HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-06-17, Page 1---.9fsimfgwwPafal
la Printed + Praia Thursday
sar GEO. Si. )011N COX.
Oita , Mirka Square, Goderuh.
rk• Book mad Job Prialag executed 17rtla
wetness and dispatch.
Terms ri the Moron Signal. —TEN
sill LUNGS per mauls if paid stxictly in
ady e, or Twelve Lod Sit Pence with
the (expiration' of the year.
No papr discoatineed soul arrears are
paid up, unless the publisher thinks it his
advantage to do so•
Auy i.dividu& s tbe comitry becoming
respousible fur Os inibscribers, Oral' re-
ceive a 'wreath Copy gralio.
IC)" All letters addressed to the Editor
must he pi:ea-paid, or they will not be taken
out of the pool office.
Trr nts .
.—Six. lines,and.
£0 6 60 On the motion being agairi put, it was moved in amend -
under, first inoertion,
Each subseeinc., moeotoso, 0 0 7 ment by Mr. Holmes, secouded by Mr. Pentland, 'Chat the last
Ten lines and ureter, first iaser., 0 3 4 part of the Report be adopted, sobstitoting ooe Modred instead of
Each subscqueat insertion, 0 0 10 two hoindred pot by a majority of nine.
Over ten lines, first ID. per line, 0 0 4 60 A Letter from Meson. fiLlesworth & l'erceral was re -
Loeb subsequent insertion, 0 0 1 ceived and read, when it was moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded
07A liberal discount made to those who by Mr. Mitchell, That Meows. l'erceval Molesworth be in-
structed to prepare the necessary specifications and working sec-
aliv_e_dise by the_Ye.ar_L-4.-_-_ari. 1=7 tions according to the plan adopted for the Maitland Bridge,
and to have them placed in the proper officers possesoion as early
as possible --carried.
(il Motion by Mr. eorbett (original -lost) to the effect that
- - the Surveyor be instructed to receive tenders and let the building
of the Bridge over the River Sable between the Townships of
McGillvray and Stephen—when is was
62 Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Hays, That the
motion now before the Council be carried into effect wbeu a suffi-
n5 • cient guarantee by Bond be given by such persons no may be ap-
proved of by the Surveyor, that any additional sum which may be
meowed in the erection 6f the same, over and above the sum of
£35 granted by the Couucirtoward the erection of the same—
63 Moved by Dr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Pentland. That the
DANIEL HOME LIZARS, Deed of the Burial Ground near Bayfield now in poosession of
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Conveys''- the County Council be made over to the Township Council of
Solicitor in Chancery, &.c. has hie Stanley,that Township Council paying the necessary expense of
office as formerly is Stretford. the transfer—carried.
Stritfard, Ind JIB. 1180. 2!"49 64 hloved by Alr.Wallace, se. condod by Mr. IIitchell, That
the Warden bo authorised to sign a Debenture in favor of Mr.
brerid"„ Esat a Gentles to the amount Of two pounds for the use of Room—
`or the Otamla Company's office, West- carried.
'tree!. Gmlerieli.-
The Council adjourned totbe fourth Monday is Jose, to moot
"Wont 97tb. 1849. 2"7150 • at Gentles Hotel, Goderieh, at ten o'clock.
NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B.,! Huritn, ierthd in nice.
and Cienveymicer, Stratford.
D. 1x. itTrclizE, County Clerk. • - .
1 se elm eau of tam Maas.
' turbo .
0 A N be consulted et all Inure, at
Mr. Le'Torste's Boarding Romero
(formerly A* British Rotel.)
Goderfeb, April 291h, 1852.
" Wee', Goderielr.
hone 1848. 2vn25
1 ILLIAlil REE1). '
Tiousz AND itION PAINTER, &e. .
*i Lightliotieeoetree4,00eiwieb. _ , .
geass ,. onnutes of the Meeting of the County Council of Huron,
October 86, 1849. _„.. Perth and Bruce,lidd at‘Godcrida, on llionday the 3rd day
- --
' STOKES, 4 May,1102. inpursurrneerf the Statute 14 and 13 Vt.e.
