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Huron Signal, 1852-06-17, Page 4
211x` 0„ ro 4y :. e _ - _ _H -Ut O _ N S 1 ' _- - - -a s+a DIYlR1011 coeRTe CH1TPPdWA FOUNDRY, 00[ -KILLER t 0♦ATiONg . • !IRI 1 T ♦ is L ! 1 , • o.ta.d And Steam Engine Manufactory B •pp•r» gatbw,u'. la•isl. Conwe err M bats• PQ08PSCrI'iJA. ' ,,, aiTtplg. s,,.,dsss ,b.y birai aseMw. off •inti THC war Divluw C•erw M r Pkiiew. D0000ty Mew•- .,clock P. W. the 91st •f Mprd . r neer- W T111R ANGLO-AMERICAN MAGA- , --- (•lAs•,sa1. Vf 4n" rayed [ A e... em .f Haim. P.vtb And geese, waU M aMebwl !a■LsTdkot-entente. . C *. ` ,. t+I *b• Cssaaq ApMLL■rat ii»n of utw. wJi .01 N •' load w stir■ V E,ETI LER LIFE FILL $ 7+INL ►eM o tM din and on- fwlkwu3 , Tib T1:IE1 ki d: sal wort a !tie but master C.- •ndCNtwa Cswa_ Hast ■na»s. &■Nati ■d teftag v •nry • Z fet•k wed I)ruoe, Pran,Am (r abs sAe• tlw Trwsl •(1a J soot, sv+ll N paNMN G•dsrkb,Mond■y tad w t►• Praa.sas •fret■ 1►• Trade assess M CMTba, dsods, "mule- nom .bs Aarne rid a PHMNIX BITTERS l r{ ., J..a d R E, I_ ,1 L,nm and at short Duties. Er Ord•» lw Lsa■■t t Sura Mi•, •m, ,As, r,j{t tri. htiJ u tied,- All iSsock u•d 1'ralsrr » M sa eM sM and ria isN ssssbetr d a Iloetlalt PNa- I lar tall. Usai 'WA•f* W . tb•• =4d ,arart1 MO*-mbrr. smesd b 9 u'clas of'be dy of th aMw• ed"L madw the tatle of • TUB ANGW i/ H ' ■/ Tk• htlaras of d4■m E itis fes Griot •erwliy •nradad we whom Aa 4i , ..T... "a ass •e r ,.tre te... n[ .r Csa■ er M t"***'•• lO tv.ra,hpe 7• Aell per«.s chow lei M •.i e y ,yhawegrr./MtMfetr• bet eta le•ati AYQRIGAN YAAA7JNi." ' Com• .ries. sad Saw Yllls, ar•■11 Dow arul of tt» aawl .+, - . u costa• ow r,....u.. Ali" M.b„ to •eta. W reeewd se A■ooro M .d aad • Uberal d,aeseA, slkwvd• 494 f 41kb llal t p twicrant theu"e alk 4-- Heel rt.•► ta•■"ww" w.1 resist•• r ynaaa "'r •■y -s a . . 1a , • 1GaTrh wenbmr wiY eNtue 1M pages rgal Jabs akbs's Town, Metabel, 241► Jely approved bled. AMo, complete aet•ol gmr• Lands•. Maroll just. Faai be.3 p P w. bet Tb. w kn • M !Mar bis i Lk Dater ■ Ckrk M baa}, ►y+ .......:...... (' O whrtrrer- nay he ,ka R.Imal ales .i ww M .rad 4 wN► dnaila eohrssy as1 wrD•r•w k , r. /rusk Cake• . lDg, 13h■fNag, are. for Gnsa and Baw MJIs, _ - ._ _ _ _ _ _ -w oaf b Uk sf illsairttlless, Prky 16•_ anemia, w venae vivo"". I ..-to which the attanuuo of %be ublic u tel heH................ •.:0 1I 0 eles'any other M wry . co.'ad t•. SK'1 't' "`yy,,, to adnate•. sed seat to mall `te eo panto( glad .1171► J•II aad P Besia t teen 41 Pall R. Q• Crmugw.a,, I sa iv s}r L mo.aAaaoli,w ISrotrsb Nortb Am•rtma w they United YIMia A.v. aVM Wl"oo • Clark. paHavingly detract d. 7' • . • • • • • • • • 1 0 0 1g,'2 [ I Havi deswtsd coolnd•nble time and • tend ►eN . • •............. 0 -13 0 G.J.,;-h. lea Mair _ lir A., IIT VA. I•V7111 Ad 9999 M R/ittvaatTlnals Stales• rose" my 'e■ - ;,1; ird latal.... ........ .. •►. 0 10 0 -' C •►r•' r i %S d te. aLADDta ewd rtONtta r Tasrst. Lads a•■d.9Sab few sad wxpensa to [•toot up the best deseriptiOt' ' 0 Binet >< yearr i .... ...,i... 1 0 ' 0 A 1-,- of oYE pOr, `ALE' sitsous Tatra" ar Ewan 00mitnAllrta_ It is ptopmaed to publish is rash w~ Q Cs,r.9.Cloak. of Engine, with all the other necessary fix-' .-__ r.r..,hs.d .b.w •sa,shAwsw.As.arssl oma or more en sal •os Sob e4 coo- l4eb AepsL aavp tares for Mule Saw M&H usowroad to Sed beet .lt..• ....•....... 0.13 0 -- .. s.,.A i-.a..a►as. a•laaar..tiew14A, swt •eb-w. e.r am, Rt Pa P■, Y renew un,wrs- 7 0. 7 ird►Tr•t :....... 0 10 0 v rUE Rubs:nbur rill a'I for rash. a Rmrd r air. ai r .e■...w eauwibA.rs.,nebra,. tweeted wish Ilairtaa AraaarA, aarrrolly •s- . Isw ad i olFer lDom wnb gnat coeflJweeo u tbww riff wb•eribfr Ngs to ieform the teen_ aridpwarr Aran•. Hsrw t!, 26 r Best dpu of Working Iltleese• ••.1 !0 0 snarl yak• of wurkery earn. •tI vNrs t p jL, i ouOat raaytQ (atdalsomtD uoawl eluraete`eU tl•leetiolea Aeaut. Ross R■b•rus■. Ep. Cler►. is wast of rh maobtoory. Tbau Lratiieos, 1 tae4 0l Uoitneb ud to •icisily. teal Ir OF4000 a .................. I 0 U Q. For particulrre a:.v: at Ur. Ja►e tb R 1 twp'rrrw.r. ur.d.rrDww.rrtk.thaw.. MIn e,rnr". Ica, aoetw ■11 tM natot taepnveaaeot■, Do W rec•t••d s Largo dmpplJ of • La. Pse' cosaes'r suYOta. Dtursttn of lbw best wntinti• io the laabo liriu•b ,14 mil or uw tk• [ .1%. B,e•r Tarar . Salsa Ms,y'•• 931► aad era veru eoaiplots. f%vw of them ■rw asst Improved P■ttaros of ird r r • • • • • • • . • • . •• • 0 10 0 AI en'., lAeeper, it; Jenich; STSVWUA. N• mw arrk ry. ame.wm dr Periodical• will be copied, especially such a ,, Sm.. Colne•■, EvV• now is -ed, sad the demaed i• such that B O CATTLI•• • wirer, e•, i..Ml sats i+w tbrr nde•w.a,... *M*. have ref■re■ce to the welfare and inlawasts ud 23,d O,r save"Te ur.ueoa. B t: 1 Bwl 11/1eh Cow (whish m'+altba•m Lmt No. 40, rat COnr..nn"; .J• >iccrAl,Aar A w Dew aarbrcu/a Ptdll parties duuous of purcbassg can be fitted 1 is t of these Colowes. ViOss, rf irvfeld.3{se •!tarp C' )UK I' T Lad a call in 16".9...... I 0 0 A1.1:X• I CKii10. tswy. FlAaekrY hvero. tD ■few wwka, with •vet lbio oeLvs- lad l+esl ....,.•....••..••• 1 -0 0 G-adr►icA. Mary 4'-a . 1!5i. •A-nlfl v6sYist aad Ar1Dat. RrtM.•e.maedu■vws A careful direst of Ile Current F.reab of aad * shat, Devil"a","[ ecil$ . CI o. iP 7 [ A1`D PAHLO 1IZ eery red c .