HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-07-08, Page 34 the Corps Lrlgirlalif Cha pr0lsq Ia of fain Iseelf they oerlonely bleed to miry a
H U _iU S I, G N A L.
tinlohaeco monopoly 1.41 itai at1 Z. their reprteestaure to Yarluareat 1►e bee
0II 11:2`11:2`VI's are h111ttet.s1 thea Capleie I pursues its steady Coarse said stories sod
moat advocate, •" the obewptoo rind ckrld
1863, was tarried UlaanitD0Wiy ; en rf Canadam hudaluar7 i
ard, of tie Sttalriaat Ranby, will arrive waves, is delimace of advent gales sad
sea credit of 170,OWf. for the restoration a he -a Sing tow, t GLderieh ea Tuesday, the lith July, inquest( Wet, aud str•nttforw.rd reaches
of the old Church of S. (root, et Ruoce, aid the bigoted and cuoatent defeodm of tke before dark, u order to afford the good its den nrd port. Finally, the honorable
S*tglehl v,NeQ-tri a rhe &sae .7.1b0,5:•
The Delegates of the paper malufacturers rb shall kind fork to the werlJ e
• avast
the hate jug published a protest g true opponent of their wait., and ,„6,4„614,..h
proposed duty os parer sod oboe that the sed optntuss7 We bellerc.we
tax udl nut produce arore than three mitt- wools' despair of our comet', 11 w• could be.
Ilona of francs per a0nuta. The primers lieve-the thing were possible Our broth
ai a pr' ar mg a similar memo! ial. '1' a 0,5 01 UFper Canada w uul d thea bane caoae
Cori s Leggislatif is to bold an extra session to !peak of its as s dreg .15 thine oaue,p,um
of coeie days, to pass railway bills, end gledd Sptraotgersesas. gbOtwritnejgshheosurpo• ionf t fothre U5m0-
other urgent busiuraa• The authorities
of all the cities in France, exec t Paris, ger of score at us, as world bugging urn
bate received orders to take part o the chair's. The whole might tasp"a
ap- fur upholding s5 occurred iseutuuon
preaching ceremonies of the Fete Dicw.- w bleb ever/ civilised Dauuo has cast ull
On dit that M. Vernon has m his Pones- from it wit loathing and disgust. Hart
Bien Cassagnac's manuscript, corrected is the,electorsof Two hluur.asiov heavy Ibe
the handwriting of Louis Napoleon, and cake u( Mowa 's. lltoame, is wlueh saed e
that bas obetisnte assertions arose from the 'Hent was rrnd.red Istel, in rhe Super
circumstance of hiringthe proof at hand. Court in this nit,. M r, Mlorns, a hnghlr
A Court Martial at onshas convicted rtspect•hle t.. 1i mss, pose....rd of large
7 meow, came to tat° euuntry good mage
M. Lancber Uremieui's land agent, of a years ago; he purchased property in a pa►
conspiracy to murder all the officers of the tib at some distance from Montreal: laid
12th Itet;t. No particulars of this sieve- out some thousand pounds In building (Hat
lar affair ear -
and other idle; after doing muck good in
air are given, except that four
i;eants of the regiment and two civilliaus the district, De is sued by Cho an¢Duir for
were implicated and are found guilty. 'nI°tf°riog wink but privileges, asd a AD
JUUe1lp Tu rAT a /u Ii, AaO TO Nava era
Latest accounts, received on Saturday 'ILL• OINOLe00D ! ! i'IYCb 1a the tam
morning, state That the Codocil of State wb.eb Mr. 1. J. Papi,es1 advocates and
kis come to a declaim) respecting the .1efend.; such is the •r•te111 which 111. else,
Orleans property. It has adopted the con- tors of the COutey of Two Moantana would
dubious of the, Goreenment Commission, asectrun by sending hint to Pa-ham.nt as
_depriving the j.di,.inl tribunals of the right µ"rRia .e,tatise' Will they du lie!
to decide in this case, and reserves to civil a say, we cannot believe it.-
jurisdicticu tbe examination of all questions Paea lut,
that may arise rr:latire to private properly
wbr--b the Princes of Orleans hold in value
of hereditary right. The President has
signed the decision.
We kart received Mexican papers by. ,
way of New.Orkaes, with dates ti om the
City of Mexico to June 6, and from Vera
Cruz to June 12.
An est:& session of Congress is talked -
of, Lot does out stein very probable.
There arc rumors of a cootempla:ed
rorp r:'ctat by Arista, and the Cweatitu-
twrDii sneaks %cry gravely of the prubablli-
tv of such an trait. It i. reported, more-
, f.,l.e bate a G.re meaCust ba at Vbad er
a e d been nobly endorsed by our County
'T atnpi,:o, and \iazailao, orders to suspend Council, who met iu Goderich, on the
all payments; anti to retain the specie paid 28th, and passed on the 30th, a By -
in, subject to tke call of the (overnoent.Law, empowering the County Council to
In snort, everything seems is disordered take Stock in the Buffalo, Brantford and
confusion in the unfortunate Republic. The iiee, b Rrilroad to
Treasury presents a vacuume , and Convreas the amount of �E125,-
has adjourned without settling any of the 000' The whole cost of the road is esti-
important questions submitted to It. mated at £250,000. The delegates from
Orders are said to Lave been seat to the . Buffalo and Brantford stated to the \Var-
A•ltuin.Hrator of the Customs in Mazatlan, i den and Council, before leaving Goderich,
to put late the hand of D. lsidoro de la that They were at lull liberty to state, that
Torre, a merchant in that place, all the
funds delivered into said port, to the amount the other half of the stock would be taken
cf $200,000. All tb.:se orders are linked up by the Buffalo and Brantford people, at
in the minds of many, with the said to -be- once. And as their present Charter for
coup. up. the Bele sad Brantford line, enabled
It was said that Tampico was about to them to'c;tend their line to Goderich with-
im-,use or to establish within itself, a Tariff
perfectly alike to that of the United dates. out being obliged to apply for a new Char -
One of the papers, is publishing this rumor, ler, they wou:d be able to proceed with
says that it wool/ hu, .n fact, the b._•oiuuiag the work fortbworth. And they were full►
of unaaoeeal.onwith this country. of the opinion that the line would be corn -
We find oat t,e 'G,htcst noire iu ILC
Mexican papers of the news of the rejec-
oda and the Cars roaming from Buffalo
tion of Col.:ko's Tehuantepec coatrnet_ i to Goderich by the 1st of Octdber, 1854.
