Huron Signal, 1852-07-15, Page 2- • CAM %DA - team egpi uAstr.trt• ••• tieela et maim* CUM f ANY roe IT4TUTt 441KIP it tee. HUROr poseemies of olgthm versens idesitdmils sattviltar aaliemP‘`"' rho NIA mat, die rep el •the wane et 1111 Doak 01 " het meet/ prom leek" epee* weeds o twerible rempicso gad astray west Mteretioser to stooks a (emote, gips web oor„ Peel to endeavour *sigh h herd the :• ot hoe s Ahem I. Upoe dr It,o, D eh, alive, bet meet. eabausied, sesame hoe unmet, - Ile lied made the leasfirt gee to ea:toy-um rope velech had bowed 1....had been beet es -sed be teed* tea grey • to hie old quarters in the space of as item arid • hall! Thee. .00 queittlow lost tbe dog west over falie as he wee *tee clout by Ilse %Mob. Nt. thew declares Mil intention never agate to part weh Not useh.lthee • setural death. sad be hopes hat Ms temper may have bees inireved by to meoluatary trip over the rail. 01 Snag pre. Oalooe or Motrasiose•-"Blask. the m 14 ergo of utourair" Y• "h0r-0`1" it color of dottiest". whist) is melancholy and 1'. opposite to virtue witch is the rolur of light, of yob sod of h.ppi....." The early poets atteartee that souls after desth, went into • dark mid gloomy empue. Probably .11 is is venerveasee with this idea that distal/lima Meek was the meet mis- ruled rotor of mourning. The Chinette and the Siamese choose white, cosceiving that tee dead became benifiie cet genie la Tor• ksy. ',leeriest ism/unposed el Muer es "'Met; Ethiopia, of grey ; sad at tlm lime of the invasion of Peru by the Spaniards, the in- hatutasts of that country wore it of eseeee color. Amongst the J panes*. white is the sign of mte ers:rig, sod black of rejoi- cing. la Castile. muurniag ',sunsets were forineey of white serge, The Femmes cliohed teineelves 10 brratIVII, 0041, their whole femily, and all their animals were shaved. lo Lyme, the men woes female habiliame•ts dusing the whole 111.0 of timer mourning. TA.x. ‘- e.eessemei Taesday wewoe orart shout two beirs aft•rwaird d, by the stip , Jesorionesir stl Ai Court a/ 4temit's Chief Jrasewoiehineet vies great to behold poortcs• Is Rs CANADA souraite Y. J. P. How- • a off the yoke of „, rlse Psermes piety r -.:osessis Wens we 461111110bi.- 116.410140, colldheihk,tt. emu svitilMesi who dtkpiee Wsit:o say that, bireelly es the aseectios w d, i maths% two wary Catholaes do met make common melee with the poetise bo itemea, and ami have yet to leers that soy party is Canada despise Catlisties,--for from it. We know dew* ere missy who hate the roligma Catholics, but di. law wbo would talk or despise% them is only to be the mute of the lumatie 27 We may relate to tlea subject.- . ( m "pared sows mhos 10 asta, Tatissuassa oir Tans UlleTke Coeximae „Aide the Worm, peruse attach- of Vote, Amy •se Peas. -K. N. is ..,i01n of the solo- , they received the Aga peeelat, by imints trietimi mate no dime sod Vegebeelde. As Par the eleither sod km two Imad-airosideins, dor vat to the &silky% the venom rim bed ibluatill my coffee was impniessed for a flirt how noway years Has regular al- ,1111111alets of the gambliag-house were cow eilifebd saapiciows,' aad placed trader %or- Vealilltate aid I became. for me sit hole wee (which is a Wog time), the bead 'ho.' is Perilas society. hly adventwe was dramatised by three illustrious play- mates, but Dever saw theatrical daylight; few the eessorship forebode Use istroduc- ties ots the stage of • correct copy of the guabliag-houee bedstead. Two good results were produced by my tadveuture, which any censorship must have approved. In the first place it helped to justify the Government in forthwith carry - oat tbeir determinatioa to put down all gusbling-houses, in the second place, it cored me of ever trying' Rouge et Noir' as as iummoseasest. The eight of a green cloth, with packs of cards mid beeps *1 money os it, will henceforth be for ever associated is my toted with a bed-esoopy desceading to suffocate me, ia the Silence weed dark/seas of the night.' hint as Mr. Faulkner pronounced ibe lint words, he started in his chair, and as- eramed &stiff, dignified position, it a great ,hurry. Bless my soul!' cried be -with a manic look of astooishment and vexation -•-•1' while 1 have bee% telling you what is the reel secret of sty interest ibe sketch you have so kindly given to me, 1 have al- together forgotten that I came here to sit for my portrait. For tbe last hour or more, 1 most hare been ibe worst model you ever Ind to paint from 'On the capillary, you bare beep the best,' said I. ' I have been paintiug from your ezpremtoo; and while telling your story, you have unconsciously shown ale the Natural expression 1 wanted.' weed **(klieg tne I resew*, to eli•vr mese all a osesdamee eleeeld sot 'woe cow mambas bias im 'seem frees Ike Geode Cowie, £1111 la. beteg the amount el eakeinselathee dee for 'muse labor, on tbe lauds of the CausadaCumpany, in three Cal 1,4 Cassettes. The •pplicattne iv/nu:Idea nn so •ffidato of the Commiesceer of the Cased. Cues - patsy, seem, Hist Use Treasurer Gte- evaealed hoes him £70 11.. fed. for tamp or the lames of the Coolmay in these Unded Criimikes-ireludee 138 b. Misfired ageism the C. Inpator'• Ismer In the Pee rah towethipe of these cocotte, for commis inline of emelt, hmteis......teet toe erocipeta. teas to rbargeil • • ibe value ofitach *fps rate lot In ereectwe lowashipe, in • stead of beteg charged to the aggregate value of all tile lands of the Company us each DI the several towaships, mad that tb• excess til lasstion crested thereby 111110105111 Ir. £t2 18s. 3d. --itiat the Treasurer ems weltaeare tti•t the ludo so charged b.