••answer Yam oo6WAO-am h. fawn a Asst, smolt, ed eke World, ilkiewtifie Discolrarion, CoMner, The BIIII•p of iM ssvKsl Corns will nom• elle►•• ! I ird mea! ................... a 16 it, - rnu."Asess. o.t-a«hei.,aw..Yr•r.t.n »kbm»s .Otte D• offers for Sale at • reduced Ecrt Yearling Harhe.-.a.9a9.1..0 10 U 'O'1'ICE la herob' girpS th.t 1 e'arre all Mr. JYeo.,..,y,,," ar,y,..w„s...wms..rs _ tial Noes, Mwieal la/alliSnee, aad ■11 meaee puelwth •t It •'easrk. A. i • C. C• tahli pimento wblroabilerslof the best eu.l P •....9 0 7 6 pe •. nwsraea•tre .,flag ■ rrcn by rsr,vt MenaR ✓ vr ri cit4 mn•l roeeag inform■! on t' deriveditumtbe Goderiob. 4th lune Rib j1.AVU, r5■19 ll7 wall ■t ■11 ,as Do made to order• os `nJ Y•d So usu I• At hu OId tt94nd•akarns ' t !ad beat............ 1 r : rote. drawn RS ird brat •••••.•........... 0 6 C m fevnte OfJohnd. Ar,e.aonr• R 9MMURAZ. >Dni•ILT?T rcaeonable term and of lbs bt■tmata+nals y rior wnrtsaot of TIN_ Bees 9 yr.a. al! (left t 0 13 t Inc, date 1 Fe9. 17th. 183 J. par■Slf is Iri t. wry 40DAINtw ox/►•tt. 9*"AUltau .f Fall It is also intended to publish a series of GODERiCH, 22nd January, 185'2, sad workmanship. W ARE of every description. The sab- re tut retslaed tsr►vxI rxrM INst/xYATORY NUENA RisR►wpkies of Fininewt .kles of Greaf a best 0 lis ( ,:•,re'.. at+or dere, Y 1 ka frgjr• rVPul•1 ttopD• JAUNDIVE. 1lHx of APPI NOTICE• k Improved •4uonary Fire Eaginas coo- sertDer takes fess opportunuy o relurnog fid boot 0 7 8 rue (ur the ssme. iire. 8ritarn and Ledawd, from Alfred the Great - ' etantly on hand, ready for delivery. ills sincere thatks to the Public for tho ver' vr. 7p112i-F:ASTELLO. L = Y II R O O 11I P L A I N T /s to tM present tome. Thu department will r iron Planior, TurofnR• Screw Cuttinr. -- Best !lull, . .----•a..... 0 15 0 sS-a{S, t -►r"_ : Luu'e 1VI be flla•eralyd with Portraits from the but PARTiE9 whose A counts of 1850• remain i liberal patronage he ha■ received ■ioc be :tud tural......•.aa.w►.•.... U I t b Iiinanlint. Mae Sib,IN"- - _ ►, lih a' tt t w t. n, A1C A n ii s.- Maden, unpaid arehenbr eoufied, ob■t unless thnte I Brass Casting and Finishing, ke. done in hu been in bneineas in Godench, k Dope! sed ►est•••.•......•....... U lU U . A...•F,+aueirAaAenN,Nrea,M.Ma•darn.w,sa.a M it u proposed to m■kethie puWicatiao B■I■oce• bat'e+m•dia4hseUle.l, eke under- aver v■riet . -- r ,et... r„r.Yo, .M.•,r,a.tt..w•un .farrsanra i J J, b• sand attonuon to bual ore aoJ modere IIcat 3'ears old Stesfs• •• •• •• • • • U 13 l L1I3t 5 f0I al'C ,stpmr lsn'EA11-S. NTxmva nasrtiTv. NxtrreVUe s ueliesal and Hat • !x■! work, it will ua- signed well, wUhout and duuncuoe place I lB conneeUon witD the above, there s ate pricer, to cont nue to receive t share Orad beat••.................0 1U P ouri.Aut.. aJ ser a.e. Ox,a/NK AP►-xc7'u,.\A. iioeJaia 1 eJvucate all uesUons affecun Them, is the bands of their Sulicston for now in courao Of erection tbS Isrgtet Slays of Dttblic patronage. Srd brwla•...aa..•......... 0 7 6 in the± Zb1Vn ai,, 01 Ji aR•a;103h. rALr•rrA:iON'arua uwAr•, r4wrsa's f.Htu.,/i iii. CLisw•yaia iwterer/a of wr Glonirs as uw Collection. ! FoueJr' in flit YrovinaTr the Moulsi■g,' N, $,Graining, Painting, Glatieg, Pa - 1 Best 2 veers old Steers..+......... 0 10 6 - r I L P S. •n+ n:ie_i ,r+.-i,o. r tb-., .w+.-... la 1 rtiow n fee lTritisb F.we ire. Gnio of all sorts, of e, marketable quality I Floor of which will cover upwards of 10,. per and Bell iiasgfoP, carried es as hereto- ' 2oldboat.W844a............0 T G eta..,..t•,rr,r.d'eaTestsaba,h,ai.rthe arrtbma* tv'o po f p WII,I,IAMSTORY. 3rd best • • • •• •.... TIIE fOUswiag imis of Lrnd• the proper sta,i,ne-.a.e.. Am experience of several vases to suptsly- will be taken in p■vmenl. 000 square feel. flee. ---- ......a..0 6 0 tv of'Wm. Gusto Es , K:nget0n, PA1N.a,sa,M«L..a. b..LLatin.l.tww.res M. A SEYMIOUR k ('o.- Ttiere will betonstanily oo hand a Stock Goderieh• f,:h 3ept. 1619. v __ q. ing the reading public Of Canada witD abs b0 -/i Boet Palled Ux.••............a 1 0 (' at it E at aJ A T 1 y ag. 'ria aet.WW web tkia _ _ - of the most approved Patterns of F:ngli■h II O T I; L 'Jud best • • • • • ......•..... 116 U ata now for Shce, samelr,- ,w•,i.,..he.... witb.-w.r,etbf br w Lb xiel mom serial publications of the United States, con- . - I g R N A r11 I O N A I. l'on. 4, Wswanwh, Eat :'4 ?OA acres• a c+u ..r ut.••siuti• ars ussu, severe. theCe t e Prrcl ctnade this to th wa,t lint' GODI:RICII, 22nd Jao. e, sit and Amenoat Cnokin Ran rw. Stoves, Bed beat ... ..e,:••.. • •• 0 7 6 Coe, ,A ,a •• ,Ria LJ0 " ,,At 'i.r:a:r•.X SHA1.L1\•O8, r y P 7 4 * t THE Subscribers' Stone R'arhewing seta• I, ke, fitted with Tin sod Copper Ware cum- $RUCEFIF.LD. Best Fait -d Cow or Heifer•••••• ( 0 0 (.oar 0. . •t ,Gkeaal,j 31, ar: "rut A, oar RZKO d 32VIL, l■o• the majority, and little calculated to form aandanthe Harbour Qtay, having been Prete, algia, the haedsomest and newest i..... t.CEx A.gr,-arew,rrpU',• . ' 2nd bee,. • •. ••...a.......... 0 Ib ( 300 acres. Ali 4 Tt ltd 13.'(.It tine.. Aw atw,anifr rnwees be or improve the literary taste of a people es, •ompleted, the PuNic are respectfull' ibe ! o(Pla n Hall and Parlour Stoves, {Wrest THE MITBSCRIBER De2s lebee tr fe- •, 3rd best ......... ......... 