HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-07-08, Page 2d
"44 die (Rate ! poweesria .aught -'5
eetod i... them dip of Mo bud, aid dl io wMew
1; pt erect his rfety fes.- I theist my arms over the (Pr uses I
situ of he bevies neo. 111•111
hem .aloe the lobes; sew 1 •i►
+vi+RNi7 ' "Coffee ! sad k"1 Jet m7 Iqs ar.i vw. don* M
tr the bottom of the beth sow 1 coat.lsirely
la Wer roes coded them op mi "mar to my thaws a• they
emelt prammeni try the eeasntrie "odd go, now 1 sks.ok est my et ampbd
+, chis ed Q to th- coral yds, potted
filaM jtalo •magical .Leet s bat ••d lav dew• gmctly w ny back;
fljlt Oi hemp•.► present, With ;
ten cow 1 furry al' doubled u w two, ort it up
um rose to depart. Pro- oto end, tkru,t sl lowest the board of tLc
feebly Isis *meted to profit by my no , bed, aid tried a satin posture. Every
d,fisg that my now friend ; slim *as m ruin; I gruawdlwil rcxali`t ,
ter. w a./e d
7 beet on preventing see 1 u 1 reit that I
was is tor
a s ce^• boo" 10
rue ,aid now ahea- And yet, unless 1 foaled out some
dosed sal trope of tlhriviog pleassDUY os toy ! method of diverhog my miad. 1 felt eve-
rted.wieoiaga. Whatever their motive might' lain that I was 01 the condition to ineagt.e
be. at any rate for, went away in a body. an sorts of horrors; to rack my brains with
\Vhee the old soldier returned, sod eat forebodings to even possible sed impoui-
ble danger, ,o sburt, to par the sight an
(Iowa •gala opposite to me at the table we sufferuo all coeceinable varieties of nerv-
had the room to ouerselven. 1 could see ous terror. I nixed repel( oo my elbow.
the croupier, io a sort of Tesuhule which and looked about tbe room,- -which was
opeeed oat of i1, eating his .upper in soli- brightened by a Iovely mnoshg10e eounog
t ht the h the win how to see d It
f ro1f1 gettstsg load d k + H hat could I dot I had o
tu4e. The aileuce was now deeper than I c eta seg e
P contained any picteres or ornarseeu, that
c ver. I could at all clearly diilisgu.ab. While
A seddes change, too, bad come over my eyes wandered from well to wall. a re -
the " ex -brave." Ile assumed a Porten- membraoce of Le 1laistre's delightful ht -
i the book • Voyage .,tour de !tli Cbars-
trws look; sad wllea Le ap..Le to me again brer, occurre,
d Io me. I resolved to r it=
1 tt epee•b was ornameotud by oo ne'I", :ate the French author, and find occupation
emforeed by no 6a„ger-snapping, enlivened minuet, to relieve Inc tedium of my wake-
s by no apostrophe., or exclamations, , kneel, by matin_ a mental inventory of
Listen, my dear nir," said he, in mys- bvery follorticll up loof robeireeources thee, and
teriotsly ronfi enlist tines-' listed 1) ao -
tu }e of aaucsatic,n, which eren a clear. a
.!d soldu•,'s educe, 1 bate been to the min- table or a wash-Lauf-stauJ, tnay be made
tress of the house CR very rharmin; woman, t to call for.b.
with a genius for cooker*!) to iinjires, on Tobe continued.
her the necessity of making us some parti-; ----- -- _
rularly strong any good coffee. You must
emeapse haemes.. -Tuns are It thou
drink this entice in order to get rid of your sand petit- (mesgmg little ways, which
little amiable exaltat inn of spirits, before e001y tenon eit
may put on wntOnt I
you think of .inti home- -you roust, ■ Ibe :a't of being deemed her atucteu . or
g T 7 foppi.b. 'rb.iiert 101110, the quiet tor•
good gracious friend! With all that mosey dt4 bow. t'.e eanit'et movetnetus in add rec-
to take home to -night, it is a sacred duty sing • fr:eud ,'r mor e•pca611T
whore one may recouunead to our good to ya:alai:If to hate your wile. about you.- garde, the toqutraig Mance, the graceful
You are known to be a wirier to en esor- alwn'Ion whwh ,s so eupt,v.ting when uni-
mous extent, by severe' gentlemen present ted will esu-pnarrseion, tceee well ensure
g ..0 1110 toot reg.rm. of even a churl. Above
tonight, who, hi a certa!n point of view, all there le a softness of manner which
are very worthy and excellent fellows; but slimed be cultivated, and wt•icb to either
man or wuman, adds a charm that 11106614
they are mortal men, my dear sir, end t1Ier entirely compensate, 1•1 lack of beauty,
have their amial. a weaknesses! Need I
.ay more! Ali, no, no! you understand
me ! ::ow, this ia'wbat you must do -send
for a cabriolet when you feel quite well
again -draw u, all the windows when you seem to those wbo engage in weightier
get into it -tell the driver to take you Thome matters.
Oro' the Targe and well lighted thorough-
fares. Ito this; any to -morrow you will MAaat1D L,ra.-Justus Moser given the
ful.uwagcuun•el, a. fr..en a 01.0 auJ mu-
thank- au old soldier for giving you a word tiler :-••. 1 lry to u,aku w retf any toose
_ of honest advice." arouud rue agreeable. It will not do to
Just as the ex -brave ended this erethic leave • Oslo to hno.elf •i.1 he comes to you,
to take no pains to attract ohm, or to ap
in very lachrymose tones, t eo eve came year before bio with a lung fete. It hs Dot
in, ready •poured out• in two cups. My at- sediffcult as you think, dray chh'd, to hew
fur etff ID e aie
nitrateure a husband
with a how. l was, parched with thirst, di
Il d
'I'I.e v.;ce cal be modulated w to intonate
tbat it will Pprak deceit; to the boort, and
from that cheat as answer : sad po:tteneu
may be wads eseentid to our nature.
