HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 22Page 12 The Tinisse-Aelveee July 1, i,39
June weddings still popular
quiet summer wedding at
home of the bride's sister,
Mrs, Robert, Newton, London,
Voris Kathleen Wiliert, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Amelia Willert and
the late Reenhold Willer, Dash-
wood, and Clifford Harold Pen -
bale, son 0 Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Penhale, Exeter, were united
en marriage in a double ring
ceremony performed by Rev. W.
10. Kretz, Dashwood on Satur-
clay, June 27 at 3 p.m.
- The bride wore a waltz -length
gown of white lace and nelon
net over satin. Her shoplcier-
dength veil was held in place by
a, sequin and pearl headdress
and she Carried a bouquet of
Sweetheart roses and white car-
The bride's sister, Mrs. Rob-
ert Newton, was her attendant
wearing pale green nylon with
matching headband and bouquet
of yellow and white Mums.
Mr. Robert Newton was the
*Moment an.
A reception was held at the
Latin Quarters, London.
For t r a yelling •the bride
changed to a, white polka dot
dress with white accessories and
red rose corsage,
Mr, and Mrs. Penhale will
Make their home in Exeter.
Weir -McKnight
Sandra Ruth McKnight, daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. J. L, Mc-
Knight, Exeter and John Howard
Weir, son of Mrs, Lorene Weir
•Stitl the late John Weir, Detroit,
were united in Marriage in
games street United church by
4tev. Harold J, Snell on Saturday
;lune 27 at 2 p.m, .
Mr. Lawrence Wein, organist
of the Church provided the wed-
ding music and accompanied the
soloist, Mrs, George Vriese, Exc.
.ter, who sang "The Lord's
-Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love."
. Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride wore a floor -
length gown of white silk organ-
za over taffeta with bouffant
skirt, rounded neckline appli-
qued with lace flowers centered
with rhinestones •and long, lily
point sleeves. A rhinestone
crown held her shoulder -length
veil of silk .illusion and she car-
ried a cascade Of red roses and
Miss Nancy Cudmore, London,
as maid • of honor and Miss Do-
rothy McCabe, Goderieh and
Miss Pat Morrison, Wallaceburg,
as bridesmaids were gowned
alike in turquoise taffeta, street -
length, with white picture hats
end carried cascades of yellow
roes and white stephanotis, Miss
Kathy*Wallace, Detroit, as flower
girls wore white nylon ]ace with
matching bandeau and nosegay
of yellow roses and stephanotis.
Paul McKnight, brother of • the
'wide, was ringbearer in a white
Groomsman was Mr. 'Robert
Bilton, Detroit, and Douglas Bad -
kin, Clinton, and Dean McKnight,
Exeter, ushered.
A. reception was held in the
church rooms where the bride's
mother received in a champagne
dress over taffeta with turquoise
accessories and pink rose cor-
sage. The eroom's mother chose
a blue taffeta dress trimmed
with lace, white accessories and
red rose corsage.
For travelling to points east
the bride changed to a navy blue
And white dress, white accesso-
ries and corsage of pink roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Weir will Make
their home in Detroit.
Mauve and white was the
theme chosen by the bride, Miss
Ruth Diane Soldan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. SOldan, RR
2, Hensall, for her marriage to
.Tehn W. Hendrick, son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Hendrick, Exeter,
On Saturday, June 27 at 2.30
p.m. in .Hensall United church.
Rev. ,Charles 11, Daniel per-
formed the ceremony amid stand-
ards of white gladioli tied with
mauve ribbons, ferns and light-
ed candles, Mrs. S. G. Klatt,
Exeter provided traditional wed -
fling .music and accempanied the
soloist, Mr. Robert Russell, Exe-
Given in marriage by her
father •the bride chose a floor -
length gown of embroidered, or-
gandY. The bodice was styled
with short scalloped sleeves and
neckline forming a V front and
beck. The bouffant skirt swept
Fete area !bride
At trousseau tea
Miss Betty Anne Horner Whose
Marriage took place on Settirclay
Wes hollered et a teousseati tea
given by her Mother, Mre. Joe
Horner at het horde, RR 3 ?Ark -
Gust were received by Mr.
Writer, the beide-eitef And the
roteiti's mothet, Mrs, Sink*
Penning tea from e white linen
eOvered table centered with the
Wedding ease flanked by tall
pink tapers in crystal eandele.
bra Were the bride's great grand.
