fiximbed, &ad the demand is fag h Ili t 9-%==11761.4 t al greaAeurrial have reference to Wo welfare and interests Hasclat's Twitars. "'Illage all I Id coo ING, BOX, IN 0 G.Werich. MAY 11LIghl. 1-53. 14--ols witurfli"Al" or mad Mftft� ALIVIIIIIA'SLAIN, FLArV David Hood Ritchie. litoll. Cft. I Parties dogaiwous of purchasing can bottle K - (or 1W a" 14 slapene, 3 ,:�.I.Itl It posio. &Amlur. , or I blame Coleman am. ,ad 30 Bell. I rka 5,19111FJOIL ma"a &GUN. rewulknomotma,inum, A gareful direst Th. S.Illpgs of Ili. vertical Courts will am- I wil to a few wooks, with everything mesa& - 4 taimillso the " f the north. and c9al's It, ". of the Ourreas Erectile of 'clork. A. M. AND I'ARLOUR STOvn, " contact W."th.-ru, to .aj A', -e4 to *Dun 1(,*E 14 hereby given that I cl.arge all "on "�ltf "'whe ftw4W�-m will to Awall a I . "a I&A, World, Stivolific Discoveries, Commur, Enact passive f&rs fop Sale at very roall,ced resubtan realualim . "' NV'RVACLAND, ). C. C. T. As n J NWA Boiler Yard is reloat attached to the E*- wtiich bar 0 &Mk 90 8#441catioc is me& ; wheresi-, is &pill) - .N o, -,r a's ELIALID., I". e. I I g a .... to, drawn O"w ---* (. two - - � . louvw 6, Cial .Yews, .4faiicaif Imiathgarace, and all ART yu 19 ibscriber id,o bee;, too -il"'a's -1 Daw lboammal, - - No d.- weekeigame, am = Godayeek,lIttaJileal, 1#32- tablishment, where boilers of the best q"al- prices for CA -le - Tits " leor IN49 C-41100 reassure, o'cla is rwt the Celle In fater,or pf J lhar .S. Alaii-tru"g, gave" IT f6Y lfit;il.BLOIA�*rintit.fl.1-49)ajCt�LIAS& unatbam at glamicarmal safeassot, "iv*d foam the a ___ bly will at all ti, as be tried* to order, on on I,aad to "@Us'- at his 01" Stand, a Jorge ties it requiring several ablistre in *able V.g cue. .,,,,,I F,h. I" , �b 1 ".54 P') 6610 in Is r " U L V 9 4 2 lif 4: U V r, 1. a 1V 1) X. most recent information. .... ... . fillsength .1 it .0%. OMPCNAtAl. anal 1-2w. It in sitoo istainded to publish a series of GODERlrIf, a2vall Jostuasy. 16&L � reasonable terms, and of tits bool materials gutJ very superior 9990ftlerVilt at TIN - 9" ruor.0d milver data-, As I Lavu out rcce4ved ta,la;J "IOUJM(U"WAAVXS-MIWU f every dedereption. Too sch- I`t­"A=- it workmanship. WAKE 1, The anagnor ill mah-ch I leave Blief-l-oll it ,.Joe for the valne. I . -4 I.,WASIP parsm, I..", -.. t, 044 Illaistrarrophies of FARliftinal mous Of Great NOTICE. , ar this capportoolly of retutonag Iv& L( Improve.detationary Fire Freginfis con- her take I is to dig a cavity oroul-al the budy of th- . J()IINCAsTni.o. river, tuervas AiLtiton, jAbf.11.1 -if, 4, APIPS B'444in sold I,s14m4 from Alli.J the Great - allstatfit on haved, ready for delivery. or thinks to The Public for thovay radw '": to the prevent terms. This department will 50 main �ao b,;' "Incle"' tree, slid Ili** fill up Mali the 4-qu-ir- In a K�Vr1f4I13c'.H3) 5%h, I d�52. .5-.15. I.IVJBIR Golxp]64LZNTB. PARTIF4 w1ose Accounts of 18 . 10 � ' I., ),tlonago he has received @inch lie lkpp ruces-ol L, it *1 be :aboot bud maily fur to - ______ - __ $ LrXl). V, L1p),8.%Jk#1S, be Illustrated with Portraits from the best unpslj or@ hereby notified, that unless those I Iron placing, Ttiraing, Sorew Clittlies', libe I JIM , _____ It M It C I It I A L 0 1 11111 VIC A 6 Z 0 - to"tore. - I Brims Costiog and Ficiabing, kc. donat in has been in business in Godarriels, k bQptg placing, The dirl, thus provroling,% , pasAwl, in'red asset. -wedutaft eirewer as Ao.do�war "whaw, " Balances be inueriodiataly settled, ohs mother ;on to business, &ad tundir- Ing The Intradye"on at a pail,ul Arouant the Lands for Sale . All it is proposed to make this public without any distinction place i gusty variety. be strict attent h-lat -tb----..m...,.&..�".,� -em--i"anam 11tion coed will, their Solicitors to, I In Basset: I tion with the abova, there is lie price,, to COD"ons to toce"'I I share trunk of a tres.st-as Interval anizaLl, 411.411' XII&Ars. I.XXr.t/M DISILSTY, flaal-opVt a mattomial A" not a local work. it will Us- ,,leran, in the bands a' 9" 0-UPLAIVI'S alf .if &I -dc UftljANIC Arriatiriote, � pow is covesmia of orecticea the largest Stag; of public pstroll4re. cog folu a crat tl In tile Tow PAIPI?*ArI,a.Vftfrfw vejnr. rAimrset.svirceitic I Collection. during the growing seast,ra, is . mc. .181lip of Wawanosh. fliachingly arivnicate all questions afrecting pr`ujuc� Ili,) inobt abioui,,felog to.u!to. A-, , irketablo quality Foundry In the Province the MouldiP N. B.-Graimitiff, Paivi Glaring, Pa. 414I pz&jmn. liw.w.uale,�_.waio­.J�" ohs (Aammon ant,riedia of our Colonic, as all Graia of all sort@, Of 6 um res &P,lo. vattsordi,irary growth immodialolvc-nnuivu . Land. the proper- - -1 -a V,hw or an roiain, el,a�ims La tie wim mr ulaw. LAt. losegrelpertion of the British Empire. will be taken in I,&% talent. , Floor or which will cover upwards Of I 0,' per and 11411 Hsog'Dlr' csrrlqd an h mito T" f`fA-V%1""(';`,`rrr`m1'1", 1-14q., ....- .6 ­ Air experience of several y:ra ,jn:opply. -4i M. B. SEYMOUR It. (!a. 000 square feet. fore - WILLIAM ST01111.1f. COO IIIIIJ *Louts wo forced Out 'ill a fe. ty a Kingston, " ", 50 an. ,*(I **ties,. wounding both to length said Paz,-. Are now f,r Siale, naroelv,- PA evil all the " .. -M. amok. kirelaw. m.... .ad..,.