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The Times -Advocate, October 8, 1959
This nawspeper beiieyas the
right to express an !opinion in.
public contributes to the pro..
gross of the nation and that •it
must be smirched freely to pro...
serve and improve democratic
• Give thanks
Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood.
"Give thanks always for all things." Ephesians 5:20
During the last war .a picture was published
of 'a refugee child. Her clothes were tattered and
torn. You could readily understand why she looked
so lonesome. She had been uprooted from her home.
She was now an orphan, her father and mother having
both been killed. Now, surrounded by strangers and
having nowhere to turn, she was saying, "I am no-
body's ... nobody's nothing." a
in contrast, .another little child living its Can-
ada, had just returned from her first day at school.
That evening when it came time for family devotions
ahe was heard to say, "Thank you God, for books
to read in, pencils to write with, teachers to help us
learnthings, and friends to play and work with.
Thank you God for everything."
Take a look at' your own life and think how
fortunate you are compared 'to many other people
throughout the world. One newspaper reporter made
a survey and said that the amount of food each fam-
ily in North America throws away as garbage would
be enough to feed another ,family of the same size
in India. We have been blessed with so much that it
is very easy to waste some of it,
a ew e thankful to God for our blessingsl
We have an opportunity to show our special thanks
to God again in our Thanksgiving Services on October
11, through our prayers and hymns of thanks and
through our sharing of our gifts with those less • for-
tunate than us in our special thanksgiving offerings.
Let us truly SHOW our thanks to God on this
• Thanksgiving Day and may we be thankful, not only
▪ on Thanksgiving Day, but throughout the whole year.
Prevent fires
Every week fire strikes at more than and
thousand Canadian homes.
In terms of dollars that means a yearly loss
of maybe $30,000,000, although the typical house fire
overages under $500 in damage.
But the. ghastly truth is that three-quarters
of all our fire deaths occur in those homes. And not
only deaths, for hundreds of Canadians are horribly
burned and often permanently scarred in these fires.
Fires rarely just "happen"! Nine out of every
tenfires are the result of sheer carelessness and
thoughtless neglect of simple precautions.
Regardless of the cause, . •experienced fire
fighters say many of the human tragedies are quite
needless. Not knowing what to do, victims are often
trapped by their own ignorance. They might have
gotten out IF they had known how.
They didn't know how. So they died. Or they
survived, scarred and maimed.
Every Canadian in every home can profit by
learning the simple lessons of fire prevention and fire
Such is the basis of the fire services' appeal
this Fire Prevention Week. It is an appeal for 'every
man, woman and child. And it is a special appeal for
the sake of the children, who make up nearly half
the victims.
Control of power
Developments in the United States and some
provinces of Canada toward legislation providing
tighter controls over labor union business and activ-
ity . are welcome signs. of the realization that the
power of this group is getting out of hand.
Dominance of gangster -type "supermen" over
powerful U.S. unions has brought about almost un-
believable conditions there which suggest racketeer-
ing and even criminal activity. Such is the situation
that President Eisenhower has made special appeals
to the nation supporting his administration's "get
tough" legislation.
Because of the . tremendous political \power of
the working man, governments • have heretofore
tread lightly on the labor movement, fearful of losing
votes. But unions have alienated public sympathy by
excessive demands and underhanded methods to. the
point where politicians find the climate ripe for
Ontario could well follow the trend by revis-
ing its labor legislation, some of which puts
ment at distinct disadvantaga in its dealings with
We're not suggesting that union activity be
unduly Curtailed but that it ,be put under: controls
which Would ensure democratic orgahization, public
scrutiny and rights of the individual.
be exeter trimeo= bbocate
Times Established 1173 Advocate Established 1811.
Amalgamated 1924
o Os
Published Each Thursday Morning at Stratford, Ont,
lutherited as Second Clem Mail, Pest Off.(ce Dept, Ottawa
AWARDS H: E. Rice Trashy, bait stray Craws i6iatrrrs
(Canada), 1959; Frank Howe [kettle Shield, bat front Pais
(Canada), 1957; A. V. Nelan Trophy, general excellence for
newspapers published in Ontario towns between 1,500 and
4,500 population, 1958, 1957, 19%; J. George Johnston Trophy,
typographical excellent* (Ontario), 1951; E. T. Staphenien
Trophy, best front paid (Oniariaii, 19U, 1955; Ail.Canada
insurance Federation national safety award, 1953.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $4.00 Per Year; USA $S.04
Paid -in -Advance C`ir'euiatibnr Sept 30, 1958 — 3,224
i.' "V �f ,ter •�*/
n 1)59, zing 1444100 srad,csu,7o,•. World:igLtutair»d.
