HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-20, Page 10Page 14 Tho Tirtmes.Advecete, Ati'gust IA, 1959 ree .".Sure" Things a. 114,'Taxes, Classified esults FOR SALE— 1 FOR SA‘Em- '. FOR SALE— I REAL ESTATE— SUPER OFFER! —Ladies Home, MOBILE HOME, 1958 ( enerai, LITTLE BOY BLUE. come blow, Journal, 30 menth,s (244 years): 51' x 10% 2 -bedroom, 4 -piece your horn ... the pig's in the, . Call JB for ottlY $5.25. "The Magazine, bathroom, le 1 t e h e n, automatic freezer and so is the ()ern! And, .. , Women Believe Ie. Phone 770, washer and dryer, living retina, lots of other goodies for garden -i Exeter, The Times -Advocate, outside porch, situated on. land- fresh, economical meals all year; ;gent for all magazines. 20:22* seeped lot on Centralia airport around. The freezer they' r iii is! • At • , road, Phone AC 8-6218 after 0 a Royal Deluxe Coronado 17 cu.; 156 CHRYSLER. recently over - pan, 7:9trn foot from Crest Hardware, Hen-; equipped, Pew tires. '53 DeSOTO' 863 sail, an all -feature model: priced; 3 BOXER PUPS urehred 2 at oniv $269.95. Holds 585 lbs.l, ma s. 1 . CREST HARDWARE -„--- Hensall ,, exCellent "milt"' good tires, le 1 fe nate All f&v,-n color with perfect white masks. Lewis -c ‘; o 9 hrel merleage of $3.200 required eadio, semi automatic. Terms. Apply: Ray Shoebottom, Centre-- Thiel, Zurich, Phone 67. 20c by one of our clients. Will pay Garage. 20.27c lia GarAC 8-6913.CHROME TABLE, grey arborite 7.1/2 interest. 4 "a• -YORKSHIRE HOGS, purebred, SINGLE BED- with good springs top, large size, good condition.: 2 _ story insul Brick in Exeter — „near serviceable age. Filmer, and spring -filled mattress and Phelv- Luean BA .7-4330. 20*; 4-hedrooms, living room, dining ghappel, Cromarty, 44R12 Dub- with matching chest of drawers . room, kitchen, bathroom, dry 20 27* in blonde wood. In good condi- M 0 T 0 R SCOOTER, All - State lin. basement with nil heat. Good tion. Coat. Brown, girls' size 14. N'esPa - wit -Vale " lee an hauled. push button drive. power HELP WANTED MALE— WATERLOOSERVCES— CATTLE MARRIED MAN :ror work on a BREEDING ASSOCIATION farm. Atixed, farming. Start ay "Where Better Bulls Are Used" (tine- Apply Bax "KJ" Exel.e,r Artificial Breeding Service I 271ntes7Acl-v9;.ente-.. 4'27 Alt Breeds of Cattle DAIRY MAN married or single Member owned and controlisd toImilk and care for 30 Holstein Cast Low Efficiency High I Cows on R.O.P. 'till Oct. lst, Will Use of the best of bulls pay up to $75.00 per week for re - Disease controlled, Safety liable nian with good references. Sandy Elliott. Phone 476, Exeter, 20e For service or;more informa- tion phone -- FOR LONG DISTANCE CLINTON ZENITH. 9-5650 Between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. wee't days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M.. Saturday evenings fenced lot with beautifulCalls received on Saluda)" GOLDEN JUBILEE PEACHES, Good Condition. Apply Mrs. Hai-- tire, about 40 in.p.h. and 100 .size zloty ready it Wilson. Steviiardson ris West, Centralia, Phone AC8- , * rn.p.g, $110. Write Box 190, Zur-, si garden. $5.900 with terms. evening will be serviced on 20ich. .'„ ' day morning. For cows in heat Farm. Boaanquet, 20*. 6684 "c One ;floor brick in Exeter. 3 mom, dining call until Monday morning. on Sunday morning, DO NOT bedroome, living NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, .00rn kitchen and bathroom Dry I BETTER CATTLE FOR I , three ;i, ars old, in le es 'e' tl h • t of I ' ' basement and a good furnace. BlirTTER LIVING i . nnouncenlents canditinn- Apply Mel Pearisn• ',fleeted on east side of town, 1. :Phone 346-W, Grand Bend 20*, Terms can he arranged. A NOTICES— '50 STUDEBAKER, Tudor Coach,t Brand new 2 bedroom brick rn RATES for sale or trade; motor in A4 Exeter, Close to main street on t'.; Births No Char sta shape. A real bargain on this' east side of town. $3,000 down Marriages and Deaths. . 