HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 12Paye 6 ,July. 9, 19$9 ensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 Dinner, surprise !v.e for anniversary y A surprisedinner was held at Armstrong's restaurant Exeter, Blitz town f Personal items Mr. and Mrs. igen :Alms :and Donald, of Mimico, were week• end visitors with Mrs. Manns. Air. Andy Rees of Hamilton, Miss jean Chapman, f .London, visited on Friday with. the for• ,tner's sister and brother-in•law, jr. and Mrs. W. J. "Doc" Came-, ron and family, Ivan. Evans, of Kitchener, is vacationing ,/with his grandpar• - ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Ale - Laren. Don Brock, who is ,on the staff of the Waterloo -Oxford District High School, who has been visit- ing with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. ussell Brock, left for To- ronto this week to spend five weeks at summer school. Active in church Dir, and Hrs. Harold Redden, I Bob, Jimmy, Debbie and Mar- jgry, .of Dresden, spent tJre week - couple move here end with Mrs, Catherine lledden or donors Mr. and Mrs. inc Ferguson of and Herb, Chiselhurst took up residence The annual.Legion and Auxil• Fifteen canvassers, members , h' t i newr neh iary picnic well be held Sunday, the occasion being the 25th wed- of the Hensall Legion Ladies is week in Ire r a Bay - ding anniversary of Mr. and ,style Name on Xing .Street, They . my 12 at Jowett's Grove, Bay - g Auxiliary, blitzed the town of field. Members are to bring Mrs. Lloyd McLean, Cromarty, Hensall Tuesday evening for were residents of Chiselhurst for their lunch baskets and cutlery. on Tuesday, June 30, when twen- blood donors to attend the clinic 38 years' will commence at 3 ty two friends and relatives en- at the Legion Hall, Hensall, Wed- Dur±ng their affiliation with Sports o nitteefor the Legion toyed a turkey dinner, nesday, July 22, 3 to 5,30 p,m, Chiselhurst church Mr. Ferguson Sports c ml g er inner reare Doc Cameron, Jack Sim- atter and6.30 to 9 p.m.mon Mr. .and Mrs. � Bob- th Su d S hI f 1 ort McGregor, Kippen, where an Brown, Mrs. John Henderson, years and a present elder. Mrs. W, J. Cameron, Mrs. L, Baynham, Mrs. Howard H.ft d they returned to was a former superintendent of s, Keith Buchanan; Ladies the home of D r r Canvassers were Mrs. William a n ay a 00.. . or severs. r�uxiliaey, ,Mrs, Howard Smale, enjoyable evening was spent playing euchre. Winners were Smale, Mrs. W, J. Cameron, Ladies, Mrs, Richard Taylor Jr.; Mrs, Harry Horton, Mrs. John Mrs. Campbell Eyre; men, Lloyd Skea, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. McLean, Stanley Jackson, A, E. Clark, Mrs, H. Campbell, They were all invited to the Mrs, .Gordon Munn, Mrs. E. R. dining room where the table Davis, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Mrs. was decorated with pink candles, Bob Sangster and Mrs. Robert pink and white streamers and McKenzie. centred with a three tier anni- versary cake. Mrs, Rena Cald- `5.•.• well read a humorous address and Air, and. Mrs. McLean were RECREATION presented with silver gifts, after which lunch was served. Those attending were, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLean, Kippen; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hunter, Misses Elizabeth and Barbara Hunter, Centralia; Mr, and Mrs. Robt McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Bell, Mrs, Rena Caldwell and Mr. Jack Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor Jr.., Mr, and Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLean, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Jackson, all of Kippen, McKIIiop school presents show Roxboro School SS 13 McKillop was heard over CKNX on the school. broadcast Saturday morn- ing. The program was dedicated to the Scotts of Roxoboro, who have been music makers for four generations. Taking part were Jim and Jer- Iry Coleman, Margery, Mervyn, and Erma Agar, Ruth and Jean Powell, Brian, Teddy, Jean, and Bill Scott, Torben and Judy Haarbye, Kenneth Scott, Joe Van Rooijen, Kaye McCowan, Anne Uyl and Jane Pruim. The program was under the di- rection. of Miss Margaret Jack- son, music supervisor and Mrs. Robert. Simpson, teacher. Everyone appreciated being shown over the TV station after the broadcast. United Church WMS The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of the United Church con- vened in the church schoolroom on Thursday afternoon for its July meeting with Mrs. R. M. Peck's group in charge