- Ing the reading public a( C ad fib the tam, ly on hood a Stock Goderach, 6th SQPI- 1549- 1141 4mom K Ili K V Ell A 'T' I 0 ill . Ti.- mes-.1 we& u. _ __ -_ -_ - - -- There will be cc terns of Friall-h --- -- --- - -- '- -- - I have tried *,,op sualit &I'd A," c"llinbcold Coo. 4, W&VILDO-L, L"t 36, 20u act*$- _4".I- .0] � _. .f �1.4 ailow Lea, aew� ourial publicationo of the UDIW Statem, Com. GODERICH, 22*dJ&o. 18,52. or th larproved Pot " 1. ItUllll ,4111111.0410IS folk% 11KAV,8J;VmyV. I moo NATIoNAL HOTEL deb the, ti,of do riot contain all the invig-,te- COD. 5. !ifil 200 11 vine" The projector of than periodical. that THE Subscribers' $tone Warehouse, Mits- 'ad A cover.: Cooking Rome@@. Stated, , ,, -- 26 k east 1 3 1. d,#LI*RPFKI'W rinKLIIN14A. fitteed with Tim and Copper Wave cam- BRUCEFIFLD. � i.orvi t. - SLIM431M MVZX.. is plate, also, the handsornest and newest afford witing and enuchrZi,ownerecomincas to 1,-,utd Con. (3, l , as they or* entirely inadequate to the wants of ated on the Harbour Quay, having beein I"' - oweateure. It enust Le acknowledged, Lour- SOO acres. . -.1 f,-. V I 1. & IS, 4 ...9 disti,roill- the majority, and little calculated to form completed, the 'Public are respectfully In- . 44CRIBER begs leave to to... 1.� ever. I hat soup *aide are efEc tot, causing I eve,. 7, 61 at 31 & 32, 400 W 0 2 rd S. ,.f ein k --hr. .. eaw,-U, -,.4ota_W at improve the lituraij, taste of a people "' r 0 styles of liall end Paflour Star**, a Tlirlety I E SITB . . forumd, thm the same is Dow Open fm Lb rapid gr -wilt whenjAicLolimly syph", ioul screr. I t*',',,'-`.�'��"`­­ "" - """"'w"'ou"a""a * oestialiv dillitrent sce their feelings and la"! a ' %forchaud-ze, kc. kc. at plain &ad Ormeamentali Patterse of Cast T"frarm big rrieteds and the pAllic gone. I'at eqofil in my ea��Iu:ac 1.) t6a lf(Ilij. C..". 10. .it ", 32, MO acres. .. .-I.-wi K.11wf.u1hw­.. I theme Part Storing of Produce, , Irche Fence and Gates, all of which will be rally, that he 1-611 nOw gut the N&ttOut = TIIE LIVE PILL% 1.0 PH(ESIX ByrTERS Cap " from those, for whom odi - he most reasonable tlrfne T. t.1, 1.300. cals are prepared; saad believing that the on I I Co sold at lower prices than have ever before Hotel go (of completed, air to warrant him s ail CUILIANTIF AND GOOPUBURNIM-11 is 10 tl-� The shows [--to are oilviatold on, or near PURIFY THE BtIluili. enterprise willineet earlthencouraffement 60-6i M. B. SEYMOUR k . been offered to the public, andwitiell,frorn In Bay Ing that he is prepared to fummb as - ___0 presum-di-.1 ri"? ono inal hotheired tin I the River Al 11111,tri,l. The land is of the Au -I thus reniuve out Jiseuic frout themysten. from those for whose pleasure and iteformil. ___ ------------ the position or Chippewa, an regards water I sommodatios for wits OAd it"Irso, 04W Set The dorstaw's too aintple process of cultivating ,cry best qcalay amal well watorted, one A(lie eclat win Wines the LIFE PILLS mad lion it to doeignmrall, he trusts that the expe- A XE FA CTORY, 4-c- &C- communication, can be forwarded to &BY least, to anyttairig That can 60 found be - Yen either c ur,unts or goosherries, althouir's " foo'rih orttie ,.;!cc if req,airod down, sted tile P H E I I It I I I ( R 9 b. vomit it. ....!. .(...". recount will realize hie expectations. , Subecriber begs to intimate to the part of the Province, at a Teri light ex- tweso London atedGeadefich. TheNsti.a. heat larrain Arixtl*d in all the hotticultiarb - remsirder ;n tarn annu.1 "Ineetakitarents with lin­ a- is- ­­­ -1 -9 Wl­ The Magazino may Saw made one cilithe T'liFinnotili and other Inhabitants of the peace. OLIVER T. MAKLEM- al Hotel is s7ituated in the beautifiml &ad tog bucks with which ti,o world abounds. - interest. For further Particulard Apply to Tl.. g-.1- .(,h-- ammilkiwie- - moo, put up I- -Ulm, best Atedimmurfer Advertising yet offered to United Counties, that he bag just completed Chippewa, Junce 24, 185 1. Sp"1­22 thriving Village of BracefirIJ, 18 m,les for TL,.uomde of refon-rea, vi Ith every appitacci the 8 avvic". ..A I.L.ht, I.g.11le, ft.. in as I a abi,criber at Air Crown Land* Officer .. At.46. . G -w ,_,,,...-- _.=.;an-.,,4,z,,-za­t the Colonial public; and the terms will be his arrangement#, and to now� prepared to ------ - ------ ii,ornooderich and 4111 it from Lonalles, bm4 for growers, are still content to li�o without Herani Rosed. . wit, mill,ark I* a *-mine wf ameablimem, I— W,U sent W our forolaind, 'm o�b a con"W as go ,advise 64 Iletwook Axes. warranted, of a superior citaw,, - - FRVIT TRFES! and from the alirlb"iffe, of ill@ Boost*% led a P - ailkei *apply 04 those delicious, healthy, JOIIN CLARK. 11,111k., 1.1 .kkk 0-.,.,. 'mi'mig ,�. .it'. '.* m ­" E,'�J Parties 10 &Tell ShOMO*iW** 04 lie pages. letter and on terms suited to the circurnaton. strict attention to the . c0d1f0ft -1 11199000d 6.4 ­ '1'1,. ­"",. liall h -r,,.- al .r". in returning thanks to the wild r heap Itizuriel, . VIS -0 I I thet,.I­ u- who P-.