HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-13, Page 10484 1* The TiMes-Mvecate, August ft 1959
1.,09kins. in .with. Li*
TV ..favorites
at :Strafford
.. . , . .
• I:
'V' •
. 4 JOYCI Sulliveses baby was born are bound • to find one or two ',•
:*n..A.ugu.st 2. John Michael! favourites in the show which ends
s.Weighed in at just about ten Saturday night at the Avon
pOunds, . theatre.
Joyce's husband,: John Scott. Tammy Dimmest i in New
f4icas dropped from the cast of, York where, h .has three appear- is
*Two for the Seesaw at the antes lined up for NBC. He also
_great because of Wriest and is looking into a few offers that
„George McCowan, who had been might prove very worthwhile,
directing the play, took over the• The ,Men Fairfax Show is the
lead rolefirst of the summer replacements
Pam Hyatt, who won the. Trans-, to be officially added to the win -
Canada Talent Show last season, ter schedule. Joan's show will go
is replacing Chermion King in into the Sunday at 7.30 time slot
the current revue at Stratford. I vacated by Showtime.
"After, Hours" also featuresAlan Next week Joan has Welly
Blye, Dan Francks, Betty Rob- Koster as her guest. Wally has
*Om and Norm' Renault and been out west, primarily In Win-
gers Jack Creley, so TV fails nlpeg, where he got terrific re-
views for his portrayal of Sky
Masterson in Guys and Dolls,
:.Form groupIn England,
ter are filming British versions
Wayne. and Shus-
et two of the shows they did here
at saints ury and N , Y Sc.
Singer Phyllis Marshall is also
ss, By MRS. HEBER DAVIS doing some work In England.
Aylmer Morley
native of Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley,
Mr. and Airs. Edgar SeItire and
}Mr. and Mrs. Ewart ryrn at-
tended the, funeral of their bro.
• ther, Aylmer H. Morley„ at
Brantford on Thursday.
Air. Morley. 67. ivas born at
Whalen but has lived in Brant-
* 'ford for 40 years. A mechanic
si by trade he operated his own
repair garage at Terrace 11111
sa' Street for over 35 yens. He was
ss -
• a veteran of the first world war,
serving with the 102nd Danaher).
He was a member of Mohawk
Lodge 100F, Brant, Encamp-
', • ment, and an adherent ot
lington St. United Church.
. ,
Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Dale, Clinton, will begin
her teaching career at Kirkton
School. She graduated from Strat-
ford Teaehers' College and Sea -
forth DHS.
Kirkton party
sees U$ zoo
,s2 The Zoological Gardens in De-
7troit wet the place chosen for
I the annual bus trip this year.
On Monday, juts, 20 eighty men.
Phyllis took with her a magnifi-
The Saintsbury branch of the cent wardrobe which she will
• Junior Fellowship was formed wear on behalf of some of Can-
sreeently with Miss Mildred Wei- ada's leading courturiers.
,laer.g -elected president. Honorary Remember singer Alyss Robi
president it Mr. P. Dymond; back in radio's heyday? Well,
-eice:preSident, Wayne Carroll; the once top-rated Frerieh-Cana-
-treasurer, Phyllis Weiberg; sec- dian songstress is back in show
rotary. _Clayton Kooy; leader, business doing radio And TV
Mra. Ron Carroll. work on the French network, She
Senior group: honorary presi- Is also playing club dates,
dent, Mr. P. Dymond; president, Another songstress who has
Mrs, Tom Kooy. vice-president just about faded from public
Mrs. H. Latta treastrer. Mrs. memory is Monique Cadieux.
L. Weiberg; secretary, Mrs. C. Monique was the sweet -young -
Davis. thing who sang on Holiday Ranch
The first social meeting was a few seasons ago. Now, she too,
held in the parish hall on Friday, is doing the nightclub "lite but
August 7, with 21 in attendance. In a much more mature role.
;Rev. Dymond was in charge. While in Grand Bend recently,
S.Games were enjoyed followed by Joyce Hahn confessed that she
'refreshments. Isn't too fond of water sports. 11
seems that as a youngster she
shot the rapids on. her first canoe
trip and has never quite for-
gotten the experience.