The Y e-0/1:asl Po r.' sir -'•learn+ from ! We are no loner to be 420 miles distant
a private source that on the pith ult.,..tire ' from Buffalo, going the round by the lakes,
day fixed for Wrung this contract, Minis -
but by this line we are brought within 160
ter Ramirez made some objecti.w to the
interpretation of a particular word. The miles of that eity.
'matter was referred to Congress, chichi We are now fully enabled to say that
ti'terpretel it is a Manner favorable to .'theBuffalo, Brantford. end Godericb line,
Col.rSloo. The subject returied to the I has become aFrcoefact in 1 ailroatla-that
.roister. We presume That he peniated i a line of Stt:ambnats hill be placed on Lake
m rau"g dna '1113X1, asd (tut the -President
conroked tae Congress in secret session to Ilttrom,runningfrom (ioderieb to W�lwaYilie;
:.et o0 the contract, which was then reject- Bruce Mires -any the American Copper
ed. We do not See how this result could -I: Alines o. Lakes Heron and' Superior, is
have been kept so q•iiet as not to get into
the papers even in tbs shape of an on din, &iso, a Butt fact. Our Townsmen alrca-
(�ur authority in stating that the contest, i dy'ant to be impelled by steals -their
wasrejected war of a reliable nature. being I energies arc aroused -new enterprises
• well known resident of this city, who re- I are being opened up -speculations in Town
turned yesterday from the cite of Mexico." property are rife. Emigrants from other
The Trott d Union of the 2t
who appear to hart
folks of our Towa an opportunity of Judg- baronet tliaaked the tueelieg for the great
Sig by expetseace, the merits of he arc/t. attention with which they bad heard Lunt,
He ieteada taking a pleasare trip to ansae and expressed his mediums to aaswrr any
interesting point in the vicinity -be hopes questioua that might be put to him.
to be favoured with the preaauce of lbs ie- The right honorable Baronet is said to
habitants of Goderich, and especially the bare resumed bis seat amid loud applause
fairer portion of them. The Ranby will his concluding observatioan, add the repor-
Dexl Saturday tees, "having, elicited the unmistakeable
ereuwg as usual, but will make her trip an sympathy of his audience."
the 'Tuesday following.
not be here, therefore,
ACSOW TRaLIA.-We see by olate et -
change papers:-Tlat one express train
brought to Sydney on one day '2,650 oui-
cra, equal to ,:8,001 sterling. A party of
three turned out of a bole at Opbir 62 oz.,
in three days, closing at 6 P. M. The
rein of gold yields over 1 ounce per foot.
At Golden Point one lump weighing 27 oz.
re -The proposed Suspension Bridge
accretes the Maitland River, was dropped
for the iweseat, by the Council --and they
are thinking of coostructiva; a Bridge near
the harbour.
-The first number of this highly resne•cta-
Wt looking made
Caondian publication. bas
was taken out. .At Soff ala a beautiful Its appearance. From the appearance o
specimen, unmixed with the slightest Parti- this number, we would recommend the
cle of earth, weighing 52 oz. 8 dwta. 22g. public to give it a trial. The articles are
was found and tranamitted to Siduey., Pro- good, original and selected. It contains
visioosare reported to be cheap and plead- several illustrations. Published by T.th
fol. In the 10 mons since the gold was MacLean, Young Street, Torooto.
6rt discoved up to March $10,000,000 -
- Yate been shipped to other porte. FALSE REPORTS.
C} Parliament will tweet for the des-
patch of business about the latter sod of
August, it u said. The late Parliament
was prorogued on the 30th of August 1851'.
-Journal 4- Erprru.
- 'rhemominatioo for this county look place
on Thursday last, St. Andrews. The min
re Ilnterialuts have brought out • canJ.da'.ID
THE prospects of our Town a
brightening. 'The proceeding of our
Monster Meeting of the 29th June, has
Lasa remarkable article about the want ulof parts of this Province
confidence displayed by the Congress in the become fully alive to the great natural ad-
Admiuistratinn, depicting the miserable vantages of these Inc Counties, are fast
r, -edition of tLe' rouutrl in striking term., a ckmt in and taking up land. A large
and despairing of the present system, or wholesale finn in ilamiltun sent one of their
nos -system rather, of the l'gislalion and'
government administration to ave the Re- Partners up here last week, who bas enter -
public from i:s inert and debased weak- cd into arrangements to have a new buibuild-
Leib.ing ready for tbeor to open out goods in,
The Adm'at'stra400 Las aaaouneed the by the 1st of October next. And to us
basis for a ore organization of the Finan- who have seen the stand sell state of affairs
Depsrtaneot, with the intention of re-
dueing mks cancnses, but it has succeeded in this Town during* ie last eight years- -
ooly i" increasing there by a sum of $36.- our present transition to better times, is
ir00, It was reported on the 3d inst. in indeed cheering.