- 1. eget! to floe Canada C. tiapeny, sod mad* the charge guest the Company in respect of them -that he has refused to receive the anaeunt the% would he due, if charged epee the aggregate ••lue of lands in each town ship, and instate on the commuiation tax being paid upon the value of each lot or revel of teed as valued separately. A similar rule, on the tame ground, lisp been granted tu show eaupe svoy a 'panda - mus *hosed not moue to the Tressurer of th• linty of Kett, is eider to cermet am al- legel ovetcharged of the same kind. The mention brought up by these appli cmions i• whether, under the A mem Act, 14,Vic. chap. 67, the landip of e non- remdeot owieg 1 loi• ur percale of land In a toweptep, are recites, ly charge- able, on account of •tatitte labor, faith the ra•• of commutation estimated with refer- ence to the •altre of each I it or parcel of land separately, as they would let jells, COW of resedent, a noo-'esident proprietor uweing but one lot io the townshse, or whether the non resident proprietor having declared Mewl( to be the owner or being otherwise known by the Treasurer of the County to bo the owner of th• several lots "Muth may belong to him in any one towel. ship, can inset upon their being rated for salute labor, according to the scale laid down in the 2ind cirrus° ol tde volute, up- on an estimate of the aggrceabs V .1110. The 7, 8, 9, 17, 2u, 2t, 23. arid 32 einees are Close wh.ch bear upon this question, .n1 having considered their lan- guage and stemmed all other parts of the Statute, we t Molt 11 1, clear (whatever may nave been conrctured In have beenalthe in tention of the legislature) that the scale of charge laid down to the 21nd clause to ord.- irg to which the miscued resident inhabi tants of a township are to be rated to a certain number of days Statute labor, in- creasing with the amount of their assessed prettify, bet with the ratio of increase di- miniahing as ihe reale of value incr can ooly be applied to tbe cue of parties al- so up.o the assesement rode, in oilier words resident proprietorp. In regard lo non.ressident owners °fluids i0 3117 townshtp, the act admits of no other course of rating them in the respect ef Statute labor than by fo.lowing out the. provision, of the 32mi clatke, which makes the tax io their ess• a charge against the I parcelsuf land %loch trey may owr, and not against themselves in respect to their lands. Then each ciatrict lot or par. eel of land being req.aired in such cases to be rated by Itself according to its value, witieert regard to the owner, whose name cannot appear en the hmt. We epee no au • there, for making an aggregate estimate of their value, in cunsequence of it. being *hewn apart from the assessment roll that they do le fact all belong to nom proprietor. They must all be treated wo think, as if they be!cinged to different proprietors, and must contribute according to the Vele. Of each particular lot. The effect of this will be that if A. living in the County of York owns one lot of land in each of .ix several love ships of the County of Middlesex, or six lois in one township of that County, Ma lots will in 'either case be rated for Statute labor:•c- cording to their valuation, and the act bears no more hardly upon him in the one ease than in the other. Where any ane let or parcel of land of 'a nor' -resident proems tor in a certain township is valued at any of the larger tunas mentioned in the Lind clause, that single property will have the graduated scale given in that claim,, be- cause it is only according to that scale that the charge against the lot can be mede, and re the preemptor in s..et case gets in et-- ieret.the benefit of the reduced rate of charge In proportion to the vale* of the property. But es see •o means, wi,hout somo offi ser stepping one ol It.. rif risky, and d regaining the royeiret of ihs.11t by whin) the enter..11.1.ot prnortetor can btasia the g ene ben, fit in ct ic regard to several lots of land etch he may own in the mune township. The 23rd and 32nd clauses taken lo - gather in connection with the proceedtne cianses of the se., seen. to pr. clude the Township or County racers from !tape, any regard to the currideratine of the *ante & mint putv having to pay the fate le re- epeCS 10 I IWO or ;awl, anJ on that liCcolut altering the en* to which each lest is chargeabie under the 314.1eltuse the in- tent', n of the statute being cle•r ifiat In regard tn the lends • non•residents, the elm go i• to he made on the rid' ageism the iand fuell and itot strewn the propriet•r of Wh'412 DO mention ie le be meet or notice takes in the ru..m.nl Inner opinion we must discharge the rale *ilk erste. Inconvenience may he rogyestett that .111 seam hem the swede being constructeJ as we tomb tt me•t be looking at the plain signifiestern re t lenguage. Ode w t • stated indeed by one of ma brothers dertng the element . A proprietor of land ,n one municipality may reset, in an( thee and 'ind- oor his lead likely to be saleabin in village • may di•life SU or 100 sere* accordingle tato milli lots: if each of thee, tenet be rated separately as if they belonged to differem peeptietore, lee amouat of matte% Ishtar wapiti be sesemetrena. arid so it Inlight be, and the set in this respect initht be foetid marmite v.; bel that will • gent vs power to deny to the leaguers of tee mew. it, I la a op. ratios sod of et. The Leg 'Mateo, meet be look. ed to for eorroceng any aesthetes* pro- IRELAND. The Daily News sayi:-The seeoe witnessed in Cork yesterdy was not ooly aod exciting, as a spectacle, but was full of cheerio g hope for the country. It was a magnificent demonstration of 'national energy of national resources, sod coming a. it did so soon after the seven years of desolating famine, seemed speci- ally designed for toe purpose of showing the world that tbe national vigor was as far as ever it was from being exhausted. The whole was the result of the briefest prepar- ation. 