of de- votional and program, with Mrs. Peck presiding. Mrs. Jarvis Hor- ton and Mrs. R. J. Paterson assisted in the devotion. Study book on Hawaii and "The Carribean Area" was pre- sented by Mrs. T. C. Coates, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. H. McMurt- rie. Mrs. Coates rendered a solo with Mrs. Sherritt 'accompanist. F'resident Mrs. G. Armstrong took the chair for the business. Mrs. W. B. Cross submittedthe treasurer's report, Christian Stewardship notes were given by Mrs. A, Rowcliffe, ACTIVITIES Mrs. Ferguson is a former president of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society for three years and was presented with a life membership this year. An cnjoYable event took place at Seaforth Park on Monday eve- ping when about seventy-five neighbours and friends of Chisel- hurst and district gathered in. honor of Mr, and Mrs, Joe Fer- guson who took up residence in their new home in Hensall last week. A bountiful picnic supper was served after. which Mrs, Stanley Mitchell and. Mrs. Archie Ether- ington made the presentation of There has been a good attend- a trilite and matching coffee anee at the Recreation activities table. Mrs. Harold Parker read at the local park with over 80 the address. Mr' Ferguson on be- attending every day. Basketball, half of Mrs. Ferguson expressed volleyball, badminton, shuffle- their sincere thanks, board, crafts, high jumps and softball are featured with quiet periods, Friday afternoon the young- sters will go swimming at. Turn - bull's and 10 cars are needed for transportation. Trophies are being donated by E. L. Mickle and Co; W. G. Thompson, Crest Hardware, Bon- throns Furniture, Hyde Bros., Cook Bros, Don Joynt, Beaton's Bakery, Wilsons Drug Store, Hensall Co-operative, Hurondale Dairy; a shield by Spencer's Planing Mill, and a trophy by a friend, to be awarded on Field Day which will climax the day's activities. When the trophies arrive they will he on display in one,of the stores. At the WOAA Pee Wee base- ball game here Monday evening Hensall defeated. Sebringville 18 to 16. Response to the ball games is .increasing. Tentative date for the achieve- ment day at the playground is Wednesday, July 22. Contests in charge of Mrs. H. Whittaker and Mrs. Armstrong, were enjoyed, There will be no meeting in August. Personal items Miss Betty Moir of London was a weekend visitor with her aunt Mrs. Elsie Case and. her sister Miss Wendy Moir. Mr. and. Mrs. Carlyle Wilkin- son and family accompanied by Larry Jones spent the weekend at Marlette, Mich. Mr. and. Mrs. William Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan and Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Orr all of Hensall attended the Caledonia games at Embro on July 1. The games had to be curtailed be- fore they were throughdue to the appearance of a thunder storm and a heavy rain. A picnic lunch was enjoyed by the above couples at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. McEwan and cards played for the rest of the eve- ning, Mr, and Mrs. Wayne . Smith, Danny, Debbie and Douglas at- tended the Caledonia games at Embro July 1. Miss Mildred Forrest, Reg, N. on the staff at Brantford General Hospital left on Saturday accom- panied by friends for the West Indies where she will vacation for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Venner and. Stephen, accompanied by Mrs. Venner's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Terrence O'Reily, of Tor- onto are vacationing for a month i1t Norman Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lamport and Nola, Mrs. Abernethy, Al- berni, B.0 spent: Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William .Forrest, Mr. ,Jack Hamilton, who has been employed as a hookceper at Thompson's Mill, will leave for Toronto next week where he has accepted a similar position with a Finance Co. Mrs, Hamilton And family Will join him later, Miss Jean Noakes spent last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Tack Peebles oi• London, tars Earl McKellar, Susan and Michael, Mrs,, Olmstead and two children, all of Chatham, are holidaying at the Selman cottage at. Tumbling.;Sir and Mis. 'Grant :Lova, tit tato Mich , Mt. 'Robert Cooper of Xippei1, visited Monday with Mr, aiid Sirs, J. R. 11i:e)Jwan.. Personal items Miss Monica Peebles, of Lon- don, is spending this week with her cousin, Miss Brenda Noakes. