HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 13Page 5
•Tha Times.Advogatart uIy Mt
Lets Taik
Spo"rts. Editor
We just happened to catch the last eight in
flings of the All-Star classic Tuesday afternoon at
Forbes Field Pittsburg where the National Leaguers
gained sweet revenge for a 4-3 setback last year in
Baltimore by dumping manager "Casey" Stengel
American League heroes 5-4 in a real thriller. It was
not quite as crowded where we sat and watched the
garne's best in action as it was in. Pittsburg, but we
got quite a thrill out of
the whole ordeal. This
game had everything. A
bumper crowd witnessed
seven innings .of good pit-
ching. Only two home
runs marred the hurler's
performances. Then the
game broke wide open.
Runs galore were scored
by both sides with man-
agers on each club shoot-
ing the works. Base hits
seemed to come at will as
the mound staff on both
sides saw their stuff go.
sour. Defensively, fielding
turned in was strictly all-
star variety. The differ-
ence between this year's
spectical and last was like
night and day. We
wouldn't be surprised if
even the "red -hots" went
better in Pittsburg than they did in Baltimore be-
cause two of their boys, Elroy Face and Bill Mazer-
oski, played important roles in the National League
Close to 36.000 fans didn't have to wait long
to cheer in this one. A first inning homer on a 2-2
pitch by Eddie Mathews put the homesters in front.
However, a game little competitor by the name of Al
Kaline of Detroit Tigers tied it up with a blast into
left centrefield after two were out in the fourth. Ka -
line, a favourite of many fans throughout this district
played under the handicap of a fractured cheek bone
in which he had stitches removed on Monday. There
was doubt if he would play but the game little com-
petitor shook it off until the sixth when he was
forced to slide into third after Bill Skowron singled
to centre. His jaw began to act up again so Stengel
replaced him with Harvey Kuenn. in centre. We
think one of the key plays happened when Kuenn
took over the centre field pasture as Willie Mays
tripled over his head. It looked to us as though Har-
vey misjudged the ball a little and got a late start on
it. Kaline, with speed to burn and one of the sharp-
est eyes in the business, may have pulled it down
and saved the game for the Americans. However,
that's baseball. It just seems that this year i sn't
"Casey's". He can't get the Yankees rolling on a res-
pective winning streak and it looked as though it was
written in the books before the game that she should
lose this one, A pair of infield grounders just out of
the reach of Gil McDougald at short set up the runs.
It was their day and the stars made the best
of it. Quite a controversy has arisen about these star-
studded classics because another will be played in
L.A. on August 3. In our estimation, if the calibre of
ball is turned in like it was Tuesday, true baseball
fans won't mind digging a little deeper into their poc-
kets to see the extra games. They're great!
Before we go any further, we'd like to pass
along our best wishes to the Staffa baseball club of
the Cyclone Baseball League on winning the cham-
pionship in Mitchell Saturday evening. We get a kick
out of attending the finals of this league.each year
and this year wasn't any exception. Staffa, who
copped the title, replaced Kirkton as the group cham-
pions. Kirkton reigned over the league for the past
two years.
This loop doesn't exactly display the best
brand of baseball we've seen, but they have a terri-
fic setup. They have a five team setup each year
with the first four making the playoffs. Their sche-
dule is completed by the end of June and each year
they play off for the Cyclone Trophy on the July 1
holiday. Three games take place throughout the day
with the winners of the first two encounters teeing
off at one another in the last lap. Now you may
think this is some kind of a farce, but don't laugh!