- ". walk .l.h. -11 as HE subscriber anerely because they Goderich, April Still 1851� ..... THOMAS IIIACLEAR. c of the country, and the quality of the T I and custoreawrilt he hopes for a share ul Poll- hu� have rm,t thought of %ke matter. They b. ._-4 that ,%..I - ,­­ So vargetaJ* .ill ek hat 45, Yomdo-o'ra SILT, Toronto, April:111ft. article. Inhabitants of the COu"SY ofHaro- lie patronage. I --- � b" It— with yesiou, wmr"Ts; bee it ip� dw� be muffifiso I )Oil% MCKENZIE. you have a few stunted bullets so& in the grivas * 111.1 Ili., ­ d".., f- la. - r1olu towsh %I-. - lie Rife invites ail fartmers tm call soi generally for the very liberal oncournages 4401 with three fourths of the stocks dead, and NOTICE - - . lr7, r..pal-atfiewo-elf" It A M I LTON &oainva luo amorovaid spoli of the moot be has met wit It in the Sale of Fruit Rarliclifi-ld, lot jan. 1,4101. 13-n46 , the then %%under why ttmy,do not base in ablem- - . Dill. wzX.L1A= IN. ISOPIPAT ' CANADIAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, Treemi, begs to soreetuoto to the Farmers of #Joe,-.,. ITr Stibreribir bming purchased from $35 N-J.q. arvemer air Areath." Income. 11.9 yx BOOT AND SHOE STORE. which Le. flatters himself will III found these Uotted Counties that he is prepared TRAVELLER'S +40ME. There is not a more beautiful shrule crow- T %V,l law li,,ltota, hie excluAve right r., .�.!. I,, - superior is macy respects to any other to Introduce` this Fall, a large and well so- STILAMSU RG, W.TRALOO, 0 lair %irsto there ceirrest, propitifly propovited (for e,r Count i a of ff:iron sod Bruce) of a I 13ENJ. PARSONS, S-abscribor begs to imi�Wm Ohs In- Plough vow in use in this section of the lected stock, comprising every variety of titith February, 1849. J T11F Nursery reveal, upon his usual liberal terms VIIE Subscriber hereby littkmatu to his mad i, ,u ,ame may be or.d of the goostlierry NEW KIND OF PLOUGII, Sele-Agent. babiLasto of Goderich, and the got- Province. Cult v, .,am who p,iy any ittLeatiou to [lie (or which he has oblaice I Lrttera - rl friends and the Travelling Publl- 9004- t Patent Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. rounding Country, that he has just HARVEY BRACE. It would be svpeftoouo to ORlafSO upon I ' Blill'i­ ( 9-ev*r arlow the root it, 1116110 Lut front the Goternment. Would respectfully .1 opened a Now Boat and Shoo Store, next Godrivisla. Avg. 21, 1831. v4a27 I be superior facerits of this Nursery, and rally, that he bag removed foam Now Aber - wit oame attack, or, as i1he Erglimh saw, -imake, g,vo notice 'hat Any P('14011 Of persons In - door to Mr. I)000ugb's Store, Went Street, ,be qualities of Fruit brought from it -but deen to the Village of Stramburgh, &oil will " theta stand on one Ing *-thus furaning 4' fringinIr upon said tivbt will so propecute Go&ricta. Where ho will constantly keep PLANS AND SPUCIVICA'nOSS. the large quantity of Tree@ that have beete now be found In that well-known hoi;00 for - Wee liffew-tilui moniature tree. to the talu;usl rizour Of the low. li 11 NH on band a large and well assorterall at' It of - distributed ovw recently all of Upper Canada, merly Occupied by Mr. Joaco,_wbeTe he oc I . It Tie do this you must take uproots or Impt I Win. J. KEAYS. Till' subscriber begs to 'Brain' as Do- , Ladie's &ad Gentiona*a'a Boots and Staosere. HE Subscriber begs leave to isluarrin the for the last is years him gained for thin w ill be 'ready and able to coullate to the 11110,11 yfti*e froverih, and but ou! 0 the eycv, or N_ B­T�a Ged-rich Foundry. having werous friends and costourers, and the Witicli be will sell at low prices, Jor cash T I ahabitanto of the District of"Hurces, Nurvery it superiority over most names. , coonfort ofibose who may honor him with b- I and th;oubboring Districts. that he has 91 t 0 .: Led 1, I Lae notice of all those who eviade 16 got good thanks for past favorat he hopes, by street ,, otally IW') or oreilortioneallocccasterV rcIpaIrkT Ibis to BUILDING is now complitted, and that *4 Ib*e Public are Respectfully realities' I lliru,celf in Stratford, I Winter Fruit. the celebrated Northern Spy coo budar, to &be wood. lomving � r1ablic generally, that tits LARGE BRICK I t "a subscriber would be to introduce to he IT patronage. And while be ,Z' .'., % the,* at the top ; I ben push threat ob�,at : ,crlbr, flatters t,mvel: Oat lie will be able front The great increase thus added to his Esta lis (4 Y" half Ili#$ leP&'-b of-dhw cutting thin m0l'in'' to C�ve crifiro FrIt"faction to all those. who call and examine for themselves, before put, attention to the wants and wishes of his ally a former proulairce, he is new obabled to offer It Bead is plitepard to give Plans and Specidea- i Apple, its qualities ary svperior to all others cum tomers, vatill to merit a conticutiace, 0, gro,ind, va litte they % iii rolo, n I run iip a' raise, fatour Imes with their custom. Ila hike ,ecom modation 'to fto travelling c song elsewhere. t ions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- of its kind, keeping until Julyt mad prescry - I that sing!ut stock, foraineig a tioneetifti: symr,!eiri. , ,.w On brand an excellent assortment of Pub 'c :' No second price. their patronage. as 4 " head. If j;oa witile it higher, ent th", I):,,iiZ!Is mcit.