HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-13, Page 2+k**•*". '•Th o Timos.A0v000lo, Augvot IL 1141. ' • • • Town Topics • Items of Social and Persona( Interest In And Around Exeter Tng, xestar Timoa.AdstoaatoJiAlwaYs »leased :Ai swinish. teem,. items. We and ewe readers are interested in you and your trlends. phone 77e. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hodgson „and daughter, Susan, of Toronto visited with Mr. and.Mrs. W. B. Hodgson at theicottage, Grand Bend over the weekend. Mrs Mar aret Zimrnerrnn and granddatighter, Carol Matz of Steelman, Sask. are visiting with the former's brothers, Frank and Joe Lostell and their Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patter- son of Roseville,. California are visiting with the former's sisters, Burns fatal to gir , one , Mrs. Rose Russell, Exeter, and Mrs. Annie Saundereoek. Hensa d other friends .and relative Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Armstron are spending two weeks at E eelsio.r Springs, Missouri. Miss Eva Mitchell of Ha i Valley, Alta., returned limn Tuesday after spending the pa week %vial Iter uncle and aun Al'. . • . et man i e e I. t Weekend visitors with Mr, and ;Mrs. George Rether Jr. were ;Mr, and Mrs, Robert Bazinet, 'Cornwall, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Lamphier and family, Toronto. Mrs. Lamphier and family are spending this week at the Rether home. Mr. William Pollen, of Theasa- „Ion, spent. several days the fore. part of this week at his home in Exeter and At the cottage, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Traquair and family. of Ottawa, are visit. ing with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Traqnair, Miss Ann Creech spent the forepart a the week with Mr. and Mrs. Cal Beckler and dal. dren in London. Miss Betty Bailey and Misses Jane -and '..Ruth 'Dykerhan who took their preliminary training .as .nurses' aids In. South Huron Hospital .have. completed a fur. ther 10.month course at Wing. ham General Hospital, • Gradua- tion exercise were held ,Thfirs• day. Mr. liod Mrs, Hilton Ford spent the weekend in Si. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kew, Mr, and Mr, H. L. Sturgis have returned from a holiday trip to the Gaspe and Southern Ouebec. . Mr, and Mrs. Earl Box, of Sylvania, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Flint, of Toledo, Ohio. Miss Mar. sha Box, of Parkhill, and Mr. Jim Peddler of. 'London' visited• over the weekend with Mr, and. Airs. Frank Taylor, town, and Mrs. Charles Box in South Huron Hospital. Mrs. R. C. Dinney is attentaing the Mayo cline, Rochester, Mien.1 She was accompanied by Mr. Dinney and Mr. .and Mrs, Melvin Geiser, Shipka. Nine drains for Usborne .. * M. andtwa ti e dram , . age loan applications were deal with by Vshorne rouneil Mon da Y afternoon. Report on the Sins inholeipa t .• drain was provisionally adopted and court of revision set for 11, -Council accepted a complaint 8.' from John Borland. lot 14, and g PasSMO' 12 I Sept. 14. List results . Alan Busehe Eng. Comp. Allison Clarke ..... g. • ist. as, Hot. 74, Trig. 69, Phys. 68, Chem. 74', COMP..58, Mg, -85. 