HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-09-03, Page 8P E The Timee•Advocete, September 3, '1959 SAINTSOLIRY NEW F.orced. destroy dog u rs.ng do.ad noisier By MRS. HEBER PAVIS , ;1tr. and ars. Emerson Hamil- ton, Toronto, while attending. the CNE. Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman and boys of ?:ion. Mrs. Robert Carroll of Wood- ham. who has spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Atkinson. returned to her home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll end Mr. Hugh Carroll attended Ike funeral in Strathroy of Mr. Andrew Denton who is survived by his widow, the former Annie Carroll. Mr. Denton was an invalid and died suddenly on his .couch. He had a colliecoog who was very devoted to :in and carried everything th ...,iw, was possible to his master. When the undertaker cane to remove the body, the wed *log took possession and could not ; tie persuaded to move from his Couple place beside his master's bode. Ile had to be destroyed. fifty lea r Personal items i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brian.: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ti rn- Waterloo, Iowa, airs. Richard bu11 held open house for friends, Dieekins. Mr. and Mrs. Earl At-' neighbors and relatives on Tues- kinson and Mr, and Mrs. Harry day evening on the occasion of Carroll were recent visitors of their golden wedding anniver-; efr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. sary. The members of St. Patrick's: previously they were guests of WA and. Guild and children spent honor at a dinner at the Blue Wa a pleasant day -recently as guests : ter Restaurant. of Mrs. Maurice McDonald and The couple were married Sep- Joyee of Lucan at a cottage at temper 1, 1909 at the home of the Grand Bend. A buffet dinner bride, Adeline Sharrow of Ste - was enjoyed and the afternoon phen Township with the Rev. S. was spent on the beach. A Corriere of Grand Bend offf- Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Mrs. Don 'Maguire and boys have spent. eeverai days at. Grand Bend. On Sunday Mrs. Maguire and boys returned home and Mrs. 'Harvey Latta and family A1een- *dyed several day Atkinson. On Sunday the three families held a get-together. Miss Carol Latta and Kenny '- vent - spent the peel week at the home Message from of their grandparents. Mr. and I YrAlb s. Cr,Toand LBarker andLond + reenway Miss .Tuan Barker and Gary spent the 'past week at the home CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull, Grand Bend Small Canadian pickle now worth big $4Q0 A, Some items ogled from thee. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull farmed new and enlarged edition of a 1 on the Blue Water highway. ,pocket encyclopedia that con- l They have nne son, Rufus, a tains more than 26,000 items of l daughter-in-law, Ruby, and one' fact about Canada: I granddaughter. Donna, who is One of the small Canadian the fourth generation on the five -cent pieces is valued by col-' Turnbull farm. !lectors at up to $400—the small ,,,, t silver coin dated 1921, the year; the change was made to the larger nickel coin. i Every year in Canada about! 1.060 boys are born for every! 1,000 girls—apparently nature's way of compensating for a I of their grandparents. Mr, and se MRS. CARMAN WOOD6uRN snotty higher male infant mor -j Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr, and talihy. Ivlrs. Hugh Davis. } Natural gas, one of Canada's Misses Heather .Davis and ,Than : Personal items fastest-growing industr..ies, in- I Barker were guests at a birth Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalop and .creased its number of customers' day party for Miss Bonnie Blair 'family of Detroit spent the week- during 1958 from 645,646 to 1,032; at the home of her parents. Mr.! end with her parents, Mr, and 950. end Mrs. Bob Blair, Centralia.Mrs. Fred McLinchey, On Saturday afternoon the chii-1' Mrs. ,Tack Hutchison enter These are some of the items eren of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold 'tained a number of friends of contained :in the 15th annual edi- tunningham of RR 1 Lucan held Miss Donna Romphf, a bride- 'tion of Quick Canadian Facts, a party as a farewell to hole i eleet of last Saturday, at a vis the 35 -cent pocket annual of days and invited many of their : cellaneous shower. facts about Canada released school chums. Mr. Dawson Woodburn re- last week - Mr. D. Berry, Kirkton, has ! turned home on Monday after Among the thousand of other been in charge of services at , spending the summer in Eng- facts about Canada noted in. the St. Patrick's church for the past ;land. Scotland, Russia and Ger- new book are: two Sundays. The rector, Rev. l` many. Of. the 24 national elections peter Dymond and family spent i Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks held since 1867 the Conservatives their holidays at Big Bay Point and Mr. and ••Mrs. Fred McLin- and Liberals leave each won 12, Camp for Anglican ministers. l they, attended the Darling -Mac - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carroll ;Gregor wedding in London on end Kathy Eileen were guests 'Saturday. with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car -1 Mr. and Mrs. Keri Larger of _roll Wednesday evening. jI Peterboro spent the. weekend Mrs. Murray Abbott is spend- !with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ung a few days at the home of Carman Woodburn. tier daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Miss Evelyn Curls spent: a if=ioyd. Maguire, Scotland, On-, few days with relatives in Lon tario. don and Grimsby. •Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker of 'end family enjoyed a ,drive to Sarnia spent the weekend with Wall,aceburg and Windsor re- her parents, Mr, and Mars. bendy. They enjoyed watching Lloyd Brophey, the boats making their way up The Harmony class of the tie 'St. Clair river and reported United Church will hold their that the south-west counties are meeting on Friday evening at ' badly in need of rain. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eagleson. Presentation Mr. and Mrs. James Barker end -Jean spent Friday in Lon- don and were guests of Mr. and Yrs. Don Firth. A presentation was held by Mrs. Arthur Abbott, Muriel Corbett School Section on Fri- end Wesley, spent several days • day evening for Mr. and Mrs. turi:th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larger (nee Marion Wood- McTntyre, Glencoe, anti Gary' burn-. ,„They were presented with cIntyre. Who spent a. week in two step-up tables and a clothes finis community returned home hamper. with her, Mrs. Ed. Stewardson accom- Mr. and Mrs. sack Dickins ponied Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rid: Were Sunday guests with Mr. and ley and Miss Jean Ridley to lbs. Bari Greenlee at Lake Burlington for the weekend to �Iuetrn. visit Mrs. Minnie Oliphant and Messrs. Caerteron 1�avis and Miss Marjorie Oliphant. tame Carroll are visiting with A-1 Used Car Buys at South End Service 559 METEOR "COUNTRY" DAN -- 9 -passenger, auto• Taatic transmission, r a d. i o, just like new, '56 FORD FA RLANI HARDTOP—continental kit, whitewall tires, black and Ted, 23,000 miles. 5 CHEVROLET SEDAN -- .atone, green. 'a$ CHEVROLET SEDAN --. tl hone, white and blue, 582 METEOR SEDAN 50' C EWROLET BEL AIR 'MAN -- automatic trans - iii n, radio, blue and A Real $lerlcifI ., A `US't J l3EALY SPR,ITE Wed in colour, it's a beauty; Etetatied Mr $1,9)5 NOW ONLY 51,6,5 South End Service Rigs t 4 Chu4k, r 1I *NONE $20 EXETER but nine Conservative leaders have held the office of Prime Minister compared to only four Liberals. In the years 1929-1958 foot- ball's Grey Cup was won ten times by Toronto teams, Hamil- ton five, 'Winnipeg four, Edmon- ton and Montreal three, Sarnia and Ottawa twice, and Calgary once, In the current year .family al- lowances and the universal old age pension will cost more than $1, billion, or about one dollar in every six collected in federal taxes. In 1958 Canada suffered a defi- cit in international .trade of $326 million, and the cumulative trade deficit for the three years 1956- 1958 exceeded $2 billion. More than one-third of all fires in. Canada are caused by smok- ers' carelessness; in the fuel. classification electricity is the principal fire cause, oil fired equipment ranks second, solid fuel (coal, • wood, coke) equip- ment is fourth. The world-wide influenza epi- demic of 1918 frilled more than 20 million; between 30,000 and 45,000 Canadians died in the epidemic, DEPENDABLE ... FASHIONABLE REASONABLY PRICED Scholars appreciate it when you invest in a world-famous Wittnauer watch to show you want them to accept re- sponsibility, be punctual. YOUTHS' 4. MISSES' WATCHES FROM $16.95 Jack Smith Jeweller PHONE SIO Use Yew Credit EXETER Philco Honors Our Town! introducing the new 1960 21" XET T Among the strikingly new 1960 TV Triodes unveiled by PHILCO is this handsome 'EXETER' model. Just like the community itself, it's clean-cut, modern, distinctive and it has the PHILCO features which set a new standard of TV performance. 'You'll he proud to have the 'EXETER' inyour living room, See it today. *, SUPERB MASTERCRAFT AEINETR:Y * FULL•POWER. TRANSSFORMER OPERATION * I"I..LUMINATEb CHANNEL SELECTOR * CONVENIENT TOP TUNING * SOUND OUT FRONT Fitamga 299 'The Exeter See all fhe new '60 Phiigo`s YEARS AHEAD, GET YOURS TODAY FROM n RUSSELL!ELECTRIC YOUR HOUSFHn" V 4PP/ /wire' DEALER FOR SAL ESW(TH SERVICE EXETER PHONE 109 ilk �'4.�,.:,n"�,�fi'�;;;�"a�;xsa�?t�,`i,�.M,,:.,,, .