Happenings in
• Calvary Presbyterian Church,
Flint, Michigan was decorated
with white glads and pink roses
tfor the candlelight ceremony on
:Saturday, August 8 at 7.30 p.m.
/or the wedding of Peggy Miller,
-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
MiUer and granddaughter of Mrs.
-Slrene Hicks, to James Sargent,
of Mr. and Mrs, George Sar -
"lent all of Flint. Rev. Taylor,
-pastor of the church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFalls,
— The bride, escorted by her Miss Birdine McFalls and Mr.
-father, was lovely in an all white Steve Conipella visited with Mr.
embroidered pure silk gown with and mass Ross Lester in Brigden
.front panel insert and bouffant on Sunday.
kirt, short sleeves, and match- Visitors on Monday with Mrs.
John Spacek were Mrs. Laura
Glavin, Mrs. :Joe Carey, Patricia
Carey and Michael. Glavin.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang-
Personal items
Jrig gauntlets. She carried white
'roses, carnations, stephanotis and
' •
▪ I\Irs. Edmund Hermans was
patron of honor gowned in blue
;chiffon over taffeta with match- ford were in Toronto oh Sueday
;Ideep{ ns pictuii hat. She carried v,ihere the body of their uncle,
white rosesthe Rev. lam Hazlewood lay,
tkose carnations and
:Miss Carole Clayton and Miss.iuntil the funeral on Monday,
:Betty Parnow as bridesmaids— ,Mr. and Its. Percy Dickens,
. ere gowned identically to mat- Kenora, called on their cousins,
an of honor. They carried bas- M. H. and Mrs. Elston on ThurS-
Aets of pink roses and carna• day afternoon.
-tions. Miss Heather Davis, Cen- Miss Judy Blair spent a few
:tralia, was flower girl in white days last week with her uncle
'len dotted swiss over blue taf- and aunt, Mr. , and Mrs. Harold
-feta and matching' picture hat. Rowe, Thames Road.
,,,She carried a white basket of Mrs. George McFalls and
pink roses and carnations. Master Joyce, also Mr. and Mrs, Hugh
David Hicks, cousin of the bride, Davis and Heather attended the
was ,ringbearer dressed in lor- wedding of Miss Peggy Miller,
mat suit of navy trousers and granddaughter of the late Rich
*bite jacket, Hicks and Mrs. Hicks which took
Jerxy McMaster was best man. place August 8 in Flint, Mich -
Richard Miller, brother of the gan. They remained for a few
bride, a n d George Sargent, days with their sister-in-law,
brother of :the groom, were net.Mrs. Irene Hicks,
era, attired In formal dress. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robin -
Bill tired was soloist and sang son and Kathy, of London, visits
'Vedding Prayer" and "Endur- ed on ,vionday with Mr. and
Ing Love". He was accompanied Airs. Bob Blair and Mr. and
by the organist, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Jack Blair.
A reception followed in the .0er. AIM airs, Alex Alek alis
rithirchparlors for 200 guests visited receinsy wen au. ano
f011Owed by dinner at the home sirs, Clarence Snoeuottom,
of the- bride's parents. Mrs. uryanston.
Miller, mother of the bride. re- Alter spending .her vacation at
ceiveri the guests in pale blue the norne o.i. ner parems, mr,
lace dress with matching blue and _ars. Alex ans, xiss
And white' accessories and cor- rsiroine Mee aus scis resumed
nage of pink roses. The groom's ner mules as supervisor In wont -
another, an ensemble of blue and an sosp1a1, setroll.
white silk with pinkrose ear-
sVisnoes owing Inc week with
sage. Mr. alio Mrs, iseris ristrier were
"'The bride changed to a dark sar. and. nits. Jue iviorousn. ardi
green dress with matching print- „AI arm mrs, Liuyti
ed duster and white rose ems ,tamaxe awl uwzy, Iwo miss
sage. The young couple left on 1- at .tiociter ani alio Attn.
honeymoon to Northern Mehl- toy iliseneranu jamlly, au in
gan. London, ,
They are both college gradu-
sites. Cm Wednesday evening the
choir and organist., Airs,
titiests•Were present from New-easton, ot (serist Anglican enurea,
lout dland, Exeter, London, Cen- nem a 1,,o1ite oti the
Donald bquire, of Centralia; f.
spent a coupe ot nays win 1110
LOUSITISIeven ariU .uaie
Miss Miriam Elston, Edmon-
ton, tormerry oi 'out rielgrlOGr.
tralia, Rirkton, Detroit, Clio,
Mich., Flint and Pennsylvania,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green.
