HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-07-08, Page 1, ,_ -IV--; ----..,..w '4411, . aL __ � -_ __ �*,­I,' , . � P - — I . .— NOW' 0w Im ,_ . --I A I � k"O ­�, , , I 1. e ( , I * — s . 4,, � p.;.• 4 - 4 -410 . I I "A", . I . , ONI-i -r.j K� , �_- I � , , , , . �1.t , !B. ­ .1 I � , I'l� �. rw _w y'."Pit"fi,ifew. � -It k . i. I - ,�.0 . .",----- -t,*stt­ , * , r_ 09" 1, .r•, " , � �4 .--- . , , , , /,_ � I . ..Ltsitidiiiiia .1.4, ­ -, i - � ­ . ,o,1,.,-,-,,-1 I . _1%. - 1­r,,-­­',%r,_r­ V_ • I t ­,dir. 1, -1 , I - _0 , i:r, . " I ., �1, , , Ileii­ - ­ 7 j'� �_ . - .11 - I ,_i.,�or��g "*,­' � ­ ,W- .1 � -tf, I , le,i4 1. ,I, � I �, r,W:,hf'ti;,;r.�I -1- ", � �� .10r.- .- Z -.41, _ .. � I 'K . 7. 1 .AAF ' ' ' , � IV - �7 , ,, i- - r IV 11� I ':"`,W, -1 4, 1 , - _,C, 1, �. ;�, "'4"."J. ," , " . I I I - - I I .;;s. - - -,.--.f P0 I ,*' � , "I I I :;�, , " Ifr,, ,­ � ' � _t4*1 � I � to. ", � . ­ .W. I,. r i, T �� , I I _1 I 11 I � . 11 � "I ��', - - � '� C , _ , 4**1W%s,V�i4,, ,. , ,11`7 "" i - I I 1. . , I , � A ;.. t, �, :,, , ,­ I , .:*� , , ik�t � .S. . A.� ** i� I �. . I 91" I 1. I , �'­ ,, 1. � .4,, �� , . I � . I , 0 � ,,� , I - iiiiiiiiissilikii,10i .... "I'll '0111111111111111111,,� ir,st,Ythping to kick, 0 ,t , I I " I- . . � '� *5 ,­ *,-�;s,,;'�' '7 lsIt_4 ,,�,�',' �, k . �- " " 4r, * , . * * , ,,, I .� �!*.*,- __4 , � , . �., ,?, It I left �, I W, I.- , " � 11 k", � �� ", 4.11 , , , sts I I ,­ I , � 1`A4i6,- , l4,V",V •^ .. :-��_ V, - , , 1, jtl� , I �� � WIMMI , , 'il. - ar'.."o I 4 �- �_ _,'� 'Itl' , � . %ow4w�� . es"Ooke '- - I 'AM , , �n l,- , I 4 "' .- . t* I � , d '. ! ,­� '!it( 'S, �,,I *, I - - .4'saw, ,I- -, 11, "I , I . Be Wikbq"t easy ,lire or valitioll . . I _A6btr-.,$X-, " . � ��11 . . ­ . -k-d 0 - 11 I!I!Wo" .- , - . ir I .,,' I , I - �_ �- sure to wl" -to trivt*of'so 4� 'ilro, - L 1� I , - I I I • I I I I . .,, ,a art - teed Prob"Iliq lia wgir R, Lbse 11101ko " " I I I # tiv l--��1r,:-�,:,A*-*­ts6v** 107 - � , reco � """' " -- " , . , I ; I1114 � N SIGNAL "4"' ,v��:;W, V . - t ,iin�­ 1. , 1, � 1 r a ot goof" � — I,, Al, , ,.""49, 0 . I , , �*�' - At fust, 'uspe of t big -0 .. I 1 4 ' ,Vpy rsesiftlap . L L I I L , O'�,, I . 1 47�, - ,i- i . � . their Wilsey safely cessailgib of, my CV we; . I Jil . MS44 6' P*UiAd �= t , L An y. ­ I - " ­ � V., . . . Wd my ""Cis W -lutm , ago. AL .1,0NN C . - * 1,• , but I 11Pcedsly "" re It after Dif s`� A. ,-A-, � � 1. 11 , all1kh they listed Dot risk. 01 W. , x1lut 3"'B"I aww"'. . •I � - ".assio.4 ­ - I tt'*,_r ' ad, biltatill4ilk", V-% - 1, 1� �, atiodker tory )aft -1T PI37iA;;, a h ripung Vaose" V= Ir '0 I — . I 11 It It . . I 1�ldj, I,,I'le after 0. Sock ,ikd lob F d dispatch. 'if 4atr . .1-I Lit.. - - I � . 1. I looked Ou at lay game. . : . 0 ..kill, 'It gwat"es" "' . . I a iii -titer sad Ui0ler I .1, &A, 'I'losruis &JW4.--T9N - - - - __ __ I'll, ft Cr little, I *take ,,, I! " f,t III. . I , . le I'' iwwmw� J is . �,rTW11LV*'AJ19 "'X won. 11'1,4: excittl2lent 615 Per ,,,air esit strico " L , ,"I '00.000 Milk lilkii 11111.441. , SIULU Tical'e. I'd sis llama WiLb HR GRILATICST POSSIBILK N UN1111911. �, , � I I I 'I'll,- silence tilts ;aWcuptell insiveme, " T R 44 TAX GIt&A1r1gJ1T POSS , ­ . . faver pits.11. 1, '11,4vistion ul- am year. N 8 It I L L I N Q 8 t .1 ,w -------- t Lugued QsW arrears We Ill AVY&OCS. I 1. . I . 1. _____ r . I � I I by a Art'll ,,,ttc,-ed chorus crf ft2+l" "" No Paper 4110011 bIL,l,,r thinks it his ' Nowl"n XXIV. .1i'l..'riall"Cl" in i3'el - clelly i"'g,u3j.-II, sirlser: 852 , � 14 1-1 �ay paASp unleastbe Psk . ­ ------- OF HURON, RON, (C. W.) T H U RSDAY, JULY ,8. I I - se'l'l wu* 'I'mAled &�,­ adfv&nL;9a to do SO! OI)p time t'"i " A. i.&,idaid to tho co -try becoming V01.1imp, V. 0 ,RICH, COUNTY . - - - � ble -even &list isk"'Lar, Y ub. - - — . . ,rribers, shell 176- . __ - 11=�� plebr4y forgot dol 106 TM swing for his side of the 13 Take on dw 1, ,'I ­ . * I tillOn.ible for Ilil, !1 . . - __ __ Diopol"Tios, by Ton Hosell.-.Heressis dil-! . . I . that I w6uted aro�pulrr da&Lc,l Inis " ve a W%Cu lls . tiletat U r e . veq tit" cel y`XrO,w-d to the Editor - - I aless, sod bill the poritsit—fire ,on . lit .. the), keep the back 0 their disposition 'be most'. I fury Of astoaishocLilt 0 for as touch Is '. I I I ,, -ju~p ­- ----- picture proccCU4 (rrench) "- Ail Jetttiro W 110ttQ. 107:46 that infooll like=, while lease are gestic, 14101ilgool, and cis, � -.1 - casae over big fart-Calt But out timan presto; JLJ I be I-Itaild, or they will put be t"va ri-M tiss ilblow. - - - .1feAtIllify Plot"#*- petits of learning amort anything, others ,• Unsl�tiog, in tile rigi.tt direction, EC14- ' ' 10 list P" stubborn, arid headdirolig. STRANGE BIW. towards cc posiw�, put of do Pont 016c, .. . Six lines and GOOD BY E. ------------- &IO, dull, st,111449 A TRRRIBLY said to the Ind" P*rPO*A' At erM fr"ll self I '"; and that trall % T,,,m of A*CA1Rk^9'- go 2 6 - of Patrick. in its address be(oro the it liteltiff b1c)"at Impossible to teach than$ ' -_ - more certain that. lie came to . lily bide, at'l , under, first insertion' 0 0 74 � Farervioll, Farewell elf Ofidu heard Mal I a county (N� Y.) Ailricts4oral so, anything but to kick avid bits. A hatest The istro diffirult likeness I ever had to touch, I felt more slid En;lipli, begglell cur to 10.1k , ,rtioa, Jefferwi W high spirited would suit 0, . . r the better of toy grand . Each subseillutilt it* figst inser., 1) 3 4, � Flato Like lip@ of those Who part- I advice in flf*r*Dco that 'a Proud &I out that take, not even ciceptin; lily first attempt I was slow gvlting Iditiow ittatialketil with what 1 '.uld al�'.J : Ten lines &lid UX&r! Tie a whispered lose, 'lie a Bootie word, etety, gave the to, OWID f - families.