HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-27, Page 10ig. 10 Th g 'TimosAdvocato, August 27, 195S • T A .'Classified results are than the .we. afher FOR SALE— FOR SALE— $LTPER OFFER! —Ladies Bente Journal, 30 months (2-1.2 yearsi' for only OZ. The Magazine, Women Believe In". Phone 770 EXeter, The Times - Advaeate, egent for all:magazines. 20;22* '56 CHRYSLER, recently over-' bauled, push button drive, power, equipped, new tires. '53 DeSOTO excellent condition, good tires, radio, semi automatic. Terms. Apply; Ray Shoebottom, Centra- lia Garage. AC 8-6913. 20,27c YORKSHIRE, HOGS, purebred,1 r ear serviceable age. Muer Chappel, Cromarty, 44R12 Dub lin. 20.27* MOBILE HOM.E, 1958 C anent. 51! .x 10'; 2 -bedroom, 4 -piece bathroom. kiteher, automatic washer and dryer, living room, outside porch, situated on land- , scaped lot on Centralia airport road, Phone AC 8-6218 after .6 p.m. 7:9tfn 111C PLOUGH', 3 -furrow, ace bottom, in good condition; also quantity of wood. Call James Gardiner, 21-r-10 Kirkton. 274 fOR SALE— USED BICYCLES — Priced for' quick sale, good. condition. Red, Gable Cabins, •Grand Bend, phone 16. 273c RABBITS, all kinds. Apply Pete. Branderherst, RR 1 Hensall, phone Hensall 692-R-12. 27*, 2-EU-RROW PLOUGH, ' Massey-, Harris, trait type. Good as new. APPLY Ken McLellan, RIT2 Kip pen, phone 693-r-5 Mensal'. 27e' COLLIE PuPS — Gordon Fink- STRAW — Phone 22-14 Kirkton, beiner, phone 25-r-2 Crediton. Laverne Rodd. 27e 27c '52 FORD TRACTOR with load - SCHOOL BOOKS — Set of high er; about 7,000 feet of used lum- school books, Grade 11. in good ber, 3x8x24; a Iso 324t. eleva or. G.E. REFRIGERATOR, practic- ally new; stove, 4-burter; rub -1 ber tired wheelbarrow. Must he sold. A,pply 333 Sanders St, E.; 27*: Condition. Phone AC 8-6336. 27* Ray Pepper, Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2-7463. 27* TRACTOR, WF Allis Chalmers, completely overhauled, in oteell-. '49 3 TON TRUCK, Ben, chassis ent condition. Alden Crich. RR in good operating condition, 4 1 Seaforth, phone Clinton 1W 2 - practically new tires; has 1959 3237. 27* license for 22,000 pounds; priced to sell at. $500.00. 14 -ft. rack is SUNSHINE RANG ETTE I. Classic ars see Fred J. Hudie, Clinton, inc closet and reservoir; set of and wood stave with warm; reliable desired. For particu- coalphone HU 2-6655, 271, kitchen counter cupboards with tsink. Phone AC 8.6887. 900 PUI LET,S laying 2 months 45 COLONIES OF BEES. quan- 3 -way cross, Leg. x N.H. x Sus - to operate the apiary. Good in. farming. Jackson Woods. RR 3 cation. E. Pym, simene Exeter, phone Kirtkon 104-R-8. tity of fall honey and equipment sex. Reason for selling: quitting BROWN RUG, Axrninsler, 9x12: 3 -piece chesterfield suite, brown mohair; 2 -piece oak bedroom' 'suite, springs and mattress; wal- nut dining room suite with buf fet and china cabinet; leather up.1 ; holstery chairs. Phone Creditonl 69-W, 6 to 9 evenings. 27* • REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. ft., 5! years old; rangette, 5 years old.' i • Both items in excellent condition • Phone 292 Exeter, evenings. 27c 150 PULLETS, Red Rock, .51ii months, started to lay. Phone 84-R-15 Kirkton. 27e St. 27*, 27:3c. tttttttt Helmlimoignifimiu tttttttttt umiummonimmlimeometiono tttttt usitomumuommumiumm% Announcements kATES COB CORN, 2 or 3 tons. dry under roof, Mrs, D. Sholdiee, ' Centralia. 27* '51 BUICK SEDAN, excellent condition, one owner, low mile- age, cheap for quick sale. AP - Births tttt ttttttttt , • Ne ply Box "LT" Times -Advocate. 27c Charge • Marriages and Deaths . . 75.t* (Marriages and deaths are reported without charge in news columns. This charge applies only to listing under Announcements.) Cards of Thanks, Engagements tt 75c I In Memoriams (4 -line verse) $1.00 Extra verses, each 250 BIRTHS— DESJARDINE — Mr .and Mrs.! Byron Desjardine, Ailsa Craig RR 3, announce the birth of a t son, Laverne David, at South Huron Hospital, August 20—a brother for Debra Ann. 3 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vaccin- ated, 1 freshened and 2 due. AP. , ply Grafton Squire RR 1 Gran- ton, or phone Kirkton 80-R-15. 