The crowds they get for these games are better than
we've seen in the Huron -Perth since we started
pounding the beat some four years ago, There must
be some reason for this and we think there is. The
clubs in this league keep their group compact. In
other words, they don't seek strange teams to enter
the league each year or look or go for an interlocking
schedule, Their schedule is short and sweet. Players
on the clubs are at least 90% the same year after
year, so that fans don't exactly need a program to
tell the lineup, We don't know what the fans are
like during the regular schedule but the clubs are
really living when they hold their grand finale, The
same teams, familiar faces, a short schedule with
lots of competition and a Dominion Day windup
seems to be the story that keeps the league succes-
ful. The Huron -Perth might be wise to look into
their setup for a few tips, Long drawn out schedules
With several unnecessary postponements are killing
the. local intermediate group. Fans can't keep up
their interest,
Getting back to Staffa copping the title, 32,
year old Bob `Cy" Sadler, who tips the scales around
180 pound mark and stands 5' 11", was the big gun
for Staffa as he threw a neatly scattered 10-hittet
over nine innings. Robert wasn't in serious trouble
once. Bob "Casey Stengel" Norris, who accepted the
Cyclone League Trophy from Tom Sawyer, cOuldn't
have had a better man ort the mound. However, like
in any case, one person cannot solely be responsible
for a title. Credit should be given to every member
of the club and we sincerely hope AS recognized by
the club's supporters. Congratulations!
* *
CUFF CLEANERS - A. reminder of the playoff dates
for minor baseball groUpa who hope to enter into
0.13.A, competition .Intertnediate and junior, Aug-
ust 29, juvenile, bantam and pee wee, August 15!
Enjoyed ploughing ipp the Strathroy Golf Course last
Week with out friend "Red" Scott. When yotelt Ova
that way and I1AV6 a little time, don't Hesitate to drop
li arid play the tine hole layout. It's adandy! WiSh
txeter had One like it! .... 8orry tO bear that the Ext.
ter juveniles Wet forced to fold Nit their haadhall
league This leaves only two clubs repreaenting
Staffa,- two Munro pitchers freely
••••••• •
to capture C :clone tide bv 10-2.. count
Playing before an exceptional-
ly good crowd, Staffa wort the
1959 Cyclone Baseball League
championship Saturday night in
Mitchell when they thumped
Munro 10-2. The game itself
mu have been one of the long-
est on record as it was 4. con-
tinuation of the proposed July
1 triple -header at Keterson Park.
Rain forced .13ostponement after
two innings had been played in
the final.
Wednesday afternoon action
saw Munro gain a berth in the
finals when they Upset Kirkton,
last year's defending champions,
by a 9-7 count. Kirkton led 7.0
at one stage of the game. In the
second game, Staffa bounced
Carlingford 10-5 and took a 3-0
lead in the final against Munro
when the rains came.
Saturday, the two clubs start-
ed right off where they finished
on Wednesday with Staffa lead-
ing 3-0 with a man on second
Vets grab
first place
Mitchell Legionnaires took over
sole possession of first place in
the Huron -Perth Intermediate
Baseball League Thursday night
when they overran Dashwood
Tigers 13-8 in a short five and
one-half inning game that fea-
tured eight errors.
The Legionnaires, who copped
the decision on their home dia-
mond, had trouble at the plate
with the offerings of Steve Mitro
but took advantage of seven er-1
rors by the Tiger nine to wrap!
up their fourth victory of the
Big third inning
Four of the Bengal's seven
miscues were produced in the
third. Taking advantage of the
erratic fielding, Mitchell's Mur-
ray Colquhoun and George Cov-
eney rapped out a double and
single respectively to move the
base runners along their way.
With walks worked in between
errors and hits to Colquhoun and
Coveney, the winners had little
trouble in pushing the>. eight
runs across the plate.
Back-to-back singles by lead-
off batter Kenny Saxton and
"Link" Rohfritsch started the
ball rolling in the second when
Mitchell scored their first three
runs of the game. Two more
were added in the bottom of the
fifth for good measure when
Colquhoun and Charlie Westman
scored on a pair of Tiger errors.
Doug Smith walked to open the
frame. Colquhoun reached first
on the error and Westman gain-
ed a life on a fielder's choice
play that got Smith at third.
