HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-02, Page 8iPepa l The Times-Advo.cat July r 1.99 ;;ROYALTY SEES FESTIVAL PLAY TONIGHT - Queen :.Elizabeth and Prince Philip will see this scene from "As You Like It" when they attend the Stratford Shakespear- •-ean Festival tonight. Much of the merriment in this play, .:considered one of Shakespeare's best comedies, is caused °tt+ mistaken identities, The festival opened with this pro,- .duction ro- .duction Monday, night. In this scene, Duke Frederick (Max IIelpn)ann) questions Orlando (William Sylvester) as to his identity. Concerned with the outcome is Celia: (Kate Reid), left, and Rosalind (Irene Worth), while behind thein are Touchstone (Douglas Campbell) and Le Beau (Robert Bur- rows), one of two young boys in production, (B-H photo) Crash damage over 42,O00 Probe '.boy's .deaths. Over $2,000 damage was . i u' ' -. distript this past week_u, ry urges es on Saturday, ;cars driven by Nelson. Dow, 21, RR 1 Cromarty,. tral and la, jSeitcollih C,'ded oatesin, 20fra, nc RRof 1 CenLarry- ,Snider Motors bold., about 3 p.m. The Dow car, which had been travelling south, was ,making a left htrn into the garage when it was hit by the northbound Coates vehicle. Damage :amount- ed to CoQ, Failure of brakes was re- sponsible for the collisionof two trunks in the Janeway of Maurice. .Finkbeiner Goshen Line, Saturday, Backing out of the laneway was Domaid Irwin, 26, RR 1 Gorrie, driving a Huron county truck. An. O'Brien Produce truck, driven. by Earl Horner, 25, RR, 2 Zurich, entered the lane and.. stopped. Irwin. saw this truck but when be tried to apply the brakes, they didn't work. The county truck suffered $200 damage. Cars .driven by Eugene Joseph' Creces, 18, RR 1 Dashwood, and Jerome Smith, 32, Sarnia, col- lided on No. 21, a utile north i of St. Joseph, Friday night. The Creces car was making a right hand turn into a laneway when it was struck by the Smith' vehicle, attempting to pass on f the 'right. Hifi The Mover truck suf- fered $200 damage and snapped a hydro pole Thursday when its wheels got onto the soft shoulder of the road. Driver John Fletcher, 36, of Swansea, was travelling south. on No, 4 when the window vent of the right band side flew open. When he reached over to shut it, the van edged off the road, hit- ting the pole which was near the pavement. There are lots of new faces along the main thoroughfare, Jeff Vorheis who operates the Grand Bend Water Ski School has taken over the Camera Shop and will be assisted by Charles Mathews. shment of Dashwood safe An inquest jury; investigating the death of a six-year-old bi- syclist at Dashwood, has recom.- mendedthat a school patrol be established in the village to pre- vent further accidents. The jury, which Diet Wednes- day, June 24, also placed blame on both the boy and the car driver in that accident which killed. Charles George Irwin, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin, Dashwood, on• May 13. The ac- cident occurred at a Main street intersection in the village when the boy was cycling home from school at noon, Driver of the ear, a small Volkswagen, was Gordon E. Tul• loch, 34, RIZ 1 Dorchester. "While we feel the young boy !should have stopped at the inter- { section, we •also feel Mr. Tul- aloch should have seen him soon- er," the jury decided. John Russell Schenk, aged 13, 1 was the first witness and testi- `fled that he was going home from school and saw George 'standing up, pumping his hi - cycle. He saw George slide from 'the hood of the car on the driv- er's side. Asked if the driver of the