The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-10-08, Page 2Page .2 The Times•Advoceter October 1059 MAIN STREET The United Church { of Canada Minister: Rev. Robert 5. Hiltz, B.A., Th.D, Organist: Mrs. A. wiltard 10;00 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship . Thanksgiving — "Let Us Be Thankful" Nursery for children 6 years and under during the sermon, WAIS Thank -offering . at this • service, ;Come and Worship With Us ,. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street , 8:45 a.m. — Special contest in Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Thanksgiving Service 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Fri„ 8 p.m. — Christ Ambassa- dor's will have Mt, Brydges as their guests. Everyone wel- come. "And Jesus answered them saying 'The hour is come that the Son of Man should be glori- fied' ".—John 12:23 . Pastor: Eyeing. L. Winn -Butler HEAR THE GOSPEL HOUR EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, 9 P.M. over CHLO--680 tf THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 200 p.m. — Afternoon Worship and Sermon L30 p.m. ,Sunday School All Welcome ST. PETER'S CHURCH (No. 4 Highway) ;XX Sunday After Pentecost 1:00 a.m.—Sunday Mass :Sermon: "The Nicene Creed" The "Family That Prays Together Stays Together" Rev, J. E. Kelly, Pastor Phone Dashwood S6 October 10 THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt" Memorial, Exeter." -.Rev. /Iron de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, October 11 8:30 a,m,=Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion (Nursery and Sunday School) 3:00 p.m .--Confirm ation Service The Right Rev. W. A. Towns- hend, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Huron. No Evensong Anniversary Service Woodham UNITED CHURCH Sun., Oct. 11 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker: Rev. H. M. Hunter, M.A., of Mitchell Rev. J. R. Wareham, Pastor Harvest and Anniversary Service CHRIST ANGLICAN CHURCH, CENTRALIA Sunday, Oct..11 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Breis De Vries, of Trivitt Memorial Church, Ex- eter, will be the guest preacher. Special Music by the choir. Rector; Rev. R. H. Anions Organist: Mrs, M. H, Elston ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. A. M. Schlenker, Paster 10:00 a•m,—!Worship 11:15 a.nn,—Church School. JAMES STREET . UNITED CHURCH Rev, S, E, Lewis, M.A., i6.D.. Mr, Lawrerrce Wein, A.W.C.M. THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Service Autumn Decorations Sermon; "The Things That Are Given" Anthem by the choir. Duett; Sandra Walper, Marlene McBride, This is thesday when we who live in "the heart of Ontario's best farm land" may give thanks 'for it. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.D. Mihister Organist: Mrs. S. G. Klatt 9;00 a,m,—Sunday. School 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Thanksgiving ser vice with Thanksgiving m ess age and music. Junior Sunday School during service. 7:30 p,n,-Comeninicatlts Class Anniversary Services Sunday, October 18 THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXCTER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHw000 Rev. J. W. Gillings,• Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, October 11 10:00 arm.—Thanksgiving Service 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 7:10 p.m.—W.S.W.S. Prayer Service.. . ZION. LUTHERAN CHURCH 'DASHWOOb K. L. Zorn; Pastor, Phone 6S 10:00. a -m. -Sunday School' 11:00 ant. ,= 'Tlianksgiving Com- munion Service...' • Sermon:' 'Think' When You Thank" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 9:45 a.m.—English Service 2:15 p.m.—Dutch Service Thanksgiving Day, October 12 English service at 8 p.m. The minister is in. charge. You are invited to attend. LUCAN PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main St. (No. 4 Highway) LUCAN Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Palter Sunday Services 10:00 a;m,—Sunday School 11:60 a.m. -Morning Worship 6:45 p.m.