- less that 15 such, much better I ban dii$csdty; apd, ,I crsioYcd tile 3' I Each ,.Jb_.q_g,t insertion, " 0 10 � I But it comes out from the heart. to the Improvement of &floor a . is dull Rod phlevu-stic; Wilkie, an The con- in the art of Vol trait -painting, was Is like - 4 speaking of the practical which Prvvslls In upkd Islas would Plate[ & f gentleman named Vskulkner. As I;ratificaaolk of issivii-C -Y work lightenes! 'I musit do him t1a: ( jus.tielp'l, . ), -a lisfies, first lip. per lifts, 0 It for it lover's closing lay, allies of the livy, a dull at �'hg disposition Of the Bess 0 a histh repeated his vvarnifl�sand cli, Over k 0 0 1 T:yx.r,,:, ,,,,,b a summer's sky ; some families of keeping a Portion hard, like ilimiullf- I I had uO by the recital Of A tree story, vw insertion, dw@lllng &,goes, wholly closed, he 8 0 shape of his far as drawing and colurillt, scut, Slid ()lily left 1114L AV E,ach subsequent Oppi made to those villa But give to atts the lips that may horse, may be known by %b my estimation, all the excite- a) times; The lisp"% weldil-Go,all His- Finer let the front Part Of the house be A horse with the Is Pat a - 6:Jr A liberal date 'Opei the most convenient 49T44- head. _yes wide apart tit ular fault to feud vit" toy picture i it possessed, in exciting runifInce. after I had rejected Lis a,!6- � year. ill town room in if be selected is prominent and round, and With the brines, I , � adverkilike I&Y list ­ - - ---. __ Adieu, adieu. may greet the Iter, able sod P141111,441AL elevs%ed between and above, the el`411111, Raj was the eIrr"I"Sitsits of the sitter wittela I rocrit of the Ili recollect, is, wort, all intent,, and purllms�s j;�111, -iii Lot Ifs dooris be ever wide lietweell the 1141t to kind and courage, iled in rendering --a failure quite ank If'bin as pearly as I Call . jell rendered, it jilt - O"Mmm— la th got" of courtly Speech , had fi. , I But abop we leave the Iliad Rod do. the -fisn'lyroofn-swork of the kitcb*D so Blue Cur word, bow Mr. Faulkner told me' the in ferni-i WlI d v r b 0 . e I, �D (Ind when thl tr&ctgbie, and food of being ca- is his fault 'as mine. Mr. Faulkner, eris not what the If ,ul would reach. epm,;Wnd, let the mother sod he' daughters ads. tousle, to, it's- . 0 Jim to address me P--3in titer Ili. � - be found ikerg with their appropriate work, red'ead; easy to slash &o po"'faffas lee slur] -.- Shortly atter he had Put', a i" __ whonst'st we grasp the hand of those 0 the family altar (a ally usideloLtIoding ilia oritats of tit of&,ter, like many other persons by "born I hate We would have"foistirtir nigh- Lot it be the roof" whar ,,,, offera up bit gild always futs.1y to comply with t4eal­ been eutployed, took it iiitu bib 4taJ that Shortly before tile period volica gambling 11 lertuit. r1c. DR. P. A. MOUGA . olocted,on which the felt soule horses ale 114turally,ti'MA and ally, . �. " bcL;iid me cried:- . V The Rants of friendship bursts sod 910ws ,et it be * he twist assume an expression, because be the. Froisch Gof- - . )led all hours, at I in the Bit frank word -Good Bye, morning and evening sacrifice. I all such horseii are utlyr,,vir between tit. houses were suppri'ssed 11Y . .,fir -.,_permit ale to restore ill N Iss cOuNu "ellnesp, sad purity, and in,, at r3res * . C !:. Le'Turgir's Boarding Holler, I ­ to rabt);t and doer, god are W as l6ii ling for Li, likeness ; aad, iW. conse- eramcat, I happened to be Stray ch v lid, consecrated to be ever seen to that ear-, like if 0 1 ' I to manage, and quence. contrived to look as unlike Ilisn"ll with an I.inglish friend. 1%1k,'c were both Place twiii,Na, O!"isr"witi - ' ')It: I ; 4- Itz � (forst the Brilisk Built.) V5 i The mother, sending forth her ch truth. Lot no hat r- let no coat difilcult and dangerous � . red. , Wonderful luck, sir ! t;uderich. April th, 1853. 1 To meet with care@ and strife,ent the head of its owner, 1. if thetvtole should victor be selected for good- - �� I - � Breathea through her tears her doubts and toot on , permitted to enter I It. I had once such a her" as at Possible, Willie I was painting hirts. I losing men then, gild I;vt:j, T am afraid, a * and b"Or am as rd'!*�L'!dj"r"iv ---I-- __ less individual be , ' lay word , lt!,�, `,' I .. ......... �� fens, risk head is hold (and some therit, are in ral purpose some one says ,'-did had tried to divert hij attention front Lis ,cry dissipated life, it, like very dissipated , f my lqng t'literie6ce ill TRA f,E%Vlq, _ I a - fathe a the allows- wh-ch, a& 1 4 1. � Course 0 . : STY.R, 'So(�ICITOR, Uc. Welt For the loved Otte's future life. that predicament,) ble daughter will b :Tsrythiag but talk," his to Itic ast, Cast Li is- with Iwo on all gort% sojourn. one night, We were own face, by talkies city of our sojou of 1hi4 I ReVer _wl luck as yours? nett" - . No cold adieu, no farewell lives proud to see big tampion covered by the like vellst, be 0 1 1 BIB' cls. liken cap ,hat her Ow" making eyes, and his ease cs. We had Is thtravelled a -great C' le ig laborhood of the Palisis . street, G Oderi liv"25 � Wilkins her particig Bich. neat and graceful silken him. !f the coat he Ing b4ought into continual irequioittoo to of tOlij Alak-C in many sob- Riling about the r - '3,u -,e in Wc fieri. 4's I ! ( , 6 Jese 1848. 