HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-07-15, Page 3Igo ca.miss.sst awls Compeer readapt llu'!'1IlIQ 01 imuaaanurr. . Hem earnest WI believe the feel* of the Canada Co.peay when be stated at the Jtadro.d webs( of tie `tail► ell., tint the Crimps, had the mitered' of Hurts et heart sad would he elfin( to soueteasaee any projected railway that *mild hest open t' the Coesty sad improve the cosditie* o1 the people. W., Ole people of Hurtle believe that the Batalp SiGoderteh railroad win be of mach more advaaltsgs to threw Counties than toy other line and aolwith- staadug the dictatorial policy orl'orouto wed the Tomato Prem io favor of the Toroalo and Guelph hoe, we can asure our Toronto [needs that we are of age and shall speak for ourselves in this matter. \1 a publub below an article from the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, upon the wbj.rct of the protected Buffalo and Gode- rich Railroad. But we are requested and authorized to say, that thele is no truth is the statement, that the Canada Company have !Many manner expressed their willing - nem to aid the Buffalo and Goderich scheme. Possibly, our Buffalo contempor- ary may have made a mistake io the Zine, and have meant that proposed to be con- structed by the Guelph Railroad Company, which we understand the Canada L'ornpuy have taken up, and iatead to eoutinue to Goderich. The following is the article from oar Buffalo co.temporsrj :- A meeting of oar citiaeus was held last Parliament ami .vet is M. Ciy e f Qmls- b.s, fav ib. ' AV D& y Iftwroy." t a 11.01 of Aural. 71ra time will sat be ems lrpreeslin[-'eve true Referee's We • grew g •treat la the tests( t3.aaies of Parbase.t -a.d we have fall gn‘den-s u the present Mwstry carrying M seek measures, as will be meet eon - thwart to the welfare and happtaer of the groat mass of the people of C•ea4a. Aad sotw.thataolog the emery hosts, sad even desertions, that bare bees node to dad luta to think otherwise -still we auk the Ministry will be wstaiaod. When we lee some of the most influential Comenative journals come out ---Atari that too, without Yy signs of altNelrng--i0 (aver of the met important measure to ire talked about, and we trust, acted upon by the New Muistry: -tbe " Clergy. Reserves," will be car- ried. There is no reason to doubt, for one moment, that the opposition will dare anything undone, that can be done, to pre- vent the passage of every ?Ministerial mea- sure. George Brown of the Globe, and Mr. Caucboo, and some few others, will, it is supposed, oppose the Ministry with all their strength. 'cite Canadian says: Ibe Ministerial policy of the session will be wither rash nor excitingly interesting, evening at the Colwell Chamber, to 'p- lint will be chiefly confined to public un - octet delegates to • railroad Convention to be held al Godench, Canada, on Tuesday proeemenls; such u railroad+, canals, the Dell, and a condensed report of tbe pro- ceedings will be found in soother column. We look upon the projected Railroad by wkieh it is proposed to open a direct com- mu.icatio• between Bufklo and Goderich on Iake Iluron, as one of the moat impor- tant schemes which los ever been submitted to the consideration of our citizens. A moments reflection and a glance at the map, must be sufficient to convince any person of tbe advantage bold out by the proposed work. It is one of those direct and natu- ral.channels which suggest themselves at once as a proper outlet for the trade of n portion of the country, tbe importance of which has hitherto been noticed and almost unknown. its geographical situation points out instantly tbe required link in the chain :f trivet •from the Atlantic cities to the Upper Lakes and the rest copper region; dent desire to be accommodating, to con - across the maps from Nevi. York to Lake Superior traverses the very route proposed wit and curry favor with their comes and to be opened by the Buffalo and Goderich with the enemies of fieedom, their doom Railroad. The distance from Buffalo to is already written, and there is both bones- Goderich by the route surveyed by the ty and fortitude enough it the .people to HURON SIGNAL. Were •s .s.bp ea 1 dh.abNw et PUr- Any Miledry tele a iN .dowsed is se- men the esseisria.ties .1 the R.'er'. • Rid tks ab-%aios at the S.etenmas netts ealtastl.d the sesd.sa-. and (masts of the whale of .lir pease pepshoastorte wee w of p.akarity. i3' The Or1sgs.e., aecotmptlses h the Stretford Band, walked to Choral and rod ahs Tows, without tbe least inter - Cr The commua►catwa signed "Ned," will appear in our nest. Aad also," Equal Rights," will spear neat week. settlement of the public Lands, and tbe e.