(ITIZMIST AND DRUGGIST, West- Chap. 110, for the purpose. ofexaminng
i, the Assessment
- 11-1 street, Goderich. • Rolls.
Joily 1850.. . - 20-1 •- •
• HPREsENT.URON HOTELoBW,ILLIAM CHALK, Esquire, Warden, in tbe Chair.
Y JAttentive Mailers 'lease on hand. AMES GENTLES, Goderieb.—
' - v3 -n30 IS Hours. WALLACE, e Meagre. P&NTLAND,
Coderieb, Sept. 12. 1350.
Barrister ea lineman, at Lam. +e,. l GOURLAY, RYAN,
Gcomecn C. W.
TOHN STBACHAN Barrister and Atter.HA fitILTON, • COR fom
, -
I '
"Pney at Law, Notary Public and Convey. I
aneer. .AASY.DOIG,
AN, i a, (Logia)
A -a Altereey at Law, Solicitor ia-Chun. i.. 61111kLiS, MILLER. •
eery, Conveyaneer. - •.
Gaderies, riot Neeember, 1:31; 1 .The Assessment, Rolls for the following Toentships were laid
' on the 'Fable,,,aiz : Goderich, Alciiiliop, laborne, South East-
. hope, Downie, Stephen, Ilihbcrt,. North. Eastbope, -Biddulph,
- - THO3IAS NICIIOLLS Tuckersmith, Mullett and- NIorvis, Fullarton, Logan, Goderich
111110Kkit, House, Land Inenrance, Ship- '(lown), Wawanosh, , Ashfielil, Stanley, Colborne, County of
m Mg and G.-"teral. AGENT- . • Bruce, heinz, the Townships Of Kincardine, lIuron, Greenock,
Produce and Commiamen Merchant, Ac'. Kinloos. Saugeen ar,d13•ruce. -.Then it was
o occointant, Ste.-. i. - 7 :Led by Mr. Mitchell, Seconded by Mr. 'Wallace, That
Prcduee boight and 'sold on Commivemn , - • .
goodcarefoll v stored, and forwarJerf.-Tlocks . ,
emminittee of scrim be 'appointed be•examine and report upon
. • a
belaneod, Parinere.:ip issitlement -edjusted• the Assessment Rolls for the difireat Townships in the -Counties
• Godenck Feb. 25, 185e. ...,e_ng . for tbe present yetr—carried. Ow a. ballot being taken, the
• Committee was declared to -consist of 'Masts. Holmes, I -lays,
. A.-NA/SMYTH. - . I Mitehelf,'Larab, Itill,IVallace and Cole. .
VAintioNAttz, TAILOR, one doer ' The Council adjourned till ten o'cloclo on Wedneo.day'morning-
m- Vest of W. E. Grace's Store, Weat to receive theieport on the Assessment Rolls.
Street Goderich. . WILLIAM ClIAI.K. Ward( n.
• Feb. 19,1852. v5-84 - Huron, Perth and Bruce.
TWO good BOOT and SHOE Makers,
who willfind constant employment
• and good waces, by applying at the Shop
of the subscriber, West -street, Godericb.
Sept. 9th, 1851.
ITIIC701111A 1111011°Els
(Neer the Markin Scpeare,)
G001.1 Accommodate** for Travelkno, and
se 'itemise Healers' all times, ie take
charge of Tense.
Goderich, Dec. 6, 1850. 43—tf
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.,
• CAPITAL $1,000,000.
1-17.ttik HOPKINS, Hamilton, Agest for
•A--st the Comet* of Waterloo and Huron.
August' 27, 1850. 111.13
- -
T1ARRISTER, Solicitor in Chancery,
All'-•rney-at-Law, Conveyancer, lec.
tic. Office : Ontario Buildingv, ing-St
opposite the Gore Ranh. and the Bank of
British North America. llomit000. 4 10
�IV IL ENGINEER and Provincial Land
Surveyor, Goderich.
April 30, 1851.
WICK'S TAVERN, London Road.
May 1851. e4o12
- - - - - •
A UCTIONEER, is prepared to attend
-‘-‘• Public Sales la any part or thmUnited
Counties, nn moderate terms.
