HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-13, Page 11Woodham t By MRS ARTHUR RUNDLE, Personal items, Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd . aclues, UannY, Deborah and. Nancy are jtolidaying -at Port Elgin for a week. Miss Margaret Knight ac-' companied them. Misses Janice and Jeanne Webb visited with their grand-' parents, Air, and Mrs, Elgin Webb, .at Grand :Send. Mrs, M, Copeland and .,dean, 111r, and Mrs. Glen :Copeland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mountain.. Mr. Milton Holman of Monk-' ton was a Sunday visitor with' Ivlr. .and Mrs, Arthur Rundle-. Barry Slade of Port Elgin spent the weekend with John; lilate lY. Mr. and Mrs. I7clward then -i ney of Logan, Florida, Alr. and Mrs. Thomas Boone, London, spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs.' Thomas Clarke, Owing to the damp and wet• Percy Dunsford official at Trivitt Percy Dunsford, 78, died at his residence, Andrew Street, on Friday, August 7. He was the son of the late Air. and Mrs. William Dunsford and' was born in Stephen Township and lived there until his mar- riage to ► Julia Maud Triebner when they fanned on Concession 2, Hay Township, until their re tirement in 1947, He was an active member of Triv.iti M e m o r 1 a 1 Anglican Church and served as people's warden for many years. Surviving are his wife, one daughter, (Florence) Mrs, Ralph Genttner, Exeter, and one son, William, Simcoe; :four sisters, Mrs. William Sanders and Mrs. Melvin Gould, Exeter, Mrs, Wil - weather ,combiners are having some difficulty with the harvest. 'The crops are good although some are down. The yield of barley is exceptionally good, Air .and Mrs. Robert Rundle, ,Jim and Jack were in'Wood- -stock on -Sunday afternoon and visite d their _cousin, Leroy Thompson. Air. and Mrs. Norman Hazle- wood and boys were weekend visitors with Dr. and Airs. Tont Lovegrove at the summer home near Part Loring. Mrs. George Levy and Eliza- beth were weekend visitors with her parents, Alt. and Mrs, $!liver Uazlewood. George spent Sunday with Mr•. and M1.dt•s. Hazlewood. Jim Tipping spent last week visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tipping, at Thorndale. Gary Cousins of Forest spent Tuesday with Ron Chatten. Mr. and Mrs. ;Bruce Cooper -of Elimville were Saturday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bayes, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. George Aiardlin of Den- field visited Mr, and Mrs, Knight. Mr, and 'Mrs. Frank Shortridge of Siloam Springs, Arkansas, visited with their cousin, Mrs. W, L. Switzer, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Vie Chatten, Barbara, Icon spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Shier, Mr, and Mrs. Garry Mines, Mark, Gordon and Barbara were weekend guests with Mr. and Ails, Vic Jansson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and Warren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Smith. Mr, and. Mrs, Carman Switzer spent Sunday with Mrs. W, L. Switzer„,' ,Ill llllllllll tllllllll ltllltlllll llltlt111111111111111111111111111� 1 News Of Your liam Gould,Flay PO and Mrs. Millon Rssell, Hensall, and LIBRARY four grandchildren, He was pre- d by two brothers, decease Charles and Isaac, and a half- brother, Frederick, Funeral services were held from Trivit.t Memorial Church on Monday, August 10, at 2.30, conducted by Rev. Bren deVries, Interment was in Exeter ceme- tery. Pallbearers were George }law- kins, Owen Atkinson, Percy Browning, Charles Acheson, Nor- man Stanlake and Elmer :Rowe, Report on Shipka Personal items Mr. ,and Mrs. Cecil Anger and fancily and Mr. Harold Anger and Joy, of Welland, were week- end visitors with Alr, and Mrs. Stewart Sweitzer, Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Sweitzer and Mr. and Mrs. :lack Pickering and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett and Stephen, of. Hensall, visited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and. Billy. Mr. and Mrs. john O'Hara, 'of Forest, were. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love. Bobby Boerner, of Meo, Michi- gan, is Holidaying with Billy Morenz, Miss Brenda Clark is holiday- ing at the home of.Mr. and. Mrs. Don Dinney and family in Cred- iton. Mrs. Wayhurn Steeper, Ronny and Sandra, of Ailsa Craig, visit- ed with her grandmother, Mrs. E. Lamport one day last week. Mr-, and Mrs. Lorne Dietrich were hosts for a family picnic en Sunday when approximately 40 m.embers of the Breen family were present. s t$$ W',+cM- Lotter from Brinsle By MRS CECIL ELLWOOD 1 n Plan memorial service The cemetery board are plan- ning' memorial services at Ebe- nezer -cemetery an Siiiiday, Aug- ust. 16 at 2.30 p.m. The junior band of the Legion al, Ailsa Craig will also be in attendance. Guest speaker will be .Rev. Keri• neth Hicks, new minister of the Ailsa Craig -Carlyle and Brins- ley charges. Pertonal items Visitors with Alt.- and Mrs. ?red Fenton on Monday were Mrs. Kemp and children of Den- field on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Morgan of Sarnia. Mrs. William Sholclice, of Lon- don, spent on-don,spent a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lewis. Miss Jean Darling, missionary An furlough, was guest speaker At the Nazarene church, London, on Sunday. Miss Mariorie Fenton recently visited with her annt, and uncle, Dr, and Mrs. Mo'lock of Water. ton. M. And Alis. Jim Cunning. ham and children, of Ciande- boye, spe» t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Prost. Mr. and Mrs. ,lack Keogli are the proad parents of a Son, horn Sunday at :St, Joseph's Hospital,. London. Mrs. Art. Erskine, Miss .Jain Darling, Miss Audrey Darling And their mother Mrs, William Darling visited with Jim Dar- ling and family at Wellaceburg on F'riday. Nr, acid Mrs. Fred Fenton and Anda spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood, Little boy: "Whatdo yott re - 'air those shies with?" CoCobbler:ler."Hide." , "Why tittle boy: should I hide?" Cobblerr:} "yHide =- Mite.' The tow's outside.,' Little boy: "Sb whet' who's afraid Of. E COW anyway$" By MRS. JMS Command of the Morning In her new novel "Command of the Morning" Pearl S. Buck has turned to the greatest topic of our times—man's conquest of the atom— and has woven a suspenseful story of human be- ings who brought it to pass. The story follows accurately the course of actual events but it is told through fictitious char- acters' Burton Hall, the mature scientist, head of the project, and his beloved homebody of a wife, Molly; the younger Stephen Coast, Hall's chief assistant, upon. whom. Hall's collapse throws the most crucial decision of all; Stephen's devoted wife, Helen, who lives those troubled years inignorance of his work, and ,lane, beautiful woman and keen scientist who is drawn to both Hall and Stephen and yet fears that by love she might be destroyed, Since the end of the second world war Pearl :Buck has be- come fascinatedwith' atonic science. She has spent many days at atomic installations talk- ing with . the men who worked on the atomic bomb and with everyone who could help her understand their world. She has read everything an the subject from texts in atomic physics to books and articles of the scien- tists. The subject has occupied! her mind so much that it has shown itself in almost every- thing she has written during this time. Land for Our Sons Maxine Brandis, the author of this book, was born at The Hague of prosperous parents, She stud- ied law at the University of Ley- den but found it difficult to keep herself and.' two small children in German - occupied Holland while ,her husband, a cavalry officer in the Dutch armyewas a prisoner of. war. When her husband came home thby migrated to Canada sett- ling with cousins at Terrace, 90 miles inland from Prince Ru- pert in British Columbia. This was a primitive new land of log cabins and. primitive living. The book "Land of Our Sons" tells of their pioneering and a way of life they came to love. Many people have difficulty in getting to sleep or in feeling re. freshed after sleep. These peo- ple will he interested in a new book at your library: Sound Ways to Sound Sleep. Americans spend 60 million dollars a year on steeping pills and yet the authors of this book, Donald Laird and Eleanor Laird, say sleep should need