11 11 only a few months since the find idea of the exhibition was conceived, and it was then proposed that it should be confined to the mere produce of the locali- ty iteelf. It was first mentioned as a sim- ple extelsitioa for the province of 51unster, whet our late Viceroy, the Earl of Claren- doo, who perhaps look more interest in the industrial improvement of Ireland than any other mao that ever lived, suggested at once that it should be made national, and banded in bis own generous costribution to encour- age the promoters. His suggestion was unhesitatiogly adopted, and acted on, and the result has told successfully for it. Never was anything of the kind better managed. Conmottees were formed iu the principal towns of Ireland to co-operate with that of Cork, and funds and the warmest and most cordial aid were poured in from every quarter. bike its great prototype in London, the exhibition building sprung into existence as it were by magic, aud the c?otributions with which it luta been filled bare been more numerous and more beautiful than even the most en- thusiastic ventured to anticipate. The Grand Saloon oft5. Eilibition. in which the ceremony of the inauguration took place yeeterday, is 182 feet in length 53 "feet in breadth, and 50 feet in height. 31 10 covered with an arched roof, which is composed along the centre of glee. The entire structure is built of yellop pine wood the walls and arched ceilliog being divided into compartineats by richly tresselated girder'. With consummate taste, the wood work hu been left of its natural color, hay- ing been simply planed and varnished, thus showing the rice grain and mellow tint of the timber. The south end of the building is occupied by a splendid organ hy Telford. This noble instrument is erected on a lofty platform, approached by a series of steps, whereon the orchestra it dioposei. 'rhe %ides of the ball, to one-half their height, are covered with fine paintiags, exclusively tbe production of Irish art. They have beep contributed by the Natural Art socie- ties, and by individual artists. Each picture is let into • panel suitable to its See, the whole forming an iodescriba- rieh asd grankeffect. Grouped along the entire length nf the hall are plated the choicest triumph.; of the sculptor s art, from the ehedioui of I login, M' Dowell , K irk e , Foley, aad other Irish artists of eminence. In the etre the hall is erected a hand- somely designed hydraulie fountein, from which springs afer draw, making sweet gurgling tomer., and spreading ironed it delicious rot/Mesa. Inuseiliately in front of the organ sad orcloostra, is erected a platform, approached by four steps, and tottered with • rich carpet of the most bril- resat colors. litre weir" placed tbe chairs militate of his Eseelloory and the Constar. gh.atou. The chairs are of beautiful ifeeignafil richly fiensised is We dambeek pod goid. „ • The meth mid of the arm by • way arched antrawee ado a seetiblale, at the ettreew eel of which is a gallery. 'Ile 'tappet se Ars moils bisectore is truly mac - Sit *Imo that seesawed it will Bert serblitaled mem espies/or es- ' hefted tbeftio youlftrilly I no Wein of ibm w104 rostro-beit Was MN risk pacierre dila firmed beauty, bob* all °emeriti! by laihaa. net beer lise, the sills seats pre- irseed e dress Mil eilatinmeue main elf mid eitiseam Tige bloadrelfl ad#oadi inetreftouftk *ova pied dm arches- eorstereed by U. Jftepti Robinette; - *lulu" teir orb, robed io veto ''.11" Antra suds ens Dr. ikberork • Amer pule et the Ibe 1. : sb„. FIGHT BETWEEN TIIE WHITES AND BLACKS. Under our telegraphic beading, we late- ly alluded to a fight between tbe whites and tbe blacks, near New York. The following particulars we copy from the New York Mites of the 7th instant A very serious affray occurred at tbe Elysian Fields Hoboken, yesterday rooming, resulting M the death of a colored mao, named Charles Williams. It appears that Mrs. NleCar- thy, the proprietreas of the Elysian Fields Hotel, has lately discharged all Use old waiters, who were blacks, and engaged whites in their places; but alter hying them for some days sbe found they did not suit the customers,and yesterday she re-engag- ed the blacks. This gave great offence to the whites, and they determined to bare revenge. At 9 o'clock, a. when four of the blacks had been sent on an errand to the Cave House, they were attacked by the whites. The blacks turned to defend them- selves, when one of Abe whites, named Robert W. Canton, stepped forward and plunged a knife into the breast of Williams. Williams had just cried out, " Look out, Ben; be's got a knife !" and immediately aftervrard be exclaimed" Oh, my God ! I am a dead man !" These were the only words spoken ley him after the blow. -He was immediately taken to a house, and every attention was paid to him by Mrs. 