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• Pape 10 The Tilnes,A!tivacate, July 2 1959
District schools Iist
Mrs. Irene Haugh, teacher,',
announces :promotions at SS 1
Grade 7 to 8—Margaret Hyde,
Douglas Jeffery, Kathryn. Oke.
Grade 6 to 7— Kenneth Oke,
Fobert Reynolds, Keith Strang.
Grade 5 to 6 Betty Knox,
w' Allen Ake, R n n n i. a Parsons,
Nancy Strang.
Grade 4 to 5—Jim Knox, Jo-
•ephine Westlake, Milo West -
Grade 3 to 4—Ronnie Dougall,
Dianne Oke.
Grade 2 to 3—Barbara Doug -
Grade 1 to 2 -Lynda Dougall,•
Joyce Ferguson, Marion Parsons,
Floyd Westlake.
SS 2 Usborne
• Mrs, Russell Mills, teacher,
'. reports promotions for SS No.
2 Usborne (Thames Road).
• (Natnes in alphabetical order)
Grade 8 to 9 — Danny Coward,
",' ,Albert Vanderlaan, Marilyn,
Oracle 7 to 8 — Ronnie Cow
• -bird, Anne Johns, Margaret Johns,
Tinie V.anderiaan, Barbara Web-
- her.
Grade 6 to 7 —
Janet Rowe,
Grade 5 to 6 — Douglas Cow-
' *rd, Lennie Hume, Joyce Maver,
Poortingna, Joyce Weber.
Oracle 4 to 5 .Judy Coward,
Steven Johns, David Passmore,
. Marlene Webber.
Grade 3 to 4 Bobbie Ilume,
Wayne Maver, Dennis Passmore,
Douglas Rohde, Bobby Snow.
'Grade 2 to 3 — Jack Hodgert,
• Margaret Hunkin, Elaine Johns,
Linda Knight, Beverley Pass-
Grade 1 to 2 = Harold Johns,
' Terry Johns, Jack Maver, Judy
•Maver, Brian !Miller, Glenn,
Rohde, Dermis . Rowe, Bruce
• Simpson, Douglas Webber.
Grade 1 beginners are: Grant
Hodgen, Joanne Hodgert, Janice
iohns, Jimmy Snow and Mar-
lene Stewart.
• SS 3 Usborne
• Jean Keith, teacher of SS 3
• Osborne, announces the follow-
• ing promotions:
• Grade 8 to 9 — Grace Allan,
• Helen Ballantyne, Barry Br.int-
toell, Joan Francis, Bernice For-
' rest, Charles Gardiner, Irene
Oracle 7 to 8 — James Allan,
• Douglas Allan, John. Forrest,
Glen McElrea, Marilyn Neil.
Grade 6 to 7—Bobby Forrest,
Marilyn Gardiner, Gary Simp-
son, Sharon Stone.
Grade 5 to 6—Ronald Clarke,
Bruce Park.
•`• ' Grade 4 to Gradp 5—Phyllis
"'Allan, Faye Duncan, James Dun-
'• can, Alex Gardiner.
Grade 3 to 4—Edith Forrest,
' Ellen Simpson, Willamine Syrier.
Grade 2 to 3 — Diane Allan,
,Dennis Duncan.
SS 4 Usborne
• Mrs, Katherine Becker, teach-
, ar at SS 4 'Osborne, announces
promotion results:
Grade 8 to 9—Phyllis Weiberg,
- Lynda Westeott.
Grade 7 to 8—Jim Coates, Neil.
Grade 6 to 7—John Deelstra,
Richard VVestcott.
Grade 5 to 6—Dale McAllister,
Douglas McBride, Gary Moulton,
Gloria Moulton.
Grade 4 to 5—Alvin Weiberg,
Elaine Whitney.
Grade 3 to 4—Hilda Deelstra,
T3eimy Moulton.
Oracle 1 to 2—Bonnie Deelstra.
SS 5 Usborne
Mr's. E. Batten. teacher, an -
• ounces the :banding M pupils
of SSl5 T.S.A. following promo-
tion examinations.
(H means 75% or more)
Grade 8, Sam Kingnia;
. Grade 7, Gary Heywood, John
— Roopnians, Sandra Prout H;
Grade 6, Larry Ballantyne H,
Shirley 'Heywood, Christin King-
ma H. Carol Munn, Janet Munn.