no artificial stimulus. Basing their book on the re- search findings of more than 50 scientists they answer many perplexing huestions about sleep such as "Why some people go to sleep more easily than others," "positions :for restful sleep," "the kindof thinking that helps us to go to sleep," And inany others, The final. chapter discusses the use 0f the sleeping pill and the harm which may ensue. *• * Many readers have enjoyed reading books by Nan Shipley including "Anna and the In- dians" and ""Prances and. the Crees,"She has written x new book; The Scarlet Lily This is a differend type from the Other books — i1: is, in fact, a novel of theiopening of West- ern Canada , tt 1860" as seen through the eyes of Ellen Nash -- A. beautiful, musically cuter young woelan who marries a missionary Indian, who is try- ing to reconcile his tribesmen and the white settlers. She tells of the political And social life of the community. Events lead to..thie settling of the North West Territories, the btrildinl; of the regrew] And the formation of the Northwest Mounted pollee". Por a variety of books to Suit your reading pleasure visit ybtirl library, The. Times-Adyegete, August 13, 195, PO,. 11 This is one 'green crcp" you can arvest FOR SALE - 1\1013114B It0M1E, 195$ ( oneral, 51' x 10'; 2 -bedroom, 4 -piece bathroom, lei t e h e n, automatic washer and c'.ryer, living room, outside porch, situated on .land- scaped lot on Centralia airport road, Phone AC 8-6218 after 6 p.rn. 7:9tfn GRAIN AUGERS -- Four -inch, lengths 11, 16 and 21 feet, with extensions. Cann's Mill Ltd., Exeter. 7:13c THRESHING MACHINE, White 24", in good condition, on rub- ber tires; also 120' belt, Apply 74-A-6 Zurich, 7:13e Announcements GIRTHS . No CHARGE CAROs OF THANKS 75¢ BUILDING, suitable for garage ENGAGEMENTS .. 75e or summer cottage. Located, on IN MEMORIAMS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $1,00 lot 10, concession 6, Stephen (Four•line verse) Extra verses, each 25¢ { FOR SALE— { REAL ESTATE .,— PIANO,. Heintzman, upright. Ap- ply Bax `1dfsz', Times -Advocate. 7:13* Outstanding Horne EA'TURPAY EVENING POST Bargain Rates 60 Weeks only $ 4,79 Manly $10.17 Subscribe to any magazine through htough THE EXETER •TIMES -ADVOCATE Phone. 770, 117 Weeks OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times - Advocate., phone 770, 27tfc CHROME TABLE., with 4 Chairs Phone AC 8.6656, 13* BIRTHS--- BAYNHAM—Mr, and Mrs. Larry Baynham Dashwood announ e tie h rth of a son, Stephen Richard, at South Huron. Hos- pital, August 9—a grandson for Mr. and Mrs, L. V. Hogarth, Exeter. CROSSMAN — Mr. and. Mrs. A. Crossman, Huron Park, Cen- tralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Ann, at South. Huron Hospital, August 10. • ESBROECK—Mr, and Mrs. Alois Van :Esbroeck, RR 1 Hensel], announce the birth of a sem, Paul Edward, at South Huron Hospital, August 8. MADGE — Keith and Doreen, nee Simon, wish to announce the arrivalof their daughter, Cynthia Jean, at SL Joseph's Hospital, London, August 12, SMITI•f--Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Smith, RR 1 Lucan, announce the birth of a daughter, at South Huron Hospital, August 6. TOORNSTR.A—Mr. and Mrs. P. Toonstra, RR, 1 Woodham, an- nounce the birthof a son, Clarence Sam, at South Huron Hospital, July 24 — a brother for Elsie. WOODEN—Mr.' and Mrs, J. L. Wooden, Andrew St., Exeter, are happy to announce the ar- rival of a daughter, Catherine Ann, at South Huron Hospital, August 12. ZALESCHUK--Mr. and Mrs, M S. Zaleschuk, Carling St., Ex- eter, announce the birth of a son, Robert Steven, at South Huron Hospital, August 10. DEATHS-- LISTOEN—On Tuesday, August 11, at Winnipeg, Man., Di- ane Ruth Listoen, b el O v e d. daughter of Lorne and. Doris Listoen, and granddaughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hoist, Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. Elling Listoen, New West- minster, B.C,, in her second year. Funeral service at the Dinney funeral home, Main. St,, Exeter, Saturday, August 15, at 2.30 p.m. DST, 13c ENGAGEMENTS— Air. and Mrs. Harold. Taylor, Exeter, announce the engage- ment of their. daughter, Marion Beth, to Robert Grant Mepham, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Mepham, Windsor, The wedding to take place on August 22, 1959,. at 2 o'clock in .Tames Street. United Church, Exeter, Ontario. 