27nc . 175 PULLETS, "Dekalb 309", 41'i months old. Apply to Murray Hodgson, Clandeboye, phone BA sive landscaped lot. Immediate ENGAGEMENTS— i 7-4502. 27c possession Apply Doug Cook, W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANC,E 86 Anne St. Exeter Phone 435 GOOD brick house, suitable for large family or duplex, oil fur- nace, bathroom each floor. BBY CHICKS -- STARTED 10 -week old pullets ready soon, 79c each. Time to order October - November Broil. or. •BraY liatcherY, Eric Qars- eadden, Exeter, Phone 246W. 20,27en EQUIPMENT FOR RENT- 1HELP WANTED- 1— GIRL OR BOY Mr bakery help. Witleman's Bakery, Exeter, Ont. phone 52, 27* 1 MISCELLANEOUS - 1 BOY AGE 16 would ,like to le2aortic. ply Box E.G, Times -Advocate. trade in or around Exeter. AP - TIDY 4 -room cottage, full base- ' Floor Sanders EMPLOYMENT WANTED— Floor Edgers, Floor rolishers Vacuum Cleaners, 'Tools, Etc. BEAV, EERSXEHT&ERRDWARE ment, oil fitrnace, nice location. BUILDING SITE, Main St at !Huron. Suitable for store or of- fices ,or apartments. We have several farms, stores and other properties, Exeter, Dashwood building Mts. WANTED for a client, 15 acres within 5 miles of Exeter, for canning factary crops. Reason- ably good buildings and terms. WE NEED some houses for pros- pective buyers, EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 FRED COLE, Phone 544-R RUSSELL B ft OD E R ICK Phone 1187-W To Buy or Sell — _Business Properties — Homes — Firms CONTACT M. J, GAISER Phone 24 Exeter Salesman; Sam Hendrick Phone 711 Exeter 8:7c HOUSE — 2- or 3 -bedroom, mo- dern, buff brick, ranch style home, :large living room, dining area, full basement . with big utility room, "atorage cupboards and knotty -pine family room, d • e• and.t Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Zurich, Ont., wish to announce he engagement of their daugh- er, Arlene Violet, to Ar.nold William Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Meyer, Harbor Beach, Michigan, The wedding', will take place September 18 at: St, Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich.27* Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Tuckey, Exeter. wish to announce the; engagement of their youngest danghter, Barbara Arabelle, to Wayne Arthur Fahner. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner„ Grand Bend. Wedding to take' place September 19, 1959, at 12:00 noon in Main Street United Church, Exeter. 27* J)YKSTRA — Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dykstra, Hamilton, form erly of Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Grace Shirley,, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Harn-: ilton, .August 20. LOVE. — Keith and Pat. Love. Zurich, are happy to announce the birth of their. son., Gary Ross, in Clinton ublic Hos- pital, August 23—a brother for Gregory. MARQUIS—Mr. and Mrs. David 111.arquis, RCAF Station, c Cen-1 tralia, announce the birth of, a son, Andrew Arthur. Rai South Huron Hospital, August' 13. ItILTNN — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munn, Hensall, arehap- py to announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hos- pital, August 24—a brother for 1 and Jane REES — Mr. 'and Mrs. TOM Rees, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, an-, nounce the birth of their son. Stanley Earl. at South Huron' Hospital, August 19. ROBSON—Mr. and Mrs. Theo- dore Robsoh. Zurich, announce' the. birth of a son. Frederick Williarn. at South Huron Hos- pital, August 22 — a brother for Kevin and Karen. ROSS — Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Boss, Exeter, announce the birth of. a son, David William. at. South. Huron Hospital. Au-; gust 26 — a grandson for Mr. ' and Mrs. John Connolly. Lind-. say,and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ross, Tillsonburg, and a great -1 grapdson for Mrs. W. G. Ross.i London. WATSON — Mr. and Mrs. Mac! Watson, Hensall, announce the. brith of a son at 'South Huron WEBB — Mr, and Mrs. Morris! Hospital, August 22. s Webb, RR 2 Zurich, announce the birth of a _daughter. :1-o-1 anne Elizabeth, at South 1 -fur- an Hospital, August 