Neither h tme throws auo*y lis atteodtrg
tea hush ihisgs, isergelacant a they may
he fl'
hen: to a hua1an1 w that l e obeli remain
tentitc feicud hauazd me ooeofthe cups• h ba A I
am as O woman, u vuu can 'ail o
and drank it off at a draught. Almost imi- who you Ilia ; a wary from rm. 61 the
nnht tome will out la loot iia rff •cts ; whai
afterward, I w seized with a fit
T Payr 6"j
u bks ■ uswur•.p es the ens• ; but that on
toticated these ever. The room whirled i the rbeek of a wt's is a drop poitoo to her
round and round furiously; the old soldier bwhend, Try 'o appear cLrerlut and coo -
seemed II be
beicnm•• w, not In apo ..smote but to ream
engine. I was half deafened by i l relent
a tsar ,, as t I i neeJ lard you to play the .0 •nog virtue?
of giddneos, and felt mnre coma Ietely in- he leu of •loving girl,
.camel' to be regularly bobbio- up at►d' en'ed, an your husban 'oar so ; aid
i "he^ you bore made few happy, you wl'
dewy before me, like the keen of a steam- :
'Phe .k !'raga sold 1* n'I eo great. Notlh L
tinging in my ears; a feeling Of utter be-
flatters a man sot much a1 happanen u[ hl.
wife ; he es always proud of bunself ss th.
wildtnnea[, Lclpuessess, iJiotcy, overcame' :ire
u. .1s *0.:n II you ase cheerful
enc. I vox from my chair, butting oo by you will be I;sely and Ileal, and eery mus
n.ens. willaffurd 3011 ae o rtueft of
the table to keen m♦ balance; and stammer- pp^ y
rd out, that I feltdreadfully unwell-soun-
svell, that 1 did riot know bow I was to get
" My dear friend," answered the old
roldier; and even his voice seemed to be
lobbing up and down, as he spoke-" My
dear friend• it would be madness to go
borne, io your state. You would be sure
to lox your money; you might be robbed
and reardered with the greatest ease. 1
ala going to sleep here: do rose sleep here,
too -they make up capital beds in this
hoose -take one; sleep off the effects of the
wine, and go home safely with your win-
nings, to -morrow -to -morrow, in broad
1 had no power of thinking, no feeling of
any kind, but the feeling that I must lie
down somewhere, immediately, and fall
off into a roe', refresbine, comfortable
elects So i agreed eagerly to the propo-
sal about the had, and tnok the offered
terms of the o1J soldier and the croupier --
the latter haring been summoned to shnw
the way. They led me along some pasaa-
gea and up a short Alight of stairs Wo the
bedroom which i was to occupy. The ex -
brave shoot n., warmly by the hand; pro- ,
posed that we should hreakfaat together the
neat morning; and then, followed by the
croupier, left me for the night.
I ran to the wash -hand -stand; d ankj
w ent of the water in my jug; poured the'
reed out. met plunged my fate into it -then
oat down in a chary, and tried to eompose'.
mit,-If, l soon felt better. The change
for my loo=s, from the fetid atmosphere of
the gneililine mem to the cord air of the
a.srt•nrnt i now nrcu•iied: the almost
egoat v refresbin, eltsno r for my errs, from
the Marin;; res-h'*hes of the eSalon" to
tee dun quiet fleeler of nne bed -room can -
me; sated wnnderf dly the rcatoratioe ef.
ter ta...l cold tenter. '1 Ise eiJdine'a left
me end 1 hegan to fel a little like a ree-
eo.tbl, below, again. My feel th's,u het •
e es of the ri-k of s:e.niee all night in a
RembLeg-h-•ov; my seeo.d, of the still
'treater risi •f h ytieg to get out after the
fewer was . lased. sal of gong horde sou. •
e1 strip. W....s h the streets of Peril, wstlr -
• tame wen of money ah • it ane. I had
akin' in wn...:deers than th", its the mars,
of ml' trace's; en 1 determined to loek,boll
sen berris..Je my door.
1 ^cordi..R!v, 1 *.eared rao,el( against
a1 inrrw•t'sn; Reeked tinder the bed, and
iia the eu,.hnerd tried the fastening of the
oriidow; est then ,bathed that 1 had taken
ever* mom., pler.utina, pulled on my upper
rlotkine. pont my hght whir,' was a dem nwo.
.•w thels.arth atnong • feathery litter of
woe 1 salves; and rt into bed. with the
l.. where lief f..I1 of money soder spy pillow.
1 owes (c11 tint only that i .Amid w.vt err
to deep, het 'hot 1. .rued one ri,.e rev
ret. 1 vett w141' awake, soA le a
/.roue. ?eery serve in ml body trembled
•-misery awe tJ rev were weaved to he
lean-trtnr.'s .h.epew.d. 1 towed. aa1
t je.4 t• ,t4 ever krait of positing and
etrtng GIIan 1 greeab'c word. Your edu
eitwo which gives you an immense advent:
rage. wi.1 greatly sestet ynu ; any your
o.- uiblh y will become thee nub:est gift that
1,11:1 hos bestowed upon you. when 11
•huwe rtee'f ch &fractionate .salute,, and
.tamp. on every action a soft, kind aur.
louder character, instead of washng itself,
in aeclet moulage."
The Career of Mr. Lindsay, who hetet,
contested the M.nmothahtre borough', sed
who te now • candidate for the repre.ents-
t.ou of D.riwoutb, L.rm.hee souther en-
couraging lesson for the yoong and Indus•
trluus. He was lett a• Orphan when four
year, of age, and kfi Scotland only tem
years aftereerds, wtlh four -and -sixpence in
boa pocket, to push his fortune as a sea buy.
He worked his passage to Liverpool by
ire a.rnlog Ilia coal -holt ui the ateainer. He
fond himself destitute and friendless in
Liverpool. and se -en weeks elapsed before
be gut a ship For four weeks ofthat time
he was reduced to the n •ceseity of steeping
.n :be .hods and seems of Ltv.rpool. and
u(ten had nothing l'0 eat but what hi begged
for. lee was then engaged In 'he' Isabella'.