ear was going fast, he stated: London researcher earns cancer grant Dr, Robert C. Ruck, associate experimental animals rather than professor, department of micro- with spontaneous cancer in hu- sropic anatomy of the University mans, For instance, while virus- of Western Ontario, has been a- es have been observed in cer- tain animal tumours, no virus warded a grant amounting to bas yet been demonstrated in $5,776.30 by the National Cancer malignant lesions in man." Institute of. Canada, an affiliate The electron microscope which of the Canadian Cancer Society. magnifies 200,000 times. offers Dr. Buck will rose the grant the best chance of deteetin; for two.cancer research ex erl- t viruses or virus like particles in p human tumours. menis. The first of these will Dr, Buck's grant is part of a constitute a study by means of nation-wide cancer research pro- the electron mieros.cope of hu- gram conducted by the National man cancer cells obtained from Cancer. Institute of Canada which the Ontario Foundation's cancer this year will provide grants in clinic in London. The second will excess of one million dollars be a study of the "early ,phases for some 83 projects and 26 tel - of the growth of experimental lowships, tumours" that have been 'trans- The Canadian Cancer Society, planted into experimental ani- one of whose ftutetions is to pro. Thais. vide funds for research, supplies Regarding the first experiment, 80''.' of the Institute's budget, Dr. Buck points out that "most Funds collected luring the cur - cancer research is done on can. rent campaign will be used for cern that have been inducedin this purpose. ty patrot "Not' going veryfast," Aaron 'Oestreieher, Dashwood, said he was going east about 100 feet from the intersection, He saw the ear .andheard the -crash, ,The car was not travelling at an excessive rate .of speed, Otto Restemeyer., also of Dash. wood, was walking on the south side .of the street and saw three on bicycles :coming from the sehool. He did not .see the ear until after the crash. He held irp his hand to warn the driver. Gordan Tulloch said he was going west to Grand Bend, He had checkedhis speed at the outskirts of the village and was travelling at 30 miles an hour. He first saw the boy just left of his ear. He did not see bine crossing the highway, Dr. V. Gulens, whose office is nearby, arrived at the scene soon after it happened. Artificial respiration was applied but the hoy died soon after. lois personal impression was that the boy died from a hemorrhage or a broken nock. Robert Hoffman and Tommy Wolfe, both of Dashwood, testi- fied they were at the scene of the accident, PC G W. Mitchell stated that he had investigated the accident. He submitted a number of photo- graphs and the distance of the skidmarks before the car was brought to a stop. Mr. Irwin, father of the lad, contended that from 200 feet east of the intersection a motorist would have a view of a vehicle 40 feet back from the point of impact and had the driver been alert he could have seen the boy on the bicycle and topped twice in the four seconds it would take to cover the distance. The inquest was conducted by - Coroner Dr. J. C, Goddard, of HensaIl. Members of the jury were Arthur Gasser, foreman; Mansell Mason, Garnet Patter- son, Carl Guenther and Fred Beer, Crown Attorney H. Glen Hayes, QC, examined the wit- nesses, Superstition? Here's how it started 0011111UU„„111111fttni 11,1,8r1n„1„1,1/11111111111,1110 CANADIAN Do you avoid making deci- that life progressed in seven- Deluge. when the dove returned f,PROPANE sins on Friday the 13th, or