1 But the deepest sob ,If anguish give heads had fashioned for &yy for the evening eXPTSSS his meaning. Sly business tallsig deal, and felt ittler"ted Royal, doubtful to Ishill amils"ne all We VO on, Sirj the hnni I E JAZARS, 1 "God tile#* thee bo Good Bye. 7 wear* by day to too he I go ,he country and by bad rr,ad-, it was . on boldly "4 ling - clklicoeq arecheep and so to cotton vro�ding- &ere ted with our wanderings ovtv should next betake Ourselves. Aly (6404 I turned Tama sell saw, notilt1i](19 isit' NEY A terts only necessary for me to lay the TWO upon Jecill eonflec ics. Occasionally, firlsile . A ' liss that dough I ATTOR'N i hancery, k,c. hike his I Go watch the pole and dying old take ilia through tb*m the same counts- . proposed a visit to I-'rgaratj*si but his am; ter, Ilaticitor tratford. When the glance has lost its A few shillingir Places heoui!ortabte his nock -be we inveterate civility, a WI to beam- hands insure him the most are and during the worst nights LJ weather that we were tit3-sissiag our travelling expersea- -u- osed a sai$; at me 'wit" *See as IOT1119117 I% � s brow to told an the marble *folio, and if is boots . gesting, eras not to lily friend Pru- 0. -sided a"' as, 1950. gvn49 When the wrapper in The world; were ever known, amid thunder, tightening, ante 11 t' ; nib the I"CtQCIL , ying 111:10, the"ita it, a firm,ged end 11 "tratforfl, 204 J t fat carpet, a - b r Ile, And t Ld a passing dream, hard, and the ratio CU was univ trecessary to lie ccs the unlucky %et -look left his c I st Timit to I - rwa I If I Fad beers in ,y qc,,,,., I :Iliould rain, and hall, It 0 a& - - rily of t -,,I, I , . . DANIEL GORDON, � And the twesot, of easiest kind.- upon Sockso ", says Rod w4.h scree, and [Ligan to W.)ri I,: sr !!,.a purrow . - I iZi - pressure of she Land; bushel of wheat Once 'a three years will h:a neck, ad I is, by heart ; had lost and won pleat , . r The look of the sunken eye, lippere it, ad Joa wettif . I ld- him persort as 1110109 CABIN, AKEL Three 46011,fe"' 0; - keep him In o 'I has atws,vo stood yourself at livult-a 9*00 but it. via* elveSyll 4LSMtfOUSly left to rotor" fire -franc piece, there, "merely Ior tile rkin hate , 0 . . ,us ,l,,% or an om sa- ­ Canada COOF&Oy,s OWS, W�ost- I Y I" d •vib a t the world in jot understood, Let that table which . ' there I before I Iii made any -'reat pro- I ' k,,, no longer; , rather a -1-11-tic , A long a last Good Bye. under the looking -glass scat vat the will, be - &;ainl of tile thing:' until it via, "fou;' Ili. had gof,glifl`* �the Ana a, a the room, its [env . --or, in I, ,' ailthelier. , bloo&'hQt eyies- stroot. Godorkis, ­ 2trago — Ishooted into a,, raised, vill [JURRICA NE.-Oks Lite afternoon of Thor@ other wor,lti, Intl at tlw Very ired, In fact, Of — ca is. &I'd fa, gi-cilb Inst d wit% thoroughlY I �l tilt Itrojest, nose. is Auffust 27tht 1849, plenty of uvefui b,okv, periodt day last, during this Ili WIr-d that Prsv&ll that it so tualp..-y ma.t.tehics, 3 TRUE FRIENDSHIP. ft: a %%-a tivike when I tons m"t auxsous� ghastly lespeclabiliLics Of 111'11 a social I ' ,L -mom istOMOAR, . ----- - It LUNTON, d figricullu?"d jouread" be laid upon ed -1 a number of accidents occurred. JOHN J Lic"Commisidoner Q.B., - fully a )IrW courts, brialf Oil learn that a chliJ, the son Of R, should not re-a-prear. , The ril,itacle thtli anomaly, as a respectable Keffln"09-hollse- I Voice betr-lyed a barri NOTARTRUBI Who knows the va'ue of a frietid, it. Wilda the ever regret to ear I of tile %T'(,T.;t order slid he ball tile dirtiest I'Itt with that friend a_%3 who . 3vt'37Y cOm- ,,tFor 1-4aven's ivsLe"-sail I to my friewl Is I sad conveyancer, stratilard. Lc'a fare d to Part,; lite lights -for eons and daughter South, Esq., collector at Port S'a"ley, wee thrown in the way of I.Le satilif 0 a try blown ore the pie M r. ' . - 'a I - -.'V,'n in-FT113're. �J�LLIAJd REED, � Till Beveled reels strong cord that bide can -wilt be mo,t willing students. Th r And drowned. pielion of my portrait, was the more to be 3%, sec `parr or lian" ever sivir learn, they will discurst Haldane, to the Toviinaltip of NVeotmintster, tomcwhere whert w� c . I . , NTER9 kc- I That cheruii;cd friend so rest tile httft- will read, they will (e- -let its go . i -se little penanall 1'r , " i i -it i (tC4 AND SIGN PAII tilit each other; I , ,we young calls, by the fall of a tree. dcp!OrCd1l,ccaa,e Mr. Faulkn­r's nattirall - , ever-cived a little geoutne, blackg1furd, priver-ty-strick- , 'rb, . HOLU. ,11,r, It Be I the subjects of their ittudies w I Ouse -street, GothiriCh, . is Much In- 0" two were ittanding ,Ice on each aide of c ver, , rercl,lrlg inlikIl.11c, on Inc. In . 2vol" But dealt !-Ah, who can "top its coot and parents will often be quite I The t Iillre-hiun was a MY remalkatle Q�Ie' 1 tit gaining, with sic filse gingerbread glit- I how* bo . . October Sk 1949. _ What hand can love in 'hall dark hrut 1 struc led as their children. tl.)o line of the tree 10 lilt fall, lee trunk Is n autb,)r, Ile, I cannot describe it. . I Ill I ex - .lea,, lea,, nt, lite reck'wss triusvt�lk ---------.: , e IN ' "' ma' ' c*4 1 - I 3TOKM Our sighs Ind tear@ avail us nought- Thin rot only keeps the family tnget'ier aratinif them. The tree was a maple of am not a toting it how- ter tistown over it at all. Let us getaway . of that nintrimitt, I vra- "XIII it) "frater- . GIST, Weli It it ordained by higher power. 0 few years it veru - � 0 tI.Om faiginionable Fenscati's, to I 111101" -his on, at home -but to sk v great weight, and the, top 4ranclies I ultimat.ly succeeded in pail ()HEMI[ST AND DRUG It -il:ed then) sit, cnco�qacred me will ,bow Itself 11) the intelligence of all- them, L ni!�,,,, w;tJl any body %ho , e stritet, Goderich- , )LTttngt We have 1`,41OalY flit' ,start, in that harmony I the tree fatting on ever; and this was the way its which .1 where they dont mind letting. Ili a man with . I I , - 20-3 Though I d from the very most immediately; the head Of One was cut - rag - it gnme I accepted lie Old 'Soldier's July 1830. And tear at anguish we 1�rsve shed, an doess, which should Pro- off directly across the neck by aver light ae in my vane. . _.