Oracle 5, Donald Heywodd,
Douglas Prout H, Lloyon Stew-
• art H;
Grade 4, Joyce Dayman 11,
Douglas Heywood, Jimmy Patter-
, son H;
Grade 3, Richard Munn, Tom,
my Profit i-1;
Grade. 2, Johnny Kingma, She-
• roti .Munn, Cheryl West.colt 1-1;
Grade 1, Denis Munn, Tommy
SS 6 Usborne
1Vayno Chappel, Sharon Fletcher, dine, Louis Desjardine, Sandra
Gary :Hern Kathryn Hern, Ed-1Desjardine, David Lovie.
wi i Lynn, Dar- Grade 2 to 3 — Wanda Jack -
in Kerslake, Lary 1 y, � a
lene Mills, L,aunie Otis, Larry :son, Maxine Steeper Linda
Skinner, Robert Fay -
Mrs. Sana Hendrick, teacher of
the junior room of SS 6, 'Vs -
borne, announces the following
Grade 4 to 5 Herbert Hey-
wood, Lynn Otis, Danny Walters, SS 11 Stephen
Clifton Webber, Pauline Wiel.
Grade 3 to 4 --- Susan Allen, . Stanley Heist, teacher of SS 11,
Carol Bell, Helen Cailipbell, Ave Stephen, announces the follow-
Elford, Terry Otis, Dale .Skin- ing .promotions:
Der. • ( Grade 7 to 8 — Patsy Adams,
Grade 2 to 3—George :Bieber, Ken Baker.
Janet Hern, Paul Kerslake, Oracle 6 to 7 — Gloria Adams,
Grade 1 to 2.--Adrien Baex,
Michael Elford, Jimmy Fletcher,
Barbara Gilfillan, Cheryl Hern,
Don Kers 1 a k e, Mary Ellen
?ranee, Judy Walters, Brenda
Grade 1 to 2 — Charlene Des-
jardine, Marlene Desjarcline,
Brian Hodgins. Dianne Taylor,
Pauline Vincent.
SS 7 Usborne
Mrs. Marie Elson, teacher,
announces promotions in SS 7
Grade 8 to 9—Ross Ferguson,
Barbara Hern, Shirley Jaques.
Grade 7 to 8—Dorothy Dickey,
Ronald Motz.
Grade 6 to 7 — Elsie Miller,
Marvis Towle.
Grade 5 to 6 — Paul Baker,
Shirley Horn, Vernon Hern.
Grade 4 to 5—Bill Brock,
Sandra Dickey, John Perrott.
Grade 3 to 4—Margaret Cor-
nish, Graham ]'fern, LeRoy Hern,
Sheila Hern, Susan Perrott.
Grade 2 to 3—Donna Dickey,
Emily Merman, Keith Parrott,
Wayne Rodd.
Grade 1 to 2—Anne Herdman,
Yvonne Jaques, Karen Rodd.
5S 10 Usborne
Mrs. Jean D. Mair, teacher of
SS 10 Usborne, announced this
week 13 of her 16 pupils were
promoted with honor standing. i
Honors are indicated by the
"H" below:
Oracle 7 to 8 — Graham Glan-
Grade 6 to 7 — Beverley Ham-
ilton, Dianne Stone H.
Grade 5 to 6 — Ruth Cud -
more H.
Grade 4 to 5 — Duncan Ethe-
rington H, Lynda Glanville, Billy
Jeffery i•J, Sharon Passmore 14.
Oracle 3 to 4 — Johnny Mor-
gan 14, Michael Quinlan H.
Grade 2 to 3 — Bobby Stone If,
Maureen Quinlan H.
Gracie 1 to 2 — Ri.cky Ethe-
rington If, Paul Passmore H,
Paul Quinlan 1-1, Brenda' Smith
5S 12 Usborne
Mrs. Gowan, teach of SS 12
Usborne, announces the follow-
ing promotions:
Grade 8 to 8—Allan Hodgins,
Avis Hodgins,
Gracie 7 to 8—Helen Heather,
Berton .Hodgins.