Stratford, May 1850.
- —
NEXT door to H. 11. O'Connor's store,
7 West Street, Goderieh. Clothes made
and repaired, and cutting done cm the shoe -
test notice, and most liberal terms.
December 3rd, 1851. i4n42
GROCERS, Win* hterehaats. Fruiterer,
and Oilmen', No. 17 Deeds. street.
London, C. W.
?Orrery e/Ith 1852.
14 OPT • note of hand to the anteom of
ie. whoth was gives to me he Gthrg•
Whiteford mi tarots* menthe, I hee.by for'
bid say person that may Rail tbm ent• mall -
rag or collecting ft, or 1 will prooecole ac-
cording to low.
v4 -n14
Stoehr's, A mil 10t, IMP& v5 -a15.
10111 PRINTVarn of gem desertmien. mutt/
bed aremerty eeeeeted illWe WISee•
Deem:ober to.
CousteiL ReMSt
Wednesday, 5th May, 1S5'2.
The County Council met in pursuance of adjournment from
WILLIAM. CHALK, Esq., Warden in the Chair.
Messrs. WALLACF,
1. A MB,
Messre. WALE, -ER,
The minutes of Monday were read over and appenved of.
38 The Report of the Committee OR Assesament Rolls, was
received and read, when it was moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by
Mr. Ilan. That the contionino of the report be postponed, and
brought before the Council next June. and that the Clerk carry
out the instructions conveyed in the report- -carried.
Huron, Perth and Bruce.
D. II. RITCHIE, Comity Clerk.
Cousrcit. Roost. Gonenten,
May 4:14, 1832.
The County Council met at the Huron Hotel, Goderich, in
pursoavre of the resolution passed at the January Session for the
purpose ol passing ally -Law for borrowing £30,000.
WILLIAM CHALK, Esq., Warden, in the Chair.
Messrs. MITC1IF.1.14
(;h BW) 8,
Blesere. CORBETT,
P E NT!, A N D.
The NVerden addressed the Couned, whep the fly -Law au-
thorising the borrowing of £30,000 was read over.
8 Moved be Mr. Smith (Downie), seconded by Mr. 'Tamil-
ton,'Flist the By -Law now read for creating a loan of £30,000
for making CI rare' Road. tio not paw.
9 Moved in amendment by Mr. Hill. seconded by 'Mr.
Smith (Logan), That the Ily -Law for retang funds for the
Gravel Roach do pass.
On the yeas and nays }wing taken no the antendowiet it we,
carried by • majority of ame•
The 0y -Law was again read and pawed, and -the Wardea
authorised to sign the same in copes Council which was accordiag-
ly done.
10 Moved by Mr. TIohneo. seereided hy Mr. Hap, That
ia aegeitieting the lose under :be fly -Law now pawed. metesenore
shaU he made to authorize the rednction and di, here of tlw
recipe! within a shorter period than that 'twined by the By -
1.2', if 10,111Td 'ITC(teabl taITI141.
The Council was adjourned sine die.
Iluron, Perth and Bruce.
D. II. RITCHIE, County Clerk.
Of the Commit:cc on Finance.
MI:mucus:— Memrs. Holmes, Hamilton, John Smith,
William 6tnith, Hill—Mr. Hill iu the Chair.
Your Committee having taken into consideration the various
documents submitted to them, beg love to report as follows: -
27 Being a letter from the Clerk of the Peace, accompany-
ing a Petition from Richard Vine asking for remuneration as a
J uror.
With regard to which, we would recommend that all
Grand and Petit Jurors who may have served since first January
last, and those who may serve in future, be allowed the sum of
three shillings per day while acting in such capacity, and the further
sum of four pence per mile for every mile neressarily travelled
from their place of residen..e to the olace of llolding the Court
where they shall so serve as Jurors,
17 Letter from Thomas Mercer Jones, E.g., calling, atten-
tion to the bnportance of making provision for the Survey of a
Route for the exteusion of the torouto andGuelph Railway to
Having already imposed a heavy tax finothe construction of a
Gravel Road, and the Maitland Bridge which to to be pro-
eeeded with forthwith, your Committee considenthat thio Coun-
cil will be unable at present to enter rery _extensively into any ar-
rangement for the surrey or formation of a Railroad, they would.,
however, recommend that the sum of Three hundred pounds be
allowed to assist in making a survey, in the event of such a sur-
vey being made by the Canada Company or any other party. ,
21 An account of a sudden breach in Tuckersmith, certified
by William Chalk, Esq., we recommend to be paid.