&, z 11-ilton'4 new pattern feast equal to thmt alforded by any ALSO -Lasts mad pegs for ante. so, Mill Dam@, kc. Us. ke., and will take I Ing all its frostiness and davor, which is 2 JOHN ABEL. . to Housman Town. And without boiDg Box- JAMES THOMPSON. tb: itiparintendence of ouch Erectionst on I great devidersturn natal that period. The N. IV. -Good STABLES and effective WIN el�eo again the acconJ year. I have are ii I loz - they with P.,etash Kai I l,is. Craoiting, Box I ous to moticipolide the entire torette,6usi-' the most reasonable terms. subscriber would iiis intimajo that his I I alic fret high. This places irturfruitim: oflh, ! A,dt I andThiashing his- Godefich, March 18, 18,52- V5-ulf-ft Grooms. � F2-a4tf i . Parts ir Slaves, egg of Goderiefi, heat lea it hopes ror a His thorough knowledge ofbis profession Dwarf Pear is in great demand as a Garden i _ war of hente, mad prev;ots the Iroosebery � chonea ofvariou@ lwri,c power all of which a hich be has - and bee Practice&& Builder, qualifies him for I firw coni.inuance of the patrortarge to Fruit, blasting in two years after planting. and Irvin mildirwing, which often hmplwni when i will be so'd on the inoot liberal Se-enta hiihorto ecjoyed, and wi;L always endeavor NOXICE. any undertaking in the line. Address post Every variety of Fruit Trermi, Ornamental 1 CANADA Limit ASSURANCE coo i!.e fruit I;es on or vest the ground and is I WEE J. KFAi.9 ' ' to secure the eatisfaction of his guesto and - paid, PETER FERGUSON. . and Evergreen Tee" and Shrubs, Hardy C 0 .1111f P A .1%, y . shaded by a superabundance of lo,ivem &ad ; Gn,lerich, 28 -h -April, , 5r, 14. I!ng to their comf.ria- LL persons are requested to take notice Builder, ke. kc. Stratford, - W - u Flowering Plants, Dablias, - . b ble accommodation. that Mr. William Cheater Tippet, of Stratfordp March 6tht 1849. C I =:OFI@o Tworing:RGots, & ty i oproutia. It clasages an ui.sightly n*h, I 1 .1862. customers, by atteo,., A 11v -07t ce. retalogues Raborilefor leaving been appoiot,W Pk %'%tell cumbers and di.fietureme your garden I . ....­ .......... . ........ ... 71" WIN � NOTICE. - ROBERT ELLIS. the Villstre of B-tvfield, in the County of . can be bad of any local or traveollivifir agent, Agent of the into an orreamentel dwarf tree. The friait 1 .. NOTICL giving a full description. Terms. when 50 "CANADA LIFE ASSLILANCE Co.,-, 4" to eager, and uperes better, anj wait last oil � � tLY, pervairs indebted to THOMAS ' N. B.-TheStabling at the Creallicarome Iftiroal, Merchant, has made an Assignment M ACQUJ,EN,'Ietn air kho Hearted ,'jig Lao is extensive and of the first quality. of hit property debts and effectea to me t'ie .. - Treseare Laken, $25 per hundred, or Is 3d I in prepared to receivo, ptopoaals for Am. , indi the bust.@@, by grow Ing in I jelicullort UPIA still are hereby entified, that *elect Their GMaitirle. Jnnor It. 1851. ,*4017 underre-greed for the benefit of his creditors: rIMIERE, if $10 6=4111""t Opening (a' v I currency each. trader 50 Trtes- Is 61 CY- I raoce, and %ill bo happy to afford to say i oth lafe in the fa;l. 'O*le* arid accounts are Paid, on or Voters at hat I debts doe to the eaid Wi I limm JL TIN SMITH -in the Tows of. Stratford, ; two years credit. notes payable with enter- , person the riccoossery it,le,traiatitati, is to She t6 Tire insion of people suppose that the Cliestier Tippet rainst len paid to Memore. , ,at. � the let day of May next, i aii.y will be to VALILiAmla rARm LOTS IN THE TOW14o at' County of Perth, Doe who understands the Order@ milli be received, and any in. principles of the Itotitrat ion. is I toots make out fallen the lower bode. it is . lot SHIP Or GODERICIII FOR SALE, VIZ: 4 himineer, would find as good an opeoing in ! for . . I , distely bandird to the Cloik of the , t,,ch,, and Brother, Attotmes, Goderich, mallon given bu Mr. Horace florkon, JAMES WAT80111- D;vi.lt.o Ct,urt for collection. OT 27, Jot concession. fronting the f.atthwith, and all persons who have claims Stratrofd for country business an any � at arket Square, (Juderic Goderfeb. - anal so�_thoy start from 6e, mareen the birk I sip .. � whets ,4 . h, and Mr. Peter 31h isse..l a". Will 91 al� and wood. at the place where it v*e cut L Stratford, local ­_ -_ Oak from the parent r,jut.-I'ernmet Chewier, w Persons residing in the County of Petrillo Laker,tontataing 82 Acres, about 40 against the @aid William Chester Tippet in Canada West. Woods, Union Hotel, I ho are indebled in tb- Huron Signal- will of which are cleared and Fenced, and LOT must prove and forward the same to the Stratford. 22ted Jan. 1862. T1119 I � J?Wrid Climm Laili Offim the Cie. . , West* for I hie Nursery. No find tlicir notes with Dr. John Hyde, of A 2vad concession, custairting 80 &Clem of said Nespra. Stracbman and Brother. within - T 8.11MUE11 MOTILSON, I I . WA -1111 FOR rRUIT Tana -,.-All fruit Italics Sir% ford, who has been authorized to Call- wild lead. one month from this date, in order to their ! Old Rochester Nursery. N'. Y. NOTICE is IR-MR13Y GIWX I � ". to "A . Goderich, 13th July, I 95 I. 22 ,all gii bear a waste a,( lay. P- arple freallect.mosedta4ly. . 