HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-02, Page 144 MidwFumme•r •ceremonies Meikle -Harburn Continued from, page 14 cessories and corsage P r roses. Mr, anti Mrs. Meikle will x ' aide in Exeter. Guests attended the n•ecidi from lairkton, Cromarty, Exeter, Zurich, Mitchell, lia.milton, Sae- nia, London and Mt. Brydges. I -Of yell reees and white etepha- notss. Miss Grace RotttlYt Lollcion, a., dressed in light bine silk Off- "' fon attended the bride and Roger Hamsworth. London, was grooms man. , A reception was held on the ng lawn of the bride's home when serviteurs were Miss Marion Long, Atwood, Miss Marion liell, Hensel, and Miss Shirley Johns, Eliniville, For a wedding trip to North- ern Ontario the bride changed 1.- to a light blue sheath with match A. ing duster, white accessories and ge corsage of pink roses. in Mr. and Mrs. Casser will make 1- their home in London. 'II Doig-Rathbum r- 1 d i s. I Rites at Roy's In Roy's United Church on Se tirdaY, July 18 at 3 p.m. Rev. H. Dollard united in marria Helen Royetta McCulloch, dug .ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCu loch, Cromarty, and Robert Hackney Waddell, son Of Mr. an Mrs. Ernest B. Waddell, Fulla ton. Mrs. timer fa ow, CromartY Played the wedding music an accompanied •the soloist, Mr Gerry Herning, Stratford. The bride given in marriage! by her father, wore a bonffant; gown of silk organza with bodice of embroidered lace dew -dropped with sequins, A lace and pearl crown .held her finger-tip veil and she carried A white Bible crested with pink roses and atephanotis. Miss Laurene Schubarth, Kitch- ener, as maid of honor wore silk organza in rosewood shade and ballerina length. A gored full skirt over crinoline accented the princess lines, The waist featured an off -the -shoulder neck- line, small cap sleeve and large hew and cascading panels from neckline at back to hem. Miss Janet Saunders, Windeor, as bridesmaid was gowned similarly to maid of honor. They carried • baskets of Sweetheart roses and stephanotis. Bryce Roger, Little Current, wai best man and Donald Dick- son and Anderson McLean usher. ed. A wedding reception was held in the church hall when the bride's mother received guests in a del( blue triple sheer and lade gown with pale pink acces- sories and the groom's mother assisted in .navy with navy and white accessories, For a trip to the. New England States and Nova Scotia the bride changed to a blue figured chit - fon dress with matching duster and white accessories, On 'their return the couple will make their home in Kitehener. Exchange vows . A lovely summer wedding was solemnized at the Christian Re formed Church, Exeter, Friday July al at ft p.m. when Bertha \'an Wieren, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dick Van Wiereip: en sail, became the bride of Richard Fennema, Brantford, son of Mr and Mrs, Mike Fermenta, Troy, Ontario. The Rev. A. G. Van Eek per- formed the ceremony in a set- ting of white and pink gladioli. Mrs. C. Van Daalen. • Zurich, provided wedding music. Given in marriage by her father the brihe wore a. floor - length costume of white nylon over satin, fashioned with a lace bodice, peter pan collar and lily point sleeves. A inatehing head- dress trimmed with pearls held her fingertip veil and she car- ried Wade earnatons, red roses and steeianartofis. Maid of honor, Mists Conlin Treffers, Clinton, was gowned in nylon Chiffon aver taffeta . and carried blue eamaationa and red roses. Bitideamaids MTs. Jane Van Wieren, St. hcanys, and Miss Irene Van Dhow, nrineall, were gowned *iinia e As maid of honor, and earried bouquete of blue carneident aikd red. oties. Jake De :Haan, Hamilton, was greonisman and Herman Van •Wieren and Henk Van Daalen ushered. For reepiving at •the reception held hi the &trek parlors the bride's mother wore powder blue silk dress with white acces- sories with torsage of pink car- natione and The groom's mother wore navy silk with red rose cor- sage. For their honeymoon to be spent in Northern Ontario the bride travelled in 1 turquoise crepe nylon dress with white rose coreage. They will reside in Dundee, assar. ohms The marriage of Mary Grace John, daughter of Mt, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, RR 3 Etceter, and Charles Carl Cassar, sem of Mr. and. Mrs. F. Cas.sar, London, was solemnized in Peter's chapel, Lander), on Saturday, July 25 at 2 p.m. For her wedding the bride chose a ballerina length gown Ot ‘k•Iiite. silk chiffein with bouffant skirt and fitted bodice with Short, shirred sleeves, :Her fingertip veil was held by a erown of ehiffon embroidered in seed pearls and sequins, She carried a bouquet alummatungisignosamingissuite 0.0-0-1.. COMFORT • • • C.0.1. -D TREATS at Mrs. Lynda J, Doig of Kippen this week announced the wed ding a her son John C. Doig at Grand Rapids, Michigan to Mrs. Velma Rathbun of that city on Saturday, August 1. The rite was performed at a high noon cere- mony at Park Congregational Church, Grand Rapids by Rev. Alfred D. Grey, formerly of Stratford. The bride selected for the oe- casion a gown of blue chantilly lace with matching headdress. She wore heirloom, jewelry in sterling silver and a corsage of sweetheart 'roses. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Windoes of Granct Rapids. Following the ceremony, friends and relatives of the bride and groom gathered for a recep- tion, and luncheon at the Hotel Pantlind, Grand Rapids. The bride is the widow of the late Lee Rathbun of Grand Ra- pids. She has become an autho- rity on foreign travel and is a member of an organization which produces travel type mo' tion pictures in countries • around the globe which are exhibited. in the United States for educa- tional and entertainment pur- poses. • Mr. Doig was educated in Can- ada and in the United States and has business interests in both countries. With the assistance of Mr, William Caldwell of Bruce - field and Mr. Norman Long of Kippen, he continues to ope- rate the farm near Kippen which has been owned by succeeding generations of the Doig family since 1850. In the United States he was formerly a member of the legal department of the city of Detroit and for the past 19 years, he has been employed as a special agent of the Federal Bureau of investigation. In this capacity he has been assigned successively to the states of Oregon, Wavh- ington, Montana, Idaho and Mi- chigan. In the legal profession, he is a member of the State Bar of Michigan and a life member of Sigma Delta Kappa Intercol- legiate Law Fraternity, In the Masonic Order, Mr. Doig joined Huron Lodge at Rensall at the age of 21 and he has since held offices in all bran- ches of masonry in the United States. He is presently Eminent Commander,, DeMolai Comman- dery, No. 5, Knights Templar. He is Past Patron of Peninsu- lar Chapter, Order of the East- ern Star and Past President of the High -12 Club, a Masonic luncheon club at Grand. Rapids. Mr. Doig is also a member of the Western Michigan Law En- forcement Officers Association and of various other professional and fraternal organizations. Mr. and Ma. Doig have spent part of their honeymoon visiting relatives and friends an Huron County and on their return to Grand Rapids will reside at the Thlamount Apertnients in that city. Entwistle -Allen Miss Margaret Anne !len chose a aull-aength gown of white hand•efinpad Chanty lace for her marriage to Donald Lloyd Entwistle which took place in Thames Road United church on Saturday, hay 25 at 3.30 p.m. The bride is bhe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Alien, RR 1 Kirkton and was given in mar- riage by her father. Tbe groom's Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI AND AMBULANCE 24-HOUR SERVICE IMOD1IIL swir0ON TAKE ADVANTAGE OF VAI,UES IN MEAT! " Up to a whole side of - beef can be easily kept in your omen food locker or Mune freezer. If you wish, we. cut, ureas and -tritn beef, too, Proper Preettelling la Our • Specialty SAY SETTER 0Olt LH% MONEY EXETER Frozen PCOOdli 'Pken Th Mehl St: • Parents are Mr. and .Tdrs. Lloyd .4ntwistle, London. Rev. H Wilson performed the ceremony and Mrs. Reginahl Hodaert provided the weddin Tnusia and accompanied the solo ist, Mrs. William Cann, who sang 'I Love You Truly" and th "Lord's Prayer." The wedding gown was styled with Jong lily-peint sleeves and sabrina neckline studded with pearls and iridescent sequins. The tightly fitted bodice Was ae. cented by a bouffant skirt of frilled tulle overdrapeci with panels of matching lace falling into a slight train. A tiara of se. qutns and seed. pearls held her elbow -length, scalloped veil trim- med with sequins. She carried a bouquet of red Sweetheart roses, The bridal attendants, a sister, Miss Kaye Allen as maid of hon- or, the groom's sister, Miss Nadine Entwistle as bridesmaid and a sister, Miss Grace Allen as junior bridesmaid were gown- ed alike in blue pure silk or- ganza over taffeta