51cCar- thy, but be died in about twenty minutes. The murderer was immediately seized by Peter Ashley, one of the blacks, who threw him down, took the knife away, and held hitn until Otficer Havens arrived and took charge of him. He was at once taken be- fore Justic e Browning, bet the judges, on account of the excitement, postponed the examination until title morning. Afterward he was professionally examined by Dr. Elder, the county Physician, who found a severe cut over the left eye, apareutly with a stone; as also, another on the back of the neck, and one about an inch deep on the right leg. The prisoner, to our repor- ter, stated th,t lie was 26 years old, born to Kings County, Ireland; has wife and two children, and that be now resides at No. 133 Mulberry -street, New York; that his occupation is that of a waiter. Ile ap- pears rather intelligent than otherwise, but during the doctor's examioaiion he was de- pressed, and would scarcely answer tbe questioos above a whisper. Ile was tem- porarily committed to Bergen Jail."- Co/onist. THe ARNIM! or EOROPL.-A late London letter says: " We have very good authority for stating that io 1851 there were no fewer than 2,773,833 men under arms in Europe as regular soldiers, and if to this 'lumber be added the various corps of volunteers, national guards, fax., the ag- gregate would swell up to 3,000,000 -the population of Europe was then estimated at 271,403,000. According to the usual ratio of calculation, one person out of every" twenty of the adult and able male ponula- tion of Europe was at that time a soldier, Besides this immense army, there was an aogregate fleet of 2,773 vessels, carryiog 4,105 guns, manned by at least 150,000 seamen. We cannot compare these fig- ures with any previous statements, but we feel warrented in asserting that never shave the commencement of peace movement, did the face of Europe present so belliger- ent soil appearance.-Ilalehmand hide - pendent. • 11•4 they bees a Meet aim Weer Owe Me ism, these Sate meet \.'g WOO tee' liable, as the evaleocb, weemee Peels eit. below Mem, lied Me .bp.. 111. irDet tom hominid Met in deptle-Us reheitiat this 1119.1•404*oroe ter• Ikea* after bre presi- don't.' *sea le Vie weary swastika,. fb Serest ,,greggammete='L C irevil,. te-1 ,eisr;ryfr...attiesh;th000,psonitaw:11:0.keeeat wku seemed to regs,a 11.• eirecialut &tweet weberet • g as a pr011i•r illarglel. Al though the ease ha• been rousts SIOS*•44, Ibis debris of the 'Lavery and the Menem .now-pattt that occur in Om dawdled, wait. itindeosiboiedvel.treehe f.o lidrees.t of P4. p,erre, reader the protection and •ssetasc• of guides al Woes NIT& a Afeakioliallea.sesWe have THE QUEEN IN THE MAINE LAW. anangemeate hav• bees completed by the express mit.e.„14 P411.11_, ",i,.,11 "J""1""If 0of friend. 10 the Act posited by the Legislature of New -• •°11wer.11. 0' t•aSUbdOS sod Mbetheld• I."' Brow,' ick prohibiting tbe sale of levier oo which CooHer Majesty the Queen has disallowed the Illth of July, ism. .1 t ground ;bat its peevish:lam are treellit sad Tanibruth will so• a aialatioa of the liberty of ibe subJe.rt• 11111112• two UM1111 from Camden Feist, from I Tee abuge we clip from our frAll" ...low. e.e. te„-g----161: uto• on., an I. Filet, as another svideace of the laipolair 4Tilli:dineR41141Zirnlitie 4arePt'iitaeblie rEdonnaeCiteld°ddall II lysibt r. i ititerferince of the imperial Gevernment in steamboat mail dunne the emelt or aimi. , etheip•I•ocastlit,a.ffarilof..fihree,Cpioilnu.aibiel...60Tuph,earnepri: witPcikh-l° gotten, from the first proximo. The.it are i1 te:Plit.hinefilipeuPchroviutIneeref:if uNteew..11nrktein's 1•13Dfug•UteDt• which h•ve long been reaper- The p. opts., through Cm, :et resentstoree, ed; and so loaf as our &hitt P ,ouria.t Geoe• ral expends the savings on the pece of mail bags ie Ibis way, we care sot how much he saves, even if more than 100 per cent," se the Quebec Gazelle bravely be the calm. Nor Co we care whethetratthe saving comes out of American or Canadian pocket.', ao long as we have our mail trope increased oes and rasa two humercd per ce*t., sod, Ott:Melte our allb•Crip110 bet in the same ratio. We *ball speak well of the cause and ile effect -the Colorist P. the costrary notwitbsiandieg. The Colonial • od Gazelle may knock their wife heed• together so long as they please; but, while we reap such substantial frtitt, we can of. ford to he silent on the pubjeceof protec tion.- Whig. ETIIKRIZ 'TOON or • Liore-A moot novel operation was performed at eolith &woo yesterday sfiernoon. Francis Alger, Eel, has in hut po ion at his residence in Routh Beaton, a lion about rot months old, of the species known tei the American tom arid brought • pihort time eine, from Senth AnW•ICS. The lion as It has incrraved in s z- has roue q 'it, ferecidus. and it was dermad advisable t remote lite claws, %tech are very sharp, to prevent hen hem doing injury to terms who might approach hie cage. To acconspl sh tout end, Dr. Charles T. Jackson yesterday administered ethrir to him. At &et, he was quite mom ane snap • pteh. and some diffi;elty was expetienced in getting. the sponge te Ms nose. Al lame however, a soothing irerr-ssion was mede, e nd after a pound mid • half bad been admire. isterrd he becan e perfect!! doi and slept quietly for twenty moues,. In the mean- time, his claws were removed by a pair of sharp ploeherie and ',ben bus lionalep•woke halm his trance, he found himself deprived nf his molt formidable weapons of defense. The lion soon recovereiltie wonted agility, and thug morning was as Iively as ewer. It is probable that :t will be nee sssss y to cut off his teeth before be will be cunsideretl a safe pet.