HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-20, Page 12, ,.....saeilletlealetreenaTtlalorInrWeitenitaltratt=r4TC-1 Port 12 August20, VIII 1• ro fails after storm Lucan and district news Phone. PA 7-424 John W,W;.3.11s,591, school bus driver Mr. John W. Walle, 69, farmer,. itorekeeper, trucker and Med- way school bus driver, died sud- denly at his Alice street home, Lttcan, about 1230 Sunday ream- ing, some 20 minutes after driv-. trig home. from London, where he: had spent the afternoon and eve.' nine. Though he felt itt on, the way home, he arrived home safely. Mr. Walls was known to hun- dreds of Medway students. whom he conveyed to the school over the years, in busses operated by Walls Bus Lines, Ltd. The firm Was started by his son, William C. Walls, in 1947. A school bus driver for 12 - years, Mr. Walls had completed 46 years of driving without any serious accident. At one time he operated five trueks under the tiame, Walls Transport. Son of the late James andi Susan Want, he was born in Lon- NEW DIRECTOR—Sam Screaton, don Township where he farmed Huntsville. succeeds Harold Rib - for eight years, before moving, son as Lucan's recreation direc- t° London where he, operated a, . tor. This is the first time he The first part went to Mrs. R. CorreePondent: Mies Line Abbott Elusive jackpot mounts to $110 It was a really hot night in the Legion Hall last Thursday night for the large crowd who tried again for the illusive jack- pot of $110. No one won, but. four people shared the $5 con- solation. By a strange eainei•I dense two of the winners won on ( two cards so received a double share of the "loot." They were! Mrs, R.oy Pepper of Exeter and, Airs. R. Westworth of Lucan.; The other two who shared were! Mr, Clarence Taylor of Exeter! (who also won another bingo) and Miss Lina Abbott. T,he $6 share the wealth was divided between Mr. Tom Smith of Exeter and Mr, Louis Le-' mieux of Liman. The luckiest family at the bingo was Mrs, Cecil Neil. She herself won a bingo, her small son, Bili, won the second part of the consecutive bingo and her small daughter, Janet, shared the third part of the consecutive bingo with Mrs. Lloyd Hayter. general store on Richmond street has held such a pest but he was Schroederf C for about 18 months. He later active for years ill recreational bought a general store at BrYans- . work coaching a number of town and after it burned down, teams and serving on the execu- returned to farming near Eder- : tive of minor hocicey and la - 1 Other winners included Mrs. ton. erose associations. A native of He was one of the first men London, he was a pilot and in- Art Bell, Mrs. Bill Mathers and Mrs, Ralph Smith all%of Lucan, to the London area to operate a structor in the air force for six Airs, Harold Rawson of Gran- . . Airs. Grant Brooke of Lunn! was another lucky winner, win -1 ning her second bingo. trucking business in 1927. The. years. business was later carried on by. his son, Mr. Walls has lived on ••••a•e• •-• • seaesesea Alice street, Lucan, since 1948". Here his wife, the former 'Bessie! Recreation BrumwelL predeceased him in January of 1950. Besides his son, William, of What is it? London, he. is survived by two daughters, Betty (Mrs. Robert Drennan), with 'Whom he had been living, and Norma (Mrs." Lloyd Shoebottom 1, of London ,. Township; also four brothers, Telfer, of London Township; his The. Lucan pee -wee baseball twin brother, Wilfred, of Hyde' team was busy on the diamond. Park; Cecil, of Merton, and Out in the field giving coaching Earl, of Arva, and two sisters, instructors was Coach Steve Mrt. Samuel Thompson, of Storey. Knocking out "flies" and Strathroy, and Mrs. A. E. Men- grounders from home plate was ties, of Salford. Les Kennedy. What were they On Tuesday, August 1.8. at. 2 doing? Sure, they were improv- ii.m., the Rev. Edgar Roulston'ing the game (If a presently conducted funeral services from "hot" little hall learn, but they the Murdy funeral home, 1,ucan.i were. also enjoying their recrea- Interment was in Birr United tion, Church