year cycles. to Noah's Ark carrying an olive knock on woodto ward off bad Are you superstitious about branch• luck, or change course when a walking under a ladder? Well, Are you one who believes it's black cat crosses your path? , the ladder is supposed to be as- good luck to have a ericket in If you do, you have lots of sociated with the old symbol of company. Practically everyone life, the Sacred Triangle. Walk - has a pet superstition - and ing under a ladder supposedly most of them are centuries-old. Both the day, Friday,, and the number, 13, for example, have been associated with bad luck throughout recorded, history. Le- gend has it that Eve tempted Adam on Friday, and from the Middle Ages have come mime - breaks the triangle. Do you believe a canary brings happiness to a house? This idea started because can- aries generally are faithful to their mates. Many people who live near the sea believe it's bad luck if a sea - roes tales of misfortune visited ul alights on the house. There's on those who sat 13 at a table. g g or belief - Seaguls ..often come Carrying a rabbit's foot .f a practical reason behind the. good luck -because the rabbit is ashore when a rough storm is so prolific -is another oldsup- brewing at sea. erstitiori. It originated in the All :through history the dove days when families were largely has been. considered a bird 'of self-sufficient, and the more peace. Actually, ]hale doves are children, the better living a fam- ily could wrest from the soil. during the mating season. This If you carry an acorn for good legend probably dates from the luck, you're putting yourself un- der the protection of Thor, god of lightning and thunder. Ages ago, the oak was supposed to be his tree. A four-leaf clover was once considered lucky because it was so rare. Today anyone can buy seed and grow his own. Our forefathers believed that a wish could be held secure in ;HAT -CONSCIOUS WOMAN --Well aware that she will be I duplication too often. Fortunately she has worn a variety i the spot where the two straight :watched by fashion conscious women across Canada, the of hats since the beginning of the tour. :Queen. had the problem of bringing enough hats to avoid (CP photo)' lines of a cross intersected. Promote �- Continued from. page 1 X,aurie Illingworth, Mary Lou McCann, Catherine Racier, Ken 3reth Richardson, Marlene Stone, Eunice Thiel, Ronald Truenmer, Carole Westcott, Credit Felix Boogemans, Sharon Des - Jardine, Sharon Elder, Nick Fe- 'dossa, Peter Ftayne, John Gil- bert, Alma Hendrick, Marlene 141cMillatt, Jane Manore, Bill Haver, Richard Moon, Phyllis Julerkley, Sandra Morris, 'Diane Rannie, Shirley Reid, William Wagner, Wayne Willert. !Conditional promotions Pauline Adams (AgSe, Fr), 'Kathie Anderson (Atg, AgSc), iaren Essery (Hist, AgSc), Don- na Fisher (Alg AgSc), John Gil- bert (Fr), Carole Gibbons (Ag fic), Kathryn. Hicks (Hist, AgSe), :The Katsina (Eng, ).list), Ray x,4iller (Eng, Fr), Judy More (Fr, AgSc), Bob Murray (Alg ,Agse),,,Gerald Prance (Eng, Hist); Diane Ryckman (AgSe), Ruth Roeszler (AgSc), Sandra .Sharrow (Lat, Alg), .Douglas Shirray (Let, Alg), Gleria Tin- mey (Eng AgSc), Lenore Trott ' (Alg, AgSc), " GRADE 10 First data honors Evelyn. Dcnonme, Betty. 1)b- ren, John Etheringtois, Ann Gray. 1 I' Catherine l -T 1 tns +e , C oc g Barbara. 