with fitted bodices and full skirts, They wore matching veils and finger- less gloves. Susan Ballantyne, Burlington, as flower girl was dressed in white nylon and Billy Fairbairn, txeter, was ring - bearer. Calvin Entwistle was grooms- man for his brother and ushers were Roy McCurdy and Robert O'Hara, A reception was held in the. church and a dance followed in the evening in Russeldale Hall with music provided by Ward Allen of Ottawa. For travelling in northern On- tario the bride changed to a blue imported sheer nylon dress with white accessories. Mr, and Mrs. Entwistle will make their home in St, Cathar- ines. • • . •• • •••.a,a*.aa:a••••,,....:aZa.",f,'"It:aa. . % Carol were Sunday visitors, with •their• parents, Mr. .and Mra.1 Centralia comments • Ay MRS, FRED AOWDEN Rev. M, H. Elston conducted - g the service in the tinned Church an Sunday morning in the ab- sence of the pastor, Rev. Guest, e who is on vacation. tieing as his text, "Be not conformed to this world' but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceplabie, and perfect will of God," he challenged his BP' loners to make personal sacri- fices so that God's work may prosper and make an impression an the mind of people all over e world. Personal)tems Tbe weekend'holiclay spirit was marred for Mrs. E. Knight when she received word of the. death of her daughter, Mrs. Love of Otielpb. The funeral service was held in Guelph on Tuesday. Fred Essen' of Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, who was in Lan- don attending the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs, Thomas Car- ling (the former Gladys Mae Es- sery of Centralia), called on Mrs. F, J. Fairhall and Yrs, F Ab bott Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Tripp and Gary 'have returned home following a ,trip to Winnipeg whete they visited with the for- mer's brother, Cpl. and Mrs. Robert Tripp and family, and with relatives in Brandon, Man. Elrner Wilson returned home frimi Victoria Hospital on Satur- day. Miss Flossie Davey, who re- cently underwent. an eye opera- tion in Victoria Hospital. Lon- don, was able to leave the hos- pital on Sunday and is recupera- ting at the. home of her niece and nepheve, Mr. and Mrs, John Rid- ley in Elimville, Mr, and Mrs, Dan Tripp, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Ellis and Sally of Belleville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tripp. Mr. Chas McKeever, Listowel, visited with his nephew, Mr. and Mrs, John Thompson Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Molnar ac- companied their son, Steve, to Midland, last week where they visited for a few days returning home Sunday. wittemwmstworkow-mtertietsowo.4w. Topics from Elimville Sy MRS. ROSS SKINNER 01,N.R.:4-wqM511MWV.Affi'MVirOW1 Personal items Mrs. Alex Crago and Mrs. Frank Routly of Karkton visited on Thursday afternoon with Mrs, Willian Routly. Mrs. Robert. Reilly of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Fulton and family visited on Sunday Hurondale WI host for picnic The July .meeting of Hurondale Women's Institute took the form of a. picnic when members of Henson and Crediten. Institutes were entertained. Owing to the weather the sports were held in th arena instead of Riverview Park as planned. Mrs. Les Gib- son, Mrs. James .Kirkland and Mrs. Andrew Dougall convened a program of sports. Lunch was served in Trivitt Parish Hall when members of the 4-H clubs decorated the tables and table conveners were Mrs. Archie Etherington, Mrs. Hugh Love and Mrs. Riney Kel- ler. There will be no meeting in August. .g"Zte0.4 of 4111AIRRAL FOODS KITCHIINS What could taste better on Mt buttered toast than peach jam? Here's ,nv very successful recipe. PEACH P.m 4 cups prepared fruit • (about 2 qu,arts ripe peaches) 14 cup lemon juke (2 lemons) 71/2 cups (314 lbs.) sugar 1 bottle Certo fruit pectin How to prepare fruit. Peel and pit about 2 quarts fully ripe peaches. Grind or chop very, fine. Measure 4 cups into a uery large saucepan. .Add y4 cup lemon juice, How to snake the Jam. Add sugar to fruit in saucepan and mix welt Place over high heat, bring to full rolling boil. Boil hard 1 minute, stirring conatanby. :Remove from heat; stir in Certo at once. Skim off foam with metal spoon. Stir and skin ter 5 minutes to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Ladle into glasses. Cover at once With 14 inch hot paraffin. Makes about li mean" glasses. Pectin: What is it? Here's the answer! Pectin