!bis city of Mexico that the Government A Dinner was given on Friday evening,
had wet orders to the custom officers at
Vera Cruz and Mazatlan to susiscnd all pay_ the :rid instant, at the Huron Hotel, to the
meats due by them; to suspend the emissions members of the County Council, by the
of draft, so as to retain in specie the fruits inhabitants of Goderich, in honor of their
of maritioe ewtoma for the use of the Gov- progress principles, and as a public expres-
ernmeot; and for the administratnt of the
Bust -ns at Mazaliaa to turn over to Dwon of feeling to them, in the great Part
!were de la 'Terre, a merchant in the city
n( !bey had acted in tbe Railroad Drama.-
1te.xieo, the sums •paid in nt that port up There were some excellent speeches given
0 $200r000, withoet other deductions than on the occasion. About ninety persons
'4e effitial fees. -;Vete,- York Tribune. sat down to dice, and the evening passed
We believe that a portion of the electors
' this county...British and French -are, in
'ih•r earns°,, hent on bringing Mr. Pepin -
eau forward as a beidrdste in the loribeom
election. 1f an upponeal of the Oo,•
eat is to be elected, white we will sot
sl 555 will be the ease, we keno no man
to whets ntvre we would lets object than
tealat of the hono,rih•e gentleman In
"o osis, n"Sepsriuma lege the rerun en
ge: the day of hie power 4 passed
. l ,.or ever. A man of great dde'amatory
'told cash as he ecdoebtedly po•ceseed,
y everything before bis in e
b017 hire what the House of A. -
'ably of ;Await Canada was seder the
454 erste, of gessremenl ep to the
sore'sf the 100,1,. s.
rovers Bat sew thatlergovernment by taken m more eon.motneal
arta, and that the rote, el the pe0pb os
'1%46" "54"54151011a,thre.rgh the r.pe..sea
ve•, we want a dabreet elites of wren to
detei°tt h nmobile
eer*5es,-me* of great
sad less filets; Rte* more pastiest% M•ero5ars Ila •lttr.sd p.•etlea
fe tb• Itst bn,ee n/ Assembly should ear* -
rises bisect and others c( this: so ram
there invents hes Intlu•nee tot"' the
11 woefrotn yoga ay r seines of inn Pror'wee.
sed•plerthat sa .Iphraeee a ad mrsrirest �,ptMt•
Rut what we wield
O'nee aleelera of the tetasythe 0(twettett Mamas
off with harmony and hilarity --the healths
of the delegates both from Toronto and
Buffalo, he., were drank, and replied to by
their friends in their absence. We cannot
help observing that David Christie, Esq.,
M. P. P., scemi to have made Mmol( very
popular during his short stay here, and Mr.
Wadsworth, of Buffalo, had nn rival as •
public favorite.
B*m*H PortULATION.-I■ 1851, the
total enraber of persons i. Greet. Britain
was 20,919,531; in Ireland 6,515,794.-
1. Great as Britain lied irelaad 47,445,-
3.25. Males 13,461,414; (reales 14,073,-
9.(1. Ioereass of population is Great
Britain 1141 Ireland in tea yeah 614210.
Dwelbng holes 4,790,456.
riet The Daily Cefeesid says: -It i,
said that e. the 10th alt., Gold was dis-
covered at Annapolis in Nova Scotia sad
abet it is as 'headset there, as Nis it Codi
Some, however, think diet it i not
really grid bet rely iris piriva which have
bees elialabe* fee the prseioe, metal.
&'h;7e weather has hien excessively
warts ler the est tea• ee Uwee days.
the person of Dr. Dumnucbel, of St. Ben
ooit,-M. Montmargoiet, a• pre.nme,
having declined a nomination. 510. Simp-
son and 'M. Papineau were rhe other can
dtdatea. The former, it is thought, will
retire in favour of Dr. Damouchu: and leave
tbecontest between that gentleman and
M. Papineiw. Mr. Forbes, Deputy Com-
missary General, a gentlemen reeidtog nn
the county, spoke in favour of Mr. Papie-
sou, at whlctu the Pilot exp' some
surprise. The polling take. place, on the
I 20 and 13tb_iost.-Gloke.
We clip the following able Address froth
the Banffshire Journal, which .01 be
read with interest by every true Reformer
in Canada :-The honorable Baronet met
the electors of Southwark on 'Tuesday
evening. in the course of bis address be
stigmatized the policy of Lord Derby as
"base, sneaking and miserable." Lord
Derby (he said) is now a political quer-
tion. That name is inscribed on the ban- b
nen of certain candidates as the symbol of '
their political faith, as Free -trade or Re- h
form was formerly inscribed upon our ban -
nen. (Cheers.) \%hat doe, it mean 1- •
It does not mean the famous Lord Stanley I a
It w really amusing to see the va
shapes which the torics take in their v
tion of abusing Mr. Mucks. Ile has
charged with almost every species of
litical offence, and os each he has been
i posed, the iageouity of las tuentiea
coven sornetbiag else to gull their read
with. Hat ing. been driven from every
of attack, they hare determined he
resign. Accordingly the following appe
ed in the Qeebec Chron,eje of Tues
last :--
It is rumoured that Mr. Mucks has
)Issers W. M. Raymond at ('u., this alter
noon, brwarded a w cepp.►baag�m, or what ro
atyled ••1•'uhb AIetalhe (:Ortel Case," for
the estim ate of ho. rcauawa.