1'1eDonald, Grace McKenzie, Ro- t/161d Marshall, Keith Morley, T)a vid O'Rei1Cv, ; Cobert Schroeder, Mary Shaw, Sandra Snider, Wit- paiit Syst.tiia, Jane Syrier, ,Tudy Tennant, Sadie Vancieriaan, ,roan Westhoff, Jack Zonclag, Helen Zimmer. $ecbnd,t(ilss honors „ Ronald Beichert, Anctre Dor- itnd, Judy Easton,. Barry Grain- ger, Christine Gttlens, Diane Beeks, Catrole Iiogartit, Ruth Horne, Helen t4'un)phries, Steve Cyle; Margaret Oke, Peter Plan - lino, , Manor Prang, Ruth Ret. temeyet',. Patricia Raine, !'erne Swarl2rr)truber, )harry Swanson,' jean:ale 'Tasker, )reiirs Van Wle- tten, Gvelyr Wilson, Jack Yung. blot,, third thi 4s honors Yi teryle Ailey, Paul • ITtiaehe:r,. From this has come our habit of keeping our fingers crossed to make a wish come true. • iFsgofcTs'tep'rr:;:rAuc:,ty'?3,'P-'4htevilDur out of five H __. stu: is theleftly, acrd i Elizabeth Bannister, Bryan Boh- thron, Margaret Brock, William Brown, Diane Carpenter, Bren- da Clarke, Eileen Cooper, Teresa Corriveau, Diane Delbridge, Ju- dy Elder, Douglas Galloway, Laurence Howard, Doreen Ken- ney, Donald Killeen, June Lor- raine, Maryanne L' ostell, Kath- ryn Love, Larry Lovie, Dean Mc- Knight, Rutharine Rader, June Rader, ,Tack Stephan, Betty Sh,e- phen, Ellwood Webb; Credit Fluerette Allaert, David Baker, Sylvia Becker, Gordon .Brown, Marilyn ))esjardine, Bonnie Do- err, lames Hamilton, Bill Har- vey, Shirley Henderson, William Ingratn,.Diane ,Johns, Bob John- son, William Kin g, Richard Klapp, Margaret Knight, Ronald Latta, Barbara Ann Morley, Ka- tharine Page, Marion Pepper, Edward. Sanders, William Shad - Conditional promotion's :Keith Anderson (Ma, Fr•), Paul �- 'Bedard� � r (Geog, , I r), Harold Blanchard (Eng, I•list), Neva Cockwell (Hist, Ma), Marie De- homme (Ma, !list), Jantes Fos- ter (Lat, Fr), Dave Green ((eog), Don Jermyn (Fr, Hist), Glen Lamport (Ma, Grog), )(en Leatherdale (Ma, Er), !toss tit' tie (1•r, Geog), Donald Manley (J' ),, William. 1Vtc1(innon (Ata, Lat), Barbara Moore (Ma, Eng), Enid Palethorpe (Ma, Fr) 'Betty Pickering (Ma), Jane festemey. et (Ma), Carole Sehncle (Ma, Geng), Roy Smith (Ma), Calh,. rine Thiel (Ma, Geog), Donald Thompson (V r, Ma), Donna Turn- bull (maGeagT, , velyn Wilson (Ma), Bob WoodsMist, MA), Barbara Zimmer (AgSc, 1!r), GRADE 9' First class iioior3' Robert, 'Becker,,Carol Blown, Xanclra timber Marcia Desjar- dine, !toss festarclilie, ,Terry Drysdale, if r 1 e n tY Dueharnle, Aus))it Gulens, ,Jannis Gultn, meanie "Etngarlh, ;s"rant'i's ,Johns, Piggy Cod(lat'd, Detr);las Hod* . int, liitrlune icing ,Sharon Mr - Bride, Donna Marshall* Robert lviioklo, Rutit Aiding Iroltrrrs Mock, Peter Piroth, Allan Prang, Marlene Keller (Ma, Ills(.); Mary Scene, Carolyn Smillie, Marys, McBride (AgSc), Dennis Judy Snelgrove, Patricia Tinline, MacDonald (Shop, Rist), Joyce Dale 7.'urvey, Donna Ventin, t e alis (Geog., Ma), Arthur Audrey Kerjcerk, Diane Wil.lert, McLean (Eng, Geog) Harry Moir (Ma), 1 -toward Rannie (Geog, Agri), Gary Redman (Fr), Ed- die Roeloffs (Ma, Hist), Allan 1 oszel (Ma, Geog), Garry Row- cliffe (Eng, Ma), Brian Sanders (Ma, Shop) Lloyd Simpson (SS, Ala), Shirley Sixtus (SS AgSe), Marjorie Hendrick, Leslie Har- t: on . n a, gr , ar(1a• The belief that: breaking e mfr. Shirley Johns, Marion Kerslake, (.ng, . ), George Watson (.r)•; luck began when mirrors were Bussell 'Mope, Jean Krueger, Sharon Laurence, Ross Miller, Marilyn Morgan, Janet Morlock. Seek CTA :(rill Noakes, Danis Pepper, `Poo Plumb, Ann Marie Rowe, Fred - Continued from page 't Sanders, Brenda Shock, Gregory He said .finances for the earn Speneer, Heidi Schroeder, Jim paign would be raised through Sweitzer, Mervin Taylor, Karen a public subscription, Taylor, Karen Tinned, Wend Vanderlaan, Donald Weigand. The petition, addressed "7`0 lean, Donald Weigand. the Honourable the Secretary of. Third class honors