HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-02, Page 12.�;',glOnilUA1,11.))�l,tlHlAU,Ly,Ill,SJJ,Rfitf7,11lNItIfUAlt�ltttlHgllttUl6tIA1.1lIAI,EllllfllilUUtl.QlUU1lL�1,111tI11Ot14{Ilii; � Announcemenfs F R.A T.E S x !Wirths. No Chores e Merr:laees .end Deeths 750 M epor e. wi au c eeee FOR STALE, in • t FOR SALE, fatid•r Annaitnc t ) Short of vacation c:.a..;....h? Marriages and deaths ere r t d th t h . news ;Mum'''. This ;here! eepltee ,only to listing , ...amen s,) That TimareAdYtec Ie, Au nee Is ''2 5 Pepe 1 Carets of Thanks, Engagements .1 In Memoriens (4•1ine verse) j Extra verses, each ... ,,.... Nli.I RTES-,-. AT 'WEL14—Rev, and Mfrs. E., C. Attwell of Gorrie, the. former Margaret Ashworth, Luca .n, are happy to announce the' birth of a daughter, Mary Margaret, at Wingham Gene- ral _Hospital, July 24—a sister for David. r SIDERELL ._I F/L and Mrs.! Allan Bidewell, RCAF Station, Centralia, Announce the birth( of a daughter, Lynda Louise,) at South Huron Hospital -- a sister for Katherine atlri Bar- bara. COLESHAW—Mr, and Mrs. liarn CQleshaw, Parkhill, .an- nounce the birth .of a daugh- ter, Rozanne Elizabeth, at South Huron. Hospital, July 24, CRAVEN'— LL G, H, and Mrs. Craven announce the birth of a daughter in Grace Maternity Hospital, Halifax, July 31. DONALDSON' — Mr .and Mrs, Radford Donaldson (nee Saun• dercock) .are happy 1.0 an- nounceth a birth of a son,'Ro- bert Douglas, atVictoriaHos- pital, o pital, London, August 1 a brother for Jack and Jim — a grandson ,for Mrs, Annie Saundercock, .Hensel!. EVELEIGH -- I)1r. and Mrs. Allen Evdleigh, RR 1 Kirkton, announce the birth of a daugh- . ter., Ellen Christine, at South Huron. Hospital, August 4 — a sister for. Monica Joy. FORD—Mr. and Mr's, Irvin Ford, Exeter, nee Bell, announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah 7$c $ 250 I CARDS OF THANKS.-�. I I wish to thank m_yman friends .and neighbours for th cards, flowers, treats and visit and all those who helped in an way While I was a patient i Victoria Hospital and since re turning home. Special thanks t Dr. Gans, Dr. Allen and .ttr nurses of Victoria Hospital. Mfrs. .Russell Brintnell. 7 pita), July 24—a granddaugh- ter for Mr. and Mrs. W. F. B. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford, Exeter, FREEMAN — Bab and "Bobbie Freeman, W.illowdale, are hap- - py to announce the arrival of their 8 tb., 11 oz. son at North York • Branson ;Hospital, July 31 -- a brother for Robbie Judy, Lynn, Sandy and. Lesley GIBSON—Mr. and. Mrs. William Gibson, Crediton, announce th birth of a son at South Huro Hospital, July 25 — a brothe for David and twins, Larry an Garry -- a tenth grandson fo ' Mr, and Mrs. 'Arnold Keller. GILL -- Mr. and Mrs. William Gill •(nee Prance), 'Medford announce the birth of a daugh ter, Ruth Anne—a sister fo Billy and Brian. HOSTY — Mr. and Mrs. Jack •Hosty, RCAF Centralia, ' an nounee the birth of a daugh ter, Sharon, at South Huron Hospital, July 19 = a sister for Paul end Mark. S' e. n 0 Mrs. Ezra Feist, wishes s to ea- press thanks to all who sent be cards, flowers and treats an tense who called on her durin her recent illness, 7 PHOT AIR FURNACE with large amount of round duct, and a hard coal fired NERCO stoker with complete electric controls. Can he seen assembler) and ready lo operate. $125.00 includes a few hundreds pounds of coal. Penton, 166 Foster Avs., ,off Ox- ford St. West, London Township. 23:6e MOBILE HOME, 1958 ( ^neral, 5:1.' x 10'; 2 -bedroom, 4.piece bathroom, k 1 t c h e n, automatic washer and dryer, living room, outside porch, situated on land- scaped lot on Centralia airport road, Phone AC 8-6218 after 6 P.m. 7:9tfn GRAIN ROLLER CJU SI1Eit and motor; Coop milker with piping for 16 cows; all in good condi. Lion; 1 Holstein heifer, due end of August, Apply Harold Jeffery, Rin 3 Exeter. 