•.,r ..,. , .. e Cen-tra. r r� .comments Ahy MRS. F*JD:.iIIOiWPEN Sunday eiervic, ;Using as his tent "'A Word Fritnm Abe Cross" the Rev. 1), M.Guest his cQea nn Sundaytold mowing ngrthatgatiloven, power and peace ltad conte from the Cross. Jesus death on the cross was God's. blood transits. - sem for a dying world. Mr. :Harry Passmore, a stu- dent minister an.ct a visitor al; the service,. pronounced the benediction at the close of the service. t'erfenat itemi Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ilodgson accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgson of Ridgetown were at Grand Bend on Wednesday of Last week where they enjoyed a family get-together at the sum- mer home •of Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Hodgson. Mr. and Airs. Cecil Hodgson of Toronto were guests also. FI/Lt and Mrs, J. Andrew,. Philip and. Georgia. of Camp Borden were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Georgia. Andrew remained with her grandparents for a week's vaon. Mcatiiss Wilda Pollock, of Kitchen- er, visited for a couple of days this week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Hicks. Mrs. A. Harlem has returned home after visiting for a couple of weeks at the home of her grandson in Leamington. • Mr. Ralph Osborne, of Toronto, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Osborne, Miss .Nettie Sweet, of Exeter, was a caller at the home of Mrs. E, Abbott on Friday, Mr, and Mrs.; Elmore Dunn and family have returned to To- ronto following a week's vaca- tion with the formers parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Dunn. Miss Greta Lanmmie of Hen- sel' and Macs Amy Laramie of London are spending a few days with Mr. •and Mrs. azar Lam- mie and family, Rev. and Mrs Seale who wt 'e returning from Muskoka to their home in Windsor were overnight guests'with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodgson. On Tuesday Mr. and tars. Hodgson: accompanied them to Windsor for a week's vaca- tion. They will also visit with Mrs. Hodgson's ,brothers in De- troit before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pass- more of London are holidaying at the home of the latt.er's par- ents, Mr. and Airs. Will. Essery. iUr. and. Mrs. Passmore will he leaving in a :few weeks for Nava Scotia where Mr. Passmore will attend the University in Hal.i• fax. n Rev. and 'Mrs, D. U. -Quest are planning open house 44. their home on Friday, September 11, afternoon and evening. Patient: "I'm in .love with you, nurse, and I don't want to get well." Nurse: "Don't worry, you won't. The doctor's my husband and .he saw you kissing me this morning." Centralia Open House REV. AND MRS. D, M. GUEST, Centralia, will hold open house for the congregations of Centralia and Whalen United Churches and all other friends FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 11, 2.30 to 5 and 7.30 to 9.00 at the parsonage. Special invitationto the men in the evening, Doc s Tailor Shop Alterations and Repair Work of Ali Kinds 314 Alain Street, Exeter (Above f urkley Restaurant). N. it, TORN, PROP* br ,eosts Lass e-tQ3/ Improved hiding strength enables TRUTONE WHITE to cover any light color in only one coat. It costs less because it goes .farther . , . cakes less paint, less work. It's intensely white fr . and stays white . , , because it literally cleans itself. For a smarter, more econonucal paint Job. use TRUTONE WFIITE. Lindenfields Ltd. PHONE 101 Your Paint Headquarters EXETER i MEAT VALUES Fresh Frying Chickens Le.. 3,5e, 3-1b. evil, Mani, Leaf, sliced er Piet. Bologna ,_s, 31 Devlin Svelte! Smoked Riediess Bacon 57g Fruits & Vegetables Features Wealthy —.Cooking or eating Apples 3 Les, 25 New Carrots POLY. SAGS Cooking Onions iO-L8. MAG 49 FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Old, South Frozen: Orenp, Juice f.2.13z, 47 Aytmar Foray diced Strawberries �` 15-02, PKr, Saye at AAHI AyIrn,r brant! Fruit Cockta'i I Sava at A&HI Heinz Tomato Ketchup Sava at A&HI elimarr Pure P'Nut Butter S,ays at A4,H1 Plain, Salted, Saltines, McCormick Sodas Sava at A&H t instant er Cooking Quaker Oats roe, at A&Hi Hunt's Fancy Tomato Juice Sava at A&HI Kam LUNCHEON MEAT 1 Savee et A&HI Golden Dew 1S -ounce. tin 11 -ounce bottles 45c 16.eunce jar 294 Ib. pkq„ 29' i Seemed best 39 24 -ounce tins 4 FOR 49' Il-nunee tins 42' 2.. FOR Margarine 4 Ftvz 98g Says at AMC 16f eft 3 -pound kitchen tarmister Domestic .shortening Sava at AAHI Choice Cream Style Aylmer Corn Save et A8,H1 30f off 32 -ex. Klee Site tin o t LIQUID DETERGENT Sae! of A&M! Family Size, Free Psneii Beit, 89' 15-eunce tin 2. FOR 254 Sharpener, Colgate Tooth Poste 87' P Ruler 986 , oe, Ut or Lemon Crisp 24 per eke. Saves .t A&HI Cee a + : Linda Lee Biscuits PKhs. 49' Try our new vitamin enriched Superior 8read 24OZ. LOAF Oc A&H -.Phone 532, MARKET free Delivery.