HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 18• Page 16 The Timea•Advocate, July 2, 1969
students at the J. A. D. McCurdy School,- RCAF Station
Centralia, received their graduation certificates following
B. banquet Thursday night, Sponsored by the WA, it was
the first such banquet held at the Centralia school. Above,
back row, from, left: Principal Henderson King, Bryan
Dolan, .Sterling Palmer, Ken Miles, Merle Stevens, Carol
Allen, Judy Rawson, Stanley Lesnick, Dennis Swanson,
Loius Dugre, Anthony Humphreys and J. B. McCarroll,
teacher of the graduating class; front row, Dorothy La-
Boutillier, Sharon Kelly, Shirley Roper, Kitty Keon, Diane
McLeod, Gayle Brown, Lona -Kay Glenn, Leanne Lapeer,
This week in
Personal items
Mr. Roy Coultis, of Toronto,
visited on Tuesday evening with
Mr. and Mrs, Newton Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Walters spent the weekend at
Niagara Falls and Chesley Lake,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cowan,
of London, spent the weekend
with. Sandra and Judy Walters.
Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Snaith,
of Crediton, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Colin GUM.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry' Sperling
of London, Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Dickey and girls of Wood.
ham, Mr. Clarence Ford. and
•Jenny of Kitchener, Mrs. Harry
Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Brock of. Guelph visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Free-
man Horne. -
Mrs. Garnet Miners visited. on
Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. How-
ard johns and family.
School picnic
The pupils of Winchelsea school
end the little ones that will be
starting to school in September
held a picnic at the school
grounds on Thursday.
Mrs. Don Jolly who is retir-
ing from teaching this year was
given a present.
Band, ,Circle members
entertain ladies at Zion
WMS., WA, Mission 'Band and
Mission Circle held a joint meet-
ing at the school Monday eve-
ning at 8.30'. The president: of
the WMS, Mrs, Harold Hern,
opened the meeting and Mrs,
Ward Bernread the scripture,
Mrs. Ward Hern conducted a
short business meeting for the
The Mission Band and Mission
Circle then put on the program
with Miss Margaret Brock, pres-
ident of the Mission Circle as
chairlady. It' included. a trio by
Sheila Hern, Yvonne Jaques and
Emily Dykema,; solo by Bill
Brock; accordion selection, Barb-
ara Bern; readings, Elsie Miller
and Muriel Hern; piano instru-
mental, Shirley Jaques; chorus
by the members of the Mission
Band; duet:, Doris and Doreen
Brock; recitation, Ann Herdman,
Margaret Cornish, Sheila Hern
and Emily Dykeman.
Mrs. Tom Bern, one of the
Mission Band leaders, react a
chapter from the study book. A
social. hour was enjoyed.
Pupils enjoy picnic
Mrs, Elson and her pupils and
mothers of pre-school children
enjoyed a picnic onFriday at
After dinner a sports program
was enjoyed and an afternoon of
Winners of the races were:
Yvonne Jaques, Emilie Dyke -
man, Graham Hern, Leslie Dyke -
man, Marvis Towle, Elsie Miller,
Ronnie Metz, Vernon Bern, Bar-
bara Vern, Ross Ferguson; mar-
ried ladies, Mrs., Allan Elson,
Mrs. Norman Jaques; pre-school,
James Cornish, Mervyn Bern;
kick the slipper, Marvis Towle,
Muriel Cornish, Paul. Baker,
Ronnie Matz; three-legged race,
Park, E x e t e r. Mr. Beverly
Mrs. Elson was presented with
a gift by the pupils.
Personal items
Members of the Bern family
enjoyed a picnic at Riverview
P a r k, Exeter, Mr, Beverly
Skinner was elected the new
president. Races and sports
were enjoyed.
Mrs, Ross Bern, of Detroit,
spent the weekend at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell and.
children, Grimsby, were week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ephriarn Hern. Mr. and Mrs.
Hern returned with them. to
spend a few days in Grimsby.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsman
and. children, Kippen, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.
Message from
Personal items
Mr. and. Mrs. Morgan Brown
of Toronto, visited on Sunday
with Mrs, Mary Hey and. Mr.
and Mrs, Archie Mustard. -
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Mc-
Kinley visited with. Mr, Harold
Finlay and family on Saturday,
Ross Hern and Mr. and. Mrs.
Keith Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques at-
tended Centralia church service
on Sunday to hear Rev. J. T.