13c Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Ewen of Market St„ Lucan, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Shelagh Jean, to Mr. Richard Gledhill, son of Mr, and Mrs. Reginald Gledhill, of RR. 2 Denfield, The marriage will take place in the Lucan United Church at 2 p.m., Satur- day, September 5. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Bern, RR 1 Woodham, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Alma Shirley, to Edwin. Ross Ballantyne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballantyne, RR. 1 Kirkton. The wedding will take place Saturday, September 5, at 2:00 p,m., in Zion. West United Church, Zion, 13* CARDS OF THANKS We wish lo express our deep- est appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for all their acts of kindness, cards of sympathy, beautifulfloral tri- butes and assistance during our recent sad bereavement, We wish especially to thank Dr. E. A. MCMast.er and the staff of the Scaforth Clinic, Rev. C. D. DAniel, Rev, Currie Winlaw, land theBont:hron funeral home, We would. Also like to thank these who so faithfully visited during the long illness,—The fancily of the late W. R:. Stephenson. 13c We wish: to thank everyone who so kindly sent, Karl cards and gifts and visited him while he Was in South Huron Hospital and also while we were. at the home of. .his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weiherg, Many thanks to those who looked after baby Harold. while Mi'. Weiberg took me to the hospital to see Karl, Special thanks to the nurses And staff at the hospital and to Dr, Gans. 13* wish lei thank my friends and neighbours, Dr. Gans ,and the South 'Huron Hospital staff following my accident, and sin. core thanks to all those With helped with the harvesting, .All p appreciat- ed.—Jelin very waswas�ry much a ed.—Jelin Alexander. I3c IN MEMORIAM— Putt—In ,ti —In loving iiiericory of a dear h' n5h a' n d and father (Percy), who !kited Away August. T0, 1:155' . His meniory is as dear today As in the hntlr he passed sway. ...,.Always remnnibered by f li`ae Lois and Jerry, for care ani! Acts of. kindness in Exeter Only 12 years old, this modern 3•h, edroom home with dining room is even better an the in- side than it appears from the outside; broadloom in living and dining rooms; other floors com- pletely covered; interior birch trim.; aluminum s tor m s and screens; full basement, oil -heat- ed, laundry tubs, landscaped; garage attached; in the heart of town. Owner must sell because of. transfer. Apply 51 William St. or phone 870-J mornings and evenings after 7, 7:23tfnc Township, Phone 48 Exeter. 13c KITCHEN, pantry and bathroom, 1 BOY'S BICYCLE, 22" tires; 1 11x20Ailsa, CraigApplyphGeorgeone40-JPhillips6:13e, sidewalk hike, John Kats, B], , . cycle Sales and. Service, 103 Simcoe St., phone 993-W. Please call after. 6 p.m. 1.3* PEACHES Red Haven now ready, Jubilee and Vedettes to follow. Bring container. Goven- lock Orchard, 1 •mile north of Forest. :Look for new fruit stand on Highway 21, specializing in peaches, apples, pears, berries,! sweet, .corn, tomatoes, fresh eggs', and vegetables, "We stand be hind our produce." 13*' CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3-, piece, suitable for summer cot- tage or recreation room, cheap.. Phone 62-11-5 Crediton. 13c FURNACE STOKER and air i conditioner, used, suitable for workshop, garage or large house.' Price reasonable. Apply Fred Simmons, phone 280-M Exeter. ' 13* '54 DODGE, high drive, tinted glass, full. chrome — $150,00 and take' over payments of $42,00 a month; 21" Motorola TV—$150; 9 cu. ft. G.E. refrigerator, freezer, holds 42 lbs. meat. Everything in excellent condition, Phone AC 8-6806, RCAF Station. Centralia. 13* 25 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply Paul Van Derspek, RR. 1 Wood- ham, phone 22-R-3 Kirkton. 13* TEXT BOOKS -- Full set for grade 11, in good condition, Phone Marjorie Dayman 228-1-3. 