West Ind..man, a' • see b'y, where hard
labour, night and dry, was his tut. -In 1831
i he wad lrotnut.d tu be second mals Ie
that year he was •Lipwreck.i, and both
legs and arm broken. 10 1835 he was
m,Je rhiet mite. In 1838 he was appose-•
ed w use cum:nand of the Ohre Breed. In
leg then only nineteen years old. Ile was
apo the Par..an Gulf with hoe ship In 1839
under the Commsad tat Commodore Brucke,
050 CO u own there by a sabre wound •crus•
lb. chest, but kited the man th,t dealt the I
blow el I. • mewl .hot. Ile retired from
Ifeo sed ns 1840, and was appuiniod agent to
the Cotte E hen CuaI Company he 1641. -
In 1541 lee owned the 'toter to the preeeet
1.4,1 Prot u.t of (Pepper. Ile was
hoe reeves of getting Ilar lepoul male
a , tnue, S0.:o t port, .t.rie t new ddeke an 1
wharv.0, and h0 18141 left inn place withi
a1•.odant maths of the energy wilco he
end oiler,. hay broug 41 to seer o. el -I
,,n..ru.et.(nt. In 1'144, kir. l.,.uJasy re- t
,*u ....olio L•,nJi n, and eon tnj un 1h••
.apse car, and steeple,/ 'trete, and her to17'
try Lu..ne.e was our,h Lltt,uuu per annum I
net. in 1849 ho took a pertrer. ..
pagiras AMs•bT.-*lase Mwy 1111114 -
earl, a ts.sers5 . W Me. ' Themed
tebs.p arm ths3Lahel wee beeteUe a •'s
.0 **1 Waal lkC. a by a ..eerie•
"weave ave boos attawod to go draw , ..me
•casae. flet *.Cabs was si lase It
W.imos'%and ti Nflsog 11 Ur.
! tt'f op dole( the . get
re use of ►M mad :l's 1 leetad M.rrt..o'a
bedroom. ca0 atter sag him le Me bed. with
. cbau, maltreated 4,4141 NleMalalea4.b.ek-
mg olaawr. MorrNwa' 1M tolldaag.r.w
auto, and very hill. hope of Me recover
is entertained McCabe, displayr•g method
• boa madames. his .seep.. end has a.•iMr
bees saes nor beard d ef.ce.--BpectaJur.
Pulses on Tea BANK, ur T444
W. we.11olred haat week that two piratical
boats were cossetting a lbw Treat, occa-
sionally lending their armed emirs to plea
d., a poach to the aelghb•rl.g coe.tr,,
Th. (allowing scare, in coa••c ase with
theee mar.udere, which happened within
the lot week, to mese hk. • picture of
Sp.aub, Rets., or blcatoea life -thee 117.
thing which we eolith hays expected to
have heard a is Eagle's, is the year 1889.
A hew mummy' .rain, the wife of • res-
pectable men 1• Deryth.rpe on the basks
iso the Trent, went to the attack, some bete
dried yards behind her house, to poll seam
hay (or the cow. 'Pu her a eienhmsot, she
oboe/Ra id a mat's head peeping out from
s•.ler the hay. Uo..o her uttering some
etclam•ti•o in a atm, he was aw.keesd ase
'Datautly sprung upon his feet with bra gun
over het shoulder. At the same m0m0n1
s hogs dog rushed neon her. The brtgaed
maned the animal o5; sad by this lame two
of his followers, awned tikewt.o, had entre
from under the ato.ek and jutbed their leader.
B ut this attain/teat part "f the story 10 -
wain. yet to bo told, Th• fellows bad
with them ■ large carpet Imre4 c •niahmnf•'
donb,lere, the spoils of the mg'6t, and ate
a number of sore -•--.They po-itively bar
the effrontery to divide thea among them
e nder the w induwa of the house of the per
e on w alarmed to thein, and i wo of them
manioc! is their boat close to it for mese
hours until rejoined by their companion.
And yet no one made coy effort to interrupt
or rapture them. Even so late as Tueedav
last, lour of the ging. headed by their tel.
captain, a Dotorhgu, character, were seen
within • mile of the ami plies -a gent!%
. ran returning from West Butterwick bad
to make a good run of it to eeeape from
timer. It scene, • marvellous lbing to ua
teat such things can he done with impunity
for four or Eve weeks together, and that no
steps should ban been taken to disperse
and break up euch a desperate gang o1 out-
laws, he make no efforts to dugutte either
themselves or their occupation. A look
nut for the 'Phe prates is cow kept in most
of :hu v:llage, but they always contrive to
tern up where they are least expected.
They must hove friends who give them in-
formation. The amount of game alone
which they obtained i. enormous. Their
wesponl for night shooting are airguns,
which to the carle•e eye have the louk of
walking sticks -Lincolnshire Tirn.
Tbe Times of Tuesday says :-The
diel ion, even supposing it partly accounted
for by the politic withdrawal of more than a
hundred Mto steric isle, is • gray e fact, and
calls fur the •t.entive consideration of all
parties: Mr. D' lineli must now see that
tes go ahead speech on the budget has pro-
cured h:un no immunity from Parliamentary
chast•.ement, much less any concession of
setna; power. 1t a Mao pretty clear that
nota day should be lost to bringing the
evasion to the spediest possible conclusion.
The least attempt to do anything will ex •
pose ]J•outers to some unpleasant memento
of Ihsir merely stopgap vocatoo; and
through Lord Julia Remelt and the great
Whig chief may con,00t to be megoanitnous
any independent member has it in his pow-
er to humble the Government, of course
not without advantage to h mself and Io.!
!rends. Nothing can be done., -nothing
e• -.r conld be done, without the cnnfideoce
of the 'louse ; and it is evident that the
nrea•nt Hour. d".e cot feel con6•leoc. in
her M.jesty'e present advisers.
A Mitt more important lesson remains to
be gathered from thea division an it is one
that particultrly coaeeros Lord Darby and
the• principal members of hu Cab:net. it
will not do for them to be saying and un-
saying as they have done lately. 1f they
w111 to gain the erode which they do not
pusses* now they must not ray en. thueg
in the L"rd., ennther i n the Commune, and
•pother 61 the Manton -'house, beside. a
still Rester discord of voices by tb a m"caths
ofeubordinetes in L•neolnch're, or Notting•
hamsh re, or Ipswich. All this variety
and vacillation seems to show a double
mind, if not ab.otutety • sinister intention.