Two infield bobbles sent the base
runners across the plate with
Mitchell's 12th and 13th runs of
the game.
Tigers rally
Dashwood Tigers, who nicked
tht offering of pitchers Ken Sax-
ton and George Coveney for six
hits, did all their scoring in the
third, fourth and fifth.
Walks to Jim Hayter and Steve
Mitro set up the Bengal's first
two runs in the third as Jim
Russell belted one into centre
field where "Link" Rohfritsch
made Mitchell's only error of
the game which allowed the base
runners to score.
David Ratz, who walked four
times throughout the game, start-
ed the fourth off with a free
pass. Mike Denomme, who also
reached first three times via the
walk method, followed Ratz with
a sharp single to left. After Ernie
Morenz grounded pitcher to first,
Don Genttner and Iry Ford slap•
ped out back-to-back singles for
two more Tiger runs. A walk to
Jim Hayter and a fielder's choice
on 'Steve Mitfo's infield ground-
er, scored Ford with the third'
run of the half inning.
Consecutive walks to Ratz and
Denomme followed by a run -pro-
ducing single from Ernie Morenz
in the fifth, started a three run
Tiger rally well on its way, Free
swinging Jimmy Hayter pound-
ed a double to climax the out-
burst as his two bagger scored
nAsfrwocir) AB R H ti
Don Genttner, se 4 0 1 2
Iry Ford, 3h 4 1 2 A
Jim Hayter, . 2 1 1 1
Stet e Milro, p 3 1 0 0
Iltn Ib 3 0 0
.Tack Gaiser, (4 .. n
David Rats. rt 0 0 A
Hike DP 21, 1 2 4
Ray Webb, I( 1 A n n
Ernie Mnreng, If (4) , 3 1 1 0
TOl'ALS 24
Murray Colrytihrnin, es ., 4 2 2 0
charlie Westman, r ...... 2 3 0 0
aGeorge Coveney, 2b .... 4 1 1 0
Wen Saxton, p 3 2 1 0
"Link" Rohfritsch, cf 3 2 1 1
Wayne Paull, 1b 3 1 0 0
Bill Murphy, r( 3 1 0 0
P. Pauli. If 2 2 4 0
Doug Smith, 3b 2 1 0 0
TOTA TA 26 13 6 1
score by innings:
T/nahwond 042 330- 6 6 7
Mitehell nIA Ofix. •12 5 1
Bob Norris, coach of the win-
ning Staffa club, accepted the
Cyclone League trophy from
leapt, secretary Tom Sawyer.
It marked the eleventh year the
cup has been up for competition.
Staffa 10, Munro I
Staffa - Harvey ,Jacobi sing-
led. Bob McKellar popped to
Coveney. Harry Elliott slammed
a triple to score Jacobi. Elliott
came home on Laverne Wallace's
single to left. Bob Sadler popped
to third. Ferg McKellar fanned.
Two runs, three hits, no errors,
one left.
Munro - Bob Aikens flied to
Elliott in left, George Coveney
reached first on Lorne Elliott's
error. Harvey Bailey popped to
short, Ron Kraemer singled and
Toni Pinder fanned, No runs,
ane hit., one error, two left.
Staffa - Lorne Elliott led off
with a single. 'After Bill Par-
sons went down swinging, Frank
Elliott reached first when Lorne
Elliott Was forced at second.
Jacobi cracked his second sin-
gle of the game, moving Elliott
all the way to third. A clutch
single to left by Bob McKellar
scored Elliott and moved Jacobi
to second. Harry Elliott popped
to Aikens. One run, three hits,
no errors, two left.
Munro - Harry Greenwood
fanned. "Whitey" Malcho ground-
ed second to first. :Ron Skinner
singled through the box and
Brice Lealess went down swing-
ing. No runs, one bit, no errors,
one left.
Staffa - "W hite y" Malcho
took over the pitching duties
from Coveney. Wallace beat out
a slow roller to third and prompt-
ly stole second on the first pitch.