"I met the new neighbors— she's Very Cute an'L
hes very jealous:" • --- - -
(», .', it;:;„ .. :.,7: r.f.%.2121041.,s;F<. i4:=7=.44;SES." .E Rw✓h ry`•;:3., w'i' f1' IAr
Dispensed by BiLL SMILEY
e:�w.x�m.-vriknK.,,m.,�v:+ kr ry .?. �i..A :YA: ..���`�. 7� :3•���i,N..
Once a week, whether I need
it or not, I take a bath. And
once a year, without fail, I sit
down and count my blessings.
Every Thanksgiving, I make a
point of it, I suggest you try
this excellent custom, which in-
duces an unaccustomed humility
in the most hardened of us.
Each year, when I do it, I feel
all pure and holy for an hour or
* * *
The daily scramble can be-
come such an accumulation of
small irritations, minute fric-
tions and petty miseries that life
seems to be nothing but a great
big pain in the arm. But just
sit back and tick off all the good
things you have, and you'll feel
like that rarest of creatures, a
happy, well -adjusted millionaire.
* * *
One thing for which I'm deep-
ly thankful is' reasonably good
lllll llll„11111,1 11,p,i l IIII amlIlll11a III1111„IIIlllllr,
NewsOf Your
Planning a new home? Im-
proving your present one?
Perfect Home Idea -Book
This idea -book is a pictorial
anthology of the best ideas from
America's newest homes.
it will help you select the
right neighborhood; choose a
good floor -plan; divide rooms
for greater privacy; make the
most of built-ins; add drama
with proper lighting; select a
good color -scheme; arrange fur-
niture to the best advantage;
achieve easier house -keeping
and many more features.
You will want to refer to this
book often whether you're think-
ing of changing a picture, ad-
ding # room, building in a TV or
planning a brand-new house.
Mr. Churchill's Secretary
By an. almost incredible
chance, ,Elizabeth Nel, then Eli-
za'--th Layton, a young Cana-
dian girl, arrived in London dur-
ing the Blitz and became one of
Winston Churchill's secretaries.
In •a period when all the world
waited on the decisions of Eng-
land's wartime Prime Minister,
it was her privilege to be a close
witness to many of his most im-
portant acts and speeches.
During the • five years she
worked for Churchill, the author
witnessed many history -,making
events and had revealing glimp-
ses of most of 'the leading fi-
gures of the day, including Pre-
sident Roosevelt, General Eisen-
hower, Mountbatten,
General. Montgomery, ” Anthony
Eden and many others. As the
war progressed lien duties be-
came increasingly difficult and
responsible and she was allowed
to accompany the Prime Minis-
ter on his trips to overseas con-
The book contacts interesting
accounts of her experiences dur-
ing the high level conferences in
Washington, Quebec, 'Yalta, Mos-
cow and also an exciting meet-
ing in Athens. when Mr. Churchill
was trying to pacify the oppo-
sing factions in •a civil war.
Here is an intimate portrait
of Winston Churchill at work and
in , action. It provides valuable
information on one of the great-
est moulders of modern history.
health. There are teeth missing,
I.can't smell, and some of the
old joints are giving ine hell,
but on the whole, I'm a doctor's
despair. In ten. years, I've spent
three days in bed and $3 on
doctors, and that was to get my
corns pared. . Of course, the rest
of my family have cost me
about $2,000 in doctors' bills
during that decade, but that's
neither here nor there. It certain-
ly isn't here, anyway,
• * *
l'm thankful for my three
squares a day. I tried living on
four squares a clay one time,
for a couple of weeks. The
squares were slices •of bread,
one-quarter inch thick. That ex-
perience has left me to this day
with a perverse urge to secrete
bits of cheese, crusts of bread
and hunks of meat about my
person, so I'll never go hungry.
* * *
Another thing I'm grateful for
is the spring -filled mattress and
the wool blankets and the Old
Girl beside me, glowing away
like a box stove. About 15 years
ago, I spent six weeks, at this
time of year, sleeping in box-
cars, barns and ditches, my
sleeping partner a skinny Can-
adian corporal (male) who exud-
ed about as much heat as a
garter snake
I'm happy to have a few close
'friends. Most of us have many
acquaintances, few true friends.
I have several friends to whom
I could go for anything, in time
of need. They'd give me the
shirt off their backs, their fast
crust of bread, their wives, any-
thing, Except money, of course.
