HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-02, Page 5P404 $ July 2, 1959
and district news
Mrs. .Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Dance ends
club's year
The Hensall Kinsmen held
their last dinner meeting of the
year at the Blue Water Motel
Restaurantwhere they enter-
tained their wives, Kinettes, and
special guests, which were Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Baynham, Exe-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beer, Miss
Eleanor Venner, and Mr. Eric
Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs. John
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fink,
Miss Lois McLellan and Ron
Broderick of Hensall.
Kinsman President Harold
Knight was given a plaque in ap-
preciation of his outstanding
work during the past year, the
presentation was made hy De-
puty Governor Bill Mickle,
An appropriate toast was made
to the ladies by Ross Jinks,
which was replied to by Bar-
bara Auston.
Dancing was enjoyed after the
Meeting. The spot dances were
won by Norma Coleman. and her
partner, Lorne Hay, and Eliza-
beth Charrette and her partner,
Bob Baker,
Personal items
Mr. George Otterbein of Pres-
ton visited ever the weekend
with his father, Mr, William Ot-
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Peters and
Bonnie are spending a few days
holidaying with
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Le Roy Peters. •
55 10 Hay
enjoys picnic
'Students at SS 10 Hay, their
teacher, parents and friends, en-
joYed their annual picnic under
ideal weather conditions at Ri-
verview Park, Exeter, on Friday.
Eighty attended.
Sports under the direction of
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Elder and
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Munn were
a highlight of the picnic. The
winners were: races 5 and under,
Roddy Chapman, Sandra Munn;
7 to nine years, Freddie Elder,
Margaret Rooseboom; 10 to 12
years, John Elder, Steve Elder;
13 years and over, Helen Was-
son, Mary Wayne.
Married womens race, Mrs. R.
Ingram, Mrs, Lorne Chapman;
wheelbarrow race, Barrie Mous-
seau, and Steven Elder; sack
race, Helen Wasson; ladies kick
the slipper, Mrs. Ken Elder;
men's leg show, Mr. Hugh Mc-
Ewen; relay race, men's vs.
women, with the men the win-
ners; eating soda biscuits, and
then whistle, Hein Rooseboom;
passing the box, George Arm-
strong. peanut scramble; gues-
sing beans; Mrs. Rooseboom.
Old pupils of No. 10 attending
N'ere Neil Taylor and Sharon El-
Friends attend
silver wedding
Guests attending the 25th wed-
ding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Scruton of Port Do-
ver, the former Elva: Shaddick
of Hensall, on Sunday, June 28,
at their home were Mr. and Mrs.
P. L. McNaughton and Robert;
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett and
Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hor-
ton. Jane and Bruce; Mr. and
Mrs. E. Shaddick and Bill; Mr.
and Mrs. George Parker, Cindy,
and Ricky.
The occasion was observed with
a family dinner and supper
which featured turkey with all
the trimmings, and an anniver-
sary cake. Mr. and Mrs. Scruton
were the recipients of many
lovely gifts.
Personal items -
Mrs. Margaret Evans and
family of Waterloo spent the
weekend with Mrs. Evans' par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Y. Mac -
Mrs. Art O'Hara and son Pe-
ter returned last week to their
home in Belleville after holiday-
ing with the former's mother,
Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Rey.
CompQr1 givqn With
each $1 purchase
No. 4 Hwy,
Pastor preaches
farewell sermon
Rev. Chas D. Daniel, minister
of the United and Chiselhtirst
churches for the past four years
who is retiring to Ingersoll after
44 years in the ministry preached
his farewell sermon on Sunday
A baptismal font, a gift from
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, was
dedicated by the minister.
Rev. and Mrs. Daniel left Mon-
day for their summer cottage
north of Goderich where they will
spend the summer months.
Their daughter and son-in-law,
Rev, George Sneers and Mrs.
Mrs. Speers and two sons, Danny
and John, nf Saskatoon will ar-
rive en Thursday, July 3 to spend
part of the summer with thern.
