The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-27, Page 12P480e 12 Auguaf 21, 1959 Phone. SA 7.4255 Virginian wins e �� r aux c y bingo The fame of the Lucan Legion Auxiliary Bingo is really spread; ing afar when a Virginian wins prizes. Mr. BW Sutphen. shared '.Share -the -Wealth" last Thurs• day night with Mrs. Arthur Hod- gins of Clandeboye and Mr. C. Taylor of Exeter. and also won the third part of the consecutive bingo. Lucan's reeve. Mr. Cecil Lew- is, and Mrs. Lewis were also lucky winners. The former char- eel a bingo with Mrs. 1-1. Ra,wsnn of Granton and won the first part of the .consecutive bingo and the latter won the $5 jack- pot consolation prize. Mr. C. Tayior of Exeter won the second part of We consecu- tive bingo. Mr. Joe Campbell of Exeter also won a bingo. With Airs, A. Ch.arleton, Mrs. H. Raw- son (2) and Mrs. H. McRoberts as winners, Granton was well represented. Mrs. Art Hodgins of Clande- boys not only shared in "Share - the -Wealth" but also won an- other bingo. Other Lucan winners included Mrs. R. Westworth, Mrs. Ralph Smith and Mr. George Cham- bers, The jackpot will again he 5110 ti M calls for next Thursday. Church Activities Anglican Mr. Frank ;Hallett of London • th ect •rAa• Lucan and district news s nd 4e)rrs pe +colt :Miss Lina. Abbott i- Clint H od[ ' s' Ilene Donaldson. plots winner ames CemClintlastfamilyhad ae 11 Mrs. Edgar McFalls and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Demas (the former Alma Burnett of Lu - can) now of London. Besides her parents and hus- band she is survived by one sister (Helen) Mrs. K. MacDon- o clock Sunday service. Mrs. Brom• vt' Clarence Hardy presided at the ek of Lucan were among Lucan. friends who at - organ and Harvey Poole was tended the service at St, James Crucifer, Janet. Kehl, s m a 11 cemetery daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- , ext. Kehl was soloist. Howard Rosecroft Loses The Sr. Woman's Auxiliary Mr. Sheridan Revington and will hold its September meeting family, Mrs. John Park and Mr. an Sept. 2 at the home of Miss John Campbell attended 10th an - Lin a nLina Abbott. nual Canadian Cup Pace at Old United Church Woodbine last Saturday night and. saw Howard Rosecroft (owned Rev.Edgar Roulston stillon bySh eridan 'Rev+9ngt on and Bud racati.on so the speaker was the Gilmour) break stride in both Rev. E. M. Cook, Miss Retaheats, losing the race to Champ Chown presided at the organ. 1 Volo, owned by the Miron Bros. Pentecostal Holiness Church ! of Montreal. The horse won the. Owing to the Women's Aux-' cup for the last two consecutive liary meeting in the church base-, years. Brent last Monday evening, the,' Bride -elect feted Thursday ladies' prayer meeting; Miss Shelagh Ewen, whose was cancelled'. The following of- , wedding to Mr. Richard. Gledhill liters were elected: president, will take place in the Lucan Mrs. Ronald Hall. vice-president, ; United Church Saturday, Sept. Mrs. Rufus Thompson; secre- 5, was guest of honor last Thurs- tary-treasurer, Mrs, Ed. Butler.. day evening when Mrs. Glen The Rev. Ronald Hall has be-; Prout entertained 21 of her Lon - gun a series of talks on Ephe-; don, Lucan and Exeter friends Grans for the Wednesday evening, at a miscellaneous shower. cervices. I Mrs. Larry McFalls and Miss Mr. Hall was in charge of the Heather Stanley were winners of morning Sunday service and' contests. Mrs. Hall, the evening service.' During the evening the bride - The latter spoke on the theme, elect made a recipe scrap book 9f a man die shall he. Jive. from recipes from each of the again?" 