19—a sister for Linda, Sandra and Janet. VINCENT — Mr. and Mrs. Kim.' - bell R. Vincent, Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter. Anda Christine, at South Huron Hospital. August 25—a sister for Johnny. The story in Zion 'By MRS. JUD DYKEMAN Personal items Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs, Jud Dykeman and family .were Mr. and Mts. Freston Dearing and Gerald of Exeter, 31r. and Mrs. Roy Dykeman and Ronald, London, and Mr. and Mrs Paul Dykeman and boys, Crecittoti. Mr. and Mrs. Bill ,Tohns, Thames Road, visited Monday eVetfing with Mr. and Mrs, Clif- eon .Taques and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore and Mrs. C. Jaques of Itannoth. Miss Sally Jesup of IVIichigan, delegate from the 441 spent 7Vlonday and Tuesday at the Mine of Mi. and Mrs., Norman Broek. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock *Act Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock lifid family spent Sunday at the ettage of Mt$, Fred Warren, Grand Bend, *tow A aboWer Wee held Friday tit& ktII sehool house for MA Aria ftrL bride -06e 'Of $epieitiber, when the temitunity reatifted ht± With tthai Arid ANNOUNCEMENTS— Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull will be at their home to their friends, relatives and neighbours on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, in Grand Bend, on Tuesday, September 1, 1959, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. No gifts please. 27* Mr. William H. Geiser, Credi- ton, who celebrates his ninety- fifth birthday on Wednesday. September 2, will be glad to see any friends who wish to call, from 2:30 to 5:00 in the after- noon. 27* CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to thank all those who remembered me with cards, treat's, plants and flowers, also those who visited me in the hospital and since returning home. — Mrs. Lorne Einkbeiner. 27* I should like to express my thanks to those who so kindly sent me cards during my stay in hospital. Their cheery • mes- sages were 7nuch appreciated.— Erank Osborne. 27c I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with visits, cards, and treats while in hospital, also since coming home. They were all much appreciated. —Mary Kinsman. 27* I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all my friends for the many kindnesses shown me since my recent ac- cident. — John MacNaughton. 27c Ilensall, phone 86. 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, well- 27c bred, to freshen in two weeks. Apply Stewart Webb, Dashwood. phone 43-R-1. 27* HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS, grade 9, used 6 months, half price. Phone 1187-W. 27c ALAFALA, 25 acres, second, cut- ting; also 20 acres of mixed feed straw, Apply Freeman Horne,27ne Kirkton, phone 14-r-11. FOR RENT— APARTMENT, 2-bedrootn, self- contained, in Exeter, $45 month- ly; 2 1 -bedroom apartments, self - SCHOOL. BUILDINGS Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the under- signed until 12;00 o'clock noon on Wednesday, September 9, 1959, for the following: For the sale. of SS No, 5, SS No. 7, SS No. 17, SS .No. 18 schools of the Township of Mc- Gillivray, consi sting of the schools and outbuldings and land LESS the blackboards, be s, furnaces, desks, fuel or other• school equipment. Tenders for the school build- ings and land seperately will be accepted. Further information may be received from the mem- bers of the board or the secre- tary. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DAVID :HENRY, Secretary RR 1 Clandeboye, Ontario McGillivray Townhhip School Area 27:3c 8 :cu. ft. Kelvinators A4, .011. 010AT 2 -burner rangette; Quaker space heater, like new; 200 -gal, oil tank; :2 -burner hot plate; sleet .utility table; large steel bath tub; New Williams sewing 1CliaCCkb:41eC;Oniwkr)IntItgiondesikiaitelejitclle; veranda .swing; Maxwell. electric washer; portable immersion type. water heater: ironing board; cellar table; antique chairs; .com- Plete solid oak bedroom suite, 4 complete bedroom, ODD JOBS, carpentering, Pain.0 t- like naw; ,!suiter tapestry rug, 9x10; Qtie. ing etc, Phone Centralia AC :8- wmeacrah;eastiells',.e; r3wPat.;; ir difiTePhees9;. guratesilS1 6687. 