61, Zeol. -64,_ PI1Ys. 64, Cbern, 60, Eng. Lit. 54. Trig. 50, Phys. 77, En Lt 85 H 63 Chem a0 Z I SHDHS graduating :class Eng. Comp. 80. Eng. Lit. 87, M. 77, Georn, Eng. Lit. 50, Fr. Au, 53, Fr, 73, Eng. Lit. .66. Trig. so, Sot. Fr. Au, 59, Fr. -Comp. -66. I Fred. Hupter I3ng. Comp.32, 454. Eng. Lit, 55, Bot. 54, Zool, Aig. 50, -Tri, 50, BM. Zool. 50, - Riohard Charrette - Eng. Comp. 68. Eng. Lit. 83, Hist. 78, Bot. 84. Zool. 89. Lat. Au. 88, Lat. Comp. 90. Fr. Au. S6, Fr. Comp. 88. Ross, Christian - Eng. comp, 73. Eng. Lit, 79, Hist. 90, Bot., 80, Zool. 84, Lat. Au. 69, Lat. Comp. 74. Fr. Au. 59,'Fr. Comp, 50. Comp, 81, Fr. Att. 74, Fr. Comp. 74. Ronald Dodd - Eng. Comp, 61, Eng. Lit, 61. Harald Eaeleson Ali. 52, , , Carolyn. Oke - Eng. 'Comp. .5g Davitt Eng. Comp. 77, glig. Lit. .66, Alg, .55, Geom, 50, Trig. 10, Phys..,63, -Chem, SO. Ross Wein - Eng, COMP. e4, Eng. Lit, -54, Bot. 56, Alys. 63. Beverly Robson - Eng, CoMP, Edward Hunter-Puvar - Eng, 66, Eng, 'Lit. 66, Lat. Atl. 63, Lit 54 Trie. Let, Comp, 72, Fr, Au. 54, Fr. Comp, 65. Comp. 67, Eng,.Lit. 96, Mg. 82, 63, Phys. 53. 62, Eng. 89, Mg. 52, Trig. 76, ,Eng. 92, Gem, Geom. 54, g. 53. Donald Jackson - Eng. Comp. Phys. 53, Cheip, 51. William Etherington - Eng. 56, Eng. Lit. .55, Hist. 50, Zool, Marie LIL $glynon Eng, corny, Paul:, Wilson Eng, Comp, Geotn. 76, Trig. 73, Phys. 84, Wanda Lawrence -Eng. Coinp. 58, BM. 74 Zool 73 Lat 8$ Tri 93 WY 79 Ch le.lot. on t te , , , g, , $M, S.T.R. concession regarding the . Chem. 87, Fr. Au. 68, Fr. Comp. 69, Eng. Lit. 88, Hot. -64, Zool, 57, Lat. Comp, 67. - 94, Fr. Au, '77, F. Comp, 74. • . 64 72 • disrepair of the Passmore drain, 82,875 for Glenn drain to Mb- Atirdza Gulens - Eng, Comp. Fr. Au. 64, F. Comp, 56, 81, Eng, Lit, 75, Hist. 76, Bot, , . , , Lat. emp. , Gwfin Spencer - Eng,,Corp. rt • which was referred to Engineer bert. e , James A. Howes. 64, Eng. Lit. 70, Hist. 65, Zool, :Heather MacNaughton - Eng. 77, Zool. 71, Lat. Au. 72, Lat, ' Two loan applications of 9600 78, Chem, 59, Lat. Au. 79, Lat. Comp. .66, Eng. Lit 67, Bot. 60, Como, 74, Fr, Au...57, r.r. comp, R was reported that Mr. each were accepted. Comp. 88, Fr. An. 73, Fr, Comp. biol. 50, Lat, Au. 59, Lat. C. 57, 1,I Howse was ready to proceed with A grant of 851) was made to 70. i 62, ‘ / work on the Anderson No. 2 and the South Huron Agricultural Joyce Hamilton - Eng. Comp. Robert McNeil - Eng. Comp. Lot. comp. 6g, . Bernice Strang -... Let, Au. 62, 57, Eng. Lit. 61, Bot, 60, Zool. 75, Eng, 1.11.. 60, M. 69, Ge0M. Douglas Thiel ...r Eng, Comp. Diane Ruth Listoen, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Listoen ,of Portage is Prairie, Man.,died in Winnipeg Hospital on Tues.. Tues- day, August 11, from burns she received in the basement of her, home nearly four weeks ago; from a gasoline explosion ignit-' ed by the pilot light of the gas heater. Diane was taken to hospital at! Portage •la Prairie where her father is stationed with the RCAF, and later removed to •Wirmiper•Hokfiital. She suffered burns over 50 percent of her body but.hopea were high for her.' recovery. She would have been two years,old next month. Mrs, Listoen is the former! Doris Haist, daughter of Mr.1 and Mrs. Wellin.gton Haist, of; Crediton, who 