HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-13, Page 13▪ Phone BA 7.423S
Local Dogs
win in NS
About 10 months ago Mrs
Eileen Currie sold three of he
dogs to Mr. Harold Brinton, o
Raninton, Nova Scotia,
Two of the .dogs, "Briali
Frosty Lad," and "Brialin
have been winners the fou
times they were shown.
The former, who competed
against adult dogs, wen "13es
of Breed," "Best Canadian Bred
in the Breed," and also 'Be
Canadian Bred rum". The tat
ler won 'Best of Opposite Sex'
the four times shown,
Hocigins family picnics
Some 50 descendants of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Eli Hodgins
met. at. Poplar Hill last Stmday
for their annual get-together.
Guests were present from
London, Ilderton, Farkhill, Den-
field and Lucart.
Mrs. .Austin Hodgins and Mrs.
.Lawrence Grose were in charge
of this year's picnic arrange-
ments and Mrs, HaMilion Hodg-
ins and Mrs, Cliff Parkinson
were named next year's eoin-
Winners of the races were:
Girls under 6, Karen Grose;
girls 6-8, Sandra Hodgins; girls
over 8, Sharon Hodgins; kick
the shoe, Mrs. Hamilton Hodg•
in; toilet. paper race for
couples, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Par.
Mrs, Jos. Carter
and district news
District horses
win at Toronto
Cerrispanelont: MISF !sine Abbott
The Hardy Brothers horses did
. well at Toronto last, week,
✓ "Pauline Vole came first on
Monday, "Herbert Carter" sec-
ond on Tuesday and "Meadow
n Art's Lady" first on Wednesday.
"Linda's Girl", owned by El.
don Young, d on
Lena's Hope, owned by Lyle
Revington, eame fecond on
Brinsley Resident
Mrs. Joseph Carter, 84, died
at Craigholme, Ailsa Craig, Sun-
day, August 2, She lay at rest in
the T. Stephenson funeral home,
Ansa Craig, until 2 p.m.'Wed-
nesday, August 5, when the Rev.
Hick, of the Ailsa Craig 'United
Church conducted :funeral serv-
ices. Interment was in St, James
Cemetery, Clandeboye.
The pallbearers were Harold
Lee, Ancell Lee, William Ritchie,
Joseph Carter, Lee Trevethick
and William Lee,
Mrs. Carter, the former Mary
Lee, lived near Brinsley until
seven years ago when taken to
Craigholme. Ber husband and
son predeceased ,her. Ber only
survivors are one brother and
one sister, Mr. Thomas Lee, of
Lucan, and Mrs. Scott (Myrtle)
Trevethick, o f McGillivray
Township. .
Granton nuptials
for Pitt-Beatson
Baskets of pink and white
gladioli and ferne formed the
setting in the SL Thomas Angli-
can Church, Granton at 4 p.m.
Saturday, August 1 when the
.Rer.v. P. L. Dymond 'united in
marriage Sandra Joy Beatson,
and Ethol Ralph Pitt.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Derwin Beatson
of RR 3 Granton, and the groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
R. Pitt of Lucan,
Given in marriage by her
father the bride chose a floor-
- length gown of hand clipped
chantilly lace, featuring a long
train, fitted bodice scalloped
neckline 'trimmed with seed
pearls and lily point sleeves, A
sequin trimmed veil of net fell
from a close -fitting headdress.
She carried a cascade. of white.
gladioli. and pink baby roses,
Miss Sharon Beatson of FIR 3
Overdo, as maid of honor; and
Miss Katherine Caverhill, of 11.
derton and Miss Marlene Rev-
ington, of Lucan as bridesmaids,
were gowned alike in flowered
nylon dresses of white and tur-
quoise, with turquoise curnmer.
bunds with balloon. back, They
wore large matching picture
hats of soft silk, and carried
nosegays of yellow and white
baby :mums,
Mr, Roy Pitt: of Lite.an was
best man for .his brother and
Mr, Den Beatson, brother of the
bride, and Mr. Don Abbott, Lit -
can, were ushers.
Miss Grace LindSaY ,PlaYeti
traditional wedding music and
actompanied the seloist, Mr.
Larry Lewis of Granton.
