HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-15, Page 16Page 16 The Tilrles,Advocate" October 15, 1959
Dashwood Institute
treats grandmothers
By MRS, ERVIN' RARERMr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader
Grandmothers were ilia guests' and family, Airs. Wm. Haugh
of hens, at the October meeting with M s eyWilliam Schumacher
of Dashwood Women's Institute and family,
when the Historical Research Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rader,
'group with Mrs, Ken. McCrae, Mrs, Effie Klienstiver and Mr.
convener, entertained the ladies Bill Willert with Mr. and Mrs.
and grandmothers at a banquet, •
sack Cudniore, �Yilloivdale. Mr,
the EUB church basement last Willert with Ms sister, Mrs.
Tuesday. There w e r e thirty' Pearl Station of Toronto.
members present and. twenty-six Visitors over Thanksgiving Boll
guests. daywith Mrs. Marie Maier and
Mrs. Bertha Hayter received a
Howard were Mr. and Mrs, jack New centre
gift for having a tagged chair. Fowler and son, Mitchell, Alr.
Following dinner Mrs. J. M. Tie and Mrs, Chas, Mather and tam
man conducted a sing song. Mrs.
• ' F
I•%y4-fG:r cogs u.}. -i.. , .�,.,. p,w 54••••,.
"I'd advise you to help an-
other little old lady across the
street quickly before you lose
your nerve."
Harold Rader conducted a con-
test, "Pioneering with Grand
The group reported on the
completion of their money -rais-
ing project, that Mr. Milton
Oeseh • of Zurich won the quilt
and that $187.77 had been
Several prizes were presented;
the grandmother with oldest
grandchild, Mrs. Lucinda Me -
Isaac; the youngest great grand-
mother, Mrs. Henry Eagleson;
grandmother with youngest
grandchild, Mrs. Stewart Webb.
Miss Anne Keeler sang a solo
and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher gave
two readings. Mrs, Arnold Kuntz
and Mrs. Ken McCrae presented.
a skit, "Mrs. 1897 visits Mrs.
1959." Mrs. A. W. Shirrey of
Hensall displayed gar m e n t s
which had been in her husband's
family over fifty years ago.
Mrs. Leonard Schenk, the pre-
sident presided for a brief busi-
ness session. Five dollars was
given to the CNIB. Twp new
members joined the Institute.
Bride -elect Feted
Aliso Joyce Osborne, whose
marriage to Keith Keller will
take place October 17 was guest
of honour at a kitchen shower at
the home of Mrs. Shirley Kel-
ler. Misses Margaret Hertzel and
Marlene Keller were co -hostes-
About thirty ladies enjoyed an
evening of special contests and
activities which included the
compiling of a cook book. The
traditional mock wedding was
presented with Mabel Keller as
the bride, Marlene Keller, the
groom, Ruth Greb, the best man,
Margaret Hertzel, the brides-
maid and Shirley Keller, the
Justice of Peace,
Personal items
Mrs, Margery Lindenfield, Jeff
and Johnny of Exeter, Misses
Joyce Osborne of London, Mar-
garet Hertzel of Exeter spent
last weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Keller and family.
Mrs. Margaret Coombs, Mrs.
Carl Maier, Keith and Brian
spent Tuesday in London.
Mr. Gordon Pearson spent last
weekend with his sister at Sea -
Miss Dorothy Maier spent the
weekend in Kitchener with Mr.
and Mrs. Jahn Currie and Mr.
Frank Walker.
Mrs. Emma Haugh, Mrs. Cora.
Gaiser and Jack spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Po-
land and family of Campbell -
Thanksgiving visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weido and
family of Detroit with Mrs. Fred
Schlundt and Mr. and Mrs.
Vyrne Weido and Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kim-
pel and family of Kitchener with
Mrs. Mary Becker and Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Becker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tiernan,
Janice and. Michael with rela-
tives at Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke of
Brampton with Mr. Milt Haugh.