13* AUSTIN A55 ('S8 -'S9), black. red leather, carefully maintained as new. Still covered by maker's guarantee. Owner going to Europe — $1,650. Phone Grand Bend. 137. 13:20c OUTBOARD MOTOR, Sea King, 5 h.p., i n A-1 condition. Apply Huron Lumber, phone 48. 13c 500 PULLETS, C.R. R.,I.11,; Briggs & Stratton rotary tiller: 6 -lamp etectric brooder, in. good condition; large roll 1" wire mesh, new. Phone Crediton 10. 13* MOBILE HOME, 27 foot 1954 McGuiness, in good ' condition. Priced. reasonable. Phone AC 8- 6998. 13* BINDER, Tohn. Deere, 8 -ft. cut, on rubber, all new canvasses. Apply Allan Hill, B. 1•Clande- boye. 13c 200 L'EGHORN HENS, year-old. Apply Sol Gingerich, phone 84-11. 3 Zurich. 7:13c '51 MONARCH, private, good shape. Call 210 before 6 p.ni. 13* FOR RENT— HAVE TRAILER, will. rent. 1959, 14-11. General with pr op ane range, electric brakes and eon- trol. Sleeps five. Available Aug, 24. For reservations call 13111 Treibner, phone 100 da.. or 584- W after 7 p.m. 13* APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, self- contained, in Exeter, $45 month- ly; 2 t-bedrootli apartments, self- contained, $35 monthly; excell- ent parking. Call Angus Mac - Innes, Real. Estate Broker, Lon- don, GE 8-8483. 13:20; 27* APARTMENT, ground floor, central, newly decorated, avail- able September 1, suitable for couple. Apply at the Times - Advocate. ' 13c APARTMENT, 3 -room, Septem- ber. 1., downstairs, self-contained, heated, partly furnished, private entrance, 1. or 2 adults, Apply after 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, 145 Victoria St. W. 13c REAL ESTATE .— C V Pickard V M. EXETER We are offering the following and other properties: 3 -BEDROOM if 0 M F;, Theater) south of Eitet.er. This brick house has been renovated and is in spit and span condition. 1t. has beautifully bright monis and all modern .facilities including oil bursting furnace. Nice house yard with. garden. Price $R,200, Low STEPHEN TOWNSHIP cash payment:. Township taxes, LARGE .Exeter home', choice Io- tat'en. Would lend itself t:o tis of large family or du'ilecing Bath up acid down Os b g I W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 86 Anne St. Exeter Phone 435 GOOD brick house, suitable for large family or duplex, oil fur- nace, bathroom each floor, TIDY 4 -room cottage, full hase- ment, oil furnace, nice location. 2 -STOREY brick house, Cent-' ralia, very easy te.rms, each' floor self. contained apartment, live in one, rent the other, ALMOST NEW 1 -storey house (one you could he proud to own), 3 bedrooms, attached garage; terms. • We have several farms, stores and other properties. Exeter, Dashwood building lots, WANTED for a client, about'. 150 acres with some terms, in Ex- eter. area. WE NEED some houses for pros- pective buyers, EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 FRED COLE, Phone 544-11 RUSSELL BRODERICK Phone 1187-W To Buy or Sell -- Business Properties -- Homes -- Farms CONTACT M. J. GAISER Phone 24 Exeter Salesman: Sam Hendrick Phone 711 Exeter 8:7c EQUIPMENT FOR RENT — Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER 2::t9tfnc WANTED TO RENT - 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE for per- manent federal govt employee with family; by September 1. Phone 770, Exeter Times -Advo- cate. 13:20c HOUSE, in or near Exeter, by first of September. Phone 487. 13:20* HELP WANTED MALE— Holidays with pay. MAN, married or single, to milk THE BURKLEY and care for. 30 Holstein cows. Phone 777 from September 5 to September 30. If you can spare the time TENDERS— STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDERS FOR SALE OF 904001 - Tenders will be received by the undersigned until September 19, 1959, for the sale of S.S, No. 3 building situated on. Con 3, Part Lot 20, Stephen Township. The building to be removed by December 31, 1959. All other details may he received from the undersigned. The lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. WILMAR D. WEIN, Secretary -Treasurer, Stephen Township School. Area Crediton, Ont. 13127:10c STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDERS FOR SALE OF SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until