HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-15, Page 3h!'It1111,1111 e, 11IIIInnl1,1111,11111111111111111111 X11 till111};Inh1111111nI111}.111111nllllllll llnnllll,,111111111111}lllllllllllnll,,� e Huron Ci., -operative MEDICAL & SURGICAL SERVICES ',The People's Own Plan to Provide Medical and' Surgical Care at .Cost" Patronize Your, County Organization Which Provides Maior Medical and Surgical Benefits As Well As A $1,000.00 Life .Insurance Policy. Our members may pay their Ontario 'Hospital Services Premium though us at Six or Twelve month periods, For further information contact your nearest director, DIRECTORS; MRS. 0, G, ANDERSON BERTRAM KLOPP RR a, Wingham Zurich MRS, LLOYD TAYLOR GORDON KIRKLAND Exeter Lucknow KENNETH •JOHNS Woodham GORDON RICHARDSON Brucefield, LORNE RODGES . RR 1, Goderich RUSSELL KNIGHT RR 2, Brussels President ROY STRONG RUSSELL T. BOLTON Dublin FORDYCE CLARK RR 5, Gpderich ROY STRONG Gorrie • BERT IRWIN Clinton • Vice -President Secretary -Treasurer FORDYCE CLARK BERT IRWIN 11111111111111111111111, 1,1111111111111111111111lit 1„111111,11111,1111111111111111,1}111111111111,Inln,ll II ll 11111,11111111 Illllll ll1 WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?—Inquisitive horse owned by Fred Darling takes a look inside the local IGA supermarket to find out what's going on. He's playing his part in the Tablerite beef roundup promotion sponsored by the chain store coast to coast. Owner Fred Darling hopes to win a free vacation at a Dude Ranch in Arizona, the prize for the store with the largest increase in beef sales. —T -A Photo Ministers prefer CTA if amendments possible — Continued from page 1 will decide how to vote as in- dividuals,” Rev. R. Van Farowe, Bethel Reformed Church: "My personal opinion is that consumption will increase and the social problem become more difficult under the LCA, I would rather see ' the CTA amended." Stanley Sauder, Thames Road Mennonite Church: "I feel the CTA with amendments would provide a better atmosphere than the LCA. Under the Ontario TEST DRIVE LA RENAUL Check her lines, check her style— You can see the difference from half a mile. EXETER RENAULT SALES AND SERVICE Main Street, Exeter Telephone 968 act, I feel certain consumption would increase." Jehovah Witnesses neutral L. A. Hoffman, presiding min- ister, Jehovah's Witness, Ex- eter: "To decide against abolish- ing the CTA would mean that we must condone or otherwise share -the responsibility for such evils as may be connected with it such as, for example, having liquor or other intoxicating drink reach the consumer through i1 - legal channels, a fraudulent practice commonly known as .. '.. Xl'�ry •:F •.. :h. T1.4:, Mnl•Sv. �.ti hh :: Looking in with Liz CFPL-TV goof on Juliette show? By ELIZABETH TOUCHETTE • is alio$)mi:i,....ant.3...a„k.............fo. u.»,ZAN.M,..ka .GINSi.t,M..:.'.21�.�:£: 'Spent Saturday evening watch- ing "Juliette Show" rehearsals and was even more convinced that CFPL-TV has goofed by not carrying the show. The pro- gram this season is written by Alex Barris and produced by Bob Jarvis. The show is a smoothly paced and popular one. The Romeos and Bobby Jimby are back again. Juliette tells me that she was very surprised to find that Lon- don wasn't picking up the pro- gram since She has always drawn heavy mail from this area. Several people contacted me about the show last week. I''d suggest now that those readers, and others who would like to see the program locally, drop me a note to this effect in care of the T -A. I'll see that the letters get to Channel 10 plan- ners. It will be interesting to see if the viewer really does DO YOURSELF A FAVOR Join the thousands who regularly read and use at Ironton Net Mem WANT ADS READ THE WANT ADS You'll find bargains galore. Hundreds of farmers have found it is convenient and profitable to do their buying through the Want Ad Section. USE THE WANT ADS — SELL -- Equipment, Poultry, Livestock, Seed, Feed , -- RENT -- Farm Farm Land and Property 57—Form Equipment SLIGHTLY used. worm drive and crown, two shafts, complete. Phone GL 1-8426 after 5 p.m. 57.80 SUPER •M:T.A. live P.T.O„ live hydraulic oversize tires. Murray Reeves, Norwich, 57.80 DIAMOND beet loader. Apply Harry Rose. MA 7.3016, RR 6, Wallaceburg, 57.83 NEW Holland 4 -knife P.T.O For- age Harvester, hay and corn attach- ment; Case 4 -knife P.T.O. Forage Harvester, corn attachment;. Case 4 -knife P.T.O. Forage Harvester, hay and corn attachment; 2 Gehl Forage Blower; Case .72 Forage Blower; John Deere coil -tooth wheel cultivator; John Deere 7?Q ft. 3 -point left double disc; I.H.C. W6 stand- ard tractor; I.H.C. model C with touch control; Allis Chalmers B with cultivator; Case A 6 P,T.O. combine; Allis Chalmers 66 P.T.O. .ombine; Case .A6 motor combine ',w pickup for either Case); I.H.C. P.T.O. Baler; New Holland 76 fr baler. Martin Sales and Ser - St. Marys. 57-80 127, John Deere mounted `cker, 3 years old, Priced Sarold Renwick, Tilbury, 57-80 Ford Ferguson tractor Phone 556, New Sarum. 57-80 The -Ti m e -To ' Is TE, — HIRE— Capable Farm Help IT'S EASY TO PLACE A WANT AD PHONE A G E 8-6101 FRIENDLY AD -TAKER Or Write WANT AD DEPT. The London Free Press have a say in what is shown on TV. By the way Tuesday night Ju- liette was honoured at a car dealer's dinner in Toronto and was presented with a European style car. The ear much ,to her delight has her initials and a tiny gold rose by the door han- dle. Marjorie Hames has a new car too. A satin grey larger mo- del. Which leads me to reinterate a phrase that all my friends have heard so often "I'm real- ly going to learn to drive!" While at Tommy Hunter's ra- dio show on Monday I was sur- prised to hear a familiar voice being interviewed in the audi- ence by Bruce Smith. Mrs. Boots Klumpp and son Brad of Dashwood were there. Found the Everly Brothers very unassuming and co-opera- tive when I chatted with them recently. The boys have further guest shots lined up with Como. Although the boys rose to popu- larity with their records just three years ago—they had been singing professionally since they were children. Watched Bob Goulet rehearse his number for tonight's Wayne and Shuster show and as usual was impressed with his fine talent. Shirley Harmer hadn't ar- rived when I was there but was expected to fly in from New York where she's working up a night club act. Shirley singing in a night club is about the most incongruous act I can ima- gine. - Mrs. Cowdrey dies from stroke Mrs. Ernest Cowdrey, 52, of Kirkton, died Tuesday in St. Marys Hospital. Mrs. Cbwdrey, whose maiden name was Dora Ann Brook, suffered a stroke Thanksgiving Day and was ad- mitted to hospital. Besides her husband she is survived by Lloyd, of London, Mildred and Fred at hone and a brother, Ray Brook of Lu - can. The funeral Friday at 2:30 will be field from the R. C. Din- ney funeral home conducted by Rev. T. H. Elliott, of Kirkton. Interment will be in the Zion cern etery. Discuss utilities with canning firm Discussion of utility services and other municipal provisions took place last ween: ata special meeting between representatives of Canadian Canners Ltd. and members of town council and the PUC. The talks were "off the re- cord" but concerned the com- pany's plans for future opera- tions here,. A company spokesman reveal- ed no plans have been formulat- ed regarding bitpansion 'bootlegging'. "On the other hand, to decide in favor of abolishing would in turn mean we would be forced to receive blame for such mat- ters as increased drunkenness, if such were thecase, and for juvenile and adult delinquency; which may also result. "Therefore, since the organ- ization of Jehovah's Witnesses was expressly formed, not to de- cide on whether or not to abolish temperance acts or other politi- cal controversies among the many isms of this present world, but rather to be witnesses for the name of the great God Je- hovah. We would prefer