75f (Marriages and deaths are reported without charge . in news columns, This charge epistles only to listing under Announcements.) t Cares of Thanks, Engagements 1 In Memoriams (4 -line verse) Extra verses, each NOTICE one! Apply Mel P('arisb, .Phone and you move right in 146.\\, Grand Behd 20" T wish lo notify the public that, 3 bedroom house in Lucan, Oil since my wire has left me, I shall i heat and in excellent, repair, no longer be responsible for any '55 1 Chev Bel Pk $6,300 and terms can be arranged, debts incurred by her. 0 .., 7sc Radio, automatic V8 engine, 4 new nylon tires, low mileage. 51.00 5,, HUNTER-DUVAR LTD, ' Phone 38 Exeter Real Estate Broker 25 General Insurance John Burke BIRTHS— I CARDS OF THANKS— CLAUSILTS—Mr. and Mrs. Albert. The family of the late Roy C.' Clausius, Zurich, announce the Johns wish to extend sincere birth of a son, Bradley Albert, thanks to their friends, neigh - at South. Huron Hospital, Aug- ' hours and relatives for kindness, ust 18 — a brother for Karen,' sympathy and beautiful floral Ruth and Cheryl. 1 tributes in their bereavement, ' special thanks to Rev. Robert 8. CONSITT — Jack and Margaret „ ; Hiltz (The ladies that helped with Cons' n e Shepherd).1'. ' lunch) and pallbearers and • pen are pleased to announce, theOLD AGE PENSION birth of their third son, ati flower bearers Clinton Community hospital, helped in any Wall those who ay. 20* August 12—a brother for Larry, We wish to extend our most . 20 — 534 Main St. Exeter Phone WASHING MACHINE, Bendix,- 863 • • automatic, reasofiable. Phone 676. 20c '.53 FORD SEDAN, 4 door, ma - Phone Exeter 378W5. REALTOR Phone roon & white: Excellent condition. GENERAL INSURANCE W. C. Pearce d B'll heartful thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and CTJLBERT — Mr. and Mrs. Ken -1 neighbors for the acts of kind- neth Culbert. Granby, Que., are I 'less, messages of sympathy and happy to announce the birth of, beautiful floral tributes during. •. daughter, Mary Lynn, at our sad bereavement in the loss Royal Victoria Hospital, Mon- of a husband and lather. We! treat, August 10—a sister for would also like to express spe-; Campbell and Brian. vial thanks to Dr. M. C. Fletcher,: DESJARMNE —' Mr. and Mrs. I Rev. Bren de Vries, the Dinney 1 Ray Desjardine, Dashwood RR funeral home, the pallbearers,; 1. announce the birth of a son, alt who kindly assisted in the; • Mark Edward, at South Huron home or helped in any way, Thel Hospital, August 16, kindness of all is so deeply ap- preciated at this time. — Mrs.; REDDEN—Mr. and' Mrs. Russel 1 Julia Dunsford and family. 20*i FOR HOGS? NOT YET Then get them to market ear)y. Raise the hog with the most gain per pound of feed. Reg. Wessox saddlebacks, serviceable boars, open gilts, bred gilts, all ages, For sale now, Proven best for cross -breeding, Apply, MEL WESTMAN RR 3 Granton. Phone 3R13 :Redden, t. atherines, an- nounce the birth of their son, I wish to thankrelatives and Kary Arthur, at Hotel Dieu, friends for their gifts, cards, and; , t 13 -39th visirs while in Victoria Hospital , '; grandchild for Mrs, Catherine and at home. Also messages of Hedden, Hensall. sympathy in the loss of my bro- ther. —Lewis and Ina Johns. 20*; IEFFERY—Harry and Ruth Jef- fery are happy to announce the IN MEMORIAM - 20c • AIR CONDITIONER, new condi- tion, only been used two months. ton. Phone 95. 20e CUCUMBERS, all sizes, pick your own, reasonable price, bring your container. Lloyd Sparks, 149 Waterloo St., Phone 497-W. 20c • ' HEIFERS — A number of Hol - birth of their son, Mark Doug- I i RICHAR.D—In loving memory oft stein Heifers. and Young Cows, las. at South Huron Hospital. 