—Youth Time 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service" "Above all," the doctor urged, "you must eat more fruit, and particularly the skin of the fruit. The skin contains all the vita- mins and the virtues. What, by the way, is year favorite fruit?" The patient looked gloomy. "Coconuts!" hi: said. • We're. Open Again after having attended the .In- stitute of Hair Design in Holly- wood, .California. We'II be pleased to provide you with some of the exciting new styles and techniques. Irene Hayter PHONE 175 GRAND BEND 'r.Y 11,r6i,ifl,1r11I$iIIIi,Oi1111116i11nfl ri !1111111111,1r1Uin11il11 i/r 1111 r1trt,11,1r1,r ti11i 111111111n111 t,tnintittiiniirui0% Special Meetings Church Of God — Grand Bend Mon., Oct. 12 to Sun., Oct. 18 Nightly 8:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00,, and 7:30 p.m, EVANGELIST Rev, Glenn Beach, Welland, Ontario, Former Pastor All Welcoliie Pastor E. 'Wattani isi frinmnnoorilii'imiiiiniothmoltfiiliikim io..,Intl.0.iliil,i,liiifitionifubui1t1Ff11111r wiffifirPilfloftt BIRTHS__ ,.r?1.'.../.� ..Aj.•'� Fr ,A .a. M1:.,. .. t. ::,:: ... . r.... .... . 4,11 `,/i. Mi. :..�.... ,...r ..•.r .A r.. .Y . ... .F-rr.0 ..ttttttttt. AN NOU NCEIIENTS BIRTHS.— CIIAItItETTE — Mr. and Mrs. '.i'ALBOT.-Pob and Margaret Tat - Anthony Charrettc, Hensel), bot, need ,Reid, RR 3 Bayfield, announce the birth pf a son, Michael Philip, at South Huron Hospital, October 4—a brother for Dennis and John. COLVIN Mr, and Mrs.. Alex Colvin, Windsor, the former Alarie •Stanley, Lucan, wish to announce the arrival of a son, Paul Alexander, in Metropoli- tan. Hospital, Windsor, Septem- bcr 22, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at Clinton' Public Hospital, September 29 —a sister for Harry and Steven, ENGAGEMENTS lily. and Mrs. thigh C. Birtch, Lucan, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, wMary Velma, to Clayton CLIDMOIiE—Mr. and Mrs, Ken Ivan Abbott, youngest son of Cudmore, London, are happy Mr. and Airs. Murray 1'l. Abbott, to announce the birth of a also of Lucan. The marriage to daughter, Wanda Beth, at St. take place October 24, at 3:00 Joseph's Hospital,October 4--- P.m., in the Pentecostal Holi- a sister for peter and Gloria. tress Church, Lucan, DOWNS -- Mr. and Mrs. Don Mr, and Mrs, Rudy Linstra, Downs, nee Coursey, Lucan, Hensel!, announce the engage - are happy to announce the ment of their daughter, Ann birth of a daughter, Diane Marie, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, September 22. DUVAL — Mr. and Mrs, Claude Duval, Main St., Exeter, an- nounce ,the birth of a son, Maurice, at South Huron Hos- pital, October 7, I1'ADEY — Mr. and Mrs, Donald Fadey, Waterloo, the fornicr Carolyn Spellman, announce the birth of a son, Robert Jo- seph, at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, September 16. FERGUSON — Mr. and Mrs. Jamek Ferguson, RR 2 Grand Valley, announce the birth of • a daughter, Cathleen Louise, at South Huron •Hospital, Octo- ber 4. FISCHER—Rev. and Mrs. Paul Fischer, Zurich, announce the will never know how. much it birth of a daughter, Rachel was appreciated.—Ada and Bob Ann, at South Huron Hospital, Dinney, 8c October 6. The family of the late Alrs, HARVEY—Pte. and Mrs. Wil- Norman (Elva) Graham wish to liam Harvey, 1 Field Ambu]: thank relatives and friends for ante,, RCAMC, announce the their kindness and sympathy and birth of a son, Henry James, beautiful floral tributes received at British Military Hospital, during, their recent sad bereave - Iserlohn, Germany, September ment in the loss of a dear wife 16—a brother for Sandra, Don- and mother. Special thanks to aid and Ronald and grandson Mr. and Mrs. Reg Knight and for Mr. and Mrs. William Web- ster, Exeter. Marie. to Mr, Peter Renkenta, 811 No, 1 Ait, Brydges, on Fri- day, October ]6, at 8:00 p.ni., I in the Christian R et or m ed Church, Exeter. 8" CARDS OF THANKS— Bill and Ruth Geiser; sincerely thank all who remembered Ruth with get -well wishes, cards, treats and flowers while. in St. Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning home, - 8'" We would like to say a sin - etre "thank you" to everyone for the many 'letters, cards and remembrances sent Mc while. 