22 An account for sodden breach certi5ed by Alexander
Mitchell, Es.q., the same deliverance as the last.
23 Account of Mr. Story for tinning roof ofthc Jail, eerti-
fied by Mr. Kirk, the same deliverance as the last.
24 Account for suil-lc, breach, certi5ed by Mr. Wallace, the
same as the Lost.
23 An account of Hugh Scobic Booes, certified by Mr.
Ritchie'the same as the last.
25 Account of John Rabb for sodden breach *aileron Road,'
certified by J. Smith, E -sq., the'me as the last.
39 Auditors abstract and letter therewith.. The a-eciunt
appear to be correct and satisfactory,,hut we observe with re-
gret that notwithstanding -all the efforts that hale been wade to
ffimIniShi the debt, we still find ourselves in debt to tbe amount of
about £6000. Your Committee would therefore desire Ito Mi-
mes& upon the.ntinds of .tbe sexeral membert.of this Couniilithe
importance of making sufficient provision for theyerrent experts:el
of the year, and nut as heretofore suhject ourselves to inconveni-
ence and expense, by su:Tering our expenditure to overrun Our
income. By comparing the Treasurers otatdmeut of the.current
expenses of the past year with the estimate and provision made
for meeting the siune, we observe that the expenditure has ex-
ceeded such provision neaHy £1000, this cao be accounted for
in part by the enormous and unexpected- calls connected with the
operation of the New Jury Law. With regard to that portion
of the Auditors' letter Which suggsts that their annual report
could to more advantage be male np to 31st of March, instead
of ealier„we can only -say, that however desirable such a course
might appear to be, the Law provides,.12 Vic. chap. SI., Sect
AU, that such Report shall be made withih one month after the
ent of the Auditors, and section- 143 provides .for the
appointment of auditors at the first meeticg• of Gouncil in each
each year. -
For the desired information handling Oleic duties connected
with the Collectors Rolls, we would say that under the Act 12th
Viet. chap. 81, a County Roll was prepared and issued by the
County -Gkrk, it was then necessary that such Roll -should be
'trailed by the County Auditors. Under the existing hlunicipa
Law tbe amount required for County. purposes is placed on the
same Collectors 'Roll, with the sum required for Township pur-
poses by the Township Clerk. and consequently must be audited
by the several Township Auditors, there is therefore in the opini-
cm of your committee no advantaoe to be pined, by haying them
again audited by the County .\ writors, hot a soot amount of la-
bour, both to the County Auditors. and to the several Collectors
who would be required to bring these r.1k. in many case. from a
Great distance, besides the inconvenience that the Townships MSS that he has the, advantage of an atonic 1.„e.,
suffer for the want of vieli rolls (for reference) when roquired.
We •would therefor:, recommend this subject to the eonsideration tune 'mill a raped education,contirmed
of the Council, and if considered co' tent with the req;Orernents Clara.
'1 should like to know the name of that
handsome young fellow who accompanied
you to Church last Sunday,' remarked
Clara .Mtdins to her amiable and heautiftil
cousin, Maria Sedgeland.
That's a !wetly question to ask. Do
you innoine I inn so simple as to tell all
I know in thio age of seerut sotielies! The
next thing you will want an introduction;
by-and-by you will set ynor cap, and who
knows but you may steal away niy gallant
beau, and then leave me alone in the glory
of single blessedness.'
Now, Maria, stop poking fun at me. and
let's know the naine of that nice young
• Well;ICIari, if it *at afford 700 10 notch
satisfaction to ascertain hhonotrie.I will not
be so creel to withhold it; here is his
Mao, and a welcome guest in some of the
bestocircles of society.'