1 our dear husband and father, 1 Close Springers, and some milk- ' August 8—a brother for Mary John Richard, who passed ing. Scotts .E 1 e v a t o r; Erwin Margaret, Paul and Shawn. a*Ity, Aug. 19, 1941. Scott. Lucan office: BA 7-4479, KENNEY — Mr_ and Mrs. Roy 'Tts sweet to know we'll meet ! Res. BA 7-4256. 20c Kenney, RR 2 Crediton, an- again, 100 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, nounce the birth of a son at Where troubles are no more 56. months old. Started to ]ay. South, Huron Hospital — a bro. And that the one we loved so Phone 24-R-12 Crediton. • 20c well, Has just gone on before. 14' BOAT and trailer, bargain, -..Always remembered by his $45.00 complete. 192 Sanders St. wife and. family. 20c Phone 1089. 20* 18 WEANER. PIGS, 7 weeks old, Topics from Bill Yearly, Crediton 20e ther for Patricia and Glen. MacKENZIE—Mr, and Mrs. Karl MacKenzie, Main St., Grand Bend, announce the, birth of a daughter, Rebecca Frances, at South Huron Hospital, August 17 — a sister for Patty and 'Kathy. MILLER—Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Woodham Miller, Zurich, announce the birth of a son, Kenneth James, at South Huron Hospital, Aug- 1.';;.'.he Sn..iatiUurdW 11st 17. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Law and NEIL—Lorraine and Roland Neil, girls of Cairleton Place and Mrs. Ailsa Craig, wish to announce Shier of Granton spent Monday the birth of a daughter (still- with Mr. and airs, Vic Chatten born) at St. Joseph's Hospital, and Barbara. London, August 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miner, O'BRIEN—Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bruce and Jim, of Watford, were the Sunday visitorswith Mr, .and O'Brien, Zurich, announceMrs. Harry Squire and family. birth of a son, Richard Eugene, at South Huron Hospital, Aug- - Mr, and Mrs. Arthur:Runt at Harbour Park, Goderich on Debbie Lynn. Sunday. PARKER — Mr. and Mrs. Ken • :Mr. and Mrs, Walter Levy, Parker, RR 2 Kippen, are Margaret Rose and David were happy to announce the arrival at the Spierling reunion at of their daughter, at Clinton Mitchell Park on Sunday. Community Hospital. August 5. Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean, IlTEPHEN—Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland las Stephen, RR 1 Woodham, were at Alvin. on Sunday visit - announce the birth of a.daugh-`ing with Mr. and Mrs. George ter, at South Huron Hospital, Stephenson. Mrs. Copeland re - August 17. ' mained for a few days' visit WOUTERS — Mr. and Mrs. Ben ! with her sister. Wouters, RR 2 Grand Bend. an-; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and thenounce birth of a daugh.'Donna, Mr. Sam Matchett of ter, Margaret, at South Huron:London were Sunday afternoon Hospital, August 17. 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Rundle, ENGAGEMENTS— Helen and Hilda Levy of Trans- vaal arid Barbara Sweitzer of Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, Shipka are visiting with their Hensall, announce the engage" uncle and atint, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Ron Chapman is spending a few days at Oakville. Mrs. Alvada Hopkins, Mitchell, is visiting with Miss Ada Hop - By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE attended the ust 16 .a little brother for Clark reunion he anent of their daughter Gladys Isabelle, to Dalton Maxwell Skin - iter, RR 3 Exeter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, RR 3 Exe- ter. Wedding to take place Satur- day, September 5th, 1959, at 2 kins and Herb. p.m. in Hensall, 20 Mrs. Sadie Chatten, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Chatten and baby CARDS OF THANKS Dawn, St. Thomas, were Sunday I wish to express iny sincere visitors with Mrs. B. Chatten thanks to friends, neighbours and Frank, and relatives for flowers, cards, Mr. William Love, Keith ant. treats and visits 1 received while Grant, of Guelph, visited with a patient in Vittoria Hospital, the formers brother-in-IaW, Mr. London, and since returning 'Clarence Knight and, Mrs. Knight rn hoe.