to go on record as saying that on such matters, as Christians, we must be entirely neutral. "We gladly obey all of man's laws that are not in conflict with God's. Neither the Canada Tem- perance Act nor any law design- ed to counteract it, would in our estimation be in conflict with the Law of God. Therefore, what is done regarding the matter is no concern of ours. Be assured that whatever the outcome, we will abide by it. "However, it may be said in closing that although we are not teetotallers, we don't indulge to excess and if everyone were to follow sound Bible principles of moderation or true "temper- ance", every drug, grocery and confectionery store in town could sell intoxicating beverages over the counter and there would be neither drunkenness nor de- linquency." CTA committee — Continued from page 1 torially not long ago that Kent county 'has more bootleggers in were taken to set up an organ- ization throughout the county. Frank R. Howson, Wingham, is chairman; Elgin McKinley, Zur- ich, secretary. ,,Members who were on a dele- gation to Ottawa a few months ago expressed confidence that thg government will introduce certain amendments to correct shortcomings in the CTA Masonic official visits lodge here Rt. Wor. Bro. William Treble, Carlow, district deputy of South Huron Masonic district, paid his official visit to Lebanon Forest lodge, AF & AM, Monday night. Seventy-six members from 12 lodges attended the meetin which featured a luncheon in the OES rooms afterward. Wor. Bro, Harvey Pfaff pre- sided, The second degree was conferred on Bro. John Burke. Grand lodge officers in attend- ance included Rt. Wor. Bros. Cann, Guest, Hill, Wright. and Hodgins and V, Wor. Bros. Ta- man, Mills and Goodwin. Lodges represented included Metz, France; Moose Jaw, Sask.; Clinton, Hensall, Granton, Park- hill, Ailsa Craig, Wyoming, Car- low,• Mitchell and Lucan. MLA, mare in roundup A roundup is right up harse- ;nap Fred Darling's alley and. 'he's playing his part to the hilt in this year's beef promotion sponsored by IGA stores across Canprada, essed in cowboy regalia, he rode one of his five palomino horses to the store Tuesday to kick off his IGA Tablerite beef roundup sale, ,one of the biggest of tile chain;'; annual promo- tions. Assisting the horse and Fred was C, S. 11iacNaughton, Huron MLA, who rode the palomino in- side the food market to open the event. The two-week sale includes a contest among stores with a prize which would suit the Exe- ter owner to a "T". It's a two- week vacation for two at a Dude ranch in Arizona. If he wins the contest, and he hopes to, Fred wouldn't be able to take his own stable along but he's been told the ranch has lots of horses for him to ride, WINS BOWLERS' TURKEY Chuck Harris a driver for Wes - ton's Bread won the Thanksgiv- ing turkey raffled by the Exe- ter Lawn Bowling Club last week. Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI AND AMBULANCE 24-HOUR SERVICE The Theee4hOweee e, .00 P 13, '1'9 Po, 9 FREE ESTIMATES Sales WITH Service 1F IT'S CAN YOU NEED, THEN DON'T DELAY - CALL T.C.C. ON THE PHONE,,,TODAY 1 Loans $150. to $2,500. or more. Take u to 30 months to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Fast, courteous service. ti TRANS CANADA CREDIT .7{( �AAli. <:: Y �Y7J7d 7G6W R:ay ki ti5 • n.ti •. �" 141 THE SQUARE, PHONE 717 GODERICH, ONT. SIX BIG DAYS to shop and save at our %mai Drug Sta. actitrIMAISAIIME OWE, wirgi nie FAMOUS'1ll0Att •aUARmrEE OF QUALM' Starts Mon. Oct. 19 to Oct. 24 Place Your Order Early — Avoid Disappointment Andrew Johnston Drugs PHONE 447 EXETER MALCOLM THE MILKMAN . • By EXETER DAIRY AND WHILE MOST PEOPLE' WANT A CUP FULL OF COFFEE AND CREAM ON THE SIDE... MALCOLM LIKES Hls JUST THE OPPOSITE: t Mille, milk, milk! Certainly you can flavor it with • coffee ... or chocolate ... or what•have•you! Or drink it deliciously straight. It provides vitamins that give you energy for the activities of your day. EXETER DAIRY Phone 331