• * M
It's wonderful to have happy,
healthy, children who only
quire ,new shoes every three
months. I'm afraid I subscribe to
the pagan view that in our child-
ren lies our immortality. And in
that thought I find deep satis-
faction. It means that my kids
will probably have to take as
much lip from theirs as I do
from them, while I lie happily
mouldering in Bayview Ceme-
I am deeply thankful to have
a gentle, tolerant, patient, under-
standing wife. I'd be even more
thankful if she used some of
those qualities when dealing
with me, but at least it's nice
to know she has them.
* * *
I'in thankful to have a ;job I
like. Where else, except in the
weekly editor's chair, can a man
who is completely unfitted for
anything useful, findhimself not
only making a living, but able
to sound off like as preacher?
* * *
I'm thankful, everyThanks-
giving, that Pm a Canadian.
Three months from now, as I.
plod through the slush, I'll be
cursing the country with the
best of them, but country,
the fall,
there's no other placeso close
to what paradise .should be
* * *
Finally, I'm humbly thankful
that I'm alive. Millions are not.
LIfe is a superb gift, made, eveft
more delicious by the fact that
we must surrender. it. It is full
of madness and magic, of mel-
ancholy and merriment, of a
thousand good things, each a de-
light to treasure.
• * •
So you're alive, aren't you?
Be thankful.
Jottings By J.Ml r
Early atlas provides
area historical data
Last week I was presented.
with a copy of the Huron. County
Aued ll 1.. 1 have
,seentlas copespblish.of thisiatl878as on dif-
ferent aceasions and have pub-
lished some of the contents in
reference to Exeter and the sur.
rounding munigipalities.
Exeter was incorporated as :a
village in 1873, the year the Exe-
ter Times began publication by
the late John White. On pre-
vious occasions I have referred
to James Willis and his wife, the
first settlers within the village
limits; of Wm. !McConnell, who
built the first sawmill on the
hanks of the Aux Sable, and who
chopped out the London Road
for the Canada Company; of
Isaac Carling, who came to Exe-
ter in 1847 and operated a tan-
nery and built the first store in
Exeter; of James Pickard, an
Englishman, who came to Exe-
ter in 1852, started a store and
became one of the most pros-
perous merchants in the prov-
ince, but unfortunately lost it
all in the end.
Exeter received its name be-
cause the majority of the inha-
bitants carne from a city of the
lansantde name in Devonshire, Eng-
The atlas states that in point
of settlement Exeter was almost
first in the whOle Huron District,
with the exception of Goderich
and possibly "Brewster" and
Bayfield, and a very few points
along the Huron Road, which
have never assumed the dimen-
sions of even a country village.
William Sanders was the first
postmaster and *as one of the
oldest andmost popular magis-
trates in the disirict. The mail
was first carried, by John Rat-
tenbury, on the routes between
London and Goderich. In ,good
weather and with good roads
as good roads went then --- he
made the round trip in a week,
though it often required .a fort-
night to accomplish. it.
The first council comprised
Isaac Carling, reeve; ;Messrs.
James Pickard, W. .H. Verity,
John Frick and Edward Drew.
They were sworn in by Jpseph
Acheson, J.P. Michael Eacrett
was appointed clerk; Robert
Sanders, treasurer and Joseph
Acheson and George Kilpatrick,
The business houses com-
prised seven general stores Gall.
large) three hardware, six gro-
cery, two drug, two book, two
jewellery, five boot and shoe,
three tin and stove, four furni-
ture, six harness, four merchant
tailors and several millinery
stores. There were six hotels,
two liveries. a liquor store, sev-
eral barbers, butchers, bakers
and confectionery shops, a mu-
sic store, two photographers,
two lawyers, .six doctors, two
charted (Exchange and Maisons)
banks, one private bank, two
post offices, two telegraph _of-
fices, a weekly newspaper (the
Times), public school and five
churches — Methodist, Episco-
palian, Bible Christian and Ro-
man Catholic.
There were also some first-
class specimens of local manu-
factures, which include t w o
large, gristing and flouring mills,
two steam planing mills, one
steam hub and bending factpry,
one foundry and agricultural im-
plement factory, one woollen
mill, one flax mill, two .cooper-
ages, one steam saw -mill, five
waggon and carriage factories
and a large number of black-
smith shops.
Lk:is:JN affillr i faMr/.... i�... i.Yn'.`�/..�Ci,R YI. .. a.....::: -..
As the
Go By
The Ebenezer. anniversary
(con. 4 McGillivray) will be held.
Sunday, October 24. The follow-
ing Tuesday night, Rev. Hobbs
of Exeter will deliver his cele-
brated lecture, "The Triangular
Miss Jennie Hardy and Miss
Venetta Frayne, representing the
James Street Epworth League,
and Hattie and Edna Follick,
representing Main Street League,
have been. in St. Marys attend-
ing the Epworth League con-
Mr. John Grigg has made ex-
tensive improvements to his sta-
tionary store. The old verandah
has been torn down and plate
glass windows put in the front,
The Trivitt Memorial church
will adopt the new hymn book
the first week in November.