7e COMBINE, Allis - Chalmers 60, with pick-up attachment and 30. We are of f Bride, RR 1. Varna, phone Hen•' :and other properties; REAL ESTATE,.,, !SERVICES KITCHEN, pantry and bathroom,' 11zc20. Apply George Phillips, Ailsa :Craig, phone 40-J. 6:13c C. V Pickard EXETER. FARMERSi I have .now pur- chased a new Hi Boy to better enable me to look after your spraying needs, Corn should be sprayed for weeds now. I am also still whitewashing, brush spraying,, and s; raying for con - trot of flies. Call. Hubert Cooper, 599-,1-3 Exeter, 9;16;23:6e bushel bin, 6395.00. 13es Me•offering the following WASHING MACHINES repaired, sail 687.8.21, 7* 3 -BEDROOM If O M E, located Apply Paul Sass, 66 William St.,' • south of .Exeter. This brick house Exeter, 23:6:13;20:27' ELECTRIC RANGE,. Beatty, ap- has been renovated and is in 5yearsnl 0, 0' 3 0 d proximately 'c , S i a p nd span .condition. It has gas drum, 200 ,gallons, Earl ,Diet- beautifully bright rooms and all rich, phone AC 8.6812, Centralia. modern facilities including .oil 7c burningfurnace. Nice house yard, with. garden. Price $8,200. Low cash payment. Township taxes. Quick possession. LARGE Exeter home, choice lo- cation. Would lend itself to use r TRACTOR„ 1W9 Intt'rnatlanal, (11 with power take -off and pulley, til *1 I wish to thank all. those wh sent me cards and flowers whil a patient in St. Joseph's Ho. pital, London, and since return ing home.'—Mrs, Gordon Prance 7 I wish. to thank my neigh bours and friends anri relative .for the cards, letters, flowers gifts and visits 1' received whit a patient in St, Joseph's Hos. p.ital, London, and since return- ing home. 1 wish to give special thanks to all that l I l h ve helped a i 1 p in so many ways at home. It has all. been deeply appreciated, -Victor Heywood. 7c We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages o sympathy and beautiful. flora tributes received from our kind relatives, neighbours and friends in our very sudden l'ereavoment Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Rev. Wintaw and Rev. Daniel. Mrs, M. Aldwinc.kie, Mrs. L, Rowcliffe, Miss Hannah Murray and Miss Verna Coates, the boys at the shop, also pallbearers and friends in. the Wl4IS, also Bon• thron's Funeral Home and their staff. We'certainly do appreci- ate your kindness. -- Mrs, Elva Cbates and family, and Frank. 7* We wish to thank all the vela• tives and friends for the mes- sages of sympathy and :floral ' tributes at the time of our mother's passing. Special thanks e to Rev. Higenell, the pallbearers, n Hoffman funeral. home, Ladies ✓ Aid and those who helped.in any d way.—Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fin ✓ kins and Janice, Dashwood. 7m Market Best cash offer. Apply Lorne R. Becker, Dashwood, 7c 01 16 SOWS, first litter bred t 0 e' g 2 m, Oil burning WANTED--- f Turkeys pure York hog, .due 16th to 5th Bath up and down, %VTW TOLERATE burdock and other weeds around your barn or fence bottoms and brush along ditches or fence bottoms, also in your pastures? They can he killed very easily and at a very reasonable price. Call L. V, Hogarth, your spray man, phone 266, Exeter, 23:6c of large family or duplexing. S We wish to take this oppor- tunity to express our thanks and sincere gratitude to our, many - friends, the. Dorcas Rand Sunday r School class and the Crediton Women's Institute for the beau• tiful cards and kind expressions - of sympathy during the recent. - loss of our beloved mother and grandmother.