� I have loved, and happy contents ,hiteved my success - d or &• mall with t.0 coat, r Fay ch#r;#bcd friends we long a ,IV. bratach.-Frre Press- I -, A fogge costly 7 . , silTered pinch of W00: cbtitt him on the, HUB. N HOTEL., It the Asad I I vade .Ttry fam. I � On the inoru�ll, vr�,;� rov.i.1te . r ons, , said my I a or 0dBervri�W."1_-VW y well , i ls.� 'That now &to D"I'diered with , 40 me for 14C fourth time" I Willi ss"I"i re he was tllg boar. test fe . I � GENTLES, Godertc or lt�liaeirrox."It -0 plastring CQ*BK I, � I I By "'mm �. .1.1. .. hand. � Mends, glorious relic Atleativs U`061101 not all, that hope will of soirtale, .. Vi.qZGA,L ruou B,,gTp,__Good vinegar is Patiartitc-rp . ,,we needn't gn "t of ibc "a"a's back and swore � Is in every ta- to see and hear on all sides cheerin'T Indira' looking at his p,rtrait in no v�,ry "ZI-CPAble Is want. low in tile world; the most -1 12 11880: I fai,"30 to part with friends 00 dW ; an ,1,,,&t lodi.peopable artli: Good . r,'oyal to find the sort Of %:OmP3nY Yo . Godarich, Sept. f� _ , ,- - - %li'likett citt*d . I - ties* of the iocre&miug prosperity of I siwarterving Ilgre,s the pbce just before us; as black- of ill, Grand Army that 11 had ever met .---.— STRACHAN AND BROTHER Tbautlis we me parted for a time, folly, many of which purchase it at R cou -looking at it Willi a di . - case. while some use Old Kingston. The merchant@ 0011 as mood military friend , - forwarders have e would be a fad - ,-(;o on I" erica my Wililik I We bope to meet in yon brig tit sphere• ,,d,rsble annual exp I I for much as they gas buy; the forwar con,sictioa that the picture . . guard a place br all rep � 6rt I as jou could' with. 1. r DeMeter add .qfflor%ira of LOW, +C... � but a vary ladifrovent aftict"; and others ,,_ entire than they can forward: :hs mechan- . . *_ JI , I . lijifo-erst in ecstacy"_.-Go on, GIIDBAIc1l C. W. There, all to yeace, and joy, end love, a little koossirlodals, and less Ind tire, unless the expression in the Inc* It sissi wish Be I want of 'ed and im- P lily to . .' I ll,eiak the Bank --Otitis 114101- 301IN star sad Allies- - tea are busily engaged; the labourers have . see:' in another minute snapping - :fine en Berri And parting out -or there can come,; try go without. it it an easy matter, 11011 r: we arrived at the do", and entered the and win! I Notary Public and Convey- But we shall ingot :he friends we love, supplied with good constant work, with good wages: this he- presented were tliorou,bly alte 1, I 0 ibe only method it my gnilimi; Raglish comrade, break . Bay at Law, N ever, to be at all times 1 hout much Ox- lett are full; rend even the newspapers are proved from nature- I '&iwa nernrl : 1. In their bgight, everiast I:ig boats. vinegar, Ind that too "'It I at* sugar content and nut g ruiribling. This happy of scent listing this successfully, Was to house, the back of,'Which YOU bAV4 sneer. I . . Like back!" I LEXANDETI, WOOD s,rRACHAN, / Of one hustle [ally owing to the i, tell. - 11 I , I Solicitor in Chao, There not a cloned will ere Dbacuret fiction. The juice tit, and which state of th, Is pa ti ite I I I a rate, AltorneY at Law, beets, in orth t,%enly five est n " h -that t - - . It -ft our And I did 90 On -great at such A I That ever suriny summer sky ; ipletion at, I . 0 twin railroads u make Mr. Falknc,. somehow, insensibly 'a your aL . I any former can raise without test, will con that to Dopt,,n; but it in more foro,et that he Was , 'ling for big Picture— When we got up stairs, and hal laour the crou-, I I Cary, CO"lleyeseer. tramber, 1861 . And not a grief can Tack the heart, or Vinegar, Rome, and � fInarter of an I Godericb, 17th No make from five to SIX Billions - - ,owing to %he general increase of bounce W. to talk at, , hats and sticks with the doorkeeper, we that in =other I tile bank ' Nor bitter fettle; bedist, the eye. equal to ,tie beat ailac of coder or wine treillage, in which such achy hat tC'riC Could 1 lead hilin were admitted into the chief gambling room. pier called out: ,,L;cntlemen ! :. � — - sets, havingfirat washed them, all over the I hjell Would entirely engross his 'llitenzion IS . sswalbled has discontinued (or to-aight." Ail the ' THOMAS NICHOLIS (irate the b . -a­preso. or an Kingston glust necessarily partic'Pats-- , - on Isis likeness I I We dill not find many people I juice in a chee �l in it b - ROW .1 and express the j riggoutty 11"hig. while I wa,s at work 11",, few as the men were who notes, allst all the 9. -4-hAt " mkP 1. ,uso, Land.lasuratical Ship- I AGRICULTURE- IV, ,Deny other ways which a little I . there. ­_ B=Aauesoi AGE,NT. . -jot into in -Tile was still puzzling my brains to no Purpose y were heap under my billissit; fillie W1116111 . Merchant Acs I I _._� can suggest, so'] put the liquor Tait Fivit Poi% -re, Nr.w YORK. -ed up at Its an our entrance, the I lay in 0 . IL -- -hole with ' Use wu .0fornission bur the follawlo:! June "Is capital of tlt�. r the lit this so, I itiambling-ho slupiy barrel; cover or 15, New York Times gives ,,jcct, when Mr. Falkner entered 1poL I I ... . Produce and . P HAYING. I it In the suit, sod I all trl.cs--miscrable types --of trete' rv,- !floating I . ells' . � constant, Uc. � - , gauze and act in , afterwards, an it-,- . amiss!O10 for use.- Farriter 4. description of the sink of crime anti Iniquity my studio: and, shortly I we had come to set, I waitis- to pour into my pockets! 11 Produce bought sod gold on Car an ,a June ,,haylng,, commences.