He tried for third on the over-
throw at second and scored when
Covency pegged wide of third.
Sadler drilled a sharp single to
left. F. McKellar gained life
when Lealess booted his ground-
er at first and Lorne Elliott
picked up two rbi's with a dou-
ble down the right field line.
George Coveney returned to the
mound for Staffa and promptly
fanned Parsons and F. Elliott.
,Jacobi grounded pitcher to first
to retire the side, Three runs,
three hits, two errors, one left.
Munro - F. Elliott booted
Seaforth downs
pee wees 9-7
Seaforth pee wees scored four
runs off one base hit in the fifth
and sixth innings Monday night,
to down Exeter 9-7 on their
home diamond in a scheduled
WOAA pee wee fixture.
The winners took advantage of
three Exeter errors sn the fifth
to score two unearned runs and
tallied two more in the sixth on
a walk, single and infield plays.
Winning pitcher G. Price
.paced his club at the plate with
two hits, one being a triple in
the third. K. Campbell also
punched a pair of singles while
B. Bashart and J. Dick picked
up the others.
Shortstop Jackie Glover, bat-
ting second in the order, smash-
ed singles in the first, fifth and
seventh innings to collect three
of Exeter's five hits. John Ny-
huis and Ron Cornish registered
the other safeties for Exeter.
Lineups were as follows:
EXETER: Larry Brintnell, cf;
Jackie Glover, ss; Doug Parker,
c; Ron Cornish, p; D. Cowan,
if; Roily Rumpel, lb; John Ny-
huis, 3h; Bob McDonald, 2b;
Taylor, rf.
SEAFORTH F. Hogan, 31,;
B. Bashart, 2b; G. Price, p; K.
Campbell, ib; J, Dick, c;
I3ashart, cf; A. Patterson, ss;
J. McIlwain, if; K. Fortune, rf.
Score by Innings: R H
F,xeler .......... 210 ntn 3--7 5 3
Sea forth 203 022 x -fl 6 1
Ron Cornish and, Doug :Parker;
G. 'Price and 3, Dick. WP -Price;
Loser -Cornish.
Juniors score
second victory
Listowel Juniors made it two
in a row in St. Marys Wednes-
day afternoon as they came mit
on top of a 65 count in an ab-
breviated seven inning Dominion
Day ball game. The contest was
called in the, seventh as heavy
downpour of rain forced can-
St. Marys pitchers had control
trouble in the first three innings
as Hale, Bradshaw and Havis
each had a fling at the strike
zone before Havis finally found
it. It was in these three initial
frames that St, Marys lost their
ball game as Listowel tot* ad-
vantage of six walks in two in-
nings to Score all of their runs,
The 'hiss for St. Marys was
their sixth of the year against
two wins and a tie.
14'n Saxton, George Coveney (I)
and ollortio ‘Vrstrnati: 1'v,‘ Mitro Score bY 10041051
and Jim Tlayter, WP Saxton: IListewel
TIr MItzo. Si. Marys
Tt 4(
2.30 nnn n .6 4 1
1713 1101 x 15 6 2
the town. They're in the bantam and pee wee divi-
sions. Two Jimmy's, Hennessey and Russell arc look-
ing after the pet wees while "Bunny" Ford and Ed
Killeen have the bantams -.Jim Freeman of kkican
deserves a lot of credit for the time 1-16'S being spend,
ing with minor baseball teams in that district.
Gene Tunney thinks Ingemat Johansson is good for
at least five more years in the boxing profession! if
he continues with the authority he disposed Patter,
sort of, he may go on even longer than five... ,It was
a real weekend for the Detroit Tigers. Cleveland
really cOoled them off. However, the Beilgals weren't
the only ones who lost sleep over the weekend as
the Yankees bowed to hammer'in 1-farmon Xillebrew
and Co, of the Washington Senators. Can't see how
Cleveland stays on topl All they have IA good pitch.
timely hitting Aid § sound manager in JOe GU.