—The Dundas fam- ily. 7c 1 wish to express my sincere e appreciation and thanks to all e those who favoured me with flowers, cards and visits while i was a patient in South Huron , Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Gans and the nursing staff. — John Wilson, Inc I wish to express'tny apprecia- tion and thanks for the. cards, gifts, flowers and visits received while lewas a patient, in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. E. Roulston.—Mrs. Lloyd Lynn. 7* XACAW — Sgt, and Mrs. Tame Kacaw, Parkhill, announce th ' birth of * daughter, Wanda at South :Huron Hospital, Au gust 3—a sister for Rolfe Heather and Barbara. KNIP -- Mr, and Mrs. Victor Knip, RR. 1 Centralia, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Ruth. Ann, at South Huron Hospital, July 27. ROBERTS — Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Roberts of Montreal.' (former- ly, RR. 3 Lucan) are happy to announce the birth of a daugh• ter, Nancy Jean, July 20 — a sister. for Anne, Mary, Susan, Elise and Dated, SCHROED.ER — Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schroeder are happy to announce the birth of a son, Kurt Glen, at Fort Churchill, Manitoba, July, 24. SMITHER.S -- LAC and Mrs. Smithers, RCAF Centralia; an- nounce the birth of a son, Gerald. Michael, at South Hu- ron. Hospital, July 22. STUCKLESS — Cpl. Carl and Shirley Stuckless (nee Light; foot) wish to announce the ar- rival of a son, Robert. Harold, at. Uncon Hospital, Moose Jaw, Sask., July 22—a brother for Danny and. Dianne: WTNLAW—Rev. and Mrs. Currie Winlaw, Hensel' (nee ' Daniel) announce the birth of their son at South 'Huron Hospital, August 2--a brother for Allan. ENGAGEMENTS -•— Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Webber, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their e l d e s t daughter, Kathleen Mildred, to Earl Jacob Weiberg, son of Mr. • and. •Mrs, Fred "Weiberg, . Dash- wood, The wedding. will take place, Saturday, September 5, at 2:36 p.m., in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood. 1* Mr. and. Mrs, Frank Wildfong, Exeter, wish t.o announce • the engagement. of. their daughter, M a r ,ga r e 1. 1'',valine, to .David ':!'redeetek Hatfield, Calgary, Al. son of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Hatfield, feynardton, Neve Scotia, The wedding will take place Saturday, August, 22, at 3:30 p.ni,. in Main Street United Church, Exeter, 7* Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bisbee, 11,1 t Exeter, wish to announce the engagement. of their oldest daughter, Margaret Antic. to 'Robert Douglas, _ Older son of Mr, and. Mrs, Kenneth aohns, Me 1 Woodham, The Wedding to take' place the latter pert of August, 7* Exeter, Mrs, Etnalinh Carter, 'Fxc . , wishes to announce: the engage- ment. hf her only daughter, Alice Margaret, to i'loed Milton Blatt - chard, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Blanchard, Exeter. The wed- ding will take place Saturday, „August 22, et, 2 'pen,. ill Main Street United Church. 7 CARDS OF THANKS— We wish ,to thank Oar nine,. hours and .triend5,t'ho helped t:o clean up after the: Storni and tcbuild again and aiae the ladies who sent in bikini tinct beloed In the house. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gtil1bWAY and ft&Mily. 7c August, These sows are of good furnace. Garage. quality and size, Albert W. Shir- We have buyers for two- and lbs., alive ray,RR 2 Hensel! Ontphoneth I-omIf 14 - 26 b . ensa n ., Fee •eclroom h es. CONTACT MIKE DZIOBA • 688-8..11• 7c wish all cash for your property we can arrange it. eaLee ply Box MHZ , Times -Advocate, To huy or sell see C V. ( PI.GKARD, Realtor, and General Insurance, 394 Main St,, Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 6:5tfc 260 Wellington St. West PIANO, Heintzmnan, Wright. AP 7:13 14" HA M MER MILL, John Deere; lightning evaporator; 600 ail spiles; pails p es, 2 gatheringtanks; 3 supply tanks; Heintzman pi- ano; Sherlyn hydraulic pump; also spray pump for Ford trac- tor; 100 hardwood maple tops. C J. Walker, RR 1 Cromarty, phone Dublin 12-R-13. 