PS lets contract
for supply house
At a meeting of the Hensel'
School Board Thursday evening
:a contract for a supply building
for the Public School to house
the caretaker's supplies was
awarded to Gooding Lumber
Company of Parkhill. The build-
ing of the 10x12 structure will
start as soon as possible.
Purchase home
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lenag-
hen of Exeter have purchased
the residence of the late Mrs.
Annie Blatchford, on Richmond
Street South. They have five
children, Robert, 19, Douglas, 17,
Danny, 12, Donald, 11, and Lin-
da, 10. They hope to move in be-
fore the end of the month.
Personal items
Two daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Smillie, Hensall,
have passed with honors exami-
nations of the Western Conser-
vatory of Music, Sharon was
sucessful in grade four har-
mony tests and Carolyn received
first class honors in grade two
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Charetie
are having a ranch style home
built on Richmond St. south and
expect to move in by the end of
July. It is being prefabricated
by a London firm.
Local resident
goes,to London
Mrs. James W. Bonthron, resi-
dent of Hensell for the past 45
years, will on July 8 take up
residence on 328 Ridout St.
South, London. Mrs, Bonthron
moved with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Yungblut, from Au-
burn to Hensall where her late
father was a shoe merchant.
A valued and active member
of Carmel Presbyterian Church,
a member and soloist of the
choir for some years, 0.14 was
a former president of the Wom-
an's Missionary Society and
Ladies Aid, and was associated
with the welcome and welfare
work of the church for 16 years.
Personal items
Miss Bernice Dilling of Sarnia
is holidaying with .her parents,
Mr: and Mrs. Wilbert Dining.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Munn vi-
sited on Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Gooding, Debbie and
Donnie in Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rowe and
Pat attended the Rowe reunion
near Toronto on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Hildebrand, of
Wheatley, spent Sunday with
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and
Mrs. Margaret Tye, of St.
Thomas, is visiting with hex
daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. J. R. "Scottie" Hume and
Baby dies in bed
from suffocation
Seven months old Bryan Ilis-
back, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Bisback, was found dead in his
home shortly after 4 pan. on Fri-
day afternoon. Dr. J. C. Goddard
said death was from asphyxia
tion due to inhalation of vomit.
The mother put the baby to
bed earlier in the afternoon.
Checking later she found him
dead and ran with him across
the road to the home of Mrs. Ca-
therine Redden, and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Alex 'Shorthoese, called
the doctor.
Dr. Goddard, coroner, said
•-• there would not be an inquest.
Hensall lady
new officer
Mrs. William Chambers, dis-
trict deputy president of District
•,?3 of the Rebekah Assembly of
Ontario. IOOF, presided at the in -
.augural meeting in Amber Rebe-
kah Lodge Hall last Wednesday
Representatives were present
from Goderich, Brussels, Sea -
forth, Hensall, Clinton and Exe-
ter lodges,
Mrs. Chambers gave a detailed
report of her year's work in Dis-
trict 23, By-laws were read by
the secretary - treasurer, Mrs.
Stewart Dick.
Mrs. Chambers, assisted by
distrist deputy marshal, Mrs., H.
Beavers, Exeter, presented Mrs.
H. Parker, Hensall for installa-
tion as DDP for the incoming
term. DDP Mrs. Parker pre-
sented PDDP Mrs. Chambers
with her jewel.
Mrs. 'William Caldwell was ap-
pointed secretary -treasurer. Mrs.
Parker spoke briefly thanking
the lodges for the honor she has
A short program followed in -
eluding a reading by Miss M. El -
Us, a vocal solo hy Mrs. Milani
Brown accompanied by Mrs, Wil-
liam Fuss, a duet by Mrs. Hugh
Mawan and Mrs, William Fuss
accompanied by Mrs. William
Refreshments were served by
Noble Grand Mrs. Inez McEwan
and her officers.
