HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-13, Page 15Exeter p c...ntc.rnpIate.s expansio on celebration of fifteenth anniversary the Times•Advecete`, August 13, 195 .,ulntnn,,ntll,l tItulnnrlu1V1InIP1U111111,11tilnl Ul.tlllitinef dUMilydllnnllUnllinfoltlfitrlfl elfi,ilfUitlit .CQNGRAT MAT" 0NS' Exeter District Co -o erative is p from. $1124 in ,Si to $14;255 In'tleth, Wilfrid Sltapton, Howard ;'l'hjityone farmers have coined I. celebrating its fifteenth anni-l'S$,, Johns, Jedward Hendrick, Albert in the .past Year, bringing total 1- fired .ton comments versary by ntakin pians to ex-: 'Members' equity in the bust Keys and the present incumbent,! membership to 375. panci its facilities and extend its' tress has grown three times in llarold Fabner, 1 One unique feature about the services to its growing number ,the same period -T :from :$18,409, There have been onlyfour; co-op as that each of its ahem By MILS, M, FAIST of patrons. to $56,498. ;secretaries since the co-opt s for-; bei receives one vote -regard. The co-operative recently in -1 At the .end of the '58 year, nation. John Quinlivan was the less of amount of investment—in stalled equipment in its new members approved a three per- first, followed by George Tay"; decISinns made at annual and. 1!'s' o at t Evan e1ical Cart and Shirl.e • aluminum body truck to enable'. rept dividend on their purchases lor, .Ken Hern (the present man -1 other general meetings. This Visitor -4 it rs _ the g Mr.Carl Radford r . JB'arsenage last Sunday were spent Sunday at Biytlt, it to provide hulk feeding service, and the deferred patronage divi-; ager) and now Ray Morlock: differs from private business in ars, i • pMary lmke, Mr, Samuel r. and Mrs. R. Buntler and to farmers. The equipment blows, dends of 1945 were paid. J The co-op started its operation, which, owners cast ballots ac- unike Mr, end Mrs. W. J. ftody, Mrs, E. Bumier, of Mt. Clemens, feed right into farmers' ;tins, I Exeter Co-op grew out of the in the former opera house now cording to the number a shares • i11r. and Mrs. Louis Emke and Mich. spent the weekend with providing convenience in de-, .former Thames Road Buying' occupied by MeKerlie Automo-, they possess. Willy, all of Elmwood, Banter's grandmother, Mrs. Sam livery and ceonomy through Club, one of a number of such rive. Feeds were s u p p 11 e til Another feature of the.coop is Miss Ruth Boshaiy, of St. l.airtpaxt, quantity purchasing• clubs which were popular earls- through the Seaforth co ap. In the restriction on length of set'. Jacobs, spent a Week with her r. andWallace Bahr, er The farmer—owned Co-op re er. Most of them have now 1945, a mill was ereeLed beside+vice by members of the board Al ,lits W iiS.. n d y e , t a of directors. No member can '..liiends, E.ila Mae and Fay• of London, sent Sunday .eve l Gently purchased let to the giyen way to .toe rapidly -growing' the CNfi ,station and a. ware• Sohl at a arson* e. dp . - east of its quarters, contemplat-,coo erative movement. house was added in 1946. •1 Serra more than two three-year enker, the p. v Ding with his pdienis, Mr, and , ing p The organization suffered a big! terms without retiring Mrs. .Carl Radford Is visiting. Mrs. Everett Fahrner, future expansion. I During the summer of 1944,; g from the her parents at Wilno, Ontario Mr. Smithand Gerald Additional mill Services are members of this club, along with setback the night before ,Do- , board for atleastone year. This d H. Sm t 1 k.also being copsidered byprevents a clique from gain-. fora couple of weeks. motored to Pigeon Mich. o❑ the other farmers in the