16;23;6* GRAIN AUGERS Four. -inch, lengths 11, 16 and 21 feet, with extensions, Cann's Mill Ltd., Exeter. 7e 4 SOWS, due in 2 weeks; also' boar. available for.service s, boarding out, Apply John Groot, RR 1 Zurich, phone 95-R-7. 7c THRESHING MACHINE, White 24", in good condition, ori rub- ber tires; also 1.20' belt, Apply 100-R-6 Zurich. 7:13c CHESTERFIELD CHAIR, rose, excellent condition, $1.5,00. Call 411-J Exeter. 7c 1 BOY'S BICYCLE and 1 side- walk bike. John Kate, bicycle sales and service, 103 Simeoe St„ phone 993-W. Please call after 6 p.m, 7* 140 CHICKS, Rhode Island. Red, 9 months old. Apply C. Hoonaard, RR :1 Centralia. 7* 200 LEGHORN HENS, year-old. Apply Sol Gingerich, phone 84-R• 3 Zurich, 7:13c CUCUMBERS, all sizes, pick your own, reasonable prices, bring your c o n t a i n a r. Lloyd Sparks, 149.Waterloo St., phone 497-W. , 7e 29 GOOD WEANER PIGS—Ap- ply :Earl Rate, RR 2 Dashwood, 7c Mobile Home 28 -foot McGuiness Silver Palace, fully .furnished. including appli- ances, tandem. wheels with elec- tric brake, approx. 4.5 years old. This unit is priced to sell with financial terms available. Owner has new home. I. wish to thank my neighbors, APPLY PETE MASSE friends and. relatives for remote. Phone 78 Zurich bering me with. cards, flowers and gifts while :r was a patient in St. Marys Hospital and since returning home. All this was 200 YEAR-OLD HENS, Rhode very much appreciated. — Mrs, Island Red and Light Sussex; Norman Brock. • 7* reasonable. Apply Gordon Pear - I would like to express my son, Dashwood, phone 34-11-9. 7c sincere thanks to friends, neigh- bours and. relatives for flowers, cards, treats and visits I re- ceived while a patient in Vic- toria Hospital and since return- ing home. -- Sylvia Johns, 7* IN MEMORiAM— BEDROOM SUITE, practically new, 4 -piece; also set of drapes. Apply 1 house east of Edward E ad street on Sanders street, Charles Norton. 7* 2 LOTS, good location; must be sold. Phone 24 Exeter. 7c BOARS—Two 3 -months -old Land - rice boars. Apply Victor Knip, RR. 1 Centralia, or phone 176-J-2 Exeter. 7c 2 FRESH COWS, 1 Holstein and 1 Durham; 2 cows, due in about 4 weeks, 1. Durham and 1 black; '10 weaner pigs; 2 sows, due in about a week. George Poortinga, Highway 83, 6 miles east of Ex- eter. ' 70 SATURDAY EVENING POST Bargain Rates 60 Weeks ... ...... only $ 4,79 117 Weeks . .. .. only $10.17 Subscribe to any magazine • through THE EXETER TIM ES -ADVOCATE Phone 770 OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. 27tfe G000 FOWL All types picked up at the farm at these prices: Heavy fowl,, over 5i/a lb,, 120 a pound, and' light fowl 2 to 4 G less,.depend-; ing on quality, LESLIE HOOD, MONKTON Phone Mitchell 663-4 7:9tfc To Buy or Sell -- Business Properties -- Homes -•-- Farms SPECIAL VALUE IN CREDITON 63 acre farm, modern brick home; hath, furnace, water, hy- dro, .ideal property for the per- son who wishes to farm part time, CONTACT M. J. GAMER Phone 24 Exeter' Salesman; Sam Hendrick Phone 711 Exeter 8:7c HELP WANTED 'FEMALE— SALESLADY —Exeter store re- quires pleasant, efficient woman to serve public. Some office experience helpful. but not es- sential. No Saturday nights. Duties commence August 24. Hospitalization, pension plan. Please apply in own handwriting, stating experience and. salary expected, to Box FT; Exeter Times -Advocate. 