1. I'Thasev Late altal situated. about InidWay getting the benefit of the said Assignment, i the tells is one pound of'pn between � the Tows of Godairich lead VillOge otherwise they will be pi�pcluded from any Farmir, Farrkir & Stage Pr*Ptlsiwe N LAI.VN PM -tath "I a taWit I HORACE HORTON. - . - - ____ - - THIP -AM'FIELL) and WAIIIIIIA11101111111. = wit of *&?Dr. But all potsob In Dot equally G,4er;rg, 13th A pril, I Ll 2. . IF ofllayfie!d. For rearticulars, appik tn benefit of tba said A amignationt - . mall� "on FOR SALE. Allaecensirytieforess, ww mirorg, thert-forre another rule ! a observed I . I JOIIN,CI.ARK, JOHN STRACIIAN. GEO- W- MERCHAMM SAW M I LL & PARK LOT ties fropoelis , g these Landv, way 'A obtained lay Pot I.At not the Iry be a,trainger the on P I I Crown Land Ageat, Godericb. Assigmiec. cmismRATni GAWLNG On I � applying to * 11 J ' . Gotkearich, 2nd April, 18,52. d,h luoi lg5l. Godefich, 118th. March, 185t. A5-138 - FOR SAL& . 1 --just I-egir van a egg. Surb ley si ; Bra, Vyy"A�1116= Ur "a KW"ll or US"� . JOHN CLAR9. I a rOR SALL;'BY District Colown Lend AV" ri @cap other tl:::..y to wooLel with WOP.I.Itt THE ISUBSCRIBeRS. - --- - - ----------- as do so" tommutaw lbrtwmi A$Pliodka sm - I I _ INIARLTON, dbwvu I T" E &leave Mill a "a Lot Item wit,istei on 230 Noioulaber, It -50. 1� Sysellif m - ler. I'lle talk of the pear Pharr, peach . I . . grel HORACE HORTON, � E. 11. � the North side of Kincard.ne Street, is - I I . hu sm�i cheery is more thip th I a bark at Ile WO Litz air lAnd, IN the trial &IW .(Alarkef square, Goderick,j ILWARDER ond.Comfibionlove May. . I lh;fast 1rvPrOv�tIg Village of Penotangore . r.a.cessions of-tbe township of Stan V spp.'ts tree.-IiIii. . X , I AISNT to r the I'r­­,tal Mulual and Fochant, NtorchouAo Kea�ppr, preeirral 0 OR 11111" 40 I of , �eorticulars apply to I T131 �.'LY WARNING.. L - . U" It- ___ - T ___ ___ __ � I 1-7. am@ ml!e f. am the Vills,got of Brucefiell It General losurstic. (irince. Tor,,rito,- Agogt. for title Palo of Wild Lands Cleared a- P W.M. RASTA 1, . . U111; I 18940101alleen rra�'ci from Uoderic:5. L Alva Agent for the St. Lawrence COov'Y Farnial, 111,tiveho:d Furniture and Produce 60� "_Ze. Penetangore, 24th Nov. 1851. L, t' I T would be well ro­r alI tbass i0dould to - - . I R 01 A V ICILLeD.-An toques% was held I Oa the lot in the 2nal Concession tbergi If Mutual, 0g.leasburg, New York. Local 0 f every description. 4 f the Godeiich Foundry, either by note K een Waldo, vdi,y 1"I, before If. It. W', &q.. I & lloa.,# 11,fra, ard ;xty itcaere cleared. Agent for Samuel itioulsov's Old Rochester Office, next d-por, North of the Kilicar- � _____ ___ - ___, AccOust, to call and settle Immediately. grb Coroner, to the Iowa a :p .1 B.rtvr. gill if.@ I Myth; felt an I he 4 Concession there. is 'N a". g2 L dine Aarins, Gaidprich, I " NOTICE. War. J. KEAYS. tat bo.ly t,f an Int'ian n4fai Win. Wavjuha a JI:,mm,md_,hItLv metes cleared. armory. July a - . 53 w4jo had di- d first morning ill 'conartl .orcr, I The Voters in well watproad by ar never - . March 24th 1862. ' V5-09 - Goads-rieb, L With Fob.t INJIL " It 4,f iiijurrem lie la -i rceelived by failing Irom I fiilinz stream, and the utility of .Ill@ Is" Wanted to ,,Borrow X300) 1 9 Begism lateretolor* carried on in Stan. "' * the Hamilton oired Part 11h,ver . q FOR w4tch security for twice the &Mount OTICIP.-This as to forbid any Weep rr,,,,,,,,, ,,, utIv of Hant and Brigiga f BOOTS AND SHOES. ca ,lot* coac: �. tont I heAutot derocrilition. I the Iffew Boyfitild Tannery has this day beco, d1I $he previ.uo eveniter. Fr tie 1!-6 evi-Jetice I The I-ap, rrc�uld be dDeposed of seplerald- in Real Koester will be giverl- The Npurcbasing the SAW MILL no Lot . a,meanive I rru�peribrr hereby intimates to its tin - of the driver end pas-� re', -, it star tared! IV, if required. . property is situated within less than twenty No. 7t 4:h Concession, Eastern Division Tllr that thoderpaleeJ ;.I ,it, at li�Tmr I 11, . . � ich own, on the leadlDff road of Ashfield, withoot consulting tree, as I I D II.Aitekile,- JACOB HUNT, Inhabitanim oi Gcadericb and the @at - list * Ayr(" t5oll, " ,M. 11. SEYMOU . R, 84 CO, miles of Go,!o, Wiesen. � EDWARD BRIGGS. round,ng country, that he he* comararrievil and wan then altuie 9.bef b - - I , I of the District, anal in one of the best Agri- hold a eliaiin against #I. T ogn Bad after this date, the *Ii business huMness in the ablieve line. in the Store ail I.% every tavern Lea * hiCh ties @(.go ra�,Lpt cultural sett4emento offferries. WILLIAM U'CARRON. williC carried us under ill* title of flow and f,lemerly occupied by Mr. Wbitq, to the W4 oflerwayalle, Icoi-oeqliently. in a given cme I __ V3210 Leon. -it. ' Cli.f of tire net N 0 T I-C E . N.8 -For pretirtirulars apply to the Editor Godericb, Apnl 1. 1832. . - Y4 a43 3t lower part of West -street, oval will have . Co become q,ii,e druf I - of the Harris Rignal. smaker.plikep".. 1851. c0n4(AIet:r on hand a full amplify ofM)11 . , once swot that at one bmi-el be saw Ideal 1TIIE seconcts of flaisprire Miller il, Co. jr, Gueench, 10th HOPI. 18611: 9D RICIJAR1) MOORE. nThey oan't Keep House orithmt ilti" , le ____ . - Slad SHOES of every size and descer"Offi, t. . :1finka Swoo Sunibirter fin't of whisk@ * r, ` Me. L-va is' hoode, and ail delits dialue to - -'--- __ __ HAVING during the past two years act, Expetrioamew of n,D,r, rese oraw, yours hal �.Mbii*W � 'll A TEACHER WANTED. :till of a,orIp4n4-qni1,tt,.whra:h he will IOU , it mod yet when he ca:u,3 to ! he rest ot,e. I The GOIJIMICil Fia.,UNDRY are net% too lact that Warch.rac. CW*bnwd (Afirittifit Oil, FOR No 8 Scher, I Section, Townshin of ' M'Jlle 210 Price$ file , sh. I ,"I'll'iTPORD IRoiq FoUNDRY. P41 in the capacity of GENERAL ,.