0 7 6 Cup. 7, so n 31 t• 32, 400 w..,.,,"h,N r,r.eaweA-w.er.d-u-arwibnwwbr seetially diffrrert in their feelings and grin• formed, that the acme is tow open for eke of Plein sad Ornamental Pttternv of Cnst al fern lin fres no and the poDlie gree• Best Yote Walking Oxen••• i 6 C . e,w.• i..W..*rd. xrb.f wtub•emw. ci les from those for whom these Periods• Stones of Produce, Merchand se, kc. ko. iron Fence and. Gates, all of which will be rally, t►at b• hu now gut tit• Nauowl 2nd best • ••'•• •••.••••••••• 1 0 0 acres. a ,s w, 1.00 acres•. ThL Urt PILLS 1511 PiiQsNR B177ERS caps are prepared: ad believing l it the St the roost reasonable terms I •old at lower prices than have ever before hotel so far completed, a to warrant him SrJ boar •••••••••••••••••• U 13. 0 Cue' iti' B.SEYMOURkC0. I been Offered to the public, and which, from SHEEP AND HOGS. Total, 1'300' PURIFY THE B LOO D, eoterprise will meet with encouragement 60-6i M• is sarin! !list he is prepared to furnish ac - The above lots era rusl•d s6, N.sesr And thea remove ■II disease frau the system. from those for whose pleasure and informs- i the poaiuon of Chipp■ws, a ro¢ard• water commodaUoD fur slaw and torte, equal st Be t Rem•.•••,••••............I 0 0 the River 6iiitlard. Tbt (sed is of tM tion it is deet nod, ht troletA that the e: eomesnnieauon, eau bs forwarded to jay leant, to Ln thin lent can be found be- tod best . •.........:...... 0 t3 0 ver beat Wahl aad well watered, one A „n'le "set win nae d,s l I F E PI L l S and g Pe .I XL I''.4 CTOi I e 'C a GC, part of tLm Proviaee, wt ■ very IiRht et- twsen I,nadot sad Goderieh. The 1'atiow- 1•d best••••••••••••••• ••010 U y q' y ninddaws,&adthe PHRNIIf BITfER3s, ehararSr, rimentwillrealisehisexpectatione. T , err. OLIVERT.MAKLE!(. r+e ■•t• ill: tivascn',cr begs to intimate to alis Pe al Hotel a situated in the beautiful and ) t roorib of the pries is "It Ibi-e t. tea r.i.a„o. or list sultana. The Magazine may be made one of the farirers and other inhabitants of the Chi ewa, Jose i4, 1861. S ct.-29 Beet Ewa (pea of 11 Aaving rsiaed emainder In res bemlai Imetalwou with lm,e ero,gas oribr ,w.aiais«.resew pat up is white best Alydiwms,for Advertisiagyet offered to DD Pe thriving villays of Brnreflrld, 18 mile■ a l.eutb fn 1 832• • • • • • • • • • 0 10 n interest.. For furtbar particulars apply to Wryg•rn ..a t.bw. 1oT.Ker .its + P„ -phi.!. a+ltd the ('oloniel poDlie; and the terms will be United Couat:cs, that he ba. just eomp'eted _- ___ from Goderieh and 49 miles from London, fad tit ................... U 7 ti ss Lands Oise, at -Allo•. G" S.«.nun. .-"-.,-y 1 a a,vraa.ww.As% his arrangements. ■red is -now prepared to , FRUIT. TRFES I R ltd beet • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • U L a I ttie Subscriber at tIN-Cro wh,c► i, A d.awnts of fl.-adw-, tress N'•n ,er.rt re or regulued io etch a manner as to insure all . and from the els obihtr of the srtoalooa, noel are.., y .hash w.ns.ra .wain, the city ,as vary,,,•.i arties to avail themselves of its pages. furnish Axe., warranted. of n aupennr qua• , strict afteotien to the eoaifart of bis guests Best Kau, Lamb• • • • • • • • • • • • • luruu lamed. a JOIJ% CLARK. s.it w. 7 i. w.. a Ana aa...w+.. r. hu7 D lite, and nn terms suited to the tireumaun- THE subacrtber fs returnieg thanks to the _ 0 10 U . re "fy'Ket.s THOMAS MALLEAR. 1 and customers, he 9opra (or a share u( pub. sh.,rt.v- shin.►. pester. tMa.it►wtke.oppe ce* of tit• counts, aad the quality of the iobabttant• of the Counts -of lluro. 2nd beet•..........r••i...•0 7 6 Gsalerich,Apriliib,llfbl. v5'nil his.-,.itd r lee ..A,seals. to.._r.i,neeMsat 45,Y°NOR-TTRR6T.Toronto,April,1852. enerall fur tb• ver liberalencoura ea lie patronage. 3rd bwr:.........-.,.L ..... 0 6 ,U - sur w.w with E'. wnpetwi:►et if 7w e.. be.4ma l .. article. R 1 i [ J0111 MCKEN7.IE. Best Ewe LawD•••e•••••••••i•• 0 10 0 Yatha .a.a w.,t f epains rda•1lloy ea s - swiCANADIAN SC(1Timen of ill@ H, Tree he has met with in obs gale m Front BruerfielJ, 1st Jsri. t°51. r3-046 y r lie also invites all farmers to call sed'ez - 2oldbest••••••-•••••.••••••0 7 6 NOTICE I rr.p.,.Ad»uy II A 1 'i I L T O'` Trses.begetoanolouneetotheFarmen of 3rd beet•••••••••• •• 0 b o DR. WILLIAM 33. laorrAT BOOT AND SIIOE STORE. 'these United Counties that he is prepared TRAVELLER'S HOME, ass op.li wal. euro., of Aeolian.tre.4. N•w T•rk. Best Fat Wethers or Ewlf.. • • • • 0 15 0 Ii F. Subeeribtr having purchased from tee, sale a. - wbieD he fl+tiers himself will n found I le ietroduck this Fall, a large and well are- 131'R 8tb F br W, 1849. e, S 2nd beet• . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 10 O 1 H,Biam Holies. hu excluni•e right BENJ. PARSONS, THF. Subscriber begs to inform the Is. "u,perior io many res>sets to soy• Otbsr Ietted stock, tompriaog every variety of nth pebrwry, 1849. S 3rd beat• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 7 3 (forlhe C,vint;e" Ot Milan and Bruce) of a Sole Agewt. habitants of Goderieh, and the sur- Plough new fol arae fol this section of the ' N It would es, upon ,i usual liberal term.. THE Subscriber hereby rutim1tes to his Beet Boar••••:•••••••••••••••••.015 0 NEW KIND OF PLOUGH, Goderieh, Jas. 28, 1848. rounding Country, that he has jest Provicce. I itwouldbe sriperflnoa• s Nursob,pool 1 friendsandtheTravellingPublicgene- i 1nJ best • • • •.