1:Stfc .0,s; other miscellaneous items, 2;1.9tfnc TENDERS— STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDERS FOR SALE OF SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until September 19, 1959, for the sale of S.S. No. 3 building situated on. Con. 3, Part Lot 20, Stephen Township, 1 'rhe building to be removed by December 31. 1959. All other details may he. received from' the undersigned. The highest• any tender aott necessarily accepted. WILMAR D. WEIN, Secretary -Treasurer, Stephen Township School. Area. Crediton, Ont. 13:27:10c STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDERS FOR SALE OR SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the undersigned mita September 19, 1959, for the sale of S.S. No, 12 building situated on Con. A, Part Lot 3, Stephen Township. The building to be removed by December 31, 1959. All other details may be received from the undersigned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILMAR D. WF,IN, Secretary -Treasurer, Stephen Township School Area Crediton, Ont, contained, $35 monthly; excell- ent parking. Call Angus Mac - Innes, Real Estate Broker, Lon- don,GF 8-8483. 33-20.27* APARTMENT, desirable, mod- ern, hot water, heated, unfur- SATURDAY EVENING POST nished; not suitable for children. Bargain Rates Write to Box "EHC" Times - Advocate. 27* 60 Weeks only $ 4.79 117 Weeks t only 810.17 Subscribe to any magazine through THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Phone 770 OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. 27tic REAL ESTATE— C. V. Pickard APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, new- ly decorated, floors newly cover- ed with tile, over Gould & Jory's store. Available Sept. 15., Phone 974 during day or 778 in the evenings. 27c APARTMENT, 4 -room, 2 -piece bath, separate entrance, garage, $24 monthly. Available Sept. 6. Phone 378-W-1. 27* HELP WANTED MALE— MARRIED MAN for work on a farm, Mixed farming, Start; any time. Amity Box "HJ" Exeter 13:27:10c ITimes -Advocate. 20,27* WANTED— EXETER We are offering the following! and other properties: 3 -BEDROOM If 0 M E, located south of Exeter. This brick house has been renovated and is in FOUND— HEAVY CHAIN, on Carling St. Owner may have same by prov- ing property. Cann's Mill, Ex- eter. 27c spic and span condition. It has SERVICES— beautifully bright rooms and all modern facilities including oil burning furnace. Nice house yard with garden. Price $8,200. Low cash payment. Township taxes. Quick possession. LARGE Exeter home, choice lo- cation. Would lend itself to use of large family or duplexing. Bath up and down. Oil burning furnace. Garage. 3-13EDROOM cottage, close to schools, nicely treed lot, modern kitchen and bathroom. Price $5,40,0.00. Quick posseasion. We have buyers for two- and three-bedroom homes. If you wish all cash for your property we can arrange it To buy or aell, see C. V. PTCKARD, Realtor, and General Insurance, 394 Main SL, Exeter, • phone 165 and 628. 6:5tfc This week in SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED—Im- mediate service. Butler Bros. Our new phone number is Lucan Baldwin 7-4254 or Baldwin 7-4312. 13:20:27* WASHING MACHINES repaired. Apply Paul Sass, 66 William &a Exeter. 23:6:13:20:27* HIGHEST CASH PRICES for sick, down or disabled horses and cows. Dead stock at value. Call promptly; 7 -day week ser - Vice, Call Ed Andrews, Collect, 851-B-11 Seaforth. 3:5-8-27* Winchelsea By MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS c../ • :„, •.