-I Family Notbrocamu-, will C-cil ftwel CANINS, 771 though in a b.-^.t;y state of i,,t ,xic&finer be ' ImeuFfeiroal tie Win. J. Keayar, E�q., % 1, (I N Isubscreher be-,*& P9reha4dad 'be lst*T- AGE,NT to,, ,he coilreclicall Or ,191,10, dcolleal = I . Killen, looldiveroorioneral or third rate N.B.-Hidemand Wheat t1kireginel ltot more whit,lity by p.y.rg fur it. In the'; will C,lliccl, pront receipts anti pay ail I Th In'. .11 ."It - d"ll, Poll L.Crtificate from the Public B:)@,,], of ]a- ch"ZO at tile hIgbeet market price. I cc ' , Sween Iti bormar, Win f.-arful State it lost well I.e c.,ocal�,d 'hat debts due by said F t of Air. C. J. WI�Pfrn in fit* &h�vn Eve- it to be gon"rAlly ondereetrion that lie will 8 plim" . d Z111. evellous.,= liscle. 'Gl1k, at an struction. B GREEN. the para&"Rwo wer-i put is let. if of ititirl 0"I'M CAN ER' IN. tablit,hineal, is about to continue the 1114101- accept ,he Agency for the collection of 111W tile* by b -is , utrarclono c d . ISIALCO not no let* awe remporasibilar. In returning d,,eo in any part of the Upper Province, tae� ILudo. Fresh Wounds, Sprguna. Bruisom, rka- (JOHN DONALY. Goder:ch, 9th Sept. 1851. so w . . ...., --c-i :., ,:� i Febreary 9th, lbbe. v5u3 thanks to the Pat b lic fair the wery liberal ell- I w,em cobourg to the Ea.t and Laite Huron, tid;�_kitfuirt� Stand aragri Six.... I.rnvnfmma. : 'Creportedit, 4PATAICK FSANINAN9 _____ - - - ____ -_ - - Vale wanting Ila filrI.t ti,�, " - ,,,.� I ' Fourealmared Fe*U Screatchere or Greece. Merge. threatening to glob and a'. at re - - coarailowent I', - AbourrioUsan, Bites of Anaimalft. External Poli- . (!ACHAEL (J'ARYAN '5112 a , , 46 , he' %, roceivaid by I Pan U WILIan" in thin West. lie making 11iia announce .;".; ;: he be,:$ tol"'Ifilat4a that lie medievalist ' same, Painful Nervous Afirictions. F:,-mt Fit . . about a mile train 1111vi-lentra , Daily u,ont, lie would I,cg to exprc�s his thaolls IFAcer 1. that leall. I Villagl! 1,0t8 ill PortAlbert,- . - __ � be road@ it glob to tov rp:n., I "" ATTACHMENT. krectir on hand an assortment 4) Boils. Come. Whitlows. Burns and i _A�_ � _­�� � Ilk d ( Mrap-ricar tie tile friends for past fdN our% and now is S= AshfivId-for Sale. i uraing the horses 4,4 1 CANT11411P, Commireling Of C 0 0 K IX G - opectfully solicits a coullouance at the Chillbleuna. Chappell- lbjmi% CretwImme. 016v I STRAY9D from the D"b*cFrb" tin tie &- � L -of I I TANADA . a La r go - fore able lici%er rat Oft brefe, I By ""T's" 0( 11arlour,'find tiox Stoves : Amer- Prime. trottiew of the Mmdea. Swaillings, WateakrASSIS built the Oth day Of May last, 'I'll"F well vitteated Lots Ntiai. 3P, 4101111, . under Sew County of Nortar. mear i a Went ul 1,11,,111;JIS All communications on blivill0me, address. of the Jointel. Calmed Brouta. At- Aer- ilife. Yoke of Steers-ocie a Dark Red. with 41. arm the PA.( old,, of Colb,rov.,,,eot, to - - Control N%aslyl. thostplia WAN valthin a (got of ,it, Vaitret Cowmaterat L Attachment is iC=D SCOtCh & Uanadian T I _- aftlaoditchat'llso,00dmilif rmiad. Ib* ocelot IV 11vii,via, Pearl& load sued out ill the of tbu ratiost laivreavied ,.%I,u,,ii#._A1AL (ties, C. W., will bo'promptly attended to. CAW102 To PTSCRAIM right (Din log ; the o4bet While, with I gbt bud Nov. 39, 40, 41 rl--id 42, on the West - 1116 ed (past paid) to Ayr P. O., North Dlim GDEAT IMPOSITION AND FRAUD.i long wide horns, and a arrall lump tin the tb . , 16, � feet III consequences freight, he -we onsuoill bae Br�weil. - -County il'o I" t, ROLLE118, Teaming I-dith"s- Nm'tk.# April 1, I&%. V5010 ?I." ,41 lems b�olrlv an colobreeted in like . I side of sa,d street in tile Improving Village � .. feel - it red spot* Lbrough the body# each four yearp or Port Motel,' n the Township of Ash- . 11:1111 - � the stage been cope -red, as there %rare TO WIT: fear the United ll.liffrrs,ai-c. THRASHINGMACIIINES dowelmeme, -4 an . 'fammaqw-ce. Lill ____ of ; - - I , , . I I I I I ::mLe.%h li Ill Aleor three Heifers, one dark red olifitoon Verseve; Per arid to the conchs C,Mmttep nf 111"Woo, Pappille unit B i.e., &"if to of a sup,ricar dolKrIpliun to ality hitborto - _­ati,�:.�h. Tiftratcy-flaw, cVp9tty . _­__ field, North O(Graidairleb. For further ia- p" . nausait of whoin were fninAleR. The d,itter we 44rearood ago-ast the K.taste, Rest to W-11 FOR 115ALE, 9: ,been 9. pelts offl.,-_ ­ with while stripes through the body, the- formation, apply to j. Cl&lk, Evii Crowe seeing the acetone recalls that aagl.t tat i intraiduccal,and lheit,,r adaptcal to this case- ii'litunatim week for the nammeme, old-froato While with fOd Trials on Ir a tot, -riot eat J1114-4 SNALI, Jan 61011C0114111"Ar , ley from their lightelose of drought, 'Lod IFTY Acre* of lAod. beiritir Lot No. 5. - IF - an ri'la am" ma - Land Office. G­d,ri c h , ", Ile a " U be list*, F "clelaol .f it. =:110 = R r prie lower if the Indian was allowed to go on, P, e,wer far- - ..".b. arairlileatron, .be 'L . 