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 10 0 for .which he bas ebtaioed jitters Patent HARVEY BRACE the wprnor menta of chi■ Nunory, and opened a New Boot sod Sboe Store, nest rally, that De has removed from New Abor- t 3rd best• •• • • • • •-•• •e+• • •• • 0 7 6 from the Gtvernneect Wou:J reapeetrolly - door to Mr. Donougb's Store, West Street, Goderieh, Aug. 21, 1851_ v4o27 ! the qualities of Fruit brought from it -but dsea to the Village of Strasburgh, and will Best Soar• , • •..• • • ••......•• • •• 0 lb 0 give Bottom that silly person or person• m- t N %I N N Gederich. Where he will cenetently keep abs large gover n of Trees that have beet now be found in that well-known Douse for ® © lv ird iu lU r. & c. 11. Hi?III, dibtrthe l over nearly all of Upper Canelo, marl occu ied D Mr. Jones whowe-he 2nd best • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • n 13 6 fringing ripen raid right will he proeetuled l bens •large end well assorted d Sh nf' 1 P J +- ,F a` 3rd best... • • •• • • •• •• • • • • • •'0 !0 0 to the ulwuat rigour of the law. ►rllE subecnber beg• to inform ass oar- i,Sdoe's std Geotlemeol'a Boots and Shoes. j ANUFACTCRER9 of (late, CaD■ and for the last 18 yearn hu gained for this will be rcody and aWe to conduce to tit• shall have had pigs fn 1852, a t e J. s1rA1'3.- j m•rous (rientis sod customers, sed the tA'Dieh he mil sell al low prices, for cash 1 Faicr Fu's. Wholesale and Retail ' Nursery a superiority over meet others. comfort of those wbo may honor him with olne or more p'ga to be •Lown v• $.-The GeJorich Foundry. having public generally, that his LARGE BRICK oar1 r Dealers in Fur", BoffilO Robe", Dear SkioT,.' The subsenber would beg to introduce to resin patronage. AaJ whale hm retornf witD sow, underunne all nreessarq repairs; the soba BUILDING is now completed, and that The Public are Reapectfully requested to Gloves, Mittens, kr. ke. i the..notice of all those who wish to get good thanks for past favor•, he hopes, by strict witAIR, SEEDS AND DAiRY. snde,o fluters h ellisa that he wra be able from the great itreresse thus added to his call sold examine for themselves, before pur, Cash Paid for Fars. I Winter Fruit. the celetorated Northern Spy attention to the wants and wishes of hu Lest 4 bL•het• Sprfre Wheat• • • • I 0 0 to give entire eat, -faction to all thoee wbo former premises, lie is now troubled to offer chasing elsewhere The highest pose paid, at all ti es io Apple, w qualities era stperiDr toall other customers, ■till to merit a continuance of 2nd best• . • . • • • • • •.•• •• • •• • 0 15 0 m.v favour him with their custom. ire has accommodation to the travelling public tt Nn second price. Cash, for all descriptions of Shipping Furs ' of its kind, keeping until July, and presen- their patronage• '.'r4 3rd Lest•.••• •• ••...`....:• 0 13. 0 "raw. on hand Dan excellent assortment of Ictal equal to tLet wffurded by any other ALSO -Lasts and pe¢s far pale. by F. k C. H. BURL. 'leg all its freshnesrlstd Aaron, which is s JOHN ABEL. Beet Z bis+hcla Barley• • ••.. •• 0 It PlOnghS ineluJ K llalton's new pattern Ilouse to Town. And without being ant- JAMES THOMPSON. Da'roit, Michigan, Aug. 1651. •3028 great desideratum until that period. Tho N, B. -Good STABLES and attentive ''` !nd beet•••••••••••• .0 1 tng•therwith Potash Ke+timp,Cooking, Box ions to monopolise the entire tavern buxi- Goderieh, March 1% 1852 v5 -o8 -6m ---- - - --- -a sabsenbar would els iotima4 that his Germs• - •9-e4tf 3rd best.•.: -.••v•••••-•••• 0 7 6 and Parlour S:over, andThiarh y M■- oless of Godericb, he st least hopes for a _ TRAYED from the subscriber, Lot 25, Dwarf Pear Is in greatdemand u a Carden Beat 2 burhrla0ata.•• •••••••• 0 IS O shines ofanona hnrso power a!1 0( which continuance of the patronage which De has 1•T TIVE ' Iiay, Lake Road, Two Steen five yes. Fruit, bosrfoq io two yeah after planting. CAI IADA LIFE ASSL'R: , CS !rad beat•••• •••••• ••••• •O 10 O'will be soldool the invstlibera! Ie•tn•. hitherto enjoyed, and will always endeavor rats -one Dark Red, the other between Every varsty of Fruit Tress, Orolamesttl C f),N P dI Y Jl . tn: best................... 0 7 6 Wan J. KEAYS, to secure the satisfaction of his guest• and - Yellow anti Red. Bull Headed. Any one and Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, Hardy _ Test 3 butbsb P__eM •• +•• •• • 0 13 0 Gederieb, 28th April, 1839. _ybstl. customers, by attending to their comforlo ALL persons ere regoeeted to take notice finding ahem and giving mfurmatioB where Herbueoas Flowering Plants, Dahlia•, IIE gubariber Daviog been appointed - ble accommodation. that Mr. William Chester Tippet, of they the mar be obtained will be suitabl ! 13albous Flow•ring_Roots, kit. Catalogues T tad Dem h ............... y . Agent of the 3rd best ........•... ..... 0 6 ( O T I C E ■ ROBERT ELL19. the V,IIo¢e of Bayfield, rB the County of rewarded for their tr nble' ,care b. Dad of any local or travelliolg agent, „CANADA LIEF: ASSURANCE CO.," $est rd Is T,mutLy good••• •••• 0 15 0 LL prN rodeI to THOMAS N. B. -The Stabling at the Colborne Iluron, Merchant, ha• made an AssignmentI EWAN CAMIERON. ' giving a full deseriptton. Terms. when 50' is rs aced to receive proposals for Asso- 3nd beet ••• •••• •••• •••• • •• 0 10 0 Tnn is extensive and of the first quality. of hit property debts and affects to me t is Dee. 2, 1831, v2e42 Trees an liken, It26 per hundred, or is S.I D P ,-•.