9 girls present. Personal items 1 The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Warner McRoberts and i tis. Charles Glenn. the former Audrey Whrteilead of Lucan, 7 r. Irving Gibson have returned( home from a few days visit with' Birr WI tier. and Mrs. George McKnight( The August meeting of the Birr of Kohler. near Cayuga. While, was held at the home of Mrs. there, they all visited Niagara l Jack Legg with the local 4-H Falls last Thursday Miss Lina' club providing the program. Abbott accompanied them as . Carol S t an 1 e y and Gladys far as Thamesford where she . O'Neil demonstrated the correct visited an old school friend. Mrs. • method of washing and blocking C. W. Thompson (.nee Gertie a woollen sweater. • Elliott) and Mr. Thompson. On The leaders, Mrs. Allen. Mc - the way home on Friday they Nair and Mrs. Seymour White, called at the home of Mr. and gave a posture demonstration Mrs. Louis Kilmer. and explained various seams and Messrs Milton Hodgins and .finishes learned by the.girls. David Hall left last Sunday on : After many years of operating s, twounont:h motor trip to the a booth at the Ilderton fair it west where they expect to call was decided to cancel it this an many Lucan and Denfield year to enable'the members to relatives and friends, I ' Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lamond of : see theira own to nc feed. Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Howard ng included a read- Wynee of Wyoming, Mrs, Wynne rig by Mrs.etA, Erickson and and Mr. E. Laster of Forest were piano duets by Lois Legg and Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. i Mary Legg. Lionel Kendrick and Mrs. War Lee Picnic Boer McRoberts. ' Some 30 members of the Lee Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family family met at Riverview Park, of Kippen were Thursday guests, Exeter, last Sunday for their of Mr. and Mrs. Les Woodward, family picnic and get-to-gether. taking home her small daughter, Guests were present :from Loth - Wendy, whp has been holidaying don, Brinsley, Harriston and with her grandparents, Mr. and Lucan. 'Unfortunately the rain .Mrs. Irving Gibson and family.' hastened the supper and cut' Mr. Leslie Walpole of Toronto short some a the sports. was a Friday overnight guest' Those from Lucan attending With 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hod. the funeral of the late H. M. gins. Mr. Walpole at one time! Armitage or funeral home, Lon-. drove the Strasser bread truck, don, on Saturday included Mrs. and is well known to many in Cecil Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Arn-; the district, old. Lewis, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Mr, ' and Mrs, E. M. Grose' Lewis, Mr, and Mrs. Orville Tay - and Mr, Lawrence Grose of To-; tor, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hod- rento have returned home after, gins, Mrs, W. T. McFalls, Mrs. spending a few days at' the, home i Irene Coursey, Mr. D. A. Ash- ef the late Mr. Ernest Guest, i Worth and Mian Rett, Jsaac. iIe1111tliiiinenIltl❑n NIIIUIIeeeel ime etame11111i1lllllmeeeeefeeleel UI111,i,,1/111Imeeileli1R111111atee(Ilia cecrearton • What is it? By SAM SCR EATON Recreation Director Right now, we are in the mid- dle of a "paint up --clean up" campaign in the arena. Conse- quently, now might be the best Lime to bring to hhe attention of all and sundry of those, who might read this little column, -- and it; is hoped that those who do will read this week's to their children, --some of the problems an arena manager has to con. Lend with, Some ten e e yearsago. k e Citi - h zens of Lucan and the surround. ' ing communal area, with much pride in their achievement, com- 1 pleted this splendid•arena. This pride is justifiable and should continue through. the years and he passed, on to their children who can help extend that effort