Moth& Mrs, teethe Ilodgine,-
Mre. John E. Thortitee, grand.
retOthet of the groom and Mee. .e.
H. Miter end Mrs. Aaron
grandniothere of the bride, and
Mrs, Ada Jennings'.
Ateletirtg ht the tee room were
1Vtisses matilyn Netter*, ;lune
Skee, Sheila .Eggett and Beth
Those attending the register
and ehoeing the trousteen and
gine tevete Myra, Robert ?bidet,
Mee. leek Phillipshitiss Martha
Aintree', Mrs. Stuart Bullock,
ViSs,CAtel Theitteeh, Mies Shit -
10Y Seat, Miss Berbatit Reck.
Mee. Herniae Mereetedf Mese Pe -
Welt Pickering and Mee, lohn
• Prior 41 her marriage the bride
,Itras entertained at ehoWete eittee*
be Mieit Shirley Stott; WA, Slit.
art Reeder Mite Wel thoilt-
ten, Mee. Isteettiett MeLend and
from a smooth panelled front to
three tiered heck. Iter Freneh
Illusion veil was held by .a tiara
oUtlinerl with seed Pearls. She
carried a bouquet of red roses
and lily of the valley,
Maid ,of honor for the bride
was her twin sister, Mise Jean
swan of $t. Thomas who was
gowiled in Mauve dotted Won
organdy over dark mauve. The
waistline of the bouffant skirt
was accented with a wide Om-
rnerbund in Matching taffeta
which formed a flowing sash
at the back. She wore a match-
ing scalloped picture het and
mauve accessories. Miss ,loyce
MacEwan, London, as brides-
maid was dressed similarly in
a lighter shade of mauve, Both
carried bouquets of white car-
Emil Hendrick, Toronto, was
best an for his brother and
Earl. Soldan and Elgin- Hendrick
were ushers,
A, reception was beld at Arm-
strong'e Restaurant, Exeter,
when the bride's mother wore a
navy silk dress with white ac-
cessories and corsage .of pink
carnations. The groom's mother
chose blue flowered silk and tor -
sage of white carnations.
For travelling to the Lauren-
tians and points east the bride
changed to an ensemble of light
brown petit point satin sheath
end duster of matchingdbrown
with white accessories And white
rose corsage, '
Mr, and Mrs. Hendrick will
reside in Exeter.
The bride is a graduate of.
London Teachers' College. The
groom is a graduate of the Uni-
versity, of Toronto School of Em-
Thomson -Horner
Three 'grandmothers and one
great grandmother of the bridal
couple attended the wedding of
Betty Anne :Horner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Horner, RR
3 Parkhill, and Kenneth Duncan
Thomson, son of Mrs. Thomson
and the late Simon C. Thomson,
RR 5 Parkhill, in Greenway
United church on ,Saturday, June
27 at 2 pen.
Rev. A. E. Holley performed
the ceremony add Miss Evelyn
Curie played the wedding music
and, accompanied the soloist, Miss
Mary Vernon, Parkhill who
sang "The Wedding Prayer"
and "I'll Walk Beside You."
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride chose a floor -
length gown of pure silk organ-
za and Chantilly lace. The lace
basque bodice with sheath
sleeves of lace was highlighted
with iridescent sequins. The
skirt was trimmed with fest-
Loons of lace dipping almost to
the floor and forming a slight
train. A matching tiara trimmed
with sequins and pearls held her
shoulder -length veil. She carried
a bouquet of white carnations
and stephanotis.
Miss car& Thompson, sister
of the groom was maid of honor
and bridesmaids were Mrs. Stu-
art Bullock, sister of the groom
and Mrs. John Currie, RR 3 Den-
field, They were gowned alike in
cotillion blue silk organza with
shirred portrait necklines, bas -
cue bodices and bouffant skirts.
Gloves and bow headpieces were
of the same cotillion Mile and
they carried. bouquets of pink
shaded gladioli.
Mr. Fred Allison, 11.11, 3 Ailsa
Craig, was 'best man. and ushers
were Claire Porter, Parkhill,
and Carlyle Thomson, RR 5
Parkhill, brother of the groom.
A reception was held at Grace
church hall, Greenway, where
t h. e bride's mother received
guests wearing a cotillion blue
silk organza dress, white and
black accessories and pink car-
nation ebreage. The groom's
mother assisted in navywith
white accessories and corsage of
pink carhations.