- Trareller. ANICDOTS Of TUR LATI Leen P•DBIURS.•-• In his younger day, when his late Lord- ship was only the Hen. William Menlo be Linen prided himself in bomoiviug charity on oho poor cotters without bus person being known, or in guise of a gaberlunzie as was the manner 0( 005 of our ancient Statist: More On one OCCIISiOD• thus des - met trachothoisf • wo- maowpaoloiretoldelttnc :; Mheu.o:•direur about hint, well 611.4 with oatmeal. Oa asked chacty, he was at once suppled with a heedful of &Mien food. Being, as be re• presented himself tired, be was invited to eat himself. On entering 11110 conversa- tion with the a oman, he found that she was really poor, and moon got her persuaded to buy him beggar's meal at half price. Short- ly after he had gone, the old woman began toe:amine her begone when, totter great surprise, she found ibe meal to contain • goodly mixture of sixpences.:shillings. h „If. crown., fee, Conceiving the poor beg. gsr man to have made his meal 'pock" his cash depository also, sbe made after him, bellowing-“Iloy, 'Joy, man, ye've left a' yer eider amo' the meal ye self me ;" hut tho more she emoted the fasted did the ',trigger walk on, when she gave tip the chase and retureed, telling her nemhbours of the strange bargain s'ie had made, and seeiniegly very much alarmed as to it• hav• iog been honestly come by. One snore pagacions then the rest gave it as her °potion that the beggar man was none other than Willie Mauls. sod such turned out to be actually the case. TIIE PATRIOT'S FRIENDSHIP. Our neighbour, the Patriot; in implying to our inquiry as to leis *Dion on Lard Metcalfe's Pamphlet, windsim in the follow- ing manner :-- " In like manatee, the Mirror, even at this hour, looks urn us, and upon all who think with us in polities, as emessies; bet they have no more sincere (fiends, if they would only permit as to be friends. We have always adhered, and with God's bless - ma, will adhere, to oar principles without eompromese; but we have yet to hears, that there is anything in these principles, hos- tile to our Itomam Catholic fellow sub- jects. But bow can we be friends with men wain cant themselves as • body, into the arose of our political foes; who make eon - moo moue with men who despiee them - who east of Daly sad Morrie sad Sher- wood sad Mammienald, to take op Redpim M Doe II t If varien. and', Camarno, Lamle mid ga A Tait eeiei• TMe Palma o -A, eery leo ma.kabes oe. memo wo creamer ofoemed, teek plasm yesterday. ah the Pelle. bfr C. R. Oben, who rimers 14 the ...car. bee a Moll teenier deg ',mad Osak- a speriy, flearrarlesree eetutaL romkeraelp 1. amiable bisseself weeding seeepeeee se- al OW *meet by kW mediae** le hitl woe wafting.; dog be bayou *1 to efell let" wall. Mr. Mew amorniisso to r t rid ef his it isimpeeed dessalsel, sad pieta*, swami bees/ berm stab • rope -tree hie ark 40011 boo/ tegmber -.04 6.,. boo toe. Ow Woe oboes the Isiti. 00 w at per tesgt.`0000iit nes will diem their prelude., to Mimi Mem; if thew Mailbag are so rooted, all we can sae a, 16.1*0 deplore their imfatnation, sad beim Bair *yes may be .ped, before it as ts• hias, as their tree interema. Bs tin potty would he war Oriende 11 would esly mak itt.st But bow sea waibi=it te be fries* ft Mbar IWO mimes slily sapped ftse Oldest Oser-ftbei ereastage swot aid gleam orgariostisea. at do eery sismes4 we write, ere tbratiftiag kr break dui pubes peseft.-ou4 mat Irby MR. 13111011T, M. Po ON ECCLES'. •ST1C•L TITI.It • BILL• -PO • lir" • tin g the electors el Manchester last week, Mr. Bright trade the forowing observation, reo gard.ng the effct of the pectin, of the Eecleatastical TWIN Bill: -"But 'now you lien what is the effect opon what may be celled the Liberal party in the country. Lord John Romeell-cortainly from the long timehe has held high office the meet die tinguiseed statesman now in the kingdom, and the Minister who has the largest per• venal following of any man io the political get under discussion, and relined their as- world-hord John Itioseelre part v has been sent to some of the Items. Louis Napo- ootirely 'bemired to mores, himself It.. been I Iron who was watching the. proceediugs driven from office-(aed if there be an ins wirmountable objection, er a very great from a private box, therefrom sent a note difficulty, to Ms ever binding op melon • to the l'resident stating that the Assembly powerful parry in oppostiton tn the Pretee- were orer stepping their powers in refus- tiontst Government in pewee! believe that log to asent to what had been sanctioned difficulty will be found skeet entirely to by yee Council of State. The meeting commie in the mate of feeling created in broke up in confusion. rpon re-assein- Imlula 16.4 Year `" which rePref".d o' ling the next day, the Budget was again in Parlament the minds and centime', et • strong party of the Irish representativea." (Cheers . )-Bonifskire Anneal CITMIT110111111-.-TMO ANDRIC OM ON TNII Aure-An accident, with so almost* fatal termination, (secured in the Pass of the 'IT ran in ihe funds. Pwo hundred and fifty more political Great 8t. Bernard in the Alpe. nn Sate, day fternnon, the 41h inst. The portico. pni000ers had arrived at I lavre for shipment Aitrordftitft a Baredafte paper the Friar b sages ia tkitia ere ordered to m- o ots belated the Ebro. 1' iftttJGAL. The quemtioa uf i Salt iasooply at St. IT6s occasioned the liveliest discessios la the Cortes. ALGERIA. A despatch from Coutantisople to Paris ' titmouse, that the Insurreetwe of the Barictue had been put duwa and the A robe had sued for peace. 