Grade 6 to 7—Carole Foster,
Earl. French, Sharon Hodgins,
Ray Mills. •
Grade 5 to 6—Gayle Duffield,
Sharon Giles, Larry :Hern, Roy
McRobert, Henry Szmanski,
Oracle 4 to 5 — .Hackie Fink-
beiner, Laura French, Barbara
H o d g s o n, Catharine Klahre, veau. Karen Corriveau, Albert
Yvonne Devine June Morenz,
Co, Zondag.
Grade 5 Lo ,6 Dorothy Greb,
Billy Morenz, Sharon Morenz,
Ann Webb,
Grade 4 to 5 —. Donald Baker, •
Robert: Dietrich, Larry Mason,
Sutanne Snyder,
Grade 4 l0 4 — ;Ronald Ma-
Grade 2 to 3 — Linda Dietrich,
Pauline Greb.
Grade 1 to 2 Garry Baker,
Jack Keller, Bonnie Mason,
SS 14 Stephen
Mrs. V. M. Hicks, teacher of
SS 14, Stephen, announces the
following promotions:
Grade. 8 to 9 — Jean Essery,
Joan Essery, Sharon Lightfoot,
Richard Shoebottom, Baden Shot -
dice Betty Lou West.
Grade 7 to 8 — Fred Lamb.
Grade 6 to 7 — Joanne Hicks,
Ann Shoebottom Elaine Squire.
Grade 5 to 6 — Donnie Breen,
Jean Laramie, Gayle Lamport,
Lynda Powe.
Grade 4 to 5 — Bruce Hicks,
Billie Huxtable, Kevirl Lamport,
Shari Robinson,
Grade 2 to 3 — Dianne Breen,
Linda Gloor, Klen Gloor, Wayne
Raynes, Patti Robinson. •
Grade 1 to 2 -- Bruce Breen,
Marlene Overholt,
5S 2 Hay
Charles W. McQuillin, teacher,
announces promotions for SS 2
Grade 8 to 9 — Mary Simp-
son, Donna Titus,
Oracle 7 to 8 — Gerrit van
Grade 6 to 7 — Elaine Bieber,
Drene Titus.
Grade 4 to 5 — Marlene Bie-
ber, Lynne Faber, David Prou-
ty, Jane Russell.
Grade 3 to 4 — Ronald Fer-
guson, Larry Prouty, Kathy
Rowe, David Titus, Kenneth
Oracle 2 to 3 — Lawrence Bie-
ber, Andy Koopman, Joan Tin-
ney. -
Grade 1 to 2 — Steven Naber,
Judy Ferguson Christine Koop-
man, Robert Rowe.
SS 3 Hay
Mrs, Margaret Deichert, tea-
cher, of SS No. 3 Hay, announ-
ces the following promotions:
Grade 8 to 9 — Marlene Dig-
nan, Ron Schroeder, Patrick Sol-
Grade 7 to 8 — Sandra Troyer.
Grade 6 to 7 — Diane Corri-
Wayne Parkinson, Douglas
Grade 3 to 4 — Gordon. Hern,
Bobbie McRobert, Pat Whelihan.
Grade 2 to 3 —t Joanne Fink-
beiner, Carol, Johnson, Clare
11IcRobert, Teresa Sznianski.
Grade 1 to 2—Ronnie Pullman,
Ray Pullman, Brian Hodgson,
Jimmie McRobert, Janice Mor-
SS 4 Stephen
Miss Marion McLean, teacher
of SS 4. Stephen, announces the
following promotions:
Grade 8 to 9 -- Faye Recker,
Gary Eagleson.
Oracle 7 to 8 — Lawrence Bec-
ker, Walter Becker, .Ludy Fink=
beiner, Joanne Martine, Orville
Grade 6 to 7—Carol Hendrick,
Marlene Masnica, Eleanor Wein.
Grade 5 to 6 Barry Mor -
lock, Diane Weber.
Grade 4 to 5 — Grace Mas-
nica, Arlene Ayotte,
Grade 3 to 4—Eleanor Ayotte,
Lorrie Becker, Doug Finkbeiner,
Theresa Hartman, Sharon Mar-
tine, Shirley Pfaff.
Grade 2 to 3 — Penny Ford,
Wendy Ford.
Grade 1. to 2 — Ronnie Hart-
man, Jimmie Morlock.
SS 7 Stephen
Hummel, Herman Hummel, Don-
na Richardson, Michael Soldan,
Barbara Willert.
