HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 17i Turn..down requests from religicus group Council took no action Monday , who establish new subdivisions ;night on two requests from re- must be treated alike. .Since ligious groups for use of publicIplans were required for both the facilities. i Whilsmith and Riverview Heights This follows a general policy • .developments, the mayor should not to allow any church group . also submit one. they said. to use town property. ° Mr. lilaeNaughton plans to One request came from a., build on a lot just inside the "group Of young Christians" who easterly limits on Huron street. sought permission to hold open! Other building permits were. air service Saturday nights orr granted to W. E. Kraft, for a Main street, with the aid of .a $12,000 home on Riverside Drive; public address system. V Mrs. Norah Taylor, for .renova- Mayor Pooley objected that . tionto her hone on Gidley; A. the sound would create a hazard 'L. Snelgrove for renovation of to traffic, always heavy on a his home on Andrew; Des - Saturday night, He was support , jard]ne, improvements to his ed in this by Chief MacKenzie home on William, who said he had seen children To purchase truck endanger their lives by dashing Council approved the purchase across the street to such. serv- of a half -ton truck for the use ices, of Gerald Cornish, road sup't. Council considered allowing Reeve William McKenzie said. the group to use a side street • considerable tune was wasted but ,decided this would be set',because the stip't had no means ting .a precedent.other than the4ractor to super - Gerry VanderworP, Kippen. vise various activities of the pub - who presented the request said lic works crew. council w a s preventing the.The reeve, Councillors Taylor spread of the gospel through itsand Fisher were appointed to a refusal. He said he represented committee to investigate pur- e group of young people of a chase of truck. number of denominations. , In other business, council; Mayor Pooley made it clear Approved PITC installation of there was no discrimination . a four -inch water main on Wit - against any religion. "We are' liam street north and a six-inch doing what we think hest. for the,main on Sanders street east, safety of the citizens," he said.along with hydrants in these Council also declined, for the areas. Aecond time. a request from the ! Learned that two town nursing local congregation of Jehovah's' hones—the Heywood home and Witnesses for use of the town 'Exeter Nursing Home—had been hall, j approved far licencing under the Meet new constable :the Dep't of Health by the coun- The town's new constable ty. • Lloyd Hodgins, was introduced Authorized a title search on to members of council and his ' the road allowance beside the salary approved. He will be paid grandstand and west on the at the rate of $2,800 for three tracks on Victoria street. months probation, $2.900 for bal-; Learned that all tourist es- ance of the year and $3,000 for tablishments must secure build - 1360. ; ing permits from the Dep't of Chief .MacKenzie reported he . Travel and Publicity as well as was now prepared to use the ' the town. tranquilizer gun on stray dogs,' Hoped to receive soon the Action has been delayed for ex-' OWRC's recommendations on periments in connection with the ; drainage in order to proceed dosage of the serum which the with the work this year, gun's pellet injects into dogs, ; Learned that the lagoon con - MPP in subdivision delay 'structed for disposal of waste Huron. MPP C. S. MacNaugh-"from the canning factory would ton became involved in a per- be filled in 10 days and that sonal way with the dispute in some sort of sprinkling system council over sale of the mayor's! would have to be devised to take land on Huron street for build-' care of the remainder of the ing lots. His request for a per- waste for the rest of the pack. mit to erect a $20,000 home was i Postponed until next meeting laid aside until "council receives i a decision on the Dep't of Trans - a registered plan for the area, 1 port's recommendations to raise expected by the next council I speed limits on Highway 83.. The meeting. l specific proposals, submitted in Several meetings ago, council a letter, were to establish a 50 passed a motion .that no more' mph zone from the westerly building permits be issued for limit to a point 100 feet west of lots on Huron street until the , the railway and from a point mayor presents a subdivision .1.00 feet east of Andrew street plan. which has beenrequired Lo the easterly limit, with a 40 of other landowners. The mayor : mph zone between; the dept said he asked for the plan five ; also recommended a 40 mph years ago but has not been able! limit on No. 4 from No, 83 north, to get the engineer to complete,' to the town limits. it. 1 Approved an expenditure of i It was indicated Monday night I approximately $35 for the es - that. the plan had been submitted; tablishment of a 16 -car parking to the Department of Planning; lot behind the store of Gould and Development for •approval and .Tory, Main street. Council - by Engineer B. ,M. Ross, Gode-1 for Fisher made arrangements rich. for the lot. 