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Jinks and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Demo and Christine, St. Thomas, are spending two weeks at Turnbulls. Mr, and Mrs. Murray McEwan, Janie and Michael of London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, J. E. McEwan. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker left for their home in St. Peters- burg, Fla,, after holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacAr- thur and family of Clarissan, Mich., were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker and family. Miss Bernice Dining, of Sar- nia left on Sunday for Toronto where she will attend summer school. Bernice spent the week- end withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dining, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons and family are holidaying , at their cottage at Schade Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and Don of Toronto were week- end visitors with the former's mother Mrs. T. Manns. Miss Gwen Chapman and Miss Mary Anne Ronnie ]eft this week for London, where they have ac- cepted positions as stenographers with the Bell Telephone Com- pany. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd Murdock, Blen- heim, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mr. John Passmore attended the golden wedding of Mr, and Mrs. William Passmore of Exe- ter, held at Armstrong's Rest- aurant, on Tuesday, July 7. Ninety per cent of eligible voters of Bengali signed the pe- tition to repeal the Canada Tem- perance Act in Huron. Miss Faber was Presented with Mr. and MM, RossnCorbett and many useful gifts for the kitchen. Corbett, and Mr, and Mrs, JackdThe address was read by Mrs, Connie and Al, attended Ross Faber and the presentation the Morenz family reunion at made by Misses Karen Talbot Mitchell. and Lynn Faber, The decorations Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton were in pink and white, are attending the Edwards -Mal - Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Carlyle Wilkin- son and family spent the week• end At Marlette, Mich, Mrs. L. Clark Sr. has returned from a 15 -day trip spent with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parish at Unity, Sask. and members of their family, It is 36 years since Mrs. Clark has seen her brother,. William C, Smith and Ernie Chipchas' returned Tuesday of Mock ceremony featurers shower Mrs. Gertrude Datars, was hostess at her home in Zurich, on Tuesday evening when a num- ber of friends gathered in honor of Miss Joyce Faber, bride -elect. The event was arranged by Miss Marion Datars and Miss Ruth Jarrott. A mock wedding was presented. in appropriate costumes. The bride was Miss Doreen Kenney, Crediton; groom, Miss Ruth Jar- rott; bride's attendants, Miss Sandra Troyer, .Miss Katharine Thiel, Mrs. Datars and Miss Ma- rion Datars and Miss Marion Pepper acted as the minister. Contests followed after which the bride -elect was invitedto a decorated chair, and presented. with many useful gifts, Miss Do- reen Kenney read the address. McAllister clan hold reunion The McAllister clan held their reunion at Bayfield with 77 mem- bers in attendance. Booklets pre- pared by the honorary president, Dr. Arthur McAllister of George- town, were presented to mem- bers. They included the history of the McAllister clan. Relatives attended from Grosse Point, Mich., Detroit, Toronto, Georgetown, Exeter, Hensall, Applegate, Mich. An invitation was extended to the Canadians to attend the re- union to be held by the Michi- gan clan at Applegate, Mich., on Labor Day. The president for the incoming year is Mr. Russell McAllister, Toronto,'and secretary -treasurer, Mr. Arthur McAllister Jr., of Georgetown. Miscillaneous shower Miss Joyce Faber, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber, Hen- sall, bride -elect of July 17 was honoured with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Ger- trude Datars, assisted by Miss Ruth Ann Jarrott, Marion Da - tars and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. A colour scheme in pink and white balloons and streamers formed an attractive setting with the guest of honour seated in a decorated chair. A presentation address was read by Miss Doreen Kenney and a gift presented by Miss Bet- ty Troyer. Ruth Ann Jarrott and Marion Datars presented her then with an illustrated bride book depicting the guest of honour's • Iife story. Bride -elect honored Twenty-five' r e t a fives and friends were entertained at the home of Mrs. Thomas Penhale on Monday