PS students
d r ,
tour eatortn
Grade 5 and 6 pupils, and
some of their mothers were
guests of their teacher, Mrs.
Wallace Haugh, on a trip to Sea -
forth, on Thursday afternoon.
They visited the creamery, Bos -
hart Furniture Factory, Huron
Expositor, Skip -Along -Shoe Fac-
tory, and Dr. McMaster's rose
garden. They then returned to
Mrs. Haugh's farm near Bruce7
field, and were shown a fine coi-
lection of 35 guns by the proud
owner, Allan Haugh. The girls
were delighted with the display
of over 50 pepper and • salt
shakers collected by S u a n e
Mrs. Haugh gave awards to
the children for various accom-
plishments. Lunch was served.
The children are to write an
essay on their trip.
Personal items
Dr, William T. Joynt of Lon-
don was a weekend visitor with
his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters and
Bonnie are holidaying with their
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. LeRoy Peters in Pem-
brooke. •
Mr. Clay Auston has been pro-
moted to assistant accountant at
the Bank of Montreal at Delhi,
He will be moving shortly.
Union services
start in Carmel
Union services are being held
in the Carmel Presbyterian and
United churches for the summer',
months. Both the church school
and congregation of the United
church will join with the Presby-
terian congregation f or the
month of July and the first Sun-
day in August and both congrega-
tions will worship together in the
United Church for August and
first Sunday in September.
On Friday evening, July 3
Bev. Currie Winlaw BA BD, will
be inducted as minister of Hen -
sail United church.
Surviving besides the parents 1
are four brothers, Jimmy, Pe-
ter, Allan, and Kevin.
Bonthron funeral directors
were in charge- of funeral ar-
Graveside rites were held Sun-
day. conducted by Dr. A. Semple
of Egmondville United Church.
Burial was made in Egmond-
vine cemetery.
Canvass village
for blood donors
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary,
wilt canvassthe village on Tues-
day evening July 7, for blood
donors. If anyone is willing to
give blood at the Blood Clinic at
the Legion Hall on Wednesday.
July 22 he or she will be asked
to sign a card.
The recreation activities for
the next five weeks will take
place in the arena and park on
Monday. July 6 at 9 a.m., morn-
ings only, except Fridays when
the children will he taken swim -
Ming at Turnbull's Grove. Par-
ents of the children are re-
quested to offer their services to
take the children there.
The minor baseball teams are
doing very well. Last week three
games were played, two here
and one in Goderich, Congratu-
HENSAt.4. BROWNIES "FLY UP" --Five Hensall ..'rownies advanced to the Girl Guide
company in a colorful "flying up" ceremony Friday night at which parents were
present. 9.'he girls were, from left, Barbara..Schwalm, Donna Wilkinson, Linda Mock,
Lois Simmons and Ann Mickle. With them, back row, are Miss Lauretta Siegner,
Exeter, district commissioner; Guide Pat Rowe, who Was .awarded her all-round cord;
Mrs. Bill Fink, Guide captain; and Mrs. Earl Rowe, Brown Owl. Badges and awards.
were presented to both Brownies =and Guides. Photo
Hensall PS promotions
•••,, • •• • •
The following are graduating WYnja.
children from Hensall Publie
School for 1959.
Kindergarten to Grade 1
Iris Alexander, Troyann Bell,
Joey Bengough, Allan Bisback,
Billy Cameron, Garry Clement,
Larry DeitzJohn Jaques, Joyce
Johnston, Anne Keys, David Kip-
fer, Brenda Koehler, Caroline
Loraine, Douglas Mock, Rolfe
Alton, Joey Reahurn, Barbara
Sawyer, Earl Shorthouse, Donna
Smith, Jacueline Simmons, John-
tga'tI'sgIV.or, John Thompsoe, Billy
Teacher—Mrs, Howard Scene.