- couragement of agriculture. The country, as' usual, will be clamorous, and will be amply aided by a section of the press. It is evident that there is a stroag determina- tion on the part of the tones and political adventurers, to destroy the Government. even before any action is taken. The rea- son is obvious. The men are now inpow- er who have both the honesty and the courage to ad; they are aware of the feel- ings of the country towards them, and of the expectations that base hen formed of their policy, and they are determined to act, and should act immediately. If there are any attempts at " trimming," -any eri- w,atwt.e'tc'd road, is lees than from ficre to Cleveland, being in all n.e hundred and six- ty miles. The distance round the Lakes as now travelled by the Mflwafkie steamers, is four hundred miles. A journey which now takes 36 hours to accomplish, in good weather, could then be made at any season of the year in less than six hours, -Where such plain and conspicuous advantage pre- posed to redeem their pledges boaorably, sent themselves, comment upon the inpor- the country u prepared In sustain them. Lance of the unneeded. It must however111' opposition will be uoserupalous, dis- benefit of such an anbilation of time and be borne i.: mind, that independent of the honest, and violent in as extraordinary de - space in travel between the eastern cities gree; in fact, it will be observed that, apart of America, and the important reginas of altogether from the consideration of the the 'Upper Lakes a vast addition will be measures brought forward, a strong, fir - made to the local trate of Buffalo, by the "lent desire to crash the ministry will be opening of a rich and important section of Canada to our market. Our Canadian exhibited. The tones know that if the +neighbours are fully awake to the advan- present government can get fair play -11 tages they will derive from a connectiou the needed support is tendered by the coun- pronounce it. Straight forward, prompt, practical legislation is expected. If the goreromeat will nuke an earnest begin- ning --if they will site a fair sample of their progreasire tendencies -if they will just satisfy tbe people that they are its- ommnnications. Yews. erase Auld was at least toe beets • My is the upon air. Yo.og (4'...meld he pre'remled from beeeMg,e•g the cheat. We ba.e kneel' three emote of ,nes ity Iermisatieg is death, whisk miss to the encores. Stair g nese shiest/ hem' a Ire -place, or sane soda of vefulletuo, bee.dee the es. dove - Remy pewee, great weak all ewe 1. told Ing, The sees clethow we were, other things being equal, the leas food we meet. Prem awe to one poised and a half of so. Ind hod N euiemet for a portion I. the or bury vocations of ►usia.es. Pintos ,m sedeeter) employ meets should drop our ,bed *I their lend, and tbsy will wane dy.pape,a . Y.sag people sod others cannot study sureh by lamplight with in.puuny. The best remedy for eyes weakened hy night toe, is a Ane termini of add water freque.Uy applied to theca -Leedom /-us ed. yo tea xerTN ate TER 511101 aesa4 DEAR Sta:-A friend of mine drew my attention to an article published in last week's Loyalist, beaded " Quarter Ses- sions" -a tissue of lies from first to last - but surb as might be espected from that truthless journal (if I may call it a journal.) Charging the Magistrates in General Qat- ter Sessions with partiality, want of princi- ple, &e., &e. Now, that your readers may sot be led to believe a lie, and also, may know what they may expect, should they'lure any thing to do with John Itrachan, Esq., Barrister, as well Chair- man of Quarter Sessions & Co. 1 will state tbe facts relative to the trial of the appeal cases against the Goderich Tavern Keepers from tate conviction,"Ibelieve in April last," of Ira Lewis, Esq., Mayor of Goderich, Robert Gibbons, Benj. Parsons, Robert hioderwell and Ilarvey Brace, with our city, and express high confidence in the success of* project, and its pros- pecu as a remunerative investment. 'Thir- ty-four townships out of thirty-six have ex- pressed their willingness to take a full pro- portir'a of the stock of the road, and the only opposition which the undertaking en- counters, comes from those cities and routes which will be injured by its completion. - The Canada Land Company' have signified their willingsess to invest four (hundred thousand dollars in the stock of the road, and there is no doubt that double the amoust required by its constriction could be raised immediately. The oily of Buffalo is net asked to snake any investment in the Road. We shall publish more full particulars of the undertaking, and some description of the country through which the proposed road will pass, on tbe return of our delega- tion from Godench. TS* V A:QSITTART-MCNAD CONeet- RACT.-Tbe last number of the British American contains the looked for, and promised "statement" of Mr. `Inaittart with regard to the famous McNab forge- ries. It was believed by many that Mr. to the great Ecclesiastical questions, we Vansittart bad been duped by his friend i bare believed, and do still believe -that McNab; bet when those that held these the Upper Canada members of the Minis - charitable feelings, read the " statement," try desire that they should be speedily and will, in all probrbility, think differently.