September 19, 1959, for the sale of S.S. No. 12 building situated: on Con. A, Part Lot 3, Stephen Township. The building to be removed by December 31, 1959. All, other details may he received from the .undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, WILMAR, D. WEIN, Secretary -Treasurer, Stephen Township School Area Crediton, Ont. 13:27:10c HELP WANTED FEMALE— SALESLADY — Exeter store re- quires pleasant, efficient woman to serve public. Some office experience helpful but not es!, sential. No S a turd a y nights. Duties commence August 24, Hospitalization, pen s ion plan. Please apply in own handwriting, skating experience and salary: expected, to Box FT, Exeter; Times -Advocate. 23tfc Waitress Wanted R.ETHER'S RESTAURANT Main St., Exeter 7:13c RELIABLE, efficient girl or woman to care for 2 small child- ren. and some household duties - while mother. teaches. Apply PO Box 6, Dashwood, or phone 25-r- 1 Dashwood. 13:20e SERVICES-- WHITEWASHING—Anyone wish-' ing to have their barns or hen -1 houses whitewashed, call Brl1 Watson, phone 37-R-19 Dashwood. Also grata or corn .spraying. i CUSTOM COMBINING ,—,• Have; two machines; ,$5.00 an acre. Irving Snider, phone 98-R-7 Zur- ich. 2.3:6:13* SUIT DOESN'T FIT? Altera- tions, double.breasted suits made singles. Spurrell, 87 Dundas,! London GE 9-4351, 5:14tfnc' WANTED— FRAME COTTAGE or house, suitable for moving. State price. Write Box 225, St. Marys, Ont. 6;13" 13000 FOWI. All types picked up at the'farm at these prices: Heavy fowl. over 51h. lb., 12t a pound, and light fowl 2 to 4 C3 less, depend- ing on quality. LESLIE HOOD, MONKTON Phone Mitchell 663-4 7; 9tfc TREES --For late September de- livery to London, Ont,, 500 bush cedar trees fax fall planting. Size 2 to 3 feet and must he freshly dug. Reply giving price per hundred and when delivery' can he made. W, A. Noble, P.O.! Box 412, London. 13:20:27:3c STROLLER, in good condition.' Mrs. George Simpson, Clanle-, boye, phone BA 7.4305. 13c. OIL SPACE HEATER, good con- dition, Call evenings after 6, phone 59-M, 13c! „1,1/,111,IIIIIYII IIuulllll11l/lltul/llutltet1111,1,,,,,, l,,,, GIRL for general office work, typing essential, full or part. a time. Apply .in writing. Dash- wood Planing Milts :Ltd. 13c Saleslady The Times -Advocate requires woman for retail selling and re- ception. 51/2 -day week. Usual benefits. Apply in writing please. 13c Waitress Wanted Good wages. Uniform supplied. Sundays off. and do the ;job, you can .name your own price for this 3 -week period. Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Exeter, 13c HELP WANTED—, CLERK -TYPIST Applications will be received in writing by the undersigned until 5 P.M. August 14, 1959,.for the position of Clerk -Typist in the Huron County Library Office. Please stale education, exper- ience and references. Starting salary $1,800,00 per an- num, • J. (. 131•:R.RY, Secretary 11ttron: County Library Board Court House, Goderieh, ani, 7:13c 13c SERVICES WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Breeding Service Alt Breeds of Cattle Member owned and controlled Cost Low - Efficiency High Use of the best of bulls Disease controlled, Safety .For service or more informa- tion phone— FOR LONG DISTANCE CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 Between 7:30 and 9;30 A.M. wee', days 6:00 and 8:00 I , Tvt. . Saturday evenings Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sun- day morning. F'or cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER L1xVING SEPTIC TANK'S PUMPED—Im- mediate service. Butler 'Bros. Our new phone number is Lucan Baldwin 7.4254 or Baldwin 7-43t2. 1.3:20:27*' • TENDERS— WASHING MACHINES repaired. Apply Pant Sass, 66 William St., SCHOOL AREA Qrlick possession. TENDERS OF Nb RS FOR SALE F FURNACE Ten will it Tendert vitt, be received l , g duplexing, i[rnin the undersigned until August "25, furnace. garage. 