In addition to as adaptation of these
cases tar the peraervatiou and trausi,u. te-
tion of beadier., the one provided ua this.
canton Surprises,* mimesis of etrk aid
fwiab, anything ul the kind ever produced
i1 ibis country, doing great credit to the
proprietors for the skill displayed.
'l'be material of which the cane is com-
posed enolate of a comIpositi•e of the tue-
tals of the moat indestructible character -
the &lupe resembling the outlines of the
Imam' body, std w )owed together as to
be iwpervluua to air or water; •eu1dopii%
this is rich fu►ding drapery of
as cloth
conforming iu shape with the case, the
handles, the dace plate, the plate for inscrib-
ing the uame, with the other plates, are of
masai, e silver, beautifully wrou4ht and
chased, having appropriate embkms, Amon;;
which appear wreaths of laurel and oak,
with • full-blown rose a sprig of oak, with
its aco:iia detached from their parent stems,
abowiug the work of the fell destroyer.
I'be inside is lined with rich white actio,
tantefilly cushioned, quilted and bound
wit/ silver e.rrd.-The whole appearance
although rich mind beautiful, still plaiu and
and appropriate. --.N. Y. Tribune.
Sia CNA& La° '.(f arias ••1./••1./Tina
el:ay.-Jo the Pamphlet reouhllr publsbed
by the celebrated Sir Chards Napier upon
the tulj•cl of the easiooal Jelenee•, the fol-
lowing palmate occurs:--" If England
vino, sh••uld be invad
ed, our war cry ebou'd ►r-
' that of the Hi(•hlredere,'Clea as Girl !
% as n..: as , w e ae.
been i d,m ani • ore .f a h ! eh -wider to
P0- thematic, r As `Ido not onderet•ed, the
ex- Eras laagssege, 1 .do
asses' lar lay
div orlbngtapby of the seuleuce, but I can for
era u• erect in war. In Spain, the army had
( 1e cross a river under • heavy fire. 'three
shalt light eompaeies-uf Ib. brigade were c
wandcd by Capt -on Gordon of the 501h
ar- Regiment (new General of Lochdn), T.•
"7 eater a riser where are, and steel, joined
amain life, was a matter that r,qutr.•d the
signed and That Sir A. AlcNab hat hero
sent for. Sir A. McNab arrived here
yesterday morning.
There i1 not a word of truth in the
above, except that Sir Allen had arrived iu.
Quebec, and that he secured • plice-net
to the Cabinet -but to reside iu during the
approaching Session of Parliament. Mr.
Mocks left Quebec co Saturday night for
Montreal for the purpose of seeing the
Prt.sident of the Great Western Railroad,
who was en route for England. He did
see him and Sir Allan too. Mr. Hinck,
made but a few hours stay, and returned to
(leasein a freight boat (which he did not
charter es stated by some of the rumor
mongers)'belongingto Messrs. McPherson
b Crane. which left Montreal on 'unduy
soon. The business of bis department de-
manding his close attendance. -Journal
4' Express,
MOST AWFUL DtsCi.ostratie.-Pkiledel.
Ora, Jane 29.-A 'Vander, who has lied
• overview erview with the brother. Skupen.kr,
to the county prison, made thef„I:owlog de-
velope,nelts to-d•v, before Mayor G,ll.tn,
being the imbalance of a confession made
by the COfll toned: Msthiaa t'knpen.kt said
he k•Ibd yonng Lehman by striking tom on
he bead with a stove leg. Bts.,r•, M.
rotl•r, waa precept, as well as Keyser
whose real name is J.,hn Rnhowski,) atilt
r large. Mathias alco modthat the part,"ad killed a farmer, nod h:s family of six
persons, near Newark, and afterwards .i -i
re lo the peewees,, haviog obtained (,173
nd snme jta•e:le'y. Ito also Confesses to
murder neer B.I'tmure, and .aid that they
ad murdered nearly eighty persona, and
urred thirty !ovine, since their arrival in
h,, count re. Piund.r, amoireting to 8.000
ullarr, to stated, was buried in the mann=
., ani under the charge of Kayser.-
ho confession is so estreragsot as to lead
o the .ophoarion that he to Insane. 11e
enressed 1.•s enetilerce in escaping thro.-g
• ald 01 K.sser, and desigael,murderin
I runcerrsed in his arrest rod conviction
soiree numerous pewee •n New York.
of the House of Commons. He was an I
eloquent orator, the Rupert of debate, t
ready In carry the Reform Bill at the ex- d
pease of arevolution-bot, zealous, chiral- 7
cons; but without a particle of statesman- - t
ship. For six years he misgoverned the h
colonies. 'There is scarcely a colonial a;
grievance of any importance which may b
not be traced to his mismanagement. He
produced a rebellion in Canada. May he no
not produce another l He sowed the seeds! 11
of our costly wars in South Africa. IIe
caused the hideous demoralization of Van
Diemen's Land, for -be was wrongheaded,
tightest 'striae up' of course. Guld at
leaped gnaw the river, -shooting 'Clan ko
Orel s RsuItes kn ,rwullen r and the eolde
eery fuU..wed the Highlander, rhouting their
cry. Gordon is now eighty years ..f age,
and Colunial of the 51 h Regiment."
Jens 25, 1852.
Ambos, Pots, per cwt. 25 0 a 95 3, Pearls.
26 6 a 00 0, FIN', Canada Fine, per bbl•
00 0 .00 0 Grain, \Vheat, 1', G. mixed.