23tfc Waitress Wanted RETHER'S RESTAURANT Main St., Exeter 7c CLOVER HONEY, excellent quality, 220 per Ib. in customer containers; 50 Ib. lots 20t per Ib. Evenings preferred, Haberer Bros., Zurich, 2 blocks south of hotel. 23:6c FOR RENT - 7c APARTMENT, furnished, I3ea- vers Hardware, 7c FLEISCHAUER-1n loving mem- ory of a dear daughter and sister. Florence (Norry). who passed away August. 7, 1958. We often think of bygone days, When We were all together. The family chain is broken now. But memories will live for- ever. To us, she has not gone away, Nor has she travelled far, Just entered God's eternal home And left the gate afar. —Always remembered bv Mo- ther, Dad, Mildred and Blackie, Norm and Carrie.. 7i` 0 Biddulph —Continued from page 12 of days with Mr, and Mrs. Or- ville Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mcf'alle at- tended the funeral of their cote sin, Miss Clara .Hennessey, Lon- don on Monday which was held to St. James Cenieter'y, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Quinton (nee Marlys McFalls), at their cottage. Grand Bend entertained at the supper hour on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. George McF`alls and Joyce, Mr, and Mrs. Ross McFa11s, De. yid and beheld, Mrs, William Varga and baby Marie, Miss Cora Olie, London, Lloyd 'Thonipson, Mr, and Mrs, T. Thompsoe and family and Mr. and: Mre, Harold Fischer and family spent 'Tuesday and Mr!' and Mrs. Lloyd Stafilake and family spent .a few days with Mr, and Mrs, 'Chris Fischer. Mr, Ray Fischer and soft, Wayne,' spent. Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer, Sunday visitors wittt Miss Jes- sie Lewis were ,Mr, pod Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and Wilily, Ail., sa Craig, Miss Eleanor Ladd of O'renge- ville is spending a week of her summer vat:ation with Miss Shei- la Eletoas, Rev, R, H, And Mrs. dniehe of Ailsa. Craig, also Padre and Mrs. 1 Moore, Centralia Air Station were gtiesfs oh Thursday' 'evening a with M, H. add ,hr's. );listen, it TAGALONG FLOAT, to carry 8 to 10 tons, in.good condition. Apply Lorne R. Becker, Dash- wood.7c Comments about • Crediton East Ry MRS.W.MOTZ Presentation to newlyweds A. social, evening was spent al the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Eli Sims on. Friday evening when the .friends and neighbors met to honor Mr. and Mrs. William Sims, newly-weds. Miss Doreen Kenney read an address and they were presented with two end tables and ash tray. Bill ,and Joyce, both replied. Mr. William Hyde, grandfather of the bride, played selections on the violin after which lunch Was served. personal items Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Romphf of Thedford, Mr. David Baird of. London, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sturgeon and boys of St. Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Sims. Mrs. Eliza Baird, of London, is visiting her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Baird. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Sims and girls spent Sunday at the family home Clear Grand Bend, Mrs, Ralph. .Romphf, of Thed- ford, is spehdrtig some time with her another, Mrs. John Sims, while Mr, Sims is in South Huron Hospital, (ttttehded for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wein and family of..:Parkhiti. and Mr. and Mrs, teener() Wein. and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lewis and Eber at- tended the Fraser reunion in Port. Huron on Sunday. Mrs. William Cliffe and daugh- ter Marlene, of London, 5pelit Wednesday witit Mr, and Mrs, William Motz. Ronald MOtz'. +1f Zioh, is holi• (laying with: his aunt, and undid, Mr, and Mrs._ William Metz, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Glen, ville