Cemetery. Now—it seems I've "put my Pallbearers were six nephews: foot in it" en that statement. George Thompson, Ken Robb,' How would you call it recreation Neil Whyte, Beecher Menzies. for a couple of grown men to Douglas Walls. and Keith Moore-; "knock themselves out" trying house. to teach a bunch of 12 -year-olds Presentation nd dance • how to play ball? Sure, the a ,Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Marrinan, "kids" are ;enjoying themselves ee Katharine McIntosh, were playing—but, for recreation, what n ;about. the men? Quite a natural guests of honor at a presentation nd dance at the Lucan Com- question—so, what is recreation? Munity Memorial Centre last a "Recreation" is a word widely Friday night when a large num- used today, but most of us still regard it in the narrower sense her of their friends and neigh- bars gathered to extend. best of passive playful activity. But, wishes and congratulations. what about the chap who never During the evening Mr. Gary:indulges in any sports or games? D McFalls read and address andoesn't he enjoy any recrea- presenteddon? Well, yes, he goes fiehin,g, them with a purse of ; , or maybe he tor she) derive.% a money, great deal of pleasure creating Lucky winner and caring for a beautiful flower Mrs. Lela Beadle, of Strat...' Mr. Fred Revington wirgarden, reading a good book, ford, was a Sunday guest with tamed the Paton's Place. new listening to fine music or the her sister, Mrs. Eldon Hodgson home, "Spruce Cliff" was 4 drama—things that can remove and Mr. Hodgson lucky winner of any Frigidaire, the mind from the daily routine, Vicky C u .1. b e.r t, 13 -year-old appliance he those. Are they not recreation just as daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan By SAM SC R EATON Recreation Director ton and Mrs. Omar Cunning- ham of CI and eboy e. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coleman, of London, and Mr. Harold Brooke, of Toronto, were Satur- day guests of Mrs, Thomas Brooke, Airs, Annie Fairies has re - A bad .electrieal storm, ae- tompanied by almost a cloud. burst of rain, hit Luean about 4.3.0 Sunday afternoon. Except on Main street the village was in darkness. A numbre of peo- ple had no telephone service till Monday. One Alice St. resident had Stove fuse blown out :and Mr. Howard Curries' motor in her electric clock was destroyed. When Mr. and Mrs. FAclon Hodg- son ,called at their son's home in McGillivray, they found five of his cows had been killed by lightning. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weller and family were eating supper when flames of fire shot out of their stove burning out fuses and grounding the pan in the warm- ing oven. Mrs. Wes Hodgins was boiling potatoes in an aluminum pot when the pot suddenly was raised several Melva off the stove. On 'examinationshe found a hole was made in the bottom. Several fuses were blown out as well as an electric light in her son's room, f amity reunion • Air. and Mrs. Dave Park have had a "umber of visitors the past two weeks including Mrs. Park's sister, Airs. G. B. White, Mr. White and four children from Ottawa for a week, her brother Mr. Douglas .Jeffery, Mrs. Jet- fery and two children and niece, teen-age Beverley Jeffery from Kearns, Ont., for two weeks. The adult members attended the Teeswater Old Boys' Re. union each of tlie three days, turning each night, All in all it. was one grand family reunion they will Jong remember. Revington get•to-gether Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dewey of Florida entertained 40 members of the Revington elan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jack Lankin last Sunday, A barbeetie in the hack yard had been plan- ned, but they had to settle for supper in the basement owing to the downpour of rain, Church Activities turned home after spending a * • • few days with her daughter, Mrs. Douglas King, and family, of liarriston. A large number of Lucanites were among the 3,000 who at- tended the Middlesex Beef Pro- ducers Association's barbecue at