evening in honor of Miss Joyce .Faber, bride -elect. Miss Dianne Faber gave a hu- morous reading and Mrs. Cole- man and Mrs. Penhale conducted test Induct new pastor for Unified Churches Rev. Currie Winlaw, BA, BD, was inducted as minister of Ben•I sail a n d Chiselhurst United Churches at an induction sm.! ice held at Hensall UnitedChurch Friday evening. Rev. Hugh Wil -i son ,of Thames Road and Rev.; A. E. Holley of Grand Bend were the inducting officers. Rev. Wilson delivered .the charge to the minister and Rev. Holley to the congregation. Following the formal induc- tion a reception was held in the Sunday School rooms where the' minister and his wife were in- troduced to the congregation by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer for Hensall United, and Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd Ferguson for Chiselhurst United churches. Joe Ferguson,1 Walter Spencer and Mrs. George' Armstrong extended a welcome . to which Rev. Winlaw replied. g Elgin Rowcliffe gave eourtesy remarks to the ladies of Chisel- hurst for the .lunch server]. Over 200 members of both con- gregations attended including 20, relatives and close friends of , Rev. and Mrs, Winlaw from' Ingersoll. Rev, Winlaw Wawa came tto Hensel! ; from (Jamestown), o n), comments about tario, where he served three years at First United Church, Originally from Ingersoll, he I graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1950, dropping to 30 and 40 below, averaged less than four de- grees." Rev. Winlaw, his wife, and two-year-old son, Allan, moved to Hensall last week. Their fur- niture, however, became way- layed. It didn't arrive until Tuesday. This is the minister's second charge sinee his ordination. After serving in World war two. he won his BA degree at UWO, then became a social worker at the Ontario Hospital, St• 'Thom- as. While there, he decided to enter the ministry. While he was attending Em- manuel College, he served as student minister of a suburban pastorate at St, Thom s for two years. Wawa, an iron mining town about 100 miles north of Sault Ste. Marie, can be reached only by plane or train at the pre- sent time but it's on the route of the proposed trans -Canada highway. The family's ear and belong- ings were brought out by rail - 'road. "Wawa is a modern commun- ity of 3,500, mostly young people," the minister related. "The mining company, Algoma Steel, built many of the homes there but it's not, the type of company town one finds in other sections. The citizens have their Cromarty By MRS. KEN MCKELLAR Mrs. Mahaffy dies Mr. Herb Mahaffy received wordrecently of the passing of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mahaffy, wife of Dr, A, F, Mahaffy after a lengthy illness, Dr. Mahaffy is a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Mali- affy and received his early edu- cation in Hibbert and Mitchell High. School. He worked for many years with the Rockefeller lnsti- tute in Africa and with his wife, latterly lived in retirement. at Victoria, B.C., where her death occured.' lin wedding at St. John's Angli- can church, Winona next Satur- day. Miss Ruth Dianne Smale is spending a week vacationing with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adkins, of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Redden, Pat and Earl, St, Catharines, were recent visitors with Mrs. C. M. Redden and Herb. Miss Sharon McBride has re- ceived word from the It.oyal Conservatory` of Music of "to: this week from a fishing trip to tomo, that slit was successful Capreol and while there deliver'• in passing Grade 8, piano, at the midstiiitmer ex am :nations, Sha ron is a pupil of Miss Greta Lam• Dile. The ,l ir'st Hensall Brownie Pack and the First }Iensal. Guide Company and their leaders mo- tored to Stratford by chartered bus on '.Thursday pi Add her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Al though they only had a fleeting glance it was the thrill of a life. Hine to the youngsters, A group, of boys and girls, pupils of Miss Greta Ummic, will present the kiddies studio ed a sports coach to Icing Whyte, whn appears every Saturday. night, on CBC -TV= Tommy Ruston, of Stratford, is spending a Week with ,his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Mrs, E. Chipchase and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jini Morris, of Goderich.. Miss Mary Payne spent the past week holidaying with rela. Lives in Ostrander. Corporation president; Any of Party program over CXNX Ming yea who find yourselves try .lis- hant, rin Salttrclay, ,1uly fl at agreement. with Die, please sig- h CM, nify by saying4't resigd.'