' den, How about that, Jack D,?
Aiken's grounder at third. Cove-
ney slapped a clean single to
left. BaileY filed to centre and
Kramer popped to short. Pinder
lashed a long single into centre
field to score Aikens. Green-
wood looked at four balls and
Malebo flied to right field, One
run, two hits, one error, two left.
Staffa McKellar reached
first on Aikens' error. If. Elliott
lined a single into left field on
the first pitch, moving McKellar
all the way to third. Coveney
unloaded a wild ,pitch to score
McKellar after Elliott stole sec-
ond 7 Wallace fouled out to Green-
wood bb Sadler singled for an
rbi, F. McKellar looked at a
third called strike and L. Elliott
went down swinging. Two runs,
two hits, one error, one left,
Munro - Skinner bounced a
hot one off the glove of F. El-
liott for a base hit and moved
to second with a stolen base,
However, Lealess, Aikens and
Coveney all went down swinging.
No runs, one bit, no errors, one
Staffs - Coveney fanned Par-
sons, F. Elliott reached first
strike when Greenwood failed to
make the play at first, Elliott
moved to second on a pass ball
and went to third when Jacobi
walked and moved to second on
a wild pitch. Bob McKellar walk-
ed to load the bases but Cove-
Last Week's Scores:
LIstowel A. St. Marys 5
Mitchell 13, Dashwood 8
Zurich 10. List owel 6
St, Marys 6, Mitchell 5
L Pet. r
Mitchell 4 3 1 .571 P
Zurich 3 1 1 .7511
Dashwood • 3 4 1 .426 7
St, Marys 3 6 1 .333 7
Listowel 2 1 0 .667 4
Games This Week:
6.--Dashwo0ci al Zurich
St, Marys al Mitchell
JA -St. Marys at Zurich
Listowel at. Dashwood
13-Alitchell at Dashwood
15 -Zurich at At. Ivlarye
This Week's Scores:
Aisle. Craig (1) 13, Nairn 12
Ansa, Cra1g (2) 11, Lieury 3
MI 1, T r
Lleury 5 2 1110
Ailsa Craig (1) 5 2 0 10
Sylvan 4 2 0 2
West Corners 4 2 0
Allaa Craig (2) 1 3 0
Rrinsley 1 6 0 2
Nairn 0 6 0 0
Games This Week:
s-Wsst. Corners VS. 13:Insley
10 --Ailsa Craig (2) vs. Sylvan
13 -West Corners vs, Lieury
14-Brinaley vs. Nairn
15-Sy1van "VR. Ailsa Craig (1)
Last Week's Scores:
Clittton 12. 'Exeter 0
New Hamburg 17, Hensall 5
'Mitchell 13. lateen 11
Seaforth 21, Goderich 3
Lunen 7. Goderich 2
Seaforth 23. Mitchell 3
Clinton at Exeter (wet, grounds)
New Hamburg 6 0 0 12
Hensall 4 2 0
Minton 4 2 (1
Seaforth 4 2 0 6
Luran 2 5 1 5
oxoter 1 4 1 3
GoderIch n 3 0 0
Mitchell 1 4 0 2
Games Thi* Week:
)-Mitchell at Goderich
New Harilburg at Clinton
10-Lucan at Hensall
Goderich at Exeter
14-Hensall at New Hamburg
Lucan at Seaforth
15 -Exeter at Mitchell
16 -Clinton al. Luran •
PEE WEE (Group 1)
Last Week's Scores:
Seaforth 20, New Hamburg 15
Seaforth 2, :Exeter 7
:Mitchell at Clinton ppd. (rain)
('I1, ton
New Hamburg 1 2 1
Exeter 0 2 ft
0 2 0
Garnet This Week:
fl --New 'Elarnburg at 'Exeter
13-clintch at New Hamburg
Seaforth at 5111.0)&1
15-Staforth at Clinton
16--Seatorth at. Exeter
PEE WEE (Group 2)
Last Week's Scorett
Zurich 16, Sebringville. 14
Hensel! 14, Zurich '12
Lucan 13, Goderleh 18
Hansall 16, sithrinsville 14
3 1 1
3 0 0
!WY sent II. Elliott and Wallace
'down via the strikeout route. No
runs, no hits, one error, three
Munro Baily led off with
a clean single •to centre. (rapier
bounced a single into right field.