For travelling to northern On-
tario the bride changed to A light
blue linen dress with beige dus-
ter, pink and beige accessories
'and a pink rose corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomson will re-
side on the groom'e farm near
Thompson -Ryan
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Roman Catholic church wat the
setting for the double ring cere-
mony when wedding vows were
exchanged on Saturday, June 20
at 10 a.m. by Marilyn Jean Ryan
and Vincent Thomas Thompson
with the Rev. Father Kelly of-
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. Joseph Ryanarid the late
Mrs, Ryan, Parkhill, and the
groom is the ten of Mr. and
Mrs. William Thompeon, Ailsa
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore A floor -
length gown of white. lace over
satin which swept to A. chapel
train. The bodice was styled
with 'lily poiht sleeves and a V
neckline trimmed with sequins.
A crown et pearls held her heir-
loom Belgium lace veil and she
carried a bouquet of red roses,
white carnations and ivy.
The bride was attended by
Mrs, Gerald ',Ieheintlson at matron
of bettor wearing a yellow flow-
ered dress o nylon over taffete.
Mrs. William Metter, Exeter,
Mise Eleanor Thompsen,
Atka Craig, as earidestneicie were
blue flOvvered dresses of !nylon
over taffeta. Misses Ann And
Susan Ericksen, As flew& girls
wore dresses of pink and yellow
flowered itylen respeetively. The
tehdants Wore metehleg bead
beetle arid cetied beekets of
blue and white Minna.
Ronnie &tali, nephew of the
bride, was ringbearet. Gerald
Thompson, Ails* Craig was
greernamafl. lot his Wilier and
other attendanta WereWillia
Metter, Exeter, *Mt Jellies Rett -
khan, DashWOod,
Zurich and tee Harrigan, Jack,
son, Mich. fiShEtatt,
Paul DietriCh, Parkhill, 131SYM.
Wedding retiele And eeeerepetnied
the Mitaiete Herre Heffinen,
A redentinti followed the tette
Mori1r At efeeditell Ceitifilitteitet
,Cfnitre 'where. the green's innthcr
received guests h a light' blue
ehttfen nylon dress with white
aeeeaseries and a pink rose cor-
For travelling eh e bride
changed to a Been sult of white
and black check with white ae-
etseories and a corsage el yel-
low reset.
Os their return the .cotiplewill
reside At BR 8 Parkhill.
Kirkton fetes
Some 60 ladies of the Kirkton
United Church met Friday eve-
ning in the Sunday School room,
which was decorated in pink
and white, to honour Miss Verna
Elliott, daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. T. Elliott, prior to her
Marriage July 11 to Mr. George
F. Burgin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Burgin of Kirkton.
The tea table was attractive
with a cut work cloth lighted by
pink candles and a centre piece
of red roses, Mrs, Ella Urqu-
hart and Mrs, I, N. Marshall
poured tea. Severel young ladies
of the church served.
Verna was presented with a
platform rocker chair and the
guests .enjoyed a program of a
mock wedding, music and
games. Verna, in a few well
* chosen words, „thanked the ladies
tor their gifts and all their
This is the first time in the
history of the Kirkton 'United
Church that a residing minister's
daughter'S wedding will he per-
formed, according to some old-
timer's report, Also at this time,
Verna's Sunday School class pre-
sented her with a set of •pyrex
bowls, The presentation was
made by Miss Marlene Stone.
Softball champs
At Guelph. last Saturday, the
girls all-star team from Perth
county won the softball chem.
nionship at the Junior Farmers'
annual provincial field day.
Local girls who played on the
team were Shirley and Betty
Harroer, Edna Patterson, Ber-
nice Steeleeand Dawn Blackler.
Bill Waghorn is their coach.
MARRIED so YEARS — Mr, and Mrs. William Forrest,
Hensall, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary
Tuesday at the family farm in Tuckersmith. Their son-in-
law and eldest daughter, Mr. and Mrs, James M. Scott,
Seaforth, marked their silver anniversary at the same
occasion. —T -A Photo
Forrest family marks
two anniversaries
The Forrest, family of the Hen-
sel'district celebrated golden
and silver wedding anniversaries
Mr. and Mrs, William Forrest,
Hensall, marked 50 years of mar-
ried life and their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James
M. Scott, Seaforth, have been
wed 25 years. Both couples were
guests of honor at a family din-
ner given' hy Mr, and Mrs. Ross
Forrest on the home farm, lot
11, concession* two, Tuckersmith.