• 0 7 6 MACQUEF.N, lateoftho Huron Sig _ i currency each, under 50 Trees. le 6d cy. ►ante, and will be 'ha pp to tion, t any ird beet ••,,,,,,•,• •• 1 0 0 Gn lerich, Luno 11, 1851. v4n17 anderrgned for the beolefit of his creditors: y Best bushel Closer geed sees••• null ■re tereby olutifisd, that uek•s there ens that ell debt• due to the said tA'illism two can credit, Dotes payable with inter- persool the nocosnry information, as to eke notes and accounts m id o0 or before PLANS AND PIuCiFlCAT70N 3. y rinci las of the Inatitotioe. 2adbeet•••• ••••••••••••• 0 ib 0 P•. VAI.UATILEFARMLOTSiNTHETOWN- Chester Tippet must be paid to Messrs. _ jest. Orderswili be received, and any ie• P P JAMES WATSON• Seel best •• •• 0 10 0 erre Ial day of May next, toey will be sm SHIP OF GODERICH FOR SALF. VIZ.: StracDaa and Brother, Allotment Goderieh, TFT F, Subrerik•rbegsJeasetainform the' formation given by Mr. Horace Horton, - `-- ISat rd leas Sall Butter ••••• • • 0 18 0 medutely handed to the Clerk of the Ist r OT 27, 1st coneessioo, frootiog the forthwith, and all persona who have claims I 1 Inhabitants of the District afHaros I Market Square, Goderieh, and fli,. Peter Goderieh, 3tb Juae, 1849. y9e 9t !rad Lert••••••••••••••••••• 0 10 0 Divutoo Court for eolleeiiu0. 111 Lake, cootaioing 82 Acres, about 40 agaiBet the said William Che•tor Tippet ar.d the net hbo,i Districts, that he base I w°°ds' Union Hotel, Stratford local /-t 3rd Dest...... •••...... •• 0 7 0 Persons residing to the! County of Perth of whish are cleared noel Fenced, and LOT must prove and forward the same to the g [ I Dtslrtcl lir OU )t jiQ7tdti O CC. wbo ars tuJabted ts tDe Iluron Signah will I Iatablisljetl'himself In Stratford ! agseu for ibis Nursery. hest 40 lbs Cheese.............. YO ISO 0 tiBd their votes with lit- Johs Hyde, of 98, Rod concession, containing 80 acres of said Messrs. Strachan and Brother. within o SAMUEL 1StOUr Nuns y I OTICE is HEREBY CiVE tall best••••••••••• •• 0 ,7 6 Stratford, wes with eo wtborised to sol- wild land. one mouth from this date, in order to their' and is prepard to give Plans end Specifics- Old Rochester Nurser , 2 Y. r i 3rd beat ••• •••••••••• • •• • 0 These Lots are •ionated about midway getting the benefit of the said Assignment, I tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- i Goderieh, 15th July, 1351. 22 HAT ilia ternaries CROWN LANDS Best 201ba. Maple Sugar••••• •• • 0 10 '0 ill" i orvedtstelt' - - - between the Town of Goderieh and Village otherwise they will be precluded from any es, Mill Dam", kc. ke. kc•, and will take 1 :n A9H R SAL noel w'AWANOSH, ars • 2nd best • • • • • • • • • • • • .. 0 7 6 HORACE HORTON. o of Ba field. For articulare apply to B Pe , i ■nvr oi,en FOR SALF.. All ity Seery rose y • • • Gode►ich, 13th April, fiS2. 1. 1` P benefit of the said Ani TRA the e0 nntendence oe such Ereetioee on 3rd best• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 5 0 JOHN CLARK, JOHN,STRACHAN, the most nese h kno terms, riot respeeoag rheas Leeds may he Demised by That the grain exhibites and t+I:in ihr SAW MILL &PARK LOT CrowB Laod A sot, Goderieh. Asaignre. I Hie thorooAb knawlosge ofhis profeasirn ■PPhing io pretaiams, shall be sold to member:! of 0 a Toderichi 2nd April, 1852. 4th Jose, 1861. g Goderieh, 18th. Dlarch, 1854. a5 -o8 and his practice i Bt a lin qualifies him for FOR SALE. Di t Cro n Lags g t. _ _.__ env uolderukiag in the line. Address poet • ric w d A ea :oeiey at market price on the Show sisy. POR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS. I paid, PETER FERGUSON, i THE above Mill and Lot are situate on mrd iovember, ie50. 3vt41t( ROOTS. _ HORACE HORTON, E. II. bIARLTO`, Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. the North side of Kincardine Street, in Bos/ acre of Turnips • • • • • • • • • • • 0 1 S 0 r WO Lots of Land, is the lrid aad ird IAlmrket-square, GoderkA, j ORWARDER and Commission Mer- Stratford; March 6th, 1849. 2T l the fast improving Village of Penetangor e N O T I C E . 2nd Lest . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 10 0 1 CuncCsetbns of the tnweship of Sun- AGENT for the Provincial Mule and chant. Storebou•e Keepeq general For particulars apply t° 3rd best• •• • • •• • •• • • • • • 0 7 6 ley, Doc fade hum the village of Btveefield, r= General Insurance Office, Toronto,- Agent, for the vale of Wild Lands Cleared, NOTICE. I WM. RASTAf.i.. Hg Subscriber having UF.NTED the Beet acre of Potatoes • • • • • • • • • 1 0 o and tri;hteen mi:es from Guderic:,. Aho Agent for the St. Lswre6cs Copety Farm0. Household Furoitura noel Product; _ Peoetaa ore 24th Nnv. 1631. 41tf T lace oft •• • • • • • • • • • • •• 0 15 0 On tht int fn tDs end Conccuion t! ere ie Afutual, Ogdcosbarg, New York. Local of every daaenpuan. r7 (iF;RF. ie are excellent opening for m g W ARF,HOUSD, an nport, F Delorig mrd best • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •' • 0 10 0 a House, B.