Inc were Sunday evening guestS
with Mr. and Mrs, DaVid Thirl-
wall,' Ailsa Craig.
His wife predeceased him in
• 1956. Surviving are four daugh-
ters: .Mrs. Will la m Barnes,
(Kathryn), Sarnia; Mrs, Charles
Gaal (Joan), Mrs. Thomas Par-
ker (Bernice). both of Brant-
ford, Mrs, Margaret Misener,
Port Dover; two sons, Keith, of
Brantford, and Raymond, Cal-
gary; three brothers, Oscar, of
Monetville, Adalbert, London,
Wilson, Exeter. and two sisters,
Mrs. Edgar Squire and Mrs.
Ewart Pym, Exeter, and 10
interment was in Mount Hope
cemetery, Brantford,
women and children hoarded the
I bus And were off to the zoo, Al-
though it rained most of the way
!down, the weather had cleared
upon arrival. Lunch in the pie -
rue area was enjoyed; then all
proceeded to see the animals,
• birds and flowers.
It was the first time for many
of the group to see this wonder -
ltd place,
At five o'clock ,the homeward
journey was started, then sup-
per at Holiday Inn at Sarnia
was next. All arrived back in
Kirkton about 10 30 p m
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray,
of Toronto, spent Thursday with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Miller McCurdy
and Saturday with Mrs, H. Cope-
land and. Miss Ethel Copeland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bailey
spent last week at Port Elgin.
Mr, and Airs. Carl Mills and
fa mity and Miss Helen , Humph-
rey are vacationing this week
at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Humph-
reys visited friends at Tees.
water on Sunday.
Mr. and Airs. Harold Davis ,
visited Sunday evening with ;
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins and
family at Clandeboye.
Mrs. Archie Robinson Ia. a pa-
tient in St. Marys Memorial
Hospital at dine of writing. Mr.
Albert .8ickell is also a patient!
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Bryant;
and family, Appin, visited on;
Sunday with Air: and Mrs, Dave,
Shamblaw. Karen returned home!
after spending the last week and
a half with the Stift mblaws.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Paul and
Terri are holidaying at Red Bay.
Miss Donna MacNaughlon of
North Bay is visiting this week!
Roy Clifton Johns
native of Usborne
• Roy Clifton Johns, a native of
Usborne Township, died Satur-
day in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, in his sixty-second year.
Mr. Johns had been in hos-
pital for about three weeks and
underwent an operation the day
before he died.
Deceased was a farmer in Us -
borne until he retired to Exeter
about eight years ago. Since
that time he has assisted his
son Lorne, of Usborne, and two
years ago purchased the Daniel
Hicks farm in 1..isborne.
He was a member ot jamcs
Street United Church.
Surviving are his bereaved
Widow, the former Florence Her-
bert, his son Lorne, and a bro-
ther, Lewis Johns, of Usborne.
The funeral, Tuesday after-
noon, was held from the Hop-
per.Hockey funeral home with
Rev. R, S. Hiltz officiating. The
bearers were Alvin Pyre, Rich-
ard Jermyn, William and Ent-
merson Johns, James Chaphian
and Gordon Kirk. Interment was
in the Exeter eenietery,
Mr. •and. Mrs—Tack Dickint, hood, aunt ot mom x.iscuit,
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Abbott and ten greatly honoreu when sne
family 'arid -Mr. and Mrs. Earl received ait invitation to attend
Greenlee and boys spent Sun- .•ine Royal (amen rarLy • new
'My at Grand Betl. th Edmonton tor Queen Eitza.