'visited the Lis.; toens in June to help place the; basement under their wartime i house. Surviving beSides her parents AM" grandparents are, one bro- ther. Danity-,-6, and One sister,I Marilyn, 4, and her paternal, grandparents, Mr, and Mrs'. I Elting Listoen of New West.; rninster, B.C. Mrs. Listoen's sister, Mrs.; Oren Grace, of Dearborn, Mich„ has been with the family since the accident. The remains will be broughtl to Exeter to the R. C. Dinney; funeral home where services ' will be held on Saturday, August 15 at 2,30 p.m. with interment in Crediton cemetery.. Barber's. Open Pinery Notice August 26 Hon. j. W. Spooner, Ontario minister of lands and forests, will fokniall,' open the Pinery' provincial park dn 1Vednesday, August 26, it was announced this week. The ceremony will take place #t 3 p.m. in making the announcement, the department predicted the new park "is undoubtedly deg -- tined to become one of the fore- most parks of the province." The Pinery "is fast becoming known as one of. the most popu- lar parks in southwestern On- tario. It has been in "Use since be,/ineing of the current tourist season and seen capital and greater than capital -crowds every day since opera- tions began," said the depart- ment. Details of the program for the opening, have not been disclosed yet. On the recommendation of the Ontario Barbers Association, the following changes in hours end prices have been adopted By local barbers: NEW HOURS Monday, Thursday, Friday Closed at 6 p.m. Tuitsday 1 Saturday Closed. at 9 pan, tieisa cloy Wednesday (Except Xmos A Now Year's) NEW PRICES Regular Cut ,, .rye. /SO Brush A Crew Cut , SIM Children's Prices remain the same-Roguler, 714, Brush, MC 1Seturclays„ 901. IEffective Men., Aug. 17 r11/1111tifffiiifItittitilttiltlffitt*ItIMMIIIII(IfIff1M111/10 ,,, 11011111110*110110111111 ttttttttttt 1111M11111111111111/1111Mill/k., Pearson offers the MOST1 Pearson offers the BEST ! • rz".•,., /59 OM EXECUTIVE-bRIVEN ELECTRA:225 BUICK, 1 Onex black, completely automatic, fully equipped 1 with automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, power windows, power vent-a-pane,s, power II antenna, selectronic radio,. automatic dimmer, 6 -way power seat, safety group, custom black and silver interior, very low mileage. This car will be sold many hundreds of dollars below new car list plus Icing.size It F'ONTIAt PARISIENNE 'HARDTOP 2,DOR, only trade-in on present cars, 1 8,000 miles, complete with a 9ppcial custom factory 24one faint job, power brakes and steering, pOwer- fill V-8 engine, automatic, whitewalls, See and drive this outstanding unit, . 1 V- MetgoNt RIbEAU SOO CONVERTIBLE, gypsy red with ivOry flash, black top, equipped with automatic transMissiort) radio, power steering, many extreS. OLDS STARFIRE 98 CONVERTIBLE, executive- drivell, hew white hyioft top, hydramatic trarisitis, SIM power atterlog, power brakes, power windows., . pOwer Oat etc., selectronie rattih, whitewall tire safety group, satin brown. Pears -on Motors LTD. PotiNt * iviek *4MC VttukhOif HONE 60# EXtrOk PHONt ZURICH Huron douhlyit Low, Ntitie Sawyer drains hut that the con- SoctetY. tributing townships had not yet' Council paid tuition and ex - ;advised how far. they wished the ' amination fee of 860 each far work to go. two second year courses in Completion eertifi eat es were ' m officinal administration for accepted on the Davis and Glenn.; Clerk.Assessor H. H. G. Strang. . fll e drains and halanee ; A supplementary road appropt. of payment authorized for Con. • /dation bylaw providing for a tractor William Campbell. 