'bar body, a" ,rose old-tbe other Brindled, R0FI1FRT MM t', al -41 it, bt,-r, at the *Met of Ill liscret strength of construotion, A call from in- South Town Plot, IAk* Shore, Ash- I a whits face, one year old. Any per. bit him in the face will Lie larrod, arij �.n tile HOL011,9. Glr t ,@ pul* of eighteen pcn4rada leading purchasers is requested before Pot field. There Is thirlLac,res claored,.ired in = trial. Vale W401looleti, No"k at B*ii*a Cot 0 ,., on .radeve '. her tw -, - "A vnerjelf.1 amaceemma 1. the till" soft coming so" iefotmotian to will low to " I leg with thollett end of ship, telling Seen' liffe--fe, olialilloco. I have seized sew choo,rag ml,howhore. 1,bo pbnve will be sold the boat @tat* of cult reba I 0. was. VLMN. WA "."n am pwan'"Isr, Infected - f 03. Woodmilloy, 5th July, 1831, 121r* . . There is a Coo � , DUNCAN U@KF,NZ61F. ______ obIthe mr-tsial took- Salto be q-jtct. This all tile Estate Real me well as Perocti.s. - I I &I 1,ow 11sles, for C4,plit or Trade, or at tor. containing 30 fruit IT 9. I ower" "' .. -in Lbour r"o,ofy, well roceive a Reward - ______ - I bad th"dom"red efirl'"I"'r a vii"e- %"ell he lbeesid.lowN Fmraii.i, end that, unless the Irelpe ,,,g,,,:e oa approved credit. will Site, and never failing openngs of water a convewelve remove of, IT@ urvaramater, valtArs. " "I , ""', ""' w� , of , become war#* then eve r -. 'Ile clearer *ad I Till see" -W.Aim it. -a", le, � Ili I by I Tow"Ofirlp of Stanley, 1011,11con.lotitil, MFMTCR POUNI)Ry allied Jl,bn &n.d.Amwo wit;.in ii.p Jurivelic- A. B. ORR. I a Loir llous-!, " by 20, sood it Barn " by tortamet meor,awo., &,wi,,,a wilo an Imp" =too& I loth Nov. I I payswowors off-:ziouccuedied I" al�tmting hire, a" _o20 -i. Tairme-L 123 Toole, or .0 I 60. le I dw me ,beer avarice, a commutative, Aw, tell . U WTLL be hereafter eoradvictod by Woo, ":d 11111 � in which maratim he r�i 1100 , f the Paid C .... TV; RD.! pa -it in bail to . roryd, 2 I b Inner IA50. 2v 5 J. Keay*. an his *or" 6"0081, who :.Jain,d t,,r a ora,iplp n, o o . " ,hal lactlarn. (if ainfoge Ili" refine to W dim. __ Ing half down. ies& Ithe balaries in these hill- =64 is a -we... ��� we I MPPIY every description of castings, at witsolais wiles be fell ,Jy bef,re Ili* ill lnstalavumntml�+ith interest. vmmuS­d*Wd &*SgMa Wit., lion. am be value Mill TuMU10 "d Guelph RAilway 1 Us loos' charged within threat "Ifiredgir emonrlies ; all rARX A14D SAW MILL FOR SALL anal) intimate, ft 'lle, criminality of *Ak 'NoAdma lower prices t]II211 they con be imported. wff,,rt ectord'Ite made IQ five him. 114 Ileal,H-1.1a, He.! And Personal of the paid THAT excellent Lot Of Liallaill, Ln' N. 7, 4& N. S. Further (Information, can he ob- . � bal =0w Tam, , id N In I , " , 10 . wbassial or the stage went river his logo. far Joe, SIIIALI� OF to 1111VICh Vleft*f 4111 MID? be (% to .f kow" I I . I I . I Company. Th* 00 BURR STOVVI to occur- 'amsonsion, F.asi,re Ditivive. T.w.-bi, of totaled from Job at Morris, Cellberne, or Coca. -7 or -31 music I .. . fiberied frighir"I W-US14 and Ineakii,ir t tie olafid� ago res paw. d.no - ad in comwe, "ill seat be sew for Cub, f "toosty, ar Ill lep held liable for title pay ^mkiltold. wall Ile wild rheop fov 4740111. ?%if lot Cary- 00 Ili# Promise@. 1% Illegal he, UVW ow.6ft .=who does ft* No"et is S*ftby gfvtn, that a plicatioct Motor this heretofore, . ?)aPoi wres-ill b- - , f, him fit's were nrokoo P I. . Invite- -o"w league Al. ow- Mile far oventa ,/ do . do is e0treepooding l 1 .I,erefit or satlafnetion of the Paid is o.loot,d in few* of ,Irw warials, Somporras @%"ill March, 950, 142. v5 - Well be me" to the Socrort ilossiva of reduction ell all elbow artle 00. . . which 1.0fireat"d ,bor lulv b.-M*s o,veral ft- h-1 - ~ I& with, awad desm, = Ir. I 0 I am or clearing of patch Deliver plain,iff ,�w omeam a. the Items T, --L -04 bee I 1 6.0% 1-0 W. 130ow6410"MA 140%.* of the 004-leh, 1110 Feb., lotirs. lit"is leakage f*jno#*A abo--t he bode . Has was, I,u,r,fr,, ties P A Illso, A01 -I, Use . 11'.." if. dam the L,aWitelatumeativitfor " kherva" - eselifeyed to Illeve's Taywa, where tnlpdie�*l won am Ima feemai-t, h Capital be shovel Company, and - ------ ' it ft, �,_ JuludaSh ,r I It .comedlaigm Iry pritarlegar in the Locall'T. 1 t to it F6_1 I; ," cold beat diseeripti" I' 11 1614 "PWO"ao "a a I N O T I C E A ock ( c 0 �: I., 1C."16= C one 0 1 � f - *gain tOplope'll arady.�,-�. I =d- away dever am . - #� GOOD OPp0RT1;N,M It ' � r am vaime"arded. but 1-0 Ell-., in alimn 11,11, Joe, at I I .4 the voolel Poster is oogle"t so po Pa, "P 9 HEREBY GIVrN. that apphaegailem@1 *"it%, �Woa,. (6, eartale, ao"dfwou is the Act of to Im i r . & "MILL ANCIIIS fix 0 the Of the I at for power to eviesignill Ithal . . . -0 &#for the aceialtivit. Verdict to a~. Vilain, of ohs all,orr Writ. :mmose 4404aws"y %br-shovi the whole ever. will be mod* at the next Seemeoll of ill*' Ali wolied .&L-wmd to as plotaniZor wiv lie 0, sto YO17NO MEN. tf*4w*omb the above Gms--G&Iaritat. � The Lot afeli favor too acres 44 to' a"' Legislature. far as Act to construct a t va"Iff! 1. M--** Anti to aposise Simists on Loke Halos, suit L - I JOHN XcLiONALD, 1 secret of WhIch ow.r.