Owen Atkinson is learning the
barber trade with Penprase and
It is unlawful to take, kill or
have in your possession black
squirrels except during the
month of November,
Mr. Hugh Spackman, who con-
ducted a hardware business in
,Exeter and sold to B. W. F.
Beavers 14 years ago, died in
Guelph on Wednesday, October
Messrs. Sandy Elliot, James
Bowey, J. A. Traquair and J.
M. Southcott were in Detroit on
Thursday and took in the second
game of the world series be-
tween the Detroit Tigers and St.
Louis Cardinals.
George Grant and his Huron -
fans have been engaged to play
at Parkhill on Wednesday and
Kippen on Friday nights.
The lawn bowling green which
for several years has been used
"You mustn't pull, on the cat's
tail," a mother warned her small
son. "I'm only holding it, Mom."
the youngster replied seriously.
"The cat is pulling,"
* * a
"Why did you fire that gor-
geous secretary you had?"
"She couldn't spell -kept ask-
ing me how to spell every other
word when she took dictation."
"I suppose you couldn't stand
the interruptions."
"It wasn't that. I just didn't
have time to look up all those
for lawn tennis is again being
put to shape for lawn bowling.
Exeter at present is without
hotel accommodation. Mr. Homer
Bagshaw, who ha,s been conduct-
ing the hotel for the past year,
has vacated the premises. It will
be offered for sale or rent after
Mrs. E. Christie left for To-
ronto where she will make her
home in future.
At a congregational meeting
in Caven Presbyterian church a
unanimous call was extended to
Rev. Kenneth McLean of Wing -
ham to become their new mini-
Armed with onion sacks, stu-
dents from. Exeter and rural
schools in this district have been
spending their spare time gath-
ering milk -weed pods which
eventually may save the lives of
many airmen, Floss inside the
pods makes an excellent sub-
stitute for kapok..
Mr. H. C. Rivers has pur-
chased front Mr. William Hooper
of .the Lake Road his farm,
stock and equipment and gets
immediate possession.
Mr. BruceMair of Guelph
Veterinary College spent the
holiday at the Thames Road
Major Maurice Harvey, RCA -
MC, a surgeon at number 13
General Hospital, England, for
the past year, has been trans-
ferred to the Roman Way Con-
valescent Hospital, also in Eng-
At a meeting in Exeter Friday
night the South Huron Hospital
Association was formed with E.
D. Bell'general chairman.
Fifty eons are engaged in
picking pears from an orchard
of 1,500 pear trees owned by
Canadian Canners on the east
side of town.
Mrs. Fred Beer was named
president of Hensall Legion La-
dies' Auxiliary.
Mr. tndMrs. Z;darC t ,inos•
Edgar e
returned on Tuesday , from a
week's business trip calling 'on
several large turkey and broiler
producers in the United States.
Mr. William Ellerington re-
turned home last week from the
Wesel; where he purchased 350
head of feeder cattle.
South lIw'on Plowing Mat.elt
will be :held Friday on the farm
of Edgar Rodd & Son, one mile
east of Zion.
.. suns. ..
1t► 0 ll tg lfl+ts)telt $ irate, tae., World iigM1 tl1fAlted.
41 all atys tell 2 het to Meet me ata eerier hear
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372 Boy St., 35 Dunlop St.,
Toronto Barrie
The sale is on 1
Was $2,100 ..
Was $1,695 ....... ... ..... .......
Was $1,695 ......... ....
Was $1,595.
Was $2,100
NOW $1,995
NOW $1,599
NOW $1,599
NOW $1,515
NOW $1,999
A dandy—Was Only $695
Was $L095 ..•..... NOW $ 915
'52 CHEV COACT—blue, clean) $ 695
'51 DODGE SEDAN (2)—each only $ 295
'50 METEOR COACH—only $ 350
'49 DODGE SEDAN—only $ 295
'56 i "A1 GO 7 l.'ON EXPRESS -like new! ,.,$1,095
'S4 DODGE 1 TON EXPRES i1ke new $1,095
Exeter Motor Sales
mHONS 200 NIGHTS 762.W or 769.M
Fred Dobbs, Prap
*.initirnfiliillliiHinp,l„l111IIIi11,n,,,,,,I Ga,,,, 1,anu11NitI`IIl1U`il7tfrly'11irt1aaamaa r nhlliYlni•ItitiTiYi'taP,�l•.u•