11 Was a patient in St. Mary's Hos-, pita!, Rochester, Minn., and i since returning home and for kind and thoughtful things that were done for our family. You KERN — Bob and Mabel Hern, Jarvis, are happy to announce the birth of a' son, Frederick Earl, at Beckcliffe Hospital, Hagersville, October 2 — a brother for Linda. HODGE—Mr., and Mrs. William Hodge, Crediton, announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, October 7. LIPPERT — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lippert, of Crediton, announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, October. 5—a sister. for David, Wally and Barbara. to those who so kindly acted as pallbearers. 8c To all those who remembered me with cards, visits, flowers and treats while a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning home—thank you. It was all much appreciated. — Dorothy Hatter. 8* We wish to sincerely thank everyone who helped us in any way while Don has been unable to work this summer. Also for the flowers, cards, gifts, etc,— Don and. Amelia Dearing. 8^' Mr. Gerry Smith wishes to express thanks for cards and visits frolic friends while a pat- RINKER — Fred and Frances lent in St. Joseph's Hospital and Rinker, nee Brophey, are hap- since his return home. py to announce the birth of a John and Mary Spacek wish son, Christopher Frederick, at to express their sincere thanks to neighbours,. r 1 a t i y e s and friends for their " flowers, cards and visits during Mary's illness at home and while a 'patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Father Kelly, Dr. Gans and CWL, ' St. Peter's Parish. -8c Sarnia General Hospital, Sep: tember 30. ROBERTSON—Mr. and Mrs. Dori Robertson are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, at St. Jbseph's Hospital—a sis- ter. for Ann, Janie, Donnie and Sylvia. ROELOFSON-Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Roelofson, of Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a. son, William. Francis Mark, at South Huron Hospital, October 3—a brother for Bradley. SHORTELL—Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald James Shorten, Grand Bend, announce the birth' of a daughter, Darlene Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, October 2. WHITING—Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Whiting, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter at South Hdron Hospital, October 5, VANDEN BYGAART — Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanden Bygaart, RR 2 Grand Bend, announce the birth of a daughter, Ellen, at South Huron Hospital, October 4. The person Who is afraid to admit his mistake it • Making another. CARDS OF THANKS, Wewish to express. our sin• cerci .appreciation to rctatives, friends and neighbours who kind - remembered our .father in so many ways during his illness and also for the many sets of kindness, lovely floral tributes and messages of sympathy ex- 1 tended us during our recent sad bereavement, Special thanks to Rev. Robert Hiltz, Rev. W. E. Aldworth, Main Street Evening Auxiliary, Uopper•.11ockey Pune• IT' borne, Di. Fletcher, the nursca of South Huron Hospital and all who helped in any way. The John Northcott family. 8',' I wish to thank my neighbours and friends for the many cards and treats and acts of kindness while a patient at St, Joseph's Hospital and during the previous weeks,—Mrs. Venda Welsh, 8c I would •like to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbours for their kindness while I was a patient in South IHuron Hospital, Exeter,. and Vic- toria !-Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard (Hen- sall), Dr. Wilson and Dr, Came- ron and to the nurses and staff of both hospitals. — Mrs. S. Roobol, Hensall. 8c IN MEMORIAM-- SMITII—ln loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, John • S. Smith, who passed away 5 years ago, October 12, 1954.. Nothing but memories as we journey an, Longing for smiles from a face that is gone. We keel) in our memory the love of the past, For deep in our hearts it was planted to last. Unseen by the 'world he walks by our side. And whispers dear ones death cannot divide. —Sadly missed and lovingly re- mernbered by fancily, . 