Grade 1 to grade 2
Margaret Allen, Debra Ander-
son, Beverly Clark, Ronald Cle-
ment, Beth Cook, Kenneth Fer-
guson, Mark Fiford, Donna For-
lations to the winners, also to rest, Linda Hay, Kay Hovius,
the losers, don't get discouraged Billy Hoy, Murray Hume, Carol
about losing. It is often said "It Kerr, Dorothy Kipfer, Lynda
is not how you won or lost, but Koehler, Mary Mock, Linda Reid,
how you played the game." Keith Roszel, Pamela Sangster,
Within the next five weeks Marjorie Schwalm, Jane Smith,
there will be several trophies Pamela Taylor, Peggy Vanstone,
given for various activities, also Murray Walker, Heather Wat-
two shields for the winners of son.
the games, and ribbons to the Teacher—Mrs: Robert Elgie.
children achieving high marks
d 3
G 2 t
for attendance, and taking part rade o grae
in the sports. These will be. given
out on a special Field Day near
the. end of the summer school;
date to he announced later.
It is hoped that softball games
will also be resumed, with the
diamond now getting in shape,
and enthusiasm shown by sev-
Billy Bengough, Janice Bonth-
ron, Betty Cameron, Carolyn
Cook, :Billy Corniel, Michael
Davis, Muriel Ferguson, Lynda
Fuss, Dianne. Goodinee Keith
Havens, Michael Hoy, Patricia
Hume, Susan Jinks, Roy Johns.
ton, Kenneth Jones, John Joynt,
eral of our local boys, also some, Linda Keys, Sharon Lavery,
from Zurich and Exeter, andi John Moir, Cheryl Mousseau,
General Coach wishing to use the I Patricia Parke, Allan Reid, Vir-
ball diamond. ginia Shorthouse, Sharon Smale,
Anyone wishing to join a soc- Robert Taylor, Darrell Wyatt .
cer team here may get in touch Teacher—Mrs. Albert Shirray.
with .me at 247 W.
Isaiii ii a ## IMIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111 00000 1111111111111111,1111II111111111,11111111I111110111111111111111111111111111111ii,
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Phone SO,
All PS teachers
to return to staff
There will be no change'in the
teaching staff of Hensel). Public
school when school resufnes in
the fall.
Kinder erten leacher is Mrs
H. Scane; grade 1, Mrs. Beryl
Elgie; grades 2 and 3, Mrs. May -
belle Shirray; grades 3 and. 4,
Eric Mansfield; grades 5 and 6,
Mrs, M. Haugh; grades 7 and 8,
Robert Reaburn, principal.
Grade 3 to grade 4
Christine Cameron, Arlene
Chipchase, John Goddard, Kathy
Henderson, Linda Jane Kipfer,
Gary Kyle, Wendy Loraine, Bren-
da Noakes, Floyd Riley, Jane
Sawyer, Charles Schwalm, Joan
Simmons, John Skea, Billy Tay-
lor, Roger Wilkinson, Ettie
Personal items
Mrs. Margaret Vair, Bruce -
field, was a weekend visitor with
her sister, Mrs. L. Simpson.
More Hensall News On Page 6
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Teacher—Mr, E. Mansfield.
Grade 4 to 5
Gary Anderson, Colleen Bayn-
ham, Peter Bisback, Ricky
Buchanan, Bevan Bonthron, Gor-
don Deitz, Paul Drysdale, Joyce
Flynn, Bruce Forrest, Clark For-
rest, Laverne Harburn, Jake
Hovius, Flora Lee Johnston,
Grant J o n e s, Suzanne Kyle,
Cheryl Little, Bob Moir, Wendy
Moir, Heather Reid, M.ary Saw-
yer, Gwen Shorthousc, Ruth
San ale, Bill Soldan, Grant Walker,
Teacher—Mr. E. Mansfield.