f by .assisting in the maintenance of their arena. This maintenance problem is! largely one of thoughtlessness.; From the appearance of the ladies' wash room (which inci• dently was the hardest to - over-; come), it seems that the younger ten age girls (just starting to use lipstick) just couldn't resist the temptation. to use that stick on. the cement block wall (and elsewhere) to. tell the world that "Joan loves Johnny" or "Billy loves Susan " The names of course are strictly .imaginary --but you get the general Idea. To make a long story short, we scrubbed the :lipstick and after four coats of paint, we know it's still there, Now girls, don't get the idea the boys are entirely blameless, as we all know dif- ferent, but this is a particularly nasty problem. So in the future. let's all take as much. pride in keeping the arena as clean and tidy as you would like your own home --and justify the pride your parents had in erecting it. One week from Thursday—that 1 will be September 3•• -ewe will he having a Tag Team wrestling match between four famous TV Midgets as well as eight, other outstanding heavyweight wrest- lers which should provide. a fine evening of entertainment for the wrestling :fans of the district. When you come out to see the "Grunt and Groan" boys in ex - Lion, take a good look al our new "Shamrock Green" interior paint job. Personal items Pronc�aard Lucan personal items program highlight' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamiltoa ' �1 have returned front a 'motor trip - East and «'est Middlesex 4-H in Pleasant Point, (near Lind- say) ("lobs held achieve say) where they were guests of , ment days last week. The latter: Mrs. Hamilton's sister, Mrs. consisting of nine clubs was held i Bruce MCNevin and Dr. and. August 18 at Strathroy high; Mrs. B. McKelvey and Mr. and. School. r Mrs. J. Morrison, East Middlesex. consisting of Mr. Thomas England', who 10 clubs, was held at Medway was :hospitalized when a ladder tis b k s '1 patient 1 ac is a e •v t t � 9 fell on it l a t ch nil Arva, Aa t.t 1 p Hi h S A g g MissBeverly D e: in ,St. Joseph's ldnspital. with Be ell, uncap, area. home economist. in charge.At-1 Mr. and Mrs.Gerald Lewis: tending were clubs from :Birr, and family .and. Mrs. H. S. Stan- Crumuin (2 clubs), Dorchester, ley spent Sunday.with Arkona Edgewond, Ildertnn, P :r o s p ec t friends. Hill ,(2 clubs) and Thorndale (2! Ann Stanley, small daughter clubs). of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Stanley, spend - Mrs. George F. Wessman, RR has returned home after spend - 3 Granton, topped the 4-H ing a few days with her, grand a w a. r d s. receiving provincial, mother, Mrs. Alice Devine of honors, Mrs. Westman, nnw Inc 1 London. :mother of two children, hegani Airs. T. A, llodgins, tll:rs. ;Jack her 4-H work eight years ago' Elson and family were 'Sunday (before her 'marriage) and has.guests of Mr. and Mrs. Colin novo completed the' number of Nuggent and family of London. ro Sets necessary for this top, 51r. and Mrs. William Sutphin award. : and family, of Virginia, visited last week with. Mr. and Mrs. Personal items !Cecil Lewis and other friends. Airs. George Strasser, though: Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jledden still a patient in St. ,Inseph's spent last weekend with Mr, and. Hospital. is much .improved. i Mrs. Bob Garland of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins On Sunday all visited Sauble and Don of Lucan and Mrs. isa- . Beach and Owen Sound. bel Copeman of London were i A bus load of Lueanites at - Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.' tended the hall game. in Detroit Sam earl of. Woodstock. ; last Sunday and saw Detroit de- Mr, and Mrs. Wilson TtcGul• 1 feat Baltimore 9-5. 