—Fiossie Davey. 20* last week and thiS -week Mr. We wish to express our masts Love and the boys .accompanied heartfelt appreciation to our re- by 4r. and Mrs, Xnight are at Iativee, friends and neighbors Grand Etna, who so kindly called, sent Derail tribiftes, donations, and mes-1 gAgeg of sympathy durihg our: ramhy reunion gad bereavement h the loss of a darling daughter and sister marks birthday Dianne, Listoen. We would at the tante time like t� exiarese spetial, A family gathering was held thank S R. A. M. Schienkerd during the Weekend to edlebrate the R. C. Diehey ftineral home the birthday of Mtg. J., Me. the pall beaters, the flower:Lean. bearers and Mrs. Norma Paliner,1 Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wit - Dorcas Banrl Class and the Build.. Ham McLean and wieianii iser. OrS Cl.ass. in n sof and Mrs, Lewis Wilbur, Mr. and en deeply ppreciAted et , thietMrs. Floyd Rock and Lori Dawn titrit'a—Lorne And Doris List neni of Hatbilton, Mr. and Mrs, Clat- end family, .204`telide MeLean, Miss Eileen Me l would like, to thank triy;Lean,Undori, Mr. Fefri McLean! trieride And relatives for the' RH BeVerley, Tonto, Mr. arid' ads 1 received while bin t;WS, Allan Johnson and Donaldd " Went at South Mired lIdsPital,!Kfpnen. 'Wee DOtothy McLean, thatike f� Dr. flans, Milts' Mr, Walter 1tidde8, OWen MUM, Claypole snd Staff...John Oke. Alex Townsetid„ &taloa% 20e, Mr. Mitt Passniett, Eater, 1 LARGE SIZE'CRII3 and springs, boys' coat and tam set, red, size 3x, 1 faucet cook stove with oil -burner and fan. Apply 61 Anne St. or Phone 364J. 20c BEATTY WASHER, copper tub, good working condition. Apply Ed Yellow. Phone 1.78J2 or 757. 20,27c SATURDAY EVENING POST Bargain Rates 60 Weeks only $ 4.79 117 Weeks only $10.17 Subscribe to any magazine through THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Phone 770 OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770, 27tic 86 Anne St. Exeter Phone 435 GOOD brick house,, suitable for large family or duplex, oil fur- nace, bathroorn each floor. TIDY 4 -room cottage, full base- ment, oil furnace, nice location, ALMOST NEW i -storey house (one you could be -proud to own), 3 bedrooms, attached garage; terms. BUILDING SITE. Main St. at Huron. Suitable for store or of. Bees or apartments. We have several farms, stores and other properties. Exeter, Dashwood building lots. WANTED for a client, about 150 acre- 'i some terms, in Ex- eter WE ) some houses for pros- pectivo euyers„ EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 FRED COLE, Phone 544-R RUSSELL BRODERICK . Phone 1187-W To. Buy or Sell Business Properties — Homes — Farms CONTACT M. J. GAISER Phone 24 Exeter Salesman: Sam Hendrick Phone 711 Exeter 13;7c FOR RENT— APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, self- contained, in Exeter, $45 month- ly; 2 1 -bedroom apartments, self -1 contained, $35 monthly; excell- ent parking. Call Angus Mae - Innes, Real Estate Broker, Lon- don, GE 8-8483. 13:20:27* VACATION TRAILER, 1.959 Gen- eral, sleeps five. For particlars phone Bill Triebner, 584W after 7 p.m. 20* 3 ROOM- APT. downstairs, self- contained, heated, partly fur- nished, private entrance. Suit 1 ,or 2 adults. Apply 145 Victoria St. W.- Available Sept. 1st. 20* AUSTIN A55 ('58-'59), black, red leather, carefully maintained as new. Still covered by maker's guarantee. Owner going to Europe — $1,650. Phone Grand Bend 137. . 13:20c 3 BOYS' BICYCLES different sizes. John -Kats bicycle sales and service. 