Grade 5 to grade 6
Danny Cameron, Bobby Car-
lisle, Billy Chipchase, Bryan
Fink, Bob Forrest, Glenn Har-
burn, Sadie Hovius, Danny Kip-
fer, Dianne Koehler, Alvin Lav-
ery, Marcia Little, Ann Mickle,
Linda Mock, Bonnie P'eters, Don-
ald I7ley, Ann Sawyer, Barbara
Schwalm, Lois Simmons, David
Smale, Bobbie Smale, Brian
Smillie, Jo -Ann Stanton, George
Taylor, Donna Wilkinson.
Teacher --Mrs, Haugh.
Grade 6 to grade 7
Eric Campbell, Bill Fisher,
Bonnie Foster, Nancy K y 1 e,
Anne Lawrence, Suzanne Ran-
nie, Gail Sangster, Otto Smale,
Clark Webster, Zwaantzi Wynja,
Grade 7 to Grade 8
Jim Bisback, Lyle Christian,
Wayne Ellwood, Keith Hay, Lin-
da Johnston, Robert IVIeNatigh.
ton, Bob Middleton, Ted Mock,
Patsy Moir, Linda Noakes, Ruth
Petty, Dianne. Reid, Cathy Scane,
Gary Scholl, Brenda Smillie,
George' Stasik, David Taylor,
Ruth Ann Traquair, Reino
Teacher—Mr. Robert Reaburn.
Promoted from Grade 8 to 9
Ron Beaton, David Buchanan,
Jack Chipchase, Don Ferguson,
13i11 Harburn, Sylvia Henderson,
Louise Jones, Elaine Keys, Gary
Lawrence, Kathryn Roszel, Shar-
ron Skidmore.
Teacher—Mr, Robert Reaburn,
Local gids
win awards
Friday evening the lst Hensafl
Brownie Pack and Guide Cam.
pany entertained their parents
and friends in the United Church
Sunday School, A welcome was
extended by Brown Owl, Mrs,
Earle Rowe and the Guide Cap'
Lain, Mrs. William Fink.
Brownies gave a demonstra-
tion of the Fairy Ring, conducted
by Tawny Owl, Mrs. Robert
Cook, Guide Lieutenant, Mrs,
George Parker assisted with
games, and receiving parents.
Miss L. Siegner, Division Corn*
missioner for Huron presented
Brownie awards including golden
bars to Christine Cameron, Lynn
Faber, Joyce Flynn, Suzanna
Kyle, Cheryle Little; golden
hands to Linda Mock, Barbara
Schwalm, Lois Simmons Donna
Wilkinson, proficiency badges,
(minstrel) to Lois Simmons,
Joyce Flynn, (skaters) Ann Mic•
kle, (house orderly) Ann Mic-
kle, (writer) Ann Mickle,
Receiving Brownie Wings, and
flying up to guides were, Lois
Simmons, Lina Mock, Barbara
Schwalm, Donna Wilkinson, Ann
Mickle. Arlene Chipchase was en-
rolled as a Browme.
Guide awards presented by
Miss Siegner were: cooks badge,
June Loraine, and Mary Scane;
second c 1 a s s, Louise ,Tones,
Elaine Keys, Sharon Skidmore,
Patsy Schwalm, Cathy Scene,
Ruth Ann Traquair, Linda
Noakes, and Mary Payne, Pat
Rowe was presented with four
badges the needlewoman, handy.
womens, laundress, and little
house; also her all round cord.
Pat Hume was welcomed to the
lst Hensall Pack on transfer
from St. Thomas.
Thursday July 2, Guides and
Brownies will travel by bus to
Stratford where a place has been
reserved for them to see the
SS 7 Hibbert
honors couple
An enjoyable time was spent
at SS 7 Hibbert in the form of
a school picnic, when Mr. and
Mrs, Wilbur Adkins were pre-
sented with a chrome card table
and chair.
The address was read by Mrs.
Jack Brintnell and the presenta-
tion was made by Mrs. Alvin
Cole. A presentation of gifts
were made- to Mr. and Mrs.
Adkins' family by the pupils of
the school.
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