} WMS The July meeting of the wom- an's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Allen with Mrs, E. Moore presiding and leading in devotions, Mrs. Lloyd Sarsdahl,had charge of the study hook with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. M. Houghton and Mrs. K. McKellar assisting, Mrs, M. Lamond gave an in- teresting acount of her visit with the CGIT girls to the Protestant Orphanage in London. The topic was given by Mrs, Will Miller and current events by Mrs. J. M. Scott. The Norris reunion was held at. Lions Park, Mitchell, on Sunday with 100 relatives in attendance from Detroit, Wyoming, Ailsa Craig Belton, Stratford, Hensall, Seaforth and Mitchell and dis- trict. Personal items Mr. and. Mrs, Don Scott, Sha- ron, Karen, Catharine and Janet spent Dominion Day at Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick and family. Miss Margaret Ann Wallace spent a few days at Bruce Beach last week. Many from Cromarty anddis- trict went to Stratford on Thurs- day to see the Queen and Prince Philip, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas and family , and Mr. and Mrs. Little and family of Embro were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbiss of Georgetown spent the weekend with her parents Mr, and ,Mrs. H. Carey, Mr. William Patrick of Wyo- ming called on friends here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Giles of Toronto spent the Dominion. Day holiday with Mrs. E. Moore, David .Chappel, John Scott and Bruce .Dow are spending this week at Camp Bimini. Mr. and. Mrs. Ward Forest and Margaret of Zurich visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton. Summer service ° The first of the Union services for the month of July was held in Carmel Church on Sunday at 11 a.m. Mr. G. C. Vais, occupied his own pulpit and for his ser- mon topic based his thoughts from the subject. "A changing world but a changeless Christ." Parting party Miss Annie Consitt entertained at a farewell party at her home Monday evening for. Mrs, James W. Bonthron who is leaving next week to take up residence in Lon- don. Ten of Mrs. Bonthron's neigh- bours were present, for the occa• sion, and the presentation of a bouquet, of beautiful roses was made to Mrs, Bonthron. SPIMMINEMOSINIIk FREE CAR WASH WITH THE PURCHASE OF $15 WORTH OF GAS, 01L OR GREASE JOBS ETC, Coupon given with each1 purchase � Johnston's TINA SERVICE No, 4 Hwy, Hensall Prior to beginning training for theministry he was employed as a psychiatric social worker; at the Ontario Hospital, St. ii Thomas. He graduated from .Em- manuel . College, Toronto in 1956.1 His wife is the former Jean Daniel of Ingersoll. They have one son. Expects winters own council to look after their affairs," Despite the lack of access by road, families enjoy most of the features of modern living. "We i enjoyed our stay there." Both Rev. and Mrs. Winlaw are natives of Ingersoll. They were members of the church served by Rev. Winlaw's pre- decessor, Rev. C. D. Daniel, when the latter was in Ingersoll. to be milder here New .minister of Hensall and Chiselhurst United. Churches,' R.ev, Currie Winlaw, BA, BD,1 doesn't expect winters here to be as coldas the ones he's experienced. during the past three years at Wawa in North -j ern Ontario. "Two of the three years we were there brought recordwin- ters," he states. "We had over 150 inches of snow last year and the temperature, sometimes Mr. and Mrs. Hector McPhail were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. ':enneth Walker of Lon- don is holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Miss Alice Sorsdahl has ac-, cepted a position with the Bell Telephone in London. The CGIT girls, acompanied by their leaders Mrs. M. Lomond, and Mrs. G. Laing motored to London on. Tuesday to visit the children at the Protestant Or -t phanage. They also toured the; Kellogg plant and Story Book Gardens. Mrs. M. Houg ton, Mr, Frank Stagg accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and Mrs, J. Kemp of Mitchell were guests at the wedding of Mr. William Frank Houghton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton of Teeswater to Miss Helen Shirley Grant, which took place on Saturday, July 4 at 4 p,m. at the RC Cha- pel, RCAF Station at Aylmer. A reception followed at 5 p.m. at the staff club. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace attended the reunion at Mount Pleasant School on Friday July 3. Personal Mems The name of Ricky Parker'. was inadvertently omitted as passing from Kindergarten into grade I. in the report of Hensall Public School promotions. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Arthur, Xi m and Tracey', of De- troit, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, Ricky and. Cindy. G. G. Dovey of ilingsville has been transferred to the staff of the Bank of Montreal here, and will take the place of Clay Aus• tin, accountant, w.ho 'has been transferred to Delhi. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cook and Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard .Scane, Mary and. Cathy, left Wednesday to spend a two weeks vacation at Sundridge, Mrs. Fred Meer and daughter. Mrs. Ralph McArthur, Mac and Cam, of Centralia, are vacation- ing at the lake, Diane Bedard, of Ilderton, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mrs. Nancy Laughton and son Todd of Ilderton, Mrs. Guy Be- dard and family visited Mrs. 13edard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKen- zie, Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray, visited recently with Mr. and .Mrs. Jack MacFarlane, at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cudmore of Kitchener visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beer. Sgt. and Mrs. John Beer, Da- vid and. Johnny of Springfield were weekend visitors - with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beer. "I bear that psychiatrists and tax collectors are now handing out the same advice." "What's that?" "It's notgond for a man to keep too much to himself." MMDonnUUMM nu,m. UMU , U UMMIM nnnuunn nuun,unnnunnu unumvnnnuuvi A New Service For This Area For Long Lasting Service Use McLean & Foster Pre -Fabricated Cement Septic Tanks Approved for Huron County Choke of 3 Sizes DELIVERED & PLACED IN EXCAVATION Also Cement Water Troughs For immediate delivery call McLean -Foster Queen St, West Phone 192 St. Marys %n,,,n,n,onau,u,nuu,u,nwnumumumninn,umu,u,uuun,anu,u„m,um,mumunu & mat your fingertips Safety pcost. No mechanical in the automobile is optional at no extra safety device can replace the protection of careful driving. Last year, traffic accidents claimed the lives of more Canadians than ever before, Someone was injured every 8 minutes, A cat wag damaged. every 48 seconds, Automobile insurance claims rose to mots than $l50,000,000. One result of this is higher automobile .insurance rales ' -• bet•.ausa what is paid our in claims must be brought in by premiums. But even mors important is the fact that you hold your Iife, and the lives of others, iia your hands when you get behind the wheal of a car, Safety pays dividends. , . saves live:;, helps to lower your iilsUrs'nee costs. 'Be Careful. AL CANADA m unteNC* FED RATION ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION OA behalf of more then 100 competing eompe.nJte*Mitia Fite. Automobile end Caeuelty Insutsncei 8's Get The Best At PEARSON'S '58 BUICK RQADMASTER 75 CONVsRTIBLE Executive•driven, all white red interior, .electric win - claws & aerial, p 0 w e;r brakes, power steering, 6, way power seat, signal seeking radio with floor control, triple turbine au- tomatic, hill retarder, auto- matic speedometer signal etc. etc, See this car for low -mileage luxury, '58 PONTIAC STRATI:). CHIEF 4 -DOOR SEDAN 6-cy1. powerglide, 2 -tone turquoise and ivory, $2,595 - '58 PONTiAC LAURENTIAN 4 -DOOR HARDTOP Well-equipped with 150 h.p. 6-cyl. engine, power brakes, powerglide, radio, washers, etc. Anniversary gold with ivory. $2,695 '38 BUICK SPECIAL 2 -DOOR HARDTOP Completely equipped with custom inte tor, power brakes, power steering, V-8 dynaflow, radio, etc. gleaming black with white- walls. 3,195 '58 PONTIAC PATH- FINDER 4 -DOOR SEDAN 7,000 miles, Sierra Gold, 6-cyl. '2.595 '58 CHEV STATION WAGON DELUXE 6-cyl. whitewalls, radio. Sierra gold & ivory, 2 - tone. $2,595 '58 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON Gleaming 2 -tone powder blue, 3,000 miles, like new, of course. $2,175- '58 ,175- '58 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR STRATO•CHIEF 2 -tone, 6 -cylinder $2,495 YOU GET THE GM "GOOD -WILL WRITTEI\ WARRANTY" WITH THESE TOP CARS. Huron County's TOP TRADER, Big Selection of all years, 'makes and models, PEARSON MOTORS LTD Pontiac•Buick GMC.Vauxhall PHONE 608 Exoto 78 Zurich