'I U RKKY There are latimatiome asooatiog to lit- tle more Mae rumours, of aa attempt by the Ilussiaa party to oast the nuoustry. INDIA. A late despatch from 'frieste announce, deb ladle Mail with dates from Bombay to the 2ad of May. There is probing later from Rangoon The troops will probably remain there mail after the rainy season is over, and should the war contiosse, additionlfl forces will be sent from Bombay, Bengal, and :Had - are surely the hest judges of their own It - betty and interest., Did Ile prohilmien ementl to der sale of opium or strychnine instead nf alcoholic liquors, which the Pro. "metal Government might hum been urged to suppress by atroog appeals from the be n evolent-we might suppose Irom the la.ge majority of the population -the same' reason might leiv• been given by the Lope. ti•I Government for exercising the veto Dower -vs that 11 1. "a violation of the li- berty of the mitijeet"! There is such a thing as the violation isf ibe liberty of a Colony in • professed desire to secure the liberty of the subject, and this te a remarkable example of ouch a cause. By Royal ordinsece the people of New Brunswick must tolerate the pestilence of the I (Nor trade and marufactioe, with es attendant amount (crepe poverty, wretch. edam and lost. her -woe 20,4. Downing St. functionary 'resumer thm. h• knows bstter what t. for their libreiti. than they 40 them' * elver! This meane nekoriag with ibe Io nal afftirs or the Colonies must bays an end.-Kunniner. MS. GREAT VIRE IN MONTREAL. ODD FOUOTM OF TUX CITT DIST/LOSSD• raters of Mum La eia sal ItIcAtebee, a. Cosoeillore kt. bt. Pstricks Wsr41 bet, it sest appear sosnriviet sever le every am, that Zr. btruies could sot secetiat for the delay which has occurred m Amity . iia( thaw pottemet true their seste at time Counch hoard, of such decease seas a 'Lewd airflow' oat. Wit profs.. not to he deeply versed in legal lore, but, to sa, it resolves itself into cow of two panne; n amely, that, sotwithatmokag Judge Burn's opinion on the subject, these reiterate were legally sod will consequeetly legally retain tr %eats tmoogbout the year; or, ...11.1t. a;6 -it has managed to pick out some legal paw or soluble io the proceedings ot Mr. Strechan i r Agsat, so as to put off time, create Costs, and re- tard the prosperity of our good turns lode- iinite:j. just as Mr. Strachan Las, for the present, managed to do by h.. sJperiOr ta- - lent, legal tact, or -something else -in these cases of appeal. Our Contemporary is down, fiteroily " like a thousand of brick" upon the unfor- tunate Justices who could uot twist it into their 11111)(1•-P0 110W they could fit it -that it ever was contemplated by the Legisla- ture that'they as Justices were to form part of • Court whe..ein jlIiiealeJanies are to be charger! to give sorbets not merely, as their oath sets forth "according to the evi- dence," but, on points of law --and that too before thty shall either eat or drink - which boor for ibe last seven months puz- zled the "highest Court in the Provisme of Canada." \\ c firmly ;where that the Jus- tices acted both conscientiously Si. correctly in this matter, fr we hold that the Court of the Quarter sessions have nothing to do with the legality or illegality of the Toms Council; but to decide as to whether or not there was sufficient evidence to justify the Magistrates in cent icting theTavern Keep- ers for selling without License; as to the law andividence that was for the Bench to decide, aud not for the Chairman alone. The Jury in this case also deserve the highest credit for their conscientious and sensible return "that they could not deter- mine whether the Corporation was legally constituted or not." And we look upoo the attempts of ale Chairman to force them to decide in this matter to be highly blame- able, and in our °Fusion, bit uo slight degree going beyond the line of his duty as such Chairman, knowing as he does that Ju lge Burns decision was only a preliminary one, and that an appeal has -keen entered aga'ast it, which appeal will not be decided until neat term. The Chairman els" well knew that no judgement was final where no mandamus had issued. Aware as wo are, that there. is much feeling etistri ; in reference to these cases of appeal, w Yoh to be as guarded in our expressions, • the itriportance of the subject will possibb. id - mit; but, blameable as we think J Jge Acland waa in the abore case, we DIA.: say that itt tSr cast of the Queen is. 2i :en, his conduct was far more reprebentiblo.- We shad, however, explain more flab that our readers may be enabled to ju for themselves. It will be in the recollection every one who vial in the Court, the:. • and Robert Donough, James Geta:s John Allan, gave in written confessions , !heir bavins soil wit`tout Licenee, iS. ring themselves co'..rely into the hands of the Mayor and Corporofion, and withdra-ring their appeals from 'Court, these with- drawal' were filed by the Clerk If the Peace, by desire of Chairman of :!.. 