8c SIMS — In loving memory of a dear Mother, Elizabeth Jean (Baird), who passed away 9 years ago today, October 8, 1950. A tribute of love and remem- brance, To a very dear Mother, ode of the hest, May the joys that she missed in life's journey Be found in God's garden of rest. —Lovingly remembered by daughter and son-in-law, Doris and Jim Edwards, • 8"' While shaving one morning * young husband became so angry that he attracted the attention of his wife, preparing breakfast in the kitchen. "What in the 'world is the matter?" she asked. "My razor - it won't cut!" he shouted. "Don't. be silly, dear," she re- plied. "You can't tell me that your beard•ia tougher than line- Wen!" ino- letun!" Warm Air Heating And Air Conditioning New Installations .and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPERIAL FURNACES OIL' BURNER SALES & SERVICE Li ndenfields Ltd. Associate Member, National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association ' PHONE 181 EXETER Otter r,l tl ttrrrr lrrlr,fluff„tt 1111111n11rrr,1ttttttrrrr 1 ttt11r1/111 rrt1111rrtttttrttttn,ttttrtttflrtttttttllrl,tl II II 1r11rt 11,.1,1,. Now Opened .. WHILSMITH APARTMENTS • FOR . SENIOR CITIZENS Anyone wishing to view the apartments is cordially invited to do so between the hours of 2.30 to 5.00 p.m. and the evenings of Saturday and Sunday, Apartment No. 3 will' be open to the public. One apartment is available for occupancy low. Others Will be ready soon. OPEN HOUSE CRFDITS Furniture: Dinney's, Hopper and Hockey Electrical Appliances: Trequair's Hardware GUARANTEEI). INVESTMENT CEMTIFICATES THE PREMIER. TRUST COMPANY O0R KT Oft'ica 4 RkMeed SI!H*, l.04", eeiste OL 4..2710. Availabia Through. C. -Pickard - Broker E toter-- Telephone 145 Now increasing life span affects Life Insurance Thanks to advance -On medical knowledge, in hygiene and in living conditions, Canadians today cad look forward to a longer life. The average life expectancy today for women age 26 is to age 74; for men the same age it is to age 70. From these figures come significant guide rules. With most men living past age 65 and many being outlived by their wives, life insurance that gives only short-term protection is not adequate for most of today's young families. Lifelong security, needed in most cases, comes from permanent insurance. There's Another big advantage of permanent insurance — its guaranteed cash values make it possible for men over 65 to convert part of their life insurance into the extra income that will make retirement a rich and satisfying experience. When you think of life insurance, think of permanent coverage and call the nearest Manufacturers Life man for expert counsel. A.. E. Pym, crtru, Representative EXETER Tcl: 671-M Be Sure And See The 1960 METEOR LIVE Thursday, October 8 At South End Service 11960 METEOR — Longer, leaner lines make the 1960 Meteor pas- senger car distinctively different from any previous model. It is built on a 119 -inch wheelbase, one inch longer'; than last year, to provide superior ride and comfort fea- tures. The car is at much new inside as it is outside. Highlighting its interior - new- ness is the etilphasis on spacious accommodation for the passengers in which shoulder, hip and leg room in the front and rear seats has been increased. 1960 FRONTENAC - Coming soon to South End Service, the Fron- tenac, Canada's new Canadian styled acid built economy car, has been built in re- sponse to a growing interest among Canadian tinotorint; public for cars which have a distinctively Canadian identity! Gas mileage for the Frontenac will be superior to any. conventional North American -type passenger cars now produced. It will average 32 miles per Imperial gallon. Take The '60 Models For A Drive And Feel The Difference! A-1 USED CAR BUYS '57 FORD FORDOR SEDAN—automatic, radio, tutone, a good one! '56 FORD FAIRLANE HARDTOP- tutone, "Better Than New!" '53 CHEVROLET BEL-AIRE SEDAN.. automatic, radio. '52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—radio '52 CI-IEV SEDAN --automatic, radio '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN—tutone, really sharp! IF IT'S A TIRE DEAL YOU ARE LOOKING FOR — WE HAVE THE BEST IN TOWN! Wheel Balenced With All Tires Sold During month of October South End Service PHONE 328 RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL EXETER r