Well, miss, I &ball put an immediate
stop trooluch interviews as you Lase with
bins. You shall not go to the theatre with
him, or drink wine with him at parties.'
• Ile never goes to the theatre, and he
never drinks wine.'
he to a cold water rat, is be! Now
I hate him more than 1 did before, and if he
ever comes to my house, 1 will driie him
away with a broonootick:
Jobe,' said Mrs. Mellon to her servant -
mac' take thio mote ,to the hotel where
Mr Isitrgammon boards, andlire .1 10 him
with my compliments -
It was past nine o'clork, and yet Mr.
Fitrgartnoa was still in the embeace of Mor-
pheus. 'rhe waiter, however, glad to awa-
ken the sleeper and feed him, so that the
dining -room might be got in timilintoss for
the next meal, awoke him at once. Ile
usually spent an hour at his toilette, washing
Ids bands, powdering his face, unpapering
his curls, lacing hi, stay' etc. Whilst be
'George Raymond! What a pretty - was dresaiag, and decorating, his person,
binateErmd fu°rffanrmyncer,andItaystoo
.Gerirgekie- il sigttJohn ennune"ced ennve"atinn with an
G in-
urfies sunlight on the mountains'
you admire the name; and think be
who wears it,,personally baud. onie ."
Y cs. Marit,1 dunk he is a pe -fit mo-
del of 11111111. Hoar aestiy, an! sat bow
plainly he dresses ! What a fnc fure,
has. Is be a Tawyer. Or doctor; nr rror„. six boarders in the house. Ile smells the
and is more, trouble at the table than other
broad forehead. and beautiful black eves he
n or, or merchant, Of ntioltat I what o. soup until his moustache dips into it, and
he 'rile is. aprinterl.' then pronounces it unfit for pigs; be says
It publieher, you mean.'
No, he picks up type in- a newspaper
futoortod.ass.e,eept her Med, hoe bowl, sett WI
And, as John surmised, that err/ eves
sag then was a grar.J a-irce at t!e hole. '
owned and ft copied by the haer lety, horses
ly 111m. and tbc Imr.1 5steA, diglitieril Mr.
As an early lour, the washed, con beil.
tiniehod. curled. deemed perlumed, amid de-
corated Mr. Fitecanimon eiigIst hare hems
wen ascending a flight of gr ,rite eel., and
after spelling out the name engraved
the silver door plate, rolled the bell with.
such violence that hr.. dog bowled with
tlo• ear -ache, and the .ervants started with
alarm, and the bras OA 'rioters, won.: IN!
what on earth was toe matter. •
Ile was escorted Mtn a pleasant is
which was hotl•omely furnish. I Mt%
most fashions! lo funiture. Attr..
introduced the enmaimipresent, la
la low bow; tried to smile, scraped
[Ton the eacret. and then awkwardly t
bled. like a bale or dry good.% upon the s
alter which he kob..i or With so air of w
droll.' • isilo111 no great import tan
. -
which seemed In say, what thitik ye ,
of this iinporteil opecisnen othgentility
' Ile really nag a remarkage looking
ject. Ilia coarse hair was oiled, eurfeffo
and +rented. He stared at every person
to the room through his glass. Ile, wore
no his unintellectual face, moustache*, whis-
ker', and goatee, and looked like
au ass that had swallowed a Iroise and left .
the tail sticking out of his mouth. His red'
carrot Gegen were hooped with huge rings
and a broach, Targe enough for a do -or -plate
struck mipon his ruffled Okra -bosom. t
Most person ei could hare seen at e
glance, that be was (me of those notoie-
ocript creaturro, who know hilt little of
thernoelves eiternally, except what they
tellioent waitor, was an old chum of
I learn from the looking -glass, arid who know
ker. .
. nothing of theneo Ireo internally, except
T VIPSS filisS121 iS .13 to have a party
what they feel from the liquor-glam. The
to -night, and thio note is to ax the gentle -
following conversation between the parties
man yen have just called to attend."
will alined art idea of the mental calibre of
You du not call him a gentleman, T hope
distinguiheil gletlernan.
lle is as cross as a bear with a sore head,
It is a beautiful evening, sir, remarked
one of the enumany.