'Councillor Taylor' Mayor 'Pooley felt building on indicated it would make up for Huron street could be approved the space lost on Main by the because the road and all serv- switch from angle to parallel ices were already there. "The t parking on the west side. only permits we have refused i Three councillors . were absent are those where roads had to be for the session. George Rether built." he said. and Bill Musser were ill and However, other councillors, Deputy -Reeve Chester Mawhin- led by Eldrid Simmons, stuck tolant. i ney was working at the canning their contention that alt those i p Hay calls for tenders to build two bridges Hay township council this week called tenders for construction of two cement culverts in the town - One will be erected on conces- sion 2-3 at lot 21, the other on concession. 14-15 at lot 18. Both jobs willuse a total of 1,200 bags of cement. Report on the Decker munici- pal drainwas adopted and pro- ceedings authorized. A grant of $35 was made to the South Huron Agricultural So- ciety. Council exempted Dashwood and Zurich police villages from the general township rate, which amounts to about one mill. This was done in co-operation with Stephen township, a representa- tive of which was present for this discussion, Monday, August 3, was declared civic holiday. Council. requested Clinton ru- ral hydro to move three poles hack to the fence line on the south side of Campbell Ave., from .Archmabault SL, west, at St. Joseph. Hay agreed to pay one-half the labor cost. Councilaccepted a drainage pe- tition, to prevent erosionto the side of his cottage lot, :from J. Lower taxes for Stephen Stephen township c o u n c i 1, which met Monday night. set this year's taxes at 1.5 mills less than last year. A reduction in expenditures allowed council to cut the town- ship rate to 8.1. mills. Contract forconstruction of the Keller extension drain was let to Charles Dietrich, RR. 2 Crediton, forthe sum of. $1170. Court of revision on this drain was declared dosed. Council requested Engineer B. M. Russ, Goderich, to draft plans for. Construction of two y new brides one on the Exeter. side - road, the other on the fourth concession. Ti4EY ALSO PASSED TWO names were inadvertently omitted from the list of SiDIIS promotions last: week, Both Susan *Kelly and Rab Turner passed grade ~ nine With fitat class 1�It'�r`IY, Corbett, OLS, Lucan, to inves- tigate.. Auditor's report for 1958 was accepted, Assessment on the property of Mrs. Gertie Deters, Zurich, was adjusted. Because of ill health, she had not been. able to appeal r at the regulareitime. Hensall OK's Next meeting will be held Tuesday, August 4, at 7:30 p.m. Eighty -Second Year e exeferZimes-Akwocafe EXETER, ONTARIO, JULY 9 1939 • Nice Per Copy 10 Cents Weekends bring 10,000 er 40,000. visit Pinery Park. CIRCUS ENTERTAINS DISTRICT — A travelling circus,] which hit this area this week, attracted large crowds to afternoon and evening shows staged under the big top in Grand Bend and Exeter. Elephants, of course, were the major attraction. Above, Brad Hamilton, Grand Bend, feeds then peanuts while Brian Pugh, in sailor's hat, watches. Lions clubs sponsored the event in both places, Grand Bend Tuesday and Exeter Wednesday. The circus moved to St. Marys Thursday. It's the first to come to this district for nearly two decades. —T -A Photo Parallel parking widens highway Travelled portion of the town's main street has been widened i by about six feet with 'the intro- duction of parallel parking to the west side, , Thoroughfare is now about 30 - feet wide, providing ample room for flow of north and south traffic. Public works crew erected new signs and painted road markings for the parallel park- ing Thursday. Friday morning brought some confusion, with a few motorists still using the angle, but it was pretty well cleared up by Saturday. Now parking on both sides is parallel. � Although the move ut down the number of parking spaces, council approved Monday night the establishment of a 16 -car lot behind the store of Gould and Jory to compensate for the loss. Council had prepared another lot behind the town hall earlier this year. NEW CONSTAiILE—Lloyd Trod - gins, 32, a former guard at the Guelph reformatory, has joined Exeter's police force. He began duties this week. —T -A Photo Where to find it Announcements 11 Church Notices .................... 1S Editorials ... 