'Unfortunately lough, Mr. Marcus Shnehottom ,the second game was rained out. of Balymofe and the former Isla ; Mrs. Clarence Lewis who un- Atkinson and her husband of Ca.l-1 derwent surgery in St, ,Joseph s gory called nn Mr. and Mrs.+hospital last. Saturday is mak- Henry Hodgins last ii+edn.esrlay. ing satisfactory recovery. Mrs. \ , M. Hussey of Petrolia, ' Mr. Charlie Windsor spent. lack 'former owner of the. Pines Haven weekend in Cass City, Michi-: Nursing home here, called on a gall bringing home Mrs. Wino- number of her Lucan friends sor, who :had been ho,liclaying Iasi Monday. She and Mr. Bus- ' with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Loney Bey and family are now living •I and family. • with her father-in:law, Mr, W. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burt' nf. ; j, Hussey. Her husband's oil Kenmore, N.Y. are spending a business h a s materially in - week with Mrs. M. O. Smith. i creased since moving to Petrolia Mr. and Mrs. hang DeCoursey: and Mrs, Hussey herself is feel - and Marilyn have returned home ing and looking .much. better. to Detroit after holidaying al the , Mr, and Mrs. Sheridan. rt ET - Blue Water Motel, Grand Bend ington and family and Mr. and and with Lucan friends, Mr, and' Mrs. Lyle Revington and family Mrs. Edgar McFalls, ! were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold and , Mrs. John Campbell and family Family left on Saturday for a : of Oakridge Acres. week's vacation at lnverhuron.; Mrs. Garfield Needham, of Miss Jane Steacey accompanied', Ballymote, spent, last Sunday. them for the weekend. ! with. Mr, and Mrs. 'Henry '.Hod• Mrs. Viola Jenkin of'Bradford, ` gins and Rev. and Mrs. Mervin after visiting London and. Lucan , Elston of Centralia were Sunday friends returned Home on .Sun -i evening callers. day accompanied by Mrs. Erwin i As Mrs. George 13awden is still Scott, who will spend a week I confined to her home, '.following with her in Bradford, a severe attack of shingles, some Mr. and Mrs. Art. Black and ; of her friends f.00k a peit•luek family left'. on Saturday for a ' supper up to her home last. Mon- vacation at. Manitoulin Island; day night and spent the evening and points north.- ' playing bridge. Jack Garrett, son of Mr. and' Mrs. William Westney, the for - Mrs. W. W. Garrett, who under-, mer Tiff Martin, of West Hill went a nose operation in. St. {spent last Thursday and Friday Joseph's Hospital, a week ago, ; with her sister, Mrs. T, A. Hod - ! recuperating at Ipperwash, gins and visited Mr. Hodgins l Sgt. and Mrs. Don Ankers and 1 who is still a ',patient in St. family spent; last weekend in . Joseph's Hospital, London. i Trenton, guests of the'Sgt.'s par- Mrs. John Casey, who has been tents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Ankers. • visiting her son. Mr. Harold aw week's :Linda remained overfor e ,Hunter and. family of 'Detroit: va:ea•tion with her grandparents. 'for a week, came home nn. Mon - with Rev. Stanley Tomes of Kenora t day, Mrs, Hunter. bringing land his mother, Mrs. Emily • her home. Tomes of Clandeboye were Sun -1 Mrs. frying Gibson of Lucan, day guests of Mrs. P. Poole of Mrs. Wilmer Jones of Kippen, Lucan. ;her two daughters, Gwynneth and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kilmer.: Wendy and her niece, Donna of Thamesford, called on Lucan ; Ferguson. attended the Merlin - friends last Thursday and had !Hensel] ball game at Merlin on lunch Mr. and Mrs. William 1(1 am' Monday. memb erSofJthe sHensall team' and family, of Richmond Hili, ; hut 'unfortunately had a sore and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Banting!.foot and couldn't. play. Merlin and son, of Brampton, are hole !won the game 17-11. daying with Mr. and 'Mrs. Gni.- : Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Galpin, of don Banting and at 1 erwash• 1 Sarnia. were Sunday guests of i Mrs. Laura. Blake, ltf Ailsa Mrs. T. D. Orme. 'Craig, is a guest of Mrs. James Sigswimth, i Mere Lueen news on pars 13. 1.1111111!1111111111!11!l•1!1,1!1!11111)!I!f I111!!!/t!III!!1.!11,1!11111111tlllllltllf IIIIIIII,IIIIIIIIS!111111,(IIIIIIIIt1!IIII!I!!!!f!I, Koolvent 6 Nash .Aluminum Product e Awtttrips and Verand,1i Cenepieett A Sel4•Stering end Combination 00001 and Wfndew3 • Prime -Morro Windows for Now Hemet and lR±-Meeleling • hlutrinurn Perch. acrid Step 'Railings - • t LA: QS IeQR i;RU ESTIMATES ANE) DF.MOP4STRATION 1 a Dr. T. A. Watson. and Mr, .Jack Larikin of Lucan Mr. Jim Rea- der of Birr and Dr. Jack Dewey of Florida are away on a fishing trip this week. Miss Elizabeth Xlein of Strat- ford spent lastweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntosh. Mrs. Helen Smith has returned to St. Thomas after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. William Aylestock. SEED WHEAT Nee, 1 Registered No. 1 Ceetrrnsereits! FERTILIZER We are now taking orders for Wheat, and ._Pasture Fertilizer. We can supply. Co-op Fertilizer Bagged or Bulk. BUY QUALITY , , BUY co_or Take a Soil Test iNew Ask 'us for soil prod and boxes today SPECIAL THIS WEEK ALUMINUM SCOOP SHOVEL BOTTOMS 53,95 EXETER . DISTRICT Phone 287 collect Reside. CNR Station s! IIlIlI!IIIIIII 1 Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Airlisen of Parkhill and Mr. Fred Ar.mi- 'tage, who has been staying with them since selling his home on Alice St., were Sunday guests of. Mr. and: Mrs, Arnold Morley ' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman ,1.1'ardy ' and Mr. and Mrs. Mert Culbert attended the Toronto races on Tuesday. "Herbert Carter" own- ed hy the Hardy :Bras. came sec- ond in Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamm and family, of Halifax, were Wed- nesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,Jim Avery. Mr, Cecil Arinitage spent three days in Loudon last week. .He was joined. by Mrs. Armitage and bothpaid their respects to Mr. Harold Armitage at the funeral home. He andhis daugh- ter, Sheila, also visited Mr. and ]tars. Levi marling at. Parkhill on Tuesday. T Last 'Sunda, Mrs, Marion Sere] of Aiwa eMert411ed 25 friends of Miss Shelagh Ewen at another Miscellaneous s ho w e r. Miss i Ewen,a bride -elect. wil he mar- ', in the Wean United church, ;:Saturday, September 5. ll Sunday guests with Mr. and: 1Mr•s. Ronald: Crozier included: !Mr, and Mrs. James Voltich, • Mr. and. Mrs. Jack 1'ollich, Tiiss es Barbara and Laurel Volli.eh of Canfield, Miss .Ruth Vollich RN of Hamilton .and Mr, Allan Caldwell of London. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral of the late Mr. John W. Walls of Alice St. .a.t the Murdy funeral I: home last Tuesday. Among those from a distance were Mrs. Nellie Thomson, Mrs. C. Somerville !and Mrs. J. Saftly of Strathroy, ;Mr. and Mrs. J. Moorhouse of Inward and the Rev. and Mrs. i A. E. Menzies of Salford. Mr. i Menzies assisted the Rev. Ed- . gar Roulston in the funeral serv- ice, Smart Folks, Go Volks! Mr. .Harvey llaskett, : 1,o don, was a Sunday guest of.M and Mrs. Mitchell Baskett, Mrs. Ira Carling and Mi„ Muriel Carling spent last week end in Niagara. Falls And Harm il.ton, Our SchoolC,o ,e 8 .t� LOOK NEW Cause They're SANITONE Clean! • VOLKS PICKUP -29.S MILES PER GALLON DRIVE VOLKSWAGEN FOR REAL ECONOMY! Top -Grade Car Buys! '59 VOLKSWAGEN VAN DEMONSTRATOR (Satre • $$$ on this one!) - '58 VOLKSWAGEN WINDOW VAN --it's really good! '58 FDSEL'RANGER" SEDAN' '55 DODGE SEDAN '56 METEOR, HARDTOP '55 'M.G,'TF' SPORTS CAR '54 FORD COACH. '52 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 -TON (A farm special) Wheel Balance and Alignment Is one Of Our Specialties! HunterDuvar Ltd. PHONE S}$ %PIMP,...1,!,!I!