601ba 441 a 4 6 /led. 00 00 L. C. Red,
43 08 Pork, Alm, 100s
le Oils Town, cis Ibe 4tb instant, the wife
of George Cu:, of a daughter.
Dien. •
Oa lbs 141 inst., Air. Robert Tbo.psos,
Tavern keeper, Bay bald • • -
EMAINING in the Stratford P. O. to-
8-11.Jafy 6th, 1851..
Arbogast Jon Jr Maloney Michel
iAsee Geo Moore Lets Dr Ess.
Barth Michel eulors of
B-wden It bi Mui ,it Margret
Brennan Alice' . Moraw Judy.
Brown Sydney . Mania Henry,
Ilrooarhasd %t' J Making Joe
Brennan Jae Moloy inn
Clete Wm Matin Mr. Mary
Crop►ell Jam 9 Mills Mre'kles a
CongderJ,r• cD'mald kin Faony
Catashas Palk 1tlethll David •
Dicke Wm: McIntosh Dari)
' Me Portant.
Jose 'McCsu:lyJss
Douglas We McKee* a Dasld
I)., We McPnereen Mrs -Deal
Iiieky Wtis lltcl.atchr Thu, '
Drummed Palk Orogen Eerd
h Futegsn Jnu
Pinder Wm
* Flagg We Rkba.daw Mn R 2
, Flynn Hugh . Rigg Mrs B
Fewf.ge *moo - Rutherlord Jo*
Granit George Rae Sin' . Mrs .'
a Hunte&' Mash * 2 Rust Alre
e Harrison E Y t'll.MM Stiles
n Hawitttus Jn. Sharp Arthur
- Jefferson leo - ethap,nn Jno
- Reeser Michel Tra.oy Jes
e Kimbell Char Elis W Jan
y Miasmas Jon Wa late Mrs
d Msthg►an Wm 4 Writs Mire Cataa►ine
✓ ,Meas Win „ Waddell Jae
" A. F. M1CKLE. P. M.
A July 8:h, 1839.
✓ illin gnrp SIr Charles Napier, Caput
'shooter. arrived yesterday morning, nine
y days Irom Cabman, with IP robin passes
ere and 156 steerage. When out o
er k from Panama, the measles, dyrenter
rid fever began is 'bow themsettec, se
ontrnued with ionre or less r,ru!eore fo
res week., in which same no lean tba
Illy •ix were consigned to the deep.
ccera,o0 of calm., common near the ecru
or, o0 doubt canted th'to great mortality
s the 1 eat at (bet time was most races
se. Although the passage ws• Moet
re from port to port,there ease no
tufty of Cleat on which there was win
Dough to keep her nails full All appear
ce of disc••• lett the I arsine we,k
review. to her arrival in port-Alta
reit', May 21.
obstinate, ignorant, rash, reckless, and ac
careless of consequenees; but, on the whole, in
frank, straightforward, and •manly. 'This eh
Lord Stanley is not the Lord Derby who 11
appears on the bustisgs of the present day. ■
Who is bel A Free-trader in the towns, •I
a Protectionist in the couaties-(loud sp- ,t
plause)-pro-Mayaooth in Ireland, anti- c
Maynooth in England and Scotland; say- a"
ing one thing the one day, retracting it the , fo
nest, repeating it the third, equivocating
about It tbe fnorth--a political jockey,
riding a losing bore, hoping to win by a
cross -a thimblerigger, gammo0ing clowns
and cbawbacons with the pea of protection,
which will never be found under any one
of his thimbles --(renewed applause and
laughter) --a truckler to the bigotry which
be intends to betray -the leader of men
who have no coavictioos, whose only rule
of political morality is success -the end
and aim of whose existence are the gratifi-
cation of personal ambition; men long eager
for power, ssrpriieed at obtaining it, unscru-
pulous as to the means of retaining it;
recreut Protectionists, dishonest Free-
traders, hiding insincerity under the track'
y NEMAINiNf; .n the Bel.'• Corriere up to.
July 51b, 1832.
d Coulter Ilenry WC; !1 Vtllt•m
• Campbell Archible hlrNaughenn Donees
a Create Peter N,Cls,re Mlalcom
Fn.er J,nwe Mc1;11Mo* L,ucbiu
Felker John More M,s A no
Gemmer John ]Mel wnnen W•n
Helmer Andn w MIcDertnn,d Christen
Hattlt,tn Robertson McDeruwnJ Peter 3
_ Heating It. berg Mclrnnen Aope
!fernier Henry Nlebnl \Vin
Kill, James Rnpp, J ;hn
Ritchey J •hn Itheer. o Yoaet
McTavl.h Peter To -iv -burr 5 •
Mlrposal l 1Vm W'healy Wm
McCue uuoi Tti.'.
THE Rusinees heretofore e.r,,ed 0n ie
McGi'Irtay, ender the 1111e ni Hamm
M McCracken, of the A !lone Woolen
Mill, has lh,. day been d.s•,ihrnd by mottos.
roose•t. 1p'run, sod •Iter tills day••, the
above bosoms, w::, ie rete„ J • r, hr J •eet•11
MrCrack .n. v h.. *III pity all •IeAt• eon-
trarted 1y the firm, sod coileet ail 'kilts
du. the same.