—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and both arid the Mike or. Edirioutge
troather :Were weekend guests and was present at tne occasion.
with Mr, and Mrs, George xhere were 1,800 guests in at.
Miller, Flint, Mich. tendartee.
Mr. and Mrs. - Bob Tindall 1,
sa, it, Elston on Sunday hap -
were Sunday guests with Mr. Used the Intent daughter (Mary
end Mrs. Heber Davis. Mrs. Tin- —
dall was observing a birthday. ,s1-441,1,s,C).°1 '''/11% and Al"'
. Ott 'Sunday morning baptismal t mourtotl• Th. service took
illi•vice was held in St. Patrick's} plate in the Chapel of RCAF
church for Sandra Marie, infant; Centralia.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, GeorgeMrs. Jaek Blair and girls at -
Atkinson> - ; tended •a family renniett Width
Mr. and Mrs, W. Clarke and was held in London on Sunday
Of Dunnville, were week., at the home of Mrs, Ellen Flail,
end guests with Mr, and Alet.lnigall,
Tone Kooy and attended (het Miss shoa tisto and friend,
Davis reunion at Springbarik oh Miss Eleanor Ladd M Orange.
Sunday. !vine,visited with friends in Lon -
Mi Mra. liarveY G64b6I't! 'don during the past week and
Maxine and friend called lo ane
um„s s„ss s„ attended the Davis reunion held
• "u 44"'• at 8pringbank Park. Mr. and
Sunday and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mrs Allan F, Elston, David and
.tortl„, Detroit, Mil, Irene Cour., ,,.,„•24.„, ,
soy, titan and 'Mrs. Edgar Me- • Wendy also Auenueo.
visited with their aunt.1 Mr. and Mr. Clifford Ladd,
Mrs, Fred Davis ot Thursday of Orangeville, who spent the
eVening. !weekend with -the Elston families,
14r. and Mrs, Clarence Davie on Monday 1ft ter 'bete at.
rott, Mutton shit Mr, arid Mrs,Ittortiriatiled by their daughter
Pleher drove lo Winglign gleaner and- Attalla tistort who
• 8aturday Davis..r the "Derry DitY" i151as Spend het' vacatiOrtlit
Itart,dt, tOratigtv1110*
• 1
;Cafety (.'n'il
Three new services
41! • • •
at new soil 'building.
Sell scientists now have a nue-hydrogen atoms of the soil water
Iron moisture -tester at the aretheslowedprobeand s tntlehrg 01 esti 0. tow
rio Agricultural College, neutrons which get hack •to. the
Tie machine will assist resear- probe, vary with the sou mistime.
• hers in estimating soil .moisture .eontent,"
conditions in different parts of Professor 8ichardi also men -
Ontario and eventually will help . tioned the department has
them forecast what .crops will beand
the best bet for seeding in a fr7lkeg effect pllocrern7esnifti
certain year. fertilizer -on nutrient absorption
So said Professor Ilichards., by plants, the interaction of soil
head of the soils department at temperature and fertilizer place -
Ment, and the chemicat trans:for-
DAC while talking. to farmers at.
• ti of . t..' .t. the
tending the opening of the new SOIL 133' 'labelling' fertilizer with
million -dollar !soils building, He radioactive material, the mo.ve.
ment .of the fertilizer In the soil
ex'P'Slatelieleld:.tubes Are first driven and into the plant can be traced
with geiger counter without
down into the ground and the soil destroying the growing plants.
removed from inside the tubing.
This work will help farmers in
This probe contains a radium.•
beryllium source which emits fertilizer placement."
fast neutrons. nese fast neus
trans when in collision with the aoli
a year. This comPares to a peak
now big enough to. handle 100,000
of 25,000 that was hanRichards noted that thd
.sample receiving roam is
Tips on calves: • previous yenrs.
"Farmers will be able to get
their fertilizer recommendation
back within two weeks' from the
time they send in their sample,"
be stated.