There may be no meaning to 11, but it looks
end a not respectable. The country
-end we use that word without reepect
of parties -Is onnoyiog, and on the point of
being d:ege.led with a Iaaguage -which it
.moot ued.rstand• That perhaps come -
bend to teat Like's r evufe° ; and, it it did,
it will doubtless express itself Still mon
pistol, belies long.
Mr. Lhn•bav ha• e11..ca'ed house t deviser
Ibe •pale even ng hours. and,uu wtse.l o5.s
elf., kis busy eugegenten,., 1l'.&, cal Ile
year,, whiten rarhoird p.mphl-te .aid tester.
roe floret teas which roucers the intern/ in*
tercet- Daly 11.1 year 1.e p..bh.he-1 a ehtp•
plug work. Mr. (.esdaay, to a epooeh N
h.ersd l..1 week, gale a histur, of hes heo
stares attars in order that 11.e people of
Dartmouth might underaawd fere pee.lw•.
Ile owns 22 stype, all of Ibe b'gheet ,1. 1
elses tottered te h* owl Renee, ea so under
*tiler, bet year's beafnerse, he -states that
b. rherlaam, la -t yeti 700 sh.pe to and
fr-•m all pert, of thea world. bet'prr.etpelly
(sem and Ise Mdil.►nees. -Ills bourse
1 ,wows. km yd.,. s• beaters. upwerde a1
59 400 000: ekipr'ed. a• a entraeter,.te0,000
t••wa -.r now, TA•♦ tea,
Aer eltl(ee
as hr..1.rp, ea e0• 0Nr, owe wither end •
' 1.4f gaarters of grates' 1•1.y ten ever, se
dA p`,n= b,sbaer, 4500 i100 a year. ,
1a referee.e to this important gnestioa
the Montreal Pilot pablisbes a letter, ad-
dressed to the Hoe. F. Mocks, which we
give below. from a geaticmae wbo though
professing principles not in accordance with
tbe Hon. gentleman, yet admires the man-
ly way in which be stood up for his country
and asserted his right to be attended to
even by Her Majesty's Secretary for the
Celanese :
Stn, --In common, 1 believe, with the
great mart of the inhabitants of this Pro-
vince, I rejoice itt the firm and manly posi-
tion which you have taken, in your letter
to the Cotoeial Secretary. -It -is time that
the government and people of England
should know that, while sentiments of lore
and loyalty to owe Queen and Aar mother
errantry eontinee to be the distinguishing
characteristics of the Canadian, these feel-
ings are sot else resnit or the proof either
of eonario1s weakness and need of Rapport
or of • erioging and anvil. spirit. Tri
vow MMnee IM honor of bayint boon the
I i 1 :rialto M.niater who bas spoken is
, tli+ language of bneest pride and indipend-
poe, to *Octets who hey* ever treated oar
repte• ettativee and interests with slime.
I or contempt. 1 am so admirer or suppor-
ter of yours, and my name, were it ksown,
wield be se6eieut g.araetee (bat my lane -
goer is not that of adelatios from a Mom -
bhp sopporter. Ret, interested hke you ie
the welfare of my ronntry, i rejoice that
yes, et the first ol5crr of the rotary, should
10 (earl.m and bold Iangseg,lu.e asserted
the bower sod iedrp.sdenee of the people
you represewt.
1'o41 here told the Cottoned Secretary
end his fri.sds, (bet they men one eeaswlt-
.d the interests of HK Majesty's Govern -
meet in the steps they have takea-cad i
firmly believe you have spokes the truth
thee at preawt, .t Moat. will meh dle4r
aad.ratawisog notes, Minot. roar letter,
Oto ! I4 is thee stektite push pb•r 1 Parlismeot it he introduces we mak"' "a°
L ear !+n7 who these ep from their es that desired by Mr. !fucks, Mew* to
r'elIertsl m which tats, their sleepy tatbffar- additsoo to the above ubjectieras, Yeo
eats will disooser that Cosa & has bona- be &drorse to the ieteresta of the coin*,
IP•oetoamia , 00 bllttt. hest otr.s, teal ■hoe demal7 wa absent from the. coolie-
ima •• popoiedeo Users s 0ewgit to Meet eKcedumg the time that Mr. pucks 11-
h•r t>tbta sad mako'her voice eregtbbeard ts 4s d to 1 111-
wberevcr aid wlyever it is accessary for By what authority the above statements
her to ape.k. I passime that it is still a are made, the writer dem out sec het to in -
rem 0bj501 with the British Government form hes readers. Ile was Quarter Dlas-
lo 1aintaie the coaseoioe that exists be- In General of Canada, and cerlaiuly roust
Iweea Eaglaad sad her richest Colony; if kuow everytluDg that C'asda, Nova Scotia
so, etre ought to 'mow, that that cuonet.oi and New Brunswick required. \\'bat
vas may be preserved by securing the et- with Sir J. Pakingtoe slid his imperial
fect.o•a of the people of this country To Parlament, W. S. Oloorsou and his roil,•
treat her representative, 1a England's is- tar, Road, and H. B. Willem end bis Aa-
titatt w, with ler respect than is shown to oezatiou teadeucies, Canada is well tun-
peely Priseipaliy of Lurupe or Bout► :PEErea-rciaNteGd
at the C Dart of S[. James•
America, is to caB u t . blu.L of Seig-
aatioo Ia (1. check ofpovery Caoadiao yea- OF 'l'll6 MEDICAL PRO
teas from Gaspe tu Sandwich. Let Sir FEB IU •
Jobs Pakingtue look at what is now pear -
hog iu the Proviacea.-TheAoMzatioa 1\'•
giro below the r..ulutmns adopted
feekiog i. indeed asleep, bet b, iso mew at iba meeting, *Inch we not ced in our
dead Does he wish la t issue. \\e may add there was •Oma
w to awaken d again, '
fi ' a,eaJaents offered but they werd.lw h
refreshed from its *lambert if he thick
s jecteft. Their oDJwet ass to o awe_
that oothiog then let him east Lia eyes Iha .Sect . f the 1tesulutfnns which were
alopg our frontier, her will see Ame,ieaa paned; and they were crated by Doetora
railroads approaching in all directions, draw- who ware o w0 to haus th• per kitten
m our reduce, our traveller*, our motlej incor orated stall. The number of thew
to Atsisiican ports. He will find our lum buwever wee very few, a only fire voted
her and our flour -our only staples --pour- for the amendments, while the rewluunne
ing 10(0 the United State. 1a an every day were paned by • tale meeting. The
iucreauno tide; be will fmd American in- portional opp00eot was Dr. Jarrow. Ile
alleged that it would be mejurmus to the
!.reels represented, and largely represent- hetet interests at the prolwriuo and that the
ed, in eve y city, town and tillage in Cana- public were generally opposed to it. -
1a; nay more, be will find that Americas Cwetnry atglin:gala wrro put forth
in has a representative in the pocket by the majuroy of tli. meting, who
every man IS Canada, wboor
o has i bushel bell this .cnrnontioa esu nocJeJ to
of wheat, a log of umber, ora dozen of chard ihs prol'ua lona a proper posrliun,
eggs to seek a market for. The eyes of and was no wore thin an act in pities to ask
all men are turned to the United States of
from the Leyulalnre..raing that the Ale -
America; the annexation of' railroads and dre.l profeaaton 111 Upper Canada w.. in
commerce is all but tom Jeted, and Ibis is curpont.J,
i •Poe (ollowmg arc the resolutions: -
ate tome, cab! moat sapient Cdouiat Secre- blamed by Dr. O'Brien, sacuudrd by Dr.