•rn, and platy acres cleared. Agent for Samuel Moulsou'a Old Rochester Officer next door, North of the Kincar-' Jl tog es the Messrs. Dnenport, °f thie;plafe TI \SMITH it the Tow a °( Stratford; Du established bsmself u a Pnrurs competing furl the abnve Roots Oo the lot in the 3rd Concession there is No,per•. - July 1850. 22 dice Aarms, God•nch, County of Perth, one who understands the ! NOTICE. will Le iequirod to pay an entrance fee of a ilouse and thirty acne cleated. --- March 24th 1852- v5 -n9 ' bustoess would find as good an Opening in ' - ►J orde s o AND CO1414isn1Orr m the ANT. ` k. !A 61. Tho Faint is well watered br a never Wanted to Borrow £300, Stratford for country business a any where I HE Business heretofore carried on ie tee- Aey order or commission from tem Mev t R 9 7 OTICE.-This is to forbid on rsoB ie Canada West. 1 y. ender the wit of Hant sed Bri s of chants of Godench, will receive prompt Fur the best I acre Carrots •.. • ..0 l0 0 faihn stream. and the ualtt of the land TOR which security'or twice the amoaat 7 7 y Pr attention. JOiIN McEWAN. 2ud beet •• •• •• • •• •• • • 0 7 B is of the beat- description. r fo tical Esute, will be gireo. The 1 purchasing the SAW MILi, on Lot Stratford, 22nd Jan. 1852. v5n1 I the New Bsyfirld Ta°eery bas this day bee■ Wiodeor, March, 1849. !v-7at Bed beat • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 5 0 The Iota, would be disposed of separate property in situated within less than twenty No. 7, 4th Concession. Eastern Division diesolvsd by mortal r$ JAC. _ __ ll1AP!( FACTURES. I', if ngeued. D. H. Ritchie, ) )ACOR HUNT. r5 nl l M. A. SEYJiOUR, & CO. miles of Goserich tows, on the leading road of AsDfleld, without consulting me, as I RO WLAND WILLIAMS, Witness. I EDWARD BRIGGS. ROOTS AND ►HOES. For tM beat 10 yard• Domestic of the District, noel fol one of the best Agri- hold a claim against it. Avcrroxxxa. is prepared to attend Sales in From and alter this date, the above business rrsbe-at 1 h atria •• •• • 0 15 0 of tun)Istri emeo in o e of tit WILLIAM M'CARRON. soy part of the United Counties, on the will be carried am model the title of Hast and tIf E subscriber hereby intimates to the "t t 2nd best -• •• • • • • • •• • • •• • •• 0 to 0 v N.B.-F'or partieelan apply to the Editor Goderieh, April 1, 1332• v5o10 most liberal terms. Apply at the First , Latae. Inhabitant• of hat be h and m nced lard best ................. 0 7 U ` O Ir" I C E + of the Hrros Signal. - --- Division Court office, or at his house, East , Staley, 8th Dee., 1851• v4 sQ 3t rounding touthe beat bl has some Store Fot the Dest pair Dnmcrtie maolu- Goderreb, 10th Sept• 18b1i SO Serest, Galeneh• buntess ie the abOvs line• ie the Stere (Illi accounts of G Miller is Co. iB AiCHARD MOORF I formerly occupied By Mr. W bit•, ro iD• facturedManketr••• •••••0]S o,r eOfRs N.B.-Goode and other property wall be ATEACHERWANTF,D. 2nd beat -• • • • • • • • • • • • U I 0 0 MI r. 1,•wi hands, and all debts due to H AViNG during the past two years act, received to sell either by private or public FOR No 8 School Section, Township of lower part of West -.trees, and will have 3rd beet .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 7 0' t6o GODERICII `'uUNDRY bK Bow STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. ed in the capacity of GENERAL sale. constantly On hiked a full supply of BOOTS Fnr els beet t0 yar a D•meetie transferred to Won. J. Keays, Esq,. -Th subscriber having p AGENT far the collection of debts, desires January C. 1852. v4o47. Elliot, holding • saeood or third rate and S a crop of every raze and dwen w■• wlw arobased lbs user- P _ Cerufieate from the Public Board of 1s - made F'laooel • • • • • • • •::: • 0 lU 0 will rolled, gust- receipts and pay 011 est of Mr. C. I. tVllsos in the above Fee- it to M geoenlly underetaon that ha will _ oold of • anpeno► geaLty, wbieD be will fell ' ;a 2nd Dear.... •• •• •• • • • • • 0 I I ltb4 due by said Fouadr ubluhmenl, is about to continw the Basi- eeeept the Agency for the collection °f slrucuoo. JOHN DONALY, at modems pores for Cash. MAt.(ULl CAMERON. nes on bis ewe responsobtlity. le relarois 1O I IC I; lard best 0 7 6 R dues in soy part of the Upper Province, be, N B -Hides aad Wheat lakes iD u Febratr 9t 1853. c5o3 nee an hi the •blit tis► the very liberal are- lameen Colsourg in the Fast and Lake Huron I4 hereby given that the partnership Sub- Trustsle, PATRICK BANNAN, change at the bighest market price. For lbebut Demeetic Knit pair of b• P , in tb• Wsst. Tn making this arinouoee- silting between AIeI. McIntyre, s6d MICHAEL O'BRYAN' B. GREEN. Swcku,kv, (manufacuued couragement received by Oma k, tVrisoN Dy tLo larutly of the exhibi, AT1 :1CliJIIN: T. ho bars tosatimde that he well constantly merit, he would beg to express his thanks ]amen Donaldson, town of (iodancb, war I Ellice, Jae. 20th, 1852. v5 n2 Godericb, 9th Sept. 1851. -30 aur.) 0 b 0 keep oo baud La assortment Of Superior to tits friend• for past favours, and now re- diapolved by mutual consent on the 22Dd Q .. T^wt Ju Jo Gloucs, 0 fi u CAsrrNes, coafistiog of COOK I N G, spectfully solicits • conUnuaolce of rhe debtoxl either bvlNote or B:Ok loecouolt arm "' boutAtbe bah daylrsof Maes`tlbi jos Large GODERICH AUCTION ROOMS - B -at do d° Mill., U 5 0 ('A1ADA ) BY "'Cro of Parlour and Box StoYPA; Amer- bema. a ) r ('nossf n ADA we • west of ' All eammnnications nn hnsineps, addrere hereby ►egneeted to maks immediate Pay. 1 Yoke of Steen -ens a Dark Red, with 4 'I'be sDovo Manu allures to be from tl e 4 they % I ICan Scotch 8 Canadian YlouhR t prid to Avr P. O., North Dum- meat, and rare cost,. Ion wide horns, and a stnapl lump On the IMA ID iL L1'I.ARS Drgs to Infxta farm 0f rhe compcutor ad of the growth of T United C'omalaes Attaebmeot is r (P°" % R the inhabitants of Goderieh, bed O u.