:Pinder was safe on the fickier's
choice at second with BaileY
!stooping at third. Pinder stole
second but was 0414114 off the
!bag- Meanwhile Bailey scored.
Greenwood ended the inning
-when caught looking at a third
t • twohits, no
• ,
errors, one left.
Staffa Sadler flied to left.
Ferg McKellar beat out a slow
roller to short. Lorne Elliott and
Bill Parsons fanned, No runs,
one hit no errors, one left
Munro -- Malebo bounced a
ground rule double into the grass
down the right field line. Skin-
ner struck ont. Cliff Norman,
batting for Lealess, was robbed
in centre field on a nice running
catch by F. McKellar, Aikens
went down third to first, No
runs, one hit, 110 errors, one
Hensall 3 2 0 fi
Goderich 2 0 1
Nucan 1: 2 1 3
Zurich 1 2 0 2
Sebringville 1 2 0 2
Games This Week:
10-Goderieh at Lucas
13--Goderich at 14enseil
14-SehrIngVIlle af Lucan
17-11eriaall at Sehringville
Last Week't Setiree:
Seaforth 13. ZurIch 0
Zurieh 10, Clinton 6
Sehrimtville 7, Goderieh 5
Fiensall 0, Alttchen
Clinton at ism) framii and. fratril
'Zurich .
Goderieb .
tWithdrew from leaglin Mier feta
NB -Exeter garnet net included in
Garnett Title Week:
A-SehrIngville ef GOderich
n-Zurlelt at Mitchell
111-Sehringville et Clinton
II-ZUr1(111 AY Gelderteh
41 ZUtieh
f.inderleli St 1'2Ininft
- I tlebalt At 4htiettikt1116
lo-Clittinti 41 1100011
4 1 J 11
3 2 1 '2
3 3 0 6
1 3 1 3
1 4 0 2
1 3 0 2
0 4 0 0
Staffs - Frank Elliott took a
third strike. Jacobi grounded
short to first. Bob McKellar
went down swinging. No runs,
no hits, no errors, hone left,
Munro - Coveney singled off
the glove of Elliott at second.
Bailey lined to centre, Ron
Kramer fanned and Coveney
was out trying for second on the
first double play of the game.
No runs, one hit, no errors, none
Staffa Harry Elliott doubled
over the head of centre fielder,
Harvey Bailey. Wallace lined
hot one off the shoe of Kramer
at third to move Elliott to the
hot corner. Sadler collected his
second and third rbi's of the
game when he doubled to deep
left field but was out trying to
stretch it into a triple. F. Mc -
Walks spell
vets' defeat
Kellar popped to third and L.
'Elliott went, down swinging to
retire the side. Two runs, three
has, no errors, none left,
Munro Ivan Norris, hitting
for Pinder, Was robbed at third
when Frank Elliott made a sen-
sational diving catch on a sink-
ing line drive. Greenwood and
Malebo fanned, No rens, no hits,
no errors, none left.
Staffa - Laurie McKellar re-
placed Parsons and grounded
second to first, F, Elliott topped
one to the pitcher and Jacobi
grounded to first for an unas-
sisted putout. No runs, no hits,
no errors, none left.