tary, that jou kindly offer most gracious Tenif•n.s ,-
permieahoo to make and pay fora military I. '1'!ut this mee'ing he:ictee that some
road --and Ibis ins,: he time when after mak- t .guts Inc ep.tclme1,t for the incorpnratiuo
hug our represetive deuce ■ttendaoce
for several weeks, like a pensioner, you
send hint back to us without an answer. It
is not the first time that our representatives
have been so treated, but thanks to you,
Sir, I venture to say it will be the last,
for with your example to look to, no man
will dare henceforth to forget what is due
to the dignity of the people of Canada. 1
.alt In t ovllr. 111 t• tprelttat the 1 t10eh rat oo shall
say nothiog of the railway itself. 1 regret,
as I doubt not you do, that the Halifax determine the rntnary education of
,i1att pups;,, the direction and course
road is not to be made; because I foresee Cand
the: its failure now will be a failure forever of study, and the qualfcau0rs for 'wenn,
and.tbat failure will be another among the should conduct and make the examinations
many stimulant, to the changes that are for hconoe,-aa.1 regulate and coutrul the
quietly but rapidly ieveloping themselves. conduct of Its members.
As ave already said, I am no suppor- Mooed by Dr, tang., •d 1
Ibornate, second -
oil by Ur. Orr, of Bond Beail,-
3. That the branches of the i.egislsture
be prepared and circulated for signature
among. the member) of the Protection,
',raying for seal' an act of incorporation ae
has been already granted to our Brethern of
the Lnwsr Pro,ince,.1.41 that Drs. M'K•-
lean, Turen.nd, Lowe, Badgley, Bovell,
Church and Smythe, be a Committee to
draft and prepare the ante.
4. Mt. Smythe wooed, seconded by Dr.
That Ihtd meeting do form itself into&
soluotarr aesoeiatt.a,10 be eslled the ?ro
vine's! A-suct•tion of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Upper Called', and that a Commit-
tee vorsisting of the same gentlemen ap-
pointed under the third tea .lut on do pre-
pare a code of by-laws and regulations for
of a College of physicians and surgeons.
cornro.ed of the IepalIy q'ral:fi, d practioners
of Medicine in the L'ppet Province. is Ind s-
peusable for the msinhatnance of those
rghts whtcb are enj .yid by them in the
Seiler Prwiaee, and to the Mother Coun-
Moved by Dr. Telfer, seconded by Dr.
Paget, of Tho•ohill,--
!. That such Act of locorpo•ation. shall
ter of yours, but I congratulate my coun-
trymen on having been so well represented
on this occasion, and I rejoice at the bold
stand taken by you oo this multa texata
frrrdtiO. ,
Montreal, June 17, 1852. -
The New York Sun in remarking upon
the conduct of Her Majesty's Government
towards the Representative of Canada,
says :--
We cannot but admire the manly lan-
guage of self-respect, and of . respect for
the dignity of so important and respectable
n Colony as Canada, used by Mr. Hincks.
Mr. Hincks, be it understood, Ls a warm
loyalist, but men of intelligence and honor
do not sacrifice duty to a worthless seoti-
ment, the relult of education or habit. But
while oo this subject, we may notice this
project of a military road. \\-hat do the
Canadians want with a military road!
Commerce and internal improiements are
the objects to be promuted.-
So ny we. "Commerce and internal
improvements" are tbe main objects un-
doubtedly, and Mr. Hunks spoke the mind
of nine -tenths of the people of. Canada,
when be said," if England wants a military
road let her build it." It would be • scheme
fraught with destruction to our present pros-
perity, for Canada to undertake to pay the
interest upon so heavy an amount as the
building of this military road would require,
with hardly a chance of its ever paying its
expenses even schen completed. The
Sun proceeds as follows: -
The troth is, that the presentand future
pennaneut interests of Canada, arid of all
One British North American I'roriocee
are more intimately as,ociated with those
of the United States than with those of
England. -The fact should incline our
neighbours to consult, io their public enter
prises, their owe wants and r0nvenieace,
and not the jealous ambitions of England.
As Mr. Hincks aptly remarks, if Englan
wants a military road, let her construct i
out of her own resources. It could serve
no other purpose than to retain or 'enslave
the Colonies againat their will. English
statesmen should not foolishly dream, at this
day, of sending an army to march through
the United States. Let tbem improve the
'defences of their little sea-girt home; manu
facture more rifles to shoot" fsllibusterinpf"
Frenchmen, troublesome Kaffir*, or stiff
necked Burmese; but let them treat their
Canadian children in a Christian manner,
and prudently refrain from provoking
Brother Jonathan to any other kind of con-
test than yacht rates, clipper voyages, and
ocean steamship trips.