4 Coming Events 15 Farm News 9 Feminine Facts 12 Hansell b Looking In With Lir Lucan 14 Sports Want Ads 11 GRAD PICTURES Thir Times-Advoseta'st *nF +n4e1 $HDHS gr+rtliietien, to. fora apri arty on pass 1t arena grant Hensall councilapproved a grant of $2,000 to the Hensall Community Memorial Park Board Monday night to assist in the completion of furnishing and de- corating at the arena. Don Joynt, chairman of the board, outlined plans for addi- tional work on the auditorium, equipping the kitchen and pur- chasing chairs, A considerable sum has been donated by community groups for this project. Council also approved the an- nual grant of $200 to the recrea- tion committee. Members decided to leave until fall the digging up of Richmond street, from Nelson to King, in preparation for paving next year. Councillor Lorne Hay reported on the paving of the northern part of Richmond street, The,, work was done by Levis Con- struction Co., Clinton, for $4,700, Adopting atl get -tough policy on , dogs running IC large, council instructed Constable E. R. Davis to summon to court any owners who do not tie vp :heir. dogs. Contract for repairs to the town hall roof was let to Ed Fink for $126. Bids were also received frons W. J. Cameron and IT, Lawrence. Peeve John 1lenderson was authorized to declare Monday, August 3, a civic holiday. Council declined to purchase a trophy for the field day being organized by Recreation Director. J, R. Mime because it felt this was not within its jurisdiction. Constable E. R. Davis reported an weed cutting and the erection of a sign at the dump regulating fires there. SCHOOL ENJOYS <sICNPC Last "Thursday afternoon, an enjoyable:WAS held at SS No. IL Ray,. when: the pupils and teacher, Mrs, Desjardine. i n- tertalned the: hieither5 and friends oL the community, Mayor says north end r • • Does the north part of Exeter get the same treatment as the rest of town? Mayor Pooley insists it does. Jack Weber, of J. W. Weber Ltd., which recently built a new plant on Highway 83, says it doesn't. This was the basis of a bizarre argument' at council meeting Monday night between these two principals, "There never has been any difference in treatment since I've been on council," said the mayor, "The north end has received the drains, same considerationin streets, water mains and other services. I don't know what you BANDSMAN TONY AQUILINA . he's seen Queen five times Local bandsman sees queen often Weber north section weren't as wide or One resident of. Exeter has in as good a condition as down - seen the Queen. five times al- town, Councillor Fisher„ roads ready during her Canadian tout'. chairman, said all roads at the Cpl. Tony Aquilina, son of north end had been oiled. and gravelled where possible, Pooleypointed out that Mayor new hy- dronew water main and e y dro service were being installed in the north end at the present time, Weber objected Co the use of the joined the RCAF organization term "north end." He said: "It's six months ago, part .of. the town," Stationed al Downsview, Tor- "We refer to it as the north onto, he returned there this end just as we have a south end, week after a three-day visit with east end and west. end." He noted his family. it used to be Balled Francistown The band met: the queen and and was not a part of the town, President Eisenhower at SL 11u. at one time, bert for the opening of the St. "I wish it stilt was F rancis- Lawrence Seaway. It has also town," stated Weber, "Then our played for the royal tour at taxes wouldn't be so high," Windsor Ottawa,and Toronto. Weber termed "ridiculous'y the ' kedt o e l each suggestion that speed limits be .She 'looked v y eg P _. „ time," he says, raiseci on highway 83.. Why o The band specializes in semi- ahead and raise the speed limit classical, ,musie and represents when: it's so hazardous - there the RCAF" at numerous func- now?" The mayor said this was a re- comtnenclation From the Depart• eatiment� expect or what you want. Replied Weber: "I think we deserve the same benefits." Pooly: "There is no discrimi- nation. The north end is treated the same as Gidley street." (Mr. Weber lives on Gidley.) Weber: "Why can't we just get a little bit more than we have been getting." Pooley: "When •you get on council you can show us where to get the money, how to spend it and what do to with it." The argument started with two complaints registered by Mr. We- ber. Ile revealed someone had let his recently -acquired prize horse out of the stable twice and cut it about the head, He felt police should provide better protection. The mayor replied police made regular checks of the area, as it did other places. Such an inci- dent could happen anywhere in town, he contended. "Why hasn't the town built sidewalks up there," enquired Weber. "They've built them in the rest of. town." The mayor said sidewalks could be constructed on the same basis that they have been in other areas: the property owners must agree to pay 25 percent of the cost. ":Che rest of the town didn't pay to have their sidewalks put in," contended Weber. -•1VVe did," replied several