-- equitably adjusted. The Globe bas been The following extract, is taken from the playing the unscrupulous demagogue to North American :--" Ile admits the letterprevent their settlement. What, we ask, published by Mr. Minks as his, to be genu- ' would bare been the fate of Canada con- andsell. •hoold water •eery town• i11acttca, O. the 716 inst., by the Rev. 8 Fear, Mr. George Acheson le* Miss Sarah Pul'uek loth of ibis town. Enquires, four of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for selling spirituous Liquor without License. John Strachan, Esq., ever ready to attend to " anything calcu- lated to annoy the Magistrates and Irustrate the ends of justice," appeared a Counsel for the appealaots, and John Stewart, Esq., fordhe opposite party. 'I'be 1st case tried was the Queen ts. Mr. George Hobson; after which the Chairman gave his charge to the Jury, who after about two boors gave in their verdict finding the appcalant guilty of the charge, but as to the legality of the Corporation of the Town of Gode- rieh doubtful. A question u to who is Mayor, urged on the alteutioo of the Jury by J. Strachan, Esq., a well the Chair- man of Quarter Sessions in his charge, con - try to the wish of the Bench, who cannot see what in the name of common sense, has the question now pending in the Court of Queens Bench, to do with the conviction of seven Tavern Keepers iu the 'town of Godencb, for selling spirituous Liquor without License for nearly seven months, in defiance of Law and equity, just because John Strachan and Arthur Acland, Esquires, choose to sustain them in their lawless course, and of which they are get- ting ashamed themselves. Although filr. Stracban promised to get them 'clear, and it would only cost them $10 or $12 at most, if he did not succeed in the attempt to defy the law, as will appear from Mr. Gentles'baving taken out License m May last, and the Messrs. Donogbs, Mr. John Allen, and Mr. Jas. Gentles withdrew their appeal, contrary to the wishes of Mr. Strachan, who pronounced the verdict of the Jury to be illegal, and dared tbe Bench to decide whether or not it confirmed the conviction of the Magistrates in the case, and wherein the Chairman of Quarter. Session, of course, concurred. The Bench however decided that the verdict did eon - firm the conviction of the Magistrates. - What next : there must be no more of these casts called on the 2nd day of Court, until Mr. �traehan and Tavern Keepers, &c., &e'., Kase an oportunity. of harangueing the Jury for five or six hours before any more appeal cases be called, and until Mr. Strachan could have an opportunity of calling upon the parties who withdrew their appeal, and persuade them that they ,fere fools, aid that he could still, insist upon their appeal, &c. I *ell not trouble you with any more in detail of this matter at present. Yours, &c., � � • JAMES GORDON. C;1intoo, 14th July, 1852. try, church politics will be at an end, and hence toryism is already waling desperate, and in the House will gel furious. The adventurers will be worse lila, the old compact men; their very existence is iden- tified with political excitement; in it they " live, move, and have their being;" it is their trade; and apart from it, they would not be distinguished from the rest of the no&xlys. These adventurers Iook upon party warfare, and like the silver -smiths of "Ephesus, they whisper, " by this we have our wealth." The success of the present ministry involves the " end and final ruin" of their occupation, and hence, their oppo- sition will be as relentless as it will be des- titute of principle. To show that the leading Reform paper are truly alive on the measures to be con- sidered, oo-sidered, in a few weeks, and the union of sentiment and feelieg expressed through their columns, we take the following ex - trait frosts the Ezaminer, he says :-As Public 31cctin rl'O the inhahnente of the United Coen. ties of H,,rnn, Perth .ad Brute, and ale others, Her Msjrtsty's subjects whom e doth or may concern. Wheeeee. 1, John McDonald, High She- rif of 1b• United Counties of Home. P•rlh and Bruce, having rerrived • Regar-itnn, signed by David Clerk, John Morris. J enm. S.Ilnw., Robert N.y, Alexander Young., Sen., William Voting, Gordon Y"un9. Che.. Young, Gator: a Young, Alexander Young, Jr., Jame. Timely, Henry Darl,ntinr, Richard Darlington, John `Stoddart, James Morrie. Ren., Msik1Slorrie, Allred Morris, James Morris, r. Twelve of whom ere Freeholders of the said United Counties, having a right to vote for the Members to serve in the Provtnewl Parliament in respect u( the properly held by them within the raid United Counties, requesting me to call a Public Meeting, to adopt such meuraree as may appear most advisable, under the public grievance 'gene rally, experienced from the non -erection t.1 a Bridge over the Weer Maitland. instead of the Bridge reit the Town of G ,derich, that had been carried sway by tbe floods to 1)ecemb.