is the jelling sub-, stance found in all 'mitt in verg- ing antenanta. Certo is pectin tract& from fruits rich in thiS na- tural substance, then reAned, con- centrated and performance -con- trolled. UM:hp Certo and follo/b- inn the tested Cart° recipes, *teens your Jon and jellwit/ eltuagis set right. rrOlfilltririnE rOillit*Pf Certain fruits, such: as peaches, 'Pears, apricot* and appIe'S darken easily while you're preparing them for preserving. To help keep their col- or, place the .fruit in a bath of 14 teblespbon mit and ½ tablespoon of vinegar to 4 cups of water, then rinse them it clear seater before you pack thtni in jars. That why they'll leek eve* bit as good at they faster More reciperi.a-frthre hints. Watch for thenti fIlbent had proh- Mei with, neer leen be Pile mak- ine, drop in it Una. Prt be (lied to help. cfilo for tow. L3-2' with Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Pehlke of Moneton. Miss Darlene Dupuois of Pem- broke spent a few days with Miss Sharon Much at the home at Mr, and Mrs. Ross Skinner. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Philip johns were Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner and Fran- ces, Mr, and Mr. Alien Johns and family, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Elford and family. If you make out your income tax return wrong, you are in the hands of the law; if you make it out right, you are in the hands of the receiver. I Mr. and Mrs. George Marden, Parry Sound, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. ' Essery. Mr. and Ales. William Cloffon and daughter of Belleville were 11oliday weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tripp. On Sunday evening all were enter talned to -dinner at the twine of Mr. and Mrs. William Ford in Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie. /aatobteiiretirancdotJtaegaen, InspeBnieaSchundg !Pines. Miss Della Petlocle and Mrs. t Devlin, Perth, Ontario are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wells. Londesboro and Mr. James Marshall, Blyth, spent j Sunday with them. Mr, and Mrs. /leg Ford and family of St, Catharines were Tuesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tripp. Mr. and Mrs. John Telbot, Grand Valley, And Miss Jeanne I Talbot RN, Montreal were week- end visitors with" Mr. and Mrs, Harris West and Bette Lou. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Winger, Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Shernian Eaton, London, were Sunday visi. tors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- son. Mrs. Samson McFalls, Exeter, was a Sunday visitor with her sister, Mrs. Arthur AlcFalls. Mr. and. Mrs, Lyle Williams of Florence were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan Sunday. Miss Dorcas Williams accompa- nid them home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rowe and Ca- rolyn, Windsor, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Es- sery, Linda Rowe returned home ' with her parents, ' Mrs. Morley Baldwin, San Ber- nardino, California, was a week- end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroeder, RR 2 Centralia. Other members of the family were home Sunday evening for an enjoyable get to- gether. Mr, and Afrs. E. V. Randall, St, Catherines, were visitors for a couple of clays last week with the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock. Mrs. Wilbur Palmer has *re- turned to her home in St. Cathe- rines following a ten day holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hepburn. Mr. George Baynham, Mr. and Mrs. C. Baynharn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock at- tended the Bestard family re- union at Poplar Hill on Surtday. There will be no church ser- vice in the United Church Sun- day morning, (Intended for last week) Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Clare Wright and David, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Neely 1211 99999 1111 fffff 11111111111111111111111111f#11 00000 PIIIIIII o A ll 111 11111111111 l ! ttttt VIIIIIIIV ttttt 11,11111111111111111111111 ttttt 11111 GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE Opens September 8 Practical Instruction' in all Commercial Subjects Qualified Teachers — Modern Equipment New Typewriters Examinations Set, Marked, and Diplomas Issued by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASS'N OF CANADA For several years every seat has been fillad, Register Now — Tuition $22.00 Telephone 42a er 1272, Collect ttttt arm Air Heating And . Air Conditioning New Installations and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPERIAL FURNACES OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lindenfields Ltd, Associate Member, National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Assotiatien PHONE 181 • EXETER ttt i t 111,111i11,11.1,1091111101111,11,1,110111,11111111111111,(0. ,01111 1141111111111111,11 tt 11111111111,101111 kis tttt III 1 tt tt tttt t III ttt 111111 III tttttt II ttt tt ttttttttt 110,111 tttt II 11 tt "I;IN 11114 ••1 aassealatiataaa...aaataaa.., 104.4.1.