councillors. This regulation has been in effect for a number of years, it was indicated. ."Who's going to be responsible if one of the kids is hurt because he has to ride his bicycle on the highway," asked Weber. There is quite a hazard in this area, he indicated, because there weren't any sidewalks. Councillors told him town regu- lations did not permit rioting bi- cycles on sidewalks. Children would have to use the highway even if there was a sidewalk, ober indicated roads in the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Aquilina, An- drew dt:ew St., counts this s one of the advantages of being a mem- her of the RCAF Training Com- mand Band; After playing clari- net with. the Exeter District Ju- nior I3and for several years, he tions. This fall it will he lea - Lured al the Massachusetts State 'Pair. meM of Transport but i.t`hect trot . . • f- Canvassers were; being paid foil It asses lnrrst�nfs cancrris at been adopl.ed, , nn>° even, toff- . _ `1� 1, reveal is nr schools ' C' adiati 'Witted, by counen. lfe indicated their' Work but he did no e Secondary In al� I .,. .. r cities. ( e.. please turn to OW 2 how much they received per Big crowds see travelling circus 'Jhe Carson and Bares wild animal circus arrived in Exeter Wednesday morning for a one - day stand. They pulled in early in the morning from. Grand Bend where they held two perform- ances, afternoon andevening, and were greeted with large crowds. The circus was sponsored by the Exeter Lions Club and from the advance sale of tickets, both performances in town will be well attended. Carson and Barnes have a well balanced program of train- ed animal and circus acts, com- plete with lions, el e p ha n t s, ponies, and trapeze artists. The feature attraction is Col. Tim McCoy, TV and western star, who delighted the crowd with. his crack whip specialties. The main circus was .under a big tent, with several added at- tractions on the side. Fatality driver pays $100 fine Driver of, the car inv ilved in the accident which. killed Wil- liam Ilayter, 61, RR 1 Varna, was fined $100 and his licence suspended for six .months- in Clinton court this week, Paul Armstead, 26, Goderich, was convicted of careless driv: ing after pleading not guilty, Mr. Hayter died shortly after cars driven by himself and Arm - stead collided on the Bayfield road, May 8, Canners start 24-hour run Canadian Canners Ltd., faced with an exceptionally good crop of peas, was forced to begin round-the-clock operation at the local plant Wednesday night. Manager Don Graham said. night workers are being sought to fill the second shift. Operations were extended Mon- day night with sixty personnel from RCAF Station Centralia coming in until midnight. Even this move, however, was not enough to handle the harvest. The pack is expected to con- tinue for another two weeks. Ten thousand people are lne wading the new provincial park at the Pinery .on. Sundays, 11- gu.res' released this week •by Sup't Gartland Myers reveal. "This is better than we had expected," Myers said, This past weekend, 3,024 cars entered the park with average occupancy calculated at 3.7 persons, Since the park unofficially opened in June, 12,000 cars have passed through the gates, This indicates sortie 45,000 people have used its facilities. As in other park areas across the province, camping grounds are being filled to capacity with the upsurge in popularity of thin type of vacation, This weekend, 1,464 people stayed in the camping area in 328 tents . and 19 trailers. Over one-quarter of these came from the United States with the bulk of the remainder from Ontario. The group camping area has also been well patronized, main- ly by Scouts, who have come from as far as Ohio. Troopa from, many parts of Ontario'have used the 'facilities. Date of the official opening ceremony, at: which Premier Frost is expected, has not been set, Construction of a fourth com.- fort station in the park is under way. Officials had hoped to de- velop a traitor area this :summer but the extent of the crowds has formed a postponement of this project. New school in Zurich to affect area in Hay • Hay township school area, un -j Two schools have already been like many ,districts, finds itself; closed in the 'township. SS 6 with a surplus of accommodation !pupils are 'being transported to for the coming year. 1 Zurich and the 17 students in Although the board has not yet SS 14 now go to Hensall, in closed any schools, it appears' which the Hay board pays tuition likely it will before the start of : fees. the 1960-61 term.. The latter situation may soon Reason is the construction of change, although ratepayers in the new separate school at Zur-t this section have indicated they ich, now well under way. HI want their children to continue is. expected to open with an en- at Hensall. However, enrolment rolment of about 90 pupils, all at Hensall is reaching capacity