Sr. and granddaughter, Patsy Glanville of Manitoulin' eland, attended the Glanville. Bekker wedding on Saturday and re visiting their Sens Bed fare les here, HAVE TRAILER, will rent. 1959, 14 -ft. General with p r n p a n e range, electric brakes and cop - trot. Sleeps five. Available Aug. 29. For reservations call Bill Treibner, phone 100 des:: or 584- W after 7 p,rh. 7* REAL ESTATE— Outstanding Home in Exeter Only '1lia. years old, this modern 3 -bedroom home with dining room is even better On the .in- side than it appears from the outside; broadloom in living and. dining rooms; other floors com- pletely covered; interior birch trim; aluminum storms and screens; full basement, nil -heat- ed, laundry tubs, landscaped.; garage attached; in the heart. of town. Owner must sell because of transfer, Apply ..51 William Si. or phone. 870-J Mornings and evenings after 7. 7:28tfne W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 86 Anne St. Exeter Phone 435 GOOD) brick house, suitable tor t large family or duplex, oil fur• naee, bathroom each floor, WOMAN to look after house and 5 children. while mother.. works, for. 3 to 4 weeks. Live in. if pos- sible. Good wages, 6 days a week. Apply Mrs. Frank Glan- ville, phone 86 Crediton. 7c Stenographer Must be qualified in shorthand and typing, with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Five-day week. Ideal working conditions in Ex- eter office. Duties to commence on or after Sept. 1, WRITE BOX GC The Exeter Times -Advocate 7c SERVICES— WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Breeding Service All Breeds of Cattle Member owned and conteollcd Cost Low - Efficiency High Use of the best of bulls Disease controlled, Safety For service or more informs= tion phone— FOR LONG DISTANCE CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 Between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. we days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Saturday evenings Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sun- day morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED-•-Ini• mediate service. Butler. Bros. Our new phone number is Lucan Baldwin 7.4254 or Baldwin 7.4312. SUIT DOESN'T FIT? Altera - ions, double breasted suits made singles. Spurrell,.87 Dundas, London. GE 9.4351. 5:14tfne TIDY 4 -room cottage, full base- ment, oill furnace, nice location, s RED BRICK house, Centralia, 3-hedroom, oil heat, hard and v soft water, garage, space to 8 build.* RIMIEST CASIf PRICES for ick, down or disabled horses and Gown, .bead ,stock at value. Cali promptly; Nay week set.. ice. Call Ed Andrews, „Collect, 5.t -R-11 Seaforth, 3:5.8.27* 2-STO.R E Y brick, house, Cent- ralia, very easy ferns, each i floor self contained aparlrnent, 1 live in one, )rent the other. ALMOST NEW 1 -storey house A (nr'te you could be. proud 10 own), 3 bedrooms, attached garage; terms, WHITEWASHING—Anyone wish -1 rig 10 have their barns or hen- rouses whitewashed, call Bill/ Wetsen, phone 37•R -l9 Dashwood.) leo grain et corn spraying, 5:2ttt'c' tISTOM WORK -Custom: swath•i ng and combining, 2 self pro- i cited swathes and 2 aelt-pro•, riled hombines, ("Train put in, ranary. Apply C. J,, Walker, RR. Cromarty, pliotie bttblart 12;Ci• 13. 16;23;6* We have setreral fertile, stores P and other propet'ties, p Exeter, Deshwood building lots, EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 lr'ft13t1 COLE. Phone l44.k C RUSSELL 11RODERICIK Phone 1187-W t,ST'Oli1' CO51B]NtNG. .._ Have two. ma.ehines; $5,00 an ache. Irving Snider, OW 88.14 Cut• lch, 23;4:13* • PASSENGERS—Motoring to'wes around. middle of August. Room for two passengers. Apply Bo "MD", Exeter Times -Advocate 7c op here EMPLOYMENT WANTED, HELP WANTED'MALE.