- efivil it will be ready in New Yarlit known Is the Five i"`alnl4;_ � pective claves. a . � - - toted, and forwarded. Hoolre 1. Th " Imitzme for a moment, when tk­ cleanest ciderflall circumstance gaited for me the � were &nine- Tie up the money in Your pocket -hand - and adjusted. I Thick, heavy grapt should be known first, j1irchanif'. , t al two great cAv &'rise"* c, If4icts my' OWD la6eaujity bad b13611tit"ardf ; but these men . 9s61*&dv`a:ed=roInp settlem�dl ,son � very o4e thjrs� worse. There is a comic side Move kerchief, my worthy air,'* said t - . in fl,l)la to ,, lod.�*.,' Then take 9 and purest spo , the soldier Goderselk Feb. 25, 1"t- T.'s-rib � sta that it sad me on reserving it's Is J -r -40T to.-Agricultule must &'way with dust, dot, and Impurity, at this Pea 0 � 11 .. I the next heavies ain business of the country; but, "I ,be thermometer gets " so high,'* proved unequal to compR511- tkilluardisin- as L vr�jitlly plunged my 1,allas Into my heap "too be I", in when NVII;ic t Wn- ,,wttin,, I ,. ," To pallet, my or less applicable, in all blat . I to tie up . I ,hill to the last. undeas it to becoming enough, It is •almost the 0111� bet. on R 11 bonder," the I . A. NASMY`TH- In i wiry, when the sooner I ularlY nously overflone.- and is continually . y here, (here was ndthiut( but trap "lute .-Tic it up, 2-i we vicut � I - c t ::ng peatilontial turpieg over some of gold. , I FASHIONABLE TAILOR, d'dor - ripe," of dry Red . condition of that huge I i the better. When •a "00 und In a that is not tot h head. - Iti"Ir willu" Wmself by weird tragedy. The quiet in tilt room was our as W"t , Is MOWU, I pr g blotch of rottennORS and car I a Lit of dinner in tile (iraw Army ; I I Wast of W. E. Often .8 11 led upon. the first crop Nllen rush into everyth,ng else wit I I fe.110. Or to � , to is extent&, lily, at loiter around CA146 by p%ion, yclept the III Five Points."- h6rrible. The thl 5 Street Goderieh. Tbefflound hould tong avtc r part -folies. lie happened to select 00* for a, hag6rard, long hairet'l viliurau-s are too heavy for any breeches crop, 11 ' when we yesterday . . a . I shopuld be take: earlier. -niployme it w%II6 ," . i , Feb. 19, 1662. v5-04 1 h b' intends for chance e e!m7a. special notice w4ich contained sellifftl whose sunken eye, fiercely . , be mown clean and even, and iher. I e hay t a L-tiog"for act, ui.bandmon, 'Flney our (a ' Ion of it# tainted pultals, young 10"'. I I packet sLat ever were sown. '*11turt ! that's It 6hoolarewato broad fields %To wl ,%. the harvest Inside an expistratial, 10 -l" that I hod made in The streets of _ __ - ___ should be properly made- proper!y cured. on every side prociwinific t, %%, a with the "sun Cal g down W1111 It hot- skeli I I; up of ilia r-ards, never It!-­4wvtI Likent intrutesol;.d oil ! GrisdAic! A 'D. � n the ground white It 1 I few I" jut exhibiting s�m, Park. Ile turned over lite first fire views glatebed am turnin plail I 'Apoleon on . I WANTE a, ad out is great, but the labourers ale ,11 tio.stansed eye;' and Lite I spoke; tile" flabby, tat faced, pimply player, i anothel N r1sW0 good BOOT and SIIOFMakcrs,� :Palo while its good quslA4 BIG Coast not york Expre" bits the il The moot . ly enough ; but when lie came to the hat luck I Z sun I Scroutormorks, cot thirk the N .r I Of go;rij ofr into a fit, - ill plovinctit � . burrun� d In ,he fallowing-paragr-ph:- toms lily rallid who pricked his Piece Of It"t" bc"trd lire I w 1. (torte! cAlt! thrure 2lrHf'J"kUi&"�ng -ri� who will find constant am, f . ,a ituagmatton could not rp,itot the res . ly ; lind-ob. I lt� Shop ♦i I; ..','. sit. av,tb s: 1,ri a Ill their bay. scorch it un- on the be& - , m Utica, III I i a fluish direct . I bits . I (nand d thee at list !r- Wpst-alreet, to to eb eef, wool ecessar I guntirs reelting sit tit, I saw bis fee 0 Bud how often red ---Dever spoke ;tike dirty 'V,,,,, I # - -two right 'double tuots. each and good wares, by applying at th L the star how, often Iblack Vvii,$), More bay is ,-The high Prices Of b of he scene. There were � , strviq y, regi 'I . . � 0 a RIF. a '. and I � I thill subacrilyfir, Goderielf. I tolattiout, and other such - dead felt cats he took the dravriug out Of the - liken .,,i, ve I 1 tit it- !will c(Thest by burning it whop too broiler, P with filth ■and Battling " served a re_ a 'No" BUSTARD'GREKN - I thus Inj . zi lee a( life. not Only to his great metrollul"" wI of every size and age, making it •a port -folio, carried it to the window, an - I kl�d old vollus with tile vulture eyes, way with your honorable permitiniaoin, *ad 0apt. gtb, 1851. 1 green. Good king consists in to led an OR Atlantic, indicates dogs, egmetry of a ,,strcet. Fancy half wrinkled 01 Bering the cut gr so dry as Dot to heat but to other eit Is of provi4ing very bed in the contempla- . I., I d , wrong in too m0`,r tar,ed chti,iress to doorwave occupied by strained silently absorbed d the dosed' eat coat; who ball lost his the money** safe. rel it !-feel it, forilo- t much in the mow, at the OWITIO tiolos to something a forwa ding of tl,lugs " ;sees - f .t for full fire minutes. After that. and -1. a ca,nnon ball WGIT(Dift as a - Be the 'W "Oros; tion 0 1 . M E07191 I 00 Tu po #this the 11411trAl for the markets, or th ice* mud and vagabond porkers, their little , 9i preserve " much the market use of high pr and hands covered with loatheorne and asked very last sena, and ,tjJI looked on dt%ptmttiy, note sicl hiard and round , I GODERICH, juices ,tit ilia gross. to they may, If the cauPe be ft be could play no longer --Deter spoke if tbey only fired such camon WEST.