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!„ttl!,,.,,!,,..,....e.••,!,.1!e EXETER 1 ••N•, • 1•••!1!!!•!! 1.,.11,!,., •.V!,!!,I,II111111 t/ SPOTS OUT! DIRT GOND COLORS SPARKLE! You went your youngsters to look their beet .. , so send. their School clothes to us for Semitone Dry Clean. ing. Gets out all the dirt . • . even stubborn spots and. the embedded soil thait makes clothes look old be- fore their time. They'll come heck looking like nee, again. Try our Sanitone Service and see. Brady CLEANERS Laundeteria Ltd. PHONE 10A lF 1T`S CASH YOU NEED, THEN DON'T DELAY - CALL T.C.C.CC. ON- THE. P ONE ,,TODAY I wi Hr WALKER A utherized :DOW iNt6N ' 35'S Xrartg'! 'Till)JYYYYYYI'111YprtY'rrrrrtY9'ITnrYlr117fr1'YIY,IIYIIY'1YrY1'ir1YY1rr111'YYPiYiYtri't➢IYYtrlieifn'f117T1711Yrf11,YrPYieTlti1111t"�p'IIYtInluK� � � Loans $150. to $2,590; or more, Take tip to g0 rnoritli to repay on a wide Selection Of loan plafig, Fast, totrtesolie serVite, I N R.N.A.r11I0NAL E.A:P.. .A.T 1--I CANADIAN NATIONAL ,s EXHIBITION �, 4 141 THE *OUORE', PHONE T$T GOOEMCH, ONT. 1 THE EARL, MOUNTBATTEN of Burma, KG P.C.,G0.&, rOSI.,GCI.E., G.C.V,0„ TO OPEN 81st CNE Come to this year's CNE, and the world will be there to greet youl People and exhibits representing 21 nations around the giabewill be on hand, adding foreign flavor to this king-size fair; interesting people you'll most certainly enjoy meeting, exciting exhibits you'll surelywant to see! And of course, as always, Canada will be on dis- play in a totally new and different way -this you won't want to miss, GEORGE c OBEL In The Spectacular Evening Grandstand. Show every night at 8:00 p.m, Cast of 400 with ERIC HOUSE. "Canadiana '59” produced hy Jack Arthur. See these lavish production numbers: "From Dream to Reality," "The Seaway," "East of Suez," "Hong Kong Holiday," and "Canada's Golden Anniversary of Flight"— On TheWorld's, Laxgest Fully Equipped Moveable Stage fabulous fireworks Nate, xN PERSON CISCO KID & PANCHO head up the exciting Afternoon Grandstand Matinee which '8fudos a. thrlihng'S-ring nletineb circus for the 26 outstanding (tett, at TR1EY,ARGEST DISPLAY Ok' WARSNIPS H'VER ON TIRE GUAM LAKE! INTERNATIONALAIRSHOW-Spine- tingling fly-pasts featuring the combined R.C.A.F.and U.S.A.F. Aerobatic Teams ,., Sept,11-] 2, HER MAJESTY'S FAMOUS ROYAL MARINES RAND -- direct from England to entertain you with stirring martialmusic ynu'II linger to listen t8 as you wander by the gigantic exhibition bandshell. Fano PRODUCTS RUILDIN8-nrizP.s aplenty and giveaways galore in the world's largest Food Prod- utts Building. North a visit to the ONE la itself. MILE OF MERRIMENT -all for fun and tun loran on this merry mite of laugh•s•minute rides, games and sideshows, NATIONAL HORSE SHOW -to see thrilling perfermencesbyskilled riders and their magnificent steeds. Aug. 27 -Sept. 2, WOMEN's wenn-hourly lash. ion Shows, cooking; classes, handicrafts, with International flavor, an entireworld forwomen in the fabulous Queen Elizabeth Building. INTERNATIONAL DO o SHOW,.., Colorful canines Prem Cadada and the United States parade for you In their biggest social event of the season. You'll love every minute of it! Sept, 2, 3, 4,5and 7. —•,,y r FUN•FILLEO AoUAAAMA-al the Waterfront Sreedsland ,.. thriu- packed display staged free for your enjoyment, IR ITS 111st YEAR WED AUG. 26 -SEPT 12 TORONTOa CANADA NANANIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Marry t, Oda, fitesidint Hiram E,'Metdlluntr Csensret Mamie* 'r I 1