'owe OD Thu. day; and yet, ea the i at request of :+1r. Strachan, iJ, • air- man called lite case of Allen, and nntwith- standing that the Counsel for tit, spoo- dents pre against such ert.m...r.bmted procedevi, a• cad been 'lawn On Thursday •cening, the following dem patch was received from ItIontres::- Nue ;anal, Jely 8-7 p rn. Our city has been this day meted with a most destructiv• fir•• It commenced this 'reining about 9 6 u' dock. in • small building said to be a smolshoure, at the corner of Ht. Lawrence and Si, Cmherine streets, mid extended through the latter tig8t. Denis street ; also destroying In ii• way a number of Melding. il St. Constance Wesel sad St. &Isabel h Street In these Iridium' itonie three or fur hundred dweller's or more have been consumed. The splendid blocks of build Inge known se Cornwall Terrace, Wahop Street, to St. Denis Street Viger Square and the Cattle Market are also destroyed• Tb. General Hospital in Colchester Street barley escaped. The fire is still Towne in Langancbme Street and &Priem Strove The paw Mill of M Sylvia k Coleman in the the suburbs were on fire athiriaoyra allernn oo, and &quantity of lumber de- - Yneerday private diemstches were re ceived by telegraph, annoonciog that the fire hail continued to burn all night, and warp sell ?wee, and that the firemen had given up all 'tempts to stay 113 ravages, being exhausted by their previous labours. It seem• according ,to the above report, the fire broke out tigh in the tit. Leerence suburbs, consumed the 12 shop's Church and house, bet mimed the General Iforapital, which is in the neighbourbood, untouched, •nd that it Oen took • South-easterly dir- ection toward. Craig street. Creeping that it destroyed th• fine block of butleinge sur- rounding Dalhousie Square, treedtag the Hays's lloorie. iind then gm ting fsnly into St. Mary's suburb, it r.n down to Mol - son's Brewery, and St. Thema.' Church, which were both destroyed. Owing to the storm yesterday, we have heard notl.ing from the "cane of disorder since yesterday at 1 P. II., at which time the flames still coatteued to rage.-Glo6e. STILL FURTHER DETAILS. NE WS BY TILE CANADA. New YoRK, July 9. BRITISH PARLIA NI ENT. A motion for the production of the pa- pers in connetion with the charger against Ali Murad an Ameer of Scinde, who is asserted to have fraudulently altered the Indian treaty of Now hahwa, was made. In answer to a question, Mr. Hamilton for the government, said that negotiations between England, France, and the U nited States,for the reduction of Atlantic Postage were still pending, no answer having been given by the United States. Lord Derby bas announced that a Trea- sury Order is about to be issued prohibiting the mixture of Chicory with coffee, but permitting the sale of Chicory separate- ly. Capt. Scoresby, the veteran Arctic navigator, bas published his opinion regard. ing the wrecks seen in the ice off New- foundland. Ile expresses his decided con- viction that ibe wrecks were not the re- mains of the missing discovery ships. On Monday afternoon the new Cunard steamer Arabia, originaily the Persia, was launched from II. Steele and Sons, at Greenock. She is 2,402 tons' burden, with engines oftbe Side Lever Class, and 810 Horse power, but working up to 1,000. The ship Wilderness has arrived from Hobart Town, New South Wales, with 20,000 lbs. of gold dust. The failure of Dixon, Walkne, &. Co.; a house in the Baltic Trade is announced. Liabilities about £20.000. The Tories of Edinburgh Inc bringing forward the Hon. T. C. Bruce, a younger brother ol Lord Elgin, as their parliamen- tary candidate. Nothing definite is yet known as to the dielolution of Parliament. Mille. Wagner, the Prima Dona, had made up her quarrel with Mr. Lumley, the :Manager of I ler Majesty's Theatre. She had, however left Englaad. aVe learn from F. M. Gisborne, Esq., the Proprietor of the Newfoundland tele- papb, that the entetprioe meets with the best encouragement from the English capa- tilists and that Nlettara. Newell & Co. have contracted in lay the wires, between Newfouuilland and Cape North, Nova Scotia. F FIANCE. Tice event of the week is a further ex- hibition of restiveness on the part of the Corpse Legislatif against the dictation of the President. On Tuesday the Assembly had the Bud - discussed, and the Assembly acted .0 far independently as to throw overboard the grant of 1,745,000f. for the donation nf the Senator*. The difficulty caused • temper - 1211111 as folio • : blr • Silsbee, the cornme- al**, and Mr. nward Pant, the America author. now OD'S tour in Switzerland. Awl walked all the wsy from Chareciorat to Ililsrligny, instead of adopting the neral Man of reeling tt over theFceelay and Tete Nesse mod note thstandirg the exertion attendant wean this ....were tromp, after • brief refuse, they settled without • guide for the Hoe - pie. ef Pt. Bernard. II" treeing. te ir..41 worn melts es the merges nn the Drente, hey proceeded ..1s - 1y ••••.v•• Ht. 11,4/••/.• live intim, dm met from the Colll•OS •••.1 arc& n •••••••,k,.. Moen SI ibm. Meek see de.otate fem.& thee ewe rempelied re rest on • Mlle averteteetrig • feebler! prommeo until day. break, the Moe& beteg we es MPS so to ree• stee objeete in the gl.mera indelinabhi. Al tee.' y lighl the' Stale resumed the trete, epreegh (Map IMO S a, mmill ma semi, op. emote Memel Relies • tormble *me tbliaftruif dews the Mee( the reeks Mad evade Mined helmet% So meows the soluery soubelers. Mr. Peet, befog ruin Letters from Remo state that the Pop. and ow low mem worked hit 1171 mat a 100 km agreed to embroil" the wetenee Of death odd ramie, tied Omagh exhausted with to- e„„„het the Eng h.,lento Murray, to hap., peewee mid *04,, 11•011 seemeded by lig ' &Moor at the Galkya. rag away Me mew. la mileMee bus follow sr000ll000 ol wham met Meg wee mooed* bet I Recreate( egoista wen aniagiat lb 1.1155.0 at the entrone edge of tbe re- I at Parieburg for the Pope's two sew rep- ent,. ' meets. the Colooies. The first detachment lived at Capenne onthe 10th May. 