We perceive that some neer-wise person
glorying in tee sobriquet of W. S. Moor -
son, hu appeared in the Tuna, and intro -
daces himself as having been Quarter Mas-
ter General of the Forces in (•nada, dur-
ing a s,ace of five years, and therefore
claims to know mere than any body else
possibly can of what Canada requtres. He
Rays as a commencement--" 1 am prepared
to show that \ir. Ilincks' propoaitrons were
sot web as are consistent with the Imperial
isteresta." Vee quote from hit letter but
strangle paragraph, to let our readers see
whststbe 1':s -Quarter. Masters G..srars
°pintos a concernieg the Rival Uses: -
An idea 4e.181 to be enter named that
the line of railway to unite the ebree pro-
oinees which was reenmwsended by the
Government starve,ors, [and Inc which dot.
Lord Grey's Gorersmrut prnmtsed coa-
ditissal support] is considerably longer or
eeawdenb!y more eapprrmire then the sew
list for which Mr. Hawke now contends;
bet this is not en. 'Phe former Ilse is welt -
ie a fraction of the same length as the lat-
ter, sed the trunk lire for the onion of the
proeisces and for moat rapid ronectips
with Great Britain would be romplete is
iba former ease, whereas in the ease now
e dyorated by Mr. Meek* there would be
no complete unite betimes the thee. pro.
yineee but a mane of the two not of the
tiro, with the State of Maio*.
This is the plus position with whioh the
fr'.nlesiel Miaister will hove to deal before
the G ,veromenl of the some.
8. Moved by Dr. M'Kellan, encoded by
Dr- Lowe. -
That the followie( instruction be gisen
to the Committee to draw up a petition to
the I.ngiotature Ger so Act of Incerporatt0s
for the College of Pbysicans and Surgeon.,
in accordance with the terms of the tbird
resole non.-Coloaiat.
b he oboe or bla eck. be hese the tell
&c!# 4 they 1•11.- IOk Q.Meriew Cor
A swims odour ctimes wee hold last
.0.0455 at the Cowell' Cbamber to appoint
dieleget.a to • e MF.•de..o.*iiva lis ba held
at Guderien, Caned*, ma Tuesday seat, seed
a condensed report of the proceedings will
b. fooled in souther colossi.
Ws look upon the projected Railroad by
which it Is proposed to owe a direct corn
munication between pufl'tlu and lsuderieh
on Lk* Duro., a oats of the must roper
tool schemes vetch has.,.( been subual:ad
to the• consideratrun of our citizens A m0.
amen reflection nod • glens, at lb• map,
must be eufyictent to tonelnoe any person 111
the advantages held out by the propnsre
work. It se Ow of 'hoed direct any natural
chaaucta which euggeet themselsrs at oeee
as • proper outlet fur tbis trade of a pieties
of country the importance of wbieh a b.
gtnetng to be felt, and which has baiter
ria keen unnoticed and almo•1 nukoow..-
Its geographleal s'toatton points out In
-lastly the required hok fa the chain of era
vel f om th• Alienee cru.& to the Upper
Lakes and the great copper regions; sad a
Tran/hi Ione across the maps from New
York to Lake Superior traversee the very
route propelled to be upeocd by the BuieIo
and Gode11etr RaiIroad.
The distance trinm Buffrl r to Ou derich by
Ilia route surveyed forth* projected road, Is
kw than from here to Cleveland, beton",
all ono hundred rod a z'y miles. The di.
macs Lound the Lakes as now travelled by
the Milwaukee steamers. is four hundred
tailed. A j)ureey white now takes 38
hotrod to accomplish, in gond w reties, cou'd
then be Medd at any season of the year 1r.
lees than st* hours, Weer. such plan end
coneptcuous advantages preraut theineelcer,
comment upon the impel tepee of the under
taking 1e unneeded. It must however he
borne on mind, that independent of tee bo-
nefit of such an ann,htt.Uue of lime and
spare in the travel between the• easter. ci-
Iirs of America, and the important revolts
o1 tots Upper Lakes a vast aJdrron will be
made to the local trade of IIo4'a,o, by the
'opening of a rich and important section of
Canada to our market Our Canadtsn
neighbours are fully awake to the advanta-
ges they will derive from a eoaaeeIion wtlh
our city, and .:pews Lrgh confidence in the
succeed of the project. sot its prespecls as
a rer*lineratis• anvealmedt. Thirty four
Townships out of Ihrrty•eis have a:preraed
sheer wilitna;nees to take a full proportion
of the *trick of the end, and the uoty uppw•
attton which the. undertaking encounter+,
comes from those cities and routes wbieh
will be mitered by its e••mplettos.. The Ca•
nada Land Company has• &wilied their.
willingness to Ince.1 four hurdred thouaalid
do,tare to the stock of Use road, and there to
no doubt thiel double the amwet req.tared
for its construettnn erred he tamed immedi-
ately. The say of Buffalo le not asked to
make any tove.tnent In the Road. 1\'e
shall publish more full particulars of the
prospects of the undertaking, end some d.1
.option of the country through which iba
proposed read will pan, ow the return ufear
delegation from-Goderieb.-Befuiu Com
inereiel .4drertiier.
