HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-07-01, Page 1p, (; 'f lee,. _.. _• - --THE N U l o N SIGNAL' 1. Priesded ♦ f 6fti+hed every M'•o*de AY GEO. JOHN COI. Bltirbd lifeeort, Gesimicb. Rte' Book sed Job Pricing azseuted 1:711 Iimellorms awl dispatch. Threw � &Swett'. -TEN BffiLL111O8 per arcus* ifpaid M a Peace ia bdlraine, or 'Twelve sad Sj the eipfrstioa of the year. No paper diseoutinued until arrears are pal up, unless the pubYaber !Woke it hie advantage to do au• Any uidividual in the eouotry becoming 7erpoesa'ble for sit subscribers, shall re - wive a seventh core maatin- - Q� All letters addreed to the Editor - aunt be post-paid, or they will not be takes out of the post edict. Six lines card ten TEN SHILLINGS a■ aa►a.Ca. Signa ,o Tux ORLITLIYT PO98111Li 6000 TO TILL OItLATEST rugaiil.s NUMSSR.° VOLUME V. Teruts of Ad rr, t is: es. LO 2 6 ender, first insertion, Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 74 Ten lines and under, first Meer., 0 3 4 Each subsequent' 'amnion, 0 0 10 Over ten lines, first in. per line, 0 0 4 Each nubsequeut insertion, 0 0 1 Iffr A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. Curbs. 11R. P. A. MCDOUGALL, CA N be rnnsolred at all hour*, at .31'. Lc Terri. Hnardiek Hesse, ( furierfy she British Hutet.) G•dericb, April 1911. 1869. v3 iRA LEWIN, BIRRISTF,R, SOLICITOR, Ike. Weal- -t"' 'tree, (ioderieb. L.ee 18 I9. 2en23 DANIEL 1131E LI'LARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Conveyan- cer, Solicitor on Chancery, kc. has bis office as formerly in Stratford. Stratford. 2nd Jan. 1850. 2vn49 DANIEL GORDON, nn IIINETMAKER, Three dnnraFs•to l' the Canada Cumpaay's o®ce, West- Jtr.et. G4,4er14.h. Angst 270h. 1849. Vaal° JOHN J. E. LINTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commi..toa•t Q.'.. and Conveyancer, Stratford. 1 ILLIAM REED, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER., ie. Lighthouse -start, God•rieb, October 15, 1849. • >fveii C11E1111ST AND DRUGGIST, Weft-. street, Coulomb. July 1860. 10-3 HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, Goderieb.- Atwell.* H•atlere always en bead. Godencb, dept. 11, 1850. isle -a88 IitTRACHAN AND BROTHER. Bmrriebr aid dttersie. at Larry foe,. Gopiaici C. W. JOHN STRACHAN Bs truster and Aitor- anyat Law, Notary Public and Convey. anew. ALEXANDER WOOD STRACHAN, Anomie/ at Law, Rollcmtur in Chaim. eery, Conveyancer. God.ncb, 1711 November, Dal. THOMAS NICHOLLS Ba ROKER, Holes, Land Inee.ree, Ship- ping Iliad Umbers' AGENT. Produce and Communion Merchant, Ace •eeotent, flee. Produce bought lied sold ea Commree.s gond• carefully •t .rod, aid forwarded. Beebe M lasead, I'arteerehto .m'tlertneet oersted. Cendermh F.b. 23. 1850 v3-ob GODRRICH, COUNTY ()F HURON, (C. W.) TIIURSDAY;J[i1.Y 1, 18$2 #TWELVE ANTI SIX I I2 CE aT TOO ass ON VMS SYS. NUMBER XXlli. Posit• e NOTE THE BRIGHT HOURS WILY." DT Pae. Salsa T..OLTOP. A lesson le itself sublime, A lemma worth enehrin , le this -'•I tabs so hied of tutee dare when the sun 11 iktntng,•' These mono words a dial bore, And wisdom never teaches To human berme a better lore Than this short sentence roaches. As IIT, a sometimes bright and fur, And sometimes date and lonely, L. us forget Its pain and care, Aed mote lis height hours only. There is oo grow• on earth's broad chart, But has route bird to cheer 1 ; 8a hops sings on, in every bears, Although we may not h ar It, And if to day the homer wing Of sorrow le urpreariee, Perchance to morrow'. ren will bring The very heart a blea•ug; For life a sumeuotes bright and lair And •umetime•dark and lonely; Then let's forget it• toil and we, And Dote its bright hours only. We bid the joyous momenta haste, Aod then furg.