of whom will came from Hay and the flay hoard is not .likely schools. !to appreciate paying tuition fees • The area board's school at 1 to. Hensall when it has accom- Zurich, to which a two -room ad- i modation in its own schools. dition was constructed two years i Transportation and tuition for ago, will have ample room for : No. 14 pupils is Costing over its students in September. En- ' rolment there is expected to !drop from 175 to 145. Roman Catholic students may also transfer, from five other township schools. SS 3, with an enrolment of 37, may Jose six; SS 4 may drop from 24 to ,19; SS ?, from 24 to 14; SS 12, from 28 to 18; USS 9, from 44 to 39. a Although has board s Con• sidered closing one or two of these schools and transporting the students to Zurich, no acton will be taken this year because of the uncertainty of the • enrol- ment, All of the teachers have been employed for another term and the mill rate has been .set at 13, same as in 1958. NEW AREA MINISTERS—An unusual number of minis- terial transfers have taken place in the district this month. Rev. Currie Winlaw, left, of Wawa, has taken over the United Church charge of Hensall and Chiselhurst, Rev. J. W. Gillings, Golden Lake, is the new minister at Cal- vary BUB Chttrch, Dashwood. Petition starts here pay vote canvassers With other areas 'reporting about 85 pereent support, peti- tion for a vote on. the CTA be- gan circulation in Exeter this week. Councillor J. E. Httckins, Go- derich, chairman of the Huron committee, said four ladies are distributing the petition here. Final returns in .both llensall and Hay township indicate 85 percent support. Mr. Buckins said. Of 500 voters in Hensall 430 signed]. Goderich is also expected to exceed 80 percent. Results are expected soon froth Winghaln, BrUssels and 'Myth.Councillor lluckins eliselosed name. He was questioned about pay- metit following a press report Wednesday which stated a Brantford councillor withdrew his support front a proposed 11- quor lounge vote there When he learned petitioners are being paid 10 cents a naive, "Note, when t find the" Qat- sant speeches of democracy are stimulated by 10 eents a name, I am withdrawing my support," the Brantford official. said Councillor liuckins indicated the 10.cent figure was not cor- rect .for Huron. Col. C. E. Woodrow of the Li- quor Control Board of Criteria said there is nnthing illegal about any grouli supporting li; quer petitions, $2,000 a year. It is estimated the Hay board will lose an assessment of about $200,000 when :separate school supporters start paying toward the operation oia their own school in 1960. A1tho'ugh tliey will no longer contribute toward operating ex- penses of the Zurich. school, Roman Catholic families must continue to pay their share of the debenture debt on the Zurich addition. It was erected two years ago at a cost of $40,000, raised by 10 -year debentures. While the separate school will attract students from a wider area, only those families within a three-mile radius ,of Zurich can transfer their assessment to the school. Hay township clerk, H. W. Brokenshire, a n d assessor, George Armstrong have the the formidable task of revising' formidable task of revising the assessment roll and tax .notices to meet the new situation. Enrolment is difficult to deter- mine, particularly 'in the area outside Zurich, since attendance at the separate school is at the discretion of the Roman Catho- lic families. In addition, the Bluewater separate schools in Ilay and Stanley 'townships have a inalgamated with the intention of providing bus transportation, which niay affect attendance at the Zurich school. The three-room separate school, being constructed by Ross Ur- quhart Construction Co. Ltd., London, is being financed. by 20 -year debentures. For the fust four: months, or until the 1960 taxes are received the school will not have a source of reve- nue to meet operating expenses. Three teachers have been hired for the .corning year. Principal will be James Carry, Mt. Carmel, who hes completed two years of teaching and. will receive his permanent certificate this stun- mor. Ills staff will include Miss Mary Shea, Dublin,, and Mrs. Evelyn McKeever, Mt, Carmel, who taught this past year at SS 10 Williams West. lho. Members of the s c o. h ofird, formed in October, 1958,.are Geri old Regier. Louis Farrell and Clarence Jeffrey. :sl'a'ther C. A. bnyle IS priest of the Zurich parish. sailboat Exeter b F ret awl wins G B race "Stukey 130r," owned. by Lou Balky, Exeter, was declared ficial winner' of the Grand Bend Yaeht Club's first race Sunday. None of the vessels was able to complete the three-mile course liee5trse of a dying wind but the Bailey boat wast/ in the lead when the event was Balled off, Assisting Bailey was' his brn= ,� -" -.w � ed McG tier •;ri �a t i vtay* SneOild la etante the . ten, owned by Bill Deffield Of Londolty