Oa Monday lest the officers and men o'
the 2nd Halation Liaco'n Militia, lust ac
rorateg to 6(611116 for IOnater and rlttar-
tbere was a good aIteaoance, and ata'title
after 10 the eaereiee commenced and was
"done up" reuvalksbty well fir uod..ciplin-
ed men. 'l'lccolo,red portion of tin mill
ter aloe turnkd out and seq•uttet then..elves
With much credit --in fat' n. was to them a
eels day which th.y baited with detigbl,
that they might the better show that the;
were ever ready to turn out at tow Su,-
ereta+ne call -and to protect her crown and
deen rt• agatna1 futa•gn b,.. •e lar as to
them lay. There seemed to be but one
feeling animatiao them all, ■nd that was
gratitude 'o the 41.5 which had .eenr.•d to
them freedom in every cleaner of the gl .dr•
The Training Deer each copilots procured
refreshment for 1.44 mar, and sf er the re
(re.hments were over then followed a nor
of a tett' 011100. n1iure. As to how that
riot originated es will not pretend to say,
as we know nothing farther than hernial:
but deem rumour has it that whsle the
whites and coloured men were on drill some
nl the former hooted and blew at the latter.
any that atter It esu ever the officer ,n corn
mand hichly complimented the colo"red
mon for Char appearance add demeanor: -
Some "f trio country fellows, it is thought.
were joselou• eat thin end again commence,:
blowing al the darker', whereupon out, 01
the latter fling a stone as a who* min and
this stared the row -this took place near
the negro village-the int rodent were then
doves off am; they retired for a reinforce-
ment, In the meantime an',ther row earn
mencei In a difrarent part of Ife• tows,
where it ie said a white ms• hurled 0 negro
eft' the fence on gheeh he war letting, the
negro here get some of lee friends to assist
him, and they followed, me lite, .oppoarel
the ,fender, Into Franco. Monson's Ta
rein, but they Ini•to•.k lh1•r man and I.1,
upon persons not tee/Ted In the affur at
all, bearing them b.diy. 'Phe negrre.
we •.+,on repelon.I from 'hissed they theft
retreated 10 their own village, where they
tasembted to fun force to defend tnema•Ivea
In c..• of an shark. Dorin,r this tune
en,.e wily knave got sip a report that two
of the firemen had been killed by the black.
-thebn1 estate, for .e veneer wsi th• emu.
heard a T••we than the firemen prnemsd•d
In 161 wppna.d .eenw of .lenghter, sad
without m.k.ni irgniry, '1 te nit emit* of
them emmmeoee.l lt,rnwiwg .tone at the n1
gro domiciles, which was reeirned by the
105.111'. wbo ba l a gnanuly of missiles pr.•
pared fur the weer -is this way w1 ere
told, the row w . kept up enlmi the ..leer.
ad people were obl'g.d to laknrefuge ha the
wood•-dbe'r hno.ee were e.smplinely de-
rwniiehed, sod the Degre village is mow cad
of ride.
S.v•ral parties both blsek and white have
Hos arrested' on &emote* of it -sed as IN
0.5115.11011 a saw (0:115 Ma. bet it will take
seen Anne we ft it. over, we will therefore
forbear any remarks of nor ewe nett! ..
.hall hem, heard the eyehole* whleh we will
give .n our nett. In the msathme is have
ee express net .arrow that en unpleasra a
cahoHn. OAm•ld ban tabs plats.. W•
wdl imn.,side •t pr/esst--beet s e
.1011,bl 4*
e we t rotheres .ke.td 1* appear 1►at say
(remota nines ealcs!.t.d to tiring, the
Irks *belt has bean proem' spinet soy w4
The Africa arrived at New York on
Thursday last, bringing 77 passengers. She
left Liverpool at node on the 19th ult.;
she spoke tbe Sarah Sands, bound in, at
4 o'clock tnis evening.
The Great Britain arrived in the Mer-
sey on \\'ednesday at a quarter to six.
The Humboldt arrived of Cowes the
same day.
I'he City of 'Ifanchester, from Philadel-
phia, arrived at Liverpool on Thursday.
The political news does pot seem to be
of much importance.
The statement brought by the last stea-
mer, relative to the conspiracy in the
French army is partially confirmed, though
the efforts made to keep the whole affair
secret bare preveeted the particulars frau
being made known to the public.
. a ',i 1 rl 1191
- _ _- . _._..._.--,tom
the last few de/a, chiefly for wheat no:
bur -considerable espial' for Instead,
4 Wer Ivan wheal mooted at 'S.. 641.; Limn.
as. sod I'bhlauelpbw white 6s. Id. to Oe 2d;
Woolen' costal Cour, 2a. to 20.. 6d., Cosa.
duen.0s. 6d. l0 its.
Money daily becoming mora plenty, and
it is expected a much greater amount wig
woo be throws into the market tble8y (rya
Australia. The Engliab fuads cor,ltoue to
manifest goal firwrness but no turlhrr are
ranee. 1'he bullion iu the !tank of Lou
land has increased £310,000, with se
estimated addition neat *trek of half -a -
lltlreato, 2nd July.
We bad a severe gale from the N E,
yesterday, doing cuasidetatle damage,
The steamer Caspian, lying at the new
pier of the railroad at Clrrelaud, broke
from bee moorings, and was thrown round
agatust the adjacent piles, breaking in two
just forward of the wheelhouse. A number
of passengers were cm board, who barely
escaped before the accident occurred.
Nothing on board saved except a num-
ber of trunks and some furniture that float-
ed to arbors. Sbe is a total wreck, tad
we understand is not insured. The Queen
City was lying at the other bide of the
pier, but having steam up when the gale
commenced, started for the riser and got
i0 without damage, except the breaking of
one of her wh:•cln. The schooner St,
alfury was capsized uear the bead of the
Lake, on Wednesday morning.
New \'one., July 2.
The stearnnbip Xarthern Light arrived
eight o'clock this taoruimg, with 300 pas-
sengers and 200,000 dollaaa in gold. She
left :au Juan on the 21th u11., and bat
made the peonage in eight days.
Advices from Bogota report that the
Senate had 'Rid aside the hill creating the
State of the Isthmus. The President had
been authorized to raise an *tiny of 30,000
men to repel Flores to sus desi;ns epee
Ecuadcr, but Congress would trot agree
to the proposition for a forced loan to ail
the movement.
The Telegraph lines b_uween Csesibo
and Valparaiso had been bought oat be
W. \Vheelrigbt on shares of $500 each.
Cspital of the company $200,000.