103 Simcoe St, Phone 993W. Please call after 6 p.m. 20* HYDRAULIC PLOUGH', 3 -furrow, on wheels...Toe Carter. BA -7-4757, Lucan, . 20* REAL ESTATE -- C. V. Pickard EXETER We are offering the following and other properties: 3 -BEDROOM If M E, located email of Exeter. This brick house has been renovated and is in epic and span condition. It has beautifully bright rooms and all modern facilities including oil burning furnace. Nice house yard with gerden, Price $8,200. Low cash payment. 'Township taxee. Qpick possession. LARGE Exeter home, choice, cation'. Would lend itself to use of, large family or duplexing. Rath up and down. Oil burning .futnaet. Garage. 3 -BEDROOM cottage, dose to achonis, nicely treed lot, modern kitehen and bethreorn, Price $5,400.00. quick posse.ision. We have buyers for two- and threc.bedtoom homes. If you Wish all cash for your property We tan arrange it. TO buy or selt, SOO (1. V. PARD, Trealtnr, and General Instiratiter 024. Main St., Exeter, pitting 186 and 628. 6:Stle APARTMENT FOR RENT, ohe bedroom, self contained, fur- nished, in centre of town, Prefer couple who will care for the apartment building. Sandy El- liott. Phone 476, 20,27,tfc SERVICES— SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED—Im- mediate •service. Butler Bros. Our new phone nureber is Lucan Baldwin 7-4254 or Baldwin 7-4312. 13:20;27* WASHING MACHINES repaired, Apply Paul Sass, 66 William St., Exeter. 23:6:13:20:27; IHGHEST CASII PRICES for sick, down or disabled horses andc.owe, Dead stoek at value. call l'...,raa,r41.,. 7.dr, week seft-I n vice,oa1c1 AndrgwA, collect, 851.-R-11 Seaforth, 3:5.8-27* Attention Farmers Place your order now for a co - merit site, as we are able to build a few more before corn time. Wehave been builders of teri nent silos for ever 28 years. ELMER HUGILL Box 40, Clinton, Ph, HU a-9432 20,27* WHITEWASHING—Anyone wish- ing to have their barns rir hen., houses whitewashed, call Hill Watson, phone 37-11-19 Dashwood, Also grain or Can spraying, , 21 ire Stift* DOESN"r PIT? Altera. Bons, double breasted gulfs mado shigits, Spur -tell, R Duridas, 1 'London GE 6.43S1, 5; i „ „ eltifid. — Gerald McLean EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc, BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER 2:39tinc TENDERS— STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDERS FOR SALE OF ." FURNACE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 25, 1959, for the sale and removal of a gravity type oil fired fur- nace, complete with controls, less oil tank. This furnace maY be seen at S.S. No. 10, Con. 21, Part Lot 6, Stephen Township. The Rimiest; or any tender not necesarily accefited. WILMAR D. WEIN, Secreta ry-Trea surer, BABY CHICKS— MISCELLANEOUS- 3�Y AGE 16 would like to learn tirade in or around Exeter. Ap- 1ply Box E.G. Times -Advocate, 20ne LOST-- , LAMES' GOLD WATCH, with black b a n d, Bulove. Finder PIelat a,oSeee.leave et Eiceter 7:imes- Ad, 20c WANTED—., STARTED 10 -week old pullets ready soon, 79c each. Tune to GOOD order October - November Broil - ors, Bray Hatchery, Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter, Phone 246W. 20,27cri FOWL EMPLOYMENT WANTED— ODD JOBS, carpentering, paint- ing etc. Phone Centralia AC 8- 6687. 