D. Snort, Willies@
Mctddlvrayr4th June, 1636. 00144
INFOR M.%TIDY W.1:Ir11Io, -
�F JOHN l'AMFRON. Miwitamlb sad
Edge T.ml M.kcr. Wee* bet heerr
fro was is Rodney. Love gins C•wtity,
Mtas,seinpt Should this not re be .molt by
tiny per►nn espable of ',HOW 0.t 10fur%R5.
trim ..f Ann •
, •u enlieuolt wwmlJ b• rte
(erred by aro nq 1n
Tor Bushy 0l.11ay, C. W .
Hay 93th Jan., ism.
I ---- STRAYF1)
Y (,LAY. --The following is We dispatch
to the I'biladelpbia Ledger, from Washing
" Yesterday afternoon there appeared to
be a giving way in Mr. ('lay's system.
Imagination attributed it, in some degree
to excitement produced by the enthusiasm
o f the Ratification Meeting. At ntghl he
was calm, but his mm.l wandered, and 10 a
low voice, he uamed his antes son, and other
relatives. Rev. Dr. Butler offered bit
services to watch during the might, but
they were deemed onneeeesary. Otri bis
last interview with 1)r. Boiler, Mr. 'Clay
expressed entire patience, resignation and
confidence in the Redeemer.
'1'hit morning Mr. Clay was perfectly
&aqui, and exceedingly feeble, and shoves
a disposition to slumber. About 104
clock, be asked for cool water, which he
s accustomed to take the a silver
be. On removing the Lobe from Es
oath he seemed to hoar• more difficulty
baa previoesly. Ile tar d to his inn and
id •don't leave nos.' `torsi after he made
motion to have his shirt -collar opened
added, '"1 am going soon," sad 'errs.-
breathed his last.
The Semite Committer Incas to -morrow
e stil euro nothing of the arrasr
will be defaitively kiows, farther this
Gat the Amend is to he n. Thursday. h
i te*.esm lly o.derstood, frothe best pot-
able sources, that the nerdy escort Mase by
the ears se Thursday altros through
unwire ea risme fon the Erie Railroad.
they pedirsetly throe*M they world he I
Phrladelphe at s.rtlaagt•t.--Lefrost Ad-
of intolerance I too pesillanimous to stick o'1
by their cotenant, not courageous enough to lea
take ap a new pontine. (i and Chrera.)
In speaking thus of the Derbyites, I do not
men to speak of all who sit a the Minis- M
(*vial nide of the Hosie, or even of all the a
members of Lord Derby's Goverment, for asd
easy of them are upright bnnorable roes- 17
try gentlemen, who Iong believed in Pro-
tection. now perceive that it resent be res-
tored, sad wish honestly to abaodnrt ,t -
I speak oily of the more active theta of
the party, sed of thole whom Lord Derby
would term "statesmen,' fie Lord Derby 801
is one of his speeches, leveed a statuses If
to a hark whisk trues ib sail. had slurs its in
tow*, with seek eiangi.g wild seri vane; t»'T'
breeze. Tiffs is sot my notion of a state. -
eau. I likes the tree datums as sad sp- ' of
-ighi pnlitwnw to a Mesa 'Peel. whick (bM
Ma. C1.£••i corns. -1a peri mlee
regseal from friesda of Hoa. Meryl
. deeeseed. (rereiysd per telegraph )
ii RI)M the R..h.ertbvv et Mr
g lip,ll., T.wnelee d N.r.anywet, en tM
Itch day of M'r, nose his. k 1.1..n., throe
years Nd, any person g•vn•g ,alnrwutnw tb.'
ell lee 1 to the reeoery el the sod
will be Iltrrally rentardord.
ri*ase •Jd,«. Bra 'nos set P D.
torr• Y TITTER.
6•.aerq'*M, loss loth. Inti. i3 -ti 31
(hely Regular Line of Clipper Ships
Wits. 6Atu rat.' New Yu.1 rum Tilt
Azov. it ['oar+ 0,1 TISK 2QTal JOLT.
IT is to only oecesamy to ray that her aceom-
u.olawore a r11 be fully equal to those of
the Slip '• Res,00.,-' %both she aucterds
.0 line. Z;Lo .dine• *11 •11,rteir.d 50,
ge0n, and •rely thug U found by rho t+bip.
Por particulars as lis bartgbt sir Passage
•PW7 10
F. A. BALL. hemline
1K. IV. CAfilk:RON, 116 Wall Pr.,
New Yurk
W ELLIOTT, Remelt \ Ice
C.�n.u', rten.
A superior Ship will follow o011.0' t a '21(4
July 7th, 135*. 5'21
DIA CORDi of grand Ilemlock Bark,
nor which the highest market price
will be pail by the Subs-irluer.
Gnderieh. May Alb, 1837. r5-015.
"-.7U!MICR IYT10Nri will be received by
the Tremens of tbeaseve Snooty up
at the 15th 0! lily -het eller that Jets so
•nbeerestue as be eteepted.
The seat wigwag et - the Directors will
'•115 plate at she Brandi Eaehsage lute.
0o Snowier the 1111. u.' 3.1- sear.
B. Q.OHM! NO%AMR. See.
Usderich. Jose 14/b, IIOS. id--qYI
Deering of the .sent.', of the late
Alexander Mct osald. will be held ri
the lluruu Ilnial, Hederrehr ea the 15t11 0l
July next, al 10 n'elork A. M.
G,dwieA, June 16'11, 188e. - v5-4:91
P. S. The rowdiest w111 please give Ito
shove three Insertions and aces their ac
cuuut to the subscriber.
n.emberi of this Band bog 10 retaru
their pubite that.ks to the Piovbtuea:
Council of the County ..1 Perth, for a head
some donation from Mr. A. M*etettb, B•q.,
,Ian a donation horn Mr. (iarri a ere 01
the innlrerturs of Perth Comely Bualdtage:
lee° G ani Air Petel Wood. Moire Hotel.)