Oracle 5 to 6 — Judy Denom-
me, Diane Dignan, Gail Rich-.
ardson, Ross Whittiker. •
Grade 4 to 5 — Jerry Denom-
me, Marion Schroeder.
Grade 3 to 4 — Dale Dignan,
Sharon Whittaker. .
Grade 2 to 3 — John Hummel,
Sandra Richardson, Faye Troy-
er. Stephen Weido, Patricia Wil-
Grade 1 to 2 — Kenneth Cole-
man, Marlene (Totem an, Judy
Corriveau, Wesley Dignan, Ray
Weido, Jerry Willert.
SS 4 Hay
Miss' Phylis 1)eicltert, teacher,
announces promotions for SS 4
Grade 7 to 8 — Jeoffrey Die-
trich, Ruth Geiger, ,Jerome Hart-
man, Roy McAdams, Larry Mc-
Clinchey, Linda Meidinger,
Grade 6 to 7 — Connie Die-
trich, Donald Geiger, Marlene
Oracle 4 to 5 — Eldon Bul-
lock, Douglas Erb, John Ga-
scho, Margaret Geiger, Sandra
Grade 3 to 4 --- Donald. Clarke,
Kenneth Clarke, Gerard Masse.
Grade 2 to 3. — Glenn Gascho,
Shirley McClinehey, Louis 7,irk,
Grade 1 to 2 --Dianne Clarke,
Donald L. Finkbeiner, teacher 'Dal? Erb"' G g n n n,
of SS 7 Stephenannounces pro 'G aine Masse, David McAdams.
• Mrs. Don Jolly, teacher of motion results: SS 6 Hay
the senior :room nf,SS 6 Ushorne, Gradee 8 to 9 'Earl Dietrich,
announces the following promo Douglas Russell, Wayne Woods.
tions: Grade 7 to 8 — Helen Die- Mrs. Ruby M. Neeb, teacher
Grade 8. to 9 — Lois Chappel, trich, Ruth Gibson, Barbara of SS No. 6 Hay, announces the
Ann Creery, Sharon Mills, Jo- Mellin, Ronald Sweitaer, following promotions:
.Anne Miners, Brian Montmor- Grade 6 to 7 — Dianne Geiser Grade 7 to 8—Elaine Miller.,
• ency.
Grade 7to 8 ---Edward Johns,
Frances Skinner.
Grade 6 do 7—B1air Fletcher,
Marilyn Johns, Martin Montmor-
ency, Janet Slimier, SAndra
Oracle 5 to 6—l3arbar'a Bieber,
M Hensall Sales Thursday
June 25 the market was steady
Prices were:
Butcher steers .... $23,0() to $24.80
Medium steers .. 22,00 23.00
Eight otters of ,$26,80
Butcher heifers .... 22,50 24:00
Vet BOWS .............. 15.00- 11.0o
Good cows 1 10 8.50 20e
Light, cows 21.50
13abies 23.50 25.50
We calves lacking
in. quality . . 25.00 28.50
Small calves .. ... 12.00 15.00
Cood bull calves 22.00 32,00
• - Holstein heifer
calves .. 30.00 42,00
Durham calves .... 46.00 7; 5.0
' Weanling pigs 10,00 12.00
Chunks 12,00 16.0
t•'erclert .., 16,00 24.0
Sottas 6„00' 00,00
There were 'r07 pigs and 268
• nettle sold,
Lorene Mellin Judy Matz, Kenneth trader, Earl Becker,'
Grade 5 to 6 — James Die- Martha Fisher, James Smith,
Well,Well,`Sill Finkbeiner, James Grade 6 to 7 — Joan Rader,
Grade 3 to 4 Marlene Die-
Grade 2 to 3 Brenda
Clarke,Denton Gaiter, Terry
Piekteh. g, Sandra Swetlrer,
Grade 1 to 2—Christine Die-
bold, Linda Dietrich, Seat Sweit-
, tie!•
SS 10 Stephen
Wilma A. J)estitrdine, leacher
of SS 10, Sfeplieli, announces
the following promotions:
Grade 8 10 9 --Carol Brown,
Stanley Lovie, William Murray,
Marion Stone, CAM Taylor,
Dene Vincent. -
Grade 7 In 8 Edward Lovie,
Grade 6 to 7 --Larry De5jAr-
dinc', Wayne Desjardine, Gary
Lovie, Yvonne Sleeper.