• Personal items Mr. Ray Coultis, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. New- ton Clarke this past week. Mrs, Frank Mast., Mr. and Mrs, Bob Mast and Cheryl of Hart, Mich. and Mrs. Cecil Skin- ner of Exeter called on Mr. and Mrs. William Walters on Thura, day eVening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clilfillan,1 Randy and Wendy, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr, and Mrs. rred Walters were in Sinicoc on Saturday at- tending a dog show, Miss Ruth Horne has returned to her home after spending the pasI iyionth at lienasil. Mrs. Douglas Stephen and in- fant daughter returned home on Saturday from South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Miss Kay 'Tome, of London, vent the weekend at her home, Mr. Blair Grube, of Greenock, is spending a few days with. Mr, and Mrs. Freeman Horne and 0.6•16•Mil*Moli.fr 'Sather: iltibior, if 1 take 83 front 107, what'S the difference:" .Ittnior: flhat'S what 1 say— milt' tares?" • • "T like AIM Re ktlows int,i that*, naughty songs," 'boos he sing le yottl' but be Whittles thent." Call JB At 863 'First mortgage of $3,200 required by one of our clients. Will pay 74/2 int erest. 2 story insul Bt'ick in Exeter — 4 -bedrooms, living room, dining' room, kitchen, bathroom, dry basement with oil heat. Good size fenced let with beautiful, garden. $5,900 with terms, Ohe floor brick itt Exeter. 3' bedrooms, living room, dining. room, kitchen and bathroom. Dry' basement and a good furnace., Loeated on east side of town.; Terms can be arranged. Brand new 2 bedroom brick inl Exeter. Close to main street on! east side of town. $3,000 down and you move tight in. 3 bedroom house in Lunn. 011 heat and in excellent repair. $6,200 and terms can be arranged. 150 acre farm, excellent; house and two good bank barns. Well drained clay leam. Clbse to Ulan. John Burke. Real 'Eetatit 'Broker General Iriatirente - 524 Mehl t,'0.A'xetet 'Phone 86 Attention Farmers Place your order now for a te- trent silo, as we are able to build a few more before corn Chile, We have been builders of cement silos for over 28 years, ELMER HUGILL Box 40, Clinton, Ph. HU 2-9432 20,27* WHITEWASHING—Anyone wish- ing to have their barns or hen. houses WhifeWashed, call Bill Watson, phone 37-R-19 Dashwood. Also grain or corn spraying, 5;21tfc SUIT DOESN'T FIT? Altera, tiona, double breasted suite made singles. Spurrell, 87 Dundas, London GE 9.4351, WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service All Breeds or Cattle lVferriber owned and controlled Coat LOW - Efficiency nigh Use of the beat of bulls Disease centr011ed, Safety For service or store informa- tion ph on e- 11rNl1rANgg4Tarl17f0-:0 BetWcOil 7r:30 and 9:30 A.M. Wee.< days 6:0A airirdantlyevenings Calla received 'on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sun. day morning, Por cows in heat on SttridaY Morning, DO NOT all Until Monday morning. RETTER, CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING GOOD FOWL • All types picked up at the farm at these prices: Heavy fowl, over 5IA Ib., 12i a pound, and light fowl 2 to 4 @ less, depend- ing on quality. LESLIE HOOD, MONKTON Phone Mitchell 663-4 7:9ifc TREES—For late September de- livery to London, Ont., 500 hush cedar trees for fall planting. Size 2 to 3. feet and must be freshly dug. Reply giving price per hundred and when delivery can he made. W. A. Noble, P.O. Box 412, London. 13:20:27;3c DOG—A good collie dog, or pup for the farm. Mrs. J. H. Paton, Clandeboye. nc NOTICES TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Catherine Carey, deceased. Alt persons having claims against the estate of Catherine Carey, late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster, who died on or about the 24th day of March 1959, are required to file par - boilers of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 12th day of Sep. tember, 1959, after which date the estate will he distributed ha v frig regard only to those, claims of whieh notice has been received, Ben & Laughton Solicitors for the .Adminstrator, Exeter, Ontatio, 27:3:10 HELP WANTED FEMALE— WOMAN to de weekly cleaning for a couple in an apartment, 4 or hours a week. Apply Box 232. 20:27c Stenographer Must be qualified in shorthand and typing, with some knoVidedge of bookkeeping. Five•dayvveek. Meal working conditions in kite - ter office. Diitiet to comniende On or after Sept. 1. WRITE EON: ac tht txeter TinievAdvOesie 26,21e CLEANING WOMAN, half-daP Week, Phone AC A-6083, • 3/6 rosiTioN, MALE, RCAF vete- ran, mid•thirties, married, pre- sently employed by American cnippany,in managerial capa- city, desires position of respon- sibility in Exeter or area. Pre- sently responsible for plant main- tenance and operation Including planning, personnel, logistics, electronics, cost analysis, con- struction, transportation, food s'er- vices. Available for interview on or after Sept. 2. Apply Box .1.W.S, Times -Advocate. 