district,' minion l)ay, 1952, when its milli and Mrs. Robert Hillborn board of directors. t decided to form the co-operative. burned to the ground. Cause of ;ing control of the organization. ,,,,, Mr, n ' Wednesday and Mrs. Snaith who t1f London, speri,t the weekend The o'eets indicaI. the, The charter, issued by the .On --the blaze has never been estab- i With Mrs, Ezrfi Faist and Nola. has been �ithem there retained se projects a tarso government in Se to home with them. healthy condition of the co op as g P •moot lisped. nd, and aMrs. al Matthew visiled with ldr. Art Mitchell went to liar- It passes the 15 -year milestone.; of the sof e14'iyear, containsnthe their faith - the business embers idie rs ud', of' Hen al , d In its 1958 operation, total sales., me a Mrs. William RoeszlEr and taut- riston Saturday evening and Mrs., p sly on Sunday, Mitchell returned home with well exceeded the quarter mil-: first president; Edward G. Kraft, building the present: mill in the t them after spending 'a few days lion mark — a new record .. E d w a r cl Chambers, • the late winter of 1952 53. 1 :.?<:F}y.., to 1Kak •: s* "el there. and ibis current year's prospects] Percy Passmore (who was man-! The downtown store, parches - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence }idl are even last year'sb figures at;es the passed; hr e t and the the first ThamesRoad aof Club the- was ed in 1950 rented r for Gaennumberghof t and Mr. . and Mrs. Lorne Hodge quarter mark, Indicating they! Co-op), John L. Ruintivan, Cecil years and then sold to McKer.lie. are, spending this week in Mon -will be well over $300,000 before; Rowe ! Automotive. Greenway tical and other points. the Co-op completes another 121 Presidents since that ti„le have Membership in the co-op eon - and R. B. Williams. I e Mr. W 1 1 1 i a m Wdodall and months of operation. i been Clarence Down, Edgar Mon- � tinues to grow with its success. By Ml�S. CARMAN Wo0oR11R11 daughters Judith and Monica, et The sales—which have doubled.i 11,11ulldill,„,,I1,1„Il,nnlllllno,lllnlllll lu l lin lnnn,I11111111111111/,n1Uu1111nun11n1111111111111III 1u11)t,lluu,= since 1954— are only part of the; . • - co-op's success picture, Net sav-i• Ings have increased tenfold This week in TO EXETE.R, DISTRICT C C' ., E I _ ,. E ire V � ._ _R�� .� � .... For 15 Years of Service to the Exeter District CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED Maker.* Of Aeroprills+, Aero', Ursa, Amenol*, Nitrogen Solutions, Mala, thlon, Aureomycin* and ether quality products for Agricul- ture, 'TM Rep. Message from Windsor, spent Friday with Mr. lllll and Mrs. Joseph Woodall. . WA and WMS . Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Ou;tram, The WA •and WAS: meeting of of Lindsay, visited last week with the United Church was, held atiMr,.. and Mrs. William Oestricher. 'the home of Mrs, Henry Hartle Mr: and Mrs. King Atkinson, In. -Parkhill -with Miss Evelyn of London, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Oestricher, Mr. and Mrs. William Oestrich- er visited on Sunday with. Mr. Mrs. A. E, Holley gave a read,- and Mrs. Don Mills at Strath big and Mrs. Bryden Taylor A'Y' gave a vacation prayer, Miss Mrs, .Harry Finkbeiner is in Evelyn Curts and Mrs. Lloyd St:, Joseph's Hospital, She fell Brophey sang a duet. on the kitchen floor and broke Mrs. C. Smithers offered to her hip an Monday. help, with CGIT for the fall.. Curts in charge of the worship, She took as her theme "Take .God on your vacation” and was Assisted by Mrs. Joe Eagleson and Mrs,) A. Pollock. Mrs., A. Brophey gave 'a• read - Ing "Raging war,. on '. evils for eitizenship" The roll colt was Answered by 15 members and one visitor by '`Little things that Make. life beautiful". 