*OH.,.14? Play Safe With Your Brakes \lour notoring safety startwith yettr brakes, Be sure they're dependable. Drive Iii today Mr your brake check-up! Olin experienced rnechaniea can reline your brakes, if,needed, with, ttip4lotch material at 2 Very reasbnable rate. Hunteroatsvor sit Sons LImtd PH0141 It EXETER aeMes Wright - M. Sleamon fit London called on friends in the Setup day. Mr. and MrsChas (Scotty). Benham and family. Calgary,. are holidaying with the formers father, George Raynha rn. They ' made the trip bY plane. Alr. atid Mrs. Fred Penwarden, Sarnia, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Andrew Ilicks and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mutable, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Riddell and family, Simcoe, spent a few, days with Rev. and Mrs. D. M. I Guest. Miss Dome Williams, Sarnia,' tie visiting with her sister and! brother -in -la w, Mr. and Mrs, t I Lloyd Morgan, 1, Miss Linda Rowe, Windsor, is lholidaying for a couple of weeke! ! with hergrandparents. Mr. and; Mrs. Alvin siSerY, and ether re - tended the wedding of friends Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Essery et- I, Pontiac, Mich., Saturday. Mr. end Mrs. Don Foley and family, Windsor, visited for couple of days with Mrs. M. Sholdlce and family before going; On to Burks Falls where they are. spending a couple a weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and 'Homespun Poems' Of Inspiration. and Delight By R. FRANK JOHNS and ,(MRS.) AMY E. STREET 750 Each Copies may be obtained Iron). Mrs, Percy McFalls, 352 Wil- liam St., Exeter. 1417 Th. Timii*OviirAtif, Ausuit 7. 19$9 -Pas 15 Mrs. Frank FOley„ Mr. Alton!the late Flying :Officer Martel Sholdice• accernpanied them 4711 .1Ceearrv r who celtt,RS Rupert nerAt ,Ma4e4rciriflit ilgohrt the.• trip: north. near Rev. and Mrs. D. M. Guest at-, life when the plane struck A ,anbI, lended a memorial service for ; merged log in landing.operetions ALF .ANIMUS Oil Burners iltatinef Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW $T., EXETER PHONE 71, Everyone Enjoys Shopping At Andrew Johnston Drugs YOU:11 LOVE IT! FRIG/DAME'S SPEED DELUXE REGULAR !MASHING SPEED Regular whites, regular colors and wash-and-wear —"rnan-mades" and treated cottons REGULAR SPIN-DRY SPEED The fastestspin-dry on the market—for heavy gar- ments, regular whites and regular colors SLOW WASHING SPEED Delicate fabrics and specials—chenille bedspreads, pillows, stuffed toys a-eaaaaaaa.,.. taa .„ SLOW SPIN-DRY SPEED For ideal water extrac- tion from "man-mades", and delicate fabrics. Reduces wrinkles • RATED No * FOR CLEANEST CLOTHES * FOR LINT REMOVAL * FOR DRIEST SPIN * FOR WASH-AND.WIAR 1 111 111 You can now wash EVERYTHING washable f There's a per- II fect washing sp'eed and spin-dry speed for every load, from regular whites to wash-and-wear, You just dial to suit the pile ! Other features like the Underwater Detergent Distributor and built-in Sudswater Saver Make the Frigidaire 4 -Speed Deluxe your very best buy in this price range, Optional extras: an automatic bleach dis- penser. automatic dispenser for fabric er water softener. Ste Frieidaire's matching automatic dryer, too T. With the FRIGIDAIRE DRYER that outclasses them all .... Remember, You G4tt City Prices F.. Next Door Service at Patented 3 -Ring "Pump" Agitator— simplest, most fahric.safe agitator ever Underwater Detergent Distributor Circulator Ring ---• Lint Chaser IS 111 Energy Ring Frigiditlea DeLince Automatic Dryer trigrelau•S'A thriflin.0 Floririn OrWir, with 'Most tit the 'woes at t4le hobo ti.orreArf brvet-;! Data anything washable with lust NM sOttino rf 8 dial, "Wrinklseo Away- feature:dash -malty of your washables withOut t u.rokla. Yeu Save heurt of ironing Woe, Easy -to -elm Lin( tree, Ouse -button Door Opener, Height AS" Width 21* Depth 2AlA* Phon* 18 Ex�tr •