20,27;3c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of valuable Household Effects and miscellaneous items on the premises of 236 William Street TOWN OF EXETER, in first hoiise south Mid -Town Cleaners. The undersigned auc- tioneer is instructed to sell by Public Auction on FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 In the evening at 7 p.m. sharp RCA Victor 21" Leighton TV in brand new condition also aerial 4 burner push b utton electric stove, like new; Kelvinator 8 cu, ft. frig., A-1 shape; Westinghouse Automatic Washer and. Dryer, good condition; Chesterfield and chair, turquoise and black, per- fect condition; Interwoven rug 9x12 like new; Chrome set, 4 matching chairs, perfect shape; electric lentos; fern stand; double bed; dressers; comode; cot Cloth rocker; double glass wardrobe; single . bed; complete Warever set; dishes, high chair; play pen; stroller; lawn chairs and many more items too numerous to mention. Please note time of Sale No reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS — Cash Alice McLean, Proprietress GARNET HICKS Clerk ALVIN WALPER Auctioneer 40,27c Important AUCTION SALE Of Furniture and Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF CREDITON North Street SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 1959, at 1:30 p.m. •sharp Studio couch; self player pi- ano; 2 wicker rocking chairs; parlor suite; china cabinet; 9x12 parlor rug; 7x10 rug; mats; dresser; cupboard; 2 Hollywood beds; high boy; small table; cupboard for cloth; little stand; 2 rocking chairs; 12x9 congoleum rug; table, commode and dres- ser; iron bed with new mattress- es; 13 new down -filled pillows; 3 -burner coal oil stove; pictures; White sewing machine; couch; Norge refrigerator; mirror; seal- ers; lot of antique kitcheti dishes; lot of garden tools; step ladder; antique rocker; buffet and table with 6 chairs; ironing board; trunks; new propane 4 -burner stove; lot of silverware; lot of carpenter tools; lawn mower; 3 pair long drapes; kitchen table and 4 chairs; kitchen cabinet, Many other articles at this sale. No Reserve TERMS: Cash. Selling will start sharp at 1:30 MRS. NELSON ST. CLAIR, Proprietress E. SMITH., Clerk WM. B, SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton 27:3c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of 'Valuable Real Estate Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Lot 41, Main Street East, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public Auc- tion. on SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, 1959 at 1:00 p.m, Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 41 with frontage of 75 feet and 170 feet deep, On which is situated a 2 -storey frame dwell- ing including 2 double veranda, Main floor consists of living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, pantry and wash room. Second floor eonsists of 4 bed, rooms, 2 closete, Full site base- ment, furnace and soft water cistern. Home in ideal location with nice lawns and shade trees with adjoining lot Thr a home or business possibilities. Terms ot Real Estate: 10% en day Of said. Balance in 30 daps. Sold subject to a reasonable re. nerve bid. 11613E1.101,11 EEFEOTS: We - be upright ,linti and bench, in good 'condition: i.Oiece cheater. field;2 upholstered chairs: les - theta rocker; 2 oak rockers: arm chair:. 'various centre. tablee: Mtn etatid; electric lamps: wall Mittel% dining room extension fable, 6 (+AB'af dravfreta: daVetillert; kitthett tablO, efiairl; No reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS: (lash. MRS. PHILIP FASSOL), Prop. WALTER, FASSOLD, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 27:3c COMMUNITY SALE in Frank Taylor's Back Yard TOWN OF EXETER MONDAY, AUGUST 31 Starting at 1:30 p.m. sharp Owing to a big sale, we will start right on time. Bed springs; chair; step lad- der, 4 ft.; clothes horse; floor polisher; bake board; flat irons 40, 3 with handle; 2 fiewer bee, kets; wash stand; :dater:II ptlin.P.; basin, while- enamel kitchen, 3.9x301i; dress form; screen rloor; copper boiler; toilet aet; .extensiori. kiteh en table and. .chairs; 2 tubs; dish pans; MI -stove and pipes; sealers; white enamel table; parlor table.. 