'Three nlembers visiJed the birthday box.' • The September meeting willbe held at the home of Mrs, Albert Pollock, Personal items Mrs, ,Lawrence Pollock visited last 'wek with her sister, Mrs. W. Thompson at Brampton. Mr. and. Mrs. Marla Miller, of Detroit, spent. a few days last week with: • Mr.' and Mrs. Jack t1utchinsoti and :family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mawson, ttRochester, N.Y:, spent the u'eetcend.with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family. ' Mrs. .Ed, Stewardson spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Oliphant and Miss Marjorie Oliphant of Bur- liHgtoii, Mr. Don McGregor *pent last week .inrid I West, e Mr.: and Mrs. Basil_ Romhl Darlene Passmore and Marlene, Mr.aridM.rs. Witmer 'Harrisoni? 'tend daughter, of .Goderich, visit- and family, Parkhill, visited with Webber. ed. on Sunday with Mr, And Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker on Personal items Lloyd Brophey. Sunday. p Mr, and Mrs. Carl 'Willett of Mrs. See Hodge, of Detroit., Mr. John Rinn and family and Zurich visited on Tuesday eve spent: a few days with her aunt, Noreen Walkoin were guests Ding with Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Mrs, Albert isollook. with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd -,Chomp- Jeffery, weelnnnnnntnllninii. nnnnntlnitmnun,nnllnru ningnlun I,,I,,llllll,,,,, lllnllt1111111/11IIII'lleeee,,S. iVdr. and Mrs. Roy Ballantyne , and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. 'nobl- es Ballantyne, ' Mr. and Mrs. • Lloyd Ballantyne and family at- Lompl encs an' tended the Ballantyne picnic at Lions Park, Seaforth, on Sunday. • Misses Judy Mayer, Sharon Best Wishes • Mr, and Mrs. Wnt. Oestricher visited at Toronto recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green- wood to see the new grandson. Thames Road By MRS, WILLIAM ROHDK Entertain Mission Band The August meeting of the WA and WMS was held on Wed- nesday evening in the church. basement when the Mission Band was entertained. Mrs. William Snow and Mrs. Lee Webber were the hostesses,. two - year -old Mrs.Melvin Gardiner, presi- bianne Listeon, daughter of Mr. sand Mrs, Lorne dent of the WMS, conducted the g meeting and was assisted in the Listeon who. was burned by a devotional by Mrs. Stanley Cow- gas hxplbthe gas heater ard, BROS. irf the basement is somewhat The Mission Band members improved but still in hospital at sangverses of three' different Portage La. P'ra,iie. She is the hyns (WATERLOO) LIMITED grandchild of illr and Mrs, ;vel Mrs. Floyd Stewart told an in - Mrs. f. PO Box 410 Waterloo, Ontario Mrs. Wilfred Mack left for 1Ga'esting story about a. Husky Scotland aril: week to attend the pup. A vocal number was given d Hunkin a.nd Wilfred . lbtarga.reL accompanied Mrse Ninth. Triennial. Conference of by .01111111 III 11,IItJIM t ttIt 11111111011111/101111111/rllln01111l,l!IIIIIIInn10111Irn111111111111u111!11/1111111111111,1/1111!111!' the ACWW. by Mrs. Reg Dodgem. A piano solo was,uunuuuunnuulnnnnluunununnnnlurnunuuinitnlnlnunnnnnutnunnnuuufuronunnunuu. played by Mrs. Lloyd Knight. Mr. Cliff Allen of Fullerton showed the film "The Good f Samaritan" and several others. i€ Birthday party Miss Beverley Ann Passmore celebrated her eighth birthday on Sunday at the .home of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Guests present were Mr. and Nfrs, William Passmore of. Ex-� eter, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Caswell of Brantford, Misses'. Margaret Hankin, Judy Mave.r,1 It's Our Pleasure To Extend Best Wishes F to Exeter Co-op We were privileged to supply the aluminum body for Exeter Co-op's new feed delivery truck which will -provide another quality service to the members of, this progressive group. News budget from Baseline By MRS.