�ph%no(tb.Aom..,AM%V%N,Pukkwm JIM It 9. liolit'j, of lead, about Are or oil citing. RAILWAY from (Joelph to Goderielf, Of -: In, till - of 'he. .046 I" I The at. Clair, with a Branch LAO* to Los- WANTED at the Godamb Fenimillry WISAT 0 an Romaut,out roul-Tiam 1141hollivit; it. 1'. Is, gre, efismerod, wall ban a good "As-Wsi it- , from some point 410 fAiM Ontario to crime -"sell&% &mom Severity. $1 6. vow fift we weeb9alle- no appnotiess, them active yougg ) dhie OWN 41061T Ilvetite Wulf.. W. If. V#U Firmairr'n Owner, (i,,DVA14;0 z Anatim. Ain by, 1i � be-" 041 -St. - P014t 08 [Ali* HUMID, With power to smile ,,,�. L ,,JMN W. GWYNNL M"; dwain re Ir at Par Aos tiiiii. A -Jr., wh ii, to the 16th, February, I A5111. I it""m r. (6ftbwpoi4mis" OPOS, ,, able "ow 4�/. 11 ""04 evIttleen li.livffred $udl A"Y' was, otrltio 11to-al gio-:. of Us the Proprietor, Jobs, witib any oobor Ittailway Conerimany or come. Clark B PARSONS, Gaidermlit * ' 11t,"W 08m. 4v. Qedwrislar, Feb. sidiella, ion. '" __ - __ - __ ­ panloo, k Co., Part maralg, : , I v1pul I _� - . i( (a ,liaidivelpf beavvy, bal aw!0�40 tionvight to he lbort4l A Me-corme. 00 she prmmw& r4orte SW biil &of of I __ ___ oar ld&z. Arw Wool tied. 111#311,iftwtvanielicalf sersociese and COW. J,0111`4 RALP111. On, 24 lbu- tom may I 1. I"IL vilialli hallim. B. A. Idalsbeell, Lane- Nov Ivogi ______ __ � __ It��'. C, Itiebakoved; A. Higialkafthatift - ­ tr(YIT Ile It: .,. Is Iaor*bvS,.riv*v tio" . N AND ('()PPFK 14M ITIT. next alleaff . it 8 Cook NOTICR, is * 1, --Am a =,"at!wt 4sitakig;J611,41'sh 01rdiletittl0a bundled TV to the Victoria Hotel, West Street, TAllif N(fflCZ. 1F. Ill, Brantford. . M I" isl ,','", I I U ; ft* proefterobip Swis I 11 _JL�w C. III. BUHL, b4Tbe (allowing, &to Wiam.kAr-ta. 4* 9 tameare Alex. U,Ioly,. Evil , I , 1. ,J, -400 man frave over If fular "wits Gued-reach, '.%& *ammlauttly on harlial, a shows .:- A .am- , victim , I - to As Nourvive 84- NUFXCTU RERS of list., Cap. .ad, 11111AIrm lb James Donaldson. low" Of Goderteb: I - .= fifwaggwo . I&*& -lutm Smdl 'to" lk* crack of Tiowsm Conking anti Bar liliceirchal, ,J, LI. thsent lbao" M GOD. 111114 Dolreat: Romatib is, Davidenk, rem was � _ ;M &Wry Wiedaw 1 1.4jag me a pillo lof lh,�, ,,,each off Office, 011ou" Is No" a' be" fair Farke� Pure. Wholesale sea Retail Bt -lay ; T. Betatille A, me% H.j ' "INm1w I _ A he will well at considerably re- ,"o W. I, J014 uw AKF bOL-- disecalved by mutual co4appel on Lhi flighted po TOO, mittowar. flax. See, , . 1�-� �. 1-71 I hoary, ]An Anal oft persona Ige. , '1� alleat Its � Is see" seem sibure, dudwell P,,"#. "Selarawil r I D"I- in -to. Bogota Robleme, Deser Skrose, 34N.Wflow bra.. am ekbw by Me% of litemia, sely"wit We �. , a, - 7, *4-" Vt�4. ; " by Illowlt lat"0601, at L dot., .111 .bit@. 140"0, Bee. Is Co. Toronto; Boyd IL PV r, t a as illeavers, lie" titymes SmmJIo volow tog low "y The he" Th* highest prism paid is teallas for old the be b staborowlaideglog 16W (110 No. 40, ('Ourtilkiled 1911,suat, Now York. �IV 74, vz, - 4. eve, -,.*~ 'let filri,011111.0 to 09#11 aflive &"a 09"wr, brate. pewter, ollowivaskries, eaff $aid AOWII" "it 8 settlement of the CaA Paid fee F ell. . I '70 . 1.7. 1 ,*k"aSeo"o,l.,,., OrGodoctiolit. Tboa highest prove paid, a," all tl�aua is may sr. I U2. V6,4al S "loortiviiissis A" Sonoma* noftesow bly"Joy MAO&V%410 0"Es mmaim* pay. �9 , � , "I' mi aer, veo' ey"Istle've' far got" %" bid, o. tonalities, and rages. All knigals of $was wits air H- -_ - __ _______­ A flar , AwexI =4006"M =4106 . � big ia�11.1 call. X-tilaotab4o prodoced takes is exchange at 44 lb4o Serbs" `1`c`0W`ke`l*oes i lCooll, for all A~rlPti"o of III F r1l OR I'llif `#Tl XG at ,,M - --- to pill% most, Bad save costs. . I ArA11011111,01,1111 licQp"Jair by F. k C. U. =4 ,01 ATXX MerNoMN L' V, * "MIL.0 Wasik ,""I"& lies , 4000 NWWAWf , , : J ,-V ­ .."dily boom" ;ft gla"t otialil emearlo On WiL aedwowliy*go"waf6b -1 - 111111 - Goaderich, Feb. I'll, I$ft jojo* Jefol, ft feall. wbe Detir*ik Mid1uper Aug. 1151 vk7s Wk% - :,Li�ASSSSIU t!!Ss D"A&Jwo I 11=6 11 7Zt - December to. .; '!W I _. .ss& , r__ ____ 1W I . " I =11:- I I I I : I 01 I 1:1 I A , Ra'Rli m�� � -:N----- Ell I Ilarp 4Kr. . VS -04 . I woAft *"* 6406 -eq 1-1.0" I ­ . .. iki^ -. I . . It", r4 � I . I I . r � 4 . I '. - I . . . I . I . i,� -, .. . . I _W�111 i., . I I ..tctf - 'A"" y � "' "Ili ,,f- . 1 , , ­, 5 , , I :� � , -11 I . , ".1" ,,, , A . � I , I ;i!, " '... . ,�, , , ". ­ f .. - . zii;% : _ I , I . , . I . I I . I . 4�4 �** , "' I � __ 1, �, �14 � I 1. �11#1 741 ',.,I .1. ILI_, W;, - � I V I " '� ��, ' ­_ " , . , , -1 , I V-,� , '' . � 1 � . I , , . ­ - -1 ­ I , . . . I I I . . 11 '' * I I . k; . . I , . i , , ,,, , " 4 1 , 0 . I I � 1.264,�,�,, � 0". '? o Ik 11 ;:A " ­ * "'.: . I 11 � , . , I � . . � Sow -11 , t I _w � . I � � , , - tok ,fit)* c - - 'k '_ , . I � I I . . I . ­ I 1, I ­_ . , I f-V1,44w! , *1� -�r- -":7 1 :� . Ii I . . ." I � I I . .1-1K � � . I , I ; . . I . I I 1. . .1 � 0 � .1 - ,: Sl,,� - _�_.,,,,., - --...,I,IkfilipiRIEZ�7,9;!,Gazw , , , I - o , , ., I - --le"" �, � IF-P-r� _', �­-,o 1_--**_-___:_,___--- -- L �, ­elt­ iv.492!ALT,i ,ke: - - - , --A----!.---------gm