Grade 5 to 6 * Helen Brown,
0: Tyily Man l3ohnson.
Oracle 4 to 5 * Darlene Des -
0 Jardine,, Dolitte C,01ten, Bonalrl
0' Stood, Lorne Vincent, Jifilll)y
Credo 3 10 -1 — 1;rir 13rnwti,
LaVererfth flown', t10a'tl D'osja'r-
Richard Rader, Roy Racier, Jean
Smith, Norma Weigand.
Grade 5. to 6 — Linda Rader,
Helen Smith.
Oracle 4 to 5—Helen Becker,.
Laura Greiner, James Weigand,
Grade 3 to 4—Carol Regier.
Grade 2 to 3 — Gerard Gren-
nier, Lorne Miller, Catherine
Regier, Robert Smith, Larry
Grade 2—Victor Regier,
SS 12 Hay
Promotions for SS 1.2 Hay is
announced by teacher, P, 0'-
Grade 8 to 9 -- Larry Horner,
Gerald. Menet., Phyllis Schade,
Gary Sytsma.
Grade 7 to 8 — Carolyn Du-
charme, Donna Ducharme, An-
thony Meidinger, Mona .Schade,
Peter Sytsma.
Grade 6 to 7 Phyllis Mei-
Grade 5 to 6 — George Du-
charme, Ruth Pepper, Mary
Ann Wilds.
Oracle 4 to 5—Paul Ducharme,
Sylvia Merner,
Grade 3 to 4 -- Joanne Mei-
dinger, Joan Pepper,
Grade 2 'to 3 — Dianne Du-
charme, Joanne Miller, Philip
Rader, Gary Truemner.
Grade 1 to 2 Gary Deters,
Patrick Meidinger, Linda Webb,
SS 15 Hay
Mrs. Ida Desjardine, teacher
of SS No, 15, Ba', announces
the following promotions:
From grade 8 to 9 — Alma
Fischer, Grace Keller, Murray
Keller, Wayne Miller,
Grade 7 to 8 -- Alice Du-
Grade 6 to 7 — Richard Hen-
drick, 'Roger Keller.
Grade 5 to 6 —. Louise Du-
eharme, Ronnie Ducharme,
1'rene Hendrick, Robert Hen-
drick, Lynda Miller, Alex Turn-
Grade 4 to 5 — George Keller,
Dorothy Stebbins.
Grade 3 to 4—Leo Ducharme,
Larry Luther, Freda Beierling.
Oracle 2 to 3 — Nancy Desjar-
dine, Anthony Du.charme, Glen
Grade 2 — Gerard Ducharme.
Mrs. Doreen Oesch, teacher,
announces promotions for SS 7,
Hay, grades 6 and 7.
Grade 6 to 7 — Robert Ban-
nister, David Bedard, Barry
Bloch, Richard Breakey, Bar-
bara Clausius, Wayne Decker,
Dianne Deitrieh, Donald Far-
well, Shirley Flaxbard, Robert
Hartman, D o,n n'i e Hoffman,
Wayne Keller, Ray Leibold, Jim
Masse, Larry Merrier, Sandra
Schoch, Richard Stade, Kenneth
Thiel, Mary Visscher.
Grade 5 to 6 — Michael Be-
dard, Sue Anne Coxon, Paul
Denomme, Barbara Forrester,
Linda Gascho, Elaine Hugill,
Donna Kipper, Allan Merrier,
Kathryn Regier, Sharon Regier,
Cheryl Stade, Richard Thiel,
Shirley Welch), Kenneth West-
Miss 'Olive M. O'Brien an-
nounces promotion results to
grades 5 and 4.