• present rear. of Rerea, Perth aad rued not of the of the most Tmproced M1Onids,-a/ALT fora, C. AV•, will Ds promptly attended to. A1,EX. MdNTYRE. ri ht fors le the Other Wfiite, with Irg!it /dense. Corot Court, ROI, I,F,HS, Turn' I.athen, Sowith's April 1, 185!• v5nl0 JAMES WNALDSON. regd s ots the u h this body, each four years the • ooms are ro Ope that t Aero Lest buahcl Onions £0 7 C y __ Goderieh, April, laih 1859. •6614. old. DAlso, thrree Heifers, ore dark red lona Rooms are now open, end that had 2aJ beat 0 5 0 TO IFI r: f"r the United Rellrrs. ¢c. Till Ifo G MACHiYF.S i• at ell times ready to atuod either ted F iUPL>;M:i ST3. CoOnties of Huroo, Perth and $ race, and to of a suporior description Io any hitherto FOR SALE, - with white st►tpss through aha body, thew CdTown or county t me G,rta ledoguus the E+tate, (Leat a well jet reduced, anti better adopted to this eeua- TAKE NOTICE. ears old -One White with red spots oe y, ° dsspare of my d•- n F x the beet Iam►er tVa nn , / - her body, one year old -tit• other Anndlcd, p 9 r RR ar i'areo0sl of June SsAtt, an absconding i try freer their UghtneSs of draught and rTFTY Acres of Laod, bei6g Lot No. 5, tin seri tion of Goads or Farm Stock a road• rithsD alis Inni4 . f South Town P,ot, Lake .hors, Ash_ tithe mast reasonabb termw. > loa Su. ice 's tet im I 10 0 ^r c„t•teeled debt W, st 1 *tn n( M ASCI•• Strength Of on*art) tion. A call from in- T.1. thOpp indebted to the H f h d with •white free, Doe year Old. Any I>e1' h All kinds °f country produce receiv- C o Ifo1.14hs. f,► t ie nam of .yf4fetrn ",trwk I teediag Pur -:sore is tegne•ted before pur. field• There is Thiry acne cleared, and in 1 dal (Nfiee, erthei b Note of ha6d or sea ivies Saab i0formattos oh will lead to C t 2nd heal 1 S 0 ' tM best stats Of eullivation, and •e orchard by Bank aeceant, at this dater will oblige thei Rreeoveryt will receive a Rawerd of g3. D ed and sold on Commission, either by Far t of hart Cnluretnr 1 U 0 fifteen shillings. i bate es••J and takes chaning elpor here. The above will be Sold R the SnMenb"r h' oeknowled tt thmfr rival" or Aaetion Sals to the beat cit ibe : t.ts Rwl cs wrtll as Personal of ( aro slaw Hate. far CdA or Trader or Neor• N s roDd Heron faiieslie s nose of water g g DUNI:AN 3tcKF.N7,lE. <P , F.rr the Gist i -lough, inside in the rho seed Jost mart„ and lSat, rson the atsposdtn a rajas os apprised credit. [ D g habil,ut•a, asd obtarsing a settlement of the TowiveNp al Stanley, 4tb soca, lot 24, S advantage, at the Goderieh A6rti°6Z Uswil C,.outles of Ilurun, thiel JuSn n,sr *ial relate nd aha the Juais the A. B. ORR. . Log hoose, 20 be 30, sod a Barn 20 by same ,pith Mr. Hnrace Horton ol"Goderici Wall Nov• 1861 U and Commission Ropms (next door t• 1'tri A :rad Bruce, 1 0 0 exid J. the said Court, sed t e bol to Stratford, 201A Jose, 1560. i•-020 52. Terms -L 125 esab, or £150, by pay+ at their earliest move lesce. of Mr. Horton's bladlerv,Market FAusrs.) p p 4 Ij° res ball dewo. ■eJ the balance is three NOTE LOST. m Cash advanced e goods inteedTrdO god bee U IS 0 [ t THOMAS MCQUEEN. O F r k a, the action, or cause lisp rams is be die. snauSI iMalmeals, with interest. 38%14 1850 •5s1 THF, Sobeepib"T lest in the Tows of Wood• fo► immed,ata Sale. Oa 0 1U 0 charred wfthta lhrpe ra;rndar monthe ; ell A DISTiJAXRY TO SELL OR LET• m g FnnMr (information can ho obs __ fe December Tart a All Advert»ng free of charge. Auy VaygoOebeaoLef•roahallolottais -- stack ofawtgb►orbood, the Estate Real and Perponal of Ilia said latived from John Morris, Colborne, or Chas. `T R Y WARNING. any }rear• JoaM ."1441.!., or so in Is Opt, of wra M s ■rrrell pwehet ►oobfo0telaing herr• inose' Gn M■let no cb 12, 1'bsa s.1o.crctiocary 1•reoiioms be given to 7 TIIR SOMeriber Dogr to i0farr thaPeb ('Ary, of lbs remises• - My- 1 lie that be wall mall ear let bis D,sulle- Asblleld, March, 95th. 1862. •S -a9 -6w and a Not• dated of NavamD3 11151 by Gid RIC Feb. 12, I ON v5ld nrifeasarv, was Le hckd heel• for hs IT ronlJ be well for ell tl,esa indebted le Yr- FnOefs p'iablsfgA /or t5 3 7b, to aha GODERiCII AUCTTON ROOMe• a ober Grain or I ..pre.,»ars cu.,•Jerrd meat, benef!t or satisfaction of the Nod Ty situated ea Coo. 1st, Lot 43, of the ■ Wbeevw Ms hwaed the ons rtby by Judges, and Dirccan pmt taelr , v aha (JederieD Foundry, eathor ► note or 8„bwe►rbw•-- mrd res she het. Claim orlcltime „f Inch other PlsfetoR Or Townabfp;nf Narib Ewtbopsr about one yl(U T 1 C 6 actousl t° call Lsd settle,mme.Iwtel I will pfms at emmmmnkata with Mr: Peter Village Lots m Port Albert, F/u to lost. bs Qb•wof Fs!ltVArst wilt I PIu1tJT, srsha:i .r envy take prncmediagp mile from the fiounsbtal Town of Svat a DERF•BY GiVEN, that oppLesloOna Wr, J. KEAYS. RSiJ Setstfwd,-Payment of the Neo "' lake Poe. u Goderieh, tt'rJaralay, d:e