Very fine.'
'IOW do youltlie our climate, sir r
Very foine.'
tlie beefsteak is tough as leather; the but-.. , w .
hat ito you think of American "'en-
ter as strong as Sampson; onil the pies andery r
_puddings not to be compared,to such hum- . very foinc:
ries io.Lonilon. - We have to•bc as carefia
'You have urn the Fails or Niagara,
am told. What do you tbink,ot that Nth -
brae and beautiful water wonder 1'
It li very foine '
The conversation was jut then inter-
rupted by tire appearance of Mrs. Mullin',
Awl her lailtcr. They wsre riehly deem-
ed sad geirisoonsly bejeweled, and Clara.
hotWitintiandin; the unmistakeable limo
Str--..Vahteniper Lad traced upon her eoun-
&hawse, was beautifid to look upon. The
atolasat they entered the room, Mr. Fite.
mg and cooing a while./ hope be will make gornmon arose from his sest, and sineezed
Miss Clara stand around—for she has a bor- the law( of Miser Glara and told -her she
rid temper, and Miss Sedgeland has t put look!! ‘.very•It'inc: l" 111. "1'14 ok tbe
eveuing, be ventured to say to ber that elm
up- withsTibr ill -humor. She is half the timeeveaac,
scolding her becowie a working man went was a ...harming girl, tit to, be the wife of a
with her to meeting on Sunday.' lord, and that be meant all be said,s upon
'Are the old folks rich r honor.
'They are well -lo -do in the world, but Maria was present at the party, and her
they need not turn up their noses at poor aunt availed herself of an early opportunity
folks, for I remember the time when old to ask lier how she would like the attention
Mullins cOuldn't-eut such a swarth as he of such a man as Mr. Fitzgninmon.
docs now. He used to keep a barber's' Best at a distance,' said sbe. I could
ithoP, and had sonie idea of taking my father not end -re such a hanil-box dandy, whose
into partnership with him, but father refus- bead is as empty as his hat.'
sickdtot_otibtats:e ajoiyet hhitolgt toon dt oo vwe ti tyh
sitobe-pen°cIde dis'paragingly of my company in my house '1'
You nide thing, how dare you speak on
until iksquealed, and soon saved change . Why, aunt, he has been winkle.; at me
Oh, now I untkustanil; you intend to say
be is the editor and proprietor of a news -
No, my doper cousin, he is a jouraeynna
in feeding, him. as though he were a wild
beaotognaohing his teeth on the keepers of
the menagerie.'
how you talk. Bob. MiM Clara
takes quite a shine to him, and she would
_you dia./ream &may is- sou„,ag have thrown a kettle of but water on yoa,
but a journeyman--." ohe heard what you said just now.
shouldn't wonder if they get married hew
He is * "1"' .•,14+40ime--• 6re tin. She Mys he is the WA of
op lord.'
How could you consent to alien him to son or tile dero, more likely.'
sit in your pew, and bean you home from
Church? I would not permit a, meet:ask
to touch my arm with a pair of tongs.-- I.
think you ought to be ashamed of such rul-
gar society. I shall inform ma this very
day, and s g as you remain under this
sure she will not allow
terto pay any attention to
roof, I am
that plebeian
' I declare,' observed Maria, pleasantly,
you hare given me a Caudle . lecture: If
that distinguished foreigner, who fell in love
with you at the museum, and who lets been
10 assiduous in his attentions ever since he
received an introduction, could have neon'
you, I bare no doubt he would highly corn -
mend you for looking down on what he calls
the common brad.'
'1 wish you to understand that Mr.Fitz-
igoimmon is a real gentleman by birth, and
of the law, the County Auditors should be released from the;
40 Petition for aid in making crosidaying on tbe Townlioi
between Hay and Stanley, we cannot recommend adopting at
41 Petition for aid on Port Franks Road, the &arm deliver-
ance as the last.