Munro - Pinch -hitter Ron Pat-
terson lined a single into right
centre to lead off the inning,
Cliff Norman forced P'attcrspn at
second with an infield grounder
to short. Bob Aikens took bis
three swings while Norman stole
second, Coveney walked to put
runners on first and second.
After Harvey Bailey fouled off
six pitches, Laverne Porkey
Wallace picked off .Norman go-
ing to third in an unsuccessful
theft attempt. No runs, one hit,
no errors, one left.
The Championship!
S'I'AFFA * AB ft It E
Harry Jacobi, es 6 1
Bob McKellar, 111 4 3
Harry Elliot', rf 5 3
Laverne Wallace, 5 2 3 0
rob f4adlor, p 2 1 1 0
Fel% McKellar, r( 5 1 1
Lorna 211 5 0 2 1
Bill Parsons. If 4 n
aLaurie McKellar 1 fl 0 A
Frank i2)It'ott, 3b 5 J. 0 1
Walks spelled defeat to Mit-
chell Legionnaires in St. Marys
Monday night as the homesters
upset the visitors 6-5 in a seven
inning contest.
Gary Hopf, who relieved star-
ter Wayne Gibson in the fourth,
issued two walks in a row in the
sixth, chalked up a strikeout and
then walked two mord to force in
what turned out to be the game's
tying and winning runs.
Although Hopf was charged
with the loss, he picked up a pair
of base hits along with Bob Sad-
ler to pace the Legionnaires at
the plate. Other safeties were
collected by Murray Colquhoun
and George Coveney.
St. Marys, in winning their
third game of the season col-
lectdd only three hits throughout
the contest but several walks
aided them handily. Heinbuck,
Norm Noble and Ron Havis
looked after the three singles for
the home club.
Starter Wayne Gibson for Mit-
chell fanned seven men over the
three innings he worked. Reliefer
Gary Hopf, breezed the third
strike past the same number
over the final four innings.
Seven Mitehell.hitters also car-
ried their bats back to the bench
with them as Havis and Brad-
shaw chalked up impressive
Murray Colouhoun: s:4 3 1 1 0
Charlie Westman. If, 3h 2 n0 0
George. Coveney, 211 4 1 0
Ken Saxton, r 3 0 0 0
"Link" Rohfritech, of 3 1 0 A
0111 Murphy, rf 0 0 0
Gary nor, p (4) 2 2 2 0
Wayne Paul, lb 2 0 11 0
a Bob Norris 1 0 0
Roger Paull, if (6) 0 It 0 11
Doug Smith, 3h 1 0 0 0
til3oh Sadler (5) 9 0 2 0
Wayne Gibson, p, rf 2 0 0 1
Heinhtlelt, 11
G. Marley. rf
Norm Noble, as
R. Willows, 811
R. ldolman. 11)
Jack Leslie,
(.harlie Varana,'
McCue. 211
Graham, 2b (6)
Tien .Havis.
Bradehaw, p (5)
3 ••••••wepwww..--
George Cm tansy. Whitey Malebo
(3), coveney GI: and Harry Greet).
nood, Cliff Norman t6); Bob 'tied.
ler and Laverne "Porky" 'Wallar.0,
%lin:ling Pitcher - Sadler; Loser-,
co) eney.
1 MUNRO -- B. :likens. 211: (3,
' covency, se; cf R•
man, r; Malcho, p, 1, Norria/
, If: fl. Lealess, 111.
KtFli4TON - 'Ferry, se; 11,
crago. 311; D. PRO, p; .K. Elackler,
If: B. Netherentt, c; K. slalom/1,
lb: 14. Frgen, cc: B. ll'aghOrn,
J. tirquhart. A,. Eveleigh.
Score by Innings; R H 16
Kirklon 590 non 0-7 14 3
Munro . . 019 06n x-6 13 2
"Whitey" Malcho and Cliff Nor-
man; "Duchy" Poll 8.0(1 Bill Neth.
et.,•ott. Winning Pitcher Match();
Losing Pitcher - Paul.