•r, 1851. And whereas i have deterniine, to mom• ply with the said Requisition; now, thrre• fore, 1 do hereby aopr,int the said Meeting to be held at the Market place, in the Tower of Goderich, on Saturday, the 31.tuday of July instirt, at the hour of 13 o'clock, noon. f which all peons are hereby required to Dike notice. - Ano ami ereas the said Meeting bath boon •n called by me, in rontormity with the provision of Ihn Act of Parham''( 7 Viet. rsp..7, entitled "an. Act to protidefnr ibe. calling aid orderly holding of Petite Meet 'nye to this Province, and .car the bettor Preservation of thn publ'c pace thereat." The mild Meeting, and all person, who rent attend the same, will therefore. be wi'bm the protection of the raid Act, of all bhich premiers all manner of persene are hereby in Her Majnoty'a name most strictly chore ed and commanded on their peril to ,eke e.pec'al notice, and to govern tbetnselves accordingly. Witness my hand at Gnilerich. in the United Counties of Huron,Perth and Bruce, tbia fifteeoth day of July, A. D. 1852. JOHN McDONAI.D, BY-LAW Nn. ABy -1.w to.wtbortae the Warden of the United Cuenlie s of Huroa reetb lied Breen, 1•10100 Debeateree In pat teen( u1 twenty -Sim tboua.nd'bans of thet la er•esed GNAW Steed of ihs Beetfurl asi nu 61u J••ie• Stock Radioed Cuu.peiy, W the Directors of the Brantford and B.•6.lu Joint Stock Raitroed Cumpeny mare ReaulreJ 1e* Kites/ the line ul the Brantford lied 8.ff.lo Railroad fins, ,t. meet of inter•MIIoi with the Ureal Wee 'en Railroad, to the lbw. ul Gwd•rich, est he County of iluro.; and under • Rreule- use by them posited for that purpose. have authorised 'hesub.enpli.•. of fifty Ih•nl.antu aJ•u1lo.al .hare* to the Com Lai :i tock of the ..i.l Company. A.4, whereas, the Warden of the (fared Counties of Har.•. Penh sad Bruce. in .e • eordseee with • Romolo• Inn of the M Intel Intl County Council of the Saul Untied CorO- lier, authorising him es In d,hhas, for and on bebell of the sat.l potted Cuont,se, .1,1.cr. bed fur and acquired. 01,1 the quid United C.uiutee nue hold and own twenty Aer tho,s.nd rearee of the said Additional Shares to the Capital Simla id the Brat ford and fludalo Joint Sire k Kolroad Coui• Vary of 1h. price or value el five pound. each Shiro, Ani wk rtisexpedient to .mpnwer the Warden of the ..id United C„untie., Isom tome to IIn, , al' he slued be Iherawnt.i rrqunld by Ke•ulurton c( the Municipal Comet( of the reel Untied Coon, tee, townie 4113 grant debentures of the •aIJ blunlcl- :witty for the mom of nits bemire 1 and twrstt Five thousand pound., the price iso value of the reel twenty Ave Ihoesand share. .nil in tiil! payment thereof, payable on the :I r.I day of July one thousand •'gilt hue lied and .evenly l so, Viet amid D •bnnturee to Lear 1ntereel ptyable Serol anuue,i)• And whereas for the pnyusrnt of the rale D.:brnturre and this Inepfest theteor, a1 the per,l,J, and enure of ,resod tt w61 ue AUBTRALIA. POW PORTO PHILIP AND SYDNEY. (haly lir gate' Le -ins- o/ Clipper Slaws. TIIE MAGNIFICENT A 1 CLIPPER PI11P EPAMINONDAM, 1300 TONS Bt'RTIIF.N. WHITE. COMMANDER. Wtu. RAIL, ,..s New YORK. r"a rue Aute PORTO on Ina Ire 01 Attlee!". 'I' Ir only aaeeaary to say that her .room mndah„n■ a III be (allyy� eq.lat 10 1hn.e n( th. Nhlp " Revrr.ve' which rhe .ure..d. I. line, She ratites an . alterwre'd ?to, .Pon, sr1 •arty chirp % felled be the Ship. For particulars 15 to } ta,gbt or Passage +(ply In F. A. BALI.. ilamlllee. It, tY CAMERON, 1 )6 11'.II9' new Ywk W ELLIOTT, Bo it„ h V'r5. (•olein, 11,.elm+. rupe•inr Sbip sill tolluw on the 1•t rlou'emMi a6e94 July tib. 1i'Sr7t.• 'SLANTED lid MLUTA'Ilil.i• aloft 2110 t'1itt04 n110n.1 Itemuck Dark. �J (i r t. Stili thn 11ig Lest loaf kit prier alt be ped by the Nuber.lher. W• ll, HMI mi. Godsrbk, Slay 61h. 1652. re -n13. COUNTY AGRICULTURAT. SO- CIETY OP' firma 1 PERTH ANi) BRi-CI�a SUeseitiPTIO!4s will he et -reit -pit 1, the Treasurer of the .bore -Pte rely ••i. ..1 the 13th of July.+but alter that dein ko +"h.rripunne else be accepted. • Th. nest m.iitieg.1 the Dlreeten wIa Ike pini' at the iBrn mak Psth•wge IIuii . n.cr.oary fur tl1 raid 11nnicI1 l;'y to rola ,.n Satusdy Ibe 17th of Jvty et.11. tnmislly w+ a "peciul .'fo/tover and abu•r R. O. LUNING �:%MP Sire. ,nil a aIJJnlon to a,l usher Ita•es mid G nl..ricti Jesse (till, 1691• Brie.21 faxen w tatb ,at'r of LdiowP, idol 1. w tet -- -1,1 each year 1,1 sod during the period w. NOTICE. l:. Iweniy year., commencing esu the first d•y of J•,ly nue thousand e„ 91. hundred and - filty•two end extending to the first day 01 4, meeting nl the cried loss of the la'e July one thousand eight rnindred and .•ren• 9 .Alexsnd.r %leO.r J, will be h• Id a• ty two the nem 01 tboteeu thuu.