%?TR E'ET, to their bay much however, what blacks, bloated and debau"'I"d, lie turned rolled to me ; __�h 1xJ, ! I 'riclarld, farmers be i r. are laireded A491, u; humanity turn from anxiously, if I had any objection to part after . - In F, we , whit,se arld , -NOW d'u" Iripcii (Near the Marital squepol) � , liflair cutting than do in this good, store Airline with every vestive of liniment � I.,Tell the voice of the croupier sOU048d 05 bells n( *is at Auptertilix joll N & ROOT. DONOGIL 1 Sooner it from over beat, Aad.. Airricuillare. priced all ale, is Nkdtr - their backs, .1 OOD Accommodations for Travellers, first Y* do e Tlkc�e are not examKit raisers of their countenances. tome on .o BY MESSRS.Isin and country, and to preserve with their red sad pimpled faces burning in I wit Ilia di of if it were strangely 1101ded, *all thiel"elled if lbeLy Only had I Aad floor, as an sexiest . I.. in Is of tZ prererl� to supply as devourerst." I t :k G an attentive Hoosier &%tsIt times, 19 ,eke they place UPOD the RcAff"Iddl :91iI Ly Re the Bull; st-luke feeling and staggernig 11 W29 ll:tcib�t interesting f the in the gtolosilIere of the room. I had I "ledic, 0 " kin ex. bra v e o/ tike Frefse Its I er of fresh haY and then I riew in tae 0 � , r charge of Team,. 43-tf � Straw, and thus on until the mow is Colli — __ - in the street, slid ,there "Outlaki the series -merely . merely it entered llse place 10 Iss"Ith ; I felt that if I. I shilf; wut r,,,rasian for me to tilt ! I ask '. 1 .6.1850. . � plated. The straw absorbs the damp Ox, and facing like 00 many damned spirits 6 by the back of The 11011'" Si i Goderiels, Dirit — balations of lbs now hay, becomes improp Tail ArrTIPOPWArir.-From our ativert,8109 tot loans from . the devils. dam nions:- street' rur"llsil or five of 11004, fillicily. looking no much Mager, I witat Mail y this; to entreat my strafiked WASHINGTON Teo the columns it will be *000 that the fat f&tD*J el( surroinded by such in tilt- Palais Royal. Some four should Ile tli(,re likely to weep. SO, to cz- Lash4li, friend to drink a WWI: ,If c baAa - �-llatod with them, and thus Preset -1 phoney" now, Onto ill I ,- O., mow, and at Ili@ game time, the straw thus Preferster McCormick to to walk upon a disgusting and UPP0 C sights. Facts the,e bou,ps vwcv<- comprised in the % self out -1 the depression of spirits with me, anti Wast the 9041110"o Fair - like these are hideous and they aro rACTS wilich was of no particular ii%e to Inc in 3"! 'Ile inti. ligivile, Farmers' Mutual Insurance C I ,,Bed, In enlist, by the cattle with great avid)- marble 01-b after the mantior Of a fly or spl� I � . r in,., I unfor- I CAPITAI, $1,000,1*0- � jy. I­;tbefs use their old bay 4110 9 OubOtl- do, We have cot learned the allatiffilki g. are allowed to exist even I " Lirb was fait StCat'ng Ore i tupr-� in foansing goblets bc-lote ",' lw-rt-" ' 'ad 'polo, yet, Stich thing+ jCb wise VAIUV:0S, RS a ' .. NS, llaralhOu, A ent for � and thus better the con- the University in which the learn a this great city a hart. v,ay ; and wh tunatelf wcoiL to the Labit, And began to ancient . U ZRA HOPKI. f lute for the Straw hod new. Others still ftsmar holds a chair, but in Canada The fact 1 of SeVin,4 I--._I-,;it �s_`111&1k! Couvivi3l . . - L theCousillevollWiltstle"Itind luross' Billion of both alili .4 - stroll, of Art, for me to thifik ,,,&I. Still more unfoltoulkisely, its the c%cnt i g". -_ I "I August 27, 18516. 8v lb the hay, an they 2 of ,I pIro FiLig Ala WATria-rRoor ral7pAILATIO . ...die, Imlysigne by all useasts : sprinkl It upon tow it .re"or exhibiting chock by jowl 9 c!"" ittriartykindpatrOo- I begged acceptance libnow,l wulli--i-ran prndi.giouslyjwoll %,"jet. liw- - 0 on From four 4f eight along with clowns sod - settle riders" will -Stake comnsi GLO96 lime in I away In he mow. � warmly; and will An )N"'lish rheer for so OW MR. JOHN MACARA. quarts Writes 18 sufficient, and this'Tivatill- be 8 novelty quua as Krall%4111 the f4st which vqooel, and volles co . at pave eight fl,iltrts - lie thanked me quite . * Incredibly ; vton, at *sell it rate, that regm- rah! burrah! Another Yn;114 Chiser for he preforms. Surgeon Bennet oil reading through a An* issive add to it anti q'iert of of 11 so r - fees so I wel.lf. then t,,ejn,, that I 1,,oked a little .1 ad me ; I 0 .... BARRISTM Solicitor in Cliancerys ty will not only Pr sent hay 'a & grugg Bud two 9""nst of pills . 0 r players at the taki'lle c1l"fle'ded rOu the godde'l, Fortlaii 11scrall! 114"ahl I. 0 Att­rney-at-1,41F, COOTO�ancer, UC. state, but It ,tads to its quality by rOcide the bill observed that the 1169ft might be a An@ INAlt every four gallol 9 d belci,tio, Ile lied inalle from I inil; at my st,akcq Willi hungry super- Ilurrah # King -St. I were of it palatable to Cottle. . great Scholar but uoqa"tlooably ►he oported Boil and skim. Torn, to is I. ise I! at the ad 'sad Stu t. 1� Ut. office t Ontario Uutilliory diversity of OPIGIG :,gernerled undorstaridgag .1 I-Sireds. of %his mixture add one and tingly ailed me if I c(luld - , I Book of clover, R . n ath"art"Al � to be .tioug eyes, schillpered to one ADOIbOr, Aft ;liar amiable, Opposite the Gore Bask. and the I As to curing c over , thee -fourths of my %kelclies, I;ku;l _ I. - - F,n- A 1 . . ads of rack Glum, thin lirn,o) I the giWisfis 4 British North America. HAMIL-11ION. 4 10J Prevails. some car that ft should remain Review. poll hy I had been 30 anitivill . - W inat tire I-' .11:-Ij, Ztran--tr Was ag to � . ,ill it 4typ %a too thirdii of on thickness, Pound ". . 11 , got .on., I�a-,Ikhkaan, in whetir veins cilren- - 0 file belch sand.