'additional 924.000 - 818.000 for Drain payments included $267.- ' bridges and 86,000 for winter eon. 85, balance of Pridham drain as- :trot - was passed subjert to sessment Fullerton: 94,695 for approval of the de.partment of Wallis drain to Biddulph and :highways. 59, Lat. Au, 52, Lat. Comp. 63, 69, Trig. 50, Phys. 54, Chem. Marian Yungblut-Eng. Comp, 11., Eng. Lit. 62, Hist, -50, .Zool, 61, Lat, An, 7$, 141, Comp, 76, Fr. An. 50, Fr. Comp, 58. Ruth Zimmer - Eng. Comp, 68, •Mg. 50, Bot.. -54, Zool, 51, Vera Tymehuk Chem. $0. Fr, Comp. 52. 56, rr, ALL 53, Fr, comp. 63, immomomm,,,,,,,,,,,,,W1111111M1. t * tt !MOM** t t t OW* fIWIIII/111141114 tt I t MAIM t II t 11 t * tttt fl: t 11.1.111/111 tt mem .. Eleanor, Hodgins -.Eng, Comp. Pat Marshall - Eng. Comp, 1. 75, Eng. Lit. 78, Bot. 75, Zool. 65, Eng. Lit. 71, Mg. 76, Trig. I 75, Chem. 46, Lat. Au. 65, Lat. 69, Pot, 82, Zoo', 70, Chem. 64, Comp. 72, Fr, Au. 50, Fr. Comp. Lat. Au, 74, Lat. Comp. 78, r: 57. Charles Mickle - Eng. Comp. 1 Gerald lioulahao-IiIng. Comp. 72, Eng. Lit, 69, Hist, 71, Bot, • . , ng. 1, 63 liist. 70, Mg. 60, 70. Zool. 78, Lat. Au, 83, Lat. Geom. 53, Phys. 57, Chem. 68; Comp. 75, Fr, Au, 58, Fr. Comp. Fr. Au. 68, Fr. Comp, 62, 63. Jocelyn Howey - Eng, Comp. John Miller - Eng. Conti,. 55, ALF ANDRUS .„,„.,, -- 11410111g, Plumbing, Shoot Motel Work 403 ANDREW ST, EXETER PHONE ri.4 kitsiffinttimilmismonnfinOmito Ottumwa/ it's a great day when you can get the best for less! Now careful drivers Tcan get top quality auto insurance at lower rates than ordinary policies I The 16/00tearA r9eir9' of The Home Insurance Company GIVES YOU JIVfPORTANT SAVINGS:" This-auth-insurance is available onlyktopreferred risks and it Is produced and serviced by the most modern rnachinesand methods. That means_big savings tha,t.can be passed on to you., TOP-QUALITY INSURANCE AT LOW RATES. This is not'ctit- awn protection 7 The new automated auto plan offers every bit of the protection and services for which Home policies are famous. It's the best you can buy! EASY TO. PAY FOICNot only are the rates'lower,' b�i policy i8iwritten for a convenient six-month period That means smaller payments that are,easy to handle, CLAIM SERVICES COVERING CANADA AND THE U.1. Wherever you are; here or in the U. S;, you ire' Home Insurance agent and a Home Insurance%offie.; Claims are settled fairly and quicklythome or a,w0P- Sold and Serviced. ONLY by HoilliEtown Canadian Agents"' FOR YOUR *�e49A SEE THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY AGENT IN YOUR TOWN 141111UPcodie440tee, 41 Property PrOteOtIOtt sine 11353 -111 Richmond Street, Weit, totortto,-Ofitario ,,,suREL) HOME 41(4,1*61014' General Your Home Ins4rante Ag*rit in Grand Bengt Exeter, Parkhill 41" 6-14.4ict Insurance & Real Estate M. JACKSON Phone 35 MAIN ST, Grand Bend