2 chairs; 2 'wicker chairs; ward' robe; kitehen range; 2 flower boxes; scythe; oil stove; 2 .eleca We fans; 2 small ,galvanized tubs; bread 'boxes; heavy door; storin windows and .screens; iron- ing hoard; piping tools of all kinds; Pewer mower; ..dishes all kinds; electric stove, heavy duty; kitchen table and 6 chairs; -.buffet; Frigidaire refrigerator; .2 8 -day clocks; drop -side couch; organ stool; lamp -table; clothes rack; 3 -piece bedroomsuite, spring ,mattress; table linen; quilts; candle holders; flower holders; fable centres; 'plant stands; .mats; rocking chairs; hed, dresser, felt .mattress; stand and dresser; picture easel; elec- tric plate; electric heater; hed stand, dresser; leather :rocking chairs; drapes; curtains; cush- ions: ..alarm .clock; dining roont suite; dishes; silverware and 1: glassware; step ladder; forks, rakes, axe; churn; dining room table and 6 chairs, walnut ches- terfield suite. FRANK TAYLOR., Auctioneer ▪ ttttttt ttttt imegiortittittuimi tttttt rr tttttt t or tt t or ttt tttt 1 t ttttttt .1111 ttttt 11111.111111111111 ttttttttt 1111111111 Applications i i i i Applications wanted .for manager of the Zurich Branch of the :Hensall, District Co -Operative. Must • have knowledge of feed mixing and general feed mill I operation. Duties to commence on September 14, • 1959. Please apply, stating qualifications and salary expected, by September 1, 1959; at, 6 p.m. to BFATRAIVf KLOPP, Secretary. R,R. 3, Zurich tt 'mum tttttt tttt ttttt ttt ttttttt IIIMIIHUMIOUft/IHMIUMWS 0, ttttt ttttt ttt ttttt tttt ttttttt tt tt 1 Ovt;r 40 Years Experience Old Pianos Re -styled and RE -BUILT TO LOOK AND SOUND LIKE NEW For a small fraction of the cost of a new piano, you can have, your old Upright re -styled, completely rebuilt and re- finished. Terms Easily Arranged — Free Home Estimates CANADIAN PIANO REBUILDERS and REFINISHERS 431 Hamilton Read, London (near rectory) CALL COLLECT GE 8-7218 or MAIL. COUPON Name Address .„ Phone If Rural Route, Please Give Directions, 74rilir1.11011111 ttttt 111 tttt ttttttttttttttt 110111111“111111 ttttttt ttttttt ttttt 11111111.1111H111111114.1111111111111fi111104 Business Directory DR. J. W. CORBETT LDS., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde RR 3 Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy AR 1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1 Sdence Hill Martin FeeneyRR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cr am a rty Timothy 13. Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents 11ar.ry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris ' .Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or, small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD S. O'NEIL & SON AUCTIONEERS MVPSTOCK GENERAL FARM sArits AND Rpm, ESTATE For sale dates PHONE 287 GRANTON COLLECT G. A. 'WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR 60 emptopRActit bRu&Los THFKAre Monson ' Plunie 606 it MIR OHOSIR4 W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER 1, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 14 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON LDS., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 355 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Commercial, Industrial end Residential Janitor Work FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETE ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 JOHN WARD, D.C. LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR & DRUGLESS THERAPIST 21 Hill St., Exeter Phone 571-3 for Appointment BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC ELmER 11 BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, LLB, Zurich office toesefav err Appoint m ent )