Tbe ilouse of Common% in its morntpg
sitting on Thursday, cleared off much rou-
tine business. Mr. Stafford stated, in an-
swer to a question, that an investigation
was being beld respecting the wreck that'
bad come ashore on the coast of Scotland
and was sa;ipnsed probably to belong to
the President. Mr. \Vdpole, on bring-
ing up the report on F. O'Connor's case
moved that the unfortunate member should
be discharged from the cuotody of the s
eant at arms, and be given into the keep -
tog of the physicians, according to a request
to that effect by Min O'Connor, hit bear -
est of kin.
The London :horning N•rald says,
that the Government have taken measure's
to prevent any efforts that may be attempt-
ed by American adveot•u•era against the
Virgin !dwelt.
Otter arrivals are reported from Aus-
tralia as follows:-Tbe Northumberland
with 16,500 oz., and the Enchanter with
22,998 oz.
Ou Tuesday, the Council of State beard
the pleadings on the Orleans case. The
decision was to be given on Saturday.
It is reported that a go0erameot journal,
to vie with the first class London press, is
about to be established in Paris.
Rumours are being revived respecting
the President's matrimonial intentions.
Latest accounts received oto Saturday
morning. state that tbe Council of :State
have come t° a decision respecting the Or -
lean.' property. it bas adopted the con-
clusions of the Government Commissioners
depriving tbe judical tribune's of the right
to decide on the caw, and reserve.' to the
civil jurisdiction of all questioos that may
arise relative to private property which the
Princess of Orleans may bold in virtue of
Isereditary right. The Pres.deat bus alga•
cd this decision.
A revolution has broken Out m Algeria.
A tribe of Arabs, numbering 1000 rostses
attacked a company of Freeeh workmen,
kilhsg may and causing othersl to flee.
Flo insurgents aflsrwaraa maljched on
Ghelms, and os the 4th and 5th, had an
e•gegrenet wish the troops frons Bens lad
Coestastioa, in which the troop% appear
16 have heelworsted. At all erects, the
iasergeau bad crossed the river and had
advanced to Rosana. Additional troops
woes *spotted at Coostaatina.
Eastaoto.--A hell for the estahlisluseut
of a Bishop vie ie New Zealand' was read -
a second time.
Mr. Keogh, an Irish member, took oc-
casion to complain of the Quee;.'s prude-
matioli forbidding Comm Catholics priests
to wear ecclesiastical vestments in publle.
At tbe evening session Lord Naas pre-
sented a.; petition from .the Legislature of
New South \\'ale,, complaining of 10.
ilhheral nature of' the constitutiom recently
coafcrro1 upoa that colony, and especially
the right reserved by ministers, in the name
pf the Crown, to veto the decisions of the
eve Assembly with regard to local
. atrs.
The Cha.eellorOf the Exchequer stated
that the Government had oo retention of
red"oeiag-Ibe duty on wine.
Tie bi11 coulerring tutbority to Huse
any burial groud so London that may
prone prejudieial to the public health was
read a second -tial..
Mr. Cochrane asked whether the arta-
lion of Government lad been draws to ss
address recently issued to the woriieg ,
classes by Mazzlti, wLi:b he (Mr. Cock-
saue) characterized as •-cootaiaing sediti'-
tions language as respected Zeeland, and
insulting as regarded lori.ign powers." The
gaestion net being in order, the I loo. mem-
ber gave notice of a motion on the subject
:\ uthing of importance • was transacted
by the Lords.
On Friday petitions were presented
from the Austoeho.n,Colonier, against the
transportation of eouvieb-to Van L' ataan's
Land i,aho from the Legislature of New
South Wales for the redress of certain
The'Pa.seno-ere'' Act Amendment Bill
pasrcd through the Committee of the Lords.
The house of t•om'0ons was engaged
with•buainess of slight interests.
Madame and %l, Goldschmijt are is
• A London paper learns that this frigate
having on Beard the french ensov deputed
to arrange the affairs of Lata Plata, is de-
tained at Madeira by casultit s. Sir C.
.\otham, the British Commissioner, will
therefore await hio arrival at Bahia. It is
added that Urq'i za, President of tbe Ar-
gentine l.epu`.l1I , is desirous to meet the
views of the conueissiotl, and a reasonable
hope exists that for waters of the La
i'latn will soon be open to the tre•Se of the
Nothing definite yet al to when Parlia-
ment will be disso:red.
The Under Secretary for the Colonies
stated io the Ifnuee last night, that the law
officers of the Crown bad, so ft- hack as
1831, decided that the Lobos Islands be-
long,' to Peru ; and although reprexata-
tswee had been made to the government of
Peru to allow British ships to iinp• rt guano,
they had not hitherto been attended with
Continental despatches contain no news
of importance.
Our country letters state that seasonable
rains are bringing forward the crops, cad
generally we hare gond accounts of the
Torn. Wheat is however pea chased i•
Holland and France for England, but not
in quantity. The pinafore rot seems to
bare staid its ravages this season.
Liverpool, ,Tone 19.
Aril's' withered much demand. Pearls
28e per cwt_
Provisoes brisk, hest little pork in mar -
bet aid as upward teod.wey. limiters
prima msIM90s. to Ails. Corn market men
ertfss, tad • fair 'wain res has been doing
..arte„,„m .eoreei,.relese
' proclamation against Ramon pre-
crui has created a good deal of indip -
asd trio opportune
natio coming it nes •
a Inttment for Protestant elechoseenag.
The Lonmlon Morning Chronicle roe -
tains the folIbwing alarmlfff paragraph : -
"We understand that the Gorernmentb,v
taken means to I•reveet, byour naval pow-
er, any effort• that may attempted by
American adventurers against the Virgil
lblands." 1
F septa.-Tbe political Dews is Dot of
I touch importance. On Tuesday the Come
ell of State heard the pleadings on the Oro
leant Confiscation car. M. Cottu4statltll i
M. Maigre appeared nn behalf of the gen'
ernrneet, and Paul Isere for the Oeimill
Family. Tbe points to whirls the MOW
confined hie arguments were two: lett.
Were the Princes of Or'traw, from 1810
to 1852, legitimate proprietors of the es-
tates of Moteaant and Nosily 1 sed Pad,
if an, have they minted to be so is vino,
of the deer.. eif Jantary 42041 A de.
einem will be give* to -day, (ieterd0y.)"'