Both active gardeners, the
parents are in excellent health
and enjoy regular attendance at
Hensel]. United Church, in which
both have been active. Mr. For-
rest is an honorary elder having
served on the board for 25 years.
Mrs. Forrest was awarded a
life membership in the WMS
four years 2go in recognition of
her work in the organization.
Biggest change they've seen
in their SO years is the develop-
ment of theCluistie and bustle"
of modern life. "In former days,
Students at Bi u pit's
V;VISACIrst.oFroerlraexs ta. n(INeonwjo ef4,01:
go, all the time."
Although both are natives of
this area, they actually eourted
out west in Saskatchewan. They
were only casual acquaintances
w,hen Mr. Forrest, the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Janice
Forrest of the Parr Line, went
homesteading in 1902. In 1908,
however, Mrs. Forrest went west
to help her brother and met her
future husband there.
They were married in the
Methodist parsonage, Exeter, on
June 30, 1909, and then returned
west where they remained until
191V1.7r.s. Forrest was the former
Emma Dignan. daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Warren S.
Dignan, who :farmed on the Zur-
ich road. Wedding attendants
were the bride's sister, Miss
Florence Dignan, and the late
Victor Fee.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest lived on
the Tuckersmith farm until 1946
when they moved to Hensel!.
Besides Mrs. Scott and Ross
Forrest, their family includes
Miss Mildred Forrest, RN, oh.
stetrics supervisor at Brantford
hospital, and William Edison
Forrest, second concession, Hay.
They have 10 grandchildren.
Mrs. Forrest's brother, David
Dignan, Hensall, and his wife
attended the celebration, Four of
the grandchildren were absent
because of whooping cough.
Among numerous other trib-
utes, congratulations were re-
ceived from Prime Minister
Diefenhakere litiron MP Elston
Cardiff and Huron MPP Charles
Ma cNa ughton.
The family presented Mr, and.
Mrs. Forrest with a new refri-
fete departing teacher
On Thursday evening, the pu-
pils and parents of SS No. 9
Biddulph gathered in the school
to honour their departing teacher
Mrs. Marion Isaac.
Following sociat time spent, in
playing ball and games Mr, Al-
lan Elston on behalf of the sec-
tion presented Mrs. Isaac with
a pen and pencil set. Mrs.
Isaac replied in suitable words.
The ladies of the school section
cone udeci the social evening by
serving lunch.
It is regretted that Mrs. Kay
Blair's and Mrs. Kay Elston's
names were not added to the
list of names as mothers who a.e-
comparded the children of SS No.
9 on their bus tour to London.
Personal items
Visitors on Wednesday evening
were: Rev R 1.1 Atli
with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. fEAlsitIon
beeiado• E•c'''• .
Y tea S tet7d a 1'. RCAF c'entiloore
oree Davisiening ralia.
of Exeter-':rntg
Satriand Mrs.
ur-a Craig al •
fetes bride
on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Smyth of Centralia.
Miss Shirley Atkinson, who
has obtained a position in Lon -
Mrs. C. V. Pickard, John don spent the weekend with her
Street, entertained on Saturday parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles
in honor of her daughter, Mare- Atkinson.
uerite, whose marriage ta:ces Mr. Allen Tindall and Miss
place in James Street United Rowena Abbott spent Sunday
Church on Saturday. evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roes
Assisting in. receiving guests McFalls. Mrs. Ross Meralls and
with Mrs. Pickard and Marguerite kaby Donald arrived home from
were Miss Stella Southcott and hospital on Friday.
Mrs. Harvey Pollen. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Fischer
Pink tapers and an arrange- of caCalgaier etheir uncle
II d on
ment of pink carnations and andaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
white Valencia mums decorated
the tea table from which Mrs.
William May, Mrs. Hubert Jones,
Mrs. W. IL Waddell, Guelph,
aunt of the bride and Mrs. J.
G. Dunlop poured tea.
Tea room hostess was Mrs.
Harvey Pollen and assisting
were Mrs. Douglas Sweet, Miss
Jean Taylor, Miss Helen Sweet
and Mies Hazel Broker.