•( their glitter - Ws oke Mho cup of I.fe. and taste No portion bat the bitter, But we should teach our hearts to deem Iia sweetest drop. the strongest, And pleasant hours should ever seem 'l'o linger round us longe.!. ,u A life is som►umen bright sod lair, And sometime* dark and lonely, Let ua forget 11. toil and care, And ate 1ld aright hours only. Though dmrkret shadows of the night, Are just before the morning, Then tet us wait the coming light, All boding plyntoms scorning; And wbiis .e're paamteg on the time Of tone's (a.r'ebbing river, Leto pluck the blossoms be rig side, And bless the gracious G.rer, Attlee is sometimes bnght and fair, And sometimes dark and )Dealt, We should fnget its pain and core, And note its birch' huureonly. AGRICULTURE. Wien. Meta C .-Thu well known enbetancs Appear► so have been use: as food at an early dao. Bo h the earlieat Hebrew and Greek poets mention cheese. 1t ,s uaderrnod that the ancients need ren- net, hot, af.er the. mik coagulated of 111 Oren accord, the whey was pour -d ull: and the curd afterwards pressed. There are doubts If eore,e was known In Brom') at Ike time of the tnv.aton of the Rumens; who were eedereiood to hare used rennet. lademised, enemas institute was very im- Melmttly understood up In the mid 11. of Net century, when th• making of foil milk eh.'ese w.e commented. Since that data., ,iI,Nae nuking, to .000 4.10,11 iu ih- Weel of Scotland, 1141 b. en m,. fir ly follow •d our; hot a• a whole, Scotland 4,,,. ser manufacture cheese extenrmar ; ,tnnnrt A. NA831b11l. leg a a•ordcrsbl• gnan'ttr. from Erglare. F11HiON}BLE TAILOR, or.e door Idolised, and Amenca. We con.d.r, It W,ovt of W. E. Gracie Store, West pareses .•e of chemaking were better Siret•t Ge•d.•oeb. teaderstood, the manu(arlurlw of It would Frrb. 11, 1861. •S -e4 be considerably eat. ailed. Unfor lonat.ly, Be.u.h nude sheer• does mit eland h eh to air estmetion of the public. Duolop shoe•o wit brag a b'gher yncr sold as Emgh.h cheese, than •Mid an Dnnlnr, and the plan 1' amid to be nc' untregorn'Iv adopted by retail. n. Where the wiole el the 1, 1:1, is rn• erred MO) 000110. the pro portion of chre.e 1n the milk. is about 11 per eesr. 1V hero the cream Is removed item the mtiu. about 7 pertcenl. A. to lodging of the profitableness of mseuf.e tering full milk cheers r ,-,u. hotter and 1.eee, or butter a• d churned milk. Hiro can b• beat eecertained by those more the• mrdately connected with •dairy. The!.. sal Cao and for the proctors mart ewers more or lee. determine the pr43lmhl..w.. 11 one nyetem over another. W• hays fre quently alluded to the influence which • clean cow house has upon the q,ahty u• the milk. 1%'e wmild, therefore, proceed. upon the v*umptton that thio to understood and acted upon. Where the number ni coos a coe.'derabl., say a dozen to tweets 11r r e n.. 1r • h e -e .h 1 ,o mid.• t wIr e• da K 1 moss as the milk to wlthd,.wn from he cow ,t should be placed In a large vessel. b''ing put through • fine wire strait er-two, ,f mergers, the milt falheg Irnm nee Int the oyer. In Scotland, from the toner., want of .reommmodaton, this ve-.r.1 i. al Weis invar.ahly placed in the middle o(th• kitchen boor. This is perhaps, the war.' poestbie place, with tha exception o/ an 1• ventilated by,.. -During the heat of rums O