1:5tre POSIT1.0N, MALE, RCAF vete- ran, mid -thirties, Married, pre- sently employed 'by American company, in managerial capa- city, desires position of respon- sibility in Exeter or arca. Pre- sently responsible for plant 'main- tenance and operation including planning, personnel, logistics, electronics, cost analysis, con- struction, transportation, food ser- vices, Available for interview on or after Sept. 2, Apply Box J.W,S. Times -Advocate: 20,27;3c HELP WANTED FEMALE— SALESLADY — Exeter store re- quires pleasant, efficient woman to serve public. Some office experience helpful but not es- sential. No Saturday nights. Duties commence August 24., Hoepitalization, pension plan. Please apply in own handwriting, stating experience and salary expected, to Box FT, Exeter Times -Advocate. • 23tfc Waitress Wanted and also PART TIME KITCHEN HELP RETHER'S Restaurant Mein Street Exeter 20c GIRL for general office work, Stephen Township School Area typing essential, full or part; Crediton, Ont. „, time. Apply in writing, Dash - 131'"n wood Plaiting Mills Ltd. 20c STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDERS FOR SALE OF SCHOOL Tenders will. he received by this undersigned until. September 19, 1959, for the sale of S.S. No. 3 building situated on. Con' 3, Part Lot 20, Stephen Township. The building to be removed. by December 31, 1959: All other details may be received from the undersigned. Saleslady The Times -Advocate requires woman for retail selling and re- ception. 51/2 -day week. Usual benefits. Apply in writing please, -13c The lowest or any tenth *OMAN to do weekly cleaning for netessarily% accepted. , a couple in an apartment, 4 or 5 hours a week. Appl3r box TE, WILMAR D. WEIN, Exeter Tinies-Advocate. 20c Secretary -Treasurer, Stephen' Township School Area Crediton, Ont. 1%27:10e STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDERS FOR SALE OF SCHOOL° Tenders will be- received by the undersigned until September 19, 1959, for the sale of S.S. No. 12 building situated on Con. A, Part Lot 3, Stephen Township. The building to be removed by December 31, 1959! All other details may be received from the undersigned. The lowest or .any tender not necessarily accepted. WILMAR D. WEIN, Secret a ry-Trea surer Stephen Township School Area Crediton, Ont. 13:27:10c Stenographer Must be qualified in shorthand and typing, with some knowledge. of bookkeeping. Five-day week. Ideal working conditions in Exe- ter office. Duties to commence on or after Sept. 1. WRITE BOX GC The :Exeter Times -Advocate . ; 20,27c .TWO GIRLS or women. One for store work. One for bakery work. Full time. Apply Wittemans Ba- kery, Exeter, Ont. Phone 52. 20* RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER, for 2 adults, some home nursing' for arthritic, no heaVy lifting, all conveniences. Good home for congenial person. References re- quired—Write stating wages. Box 388, Bayfield. 20c ttttt Illiti11111,0M)1001, ttt tt t g, t It* t tt 111,1111 ttt t Applications Applications wanted for manager of the Zurich Branch of the ,Hensall District Co -Operative. Must have knowledge of feed mixing and general feed mill - operation. Duties 1,o commenCe on September 14, " 1959. Please apply, stag qualifications and salary expected, by September 1, 1959, at 6 p.m. 1,0 BrATRAM KLOPP, Secretary. 3,' Zurich Over 40 Years Experience Old Pianos Re styled and RE -BUILT TO LOOK AND SOUND LIKE NEW For a small fraction of the cost of a new piano, you can have your old Upright, re-etylcd, completely rehuilkand re- finished, . Terms, Easily Arranged — Free Heine Estimates. CANADIAN PIANO REBUILOERS end REFINISHERS 431 Hamilton Road, London' (hear rectery) CALL col -Lett GE il-7218 or MAIL COUPON NeMe Address PhOne t ttttttttt If Rural Route, Please Give Directions • All types picked tip at the farin at these. prices: ,Heavy fowl, over lb., 1.2e, a pound, and light fowl 2 to 4 (a, less, depend- ing on quality, • LESLIE HOOD, MONKTON Phone .Mitchell 663-4 7:91fc TREES—For late September de- livery lo London, Ont., 500 hush cedar trees for falt planting. Size 2 to 3 feet and must be freshly dug, Reply giving price per hundred and when delivery can be made, W, A. Noble, P.0, Box 412, London. 