Showing the trousseau was
Miss Trudy Pickard, the wed-
ding gifts, Mrs. Douglas Cook,
and the shower gifts, Mre. Lil-
lian Anderson.
The previous Saturday a trous-
seau tea was held at the home
of the bride-eleet's sister, Miss
Trudy Pickard, Hamilton, when
Mit. Pickard, the bride -elect and
Miss Trudy received.
Pouring tea were Mrs. W. It.
Waddell, Guelph, Miss Alice
Brown, Miss Terese Jackson and
Miss Eva Wilkin. Showing the
trousseau was Mrs, Elfred,a Mac-
Donald and the gifts, Mrt, Dale
Hostesses who have enteetain-
ed the bride -elect at showers
have been Mrs. Elfreda MacDon-
ald, Hamilton, with Mrs. John
Ryckm art as co -hostess, and
Glenview Horne and School exet-
Wive at the home of Mrs. Wil-
liam. lereke, Hamilton.
Mrs. Gordon Moore, Caledonia
Was hostess at a luncheon, Mitt
Elizabeth -Kennedy, :Hamilton, at
a tea, and presentations were
made by the Hamilton Women
Teacher's Executive and the
Glehview Bothe and gelled M-
The Heat
with A,
and a
of, the
oe y
non. Sn
Fischer on Saturday. Weekend
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Chris
Fischer were: Mr. and Mrs. P.
Thompson and family, Mr, and
Mrs. Bill Fischer and Kathy,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake
and girls, Mrs. Joe Mardush
and Frankie all of London.
Terry Warwick who has been
visiting with his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mre. Bob Blair, re-
turned home to Port Huron ac-
companied by Judy Blair, who is
remaining :for holidays.
Bonnie Blair is spending her
vacation with Glenda Fisher ot
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner,
Karen and Gary attended Elim-
ville anniversary church service
and were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Bess Skinner,
Mr. and' Mrs. Truman Fischer
and family of Calgary were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wei -
berg on Saturday.
Mre, M. H. Elston has resumed
her duty as organist of Christ's
Chureh, Centralia.
Beauty Salon
429 MAIN 5T. PHONE 349
Monday to Friday 9-6
Tues, & Thurs. Evenings Only
• Closed Saturday
Cty-e-vec Ws, 3 -pound average
Harris Boneless
Rind en, sIic et by the 'pieta
ar by the piaci
Minced Ham
Fink's .Meat Market
tielftrheri It Wet('
New award Rotates OSCIA trip,
for .fall fair to Hurondate institute
Announcement of a new award
and a change in an old one for
nrieeetinning rocks at Exeter
Fall Fair was made this week
by Mrs. Rufus Nestle, lady di-
rector of the society.
General Fonds Kitchen 3,
through The Times -Advocate, has
donated a large challenge cup
for the jam And jelly ,thagliAPTI
of the fair. Both the winner and
runner.up receive awards for
permanent possession.
The winner's name will he en-
graved on an escutcheon plate
on the base of the trophy and
she will also receive a small
silver cup, also engraved, te re-
tain permanently.
The runner-up in this competi-
tion receives a suitably engraved
silver jam spoon.
The Times -Advocate award for
the champion cook has been
changed froni a rose bawl to a
cash prize, Fifteen dollars, along
with an appropriate certificate,
will be given to the woman from
the district who submits the best
group of five articles.
The farmer award, termed
"Gram's Trophy," in honor of
The T -A former women's editor,
Mrs. E. S. Steiner, has been won
permanently by Mrs, Miner
Passmore, RR 3 Exeter, with
three. successive wins.
In future, no competitor will
be allowed to win the award
Pentecost ladies
at holiday service
On Thursday afternoon the
WMC of the Exeter Pentecostal
church was entertained at the
home of Mrs. Clifford Prouty.
Mrs. Edgar Cudmore discussed
the topic "Home Missions."
During the business seseion
ways and means of attending
the Penny -Day service at Brae-
side on July I was discussed.
Following lunch Mrs. E. But -
lee dismissed the meeting,
7.11,71,01.4 attlairtr
Strawberry Preserves will taste
mighty good come next winter, so
I thought you'd like to try this
recipe which I've found to be most
• 6 cups small whole berries
(about 2 quarts firm ripe
small strawberries)
34 cup water
7 caps ca lbs.) sugar 'le,
34 bottle Certo fruit pectin '.