•ud .eseu nundre•1 and tiny pounds. And ernthe Hateable Props, ty of the nand nailed Cuuu•: l,. according to lbs ueeesment of the same for the now trill preceeding I'inancul year amount. to u!c suer of one Oolhnn u0e hundred and ten thousand puunde. And whereas sur t' e payment of the res (crest semi clemently ()Naiad fur the creation of rt•issian Ftru fur the payment' el the I •ein.ip,.I..f leech D.tienturyu so to be Ie• toe; admits that he plotted with McNeb, while be was coefined as a felon in the Toronto Jail, but recasts himself on the ground of his ' resentment' to Mr Iiioeks for bringing him to the bur of the House to answer for his coedeet in tbe Oxford eke- ittry, with a Cameron-Cayley, or sum - tion ; denim giving McNab slewey on one lar kind of Cabinet, would, no doebt, have ncrasioe, bat admit' it oil another; denies wrought most harmoniously in rivetting being duped by McNab! (What will be down upon us for ever, if posible, the corse said by those wbn kindly suggested tri, of en batablitbed Church, endowed with plea for him in advance!) admits that Ire the R.serres in fee, and woeld hive tma- cerning them, had .eke Globe's suicidal at- tempt to get the Tories into power for the next four years been auccesaful1 This must be obvious to every intelligent observer of events. A Derby Min - was sever satisfied of the truth of Degald McNab's story; declares that he did not publish or authorise the publication of the letters, but he does not deny that they I is well, 10 view beth .f the race of the ed Canada West .Iti.matell into a seed Ireland, i( it did not water oar soil with blood. Tbat such baa sot bees the result were published by his Committee in bit I country and of the integrity of the Empire. elating office, by its hired tool Douglass, No gvaations, we are eoavineed, have over r and that ba believed the story er pretended to believe it so far es to promise on the lustisgs to bring the ease before Parlia- meet. Mr. V aaittart tikes up a good deal of spare to prove Mr. McN•Vs taken so firm • bend of tbe- publiP mind as those relating to the Reserves, he., ud wthi.g will .ore thoroughly destroy the ieAtrnce of the Imperial power in the Colony than an attempt to interfere with Isley, sad about an aqua' Vitt in admit- i the established convictions and wisbe Meg, .direetty, bis own. By ear etchmnges we tetra that'.* t" any )srgest ire that has vested Bastes . bee sty years, ewmmeseed abetet t P. M. ed eanarde the 10th inst.. and was still tomer( foreasty. Over 30 bellhop iop wne the people coocenmg this member griev- ance. Then can be an puree, and there should be ne peace in Caserta, wird, thew remain to they sew are; sad, to demoestrate the insanity of the, iaterfere•re of Embed is the matter, ere Arnold prefer .etbis( bore p.bke melntemeet tented Off swag>Iwa gat the et""• ease. 16 amps sad the Ira Inailli( apfe�• ARRIVAL OF THE ARCTIC. I1. It.rr..n If,ts!, G, dr 1 , h. on rhe P31h u July.oext, at 111 •l'rl•.rk A. 11. ti 1LI.IAS1 J. KE %Y:4, AdiurnMraoir. Getlerirh,Mee 1A'h, 1` -Si. a5 -net P. S. The Conndrum w,11 plrane rat. tie ribose three ineert.ene twit send their ac commie the &oboerltor. WILLIAM J. /[RAYS. • ')ARD-STILITFORD RAND. ..Tho nrmhere rot this Band beg to ntun1 rued as aioleveld for the Marceau! Pun of thiir „bile Iher•ka to the Penvi.1eoa1 „ne hundred and Twenty -Ave tbuttatal puede, and payable at the period ap,rlsa'd it will be necessary to aesera,lwy and rates epos the whit!, Rateable Property within the .511 United Counties of hurou, Parte anifi)nee,A Special Rate in semi' year dur- ing the eoatuuapee of the said Deepen( tires or any of them on iheineiter sow. by them male payable, oy any pert taonul, over DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.and above and is sddIIWn.to all other Rates and T'ai'l' 11hataoeeel as lelluws-,bat le • F be a e Celine, of the Coulee of Perth, fur It hand some donation from 3Ir. A. Monteith, Ir -q., also a donation from Mr. Herron n one of the eestraetoeI of Perth County Busldtnge; oleo frit" Mr. Peter W toil' (Union Hotel.) Wm. I ILK FN. - ' Stratford, 28i h June, 1839• )8-s23 SA IL OF I NP()t:rt''r N1 rito W N (,/tTN R I) BUILD1NI) Pi'' EIS ,q the ral lar ceeelog aid inspire VHS/ Town of Ittroll„r1d, KUn/, on The seb.e,iber will fell by Ant al 11 the 104 Is of July neat. er a Hotel, ro clime in th foreowee, al the Usre Btrlstl01d, 100 -rO W !4 urns ha ow/ nes- ter of an a •r.' each ; fad m seiner e: .11 for Waimea' istheouave S01 (5*" tower 3 .5 parry -0 1.