HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-15, Page 2Pale 2 The Times -Advocate, October IS, 1959 •
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Wood htopics
LORA banquet
The Evening Auxiliary ladies
+catered to a banquet held in the
United Church basement Thurs.
day evening when the LOBA No.
1167 Woodham Ladies Lodge
entertained with .a turkey sup-
per, six lodges: Lakeside, St.
Marys, Clinton, Seaforth, Lucan
and Mitchell.
The guest speaker for the eve-
ning was Past Grand Mistress
of British American LOBA, Mrs.
Arthur Day, of London.
Thanksgiving anniversary ser-
vice was held in the United
Church on Sunday morning when
the guest speaker, Rev. H. M.
Hunter, MA, of Mitchell gave an
inspiring message..
The choir assisted by Mr. 1-lar-
ry Hern of Zion West and Ken-
neth Blackler of Kirkton Pro-
r -vided
special music. The Wood-
ham quartette sang. The church
was decorated with Fall flow-
Guests for the day were:
Dir. and Mrs. Fred Roger with
Miss Grace Doupe.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brookshaw,1
Murray of St. Paul's, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Levy and Lynn, St.
Marys, Mrs. Leo Levy and baby, ,
Elizabeth, Russeldale, Mr. and
Mrs, Bryce Skinner and family
of Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Tufts, Kirkton, Mr. Harold Tufts,
Toronto, with Mrs. Roy Kirk and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott,
Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Russell and family, Russeldale,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stewart
and Jim of Niagara Falls, Ger-
ald Brintnell, Kirkton, with Mr.
and Mrs. William Rundle and
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Stephens
and family of Anderson with Mr.
and Mrs, Oscar Brine.
Mr. and Airs. Roy McCurdy,
Miss Lucille Watson of Kirkton
with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern,
Ivan and Nancy, Mr. Kenneth
Blackler with Mr. and Mrs. Glen
• Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gunning,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Rodd of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gunning and
Larry of Toronto with Mr, and
Mrs. Jim Miller and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford
and Jimmie with Mr. and Mrs.
William Dickey.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Donnelly,
Myrna and Bob, Mrs. F. Cover-
dale, Cayuga, Mr, and Mrs. Stan-
ley Mountain, St. •Marys, with
Mrs. N. Copeland and Jean.
Mr, and. Mrs. Roy Ballantyne,
Helen and Gerald of London. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Ballantyne.
Thames Road, with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Swit-
zer of London with Mrs. W. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby,
4th Line. Hr. and Mrs. Edgar
Rodd, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs.
Laverne Rodd,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray May and
Richard, Byron, Miss Donna
Copeland, London, with Mr. and
Mrs, Lawrence Copeland.
Personal items
Mrs. Garnet Johns of St.
Thomas visited her niece, Mrs.
Lloyd Smith, and Lloyd on Wed-
nesday and Thursday.
Miss Edith Rodd of London
spent the Thanksgiving holiday
with her parents.
Mr. Ron Chatten of Oakville
was a weekend visitor at .his
home in the village,
Miss Lillian Smith of Byron [
visited with Mr, and Mrs, Rp- j
bert Rundle the past week.
Misses Marian McNaughton
and Marilyn Brine spent the 1
weekehd in Port Huron with
11ir. Ken Mills of Orillia was
in the village on Saturday visit-
ing his aunts, Misses Blanche
and Rhea Mills.
Miss Betty Hern, nurse -in -
training at St. Thomas Elgin
Hospital, spent the weekend at
her home in the village.
Miss Judy Switzer of London,
Mr. Kees Van Duzen of North
Bay were weekend guests of
Mrs. W. L. Switzer.
Mrs, William Stephens of Cal-
gary, Alta.., is spending a month
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe, Mr.
Topics from
Personal items
There will be no church or
Sunday School services on Sun-
day due to Thames Road Anni-
versary service. The Elimville
Fall Anniversary will be .held
the following Sunday October
Misses Grace Routly of Lon-
don Anna Routly of Simcoe
spent the weekend with their
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton,
Douglas and Larry spent the ho-
liday weekend with relatives in
Flint, Michigan.
Mrs. Kenneth. Johns and Mrs.
Ross Skinner attended the Lon-
don Area Convention of the Wo-
men's Institutes at the Masonic
T.emple in London on Tuesday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard Pym,
Joan and. Brian visited on Sat-
urday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don McFarlane of St. Thomas
and on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Skinner of Centralia.
sailor Shop
, Alterations and Repair Work
of All Kinds
Have Winter Clothes Repaired Nowl
314 Main Street, Exeter
(Above Burkley Restaurant)
1 appreciate
because it is
� Genttner
GB church Defends modern eduction
I ,r As theOctober.Al meeting,
f the R. C.A has .resigned °and.
adopts p I a n Hone and School Association on vice-presidents s Mrs..Durand and
1 e d , evening el Mrs. W. O. Huntley have eon
By JO -ANNE H000
An Thursday evening a group
of Wren and women of the St.
John's -by -the -Lake ;church in ne-
cordanee with the Sector Plan
inet and analysed the parish
Program at considerable ienglh,
discussing repairs, equipment
needs .J'rid additional room.
The Woman's Auxiliary at
their meeting last Monday plan-
ned for a sector congregational
supper on Thursday, October r9
in the Parish Hall.
Personal items
Mr. and Airs. Lyle Needham
were entertained at the cottage
of Mr. and Mrs. Beaman of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cochrane
spent the Thanksgiving weekend
in Mount Brydges.
Mr. and Airs. J. L. Hood spent
the weekend at the French River
where they took in many sport
and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and Ross
attended the funeral of their
aunt, Miss Ella Mills, in Toron-
to on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques
and family, Mrs. M. Jacques
were Thanksgiving visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lambert and
family of Davison, Mich. Mrs.