Rey, and Mrs. J. H. Getz and
family of Kitchener with Mrs,
Cora Gaiser and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Weber.
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Letter from
N a
Wins tumblers
Gordon Morley, RR 3 Ailsa
Craig was the winner of a free
ticket for eight glass tumblers
at Rankin Motors, Dundas and
Highbury Ave., London, where
the new 1960 Ford, Falcon, Fron-
tenac and Monarch cars were on
display. Over 8,000 people at-
tended and Joan Fairfax was the
highlight of the evening for
whose songs Glenn Bricklin's
orchestra played,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fischer, of
Detroit, spent the weekend with
Alr. and Mrs, William Darling,
WO 2 Frank Sagriff and Mrs.
Sagriff and children of Camp
Borden spent the holiday week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Mr. Roy Schenk has been un-
der a docter'�s care at his home
for a few days,
Brian, young son of Mr. and
Mrs. Marwood Prest, was able
to come home after undergoing
surgery in St, Joseph's Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walser
and family of Greenway, Mr.
end Mrs. George Neil and Mrs.
EdWin Johnson and Billie of
Parkhill were Friday evening
quests of Mr. and Mrs. ,lack
Miss Grace Trevethick, of
Linden, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mts. Jack
WMr. and Mrs. Jbhri Morgan,
Of Guelph, spent the Weekend
their Tarns home bn Cbn, 4.
At Mr. and Mrs, i•Iazell Brown
grind baby, of London, st5ent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Greives, of Crediton,
suited With her son and daugh-
ter/hi-law, Mr, and Mrs. Don
Sutherland en Sunday.
aV1r. and Mrs. B.aeburn. Steeper
'rid children attended the west.
ding Of the hatter's sister, Ruth
rifdNair. to Dan, I{ennedy at, 11-
derton United Church ort l?rtday'
it Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Tomlinson and son,
Thaniesford, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Gray, Landon, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rendell and family, Lon-
don, Mrs. Tom Fortner and fam-
ily, Messrs. Donald and Gerald
Maier, Misses Grace and Kath-
leen Maier, all of London,
Miss Mona Kellerman, of Lon-
don, spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Alvin
Mrs. Florence Bucknell, Mr.
Don Bucknell and Miss Ruth
Hodgins all of Ingersoll with
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Stire and
Mr, and Mrs. John Barr, Mar-
lene and Kevin of London with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Stire.
Mr, and Mrs. Art Koessel and
Virginia of Lansing, Mich., with
Mrs. John Kuntz and other rela-
tiv es.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McEwen,
Katherine and Alexander of :Men-
sal]. and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall
Gilmor and Marcia of Dundas
with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Annan of
Pickering with Mr. and Mrs.
Ferd Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Annan and
Mr. and Mrs., Ferd Miller at St.
Thomas on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter
and family at Windsor and De-
Mr. and Mrs. LIoyd Rader and
Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Keller at Turkey Point with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Telfer and fam-
Mr, Robert Wein of Sudbury
with Mrs. Herb Wein.
Infant baptized
Bradley, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Gibson, was bap-
tized 'Sunday, October 11 at Zion
Lutheran church by Rev. K. L,
Zorn. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Kel-
ler were sponsors.
houses 50
Up to 50 university students
can be accommodated in the
new United Christian Centre at
London when it is turned over
to the United Church in 1960.
E. K. McLean of London, a
director of the centre, said archi-
tects are working on conversion
of existing country club build-
ings to include study roams,
worship centres, a library, com-
mon room, dining Facilities and
meeting rooms.
A temporary chapel is pro-
posed, with a permanent chapel
to follow.
The 33 -acre site of London
IIunt and Country Club is being
purchased by the United Church
Christian Centre for $235,000.
There are several buildings on
the property, including the main
club house and a residence which
is intended for use of dean for
the Christian Centre, The dean,
when chosen, will also teach
religious knowledge subjects.
Mr. McLean said first esti-
mates were that 35 students
could be accommodated in exist-
ing buildings. Careful surveys
and miner remodelling had in-
creased this to 50 students.