1.5 County Treasurers letter, with reference to that portion
of which relating to the appropriating of a portion of the (;rarel
Road funds to the liquidation of other claims, under the
circumstances referred to, we approve of the course pur-sued, as
it was at the time the most expedient, and in fact the only course
that could have been consistently adopted, hut we consider that
whenever it shall become necessary in any rase to appropriate nor
considerable sum otherwise than as ordered by Council, it would
be aovioable, and the more satisfactory, to consult with, and ob-
tain tbe consent of the Warden.
The last clause of the letter relating to the necessity of the
Council making sufficient provision to cover expenditure, we com-
mend to your particular attention as before alluded to in our de-
liverance en the auditoro abotract.
All of which is respectfully submitted by
ANIES -IT'LL, Chairman.
Of the Rend Iva pridgf rommairr.
Member's—Meows. 1/o.g, Nliller, Raoul!, Ryan and Wallace.
—Mr. Wsllace is the elimr.
isubmitted to them, beg leave to report as dhows
that the beleare be paid, ao provided for at tlw June Session.
24 tieing the Bill of Carron Brook ridge. we 'renames.)
Your committee havaig earefully etailli efl the several papers
know him. Several of our oldest, moot
30 Being an estimate of a Bridge over lite Sable between your coartship, and of v•su were at the altar,
thirty fire pounds be graated alai pail nut of the taxes to be pa would rise and forted the bane'
:owl types, and hove engaged km to edit •
wealthy and taiii•ntial citizens have club.
McGillivray and Stephen, we Ivo .Id recnmmend that the suns of
hed amt raised funds enough In bey a mesa
raised for ilei year on eneditioe that the parties ieterested raise . brpTakbefa„Dee.INtiarrlia°rwnlacl:4;,,iini.mm.teed.:3ItnelitY, aifjoelor
the balance and make tbe easboekniems seasisary.
42 We cannot recommend that the prayer be complied with ocr aunt's room. she bit been seated but "'""l'ai'er they design to publish. lie hi
43 The mine deliteravree as the last. . r,.. seconds when *he aristoeralic old lady the famous author of the thrilling sketches
The Plana and estunstee of the Maniere! Bridge, we have
came into the apartmerit, and'obeerverl, '1 Published nen the mallets of G. It;
earefully •xamined, and world ri•eommend the plan drawn hy
Mr. r 1 .. ,,,,,,,,, ,,,, mast miritantssi and ebrapem,. and that have been informed that, witivoit my ;view- • Mow C.a. a !Lars s!'“, wouldn't thee), him
arleertnieweets be prrt in s iiiirfaln, Detroit, 'Tension and Gad*.
rich Newspaper. for tenders for the ereetam of thy men,. till the
North Woodsy is dose. then to be let to tha lowest offer if mimerity he offered to the satisfeetion of the Warden earl Conseil.
29 Tieing Surveyor* Reprwt, lei whirl' we wneld recommend
am heortily sorry, my dear rousint,
that you encourage the addresses of such a
fop. I am sure he does not display much
good breeding. and as for Lis eduration, he
seldom speaks without =mitering his. mother
tongue. For my part, I should prefer the
society of one who works for a living. pro-
vided be is honest, tirtuoter, sober and in-
telligent. 1 have been acquainted with Mr.
Raymond ever since be was a child. 1
know his parents, and althouoli they are
poor, they are Trite reopectable, and have
7,,eiven (;loser a good common education.
and he is now occupying his leisure hours
in acquiring a knowledoe of the languages.
Even you admire Iris personal attractions,
and all who are acqoainted with him aoltesi•
latingly acknowledge that his ;1(41Tel-tool
endnwmcnts are far superior to his physical
' I am murk obliged lo you for thot set
mon. Mia Maria Sedgelanil; it does not re-
roire the assistonce of a microwerme nr spy
glass. to discover the 'late of your feelings
in regard to this mord cpeotirm7 The troth
is, you are POTi004 or jenlows, because 1
h.ave made an impression on the heart of
dear Mr. Fitsrammon, while yes, eon milt
rick up a mechanic. Ma will put a stop to
• Well, if they should pair off, after bill -
enough to commence brokerage on a small
scale. Folks used to laugh, and say that
.me pole would answer for both branehea of
learnt:so. Now he uses soft soap, and shaves
n.de., and is ashamed of tire more honest
and honorable calling, of shaving faces. I
wish the old man would try his hand on the
'are of the dandy. who is after bis daugh-
Yes, John. I think he could improve
his looko; but then, if a man make.' a beast
of himself, I can see no earthly reason why
he shouldn't look like one.- I believe this
stranger who palms himself off as a diotin-
most impertinently through his quizzing-
glam. Ile is not a gentleman, and ought
to be requested to leave the house. If
he doe.. not leave, with your permission, I
will retire to my room.'