Straiten!, 28th Jong, 16511. - s3-823
TUE homes' heretofore carried on OW
Bs) held under the nine' of Ilunl and
Luton, of the Dew Bayflrld Tannery, has
this day been dueolved 4, nontoat Consent,
)Ibe abuse business will heretofore be cat-
rodsin by B,tgg. and Luzon.
fisted D4 Stanley, thio 18th day of June,
J \COB "UN r.
D. N. RITcern, Wito..4.
Jun* Itl•b, 11141 v5 -D23
FORBID the merchants and shoemaker,
or are usher prraoo giv,ng crrd•t on •sir
arroont unle•• they recuts wy order, with
111) .ignotine.
Goderich, Slane 11tth,1AN,. v6-nta
(Preis :lllanearstter,
Was? STawuT. Copal en,
(2 dears Earn of tbeCanada C. Office.)
`MERE she intends to carry en the
" above business. Drones made to the
sera latent fashions.
Just tells.1632. aba91: Sun
erHB undersigned'viell offer tor sale by
Pablte Auction or she Met Jay of
Artguas nest, if sot -Were theorise or 1 r 1,
The fMsowing li.t'i. f1j,,., 67, 68, 69, 357,
aria, 776., Tine sale .111 he 0.1he prewr,..4,
and the Lots either so•Moen or aprntely,
to lent purehe.ere. There is a bowie on
1.ot 67, end 055 on Lot 09,
These Lots are well situated for •eery
hustness, brit particularly fur a Brewery,
I)tsulter, er A•h Works.
A pinyon of the purchase money well se-
quins to be pod at wine sal vele. Tile re.t.
due. tonne will he given therefor.
Further psrteulare can be ascertained
'roue application to
Or to /tsetse&
C. D. REID, &water,
Ilamrltun, 14.1i June, 185*, a5o23 6
%t�once is hereby given, that ell parties In
1 / righted t-, the • ob.c, her either by N .r.
or 1:u.k acemuut are nq....L.1 to es,ti,, the
won fiirrhwuh, with T•no.14, Boron,,, E q ,
at Clinton, and thereby n,e rxpene.a
J.•* nth, 1639. B. LA IV.
} 110.
*ti,'':TTLM:Nti sell other. d°.rr,.o• of per,
a .Hemp Irnuu
urv..... (Awes I.,. el
Land. Moil sites, lite., w.,r Hes lone •110
rruuul.. by Ing wpsctio tee a •(1.107 of In.
seb.entier. And per.nns Having 'trope 1t
1.1 .all or 101qre re q,.,.st.d 1.1 sem,/ pawl lett-
1.1..1 ..t... Ib 1.. vttt.:e. Ne COAsor ler
Inepercunw, a.4e fur Registry nate woo „r
natal e8'weM4. Letters Met 5.141.
7'11011A:1 .NIGttul.I.ai
three, el .4gesa. d•e,
00DRRIC1i Juno l t , ie t
--- - _ vewy0
moor M.4KP;RI
1fienw vav Prow yam 55er *WWI Iv swam"
1 A s bean gra.elr.Ity e% cvnregeo t,, vee
mow t0 swore mistral awd etN"•Mr,ne.
p•wowt•ww, 7. King Street Went
, wontCU..* O�r., w4 ~ • H 1141
,e h los res
rt10 eh ennwlst• of , sod ,
14.1,5.%w, Pr5*AA Iwo~° an., iw mak
ewd Pert.% P..rw.H, ere
Csataw.ere. Hie 0wwrkeivn'• 11«sir Iwo
We.biage'Ryes es.osi.g. 411retteg Our
pistoner t r.h0' • 4.0.e.1 ...el -ailed M.
T .rveinem*. Rrewtn.le sew K ,... ,,,•e
., Li..e rote, ie.t:. .•..s..l
rro \Y N LC l'S AN1P WILMS
tea the r.pulle Wealrtr/IMl nM ,a
semi 'ro.' of N1/anbrada
1'n° Subset**, will well h/ aucu so. n
14cro;! •t . 13, 4 a Lay nett. in Mew I 1
o ilvab in th► f rrcnuent as the V,sun' *to.. t,
Mret$M4, Ido TOWN LOTS o1 one 4...•
ter ata *n a.rei with and a oumanr
BUILDING RITES fvr bee nem. ; crpnse•.
rim lbrei100-nf the town, by way of inane
for trim of Curly two years.
Th. &burl ftupisrty re eltustad is Steer fnr`t
lie Comely T,.ws of Perth. periwinkle, 1•s
Ike ealrbee7 et Its dowel* sed shroud,.
which the preketes Lines of Kola el -.Le
N•,tl .".I Berr,lfw,L and T .u' to .rd .
llurluh, w J pews to Godcrieb and Port ea. -
ma, sed whrrh .111 duras• Itteateein,i,n,t-
.me, 1ron Oho 51.cul41lttaed Road !reinr
Woodwork to Ili ei n, h, row ib ce .ran.:.
envie'rotten, a h'eb also pacer Mr -nigh
the town; eft ugether rrndoriul at . or "t n
the beet ...urea Wives le.AC.1 ever it 1. I/ •••
CAaAda Utast. -
kuithr• Mallet? !ern may he nbt,i iuJ
eppne*uus 111 la let ler post-pr.r:) to
J.tfel I.S VUUI)14, Auctioneer.
biralfgrd, !Um Jove. 1659. 15utt.1 •
GUDERICII. 1'oit'r•s.1RN11, I1CRON
'lshe new end 'hermit Lowo►tssnre Steam
1 &.at RUBY. wl,f rue durtog the unease
is s.swa a° tul:una:-Leave 0..derteL.