Lobo Memorial Park last Thurs- day, Mr. and Mrs. John Blair of Calgary, formerly of Beech. St., Lucan have been unfortunate in falls. Mr. Blair was in the hospital for two weeks fol- lowing his last fall. A lady com- ing in the back door quickly, knocked Mrs. Blair down and narrowly escaped sending her down the basement stairs. Prev- ious to that Mrs. Blair fell in her home breaking three ribs. Mr. A. Gordon Skinner, Agri- cultural Representative for Heidi - mend County, Mrs. Skinner and youngest daughter, Susan of Cay- uga, were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crozier of Tyrone Farm, Luean, Mrs. Richard Tate of Dearborn visited Mr. and Mrs. George Strasser last Sunday before the latter entered St. Joseph's Hos- pital for treatment on a leg ul- cer. Mrs. Strasser is still in the hosol Attend picnic at Srn 1 much as the physical activity of Culbert of London, has returned Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen, Mrs. PlaY? you don't like, gardening, home .after spending a week with her grandfather, Mr. My - s Brooke were among the 40: Harold McFalls and Mrs. Thom-, So, therefore it can't be recreation. ' ron Culbert. of Alice St. a who attended the seventh annual Well, you like chocolate while I Terry Culbert .of Lucan and picnic which like strawberry and theyle both! two friends, Field Simpson and was fowl dinner Ford hdtCatara Park, Sar- iice-cream, all of which brings Val Harrison of. Sarnia, have re - the meaning of recreation to turned. from a three-day motor !tie, last Sunday. 1 each of us something the same— trip to Northern Muskoka. East end West meet lyet just a little different, accord- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor 'East. is East and West Is ing to our own likes and dis- have returned from a few days' West and never the twain shall!likes. visit to Pike Lake where they meet," is not always true, Last Part of the job of your recrea- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. week Mrs. Mel Culbert was out tion director is to assess these E. Reilly. for a drive in Oakville with her "likes and dislikes" into este- Linda Bridger has returned aister-in-law, Mrs. Chester Pat-: gories which will enable him to home from A week's visit with rick, when she saw a man walk -1 plan recreation that will serve her friend Joan Schluter of Dray- ing towards the .Anglican. church. 1 or benefit the most number of ton, formerly of Beech SI., Lu - There was something about the people, so, please don't be back- can. man's walk so characteristic to ! ward, if you have some special Mrs. W. W. Garrett and Miss the Culbert family that she got.' form of recreation, let your Doreen Garrett were Tuesday out of the car and walked back. director know. You'll help him guests of the former's mother, She was right. i to try to improve recreation for Mrs, Bob Coleman, Mr. T. A, Hodgins is still a patient at St, Joseph's Hospital undergoing a series of tests. Up to date doctors have not oper- The man was her late bus- yott. hand's uncle, Mr. Arthur Cul - ..,I Winnipeg. Neither of Personal items k ew the other was was Mr. and Mrs, Sarvie, of Wind - ie. Oakville se the eurprise was sor, brought home Davidand•.ated, • • mutual. Elizabeth Revington, small eine Mr. and Mrs, William Brown- , dren of Mr, and Mrs. Don Rev- lee attended decoration service Fre ' '"•'''s"!-Ps'oN'Ws'.1""-;'''IKV-4"evnk ' ington who were visiting them. at St. John the Divine Church News from North I Mr. and Mrs. Johri Brock, of Arva last Sunday, wire the 1 London, were weekend guests of pest speaker was the Rev. J. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hardy. F. Wagland, former Luean-Clan- 1 John Ewen, son of Mr. and dehoye rector. , Mrs. Doug Ewen, is on the sick Wednesday' I overate itguests Bosanquet Person.' iterns Mr. and MrS, John Melville and the formers sister, Mrs. Crete Marrison are on an ex- tended tour in the West. Mr, and M. William David' ton at; the Turkey Bar regret seeing their daughter and grand- children leaving to return to El Paso, Texas after helideYing here ler the past h.wo month and tilso attend Niagara 'Falls die- triet, The girls made many friends while helping their grand- mother the Turkey Ran Mr, Fred Raley sustained in - dries in a all recently in her - Vesting. Mrs. Margaret Noxel has been. 111 MY the past month at Mrs, Davititeres. Mt. and Mrs. Ben Crawford Oveoese, Mien, visited the lot- fathet, Oscar Crawfordited jehn, last Week. Mr. Lawrence 'Davidson, his Oen Alex and daughter Margaret and fareily visited the fotmet's Mt', Davideon and Mt. Davidson At the Turkey !tar On Sunday. Mt. and Mee. Harry Payne. e Mews rails, Were guests With tilt letter's mother, MrA. Nekel find eistery, Void - tot last week, list at his home on Market St. Mrs, Ada Jennings of Park. hill, nee Ada Couresy formerly of Luean, has moved from Park- hill to an apartment in London near Mrs, A. C. Calder also formerly of tucan. Both Mrs. COM. and Mrs. Jetininge were with Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Was. nidge included Mr. and Mr. Oliver Hitchcock of Rstevan, Sask., Mrs. Bill Dillenbeek Napanee, her daughter Mrs, Mary Lacher and two ehildren, Brenda and Johnnie of Deseis onto, On Saturday all attended ISuriday guests of Mrs. Irene the Robinson picnic at Lieury. Coursey. Mrs. tile Young spent 2 few Mrs, Warner McRoberts and days with her sister Mrs. Edna Miss Lina Abbott were Sunday Allinson of Toronto last wee,k, callers on Mrs, Clara Abbott of Don Magoffir, of WoodetOck, Centralia, who is recovering is spending a week with his from a broken hip sustained friend, 'Den Coughlin, who will while in California. . return with him for a week in Mrs. Ralph Loney aria Miss Woodstock. Maxine Deity of Cass City. Mr, and Aire. 'Remy Hata- were Weekend guests of ton f Ajtag Craig were Wed - Mr. and Mrs, Charles Windsor. nesday guests of me. and mrs, Mrs. Windsor renamed with them Henry melons, for a week's Visit in Cass City., Mr, Leroy Revington, who is Mr., and Mra. Robert Coughlin at present working in Toronto, and Judy have returned front A Was home ter the Weekend. vecatitet at Toronto And Cebeurg., Mr, and mrs, Maurice udonn. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Hepburn, ald And family Are holideying nee Audrey itteVirigton, eed lent- at elrand Bend. of Burlington called ott cati relatives oft their' way Bruce Bedell .for a holiday. Twe gents, who had been We - Mr. rind Mee. George Aikens bratieg well but not toe wisely, have returned home !tote A were drivthg home on the broad Mottle trip lei Wiertipeg and aut. (but not -quite broad enettglo rounding area. Mre, Lloyd Aik-, highWaY. Suddenly the ear hit a tang efid daughter, Vere, of Wiii-•telephone pole with 2 ferrifie tesporeferf hf tioardoii tub. Anglican Mr. Herb Bridle, of Clinton, was the guest speaker at the 11 o'clock service. Mrs. Clarence Hardy presided at the organ and Gary McFalls was crucifer. Pentecostal Holiness Church Rev. Donald Hall presided al the Wednesday evening and Sun- day services. The Misses Mar- garet and Tena Eizenga, who are home on vacation from To- ronto, sang. a duet Sunday eve- ning. . The Thursday ladies' prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Birtch with Mrs. Ron- ald Hall in charge of the Bible study. Mr. Hall assisted in the Exeter Bible School for two Weeks, Mrs. J. A. Graham fe.:. one week and Mrs, Hall for one lay. United Church Rev. E. M. Cook was the guest speakere Luean Uoited Church at 11 a.m. and at 3 o'clock; Memorial service at Granton where Larry Leis, of Granton, was the soloist, James J. Dewan Biddulph farmer C, Haskett and Son, Loran fu- neral directors, were in charge of funeral arrangements for James J. Dewan, 87, who died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, August 14. He lay at rest at his late resi- dence, Highway 23, Biddulph Township. until 8.30 a.m., Mon- day. August 17, when he was taken to St. Patrick's Church, I3iddulph, for Requiem ltigh Mass at 9 a.m. The Rev. Father • • • officiated. Interment was in St. Patrick's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Harold