-Th'a 1� -IL, I gract AriiricirATAD D15TURNAVCB I'll PRINIBROILIt Vo r copperas, half a Pound Of P"a"t" Rut„ , ud of The Nitw vihi, I 11 MR. T. N. Mo[,ESWORTII, i then tustied evc.,iih.,ut spreading, suffered ph from and five quarks ofm,, &By Colorlog IntiliCT "me �111111t. break the book. late$ tile 'I itaciou, bl,)nd or France',- to rance I- I -, and then be bairried; in a word, -We copy' the following P&r&gfs Wash will now ad le'l given him I I . IVIL ENGINEER and Provilicial Land I t 0 dry a 11ttlF - the Bitown Gazelt'd of a late date:-Infor thki, may he desired, &lid miy be app the ass 'etc is Tlic vine was r,rutgc et ,Vuir. 1 hat' ArrolLiser 0-11 I A4 1.4! the bottle is I that clover should be stirred Se fillia so Poe wish brush in .,I,,,ugbIy­--T an Others matron Is I" cut PO"06"lon, which we re with 6 paint of Whitt . tion cra- played at it in newly every city in Europe t I Never minst) ! Vice .-'r ClAll ' It the I a Surveyor, Godericb. I Bible, before it so put under cover. y . N . .1 t ;; v4oII " " A Kral to may, would indbeis the (ear, that a planner as oil Points- A writer Is- k I'le hiblolical, 3 ­;Orta empty! I" P 11 . April M 1861. 1 recommend to lot the spreader" follow IF preps- to and half some trouble May be anticipated at Pet- 'am ,,ties of ,his P, - some remar►'a s -jut, linstrevitit, the care of the wi%h oil itnithe-, order another blittIO, "I — " make The hay 94 dilen 'IS Pon- marking en the good qua street at the back Of the with. !' .r DR. HYNDMAN, � 11 mower; Into the born before the broke, on the :mining Twelfth of July. As thin jot roof*, say@.--, it looks better than nested with 11"It igartrant." study this ,riwory of Ultailecs -111--it 0il- a ro!inj of ItOrk-topts with it !" l ethic, and Est It Others still, spread rake our readers or aware. last licked ton or paint, will stop leaks in roofs, prevent mass Palais Royal, 4 11hiell I am w or. m,0..bv(,& atone of gamillers! And 1 gam- � ( ICK'S TAVERN, London Road. I pan the aid upon brick I No,no,e,t_brave;ntver nricienigtena- a as a led to discontinue . , -' (4, I V441 1 � =tpC,r,R_,."�6�ck' Ica as possibl'o, and twelve protestants were attacked u frank growing, s"d when I ,,N, ,, .at least, nine that I kno, I 16 - It remain In the coess overnight, 0 no' public told, sod compel work will reader it impenetrable to rain Or �a connertLI wilt 'be 11 r i I 114. strit 1 fislin�t o( tile vr,wd, I Ilier I Yatir b,)ttie 1,,k.t lime I rity bolild I ____ lot I moisture '" ' ' * — their)ournsy to a lhbinuring Intensity, moisture." A wash of this kind might 64 The only as,kociatio aft 10 .1, t wholo fruits til it "makes" and then born it. 90 of Ile of house*, .1 a purely P60,0nal iss' I I visiver been. I w 11ii.. llt!llolla it! Tainst Reilly ! 'Ishe � JAMES WOODS, to be arred6cc(if- where they were going without bed b,attic(silly applied to the roe in PIW iniad, i e" AUCTIONEER, is prepared to attend Now these methods ore symbol of any Led, by several hundredRo- tific Asisirri- P's- his House in your lilt corroding pas,inn (or 1',-vy. MY 'ft- Arkpirl--flos, great Natiolvals! . Public sales in any part of the United ding to circumistaine". in fair weather Mon Catholics, with the Priest at their kc., instead of paints.-Sciest %oriatioll. Look at t � M V'reach Au Spread the swaths, bat If lowry of variable, strong feeling Of injiguation "a- Ouse with the wolf'r pit* ling was a were idle ismossettle.1t. I never eke pretest emilimny 1 ilia ctouper! the . ('entities, on moderate terniti. the gwiliti, until half bead. A very It f all de- A. -Few persons J I ra,vill, -th'! b ttOm. I res,rteil to it by arce,sitf, because I never . liters if he � Stratford, May I UO. g,4_sI4 let libe Bra" remain to Ili thissfit opfeaksling, ws@ created among*% PrOtIlassfittl I 0 Tun STRAvessitair Tat" wet beyond it, runniag down it from tot) to be II1lnr!!,t rr(iwpitl`** wife an.l dans; dry, 0011 turn 11 over' 11,itin Irrsm ouressatione. embracing me* of all prilitica, wits t,v "tit ifinney. I never .. --------- A_- Grits through- In thi: alit still much is I theve-1 night I rb'kll knew what it I he he an), ! tho Ladin g'-fierally ! Fvwy , Bad after drying AlArbils, r1stv. if salt is tuna to the roost ultra Cliket have 0 ye� an to the extent of the istraid. Passed a nigh, . PETER BUCHANAN, TAILOR. in Coell I l msj_ out the whole Courity of Reafrow-Mos, bottry trild" beiw**n our gard"-fis and %he O"tr Oi My, death. I practi,el it to incetAntly at to lost more . cskiskos� or put it I f the never forget to lite day I L41n I could afford, or to pill more than I I bo,l, in " IrM 1 "r door to H. B. O'Cosdair's $to-, I a 0 '1h`1' art AP ­cis' 'I.h@ 11"011"t 0 I lily jl,f, lini'! Ex quasi to tb# tors,' who were the ovieffilleg o( All P Northern G%stkftf� I w bate had !,,)Me aw, v3rd trAirchill; nd%en 0c -,-CO40 botilsktoii , 11mok. ,:�-bl,0`311"' ad - I NWest StroolikGoderich. CI Thee made I ,,:. ch method ff pursed. In tions and Proc*0410011, 461L Outwitted Ill such attlicious, fruit "at Its 11bitsidelphill, by I bar thit fidlPfItsire- -I could eo"'y Poe" " Iihout living thrown , , � it reminds Ilethat call OR averages fifty lures in my time I I felt sit ii� t had Isrets, and repalritil, sod cutting done orl' the shot- I 13p:;'k' n9scefs",' fiablo violation Of thOct'"'t Filemnis I'lle Of Nt*%ffm - to nearly 1, sensing g 1. fresh ghee, stand in an ualialil ,rbes-9 a logos of every British subject. This "il, the sittiviz. ,AT my balance by my govil I.,rk. In iheirt liaght — sid"'Ptes"i-I it test notice, and moot liberal terms. .ad lbouslood Illutrill daily- some livelt"Welt! Suppose We Is g drinking liq,iiil (I -P, 0111 hi -sin Seemed all a , � I . ,4012 1 P& go good bosb%OdDmu "' 1=1og was In so posted, ravilifled by threats all ,anisdi to Ads Arlsod011 C"'I"I I, oil start, for Your Liddile"s I had hitherto fre4actsta-il Ia, iibling-t able* � Apints. No eirte,si i ' Thicestabor gird, 1951, %%;ti`c"I.0roytdof Ittlit in to* two poll of 0 ro, are �Pvotej Its I make bat a I)A(i I -romins and opera In W;fle 11.14 piler )%,,I atter: sediment out to them bola out is high places* that ad procession of which ( fly to fifty I ", frequented liall I *.lost* deal this C at woulld spot bog permitted an the Twelfth of their growth snit 150 . 