The site adjoins university
property in a parklike setting
bisected by Medway Creek. The
United Churchintends to build
a residence to accommodate men
and women; plans for this build-
ing am in preparation.
Funds for the property and for
other United Chinch projects are
being raised in capital funds
campaigns throughout London
Conference of the United Church
of Canada. Counties in the con-
ference are Middlesex, Huron,
Kent, Essex, Lanrbtan, Elgin,
Oxford, Perth. and Algoma. So.
far more than $2,000,000 is be-
ing raised.
New savings bonds
offer higher interest
Within the next few weeks, the rapidly -e pending Canadian
Canadians will be asked to par- economy, 'Pins existing savings
ticipate in the purchase of the are utilized in new capital forms
14th issue of Canada Savings in the one instance and in the
Bonds which goes on public sale other, the level of existing sav-
on October 13. This year's bond Ings is .encouraged to expand.
issue is somewhat riore attract- Last year, more than 1,150,000
ive than its predecessors from a Canadians purchased $921, mil-
standpoint of interest rates, hay. lions in Canada Savings Bonds,
ing an interest yield at maturity and of this number, some 050, -
of 4.98 per cent plus a three 000 purchased $207 million dol-
point premium at maturity". tarsworth of the bonds through
Also the limit on purchases the convenient payroll savings
has been increased to $20,000 Plan,
per person as compared to $10,: The decision to offer a further
In recent years. bond series this year was taken
In the past, the Canada Say- in response to the well-establish-
ings Bond campaigns have been ed demand for this type of
continued from year to year be- security on the part of the Can -
cause of their great convenience adian people,
to the public and because of According to Finance Minister
their considerable social signifies Fleming, the terms of the new
.nee, bonds provide the highest return
however, today with the tre- o the purchaser in ine i4•year
history of the Canada Savings
mendous acceleration of econo-
inic activity going on in this Bond campaign,
This year the bods have nine
country it has become quite ap
parent that growth without capi- coupons. The first pays interest
tel „i t ]l + bl at the rate of 4 o per year. the
i. ._r uay , t second at 4tVisS, the third at
ossi e.
There are just two sources of 41t2oo and the remaining, six at
capital; the savings of the Can- 5`0. In addition, if • held ' to
adian people and the inflow of maturity there is a 3c, • bpnus,
capital from abroad. Capital giving an average yield for the
nine years of 4,98%. Like all
previous Canada Savings Bonds,
paid up bonds may be cashed
for full value plus accumulated
interest at any time at any bank
in Canada,
expansion requires an equivalent
increase in the level of savings.
The savings of Canadians in the
form of personal savings de-
posits in chartered banks and
in other institutions are current-
ly running at record levels.
It is clear that individual.
Canadians are in a stronger
position than ever before to put
their savings to work in meet-
ing the capital requirements of
Twenty-one percent more cars
are registered in Canada for
1959 driving than were recorded
in 1958.
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Vernon Schatz - Dashwood
V Pants 50¢ V/ Dresses $1.00
- / Skirts 500 V Suits $1.00
V/ Coats $1.25
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Pick Up Saturday Noon—Back Wednesday Morning
the washer
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Wy 1960
Frigidaire Advanced
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You're so smart to buy a pair right now–:
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New! New! New!
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1960 Frigidaire
Wrinkles -Away'
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Phone 18
Don't Get Caught
With Your Anti-
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PERMA-FILL it made exclusively for Canadian Tire
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Double -Trouble Protection
Complete "deep-freeze" protection, plus
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� Lowest Cost SAFE
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2.49 Gal.
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FAN BELTS-. Prevents engine over•heating; new•car quality. Most cars s .92 to 1475
WATER PUMP EXCHANGE -save up to 40% on remanufactured units. As low as 490
IGNITION SPRAY— Keeps your power dry; seals out moisture. s -os, bomb ,....,,,:.89
436 Main St., Exeter
Phone 451 Milton R. Robbins