Ryan, Hugh Toohey, Frank Harrigan, Jim O'Shoe, Leo Markin and James Son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Dewan, of Ireland, Mr. Dewan was born in Biddulph Township where he farmed all his life. tie is survived by his wife, the former Mary Jordan; two sons, John, of Biddulph Township, and Frank, of Warren, Miele: els° one sister, Mrs, Ann ,lordaii, of London, Happenings in Biddulph By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Personal items Visitors on Tuesday afternoon with M. H. and Mrs. Elston were the Rev, N. D. and Aire, Knox, Lambeth; Mts, Winnie Greehing, of Sutton, Goldfield, Eng., also, Mr. and Mrs. TIMMS .vans, of Toronto. Misses ,Tudy, Bonnie, -Robin and Faye Ann t iair attended a birthday party given in honor of Dennis Rowe, of Thames Road, , on Tuesday afternoon. Misses Elizabeth and Dianne Knox, of Lambeth, spent A few ;days with Sheila and Wendy El - 1 etott during the week and all Ids - f ited with Mr. end Mre. Il, L. Gibson, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston and David visited in Orangeville OM' 1 the Weekend and Sheila, who was ' visiting there, returned with them, Pipet returned home with [herb 'left, folding ut the radiator and birig hi. eyes to Shako i)ur visiting here before going harp hood. '`I sten it all right, but PRIZEWINNING PHOTO — This candid picture by Terry Culbert won second prize in a photo contest sponsored by .The London Free Press which drew nearly 200 entries, The girl is Bonnie Drennan, reading an appropriate photo magazine in front of some art work by Terry. Forum at Clandeboye VC comp -- Captures prize Among those attending the united Church camp at Norman. with Photograph dale on Lake Erie this week are Terry Culbert,. 17-year•old son. .of Mrs, Mel Culbert .ancl lite lake Mr. -Culbert,. who ,competed in the London Free Press .July photographic .,competition was a- warded 'second prize of $15, out .of 142 entries. The picture of Bonnie Dren- nan .of Alice. St., Liman, was taken in fun one night at the .Culbert home but proved a .prize winner. .The artistic background was painted, by Terry on an old window shade, Since last Easter Terry has been working at the Granger - Taylor Dry ,Goods, London, Prev- bus lo that he took an .art course at. Tech for two years, No -v he - lore continuing his art course, Terry feels he should complete his high school course so as go- ing back to Medway in Se,ptem• her. Medway Grade 13 reeults Three local names appear a. mong the list of Grade 13 Meti. way results. John Conlin— Eng. Comp 66, Beg. Lit. 60, Alg. 66, Geom. 64, Trig. 69, Ph3'. 78, Chem, 59, Fr, Auth. 58 and Fr. Comp. 56. Glenn Gegen —Zoo, 61, Phy. 62, Chem, Daniel P. O'Neill — Eng. Comp. 70, Eng, Lit. 75, Alg. 74, Geom, 81, Trig, 83, Phy. 76, Chem, 70 Fr, Auth. 57 and Fr. Comp, 50. Personal items Miss Edythe Cook, of the To- ronto Teachers' Staff, is spending part of her vacation with her • • • parents here, Rev, and Mrs, E. enioys picnic contests Cook. By MRS. J, H, PATIO Mr, and Mrs. R. R. Crozier of "Tyrone Farm", Lucan, enter- tained the members .of the Hill - creat Farm Forum for their first picnic, on their spacious lawn, when 21 sat down to a chicken supper with Mr. Gordon Banting, secretary, sayirig the grace, This was followed by a sportsrogram . , Races, 6 years and under, Dennis Maguire and Susan Croz- ier; 10 years and under, Leroy Maguire and Jane Crozier; marshmallow race, Susan Crozier and Dennis Maguire; relay races, Mr. R. R. Crozier's team win- ning the lifesaver and balloon contest; Mr, Don Maguire's team winning bask-etban; Miss Alija Ann Crozier won the bali. throwing contest All enjoyed the barbecue, popping corn and roasting marshmallows. The evening closed with all joining in community singing. Mr. Baking on behalf of him- self and Mrs. tenting thanked the members for the lovely gift and help in making their 50th wedding anniversary such a success in June. Mr. and Mrs. Crozier came from Stormont County, where Mr. Crozier was the. agricultural representative and