CARLINGFORO -- "Burl" Willows,
C .
lic; (%)•111111o„($, -%(•°a"ls.,•‘• pni;
,, p;
Alerxt Hay r:' (4are, esti; Alex
Btratilee; 14; "Stewart Black, rti
'Gob 1-103.,
STAFFA "'far** Javan. fan;
Harry Elliot', 11; Ferg McKellar,
• B or.
ria, c; Lorne Pillioll, 211: 13011 Mc-
Kellar, lb: Laurie Mc.Kellar, rf;
Frank :Elliott, 3h,
Score by Innings: R 71 Z
rariingfard finA nt13 2-- 6 7 4
018 (18 20A 053 x -1n 15 3
Gary Hopi and Toni HOy; La-
verne Wallace and • Lorne Elliott;
Winning Pitcher - Wallace: Loser
TOTALS 44 10 15 2
Bob Aikens, 2h .. ... .... 5 1 0 1
George. Covene)•, p, as .. 4 11
Harvey Bmiley, et . 4 1 1 A
Ron Kramer, :11) ... ... 4 0 2 1
Ton) Pinder, if 2 n 1 n
tovan NniTts . . . 1 11 0 0
rHarry Greenwood, c 3 0 0 1
a with 83' 'Match°, os, p ,4 n 1 1
Ron Skinner, II .. 3 (1 2 0
()Ron Patterson 1 n 1 0
Brice Lealess, 111 2 13 n 0
(Cliff Norman 2 0 0 0
TO•L'ALS 36 It 111 4
(4, --Replaced Parsons In left field In
h.• ;Replaced Injured Tom Pinder In
left field in eighth,
c -Went to short In seventh.
d Went to first in seventh.
e-SIng1pd for Ron Skinner in ninth
(-Flied. to centre field tor Brice
Leal/ate aix)h.
Score by Innings: 13 II E
Staffs, ., 213 200 020... -to 13 2
Munro . 001 nnn 2 In 4
Clinton blanks
town bantams
Clinton Fish and Game Club
Bantams registered their fourth
victory of the year Thursday
night in Clinton when they down-
ed Exeter bantams 15-0.
The winners pushed across at
least one run in every inning
but the second as they moved
into a two-way tie for second
place in the league standings
with Henson.
D. Colquhoun was the, main-
stay of the Clinton club as he
fired a neat two -hitter over the
seven inning rout. Don Cann's
fourth inning single and Ricky
Boyle's sixth inning safety were
the only two hits allowed by
B. Livermore led the winners
at the plate with two of the five
hits collected by Clinton. D. Free-
man, B. Cooper arid D. Inavin
looked after the others. One of
Livermore's was a fifth inning
triple when the homesters scored
four times.
D. Colquhoun fanned seven
Exeter men over the seven
frames while. six went down via
the strikeout route to Don Cann,
Score by Innings;
gxet.r , 00A Am A- A 2 1
Clinton ... .. 205 341 x-17) 5 fi
D. Colctithoun and D. Freeman;
Don Cann and Ricky Boyle.
Bill & Clair
26 5 6 1
AB R H 16
'3 1 0 n
16 g Barber. Shop
3 0
° offering to Exeter and com-
0 A
3 " n0 munity the services of two
2 0 A '•
2 0 (1 licenced barbers.
n 1 n 0
2 1 1 n
n 11
TOT A 1.8 24 6 $ 0
a -Batted for Pauli in fith,
b -Singled for Smith in fith,
c-Struelmut for Heinbuck in 6th,
Score by Innings; R H 11
Mitchell 100 1113 0-5 51
St. Alarye 1103 102 n
Ron Mavis, Bradshaw (5) and
john Mayne GibSon, Gary
Hop( (1) and Ken Saxton. 'winning
Pitcher-firedahasv; Loser-Hopf,
Air Conditioned Shop
Full Line of
Men's Hairdressings
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