'Ile French journals make no mention of the nee fight reported by the last marvel from Amertea. Two bad taken place eff Para. The Moniteur is to be removed tothe Pali. Ilinyal and publiabed tinder the direction of a Gommittee of three. One from each of the offices of the interior State and Police. 'Hie Emperor of Brazil having invited 60 of die Sisters of Charity to minister in the Brazilian Heepitala, a 'ember of the Sisters are about to 'inherit to Rio. SW I MERL A ND. Tbe Federal Diet was onmemooed to meet es the 5th of Jell. ITALY. The Piedmostese Chamber of Deputies have derided epee modifying riertaia arti- cles .1 11. Custom l'arit. ....seeeeeseseeeepeeeee -rec. Slime the above accounts were in type, we bav o received Montreal pipers of Smut - (ley, containing Ptak further Melilla of most melancholy calamity -perhaps the moot melancholy that ewer befell • Canadian city.' On Saturday morning, the Herald atatem that the fire was mill raging:without •ny proepects of its being stayed. That paper also stye that "in he course of the past day (Friday) and night, it has t ed a mite 10 length, by • breadth ranging from probably something like one-eighth to one ha;f of a mile." The Herald gives 50 elaborate list of the number of houses demroyed, 55 far •• it has been able to ascertain. It calculates the number ol burnt bowies to be 1030: the Gazette makes Stem 1200, and the Couri• re 1400. Th • Herald calculates the ipso to he £201,000. The atonunt of Insaraece has sot yet been ascertained with any certainty. The Comnaisaimisr of Public Works has ordered dal Emigrant Sheila to be placed at the disposal of thonsande of distressed suf- ferers, who hate been rendered housoless lied homeless by shoo eate•fropec The City Coitned held a meeting on Frus day, tied voted £IOC° to he placed at the (borrst of the Peewees' Fire Committee. A public meeting way •Iso called for Satur, day afternoon, to tefie into consideratien mesas for ibe relief of the auffereer. The number nf pereotes boneoless is esti, mated a t 13,000 .- Colonise - - SIGNAL.FIIJRON THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1852. TIIE LOYALIST AND THE QUARTER SESSIONS. WITHOUT charging 001 - cotemporary with issuing "whole columns of abuse and false- hood"---• wholesale style of assertion in which be is sometimes pleased to indulge, when his neighbours caonot believe this, that, or t'otber thing, to be blue, greto or yellow, merely because he sweets that it is so. We shell at present content our- eelvel with directing attention to a few of his assertions of last week, without apply- ing to them the harsher term of falsehoods, and shall leave the public to judge of hu xClteCITT I In alledieg to the ease of the Queen vs. Hobson, for telling spirituous Liquor with- out a License., the Loyalist says, " it was, of coon?, admitted by his Counsel, John Strachan, Esq., that he bad sold without leeeses." Ilow, disk yes reader, stands the fart, ie this the first ol these easesr Why, simply the, that two witeemes were Sianned SA prove the " as will appear by the Jusdge's mimes, and the Clerk of the Pelee's farsilo the no.; euel this too, is ftutiourreaed 51 Mr. Strachan., lariat rriftwd te admit " the fast." Bet, it forme He .1 Mr. &melon's polity to admit aoyddoe ia web aria. bie ask oars being tomb, rod eats WI I It is tree that Mr. glrethan po 4 its Court a ropy of a &orgy* 01Judge Burns, is Tehrsery lest, agamst the eighty of do from ceurt, 01.11. I114• witnetsees, hao heen dernisscd from atteuiLioce the previous day, and that he therefore declined 10 part in te cis.; Judge. Acland allowed the case to be opened and, quailed the ceivie- tion! We do think that such conduct n..• :I no comment, and as we believe it not te...kely thot this matter may be made tbe subjeq of enquiry at a higher tribunal, we shall only fortkr say, that so our cotemporary has charged the Justices with political partzan- ship for the part they took in these pro- ceedinp, it may be worth enquiry as to whether Judge Acland's conduct in this re- spect will bear a scrutiny. It is "a fact" that the Donough's arid Gentles are Radi- cals, and that Allen is a tory, why then was his case alone re -opens.% I BUFFALO AND GODERICH RAIL- ROAD. We give below tbe remarks of the To- ronto Celontin on the Buffalo and Go.lerich .Itailmads,together within extract from the Buffalo Commercial Adrertiorr on said projected Railway. &fore ietwertiog the same we would advise our cotemporary to poet himself a little more accurately in Railroad matters, before coining out so positively and *seeding that the Caeada Company have not in any mentor ',tres- sed their willingseas to aid the Buffalo sad Goderieh *theme. Mr. Canino would hie have, as believe that Frederielt der, Esq., the Canada Company's Commis - Wooer at Throats:), as also the Directors of too Coftpaay ia Eagland, aro willing, say, arseimme to thwart the utenimons seise of Huns, • opposeag ver not giving ibe.' support to the Beifalo and Goessiak eel. road. WE AiLE NOT PREPARED ft behove Ibis. Thee. Merrier June, lei.,