At a :reception in the church
basement, the bride's. mother re-
ceived in a soft green silk gown,
with hat to match. She wore a
corsage Of ice orange baby
roses. She was assisted by the
groom's mother, in a pale blue
4.4 lace Ownwith white accessories
and corsa,ere of pink baby roses,
,Folinwing the reeeption all
visited the bride's home to view
the gifts .before going to the
Forester's Hail, Granton for a
social evening,
For a honeymoon (rip to West.
ern Canada, the bride ehanged
to fl black and white silk en-
eeirible. large blaek picture hat
and corsage of red reses.
The young eouple, tkeir.re.
turn, Will make their home in
Cargill, Ontario,
Agont For
Edith Watson
mom sA i,446$
For Free Pitkup •
Anti Ditivont
_LJ 2
Granton Lucan
share bingoes
Granton and Lucan fought it
out for the Legion Auxiliary
stakes at the Thursday Auxiliary
bingo at the Legion Hall while
Mr. Clarence Taylor upheld the
honor of Exeter by winning the
first bingo.
The consolation 85 jackpot
went to Mrs. Olive Frederick of
Granton. Mrs, Ira Carling, of
Lucan, won "Share the Wealth,"
The first and third part of the
consecutive bingo went to Mrs,
H. Rawson, who also won an-
other bingo. Mrs. Clarence
Young, of Liman, won the sec-
ond part of. the consecutive
Other winners were Mr,
Charles Windsor, Mr, Cecil. Van
Horne. Mrs. Ben Adshake, Mrs,
Cecil Neil, Mrs, .R, Westworth,
Miss Shelagh Ewen, Mr, Harry
Bond and Miss Lula Abbott, all
of Lucan, and Mrs. A, Bice of
1104 week's jackpot will be
8110 in 54 calls,
Ex•warden's picnic
The ex -wardens' Association
of Middlesex County held their
annual picnic at the farm of
Harold and Charles Corbett in
McGillivray Township fel August
9. Ex -wardens and their guests
numbered about 90.
This year's president is Ward-
en H. B. Langford, of Lucan.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. George, Thom-
son and family have returned
from a month's motor trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Art Maskett of
Toronto, spent .their vacation
with the :formers parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Will•Haskett and other
Mrs. James Hodgins attended t
the funeral of the late Hugh
Hodgins at Yale, Mich. last
Mr. and Mrs. George Prest a
and family and Mr, Wayne Prest
Dies on trip
to Germany
William Angust Havekost, 5
who •came to Canada in 192
left London 'July 1 for his firs
trip back to Germany. There h
died suddenly August 5. Intel
ment was made in Germany a
Besides his wife, the 'forme
Mrs. Ellen Stocker, he is sur
vived by twn step-childre
(twins), Chris Stocker and Mrs.
Nina McNamara, all of London;
also two brothers in Germany,
Heinrich and Emmo Ilavekost.
At the time of his death, Mr
Havekost was an employee o
the Kelvinator Co., London. Fo
over 10 years he was employe
at the Central Hotel, Luean, dui
ing the time the late Mr, W.
McFallswas proprietor, and ha(
always made the McFalls' hom
his second home,
He enlisted in World War 1
in 1940 but owing to ill -health re
turned to Lucan in 1943, Whil
in England hc was married hi
1942 but Mrs, liavekost was no
able to come to Canada till 1943
VV... Scott
Over 20 members or •the fam-
ilies of Messrs. Ervin and Aaron
Scott attended the inneral of the
late Alfred W. Sena, 76, •of Nia-
gara Falls, who died suddenly
Saturday, Aug. 1, while watch-
ing TV. Funeral services were
held Wednesday, August 5, with
interment in Fairview Ceme-
Mr. Scott was the third son <of
the late Samuel J. 'Scott and
'Barbary Ann Scott. He was born
on Concession 13, McGillivray.
Mr. Scott Mit many positions
in Niagara Falls and the city
hall flag flew at half-mast as a
tribute to him. He was general
signal foreman for the New
0, York Central Railway for 43
7, years before retiring in 1948.
t He was an honorary elder of
e the Morrison Street Hulled
Church, a life member of F
t and AM, St, Thomas; a nieniTier
of the Pioneer Association of
the Michigan Central Railway;
a member of the Progressive
" Conservative Party; a life mem-
her of the CNR Veterans' Assn.
elation; a past grand master
and 50 -year member of 100F
lodge. St. Thomas, and a former
member of the Niagara Falls
; Lions Club.
.fIesides his wife, he IS sur-
vived by three sons and three
u daughters, Jack A., Witham W.