Prepare the strawberries. Hull.
about 2 quarts small strawberries.
Measure 8 cups whole berries
(firmly packed without crushing)
into a very large saucepan. Add
water and sugar.
Now, make your preserves. Place
over high heat and bring to a full
rolling boil, stirring carefully to
keep fruit whole. Reduce heat and
boil gently 3 minutes. Remove
from heat and at once stir in
Certo. Skim off with metal spoon.
Then let cool about 1 hour, to help
prevent floating fruit. Ladle into
glasses, Cover preserves at once
with 1/4 inch hot paraffin. MakeS
about 10 medium glasses.
If you've ever wandered what
"pectin" is, it's really easy to ex-
plain. It's the jelling substance
found in all fruits in varying
amounts. So you see . . . Certo
pectin eretraeted from, fruits rich
in this nefitrat Substance, then re-
fined. concentratedend perfOrnt-
ance-controlled. That's why, when
you use Certo and fonote the
tested Carta recipes, soitr pre.
eerees, ems and jellies set per-
fectie every time.
Tart jams or jellies are delicious
accotnpaniments to meat and
poultry. Try raspberry or cherry
jani with chicken or turkey:
gooseberry or rhubarb jam with
pork; grape or plum jelly with
1 get quite a few letters from
women who have problems in
making their jam, jelly or pre-
serves. if you'd like help, write
ire and, 1'11 be pleated to give you
Ono in1OTmOt4rJ 1 en. And do
toeteh for my new rotutert!
At lhe Agriculture and Canad- The July meeting will take the
Ian Industries meeting' of Huron- form of a picnic at Riverview
dale Wornen's Institute held at Park entertaining that Hensall
the home of Mrs. Alvin Moir on and Crediton Institutes,
Thursday evening Mrs. Barry
Waitress: "This is, your fiftheup,
cup, sir. You must lke coffee."
Diner: "1 do that's why Viu
willing to drink all this water
to get a little of it."
Strang -gave an account of a
trip tiken with 'the Ontario Soil
and Crop Association through.
Eastern Ontario along the St.
Lawrence to the Gaspe penin-
Mrs. Strang stressed the out-
standing farming operations vis-
ited and also the different in-
dustries. The trip included a
cruise up the scenic Saguenay
Comments on the motto "Na-
ture never spoils her work by
being in a hurry" were given
by Airs. Les Gibson. Miss Sharon
Passmore favored with two solos
accompanied by Mrs. Reg Hod.
gert and a trio composed of
Mr. Percy McFalls, Mis, R. E.
Pooley and Mrs. thigh Love sang
accompanied by Mrs. Andrew
Dougall, Mrs. Abner Passmore
presided for the program.
Vo ue
you receive when you perches*
a readataIROOSVre
In the business session con-
ducted hy president Mrs. Roy-
iance Westeott, Mrs. Moir and
Mrs. Bruce Tuckey were named
leaders for the course on "lamp-
shades". It was announced that
Mrs. Shirley McAllister had re.
signed as home economist for
Huron and Miss Bette Tillman is
the new appointee to commence
her duties July 20,
Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Harold Jeffery, Mrs. Les
Gibson, Mrs. Ernest ?yin, Mrs.
Robert Maver and Mrs, Melvin
• Health Insurance
• Figure Improvement
• Comfort insurance
• Quality Materials
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• Modern Styling
• Personal Service
Phone 12S for an appointment to
discuss these important values.
Mrs. V. Armstrong
89 Anne St. W. Exeter
Sportswear Sale
Jersey Tops
Phone 474 Exeter
The Fragrance that CaFitures
the R9IllatICS of Paris
Delightfully lingering cologne mist to
enhance your summer loveliness. Beau- $3 50
tiful 3 ounce aerosol container.
Distinctive Avant fragrance in a purse- c,2 50
size aerosol perfume dispenser, aim ,
Quick, convenient aerosol spray speed-
ily repells pesky mosquitoes, black flies,
chiggers and gnats. Handy 2 ounce
travel size aerbsol container, only
Andrew Johnston
Phone 447 New Location, Former IGA Store
to Our former store, known as the
; d
se..'••••""e. •
Watch For Our Gran4 Opening
LUCAN REsiDENTSI Our Lyon SWe will he doted next week alre0