while there visited and worked with the farm forums in that county. After moving to Lucan they joined the Hillcrest Forum. Church news At St. James church on Sun- day the service was taken by Canon Nelles, Diocesan treasurer for. 1-luron Diocese, assisted by the Rev, Stanley Tomes .former- ly of this parish, now curate at Si. Albians, Kenora. The service next Sunday will be taken by Mr, F. Leaver. The service at the United Church has been withdrawn for August 23 and 30 while the Rev. Edgar Roulston, pastor, is on va ca daft. Personal items Mr. and Airs. Gordon Cunning- ham are moving from ,their farm in McGillivray township and will take up residence in th apartment in Mooresville, Mrs, Eslie Hodgson, who has been a patient since January in St. Josepli's Hospital. is im- proving and was moved to Park - wood Hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 'Paton and Clare and William Allwright visited Mrs. Harvey Riehl. and family on Sunday. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna Jane of Thorn - dale. Bob Riehl returned to spend some holidays with Clare Paton. .Miss Linda Lewis, of London, is visiting with Elizabeth and Nancy Hill. Guests with Mrs. Emily Tomes Agent For Mid -Town Cleaners Edith Watson PHONE BA 7-4401 For Free Pickup and Delivery Mr, and Airs. H. Ritchie, of last week were her son, the Rev. Stanley Tomes from Kenora and his guests the Rev. Erie Boyes and Mr. Jack Boyes who attends Emmanuel. College, On Sunday guests were Mrs. Fred. Simpson. of Lucan, Miss Doris Lloyd of London and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer and David of Petrone. In the afternoon they visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Lynn, London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett and family. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins and Jory ,were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tate, of Dearborn, at their cottage at Port Franks. Mrs. Eleanor Einerick and family have returned from a weeks' vacation at Goclerich. Barbara and Nancy Park, Janet ;Kehl, Judy Coughlin, Susan Ree., oedY. Marilyn Hearn, Beverley Butler and Mrs, Murray Hod - ;ins. Horse race .newe Meadow Art's. Lady, owned by the /tardy Brothers, .came third a race at roronto last week, Governor G., owned by Messrs. Sheridati Revington and William Elleriegton, was a winner at Batavia last Saturday. (Mr. and Mrs. Revington and Gary spent the weekend in Batavia and saw the rAce), Agent For Mid,Town Cleaners. Edith Watson. PHONE BA 7408 For Fre Pickup and Delivory FAST RELIEF FOR, ACHING MUSCLES IF CAN YOU NEED: THEN DON'T DELAY - CALL T.C.C. ON THE PHONLTODAY Loans $150, to $2,500, or more. Take up to 30 months to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Fast, courteous service. ...F.,,,,t,., ..V'''..t.maakk:%}.• ::4,' '' , AM 4. ,NriV 4:::•:, .6 :..5•:, 4.:'" TRANS CANADA CREDIT •.„,„ 6 fkrwati „ 141 THE SQUARE, PHONE 717 GODERICH, ONT. !MCA'S_ NEWEST!, SIMCA prices start at only Here' e a car that brings the exciting styles of Paris to the economy import held—the gor- geous SIMCA Elysee. And just like its run- ning mates, this chic SIMCA can save you hundreds of dollars a year in gasoline alone! Equipped with a front -mounted engine for perfect balance and superb handling, the Elysee also has a 4 -speed transmission—a in list in a 4 -cylinder ear. Standard equipment includes: heater, defroster, automatic choke, and reclining seats. Paris and service avail- able all over the country. Come in for a demonstration drive soon. SIMCA !MPORTED ROM PARIS BY CHRYSLER SALES, PARIS, AND SERVICE IHROUeHOUT DIE U. S. A. AND CANADA • OVERSEAS DEUVER1, PRIMO t116RAVIII ...• • EXCELLENT CHOICE OP DESIGNS AND TYPES S,a. Se4! The SAMOS batik At The Times -Advocate to Winnipeg by train. 1 11What'si niatter$ yourself, 'thought you we drivittg» 1 Its Dobbs for Dodge WITH ,iExciting Used Car Values Far every sudoet Save On 1959 Dodge Denriontrato_ I With Exteptionally Low Mileage Exeter Motor Sale -s #red Dolakka, Ptop, PHONE oo MONTS MM Olt l'600