Clarke's farewell sermon and:
visited with Mr. and Mrs,. Fred
Bowden. -
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques
spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Morley, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns and
children, visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hern,
Sunshine Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock and
children, Mr., and Mrs. Harry
Bern and children attended the
Ritchie reunion at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn, Clan-
deboye, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and
boys attended. the Que reunion
at Stratford Park, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dykeman
and Ronald, London, were week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jud Dykema, and family.
A Spomors first b.a. nq i.....
r McCurdy P5 graduates
The first graduation banquet chosen by their classmates to: be Mrs. Doug Alien, Mrs. A. D.
for students of J. A. D. McCurdy valedictorians. .lferbert and Mrs. If. A. Glenn.
School, RCAF Station Centralia, On behalf of the class, Lona -
was held Thursday night in the Kay \Glenn presented a gift to 1
auditorium. Mrs. Douglas Grayer, who has. Baptismal rites
f+;igh.teen students received di- taught the students square dane 1
plomas and .congratulations from I ing. Mrs. Grayer led in a num
Principal Henderson King and lber of reels following the pro -held at Moral home
the class teacher, John B. Mc- I gram. ► On Sunday afi,the home of her
honor at 1 l± /f" Dennis Dolan, chairman grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
abr:ey u;. brt•�,,:, . of the school board, spoke briefly 'R, Dopper, Tracey Elisabeth,.
the banquet served° by members congratulating the students and • daughter of Drs. Victor and Joan
of the WA: I describing the new types of ver- , Kyle of Toronto w.as baptized by
bal tests being adopted in the Rei, Sydney Davidson of Bruce -
1 F. S. J. Proulx also took 1 field ywho had also baptised the
art in the program. ! baby's samome
part The same crystal comport
Refreshments were served both' was used that had figured
the parents and students at the in the baptism of the baby's elew of the evening. then and grandfather, the late
Committee in charge' of the Dr. Norman Kyle, Fergus.
Whalenbanquet—which received -a trip-, Present for the occasion were
ule of three hearty cheers from ` the baby's grandmother. Mrs..
the graduates—included Mrs. G.1 Norman D. Kyle, Toronto, Mr.
Rawson, Mrs. J, M. Benning, I and Mrs. Victor Wilson, also of,
Two students with the highest
aggregate marks -- Leanne La-
peer and Kenneth Miles -- were
Topics from
Toronto, .If;'. and ,Mrs, �lulla.
Howes and daughter; Heather,
Woodbridge, Mr. and Mrs, Rol,
-ert Fletcher. Landon. Mr. and
Mrs. ]Bruce McCtillangh, Walker-
ton. Rev. and Mrs. Sydney Da•
vidson, .Br.11cefield, Mr. and Mrs, .
B. F. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. T-
A. Foxton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mr, P, L. Pickles of Byron,
and !Mrs, E. E. Cook, London,
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Klahre.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson
and Wayne attended the Hern
reunion on Saturday at River-
view Park, Exeter.
Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Klahre.
Catherine and Martha, visited on
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Fischer, Si. Marys, Cather-
ine remaining for a holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Foster,
Montreal, and Mr, and Mrs. Gor-
don Foster, Ottawa, also Mr.
and Mrs, Peter Gouclsward, Lon-
don, visited during last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Mor-
Mrs. Campbell Birtch, of St.
Marys, visited several days dur-
ing last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Hodgson.
Mr, and Mrs. Melville Gun-
ning and Muriel, also Mr. Wil-
fred Herbert were Sunday guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Morley,
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins, Laura,
Pat and Paul, were recent visi-
tors of Mr. and Mrs, William
Morley Sr,
Sue Ann Squire spent the week-
end in St. Marys with her aunt,
Mrs. Mac Baron.
Mrs. Olive Gowan entertained
her pupils and pre-school chil-
dren to a picnic on the school
grounds on. Thursday.
The induction service for Rev.
Duncan M. Guest, Centralia and
Whalen's new minister will be
held in Whalen church Friday
evening, July' 3.
Sunday School picnic
Whalen Sunday School held
their annual picnic on Friday at
Stratford Park. There were 78
sat down for dinner and supper.
During the • afternoon there
was a full line of sports.
At the supper hour Rev. and
Mrs. Clarke and Allison were
presented with gifts before leav-
ing for their new hgme in Browns-
Currie and Mr. and Mrs, W. W;
Currie, Wingham.
11,1,INU,1,111,IU1,111A111„ 111114'
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this .Subday, Wednes-
day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
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