• -and Robert H., Mrs. William
• Grange, all of Niagara Falls:
l Mrs. Martin McCormick, of
Pers, Ontario, and Miss Bar-
, hare Scott. at home; also two
J brothers, Mr. Erwin Scott, of
" Lucan, Mr. Aaron Scott, of Ailsa
Craig, and one sister. Mrs, An.
nie Greenlee, of Brinsley, and 11
Mr, Havelsost was well known
to Alice street residents here,
for he visited the McFalls home
so often. One of his hobbies was
the growing of gladioli.
Pigeon race
At a recent 500 mile pigeon
race from Grande Mere; Que.
bec, Mr. Clarence Hardy's
pigeons came first, and third.
Church News
Personal items
Mrs, W. J. McFalls, Mrs. liar -
old McFalls and. Mrs. Douglas
Ewen visited Mrs. William
Havekost, of London, whose hus-
band died suddenly in Germany
last week,
Mrs, William Dickins and her
daughter, Mrs. Maurice McDon-
ald, spent laet Monday in Wind-
sor, the guests of Mrs, Albert
Carroll and on Tuesday visited
Miss Alice Mains at Watford.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins,
of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Carroll, of Saintsbury,
were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ada
Walker, of London.
Ron Woodward, son of, Mr. and
Mrs. Les Woodward. is holiday-
ig with his aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilmer Jones, of Kip -
Billy Park, after a week's
mlidays with Lucan friends, re-
urned home to Petrolia with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Park, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis
nd Shirley May, and Mr. and
,frs. Joseph Davis, of , Fair -
rove, Mich., were weekend
uests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Hodgins and family.
Julie Hardy, small (laughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy,
had five overnight guests last
Thursday. All six little people
ttout in the family tent over -
When Mr. and Mrs. P. Wal-
lace, of Granton. entertained
the members of the Birldttlph
Township Council last week,
Reeve and Mrs. Austin Hodgins,
of Lucan, were two of the
Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Grose, of
Toronto, and son, Mr. '1,,a.wre•nce
rose, of the Tillsoriburg High
chool staff, spent a few days
week at the home of the
te Mr. Ernie Guest.
Mrs. W. :E. McGowan, of
Camillo, was a Tuesday over-
ight guest of Mrs. Warner Mc-
oberts. On. Thurscley night, a c-
ompanied by her daughter,
rs. Kenneth Hockey. and Mr.
Hockey, of Exeter, she was a
guest of Mrs. Irving Gibson and
Mrs. Leroy Revington has re-
turned home after spehding a
few days with her husband ill
were Sunday guests of Mrs, C.
Mrs. Harold Hodgins, of Lu -
can, and her sister, Mrs. C. A.
Mann of Toronto spent a feve
days last week with their sister,
Mrs. Lily O'Neil of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson
spent last Sunday at arystal
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
and family have returned honie
from a holiday at Roseau Road,
Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Ford, of
Detroit, are holidaying with
Mrs. Irene. Coursey and Mr, and
Mrs. Don Downs.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence :Flask- G
ett, Nancy ancl Billy, spent last S
weekend at Footes Bay 'where I
Mr. and Mrs. Les Woodward la
were holidaying, On Sunday
they were all guests of Mr. and 1
Mrs. Harold Whyte and 'family, n
of Bracebridge, and enjoyed a R
boat trip on the Muskoka River c
and lake.
Douglas and Dianne Henson,
of Toronto, who accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
and family from their vacation
n Muskoka, for a few days visit
o Lucan, returned home on Sun-
Showft her with his wife, suds Rev. Pred Thomson
as pastor of the 'Pentecostal Holiness chtitett at TAICRM
Rev. and Mrs. T1161118611 are liatiVee of St. C,atharines
and both attended the tible College at Rhode Walla for
U11 ee Year& Tho couple servod at 066tgttenvitbefore
dOthitig tO titteaft Mtt. assistt her husband
leadfil Of &Attie,
Century -old -trees
shade WA picnic
The members of the Evening
Auxiliary of Holy Trinity church
were hostesses for the August
picnic meeting bf the Senior
Woman's Auxiliary last Wednes-
day afternoon at the Corbett,
The weather was perfect for
a meeting and supper beneath
the century -old trees. Those from
London included Mre. Fred Mc-
Lean, Mrs. Arthur McLean,
Mrs. Harry Atkinson, Mrs. Ken-
nPlh McGewn and Misses Nellie
Foreman, Holly and Belle Mar-
The president Mrs. T, C.
McFarlane, presided for the
meeting and led in the devotions.