„. fora,erreof forty l•.IN,.tedfAstvs•f•v4 The allot• propertya,.ibtef that County Tuern of Perla. y the ealobrnv of its climate e'/ throe ir w hfrh the swore -teal Lines of Railway rsutfnr,l, sad Toronto . d B".41,httrio end N D„elph, u11 pens t..l:oderNh sod Porro/tri .r:ve re. P0 antan•1 verb h w, I d : fr. re sato Ir 1e*• the .Naeadamiesd Rod 11'oodetook toOr.de•.rh. mote to 'nurse •t eons•rurlloe, *bah also puttee tMn.,;'h the own: alt rgether ?vedette( it t�Me ofr:'� dig (-.1 spw.tn.altonl :n land ewer ,good In Canada Sfest. Purthar par'teu',are may be eh/410M •t' app.ieatua or by lett.r p•.rt pa SME`t WO(D`(, Aoct,nee• • t Siratfa,J, 10th fuse, 11152. ' GODF.RICH, P )R7' AAitNIA, HOD 1:s AND DETKu1T. riche new end &fgant l.ot4prr+ure SI I Boat RUBY, will run during the e • fohuwn:-I..avr Gn,1,,. tog .r. <nn a (weather port/titling,every Suud.':v rn"r .t 9 o'clock, anJ Sarnia, Muttday 't o'clock, Leave Detroit, for Goderich, every S. day, at 9 o'clock, a. 111. a•,J Sarnia, at s u'c•nck p. m. For freight 'nr pae.Pgc sprOv to 'Mr. 1':. H. Marlton, forwarder, hest door, monk est the Ktsea►dine Arne. ELI WARD, in!. Om roll. Feb. 20th 1682. FARM FOR SALE. A• FARM containing 170 aerie, eta m !ate end a half from Godericl-...815 si n•s cleared on if, with a (nod young nrch.uri', lb.."ne• farm te well supplied with gond w,etttr-.inn fences alp In mond order. A. gored L•'¢ 11rsaee, a Barn 90 be 64 feel, sed . 'len Stables *,th ,.inhouse►. Ise. Por partien1are apply t0 lion -gat Fulton; Tawe,* Keeper, Ilium' Road, 4 miles front Goderieb, nr on 111. planters, CiiRF:ST.AEN I'FKEMME t. Colborne, May 21, 1859. v3-nletf •n say -m each year lee a.'d during the n. s heretofore ds,I4.d Mf near .aid !Pried of twenty years commenting un he first Jay of July toe Ihousaud eight hundred and fifty -Iwo, and extending to toe fi d f Julyth a and eight hundred da of June, 114. Be il. thereioru enacted by the Mum ye y opal Conned of the United Codntee est huron. Perth sod Ileuce, cuo.ututed, sad in Council assembled under and by virtue ul the lacy Canada Municipal Cors., ration Shrnt1 11. P. !k B. Acts," and It is hereby enacted, that hem Goderieb, 13th July, It48. 025-21 I and after O. paining of this By Lae -the Warden of the ea'J United Cuunuee, .hall •NOTICE. HURON BUTLDING SOCIETY. have power and authority, and he is hereby tuthonxn.d, empowered and required to tat• i FORBID the merchants and ohne maker, ASPECIAL General Meeting'of this in` sue, grant and make Debenture.' of the find l or any other person Riv•na credit on .sr •eaters in this society will be held at annient Helmet they twelve my order, with the British Exchange 110111 on `Saturday the 31st., at one o'clock P. M., to consider of, and if agreed to, adopt an additional Br - Law enabling the Directors to pay off the investee at a certain agreed premium u the fonds allow. Subscription• ran then be received, to obviate the meeting in the evening. Ws. BENNETT RICHT. Tr. k Sec., i1. B. S. Oodericb, July 12, 1852. vS-n2S Bgffeld under the esti* of (tent and Ltrn'na of the new hayfield ,Tabnwry,.haa this day been dissolved by ovine( tolNent . r't y w one n • Mho above bnuner, willheretoforehe ear - and 1eweny•t00 three pence 1 s the pauud. rued on by Briggrand L,,Inn: Dated at dtanle the 16tb 1831. JACOB HUNT.. -TI10144%8 LUTON. D. n. asTemn, Jose Isth, 1632. vend' Naw You, July 12th. The steamer Arctic arrived at ber dock at 24'1'. M. She left Liverpool at noon on tbe 3Otb, and being' 126 passenger.. The cotton market was somewhat irrngnlar and previous prices only were sustained in small parcels. Owiog to the continuance of the .nfarourable weather the market for Sour tied wheat was a shady better. 'the busi- ness, however, bas quite Moderate. Flour advanced d. per barrel, and wheat Id. per 7016.. Yellow Indian Corn scarce and 6d. per quarter dearer, white do., was dull se pervious prices. Consols were reported at 1001 to iOOj, ea diridenda.-Globe. Cu"awsavi. July 12. The Modem ie prev,dieg to forme *meet at Bpr.egfleu; tis. Aliso at Beth ii<iver, Kentucky. Naar Yea*, Jell 12. sf fThee warp tsietwwo.d Sunrises led or tow grads. Western at litt exchange itsd..rld by the favours 1y The Arab. Ike intense war reelrtees tae demand sad thee* le be tftM dttt. defog for tad Rest. 1.3 for phsety. lied ewer freely acid at .4117 4 Eta. Cat►atwaA..- Barber 8vrece, bet elevated anthem ispeee..s.(e, Sale, dometb 18,004 hbt.. 4 iii e 4 13 hi, urns oboe to 'limit elate 4 19e a 4 211 new alio. ed t. fumy Mteblgeu nod fedora. usimessesessmerimines haves oP Has trot .-4%ildren ehdola be taught to use the. let bead std well M the right. Coat* bv..d Is ...1 bettor fbr e6lleree IMe fine. Children .koala 'loop h Mpa rat. bode, sad eboeld net wear Ingbt.aetpe. Meares *oder *Mil yam o6wwl4 trot be coolies.' ewer up or *eves bears in INS soave, lied that lune Aosta be bnhes byil fr were wares.', l wa and y..eg people mous, be sede to bold their Mede au and there .ke.l4.trt amok when heaves. wood('(. ter wallets. the beet beds fee Wilke, oro M bete, se if winter, .