Grade 4 to 5 — Mary Bannis-
ter, Sylvia Bedard, Gordon Bei-
erling, Paul Corriveau, Louis
Debus, Brian Decker, Dorothy
Farwell, Gary Flaxbard, Cathe-
rine Gingerich, David Ginger-
ich, Peter Gresch, Paul Hesse,
Ross Leibold, Charles Masse,
'Donald McAdams, Tommy Mer -
This is the season to stock
up on coal — when prices are .
lowest. Just call 90-W or 2,
Phone 90.W or 2 Exeter
$ SAVE $
Watch this ad weekly for outstanding buys in qualify mer•
chandise—It_ is our aim to ,become known hs ,th.e district
titareuditititidtl 15" 140avy Duty, Lig $155.00 SuepIut Pettit
BLACK & DECKER DltlLL •$180.00
New Conctlttoli, Ll,it $120.00
> ur01ut Prtco
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'New, Hsayv/yrbu'ty, List $5r9./5t0 �y��y SUPlluepP/i�tt
SIGH., OSdalktINd 5ANDER ...,,,.,,,,,r,.,, 5.t�0
JNaw [i.i!iylilY, (y-�1y.t 1225y..r75 , ,, x.ui slut l',IIttii
BLACK A DFGI<ER 1A" D 1LL ...,,,t,,.,. . $,4o.W
ner, Anne Rainer, Richard
Shantz, Lynda Thiel, Kees Van-
Daalen, Bert Vissclier, Dorothy
Wagner, Katherine ginner.
Grade 3 to 4 -- Bonnie Banko,
John. Ducharme, Mary Anne Far-
well, Marilyn Geselto, Gary Geof-
frey, Gary Gingerich, Allan Hut
bert, Carol Johnston, Larry
Kipper, Ruth Leibold, Edward.
Pang, Gerald Rider, Charles
Regier, Douglas Stade, Richard
Mrs. Greta J. Lavender, teach -
or of SS No. 7 Hay, announces
the following promotions:
Grade 8 to 9—Larry Denom-
me, Bill Lennis, Carol Fischer,
Leonard Hoffman, Sharon 14u -
gill, Elizabeth Tohnson, Murray
McAdams, Sandra Parkins, Gail
Siebert, Glenda Soper, Mary
Ellen Thiel, Peter VanDalen,.
Siebren VanDaalen.
Grade 7 to 8—Benard Bedard,
Ruth Clausius, George Farwell,
Ruth Ann Flaxbard, Howard
Lawrence, Stephen Mack, Bar-
bara Minshall, Jerome Watson,
Gregory Willert, Cameron Wit -
m er.
Mrs. Carole Kyle, -teacher of
grades 4 and 3, Zurich. Public
School, announces the following
Grade 3 to 4 — Danny Black,
Richard Fisher, Rose M. Gre-
nier., .Katie Gresch, Leroy Hoff-
man, Judy Masse, Danita Over-
holt, Lois Ranier, David Stark.
Grade 2 to grade 3 — Aubrey
Bedard, Charlene Bedard, Da-
vid Brown, Ronald Corriveau,
Sandra Desjardine, Paul Flax -
bard, Martha Gascho, Jahn
Groot, Clare Lawrence, Paul
Maciejewski, Douglas Meidinger,
Carl Merner, Brian Overholt,
James Ranier, Eugene Regier,
Peter Regier, Richard Sehilbe,
David Siebert, Linda Stade, Jo-
Ann Thiel, Shirley Thiel, Elaine
Westlake, Dianne Zehr, Carl
Mrs. Audrey Haberer, teacher
of grade 2 announces promo-
Grade 1 to 2 — Gail Bedard,
Mark Bedard, Terry Black, Dale
Brown, Gwen Clausius, Douglas
Coxon, Randal Decker, Didi. de
Mooy, Donald Desjardine, Ber-
nadette Farwell, Kenneth Far-
well, Ruh Ann Fleischauer, Ca-
rol Gascho, Clifford Gingerich,
Edward Gingerich, Mary Ellen
Gingerielh, Gary Hugill, Vera
Krainik, Martin Maciejewski,
Deborah Merrier, Bonnie Neeb,
Tanya Parkins, Marlene Rader.,
Norma Shantz, Paula Siebert,
Stephen Stark, Michael Walker.
Two young brothers were ar-
guing. Said the elder ,to clinch
what he had been saying. "I
ought to know. Don't T go to
school, stupid?"
"Yes," replied the other, "and
you come home stupid!"
Battle of the bronze -hacks
now on in Ontario waters
The opening of the black bassi
fishing season in Ontario July 1'
(with some exceptions) will find
thousands of anglers airing the
view: At last, the real angling
has :begun!" They :feel that there
just isn't anything that quite
compares with "the battle of the
bronze - backs", matching wits
and skill against the black bass
which roam Ontario waters from
the ;province's east and west
boundaries and from the Great
Lakes in the south to as far
north as Lake Nipigon and be-
The open season is from Do-
minion Day, July 1, to October
15, both dates inclusive, with
these exceptions:
(1) St. Clair River, Lake St.