State of Canada," reads: Alvin )Becker, Harvey Bier•ling, "We, the undersigned elector's Albert )3ilstra, Allan Brokenshire, of the County of )intron, request Brian Christian, Sherill Clark, yeti to talce notrte that we ,pro Mary Dalton, Barbara ))uncles, pose presenting the following John Dundas, Linda Glover, Ron- petition to His Excellency the aid Grattan, Bill Hallawell, Lin- da Ilayter, Mary Jane Hoffman, Council, Jo -Anne Hood, Bruce iiorton, "The petition of the elee.tors Margaret liotson Annagien Hum-' of the County of Huron, qualified melt, Dale Hunt, David )1unl,! and competent to vote the elec.: Paul Irwin Larry ,tones, Rob-, tion of a member at the )-louse erl. T,atitartie, Gordon Murphy, Commons in: the said County, Shirley Radford, Marie Regier, respectfuily shows that your pt' - Gerald Shantz, Earl Wagner,'titioners are desirous that; the Mildred Weibrrg, !Order in Council passed for Credit ;bringing into fared within the' Jackie 13rin1nc'1T, `I�(r-y t ns-! said County Pitot ).f of tltr Can- , v. it t lei ixiclt 1:a 1}u-• ads 7eniperance Bet, should lie gto e, iVl tot e , ... y .i revoked, wherefore your eti- chatmr., Jin) rinkbeiner, laic p 1"inkbeiner, D a r 1.'i+ n e 1�'rayne, tioners litttilbly pray that'Your i Excellency will he pleated IVlartin Inning, Il'ettnr 1Vfit;LeAn, Order in Council in by an• Carole MeL ocl, Wayne moan Order C lder section Paul Turnbull, mallard Verity, nue, hundred and sixteen of the Nancy Wilds, !Canada Temperance .Act, to de - Nancy that the said: Ordoh Judy Wilson, John Ziler, Second class honors Janet Blair, Carol fossenber- ry, Gerald Cameron, Donald Cann, Roger Cann, Leo Creces, Andy Desjardine, Grace Eagle- -that: they could be blinded by. a ' � over the left shoulder. }" It's bad luck to kill a frog -- because people once believed !frogs contained the souls of dead children. I There's an old superstition that if a girl is kissed seven :times under the mistletoe in one day she will soon marry. This, of course, is just common son, Marilyn Frayne, Ann Hockey, , sense, Got S cls (M A ) M yard, Sharon Hume, Fred kl;yde, ret "lomainson (SS) Robert Thiel brings seven year's bad F SS C W t F !pinch of salt thrown Con'difronat promotiont 'otrncilWhiCh brought rttb itoree Prank Doyle (Ma, ago) Jnyre: and effect 'Pat't )1 of the :snit) iickcy (Eng, SS)) Raney !ah Canada Tcm eran e Act, in the neoT ` bla l'r) Marlene Prayn&-' t ger said County, shall no longhe n (8. Shirley Gather (SI' in tette, Ma). Mtn thli tithe)• �(A8tt,• 1.ttgl, ` "And that the tlosirr that the llawanrt ltaylerr clang, .Sol)),,vntes of the eleriors or the said TTrfarr Hem (51:1', . "r), F`I'atrtes t County be taken for and against J4ekson (SS, J'r), Harold Jaques t the revocation: of the said Order (Ms, Fr)r .Stolt Jarrot't (5,15Mil Council." luxury items. People feat that if they smashed a mirror they wore also smashing themselves and choir good fortune. Witt/ seven years' had luck? Simply because our forebears believed .-..a r *,A, quart of oil ;and a 'doers light bulbsl" ) d83* ,r •. Y+SfwS A AL'S 6A'R. C a f� ✓ eenero SH bP. aeG GM4,dv ,� i "tutil lea§ rs * great tiittll the who144 kl.lgltbt+rhbod tet oti e to, Wsbatra What's your !crop IQ? Try this Crops Quiz and see how your answers compare with those of the crops experts of the. Ontario Department of Agri- culture. Knowing and praetising the right one could make or save. you that extra dollar. 