--R t ODD JOBS, ,carpentering, Paint ! YOUNG MAN for general officio , ing etc, Phone Centralia AC 8. work, Must be prat and accurate 6687, 1:Stfc ttypist. .Good working conditi.ona HELP WANTED—I.itnd opportunity for advatice> merit. Apply in person, Alex M. ' - ' ' ' Stewart es Son Ltd., Ailsa Craig, eemeERY HELP, full time. and Oni rl girl. or wanlan ;for store, full a o' 7a time also, Apply Witteman s bakery, Exeter, Plane 52. ?fiENDERS CLERK-TYPIST TENDERS .REPAIR TO FLOOR .Applications will be received in Tenders will be reeeived bet writing by the undersigned until the undersigned until 5;00 P. M, 5 P.M. August 14, 1959, for the August 17, 1959, for the repair= position of Clerk -Typist in the ing of the floor in the County Huron County Library Office. Registry Office. x Please state education, exper All details and speci.icatior_3 • fence and references.• may be received from the under- Starting salary $1,80(1,00 per an- 'signed, ,• num. l - in a sealed envelope clearlyJ, G. BERRY, Secretary t marked. Huron County Library Board j JOHN G. BERRY Court House,od ' G erich, Ont. ! Clerk -Treasurer, 7:13c j - County of Huron, EQUIPMENT FOR, RENT— Gnderirh, Ontario, Floor Sanders BABY CHICKS-- Floor Edgers, Floor. Polishers STARTED PULLETS, prompt Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. shipment. Ask for list on Ames, BEAVERS HARDWARE Time to order September•OctabeT EXETER , broilers. Bray Hatchery, Erie 2 19tfnc; Garscadden, phone 246-W, Ex-. eters - 13ctt FRAME COTTAGE or house suitable for moving. State price Write Box 225, St. Marys, Ont 6:13* AUCTION SALES Your tender is fo be submitted AUCTION SALE Of Household. Furniture and Real Estate ELIMVILLE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12 New Gibson frig; 4-bu ,:er Sunshine electric stove; new chrome table; 4 chairs, new; 2 rockers; oil burner; 9 -piece din ing room suite; radio cabinet; Son. TV; pedestals; tahle lamps; 3 beds, springs, matt- resses; dressers; day bed; com- modes; chest of drawers; end. tables; cedar chest; small tables; wall brackets; various tables; ironing board; quantity of pic- tures; clothes horse; cupboard; various chairs; cabinet; cistern pump; linoleum, 5x10; kitchen sink; iron bed; quantity of dishes; antique dishes; Brady washing machine; curtains; drapes; centre table; 6 dining room chairs; rocking chair chesterfield; p l a t f or m table Sparton rug, 7x8; wicker chairs 5 dozen sealers; floor polisher. REAL ESTATE: At the same time and place there will be of- feredfor sale the house and lot. 2 -storey solid brick house, lex 20', 2 bedrooms upstairs, 'L bed- rooms downstairs, living room and kitchen, new built-in cup- boards; new bathroom with shower; back kitchen sunroom. HARRY MURCH & MRS.. HAROLD BELL, Executors CLARK FISHER, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 7c 7g COMMUNITY SALE Frank Taylor's Back Yard, TOWN OF EXETER. ' MONDAY, AUGUST 10 at 6:30 p.m. 12 pair drapes; 25 bedspreads, silverware, knives, forks, spoons, about 100 pieces; washing ma chine; hydro stove coal nil; stove; frig; door; dishes of all kinds; bed, springs and matt-, resses. Bring in whatever you have to sell. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 7e AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects CLANDEBOYE SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1959 Coal or wood stove; 2 beds with 'springs and mattresses; hydro lamp; organ; small table: furnaeette :stove; sideboard; 2 chesterfield chairs; rocking chair; .high chair; bedroom suite; toilet. set; round extension table; all kinds of dishes; garden tools; carpenter tools; 2 -burner hot plate; rangette, 2 -burner; bench; radio and cabinet; cooking uten- sils; terosils; quantity wood; radios; 3 kitchen chairs; arm chair: wash tub and board; Ford car. in run - nine condition; flower rack; wicker cradle; buck saw and cross -cul: saw; box and barrels to numerous to mention, MRS. MARY L. LEWIS, Prop. PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer tc AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE NO. 1.069 Approximately l4 acre of land situated at Pt. lot 16, Conces sion 1 L,R,S., Township of Tuckersmith en the east side of Highway No, 4 in the. Hamlet of Kippen, Sale will he held on the proerty at 2:00 P.M. b,S.T. Thursday, August loth, lost, TERMS: ;100.00 t cash or certified cheque at the time of sale, balance payable within 30 days. i , Furtherm.fornratioa may by ob• tained from: The bena:rtmnni of Highways, 335 Saskatoon Street„ London, ()Matto. Telephone: G.L.13450 ott 'rile Auctioneer Mr. I•tarold Jackson, Se aforth, C)ntario. 7 elephoire; 4:74 Seaforth Sale' -.rib,.. : een s legit to reseri a bid, D1t isAR.TMEw'r OF` HIGHWAYS ONTARIO, Ti13e Iffffffffff 11.1111,H„H1,11111.1t,,,1,1,,,11111,1111111,I(,1111111111,1111,1,1111„1,1111114111,1,,,11811110i1111,11111111,11,1„11111 u1,,„I,,,,,,,,1„1„uO,l!Ft l,1,lt„11,,,n,,,,,u,,,„,,11,1111M111Pn,itl4r111111,1,111,11,1111111M1111t11,11U1111,111111114 HELP ANTS[? Men and Women TO WORK DURING LATE AUGUST SE-PTT:MJAE. ON CORN PROCESSING State Whether Days or Nights Preferred APPLY Canadian Canners EXETER Ltd. ONTARIO Bustness Directory • DR, J. W. CORBETT LDS., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons USBORNE & HISSERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office -- Exeter, Ontario President . Rohde RR 3 Mitchell Vice. P resident McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun RR. 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR. 1 Cromarty Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harrie • Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Solicitor W, G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary -Treasurer • Arthur Fraser Exeter Alex J !Hilton ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your ,sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Servkte That Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOQD W. S. O`NI`I , & SON AUCTIONEERS LIVHSToCK GENERAL FARMi�SALES ANI) REAL ESTATE Por sale dates PHONE ;2x17 GRANTON COLLECT ALAN P0WRIE AUCTIONEER Ferqus•, RR I, Ontario PhOtia Ttliw.T; FAraus A COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Graduate M the R'eiseh School of Atietiontering, Meeett , Citye Iowa, !U.S.A. W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTAR'C PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoona 1:30 to 5;30 EXETER PHONE 14 DR, M, H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON LDS„ Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIi OPTQM TR IST Main Street, Exeter Open. Every Weekday Except Wednesday Fer Appointment Phone 315 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Coinmertiel, industrial and Resldetitial Janitor Work FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates HANE 707 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS 1 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE • ETC. Ann .",t., Exeter Phone 504 JOHN V11ARO, O,C, LICENSED CHI RQPRACTOR & DRUGLESS THERAPIST 21 Hill St., Exeter )'hone 571-J for Appointment iBELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS A NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL,O.C. C. V. 'LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER PH4 NR 4 0. A. WEI L D#C,' bo CTdlt oft CHIROPRACTIC. 11itJGLESS THERAPY ?or Appointn)ent Phone Gbh