< heir wad emus. YOKE OF OXEN LOST. ON the 27th June last -one, 'black stag with a rine in his none, tome white about his flank, a 'tar nn the forehead, .5 years old -the other a dark ret' -9 years old. Any person gitieg any information that may lead to the discovery of thn said osea will be suitably row rded by first day of July, m the year of our Lord DUGALD CAMPBELL. one thuusan.1 eight hundred and (y 6th Coa. Wawaeosb, t two. Jcl, 9, IBS 3r Municipality of the emit Jetted Counties for the sum of one hundred and twenty live thousand pounds in full p.yutent et aft money dim and owing. or to b. come due and owing by lbs sato Municipality, for ur O.,derseh, sue. ttlth, 1839. elle-e13 on account of or in resp••rt of, vel uty five • Ihnuannd ahem of the CanTAO J3roce of MISS E. `iTAlL11AN, - the Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock Rens • road Compatiy, held sod owned by the rout (}'torn .Flnn)heslrr, /:+efn..d.) Municipality, provided always that each de. MILLiNF.R A \D URF'SN ?I:\KER. benture shall ant be Inc a Iran tum testi\'Rei .5 T"R RT. GnnRa CII, twenty-five -,"•Ind•. And provided further n ninon East of the Canada C. Olrirr.) the( the 4Ch,jWarden Li+ the time beteg, steal AV" ( ill lel .he !mend+ to wiry on, the• testae no inch debenture or deb. ntures un- A1�/ der and by virtue of this By -Law, except shove b.u.inear. Ures•oe made in the* he shell b.• fire; !here'untorryuueI ny lieu- very Iaie•t fashion.. IuUnn o f ilio .veil al timelier! Council. Jul c 211h, 1852. t5o42 Sri Sed. And be a further enacted that the said sum of one hundred and twenty-five SAVE OF VALUABLE REAL ES - thousand pounds, and Cie debenture. them I'A'1'1. IN !1TIta1T1'UI3D. (Ur, snail become Joe, and be payable on the TUE.undenigned wilt beer for rale by Public Aurtlon on the first day of Anguli sex', 1f not before then d•apneed tr. The tollown'g Lot., Now. i17. 66, 69, 357, my signature JOHMIIAYLOR, Ilnrnn Rna 1 d 2. e6n23 61 11, Aril be it further enacted. That 115e - teed Debentures shall bear inlero.t fres and 2. 8, 480. The eels will he oat the (.rcm•s'•., REMAINING in the Stratford P. O. to LIST OF LI':T•I'ERS after t!.e (14',a'n th'i'n( at and alter the ra•e and the Lois ender in sblr.ek or .eparatoly. of sin per cent. per annum, and be to rot pureh . There hi a house on par•tde at such plarr nr plscP•, either elite Lot 61, end one on Lot69. July 6th, 1851. Arbogast Ino Jr Blase Geo Barth Michel Braden R•.bt Brennen Alters Brown Sydney Broomhead W J Brennen Jae Clyne Wm C.mpbell Jno 2 Congder Jim Calnghan Palk Hideo Wm Dunmore Widow Jane Douglass Wm Day Wm Dicky Wm Drummond Patk FuMgae in, Maloney M4bcl Moore LAI. Dr Eecs tutors of M,lutt Margret Moran Jody Martin Henry Malting Jno Malay Jno Martin MrMary Mille Mrs ?lane McDonald Mrs Fanny 'McGill Davol Mcl•,tesh David kleFerlene Near McCaully Jas McKenzie D•'nalJ McPh tlr. Deal McLatchv Thos Origin F.rd Pinder Wm Flagg Wm Richardson Mrs R 2 Flynn Hugh Rigg M'• B Feeder" Simon Rutherford len Gruel George Rae Sono. Mrs - Bunter Math' w 2 Raft Mr" llarrienn E Y Stafford Rules Hamilton Jno Sharp Arthur Jefferson Jen Hbeptnn Jen Karon,' Michel Tracey Jas Kimball Chas Elie Ward Jae Kisumu Jon Wallace Mrs :NO W.4 Write Mrs t'albarine 1 lle. ee Waddell Jae A. F. MtcKLE. P. SI. Jolt Bib. (631. _ l LIST OF LETTERS RkJIA1NIRO ie the Belt'sCorium upto J.Iy Std. 1862. Cellt(is .lt Are5NI Mandl Wilbert,' Dolt's Cresr. Peter Mr(;I.re Mule'•.' prIIIMIr lames McKHowe Leublu Felker John More M,• Ann Demmer Joh. NyriAsnen Wm Helmer A.dnw etetprml..i Chruslen Ilas,ltnl Robertson MrDermtee Pete 2 llaeting Robert Me Lennart Angara ,fire.? floury ?behest Wm Rfii• Immo* Koppel John K.t,•soy 7•.10e Oho. r•• is Yost 1LTa•..h Pew Terkel/wiry Mre (hf)nwsld Wm Wge*ly Wei Me6a.w I+- WM. COssEr. r•,M• to nr w thnut 1hia Providence se the said Theses 1.•,ts .ro well aitnatrd for ercry per; a n lire the time being .halt think pro. bO hese but partlen(arly fur t" Urewery. per; enJ that nuc!, tctereet shall be, and Dibiifery re Ash Writhe. •h•11 1n the said debenture+�b' limit (•arable A p,rUer of the ritheharn mrnPrM ill .1 - such lir ie such time nr n ora, and q•'ire d, b. paid at toms of .ala, The re, 1- dee • Such plec0 or piece.' nt15rrrwit'nn or wttn• dee,'lime will be given therefor. out this Prot lac, e• the said Warden In rho sal debentures shall .lnP 3netr. ant appoint : and the 1141d deb••ntnret • tell be Imo•d end grant Pd "nd.r the Corp irate Seal of the e id Mnnio,pahlr. end 0511 be a gn,•11lir'lir raid Warden. and ehe11 be a nsntcreigned I'Y the Treasurer of the sisal alomeip dry, and 1150 said Warden and T.easurcr fir the time bung aro hereby anlhnrlsed empowered •tnf rimmed so tn}Ign end conntereign the.,0i" and the said debentures shall have Caine'' attached to them for Inc rel Interest wntck .n4 Corpse aired in like manner he rogue sod enuairratgned by the end Warden sod Treun'er resp••ctivcly. 401. An be tt farther •n.eted, That for Ihn payment of t'rx said debenlnre. hrrrin• be•(n,• provided in he ewe.! and granted . ed the'nt.rr•1 thereon, (here shall be an •t' whole R. 11.1311t'I"l', GENERAL MERCHANT--Wr1OLE9.ILE. 16 King -81., Toronto, Upper Ceao,to. IMPORTER of Shelf and 11.... Hardware, Oar Iron, feted, CI.e.n, Nail., Geep.