1. Why is Climax timothy bai- ler g tom NluYmooloonoooko1,a,,,n,illltlgYllillilflYr1 omoroti,,, moonotoon OYfImonootYYYYY ou,- t�,;an common lamollty, (a) s the house? The creature's cheer- ful chirp is responsible for the superstition. But you would soon discount e belief if thyou lived in southern areas where cric- kets have voracious appetites for clothes. Did you ever wish on a load': of hay? This old custom origi- nated because a good crop of hay usually meant a good har- vest of *other crops. Like knocking on wood, the custom of throwing eoins into the sea, or into a fountain, dares back to early mythology. Peo- ple sought favors from gods of the water by offering them coins. -Ontario Hydro News Now Is The Time To Have Those GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HQTSQN Phone 156 Grand Bend /IIIlrl,l,lllt,lll„I B, O,411ii„ri„1, matili 1rri1ulu,n,• RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING JEWELLERY 39 Years' Experience on * Watches * Chime Clocks * Grandfather Clocks * Cuckoo Clocks * Electric Clocks Your timepiece will receive Hardwood wooe Floors; prompt, certified care LAID OR RE SURFACED j Why entrust your timepiece to n inexperienced repairrilan? For Further Information Phone Aibert G. Hess MurrayNeil Certified Watchmaker 7 & Jeweller 734 Exeter, Ont, ZURICH, ONTARIO 'bigger yield. (h) earlier (c) more leafy (d) quicker aftermath. 2. Your fertilizer hag says 4- 24-12. What percentage of phos- phate is in it?? (a) 4'%= (h) 24% (c) 12'.. 3. When is the best time to topdress winter wheat for best yields? (a) April. 1 (h) May 15 (c) May 1 (d) October 15. 4. If you live in Halton County, what crop region do you live in? (a) Region A (b) Region B (c) Region C (d) Region D. 5, How much nitrogen is in 120 pounds of ammonium nil-, rate? (a) 120 pounds (b) 40 pounds (c) 64 pounds (d) 33� pounds. 6. One of these chemicals isn't: seed treatment, Which ono? (a)' Ccresan (h) Leytosan (c) Sima- zin (d) Puraseed. 7. One of these legumes had praetieally no winter -kill last winter. Can you name it? (a) alfalfa (b) Ladino (c) birdsfoot trefoil, 8. Best fertilizer~ placement for corn? (a) 2 inches to the side, 2 inches below the seed (b) J inches below,, 2 inches to the side of the seed (e) t' inch below, 2 incites to the side of the seed, Announcernent Harvey's Taxi of Exeter will take over the ambulance service for Exeter and commun- ity starting July 1. R. C. DINNEY HOPPER-HQCKEY Ambulance ic;-.... We are fully equipped in handle all ambul- ance calls promptly and efficiently. ST. JOHNS AMBULANCE CERTIFICATE HARVEY'S TAXI Len Harvey, . ,attager Phone 102 '�aamu,onnour,nnuuul,r„n„nunuun,uunn,munnunnnnnnn,a,n,undl,unnuunu,nnunuulrlun�'�. a„1,runnnuuurnuumnuimmm�unmuluuuu,um„uY,uunuuu,rruouuanuunarn,n,uuuarYrYYYYYnu, 9. If eows graze alfalfa during ri the month that the.erop is pro- ducing buds, it will seriotisiy hurt next year's stand. What's the ninth that Cows should lie kept off alfalfa? (a) May (Foil July (e) September, r �S t bei•. p ANSWERS: 'a -c; 2-b; 3._.4 4--1). 5'--br 6--c( 7-c; 8--a; 9- c. Phone 102 liar' HARVEY'S. ' TAXI AND �RUL . NCr wy��y YY � 4� 14,146(lit tERM r4E Last Calf! Wc Need Old Eye Glasses. Y xeter Lions Club is collecting old eye Masses to send to Il1la where they l1 be distributed butenamong the needy. If you have a Bair or two which are no longer :on serviceable whynot donate thein to us so g that we may put thein to good use? 'You may. deposit theat any of the following stores or give thein to any member of the Lions Club. Closing Gate .July 15 bINNEY FURNITURE * BEAVERS HARDWARE * $W ELGROVE5 * "HURON LUMBER COMPANY 'USSEL 1( E� CTRrd. A aarvt �Pr rapt o# xef or Liont 4104 i`. YYYIIri1YYY11rYYfYb}tYYYYwrY0Y}}ili, IYYYnYYYYIiYY1YnnYnYnn4 ti