I soppier(' -you are anxintio to ate the
journeyman printer; but if he dares to show
his face within the reach of a poker, I will
drive him out of the street. 1 have a will
and a way to punish upstarts, who do not
know their nwn place, and Imre no regard
for the higher order of oociety:
At a late hour that night, or rather at an
early hour the next morning, the rosily
wished foreigner, is en impudent impostor,
broke up ; bot the unfortuoate Mr. Fits -
without either wit, mosey, or morality, rind
gammon had partaken too freely of wine,
should be sorry to have him marry your
vonno mistreos.'
Bob, you toll/ like a book.'
Well, John, I read books, and study
human nature; and if 1 am not vastly mista-
ken, the ill -looking, ill-yr:stored loping of
women we have been speaking is a vile fel-
low, and ought to be exposed. 1 think it
wmild le. a good idea to get 5t1r. Raymond
to reddish him.'
• Ds you mean Raymond, the printer.'
• Ile is the very man who went to elm, eh
with the gracebil and lovely Miss
Il I* Itw' Sunday, and missus has vowed be
shall never darken her doors again.'
• What a goose she novo he. Mr. Ray-
mond Is loved and respected by all who
nr consent. 10,3 hare ne,..!, 'el the
• ttentions of a rating man enii.loyed in •
printing, office.'
with a lion of treigs, and that he is a low
fellow, tit only to go with vulgar people.'
• PA** that's all moonehine. The time
and sober John was nominated and ap-
pointed a committee of one to lead the
eminent stranger to his lodgings.
Thr nest day it was rnmoured in differ,
ent parts of the city, that a lord, duke,
knight, horonet, or earl, or something else,
had fallen in love with Miss Maltese, the
broker"... daughter. Maria received a les
were Conoleliog Froin her annt, and ditto
from her rowsindsecause she aphite so eels..
tempt's( usly of Mr. F it zgamecon.
Miss M Olin's jealousy induced her he be..
liere that several ynimg ladies were not„
only smitten but dead in love with the
golden earl she worihipoed, and in order to ,
make sure of the idol of her affection% she
and her parents went to work is grind ales -,
nest to bring about a matey easi have the .
parties 11 sited in matrimony.
'Floe landlord to whom Mr. Foxe -Amman
was indebted Inc booed sow! horenwed ionessy,
&d not press his claims for fear he might
loose a customer.
In a short time inielleaaaPaaa
for the wiolilitrig. Maws, atom.
makers, and •nierectiothers, Wert -
work. Ti.. day was ealeeted. ths
were invited, and all watrayamed
" Whelk mint; rernv-lied Moria, Iduohin; may come when she will be glad to te• to 11° "4'0 ^11` the 41, It
that the peep whieh be hao !sedated ant as the moot adirantagentio to the temples, Mr. Raymnod rime from ennipany. Iwo, to iso ,,,,,„,„4,1,4,4 when se event neriersialLoolij
Pia" for "be Msol'ati Pride id^Pted, 6°r avoiding my aative towa, and we hare been ar- and pretty young lady brieriimg her,. who
tura of the : And faultier we would recornmen that tbe Ser.
emitinted with •iieh ol her ever snipe w gave the initteiCto Mr. Fithearnnwni,
hest advantage, end that lie push the ereetenn of the new as they *era tkarea• He 1' a re'reetnHe r""It 11.'w"u4 t" delighted t!, Imre Me. Ray-
reyor Lie eistrneted to fell the old limber of the Bridges to t.se
- • Wife did you lee Gil
" Yes, I mier it bet to