Ili der nrainrl the pr perty end ref cis of the ssrd f„ FM perl;eolorS apply al the Post I w81 M made N the Twat Msaroo Of the Gooloritrh, 26th Fmb„ IltilL I" ►ss bion Nipped AahflBl/l--for S311e. , strplrn,ber. I J..nv FMALa. wrl,in ■'I mouths of lbs O•Ies a the Owner ort klrw pesatbes. i,,egialetsro, for an Act to constrnct s I JOHN McDONALD. For r►• Ma 211 ►wsbeM Fall whir■•.....0 0 0 is•uial a.f live above toil. ALP:XANDLit ACRIMAGER. p -----__._. _ 16 6 2 0 o JOI1N 1lICU0YAI,D. s0e, NoTr. 1St►. It161. v1s41 ICAl1,WAy (row (Joel ► to Gedtancb, or A GOOD OPPOR'Ti'N1TY FOR I Mtn//wd M lei' THESE. wall aitwted Luta Nos. 19, .erm•d ►eat. 1• • • •....... ... . ...... Nertk f mitt hem severe Po•at em Like Ontario to some 41, on tM East aids o/ Colberws ptvselt shod seat ...........................1 Iu 0 hirer . 11. 1'. la B. a st o0 lake Hera. with power is nai4 YOUN('r MRN. R I Nw. 40, 41 and 4Z oa the W noel 19, t am,,..,,.r• t. ,ab• se rhe 1'remmefte bo FAL' SsaSo r a Orrin:x. Gape klc■ FARM AXD OAw M1L.L FOK BALL P°f ether Railway COOW"y or Com- - TV110a`0 aad Guelph Ri way Soda of paid *treat, is the Improving "ITlm • Nhr.. cry kir ew.rdinl, willdeit.er.it toles t8tn, Prbrwry, 1851. # t5 -*4." ' sa 1 . Loa No- 7. wet y WANTED at the Goderieh Fotnd►y I of Pert Alban, ,a the TwwasM "f A `` 1twe,ry user Aeeµb, by biro to be cold '1'NAT 171at■esn Ts rSshN4s 11160. •6a17 DP , y 0g Ii ( ilMt .f pa ase rtetoces three active oD y Owld NprrhO/(iedwritb, Fav fanbM •r the ele•s al rile .als.boroa. Iia Anr n,en,Lt, er _ _-__ .-_ _. _ ___._ _---. (J » • t ll a 12, rma ...e,.M n et gib• e„s,sil wlsbsti to {,wrebr.e 1M A... C,a yeah y man: JMIV RAI.PtI, prwdttem• test - .+- - - - Goderieh, Feb. 25tb, 1882. vb-s6 NOi?CE Is harsh glue°• tial applf"U" Li moss, o is 1. (Hark. Frq' Nwr rAAe a k ewnery tief barer!-il wet ass be re. k ntmwad w of else tames . O T 1 C B . _ to tbs Swat Monition of Laad Ofies, OFIFnd, er eke pYrofan ► yiV AND l_'OITER %MI1 fl. next deer .anon to eM Maps 710eseod ba■ do beat iY - - _. __ - _ _- wiR N Issie RORF.RT MOVR twwd r the FAbibsomr. 1 Io nils Ylrtmna I lotel, West Mtrwt, nsy priviktis J. fes A gr~ Nodes -- GOEi RICH FOUNDRY the data ma far as increase of the wsll.els North of Mil's C•r1M ' RULE(! OF THC. Ex11161 GIOyt, (ivkrich, ..0 cnn•easHy . a band, a rbetu bAt Ia r ass , to w the ' Y forbid ■ rwrwos or rrof t= iLL N b•rwRfr conducted Wm. Cm c[a7vtaut of the able•• Compeer, ani ] !!1( IsS■vt►' esm ■ j 1tItE1 " ♦1% h p/ It weewley. SH Jell, 1861. ;'v I>I; let. A41 Rokwtipti•w t• be pad o■ or before •fork of Tinware, (' „ king sold lbw Stoves, end the waif► f» is Mtilaip■d AL f paralassing • will of he gr•e0 1. R•tyst, as his owl& o"eoot. wbo ! hr ewhie somanwete in the Act of is- - tbe t.. dej r Jesse seal ke , ,vhrrh be u Ill sell at cenndwshly to, rasa et --'-- wp of she beet las M lames Hands Or hwrw, for the will supply Treaty dweriptiee N mwti"w at I ser •loos, as Life ler Power t" etteed the • AU d.baar.bp»Mvieg paid abeir a.D-e,lp• duesd vices. I'b• 1sI teas vet• Mw■ h ads sow sh.111W, to be paid lower t.s f u ss Lim He►ew, as1 =D ,MN000• sten-Lel •wry saes rw M aeti,kd re Cor v. D ew■• •1 whish mato oft las pea ►rkma Oa lbey na M farpor RAi way to wemm paw r W r wt bad. ■be"I"•t_ v_,_ wlgat. war► ur eaw0. deaf the Rent et The Dow " 1IURR M7[1VR• M wawa• the Rt. Cld►, ofth a 1kaND LJN to Leser a. AU owe sabibi»d &ball Mee &see■ IM Tha lug►set price p+id iw trade f re ell 1 I d fs erbdsei •iw .wit was adv" wn•'ttl .( ilia rata;Mr« ■ wr•e1b reopen, ►rare, pewter, iekepskrma, calf oral -w h MsO Ai ,m yr 116:, aS 1 ►Lw pdd abs beN part lower me all mile,Rrm e sell Nr Cmslt, I Ma sell W f1mai1N W. GpY liifE 00". w( . fg ■s k. r Ue/■se eels lkbew, e.d wit,atbwasusfa• wan Mee hotel bldeA foatt,er- aad n • All kiOAef .. • » •M' R i` be •• w %.r ■(ab. ra►sb„ar. Yc.rhartabts peeduet u n N trsebemge N et Aoiw a •wv ~'w' l + a w1i'1'IAM DF.NLY. rTrimetiee ea all e11yr antetas I arrTdaa + wee. L 1 ve 1b• e•.b IIN'«vara web►pssarMr•r 1 w. Mop lith. lobi- ede►kb,11U FN., IUS. •6si I DaW Ibis li tb day e(Sa►e►a ltif•t+bal l Gdatkb, 16 A i ': Ya114s fw p.lar■ • w gi pt,cee. •Mw steel G reareaary mwti.tr at lie dsstrr* wa of Armee sod (:udernh, Feb. 19, 1831. •3.04 Asb41R Or fits ! ' r • : e1A►,. r r - .r.,,.., ,+k W= ,t Fri-eaa k a .n.,' +* r •, a^".r,.'• F .r`,'. ..a; -r < , du• ., . • ,y, .,w, i"Ea ri` }} y .,,vim '44 _ ,. ,a" -*-.tar sVie^^s-:.+.,,.., - ;t1,^• ra.a 714•,,¢pa Ai,.rd,.. ,eY .: . ry"++ , i.-.. .tf'^r„,. .d'1,0':."•isw%n iia ..y . , ;h, .. aiA,,,'4 k•a+r "sr r^"t ars r, •w.r;;,.: . '1,tt;"f + 'a ,.,. 1 ,+.t5 •. f rat. /A . ; } •.. a.. a• i . `y • ,Ia) ti.•:_ der .r .«• NjYA ,., ., o.au ,. r,.w .., .-.s.. -'. ,.,,,; ,... , ._',.. ..a t. 'v t ,.•:fitfX "klshwdvs.:.w. r ',.n nit ,, r,.. %+NdMWlso ,rr I 4"»iao0ant+rein-it M}Air:. ®r i6 r., 0A' r:'"•'0'.tR... '4akih 0Y 0*w,.;. ver ,,r«n +asMmnelkyr rs :•r Nss # #, ,»a.- .,: .. ,., ,'+a ryt,e r<•. s lr„f„` • ,,. C.. * - I n .w,+p+s,wwl•ttE.hr' i.i'wtNa,-...M,,,,• - 'i+" .w \ , . • - "+a4 as+ •, ,n,.,,a, MW a. • a4+.-.t,m+ ++.*s,... +dt* a ?JNie {y5 t ^. n , YT II, , ,-.. _ _ .,. .. +.'rtilb i;l pleb • tF: R+ .. ;..Yl. 4" a4F,"T 9: "ti• •"{,_ war y , .i J'ti.y,iy $A ' - `v lfOb:7"/t .' w"i '"'- t`•e•se.tlgs.v., -