13:20:27:3c BOARDERS — Apply at 74 Anne St. Exeter or at Times -Advocate. • 20* ROOM & BOARD during week, Phone Bank of Nova Scotia, 234. Mr. Walter Randerson, 20* STEAMER TRUNKS, one or two: Phone 290-R Exeter. 20* WHEAT STRAW Apply D. Boers - ma, RR 1. Exeter. Phone 36-R-22, Dashwood, 20* DOG—A good collie dog, or pup for the farm, Mrs, .1. H. Paten, Clandeboye. nc WANTED' TO RENT- 3-13VDR00M HOUSE for per. manent federal gov't employee with family; , by September 1, Phone 770, Exeter Times -Advo, cate. 13:20e HOUSE, in or near Exeter, -by first of September. Phone 487. 13:20t AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of valuable Household Effects and miscellaneous items on the premises of 236 William Street ' TOWN OF EXETER In. firs( house. with Mid -Town Clea ners, The undersigned auc- tioneer is instructed, to. sell by Public Auction .on FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 in the evening at 7 pan, sharp RCA Victor 21" Leighton TV in brand new condition also aerial 4 burner push, h Litton electric stove, like new; Kelvinator 8 cu. ft,. frig., A-1. shape; Westinghouse Automatic Washer and Dryer, good condition; Chesterfield add chair, turquoise and black, per - feet condition; Interwoven rug 9x12 like new; Chrome set, 4 matching chairs, perfect shape; electric „lamps; fern stand; double bed; dressers; comode; cot Cloth rocker; double glass wardrobe.; single bed; complete Warever set; dishes, high chair; play pen; stroller; lawn chairs And many more items too numerous to mention. Please note lime of Sale No reserve, sold,everythingrthing will he TE.RMS Cash Alice McLean, Proprietress GARNET HICKS Clerrd ALVIN WALPER Auctioneer 20,27e, 11,11110111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIM tttttttt 111411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111.1,1t1,11111111, Now On Display! Volkswagen Pickup Hunter-Duvar Ltd. PHONE 38 EXETER num199i19919999A19999991999.999110919999991991999fin999191999990 tttt 19110 - Business Directory DR. J. W. CORBETT LDS., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South • Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Heed 'Office — Exeter, Ontario President Alex T. Rohde RR I .Mitchell • Vice-Firesident Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Directors E..Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Croni arty Timothy B, Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchcll Solicitor W. G. Cochrane' Exeter Secretary-Treasuier Arthur Eraser Exeter ALVIN WALPER 101* ROVI MCI AL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, Courteous and efficient, service • At all times. "Service That Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD W. S. O'NEIL & SON AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK GENERAL FARM SALES AND REAL ESTATE Pr talc dates PHONE 287 GRANTON COLLECT G. A, WEB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY Fee APPoirittnent Phone OM • W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hansell Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 14 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON LDS., D.O.S. Main Street , Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon! PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 355 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Commercial, industrial and Residential Janitor Work FREE 'ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE, 707 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St,, Exeter. Phone 504 JOHN WARD, D.C. LICENSED CtifROF'RACTOR 84. DRUGLESS' THERAPIST 21 Hill St., Exeter Phone .1714 for Appointinent BELL° & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS A. NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER IT, BELL, Q.C. • C. V. LAUGHTON, Zurich ()Mee Tuesday Mfertieon EXETER PfloN it 4 1'