(weather permitting every Sunday tieeln r,p
at 8 o'clock, and Baro;., Medical at 1
Lcs1e Detroit, for Gaiaerich. every 50(1,-
4.y, et 9 o'ctpck, a. 11.. end Heroes, at 4
tic 'fie p. tis,
Foe I.ergb: .0 paeans apply to Mr. C.
H, 31Dritou, for -weeder, oe;t door, numb of
the Kancardrer Aram.
ELi WARD, *..d.
Del volt, Feb. 90416 lo..J, -.•8
A E'.\RM &tatt oing 170 acres, sin miles
rind a half from Goderich-58 *erre
veer ..n Jr, with a rood v"ring .•reherd.
Pne %bore faun is well supp'ie 1 wHk good
water -the fences are in good nn:er A
,poor laeg Mose, a Worn 30 he 64 feet, and
don -f4taMee'with nut4ou,a.. ice.
For ;mos tet :are apply to George Fulrnn.
Tavern _Keeper, Huron Rua.:, 4 1..iles kens.
G,iderich, ni en the mention.. -
C.tboree, May 21, 1852. ' t 5•ul Ott
11. II. Bit ETT,
If Kier-Nt., Throat., Upper C.muta,
IMPORTER 'of 84.11awl Liter, Ila!dware;
)lar -lege, tiseei.-gesso; Naits, iiaajowder.
Ihepnrter of Tess, Pamirs. 'Spie.e, Fruits. Dye
Woad*. Osb, .Pana. Glue, Earihcuware-ow
heir Grittiest Packages.
1832. v5-515.
THC Dsd.r.tg.edd..ir.e se aegesiwt Mena-
.reeperd+ata ..4 rhe t:.wnrrs Merchants of
Western' Casio&a'that he 1s daily 'operetta, br
firer V.,ael. is Liv.p.ud .sod l.o*Jua. a large
►u.ak of ¥ersha.diae. *Medi will he suW kw w
Ce.b bvl,ra-aoa-6zed dedurtle e►°itis,
161 Krog street,
Toruu.u, /1;11:1211.11, 1853, ei.sle.
Ac.. Re. .
r/SHF 11nd.H:°ned bi.hostlhte
i leo h..d.n.uJ• and gwatreaesake-8;461
I,ioa.e l 0.1.
70 hot.n..da and graiIe'-.110510 Raw.
4 feria Party u1 barter., beat £aglM,
5 ion. %Vli.r-nine, wogs.
2 tone t.ha.k. in casks, _
110 ::egateN Dry Wt,i.e y,r•d,.
200kn. - Red tray.
lis sash• coatduisg vee° Gurus,' Pai..i.-d1
110 costa L1•om 8.1.•, -
lU i rte:• 1.‘4I1.1sur.
1(1 berr•I. Cr. 'm Tartar.
10 cases iJo,•a.
-A Lst0-
Ternentine, R stn, P••e',, 011 fee Meehissn,
Dine O.1 -in Menten 'Vinegar .o lane,.. C•...,
OJ ie bass aur i..
161 King Street,
Turww, April4dth, 14152. A 1/6.1113.
'HARDWARE &c. '.
it ea•lia Voile's (Jaen beton...•
t d d. H d' Condoms Sc) loos,
460 doses. Aln.,.eaa Scythes, ..viral Makers
2 do Wekle•, i
70 tea. Cell Chain, ell sites,
I.10 de Horw 1k•il•,
160 do Wwnaht Neils,
Baru do Gunpowder (kegs arra canisters).
T lone Shot.
6 care. Bingle sod D auh'e (tout,
cr•k• con thorn. e 8.141,. and Brrdte°,
22 du eoet•intugCetleey, PAR. -
4 .•Ac. (13h.•fteld (sued•),
70 do seers u.ng Loch. Laicise•, Sot 1.a,,
Beim. Trams, and • erueral .i.,.4
et-i,m'ndham d Wui,erltnrnp.
ton Gouda,
40 large Pntaah K -tile. (Renich)
tl fount Put and Camp Ovens.
161 King "Israel, y
Termite, April *8111, 1889 f iM-e1S.
1 SAL''.
70 bee Perm Rice B rt
de Loaf de
Sit bbl• sed el tierces Cnrbe.l Solas
3•0) chews Tn., .*grub. gu,st••.
7.1 belts Coll:•,
Vn do Pepper,
Ito do hosvoto,
9W h. -rte, Rsisi.a,
In easkseeresntt,
4.1hoes de
4ear. tedt,.,-
111 bolos venues qw*H t r.e Tehem dt ,
140),r, Mlae.be,
4 tirtrees Leedom Mewed§ 15' 41114 ♦ Hi
thin Bo
w rookst
100 betas tt4rel,
140 dos Tuhu°ee P,p►e
111 King Home%, iR`-tli.
Tweets. Aval 9414 I05*
( tICgM.
CAleDI,C WIG[, , w: •
i' 43 bales bee, Amerika, Cott
1211 do IMn•,
7116 hap ('... r• Wieba
*470 J.. T.s'.,' L
an Imo.* teed.•.
as ammo Illemewmper. slMe
t'w-r, mtw4•4
c testes ash few Min K...
17 twee,
'y W r5ppa.,1 Per,,,,
lbw Iles
tet g• -y 0,,
T••reta,.; £trsi : a.9a. i