•wder. -A LttO- impnrter of Tree. Se; an, tlpieee, Fruits, Dye Woods. Ode, Punts. Glace. Eartb.oware-iu beer Original Packages. v5 -n13 April 9111h, 1559. CIRCULAR ADVERTISEMENT. Farther pertfenlni ears be ascertained npuo application to J.15lPS F.1RISII, N'•arrA. Or to C. D. REiD, 11,rn.ter, (1.n•,hnn. ',smitten, 14 11 Jane, IASI. 6.19-6 TO ALI. W11051 11' 1LtY CONCBBN 11,60‘1110441lls►the given, that e11 pa•li.a le. elebttA4 tie the sob.rnnr?ntl.er be N .'e or rusk sef•Mr,i are- r• q meted ' o en win M she same forthwith, w n Toomey l;nrd.'n. erg , at Clinton, and thereby atom rup.'nee.. B. L%VIM. J, ner5th, 1811. th.:mee, THE Uri detail/Red desire', to acquaint !,1S Cnr respondents and t5. Country Mereh.nts • Western Canada that he is doily expecnng b• first Veatch' In Literpocl and London, a Imre • stock of Merchandise. which will be DOA low t Cath buyers or on fixed deft, �credit,. 161 King Street, v5 -n15 Teeerie, Apr11411.11, 1852. 1 LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, Hi;AVY GOOD' &c., Ate. Tnn U.deraienet h.. for Sale 183 hogehrads and quarter-eaaka Boded Liesrrd 011. O .gsbe.dssod querter•eleks Raw. 4 teal Patty in barrels, hent English, 3 teas Whitemag, 'notably, ., 2 tons Chalk, in emits. 120 kegs best Dry White Lead, 2011 kegs " •' Red Lead. 10 cask. containing Kegs Greyed Paint•..'.11 enlner•, 50 casks Epsom Sale*, 10 h.rrel. Sulphur. 10 barrels Creem Tartar, 10 case, Betas. -A LP0- Tdroestine, Rosin, Pitch, eliLfer Jl+ebin+ry, O I•e 011 -in barrels; Vinegar ■ barrels; clove • 0d In caro aaf tans. R. ii. RRET'P. i6i King Sweet, Toreete,Aprl281b, 1832. v5•a13. A.• -ed, Lind and true i n;,ne 1• .v " I NPoII {••t 'I' 'Til'' Fal..f:I.1N C. ((mumble /'r• rl within t'1r re1.1 1nited y Perth end Ur',c', a `':TI'l.1:kk and nub Arnr,,..a oI tele• Specie: pec e: of Herron, 51 l •' chs•'n I wMarnb F•4nr. co,,,,,, IM. et •t ,.sn t Bate 1n .lith l)c diving r a m• • r M,te rnoe., ken, will warn 1IO.. fad throe, on ul th• enJ to enlurf• nr any of ,rout''•• byme et+n the R••,n•try of t1:' thorn. on Cie tom or +„m+ by them made P' g thereof, neer and above •uMPrttree. And pt`nnse Miserly properly .04 A to ,'Urn n. hie office, o 1'n►eew 1 wha Oath Ver, f'f• fu5l,.wr, Ih1, '. t • env, IN , ( 'soli rear, (,N arlA ,,•,nag the sats petted of In•;.«•nnn; w for RPgNtry Hold urn ur rental1, 1.n'l.rt Net t1M1. twenty Tsars, eemn,-nring nn Cm t,r-t a+r of J,dy in the v•er of mer fiord one term '1' 61 AY, NICH11L1 r. and (l'1,•leer, an4 el•, psyahle er any pit • t„ ..11 nr 1.1 are rrq'•1r11d to tend user'rn. e ad I t all rat.• .ml user. Iannf •era r e, N w Wee.wf .4g'.wf, t1'e, lent eight hundred - Morel (p.ee. tending to the Ane d+v ..f Jul, in the tin ISMAII ICH91... Flim {6116 *101818. 1,•a.l one Ihn,t•,nd .,g.t hot tire l HARDWARE dm. 1. OR RALE BY THE CND/7118101ChiD, b c.•iis ►(•tore'. Gress Seethes, 4 do do Crndha,i8'ytbiq 1 do H„nks, 460 down. AmertenSScythes, severe) :Yee .r., 9 do Sickle., 711 kelp Co11 Chain, all slew, 1111 do Horne Nuts, 1b I do SVrorght Nail., ISA Jo Genpowder (kegs and easeisr"n)r 7 ton. ehnt. 6 cases `Simile end Double dere n cask. ,,oetuning Saddles sed Urid' ••, 27 do cent•inine Cutlery, Erize•tnol- r;e"•, Piles, &r.'Sheffield 'Go. 70 do eont•,nrlg 6•rk• La•tiw, `'•+. Balt.. Tr•p•. •, A a crag•,' 'r ek of Birmueha.e & Welt 1..mp• toe Geode. M lair Potash Reeler' (Renteh) b teasel Pot 4w1 Camp Ovens. R. H. BR..: x- 161 K'ne S"•,". - - Torriu., Apt.l '280h, 1832 ,S -est..• OROCERIES &c , IN THE URh;1Ff4Fr PACYAG1:S. TNC U$DF.S.sIOlI LU OFTII.ite rah L PALE. 76 Mid:Porte *lee 1lol.r, • . 8 do Loaf Ae 30 table sad 4 twvee, Crr.h.d Sugar. 3-10 thrall' Tele; venires g..des, 79 base Cn/*S, 241 An Per ". 241 do Pira•ne, vial 1a0.. *1.'..., 111 es.kaCowen's, 4" Moe As 4 erne. Indy-, 1611 hese.'.a.lus 7ntIllie. TebMei, Helios Merehegt Wet 4 sleet. Londe' M..twJ. it 4r'ba A ty.V, }n. 4 ewes i,igenrieo, 11 seas Sash Hoek, 100 Neves Search, 1441 d. Tatlbee. Pipe& R. Iw,saEr f . u sad weeny tern, three penes a the pound. Newer. -The .h we is a Woe 0sp M a yrn7,,.•J liy 1.4e!10 he taboo intro eevIrfor rill I R Auniuuumarble; s heretofore nen is seen by the A1••nirteal'y nl ,M'. U..4 111CniI1Vlsy. dewier the tole 01 Maltese Comics of Ilnmv. P-r"h and )hare, el the Irl SlcCrne-keit. n1 the A'hlon. Wwok. 1„ern 1lot.l, ,n Ili. Toon of O.wteileb. res Mill, line lbws day hope die/mire 1 lir motel U ennsent. From end a1ter Ih,s alalr`, the .koro h ulnae will be rsrnwl oat hr 1••N,.F McCr.ek.n. who will pay all A.AIa o •e- 'revert by the Arn, slid chile -et all &We ye the 44m.. EDWARD MAl1(►M;, JOMPPH McCRACR11N. D. Poore, W item Methituay, 4lb lone, telt. s3.24,. 1 NOTICE. ram t:,crime' of Horne, nee of the es'' eV - led Coentoo., VledCoenu.., on the Ivth Air of tklnber, 1831 at 11 n-rleek. none, ant ar aehrrh Iowa ani plate the Member• nr the aa.A jl„n,e,pelrty aro hereby regeire•1 to sa- wed for the parpofa afoM•snI. D. H. RITCHIP. Cunt CNrb. Jet, 11.h, 1151. r 11 elle-I Ile .4, 161 gran 9'r..', Totems, April g6,► 1952.• [ •S COTTONYARN,C - 1n, cACANDLEW Fd* SA IX. 46 ba1..Ma AnNri se ten An Pans, WM hag• t eedlie vel. 7. d. Te HD balm Weddle,. •-' • 0 51014 6111 e.'ek, /el toe ' tied 1.. ,�*� pip.. timn•t. >la�luw.. • •1d....e. t t.,P LsOdor tab to (%wee, In Centel s. • • le Li. Tesease. a ' t •r 8.;11. IRF: r • h,S ni