Arrangements were made for
the sending of used Christmas
cards to the Huron County Home
for the Aged.
Mrs. Harold Hodgins reported
on the slides on the study book,
•saying they would be available
for September 21.
While lunch was being pre-
pared Miss Line Abbott conduct-
ed a "Part of the Body" contest
which was won by Mrs. T. C.
McFarlane, Mrs, Jack Murdy,
Mrs, lames McIntosh, Lucan,
and Mrs. Roy Stanley (now of
Si. Thomas).
During the supper, Miss Lina
Abbott was happily surprised
when .Mr's. Charles Corbett pres-
ident. of the Evening Branch,
and her members grouped be-
hind her chair, singing "Happy
Birthday" and placed a candle-
lit cake in. front of her. Later
she was presented with a small
gift from the hostess,. Mrs.
Harold Corbett. Mrs, Harry At-
kinson won the lucky chair prize,
Since the 1958 meeting at the
farm, many improvements on the
old Corbett home moved to the
property, and neiv additions
added to the museum.
Mr. Fred W, Halls, of London,
was the guest speaker at the 11
o'clock service. Mrs, Clarence
Hardy presided at the organ and
accompanied the guest, soloists,
Miss Julia Clatworthy, and Mr.
Larry Lewis, of Granton, who
sang a duet. Peter Shipley was
crucifer. •
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The Rev. Ronald Hall was in
charge of both ' the Wednesday
and Sunday services.
The Thursday ladies prayer
meeting was held at the home of
.Mrs. Wine tizenga, with Mrs.
.1. A. Grahapi in charge of the
Bible study.
Plans are being made to at.
tend a youth rally at Stayner oir 5 9
the 'sabot Day Weekend.
United Church
The Rev. E. M. Cook was the
guest speaker at the 11 o'clock 511 Dodge
service, while the Rev, Edgar
Rolston is On vacation. Miss
Reta Crown presided at Lb6 or- . —
gen. '5 7 Dodge
The itootteAthecefe, August 13, 19$9 PSIS
410°R e
Prices are low. Trade-in allowances are
high. The savings are tremendous!
Stop in today, drive home tonight in a
new Dodge or DeSoto. And if you've
an eye for a buy in a truck, be sure
to check our deal on a new Dodge
Sweptline pick-up or Town Panel.
noir sooti.110:ScatM1/4:11:42:001450N
eve, sal*
,,,azziing New
114.1; wmPelstit°11:11:ftbeSeggiteea't gtherfOliveSt
luave fea
"9 of the Yea -
'4.I. rvne5
• '
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4611110/11061* •
:.:::14arkiing New
bob ,pd'apeeye,sedclefx7tghle °low-priced
.• f;minmwako
and ,rtit1 _ha ' co' IfIlttY /12027thi
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'4:se • •
stvuo, sew
Goe orrucus
sioevnlbwoo?stextoctere se.asrasecitetft..5.;
414 t9911
Dependable Used Cars Too!
Dodge Demonstrator Sedan V -St Et\ILSIN5 AUTCIMATIM TUTCIN! Big Discouni
'Regent' Sedan
Personal items 'Regent' Sedan
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
included Mr. a"k '56 Dodge 'Regent' Sedan
Ronald Crozier thia
nd Mrs. 'Earl
Yorke and family, of Havelock.
am, of '
and Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Wet -
London, on 'Friday, and , 56
Ford Fairlane Coach
Chphin and Mrs, Zoltan Nem -
they, daughters, Esther a nd
Margaret, and son, Zoltan .ire
of High ParMk, as Siterley guesis. Dodge
Me, and rs. Perey Diekins,
of T<ceora, Called on Lyon rela-
tives last Wednesday.
More Lucan news on pogo 14,
" '54 Buick Tudor
Agent For
Mid -Town
Edith Watson
i'lit5t0A I448/1
Far Prom Pickup
Ana biSikrery
AUTOMATIC, rt..ertlf.... ONLY 11.tifli MILES
*2095 .
59S-ro 1695.
AUTOMATIC, Vs, tr\IGINIE, ;;Atiltn, TU' ONIE '1695
Royal' Sedan vatNGINI, 'AUTO MATIG`. CilVSSZ $11 50:
Hardtop Pcm"
'54 Plymouth Tudor Stationwagon wrri.1 11Ablb. ALL SST TO. *995
54 Dodge 1 Ton Express HS4,VS; Eit PLY, ;MIME. 1K1 enNbiTioN 1095
Exeter Motor Sales