M. Jacques is staying over for
two weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. Lambert and Glen.
Grace Paton of Kirkton visited
with Judy Blommaert on Sun-
Rev. C. E. W r i g h t, Mrs.
Wright, Ruth and Mary, Spring -
ford, Ont., were Sunday evening
guests of Mrs. Ada Butters,
Visitors at the parsonage with
Rev. J. and Mrs. Wareham for
Thanksgiving day were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wareham and Mr.
and Mrs. George Parsons of
son, Stratford, retired school in- sented to aet as ca -presidents.
spector for Perth county spoke 1 The treasurer Mrs. Glenn Mic-
s on "Dicipline and the Unjust kle announced $97.27 had been
'Criticism of the Schools today." ;realized from the sale of candy
Mr. Nelson said the strap on Exeter Fair day. The attend -
was always the means of pun- ance award went to Mrs. Don.
ishment in his school days and, Aloesseatt's room and the par
the old axiom applied "Spare' ent of the month was Mr. Carl.
the rod and spoil the child, but; Mills. Mrs, Durand announced
today it is "Suffer the little plans were underway to take the
Children". He stressed putting! members of the Safety Patrol
responsibility on a child as ear- i on a tour of the Bell Telephone
ly and as often as possible. .ln 1 building London in the near fit
their criticism of today's schools tore.
I people usually compared "the I Mr, Alfred Aquilina favored
1 best of our day with the worst' with several accordion selec-
of today." he said. tions.
Mr. Nelson was introduced by
Principal A. B. Idle and thanked' In the last ten years the per
by Mr, Murray Greene. capita cost of government in
Mrs. P. R. Durand presided 1 Canada increased from 6276 to
for the meeting. President Mrs.1$560.
A Caa141miiticnxrvr. 400
Test-drive the new Ceee-o-matte
400! In just 1-hour,ou'll realise
that there's a POWERFUL dW.r-
ence, Make a demonstration date
and get your FREE raincoat!
Ask ebNil !INK SPECIAL Trak Alleweacs
roll a.v.r get a setts bey
Exeter Farm Equipment
R. D. Jermyn, Prop.
-a good idea!
If you want a safe and sure invest-
ment that pays regular interest
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payment on a house ... ore if you
want the sense of security that
comes from having an assured
nest egg tucked safely away .. .
then join the many thousands of
Canadians who have the Canada
Savings Bond habit.
Your BNS manager will be glad
to arrange the purchase to suit
your convenience—either for
cash, by monthly instalments, or
by regular deductions from your
savings account. Come in and see
him today.
Manager: Exeter Branch, Kenneth W. McLaughlin
lid for'60...
nnouncing. the new
ecce.•• r •••••••••••••••••••••
Solid comfort! Solid performance! Solid safety! Solid beauty! You'll find them all in this
1960 Plymouth, with rustproof and rattleproof Unibody, new inclined overhead-valve six.
cylinder engine, and a whole car -full of other solid improvements new to the low -price field!
Here is a car with new Unibody con-
struction that eliminates body bolts to
give you a more solid, quieter ride
than ever !
Here is a car that features the most
complete rustproofing treatment in the
entire automobile industry!
Here is a car that delivers up to 50
extra miles on every tank of gas, with
a completely new kind of overhead-
valve six -cylinder engine inclined like
modern racing engines.
There's not a bolt in this Plymouth Unibody
to spoil the solid quiet of your Plymouth ride.
Body, frame, crossmembers and panels are
all one solid piece of steel, Every Unibody is
dipped seven times to prevent rust.
Not a bolt M the body
No car. in Plymouth's class was ever
built like this before. New"bridge truss"
Unibody makes the difference.
The Plymouth structure is all one piece
—frame, body, crossme.mbers and ex-
terior panels—without a body bolt in
it to spoil the solid silence of your
Plymouth ride.
Unibody is one and one-half times
stronger, end to end, than conventional
types. It is four times as durable.
Most comprehensive rust'.
proofing of any car—ever
Not only is your' Plymouth built to
withstand wear and road punishment.;
it's designed to resist the ravages of
weather, too. For this year, Plymouth
introduces a completely new rustproof.-
ing process, more comprehensive than
any rust preventive treatment ever
known to the auto industry.
Unibody is dipped a full seven times to
protect it for years to come l •
New Six ... new savings!
Just, lift the hood on a Plymouth 30-D
Economy Six. You'll see a totally new
kind of engine as revolutionary in the
way it looks as it is in the,way it eaves
and performs.
It's inclined to the side—just like
modern racing engines—at an angle of
Plymouth's new overhead-valve, six -cylinder
engine inclined 30 degrees, delivers up to
50 extra miles per tankful! (Plymouth V•8's
I e aaeI M S'ss tales
30 degrees. This permits a straight air
intake with no elbows or angles to
impede engine breathing. And even
more important, inclining the engine
allows Plymouth to introduce a straight-
!ine, individual -cylinder manifold system
that feeds the right diet of gas to each
cylinder independently.
Plymouth makes the big
changes the others overlooked
You've only begun to learn about
Plymouth for 1960: Here are automatic
door locks that lock all doors at the
flick of a switch. Here are automatic
swivel seats and a high -back Command
seat for the driver. And here ere
Plymouth's own Torsion-A/RE Ride,
push-button drive, Total -Contact
brakes—all improved for 1960.
But why not see for yourself? Your
Plymouth dealer has a new Plymouth
awaiting your trial and inspection
right now. Visit him today.
A Quality Product of Chrysler Corporation Engineering
1960 Plymouth.built a new solid way to give you solid satisfaction
Telephone 321