• ARCHIE DEWAR y.:S.Y.%.... ... .x v..s.... ... .... �.n Personal items Mr, and Mrs. William Berry and 'family, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berry. 7 . •'� t/1I011111111r11111101111/11111t1111111t1„1111111111,1111111111111I,i,itmlii'11001011,i11,111t11110111111n11in,0n1!l1' .*tlnnlrr11t1111,11foliflllWit n1111rIlll'MOO 11irlh0nuun,Annul;;,ulrlrlttr11n111111111ntu11t111111findlllrlullr116� 1 Passmore, Diane Stone, Ruth Cudntore were among some of those who are attending summer camp near Goderich this week. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery to Exeter District were guests on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mcbaughlan of LaTbeth. 1 t Misses Kathy and Karen ';:len- dri.ck of Kipper holidayed last week with Miss Margaret Hun - kin. i Miss Barbara Webber spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hern of Jarvis. 1 _ On Y®ir ><ifteenth Anniversary Murphy Tobacco Ltd. London end Windsor Ontario It has been a pleasure to "Co-operate" with the Exeter District CO -operative d:tiririg their IS years o service td fermert in the community, • Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. EER LONDON'CREDITOR, ONT vilrifriliiif tilt Orrrriu nu ;arts n'1r9itfriYPl`ilffriirinlriPrirlrlr'flirt�ftYiiili�iiVil'riiiiriiitiiiYYl7iiiiPlri�riirtiYniYriiVilYiiiYd�' son and family on Sunday, Miss Brenda Parkinson is spending a few holidays with her aunt and uncle! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Picket and Bobby, St, 1 Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Erllis Stahan • • and :family enjoyed a holiday and picnic at the Pinery Park on I Sunday. ;r040,0„0,,,,„0,„„,, l ln,001/un, Ill uu ;;dull uu,u,/, nrnonawifI Ill 1„u,Nmilll�In.ul,nn,mm�nnu 'Your House Of PEDIGREED SEED'..... "YOUR HOUSE OF PEDIGREED" SEED" .extends best wishes to the Exeter District Co-op and congratulations to ,Manager Ken Hern and. his staff for the excellent work they are doing. We are pleased to have supplied you with Your Seed Grain. requirements this past• spring and congratulate you on the large volume of Seed you sold to' your many customers. Again—Best wishes for all of us here at AIex M. Stewart 8 SON LIMITED "Seed Grain Specialist AILSA CRAiG, ONTARIO "Sow the Best -- Outyield the Rest" HaPPy Anniversary .... tWOdOdQ40bOtrl+.+« To Exeter District Co-op from A. H. HOWARD CHEMICAL CO. LTD. ORANGEVILLE het Air flop 'amotoi Noward Chemie;; Produch et Exeter !Notelet t ,Or, I'„1,1,111111!1/101,lIA011111Ie,lN,llllt,11.1111r If llll,,11„111111,II,1111lllll 111!!lll III ll 1111lIIn I0t111l IIIItnAlllll On Your 15th anniversary and continued success Compliments Of DR. SALSBURY'S LABORATORIES Distributor J. W, WEBER EXETER A Complete Line of Pharmaceuticals Available ,at Exeter District Co.op ►' Congratulations to Exeter Co-op ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY ` n s iz Iay4 ?%9"lhn f6 ,css Q5, t,,Mg3rly. 'Farmers are assured of fast, dependable deliver3 service with this nev Chevrolet truck, whick we were privileged t4 supply Exeter Co-op re cently, You Can Depend On A Chevrolet Truce SneII Brims, Ltd. PHONE 100 EXETER Sincere Best Wishcs To Exeter District Co-op Your Coca! aopplier fee 5f.: Lawrence Cement, St. Lawrence Cement Co, MAROON), SON), ONTARIO