— Continued from page 9
What about feeding? Make
sure the calf gets colostrum for
the first 3 days or until the
cow's milk is ready for human
use. Watch your good cows, 11
she is producing more coloa-
trum or first milk than the calf
needs, feed some. at the extra to
calves from lower -producing.
But watch you don't aver feed
either the colostrum or milk —
'calf scours might :result., For
larger breeds stick with 6 to 8
pounds of whole milk daily;
smaller breeds take 4 to 6
pounds. A.good rule of thumb is
to feed 1 pound of milk for each
11) pounds of calf. High butter-
fat milk can be diluted with one-
third warm water to prevent
Some other ideas:
• Try individual calf pens for
the first few weeks. These stop
navel and'udder sucking and also
help prevent the spread of di-
sease. Sucking can cause de.
filmed, mastitis - producing ud-
ders at An early age.
• Remove extra teats when the
calf is 4 to 6 weeks old, Stretch'
, the teat and snip it oft with a I
clean, sharp pair of scirrors and
treat with a tincture of iodine.
, •
r • Guard against Bang's disease
hy getting your veterinarian to
! vaccinate the calves w e it
they're 4 to 6 months old.
..... .. nomol ttttttttt ttttt
Sunday And
:: • •
Evening. Service
EMIEMPER Fl I Open this Sunday, Wednes-
day afternoon, and during
LOOKING FIRST IS 22 the everlingwetehkro.ughout the
with her grandmother, Mrs. Al-
Exeter .
Motor Sales
• Mr. and Airs. 'Ronald Denham
and family visited Sunday with ''"'""' ttttttt tt tttttt mamas,'
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Mason and
!family of Belgrave.
Mr., and ATVS. jack treason
and. Kathy Anne of North Bay
j visited Monday with Mrs. M.
. Mrs. Lawrence Milk Of Oak-
ridge Acres spent a few days
this week with Mrs. H. Cope-
Phone 102
ttt ttttttttt tt ttt lllll
Aluminum Doors
including ,
Hinged, Lock And Key, Weather. Stripped
Automatic Closer SafIty Spring
Reg. $55 Now Only $39.95
Gef Yours Today,
Huron Lamb.
„, fifiiiiiefif iliatiatfilftiffifivilifinif Win rintiMM'illit
Mosul, from
Mr. Hiram Winger, Mr,„ Ches.
ter Winger and Mrs. C. Lewis
of Glencoe, Mr. And Mrs, Sher.
man Eaton, Mr. .and. iNtrs. Don
lleanian of London, Air. and
Mrs. Reid Brown of Lambeth
were Sunday visitors with 111r.
and 11Irs, John Thompson. 'Mrs.
Thompson was celebrating her
hirthday •
Mr, and Mrs. Clare Wright,'
And David- At London were Sun-
d ay visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Amos '
Mrs, •Srnale of Belleville is a
guest at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd B. Hodgson.
•Mrs. W.J, Pairball left on
Wednesday of last week for her
home in South Laguna, Calif.
Mrs, Charles Mooney,. Kings-
ville, was a visitor with Mr. and
Mrs, Amos Wright on Wednes-
d ay of last week, She .called on
Mrs. Harhon and Mrs. Abbott
before going to the home of her
son, Mr ,and Mrs, Alvin, Faul-
der, in Crediton.
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Thompson
attended the Orange Lodge Der-
ry Day celebration in Wingham
on Saturday,
The Lassaline family,
4044 .0( resi-
vlLl*geYr- .TOO PAK
tOIMS Of years, moved 14.4 t�
tleOth last week.
And Mrs. Russell. -8'ehroe.
der and •family, Mr. 41,0 Mrs.
Fred liewrien and fatnilY :Attend-
ed the funeral of the late xr,
and Mrs, Marvin Bowden in
Lopu o Thursday of last
There 'wilt be no church or
Sunday School services in the
United .Church nn Sunday mor.
fling, The following week. both
services will be resumed at the
:usual time,
No Church
(August 16, 1,959)
Church and Sunday School
will resume as usual en
August 23.
Centralia '
United Church
75th Fall Term
Executive Secretarial
Business Administration
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/ •
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