1110 hands empl,ty, in givill. me ,he sketch, by thus wasting __just as I . , y . ,Vct " Va. bel"Ista in in, Itillo. lit, - act Those CIA be do doubt hat ptellitlog them.- I � houses- becasibel.be had ILMII,Ica me, ani chi, tri, I � W. & R. slmp�,(_)N, =*readily. , July in Pembroke. The result hat has" a ad by odelit P1161titilt"? in your time in mere talt." with any �� it tile retrult CS a miso,l;sut nelialt 1q. 3.0 My I is lit,, advantageous to thovn- termination 6111116 Prowl4rit Reiiii.we &ft. I ;1 � (LATE HOPE, RlRitr" k Co,,) � It Ito),if 10 the garden - "OP It from Womb vally general do lag accueltJ tile s1tte"s beess"t I had nothing "ter to drs yotein 111rhen I witi is a l�qVily-4weilell .1taw. . RCWZRW Wine Merchant*. Frostievers it,ot two Platte. I%" pert fill'the wrimmututy, to how* a procession; roa ciasts.F&A.-Solk elptaille lie hod not lo 4 idsoulthiful') wiser, leittorr 'ft ,ori. 11 , Sad ally wall the 0011 a -terry plunge sad public motion has battle gives acc6l4filsir Rowley I ,0*.b 4ATO 041� ,.halt (Joishiag P211 " Walt my %tulaar�b in �1 por ticilla, ly A, � , G I I)a"'t let too " filessays If, ­`I`..0r_ � I '61ho, Who sell Out Of l,T&fpQo ' this oc'evision it was very dilTer- and "Ime'", NO - 1'7 Dutedis "treall to your ,,rit". .0 n p to ly. On the *lost bastl the (* morn for -Aafstw -_ Bat 6% I roaditioliff ()c was thin, charri i1al- Leadmin, C. W. Rat tee Shp, he r'Unst"t'i -'s"luts"rily' as ,I% ssre"Re'd in my lift-, I Itil I remain to a hill P, you , own table; Ina here lietoo organisms their irtrivelittli. soft, that theft cars SO 1 try cho0e 4W -'sit he back Cot - nnw, for the first lime I February *Sib )US. V"k jely4 if yen like them lav pq@vSast it, and It to 11isible our 111110111`104" 0111101dirs than for s" Ord'"' have, a rissiodw in the subject of thill-l"I"I's" In t t usissilaril Otte% I I , as for the market; tot new of ill* ot'Imisch. Thoy he passions for ii,liky really ww%. -- I . would rates the , plehloo. CI)C,ilfnh@re that quastitisto of dria-straid have Nw" taken I hope, silsovs;ng Any art- felt what I I I of to'blo, 804 -a ^it. Without, I . "I't-hr-irks 6( VU'Vilginiall Aroly '- ,­ wo*ld Is for AS Refined o"I of which lorry pf'O"Ous" sall' ouw .%q first be"Jen4l, mail thee, I" I , be 9011rOt In the hill' &total, its posits" 11�.� iffies,entilifir sod simple 00 11011"It"" all W , I ", piest! for to - . ,Is. Wo stball pre dor � IV did 10 let bits %cc M, enre4 . ROWLAND 111111`11.1,11AMS, ad Radicals should not I : .P ,,a pall ". I 1. .k. eerl"141, I colklir , , #It '. three 4 is overvilosta he tlis: 11104t litetill messaing or the Word, ;n- I tio, a ,vintl sto"'it'jig"141i'm r * - ,.1 I - ra a-- t_ � -10 * - W1_ - 4tpTE tr I , .,I � 9192a .5 ,6 ,-, U . 0 , 0 — I'Do— " .. - - "s ,.. f..-r".b.1b..�li'd.�..,.,....Il.,(i.-I I - , I , - I , , a , I I I I I I I , - , ' ' ' I ' 4 , � . ... " . , I , L I , I , , , � 11 � I I I I - I. - is Ir , I 11 I L I - AtirTrolivalut to pro),sired to attained Sales in = a finer is? first@*, ; too plente and loss&'- firithisn"'of fatal role I now that T 411 It drill intend . ,h*c, � i.• � a" pert of the Unit,A Count it,,. .a I 109 "thitot arp "(Nlh I" ate Fkm* I Masi of ear reader$ Roth'" .4 ,; It"Itry wki rest" PRO. lot rettillis tit% it 903ky a pec sa- i 04 lire.' h,) III aft lat 1, , �'J 41# Inner histral larval. Apply fil Ili, F I Fat at ill# ft silr*rl, ,ad JW they theow I :bt.Y In', ..'o"Jilisk prescription :—Cr A(I;.r two mr 'Ifirre I-' if krillnors 02Y Ition at tilla of **a"@ "lot COAL. -It 19 I'SPOTted by tlp* Loodrs" C. W. to, one tahle-spoeritrul ; to', Pepper. 'be, *',)ft raid. I eat I-- hit it its stiorts" Solptat trust, N.'" it *e!T lJod, I ,ft lit" I 1* Y110111`11111411111sr I -0�*" 11110gisa .1 , 4 Divissucto Court 0111111ce. at at big likoses, Fast E: hyllsity *"ft. 0 a t4-* 111dissis tinat a bed of certain* I ,ff,ot water. The hersits6tioll, be sit la,"ll ") my I, . . , a. I , - ORO TaireAlls 0 ' M 1 00-4p 1 Osil ., wires I fAi'lapite'l Lot "I i lou"I T, -i pso•(w- *a , e- ,W$44 iiiii;* , Nu. , 'i if af granted. f ZZ rte-* ,,O"fW Ina half - ", - , is year visa@ diet"'Is'ad 'a Im I il 414111,111r. . . A � 5~, Godersells be Is I that* IS Ole 114w, ill :hmee has het in"'If" IV started on The "afflit"'k of his a i" � I:. it: fa ittafl'ise , red 11W We i1ruilf this Vo ,)'A I Pit T 04 "oorilki" to egg 0 � 41A._. I # . Pi. B.-Ofsoidio sad other partapoiril will be ,adle 'Prikokilad of *K 7"Alk. d1ah. - I begiaw "'kitis them ft tooree of its isoft, Go in% tiuisv � I 'I'. .I", , f*` 44 MU *fiber by private of ►public With 4 owns I -t ,,, I . . ow the llook of floor C 'M d oat simis of 116 1. �,i. "-"W got f,e,y, IvkfPcto Hirotiff F41104 Arellovessy Intl pro" *041 intended In 164 intrie I jot* Wilt PT"evre them failure. - ". ,,04t eircollollit 6pplied to C40mist. . " '1. , , I I, 11" . 16*80try G. 1662 -4o,i7l. � soap arid* are ,% , "I . .1. . lt_*.1lPlBrTj,IW I -_ I t t IT - 1, isle, -40 , I . . J.�.,41� tr�4$ ,;�V . ­ � . � . 11 � . . . - - I I L-.�� � ,,,, �� 1* _1 I- •, Asa, ,� �- , , , , V - 14 , .T r, . , -ar ­ .. __ -_ , _. _.1"*__ -_7 As I As. 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