Clair and Detroit River:
June 25 th to December 15th.
(2) Lake Erie and Niagar a
River between Lake Erie and
Niagara Falls: July .1 to
December 15,
(3) St. Lawrence River west of
the dam at the Robert H.
Saunders Generating Station
in Stormont County: June
16th to October 15th.
(4) Boundary waters (other than
Lake Superior) between
Thunder Bay District. and.
Minnesota, and Kenora and
Rainy River Districts: June
10th to December 15th.
The limit of catch is six in
one day,
There are two types of black,
bass, the largemouth (Microp-
terus salmoides) and the small -
mouth (Micropterus dolomieu).
Generally, the largemouth va-
riety is found in the more south-
ern waters, although there are
some exceptions, The small -
mouth probably is found in more
lakes and rivers of the province
than is any other variety of
game fish.
The largemouth runs a little
larger than the smallmouth.
five -pound fish of either species
is something to boast about. The
summer seldom passes without
a seven or eight -pound :large-
mouth being landed but the ave-
rage runs around 11/2 to 2''a
pounds, On one occasion, a 14 -
pound 12 -ounce largemouth was
caught in Ontario.
The charm of the black bass
fishery from the angling stand-
point is the do-or-die determina-
tion of this relatively small fish.
It has been claimed with reason
that, ounce for ounce and pound
for pound, the smallmouth bass
is the gamest fish in any waters.
There's little finesse to bass
fishing, for the fish will strike
when in the mood at anything
thrown at them. Crayfish, frogs,
worms, minnows are among the
favourite live baits, but with
equal .aplomb they'll hit sStrea.:tn-
er flies (sometimes dry• files).
spinning baits for every, size and
description, plugs, spin n e r s,
spoons. They may he caught fly-
fishing, fishing, spinning, bait casting,
trolling or by the small boys
clan ling :a worm on a bent pin.
Usually, there's no question
about it when a bass strikes, for
both types bit with utmost .en-
thusiasm and there's no nibbling
approach. The smallmouth, par-
ticularly, goes in for aerial per-
formances when hooked, fre-
quently jumping as high as three,
or four feet out of the water,
shaking its head to rid itself of
the encumbrance, and not in-
frequently tossing the bait right
back at the angler who offered
Spawning habits of bothspecies
are similar. The bass chooses a
nesting site which is cleared of
silt by the sweeping action of
the orale fish. The eggs and
young are guarded with the ut-
most precaution for a time and
then abandoned, leaving the
young to fend for themselves.
he period in whichthe
male isguardingthe nest, he is
very pugnacious and will strike
at anything which he believes
may imperil his charges. Hence.
many adult male bass are
caught by fishermen in search
of other species and, in many
cases, the result is :the loan of
thousands of young tell.
To the non -expert, it is rather
difficult to distinguish "the two
species of black bass. The large
mouth has a larger mouth
(hence the name) which extends
beyond the eye. The shiny dorsal
fin is :higher .and the .spines are
not as uniform in length. Colour
means little; the smallmouth
may be rather pale green in.
Lake Erie and range to dark
brown in inland lakes. The large-
mouth is basically green on the
back, but again there may be
lighter shades, depending on
No group of fishermen is un-
animous about the most popular
game fish, but most bass fisher-
men agree that the smallinouth
is the most popular game fish
to the average Ontario sports-
man because of its superb fight-
ing qualities, its perferenee for
shallow water, and its readiness
to strike at any bait or lure
throughout the summer months.
Both species of black bass are
excellent fish to eat. Most are
simply skinned, using a sharp
knife, and filletted, the fillets
fried in deep fat after being
coated with flour, cracker or
bread crumbs, With hunger as
a sauce the confirmed bass
fisherman will claim that there's
no finer dish anywhere.
101111111111a,I,IN1II111ttrl1111.1,IUIf1.I11.I 11U11f111111111f11,
Now is the tilde to get your soil tested and if
suitable we will show you how to snake up to
$1000.00 Per Acre
by growing our Specialized
Items and have a market supplied
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