1959, for the sale and removal of a gravity type o'l fired fur 'If comp etc cantor,. schools Diced freed tat, Modern .. ,, y Tess oil. Lank This furnace may. 3 -BEDROOM Cottage close to fleet iwitht i.. kitchen and bathroom. Price be seen at S,.S No. 10,Con. 21 $5,400.00. Quick possesSirei.' We have buyers for two- and three-hedroom homes. If you wish all Cash for your property we can arrange it. TO huty or sell, see C. V, PICKARD', Realtor, and Cenral Insurance, 594 Main St„ Exeler, Phone 165 and 6x8 • 6:State Part Lot 8, Stephen 7'owtishi}i. The lowest Or any tender not ttecesarily accepted, W1l,MATi D. WEIN, SecretaryTreasurer, Stephen Township & oot Area Crediton, Ot1t, 13:W EMPLOYMENT WA,NTED,.0.+ ODD JOBS, carpentering,, Paint, ing etc. Phone Centralia AC 1. 6687. I.cStte BABY CHICKS -,- STARTED PULLETS, pr o tri pt shipment, Ask for list on AMOS. Time to order September-0ctobee broilers. Bray Hatchery, brie Carseadden, phone 246=W. ER,. eter. 1,3e5 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SAt-E OF LAND PROPERTY SALE NO. L -,'let! Approximately Ys acre of land a t Pt of 16,Concert-. situated t I C e sion 1 L.R.S., Township of Tuckersmith on the east side oI Highway No. 4 in the Hamlet of Kippen, Sale will be held on the property at 2:00 P.M. D.S.T. Thursday, ,August 20th, 1959. TERMS: $100.00 cash or certifie4 cheque at the time of sale, balance payable within 30 days, Further information may be ols• tamed from: The Department of Highways, 335 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario. Telephone; GL -1-3450 OR The Auctioneer, Mr. Harold ,Jackson, Seaforth, Ontario. Telephone: 474 Seaforth Sale subjeet to reserve bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY! ONTARIO. 7:1311 tttt„11„Nllllnllltl lll11111t11ua11 p11 IIu111111111,11,tI,n1,,� HELP WANTED Men and Women TO WORK DURING LATE AUGUST & SEPTEMBER j ON CORN PROCESSING State' Whether Days or Nights Preferred APPLY Canadian Canners EXETER Ltd. • ONTARIO „uafulmnutilnuullnt„n,u1 imuunutimu111uttlnon,auntie!„utuuellmmu tunteueuutuultu unn Business Directory DR. J. W. CORBETT LDS., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Affernoons USBORNE & HiBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office •— Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde Ric. 3 Mitchell Vice•President Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun 1111 1 science Hill Martin Feeney 1111 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cromarty Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia: Clayton. Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary•Teeasursr Arthur Fraser Exeter ALVIN WA.—PER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER F your este large or small, or � courteous and efficient Service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" PHONE 110 DASHWO(?D Exeter. 23:6:13:20:27* {{CHEST CASH PRICES for sick, mown or disabled hot -sea and cows. ?Dad stock at Value. Call promptly; 7,day week ,,ser- vice, Call Ed Andkews, Collect,. 851.i-11 Seaforth, 5:5447* UNLIMITED MONNY LOANS To City and Pettit l~ n1ka, Money for anything and anywhere. Phone Or myth:0' naw, 1 1ALLING INVESTMENTS LTD„ 3301A Moor St.. "Wes',, Toronto, WA, 22442, lath W, S. O'NEiL & SON AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK GENERAL P'ARM SALES AND REAL ESTATE Pot sale dates PHONE 2e7 CRANTON COLLECT G. A WEBB, D,Cs DOCTOR OF CHIROFRAC'TlC DRUGLESS THERM►, Por Appointment Phone 606 W, G. COCHRANE BARRISTER d, SOLICITOR ' NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons • 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 14 DR. H. H, COWEN DENTAL SURGEON LDS., D.D.S. Main Street Closed Wedriesdey Afternoons PHONE 36 Exeter N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Mein Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 3S5 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Commercial, Industrial end Residential Janitor !Kens FREE ESTtMATEEd R.ea.sonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER RT U A H R 1rRASER 1NCOMlE TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Anti St., Exeter Phan. 'SO4 JOHN WARD D.C. LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR & DRUGLESS THERARISt 21 14111 St., Emitter Phone 571-,T for Appointment #IEELL 1 'LAUGIHTON BARRISTERS, sOLICiTORS' a! NOTARIES PUBLIC InAl ;11, D, RELL, t. V. LAUGHTON, , J.FL. , Zurich Office- tuiiadiyy. 1� Aherhet n ' EXE1>"E'R PHONE